HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-17, Page 7• 'Y
J. R. Wheeler
Furores! Director rind
All culls promptly uttt•ud-
ed to day or night •
Stare 335 R••ideacs 355Sw
Hamilton Street.Goa•rich
Cars overhauled and re-
paired by an expert mech-
anic. Agent kr
Batteries- re•charoe W
stored. •
East street Phone 243
The News of the County
A Digest of
the Local Happenings as Reported
by Our Exchanges
p�.In ss•1. on .January tier.
Catharine Fritch, widow of the late
John Howard. in her solid year. • •
In Chicago, 111.. on Ikeember 21•.t. E.
C. K. !Melee, formerly of !trustees.
--tr.'tte M. I h,tt id fit (lair:
and Mre. Claire, his daughter, of
Newark, N. J , were visitors vat'h Mrs.
R. 1). Kerr recently. • • • Mrs. T. A.
Hawkahaw, formerly Miss Slarawret
Amend, of /tweet'. Alta., is %letting
at the parental hump • • • Mr. Nor-
man Smith, of Iiordevt. Sark . is here
for a visit.
ar f
i4 /f you iI
sutler 1!
from 1
LOS.' .1" .`. u,r wk.r 1e -gee•
• a a. {. t . t seed,
1AIIIL OF PAM" t ., • '
Yarmouth, N.S. 8 - 1
MYvsrr-Shoo'. A very pretty wed-
ding +ors •er6 wuized at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Rohe. Shaw, of Blue -
vele, when their eldest daughter. 'Mary
Luella, was married to Delbert
Milton.. Fraser... of-. Cnuer I)'itlrlle.
Idaho, -on of 3Lr. and Mrs. 1'. A.
Fraser, Big River, Bask. The bride
and groom were attended by Mess
Bernice Shaw. a sister, and Mr. Frank
tihew, a c•onein of the bole. Mrs.
Nicholson, aunt of the bride
ptay'eet the.w•elding mareet and dur-
ing tie- signing of the register. Miss
Wilma Kline sang.
-The law names Jew_t_-tin Jan-
_._ 'were Sri- there passed away nt his
Bert,-lu Stanley township, on home in Blurvale, Thomas Jewitt, an
January 6th, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Louts old and respected citizen. The de•fas-
Brk+son. a daughter. • • • At Zurich ed who was barn in Yorkshire in
ou January lot to )Ir. sad Mrs. Peter 1.33 emigrated to Canada at the age
1'uptnesu. a sou. •• •• in Hay town- of nevenucu. In 1857 he was married
Ship, on December 29th, to Mr.., and to Jane Pykc, and they lived in Mor-
ln r, a daughter. ria for upward* of thirty-three years.
.The. Late ry
•�IIue�M � 'Cheer r% 1s
Tllarstflar January' 17, 1924 -T
di.l in Kitchener ou Dee. 2gth, a daughters and fire nowt.
former .resklent of Zurich ill the per. :Agricultural $aelety -
sou of henry lluwert. Mr. Ininiert is Theannual meeting of the Turnberry
survived by his 'wife, four sons, Agricultural Society win -ere "held on
twit daughters. tile aged mother, five January lett% for the minima of re -
brothers and three sister.. - retvtng report. and .,planning of next
PMru•srtla,-Mr. and Mra. Q. M. Tso.• .rests work.
gars and Mie Adelaide Pitcher of Man'Ied .tat Calgary. --atlas )Dae
South Bend. Rask., hays returned to i'esrt Thornton. youngest daughter of
their home atter rating hem for Mr. and Mr*. Seymour Thornton, of
sorts weeks. Bingham. was united In marriage to
Mr. Ger. 1:. Itobertsm• The ceremony
wax performed rformet by ltev- 4'. 1). Sykes.
BLYTH of Central 3lethrslist ehurrh. The njeu nue u.x,a companion. Luer and bowels.
young couple will rookie in Calgary. al
The Lela ales. J. Watley.- 'edgers - e, forint g P
Began to Improve Atter
Taking "fruit -a -tires"
The Medicine Made from Flnit
You can get rid of Rheumatism.
You can he fres of pain --of swollen
hauds and feet -of aching arms, legs i
and back.
Fruit-a-tives" will drive the cause I .
of Rheumatism out of the system sad 14
give you permanent relief. --
Fur over three years, I was
confined to bed with Rheumatism.
Finally I decided to try "Fruit -a- 1
tives". Before using half a box, I
noticed improvement. 1 continued ' Clean Child's Bov�els with
taking "Fruit -a -Lives" improving all 1Ir
the time. I oan now walk about two I ''California Fig Syrup
milesanddoohoresaround the place".
AI -EX. MUNRO, Lorne, Ont.
Preparers young omen and piling
%onion for Business. which u. now
Canada's grseateet prob./Dion. We
assist graduates to petitions and
they have a practgeal training
*loch enables them to meet with
ancetss. Students are negistetrd
each week. 4iet our free catalogue
and learn something about our dile
ferent departments.
D. A. \IcLACHL.AN. Principal.
--Os. a box, 6 for 8'2.60, trial rase 25e. .(
At desists or from Fruit-a•tives t 'l
Limited. Ottawa, Out
Brother of Lie -know lab Meets
1)rath in Dutch New Guinea
}'..++rawr�-i-_1ir11L explor-
er, who was killed with the other
nk•uttwrs of his party by r•auutlutls in
Dutch New Guinea. was a brother
of Mrs. A. W. Hollyntan, of Lnekuow•.
A recent Issue of The Wlughnm :Ad-
vance contained the following refer-
enee to the tragedy.
Further details have lnsi, received of
the murder of l:eorfe I'eore'C. In
7 without ''Bayer Cross"
are not Aspirin at all
Dutch New llulnre,
by nal ive c•an-
nidal*. The sepsis of the tragedy was Even if cross, feverish, bilious, eoa-
the Upper I)Iguei River, -W toile.. in- stipated or full of cold. children love the
laud. previously initialled' by white pleasant taste of "California Fig Syrup."
1 natives being entirely A teaspoonful never fails to clean the
Thom unrivalled. 1'enruse •+ e'11
Thomas Jack -.nit, had gone Willie dis- ro°� Fig �ruR�gwA which Dias directions
pawwl away In ..undon on January
Our January Clearance Sale
This sale is, more than our usual January Clearance
Sale; you have but to call and be convinced of this
fact. The prices we are quoting on
Men's and Boys' Clothing
in all lines, represent real bargains. It is worth your
while to take advantage of them.
agents for Semi -Ready Tailoring and ( artt Orer.,1L
faniFOKTH tarxfr away, leaving Penrose al n
�tl Jane Rlaektxrruugh media of with tlw
for babies and children of all ages
tuttl•.. carriers and ...event,.
Jonathan Bentley. T11e decralsed was Mr(it o k phare at t quiet wed- Th'e whole moils was A -hep when
horn In Fits' YYAw:nw`h "flity•flve dice n. k pia..• at the Met1uxllst Penrw• *rias arots•d at :i ucloc•k in
wear. ago:At an early age she wax r�tr.ouage. .laniary Stb. when (llfve the morning by n .uddru' a;tark.'Phr
married to err ottrrking partner and Marie. daughter of Mr. Joht1 Taman. j savages mo lord crept up to the comp un
they lived in Fust Yt'awnuosb NII 1919. of Cochrane uit . formerly of Tockeramiih. ,a and unheard, and the first warn -
. n M
r. Roy• hod t•row
e' n
Pour sons surclre: Guy and flarcry• ops united.in marriage rets of danger 1 e �
of Southern Alberta ; Earl. of Mor- McGeoeli. son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Sic' a shower of .pears fell around elm.
vis. Russel, of the home of ad. The "re ;,o h, of F.RIDt1ndvllle. latter the Although there were eighteen mina In
ment and Rey, (icer. Telford had c.11tu rn left for TiiYontn, and on din'seir fly' tamp, and he had a revolver
charge• of ter antler. return will rr•slde on the 'groom's 1 under hie pillow. 1'e•nrnse was unable
]fere Peter Gardner le the fist col farm near F.gmotelvill'e' to use them. 11. is well know tl as
man to be rlw•twf to the Blytdh +•hurl heath of Mrs. maim Decals -Thr a ennrageots nuts. hut was not given
bolted. She la a nb.sw of the late R. death took t er suddenly on •laser the 111ghtest thuueY• as the hack
P. hall. for many yens principal of my 6th. of Men William Dem. at ftgnrw entered to the darkness hurl-
ing (trutral school, Gorier telt sand
her b„nn•• hen•. Ttv d.sY•ns,l w'a' spears and shrieking their war
taught w•luxtl ter win.- year... She 1s boru in 1'a bottom IMvonshlre. and crlet. The attack wee of sudden that
a inember of the• W. M. S. of lit was martirel about thirty-five years Peer*. s native keys, of whom three
Andrew's shun h. Her only son. 1'w'll, ago to SI r. Wm. Deem. Sumo twenty were klllwl and seven wounded, were
d. .nmplcting ids second year In a.nr• ago they came to Canada and uun7ole to flee x 'tingle sled. Then
• tN 1 i Wnfurth when• ensued.
o bottle. Mother. You moa
sae "California or you may get
imitation lig syrup.
accompanied by other men of Itis
I • had
eolor,but t hie
lately. Otis' when he was quite alone
except for his native boys, he stumb-
led onto a tribe of three-foot pigmies
who had never sten a white man be-
fore. and at other times he found
himself an object of wonder to
natives who were far, removed from
Not Hems
Bricklayer (diseussing housing
question with a friend1-"They says.
Bill. as 'ow they'd get more ikouses if
., 4.rieklay.rp 'oil only lay more
Qur+t•rla university. The of •r turf-. aetrtly afterward. o n terrible ...me cos
A 11 1 St i snn-ir''i1 it fl 6 roa.t � I,ritk. Wut do they take us for.
The tnnultwls built a re au s i , the
think we're bloumfu' hen.''
John Ma ins. J IS We esso. Janie* by her husband. thew meth«, and
hers of the sr bed board for . Ji are th••c turd -lore• + e w .
iw.o eel the dead ladles, of the native try T
l4Iurs. J. If. R. F1111o11 and
Stanley ,Inught.•r-; Haruho of T..ro 'e: whew they had killed and ate them
t'hrlk w. i rove sou.
SOWN' and .Arthur. of $.iifnrF : Mie.
sly during intervals of dance.-
Family, of Toronto, and Moes Flonase
of st
tid -.mg.. Pane'.', sufferingo
o elating Iain. witiu•ssi
l Death
this horrible,
each atlr of HenryH(itib: Tlhe death
took phi, In ltowmnnylile hospital grim ceremony. 11e lingered for
Bent -ir. Exeter, nn IhPatter. eu Janata ' 3rd. of Mr. Henry ll+Ib, twelve hours. until Jackson nrriving
son, to Mr. and 1Mr•. C. J. Patter• a former well-known resident of Sets- with a reams latrty. drove the venni- •
son. (Blanche ne Qu• • 1 a dmallder. forth. The detra+Ptl w•As (worn in EI- tails /*Maly just before Penrose died
Marfan Blanch. • • • in T of mita but came to ffr'aforth as a ynutlg of his wounds. tie had surly time 101
January 7th. to 'M r. and Mrs T. C. man where lie had charge of the wood- ' murmur a hrlef account of the Ln •1-
,loynt, a sen. • • • in Neoral' tin Jan- working,lepnrtmeut in the R. and F. dent«. Penrose was a prospector. l
Y , nary Rth, to Mr. and Mew. Gordon Devereaux blacksmith .hop. He is well known throughout Papua. sled
e , 1'srker, a son. , survived by his widow and one laugh- latterly had been engaged in bird
'Bayer package.
int marks Died. -In Re,norx, Ont.. on Jann- collecting. Ile had leen in Dutch
M yet package. plaiel� marked teC lee
Celebrate Goble* i Weddb* - Mr. t Now Guinea for two years.
are 3rd. Frderfck Thomas Hooper. i 411 Penrose's Immediate relatives
With the safety "Bayer Cross.
The "Bayer Cross' is your only way
of knowing that you are getting a nine
Aspirin. prescribed by P yi
&unseen years and proved safe by mil -
for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds,
Mkeumatiam, Lumbago. Neuritis. and for
Plant gsa•rally. Made is Canada.
Howdy to boxes of 12 tablets -also
Larger sired 'Bayer" packages.
aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoa-etieaeidester of Salicylicaeid. •
Wbtle 4 is well known that Aspirin
means ilayer manufacture, to assist the
public against imitations, the Tablets of
Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped
W$thCtheir g 1 trade mark,
Drugs Excite
the Kidneys,
Drink Water
Take Salta at First Sign o
Bladder Irritation or
formerly of Stephen and Exeter. in and Mrs. W. T. Brox e•lebrattd ter r
his 72nd year. • • • In London. on golden wedding on January 5th, at the are t'anndiruts. A brother. Harry Y.
January 7th. .Josephine Simi., twlov• home of their eldest son. Mr. If. C petiroee. lives at 0:i Hounslow Heath
el wife of Frank Snell. formerly of Box. on John street, where the 'nem- road. Toronto. while his father and
(.nrltton. In her ::rte year. • •• in 1ierw of their family nssemiled. Mr. slstcr, J. H. Penrose, and Mr. A. W.
Shipka on Januar}' 6th. Barham "Ilk' Bocame to Consols from Loudon. Holleman. live art Lueknuw.
twiner. beloved 'wife of John ltatz, in England. in lsr2, and s..tthel in Wood- I'enros' himself tad never been in
iter 67th year stock. Teter he lived in Exeter and Canada, though he had several times
Rdltvw rem' Canning Pids-y: -'Mr• California and Stratford. in 1074 Tie conteniplated at il«it to this country
S. M. Saunders has resigned as man- was married In Alsia Craig to 'Miss to -e• his relatives.
ager of the Exeter canning faetory Hartleih, of Stratford. and In the next . Many are the stories that he has
and will devote his time to his new jEar cAMP to Scaforth. Mr' and Mrs. related from time to time to lits brie
factories of the S. M. Sanders Mfg. Box wer made recipients of snit- they and alter. They tell of In. l,1ents
Co., formerly theayson g•
Jaekson Mf (Its•able Elite h their family. 1 which breathe of remitter and adven-
Mr. Testier Penhsle iw the
new man- tors, anal-ometimcs they. are avenue
->` pointed rev trophies that are strange to
ager of the e•anning factory.
• ..f par.• i iI.l, 4:0141.. of wltteli is new
,Winter Hard, on Baby massive} a pin In the . 11.1.e•
('sundae From time (o [Ink. nuggets
rico of Harry Pentre• have limen went.
• sou
Beata&.--Leet-At the manse. l'em- i
iI Birds of beautiful plunhnga bore
kelwrm, on January 9th, by ]fey. The winter aewwon Is n hard one 011t„ be stuffed and mounted. foul
Jsmes Atrery. Funny. daughter of Mrs. rete hatiy. He (o more or less MI111uel I not long .ince, 'Mrs. Holly
Wllltamh 1/1.11 to Mr. Bert Beacom, of to stuffy badly ventilated rooms.. It is carved sen pinmt•s of a 14
Clinton.so often stormy that the mother dorsiMee. phtme+. which are
Died. -In Clinton, on January RM. so
get hem out in the fere air aa' art here tint flatletflatletTLydia Ann (illddnn, widow of the late often as .the should. He cutches colds D
. F,y}e('mitoma
William (:rant, In her 011%. year. which rack his little system; els stom' over their entry
Metal Opening. - The Clinton ash and bowels get out of order and he' Penrose. +c,
Hospital Board has (-bowel 7rc tsday' becomes peevish and troew. To guard ! yparx of a•
January 2nd, as the. offhslal opening against this the mother should keep a ' death, 1 a
day of the new hoapltal. A number of
box of Baby's Own Tablets in the 1 ,rets 1
prominent speakers will be present. house. They y regujnte the stomn..h 1,e
%-learns *111 alae be welcome.- in the. _sed bewelsi,-and break . uP cold+. Tlh
eventng and the afternoon of the "ted, new sales tax wilt' tint increase
PefwonaM,-4Mlsa Helen Hurd. a
price of Rally's (Dan TAMetw as
misslonnry on furlough from Japan, company pore. the tax. Yon ea
«}rent s f..w days with her friend, Q11ss „ittain the Tnhlets through a
Sybil Cotrtce. • • • Mr. Patterson, ,else dander at 25 cerise* a
of Woodstodt, is a visitor to town. Al- mall post Haid r The
though eiglttl-ltlrlli leaf. of naw. he Werth -11w Co., 'Iro•kv
Is very hrtght� and active. • -• *Mine -
Margnret WIsa.�p�,au has retnrnel tit H�j 1 stir* L,hiiv., w';a. w 111 tum n
Ottawa after nling the hnlldays at ,Sliti--'YY'har would you rail a man death. end probably met death at
her home there. • • • ,Mrs. iframfleld
has left for Toronto to remain for ter He -A itnagldan"ind a womstda aklrts?" the
the ...event is on.• of
fatthftilneee that can be likened only to
- the devotion of a dog. Venn* 41 1:11 n
with.• from i'npaa (known on Entllslt
map, as Port Morirhyl enme to him
nsking that he. a• n white intim +eek
v.'ng one 00 n ero•udile who 1111.1 ent-
..n hi. brother. Penni.... knowing
tit.• weak nientnllty'ef the luithe tyle
hnmeillat•Iv went tort nod shot the
MO errs•rxllle he saw. From ellen on-
ward the native followed 1'enr,,-o• as a
dog. owes ring etre-tell I.5.It' n1111
rarely ever leaving his nin•ter'. la•"s-
letters reeleel ,.lure hew' that the
native Iplitorel Penrose Into 1)tite1'
New Aultiletl. and stsyetl with hien on
ornge...Sing' sirs which kept him
away from a 111rn(1., for mouths nl .JLr.�aas
n time 1•A 4 eeently Penrose. lied
been In the Lab of pro.pecti ig nn-
The American men +ad women must
guard constantly against kidney trouble
because we often eat ton much rich food
Our blood is filled with acids which -the
kidneys strive to filter out; they weaken
from overwork, become sluggish, the
eliminative tissues clog and the result
is kidney trouble, bladder wealmesa and
a general decline in health.
When your kidnrvs feel like lumps
Of lead; your hack hurts or the urine
is cloddy, full of •cdiment, or you are
obliged to seek relief two or three tient
during the night; ii you 'infer with eick
headache, or dirty, nervous spells, acid
stomach. nr if curt hat e rheumatism
when the weather is had, begin drink-
ing lots nf.rood soft water and get from
r pharmacist about four ounces of
Jad Salts. Take a tablespoonful in a
glass ofr rbreakfast for
few days andyour kidneys may
act fine.
This f,im.» Is cal.+ is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juke. com-
bined with lithia, no.; hair been used for
}} ears to help flits). and stimulate clogged
nolonger aredin
a source
of irritation, thus often relieving blad-
der disorders.
Jud Salts it ititxp►nsive; can not in-
jure, makes a delightful effervescent
lithit-venter drink and belongs in every
OM'a nobody nake smit-
rr,Tr,l-h",keie flio nt
any time. r, ail rr-'*nt have goer phy-
skian examine 'Au:- kidneys at least
• twks a year.
ef pard-
Idom seep
y with -the
artment arose
Are you taking mixautage of the Special Afternoon Classes,
given by the -
to accommodate students from Goderich wish;ntto eomatut\
• daily by train.
Classes 2.'40 to 6:40 p.m.
Stenographic Coaallerdial Secretarial and Special Courses
Students may eater at any time.
Phone 198 or write for information.
M.A. STONE, Cotn� Specialist, B. P: WARD. B.A.,
Vice -Principal. Principal.
At an Exceptitinally-Attractive Price
$25.000 1943.Provincenterest payable Januarya aridJuly ue J1st.
uly 1st,
Price,: 963.80 per 1000 dollar bond.
Bonds in denomination of $500 and $1000.
We recommend these bonds for your investment.
There is no further charge connected with the purchase
of these bonds.
Masonic Temple Building.
Phone 230 Goderich, Ont.
aur only thirty-three
nt the time of hie trusts
}wnya lived an advetrtur•
Bern in Cornwall. England,
allwl away from the shores of his
_.In_service .111 n merchant
� l retired at thin iryN oW- mere. - Afters-°-
fte s-'- - -
'till ! three rears of pro.peting inAliso-idle
dM he tnrn'ti hie Atteltion to New 111111141.
snd commenced a :411'4.4a
s Of long nd
x, n[ by Io►arly jnnrtteys Into the interior of
W1111aIDii British New Gntuen In .sari li af gield.
TML Tt wa. thea' that he 11144 n lulu's
*srrane who. hi. (.41111111i:111 -rel-
The Wonder Kidney
Liver 1, Stomach Toric
as Nationally Advertised
Sold by
A. C. DUNLOP. 6oderirh, and by a
gootl druggist ever)tthrre.
Health and Comfort
Asage advances our wants are not
many and with reasonablygood
health we can enjoy the peaceful
period of life in comfort and happiness.
But unfortunately there are certain ills
which conspire to destroy the pleasure of
this time in life and they are usually of a
decidedly painful nature.
The kidneys are often the first of the
bodily organs to fail. Then the poisonous
acids which should he eliminated by the
kidneys circulate in the blood and cause
backache, rheumatism, lumbago and the
many ailments Which make life so miserable.
There has, perhaps, nev er been a medicine
so well-suited for people of advancing years
as Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
This statement is founded on the many
thousands of cases -.reported to us from
time to time.
The estfccesa of Dr. Chase's Kidney -
Liver pills is due to their direct and s ale
action on the liver, kidneys and bowels
whereby the accumulating poisons are
quickly swept from the system and the
cause of pains and aches promptly removed.
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills do not
lose their effect on the system ao on so
many medicines but can be pend
absolutely to bring about the desired
results. Used one pill a dose at bedtime
as often as is necessary to keep the bowels
regular, they relieve indigestion, bilious-
ness and constipation and keep the
system in healthful condition.
You will notice -that while the price of
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills has been
increased to 36 cents, the box now con-
tains 35 pills instead of 25 as formerly.
Likewise the price of Dr. Chase's Nerve Fond ks
now 60 cents a box of 60 pills instead of 600 rent.. ftsr
50 pills. F.dmatmon Bates k Co t