HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-17, Page 6(; -Thursday January 17, 1924
Books for
Popular Reprints ....85c
New Copyrights .. $2.00
Just out : "The Call of The
Canyon" by Lene Grey.
His best story yet.
Sunday_ Afternoon
8y ISABEL HAMILTON, Goderech, Ont.
Lo: what a glirtoue ylght appears
To our admiring ore.
The former wens Hese pa...el away.
The •forger .1•arth and skies.
The God of glory shown to men
eRPasoves Hie blest abode;
He dwell- with nem; 111s pe ids they;
And He His pap le'ee God.
Isaac Watts.
Highest Prices Paid for
Goose and Duck
Ali?dghty (put!. thou nrt the Got
of one life.' In Thee we live and
move and have our being. Without
the kuid,ne of Thy 41613, Rpirit we
would he, our way but we !Wink
Theo that we are led 011 from point
to pilttt, ever having before us the
pillar of fire by night and Hut pillar
iif .•L.wl he say Joh" ('helot_
righteous Otte ie- the war the light.
the life. to all who own 11is ewuy.
Help us to (-rows. Him :laird u( all.
S. S. LESSON FOR JAN. 27th. 11124
Leeson Tit's -Israel `aced at the
David Brown
Phone 27Q Goderich
Bus is all tralus. Calls made for
pa ra and baggage to any part of
the own. Prompt service guaranteed.
Telephone 51, Day or Night
Resideuce, Cambria Road. opposite the
Organ Factory ()tike
Wet or Dry Storage
If laying your car th win-
ter, we Wish to respectfully
remind you that your Battery
needs special care and attention
during the winter Months to as-
sure Its being ready for duty
next spring.
We are Battery Experts. and
have the nee.waary equipment
and facilities for caring for any
make of Battery.
We handle Radio A and B Re-
chargable Batteries, call and ilk
us about them. '
cors Colborne street and Square
Electric Wiring
We specialize in Wiring of
all kinds. Let us give you an
estimate for wiring your h use
or garage.
Private Telephones, Motors
Dynamos, Electric Bella and
Burglar Alarm Systems
All Work Guwr�ntr,• I
Cook, Iron and Toast by
k (' It ive an assortment of
the lora Electric Irons and
Toasters made in Canada.
West Fit. Phone 2:r tJ
Red sed.
Lawson Passage—Exod. 14:21-31.
Dekko Text—Exod. I5:?.
We read in the first part of this
14111 chapter that (cod Iusrrueted Mo-
ses to enatdp by the sea: alae that
Pharaoh and his army overtook them[
there. '11oe children hf Israel Were
humanly etwnkiog, iralewrl. Iw4tlg
hemmed in by the mountains oil two
side•,, by the• sea in front and by
1'harnoles beet behind. Help. It help
was to Is. found. must come from
manse and from above it did comp
011 ,a-. ii ; the arra% la•hind some
criel to lied. [•Ing sore afraid, but
others unarm ryd Against afoMPM.\ _
For the time being they forgot the Rt
galling slavery in Egypt : forgot
Gal's Roaring mercy when the first-
born in every Egyptian 'tome died;
forgot all Mows had done for them
and. mare all. forgot the signifi-
cance of the ever present pillar of
cloud by day and the pillar of fire by
night. But dopes, calm in the midst
of this pane. counselled them saying,
"Their strength is to eft still." Then
the'3 ....VC "the angel of God, which
went before the eamp of Israel, re-
moved and went behind them, en that
the 0714' camp not near the other all
tile,nik+tit." Iv 'Pse: 19 and 20.1
Verses 2123 --('rod's Severei�ipj
over nature, ,
The str,•tching out of 'Moses/hand
is in prayer was followed by a mir-
aele. It •was night but t 'darktles
was matte noon -day light y the pil-
lar of fire M•Ivreen th children of
ia•nel an. e
1 th E f
i ns. Tile s
1'11 t
wised began to 1,1nw I. as Moses in
itis Song of Deliver nee put it. "With
the• blast of thy ostrIle the writers
were gathered together, the fiowls
wroth! upright ns an heap, and the
.15)115 were coug.•alel in the heart of
the *fees"
Moseiypnd Aaron. taking the held,
stepped upon the dry land thus form-
ed, and teen the vast eon/pony of
mem, women, ehtldren and herds fol-
lowed. Before morning they were
safe upon the opposite whore. The
Egv'ptians followed hard after and
had gotten half way over. No doubt
their confidence in overtaking the
children of Israel wmlld else a* they
pressed forward hut, then as now, it
Wall true that the one that-putteth on
his harness -hould .not boast ns he
that taketh a. off. The Lord looked
aeon the hest ont of the pillar of file.
and it was troubled.
Verses 21-"-It—Pharaoh and Ills Hest
The chariots which had leen drir-
eu w eonfld* ntly began to wavergaWe
whorls no lunger turned easily "end
soon began to fall off. Confusion re-
sulted and from bring the purattere
the Egyptians trial to turn azul flee.
They tsatld not for terror took hold
of them and they were tenvlae•d
that "11107 that maldte with God's
people meddle to their own hurt."
The great da)of the wrath of God
lad come to themJ►nd .roue Wait Ala..
to .Raul.
l'e sea 26-21—Thr• ' Return of the
Awls. the Lord $pooks t e alsrsea;
nguh:,p14 11:1 1141 W.I. -trt•tehd ever the
sea. but IMeui 1104 Delivers waw
there. 4:.s1 t riurnplud gloriously:
the.hors.e and his rider were tbrown
Into the gat and every last one per -
Verifies 36.31—Tire Ellett I'psn the
l.w1 wtltll to Moses. "1 will get me
honor upon l!hnrnult and n n all his
host. upon his ehatiuts ant upon his
borw•lueet." The dead hslies4 were
thrown upon the Atone by the' til.•
and there they' lay. — the'wat•rior. of
a few hours. ago. pri strate before
the eyes of the Israelites. 'In the
'words of Is1inh "they went forth
end look.1 upon the eart•asses of the
men that had trnnsgr's$',I aglitter
God." Such a sight would effe'c't
them deeply, fill theta with *we nud
wonder at the marvellous power used
for ttt•dr drliveraune. They world
Is' made ashamed of their murmur -
Ings and would resolve never again
to distrust �M.isos or despair of help
from heaven. "They were baptlxed
Into Idoses In the 4*4*" (1 Cor. 10:2).
pnceforth he Was to be trusted im-
plicitly, but human nature is prone
to forget. and many another pennon
had to be learned le•fore the promis-
ed land was retched; many n time
they nurmered against their leader
and forgot the nearness of a person-
al God. They had to learn to walk
in (:oe1L way for them: and from
their history we learn, as individuate
and as nations. tbat_Rrogress le the
great test in T - " I who Lave
ever striven to raise the tone of g n*-
Bou's life. to bring f)pp nation on-
ward on tlae path that leads to Peale
and righteousne»+, have been preecb-
ing to mankind this greet word of
God's: "Gm forward where Gad would
have you go."
(('hristian World Pulpit 4.
'rids age presents one great fact
In the I'roy11len,,. of God :—MIsslws
ore sent. forth to all quarters of alae
world. They she* the direction of
the stream whic'h'is net 10 motion by
Ilio w:e, rules/ the nations. and le
destined to overflow the world. The
fact which ought to stimulate us
above all others 1s, not tient we have
contributed to the conversion of a few
soli[', lu.w•erer valuable these may
be, but,that we are diffusing s know-
ledge of Chri.rtilnity throughout the
world. iMlsstooaries in the midst of
maips of heathenism ,teem like rol-
cgs Prying in the wlldetnexs--Re•
formers .before the Reformation but;
future mlssi0narles will see conver-
sions follow every sermon. We pre-
pare the way for them. May they
not forget the ploneery who worked
in the thl'k gloom with few rays to
cheer them except Pitch as flow fmm
faith In God's promisee.
(T) . diary of Livingstone,
author of
Copyrighted 11+24, LF:WiS WILSON APPLETON, JR.
As Irishnae't go, Juke was very of the Alley? I'll wager a nine fat
docile. Between the binek Satoh t juicy- fish head, few- felines would
stuck over hie left eye. and the tine' ever again be satisfied with the old
Meted around hie tall. all was peace. regime. What? Sleep, once more on
quiet and solieltude. Many a cot. that old rheumatic rocking 'hair
however, had taken a dare to dianrh j which creaked aloud In evety joint
an end. anti been sorry. invoriahly and hollered perpetually with pain?
'Never. Monareb, real Hinge of the
royal blood demand tetter quarters.
- that are soft. tender irnd sr-
feetlonate; bads that cling and em- I
a byre every pore and hate to 10444.
yonr company: beds. which are but
part and parcel of one's own sweet
Reef, That's what made Mike no popu-
lar with his masters. He wan al-
ways modest and unaesnming In their 1
presence. Never spoke unless ro-
quested. end In spite rat his many
hair-r*king explolta, and many florid -
faced sears, never, never. bragged
of his conquests Devil aa he may
have been on the hlgleway, et home
he became the quiet refined gentle-
man. Exhaling from between het
the !wattle became short. sweet and
delteiott , London prize ring rulee pre-
�; wltbeae---cher--
servitee of a referee or time-koeulwr,
you couldn't drive a second with.
sheTi go.hammer, between the angry
Words, (-roes counters and knock -
dente. The whole surrounding seen•
try• amwering n the reflex. like n
huge giant fu shore, which had sud-
denly deckled to to rash, beckoned to
a hold, bad cyclone; locked the vaga-
bond within and teased him into his
da s
IR,a toasty 1. MRpt the
ylr 1
aodieu(o• immensely Being admittel
fere. they promptly lost their dignity
and hrnnghe down the house, furintting
shows The other fellow be•ame
Ouch! Aching Joints,
Rub Rheumatic Pain
Rub Pain right out with small
trial bottle of old
"St. Jacobs 011."
Rheumatism is "pain" only.
Not one case in fifty require* inter-
nal treatment. Stop drugging! Rab"
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacob. Oil"
right into your sore, stiff, aching
lardsants, and relief coma instantly. "St.
scabs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism
which never disappoints and
cannot been the skin.
Limber api Quit complaining! Get
a small trial bottle of olid, honest "St
Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, and km
ust a moment you'll be free from
rheumatic soesasas and stiffness)
Don't su fer l awn* St.
Jacobs Oil" Is Jost as for std
arks, • '
thoughtful. Having his eotfee cooled, bowed courtly echo the pleasant aroma
he deemed it suffick•nt grounds to I of potter. on earth, gond will to cafe.
endure a roasting from the gang, "Hare you bought rap the guile yrs,
swallow hie pride and pour a haRty paY' anted pretty MIRK Montan. of
retreat, where In the far off corners her father one day.
of s hash al Rah ran and newly made "Hardly," growled that flnhby mus-
eplder's wed,, he ("mild b*sk in the clef and rotund gentleman pulling
clods, pep from behind the painful hie great grey taotlsta''he vlgnronaly,
boundaries of hie dark brown sorrow, 'Y'onfonnd Jackson's (bet:nary. He
and lick In seclusion the ragged edges
of h1s whole nine liver'.
Wax 'dike conceited? Oh, (tar no.
.,I Though well he Might hr' re been. Ifo.
would you take It. 1f some Lord Rtgh
Megielan ism,- along Just haphazard
like, waved on hlgb se awaoma
mysterious wand and made you King
knows that It's the rosy heel dream
and blue horizon of my evidence M
sewn the town's only psbl'OIty sheets,
and atilt jnat to tie eontraiy, be won't
give In. Ten, there's twin -legged
mules too"
Was Ilfe in the 11tHe aaaemaee town
of Oshgoah .pow? DM yaw ever really
Foote Saved
in .l4 Daijs
"Nothing but Zam-tisk could [)ave
done it." says Mn. A. ik•ervman,
John Street, North. Ilamilton, —in
decd. burg how her ntyht fide. crashed
by a waggon wheel, urs healed. "The
flesh was ternbly bruised, blackened and
inflamed, and 1 fainted away witkk witpain.
When it was quite impossible for the w
move hbeut. my husband's mother get
.Za.a-lick 14
=' tlkthin TWO DAYS alt swedes(
and discoloration bad disappeared and
pain was banished. In FOUR DAYS.
through this timely use of "am-Ltuk, 1
could get about as usual: the injured
foot was thoroughly healed." •
Zam Buk is the powerful antiseptic
healer which qutclly frees the skin of
corruption and 'disease and grows new
healthy tissue. No common ointment
or salve can possibly campare with
Zam-ltuk. Get a box to -day' 50c. all
dealers or FREE SAMPLE for le.
postage (tom Zam-Buk t;o "I '.enuto,
For HEaling�!
in one with two mewvnpapers\of dif-
ferent afflkltons, one Demos one
Republican? Need I tell of the
temperatures and feverish ravings; of
the palpitating heart beats. of the
.terve shocks. of the, goose flesh un-
certainties? Never was the arm of
the two dallies weary of knocking
each other. If the "Trumpet" took
one side of a question, "The Bugle"
promptly vaulted to the other, Bine
ultaneou7ly bath threw up mighty
earth works of wood petp. mounted
their heevkee•t gun of sarcasm, and
belched forth a merry bomtardment
of hot rimmed ink stained words.
,Reading somealier•. probably to a
Sioux Almanac. "That competition
was the life of trade." they began to
work the poor old Indian to death.
At tlmea he was positively blue In
the face, ehort<w•inded and groggy
It seemed that no *item*. of bus-
iness could maintain the high and
(linty &see without a quick lightening
drop Into a dark deep ddh'lon. All
[lent remained was a bass note, a cry
in the high key, and the embellish-
menh of the finale. In the allegret-
to movement to absorb the other fel-
low's rent roll, adtertising rates be-
came almost as cheap as last year's
popular song. minus the title tmge.
Therefore, when the Morgan's moved.
it Irritated a certain part of the
town into feverish empectaaey. MYk('
became all ears a�, well am tails. DId
this mean another eat to lick? Was
the alley's heavyweight champion,
*hip title In dire danger? Ile won-
dered if the newcomer Was a scientific
fighter or just a common ordnary
rough -house brawler.
The rest of Jackson family were
not .o calm and restful. Didn't fate
play -them a curious prank? Didn't
the red-haired Imp, of Satan seem to
be working over time? Hereafter, in:
stead of fighting in the newspapers:
they would' settle their difference a-
la -Mike, or over 41 .splintery back
Storms and earthquakes seemed
dere on that joeishued future and blue
horizon which Jfessrs. Jackson and
Morgan dreamed about. Exit Lite
bird's eye view, and enter the closte-
up. In vogue became the short power-
ful jolt instead of the long 'wide
Reing about one of the most
stylish hunches of skirts that ever
rustled dawn a pike. a fact that Dolly
Was perfectly aware of, young Jack -
TelkWomenHowS1 e Was Restored
to Perfect Health by Lydia E.
Piakham'i Vegetable Competed
Winnipeg, Man.—" i cannot speak
too highly of what Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com-
pound has done for
me. I was a nervous
wreck and I just had
to force myNlf to do
my work. Even the
sound ofm own chil-
dren playing made
me feel as if I must
stream if they did
not get away from
me. I eould not even
speak right to my
husband. The doctor
said be could do nothing for me. My hus-
band's mother advised me to take the
Vegetable Compound and I started it at
once. I was able to do my work once
more and ft was a pleasure, not a bur-
den. Now i have a fine bouncingbaby
and am able to nurse her and enoy do-
ing my work. I cannot help reenm-
mending such a medicine, and any one
seeing me before 1 took it, and seeing
me now, can see what it done for me. I
am only too pleased for you to nae my
testimonial.' - Mrs. Fe.v DAvta,'11
McGee Street, Winnipeg, Man.
Lydia E. Pinkbam's Private Tent.
Book upon "Ailments P.•ehliar to
Women w111 be sent loll fry* 'pen
request Write to the Lydia R Plnkham
Medicine Co., Cnbserg, Ont. This book
contains valuable iaformatk'n- c
Ma MOOG began to aft up and take
tally Becoming afflicted in a remark
ably ,narrow emitractled wave of
time with that odious but most tome
cline disease known fir and wide 'ax
camelhack nud glreffe-neck. Seine-
thhug very seldom .aught iu the
wild'state, but easily trapped iu lard,
cruel captivity. It was poeitive•ly re-
markable tem merry timex Tett fount
himself pushed by an unknown force,
toward tiutt !,r;; • bay wiuth,w• with
heavy closely woven Puri 1 0*. What
a step she had, s0 light. so majestic,
Mo dainty. And that chess.'.. Why' it
seemed all springs. mufflers and tall
twnringa. What tirade him remember
the great long ,twerp of her finely cur-
urvel eye lo.hee, and the color. th,• deep
�.111r-t M'at- ssf- -4-
JleualugleMs, vapid. insipid. did he
think the feelal expression of usher"
girls. but hens, -hers w:u+ thin 1n its
line.' atilt delhsite. Mobile as welt as
flexible: strong yet transparent to atf
the different. shades and Jhrnes -raj
womanly emotions. '•'Once • cold. now
tenter. with just a film hint; it Ihiuly
vellell shadow of a smile. which play -
Y_a _
Pure red blow! of per full rounded lips.
�t fa*•llatel lihm beyond belief to
wateh th e/:[• ie• •ii tlu' halt. the retreat
t ur07 of thoughts+ and
-destination. liver and
over again he wondered If he could
hold 11 winning land in the card
game of love. bear tiff the prize in
triumph. and ardtd the terror!„ the
pain. the littmllkttiau to: being dropped
or lost, to the tricky uneertalu shuf-
Focusing the Old folks. they go:
along famously, just glare) at each
other when tlwy sleet iota pastas! on.
iint when they reached flat old diva:
over drone loud mnnthrd presiwet, anti
t .*k their pen in hand. "Ob, Boy."
1114 your ever see a successful man
who didn't have hub etiemten? Well
Mike was no exegetical to the rule.
Tandem beefed a, -certain as four -In -
hand, elndef e'h'nnng the former being
'Pain Kern, a youthful neighbor, whose
Imre were seeh payt masters at
diplomacy at they had enticed an
Inntrent unstop sited College' Presi-
dent into surround their be•lovt'd
son wk'kseeoml handei benits on sur-
gery ; thin, they could have peace at
home the remoter pwart of the veer.
And every Dile cnmplimentwl him on
1lndlag h�s , pridlt'rsphere too : l� M
the high-handei nrt of cutting out a
yell of dietr•ss, (runt, tlwe human body
wk1►out even w-ratchlng the tet'ho,
Didn't Dad take an alarm (lock a-
part when on the Tattle? what more
proof should one want. that the in-
stincet, ths- rare h. -coven sent taken "to
lgok Into things' wall .i'enrety his?
The "Work. of the Form Divine,"
fweasd r
csi as a cosmetic d.
itutf being a ng vRetationgitimr. Tom
ne.del pra,'lee. .th, the mitotic of the
word, the perfection that Is Its heir.
Mike wished the thing a quick early
death. Out of the carvers of his
almond shaped .;nes he watched the
house furtively. 1.110 _ It put him in
mind of a morgue? Every time
Keene gazed Ids w'ay-. Mike got ner-
eevous and nnrly fell off the perch.
True, cats can't read, but they veer
hear. and mighty gbod ton. And the
a,und. the rasping noise of it grindstone
sharpening the invisible teeth of a
long shiny steel blade. didn't strike
his highly strung musical nature as
just exa('tly a love note. So he re-
solved to snub it's pons eesor good and
hard. Cruelty to animals eh, what?
Unknown to young Jackson. Dolly
31orgnn had fallen in lore with hiae
sod wvommn like lad already picked
oat their home and the etre of her
wedding gown. ('an't a girl peep too?
Rot how were they to mat? Un-
happily im one can marry, without
first becoming acquainted. if she
wrote: it was nnmnblenly, if she nod-
ded. It' was bold. Oh, if their parents
were only reason able beings and not
lyenemies. how pleasanIlt things
sout•,r be.�� Isn't greed a des'lI? And
the desacs- to posse:* another's divi-
dend@ an insane imp. But heti) came
from an entirely unexpected quarter.
\\'ho evwld have hollered that there
was romance 1n a eat? 44Ah you little
darling." she said iwtwien the loud
buzlipg purrs, 'yon sow our enrima,
you little minx and .nm-• gniekly to
(jtl' rescue." Did he wink? hid he
Tieing the son of a .lustre ( man,
and wound up on the high gear,
naturally. Jeekarn was'nt slow. ife
hnd teen watching ,MIk,'s prelica-
ment In the tall, high tree. and on re-
eeiv-Ing the furry traveller neer the
hock fence, promptly made a date,
giving the stilt raid wheels of 0nnrt-
ship n violent wish in the diretion
of the marriage license lalreau. where
the single men were happy and the
mart eines .souses inbreed (t? long
hones short pay and the fearful cyst
of matrimony
isn't life qua•r? Having his instrtt-
mints by now all dolled top and ready
for company. young Tom Keen1 gave(-
ndiy *Hous study toward a atthj(et.
Once !mooed and chloroformed the
rest would hue easy. Rot unhappily
touring Mike objected. fteIen ee bo-
ttomed. he Raid. The gond of the rest
of the world didn't cotrtrrn him
half as mach as the gond of himself,
They had exl*tad long before he came,
why not now,
"Do yon know," maid Keene to his
perents one evening. "that hinmpd nl-
ly rabbit pnae,eenee more generalship
than a car load of Ween Printers, or
n cmwd of old be -whiskered farmers
around * grocery tetots. Try as i
leave, with every scheme, frit* and
artifice at the finger ends of a civ-
ilized man, i have failed to them
meet arnnnd his skinny na4*' • e, has
tether dtwk*d, elde-.teptied or per-
rl(d every binge with a strap at the
end. Why only tide morning he
caught our own dear old Tabby nut
of boned* and just for revenge kn(wek-
ed a .onple of Meth ont of her mouth
pct a ktnk in her whlakeru and a knot
In Apr tall. Isn't he terrible?
The use of this big new
200 page book- wilt give
you a lot of pleasure
and satisfaction. It con-
tains 700 recipes—all care -
full)• selected by experts --
also valuable household inform-
ation. We will send you this
useful hook postpaid for 30c.
Write for it to stay.
lot delightful. flaky ,past re
and big loaves of wholesome
bread. rich in body building
gluten and health -giving min-
erals, always insist upon
Purity Plow.
Tessase, Omens
Frost Fence FOR Hard Wood
Baled Hay
Bakd Straw
Homestead Fertiliser Rock -faced Shingles
Rubber -tired Buggies
Phone 165 GODERICH
Hamilton Street
Meeting .each other now surrepdi-'
tiously l'ceause of parental strife.
conrtahip to Jnekson and Dolly Mete
'gan became a thing of great thrilling,
adrenture. Everywhere they went.
vivid tmaginatton Oland in 'the dice
tante a huge fierce orgie;in tete slarye
and form of an angry l'a pateuing
twtr p.ssiomlte lover.. to the bitter
'ends of the earth. in spite of the
truth. 'slut the world is round." they
felt like a bandit armed to the teeth
With a fiery tongue and a Bold water
listol plus the awful injustice of •
price on his bead. and nothing for
the rest of Ins body.
Never under any circumstances did
they ever put the whole human frame
Into a cafe doorway tit unr. It had
to be accomplished slowly, by degrees,
first the eyes. then the neck, then the
shoulders and lastly the paper sote..
Hung by such a slender thread, It
seemed but logical' ' that a villainess
should atop in and seek to put the con-
necting link of their happiness to the
kern -edged w•issors of late And so
it ell me abont.
Brought up with the lde* forever
dangling before her gym, that stip
was deserving a brilliant ma;'tl In the
world'+ marriage factory, Jacksons
old flame, Miss Ribald Jest, coming
face to fate with such a discovery,
that Miss Morgan Was slowly hot
surely neratchlhg her from her list
re ellgthle., commenced to get war
h oo eti. flare up and weep phoyphob•nt
tears, some of whleh • -teen-bed her
chin. Rage setting in. she resolved to
cure young Jackson of his pipe -dream
and cause his heavenly Ideas to roam
sky -ward' in denote black .,tneke.
"So, my fine young lady." said Mr.
Morgan the• next•dsy. .tattling hie
daughter with his new found inform*.
Hen. '1n spite of my warnings, In
Mike of my efforts to side-track that
numskull family, you :ray daughter,
the pride. the idol of my heart has
deliberately defied me. Have been
seen not once bat many times In
young Jackson,* unwelcome company.
Would that i !tad never aequired off-
spring till. for the days- the good
old times @lira ,I,ildren were kind.
nievk and otetilei• It is indeed true
1Lar 1 lave barb ion iaduig.'trt, too
easy. too soft Mnr"1 in your manage'
meet. Yes. 1 hat. •;sired the est and
'14)01lei the child. licneeforth 1 for-
bid you his en...we After this, it's
the sewing ein•Ie and the crazy quilt
at nig What. Hd married? e look-
ed at the haul wrltit,g long and earn-
estly He believe' ti,.•y might have
ieen enpaj!ed. but .d course. Ise got
over it. all 1'ar • 1. Then he be-
gan to dams. and .lap his daughter
nu the bark for her 'imams. aldllty.
That Miss Ribald •lee and all other
Jokes. waam.t ilk Cagle in the fatally
anyway? ,
isn't he just the tette", wisest old
dear imaginably? ',tetanus! the new
Mrs. Jack*) 'encs time later.
"Think 1f he hadn't (vane to'our res-
cue we might have .till bin stranger*
to each other. Then the lee cream
and wedding Enke had a elute from the
clamping power of Mike, jaw..
Evidently there were tem. very im-
portant questk)us playlaz hs':le door
and nitattle eock in the mat spacious
portlone nf, his small sized brain. Did
you see how thoughtfully Or had gaz-
ed upward? Ile wond,•red if they
ever had fights—and the old folks?
Well, they buried chi, tondh uvk of
competitiap in .•ampb.r. Won'W
settee a couple of stn,., and
Nape.** and tired happily ever
In ,este Soup
A Nbbrt-sight.*) man was playing
golf. Just before lie rove off be
Bald ro his caddie. "H;.w far tn the
next hotel'
"A good drive and a vice *111
the caddie.
The than toppel 1tf, sin', and the
ball rolled a few yards.
"You've played the putt first." said
the caddie "Now you're in the
soup."—Loudon Monday Express:
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