HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-17, Page 5syr ar -„r Wee e . M. :.a r .+t •c THIS SIGNAL, ti ooDSiticn, ONT. 4, v wt el Thursday Jauuary 17, 1021-1 MILLINERY A oup of smartly trim-' Hats at Half Price They have a charm all -their own. in brown, black and bright colors. Girls' Tams at $ 1.00 and $1.50 Children's Hats, clearing at $ 1.00 and $1.50 Miss MacVicar Kiagstos SL Goderich ((H NIKE ('HECK BOOKS Leave your sinter at The Signal for Count, r cheek Boone. Brophey Bros. Tits LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS .%ND EMBALMERS Orden carefully attended to ■ t all hours. aiiM or day GODERiCH - ARRANGE FOR A GROUP,PICTURE while the family are home for the holidays. J. T. FELL Pboa>s 117 Gderte! W* dram* w mare for Fleet - Clam week pias is eedi.arily asked for meend-eless Our purpo.e is to clean, press and repair your clothes in such a way that you may regard our work as better than [pawl, and to charts you iso more for this kind of service than perhaps you have been in the habit of pay- ing for unsatisfactory results. There, • affer.nt» we -wase[ M .Mw yew W. C. SNAZI1 PboneSl9 Moth Side Square 1tHN'SBOOT SHOP • ThltreSatis acti• Gape on to us" i smiling 'Footwear that gives \ satisfaction to YOU. No Footwear can give their best servsoa if not fit- ted Irl,. It our aim to give- properly. in , Fit, Styl and Prion We invite you to let uh \sUPPIY yam' ft/ 101 W. BERN Tim Smears . rh.n. 43w Macdonald Gilts. teacher of piano and alnaing at Knox church, Sat- urdays, 10 r m.. to noon; and 8 to 5 p.m. tf On a Tour of tea Old Wald Mr. F. W. Hay, of Lt.toweh torm- er leader of the Liberal party in On- tario. accompanied by Mrs. Hay. mailed on Monday from New York for an ,extensive tour of the old world. Their Itinerary will include a [-fait to the battlefields of Flanders", where Archie Riggs, a brother of Mra. Ilay, is -buried. Mr. and Mrs. flay will vlalt the Holy Land. 'They will spend aomc little time in Egypt and expert to get a peep into KIM Tut'. ,tomb at 'Amor. Plasma of call will Include Funchal. Maderia le - lands; ('Mhz. Spin; Gibraltar, Al- giers. Tunis. North Afrbe, Alexandria. E ypt; Haifa. I'nleatine; Constan- tinople. Naples. Italy; Muoaeo, an in- deys.rulent prindl:ality In which Monte ('erh. I. hswted : Lisbon. Pnrtugual : Cherbourg, Franey; Southampton and i.ondon, England. liminommoom We Are Here to Give! You Service 0 Vflai Siafisliss Vital statistics as secured from Town Clerk L. L. Knoz dew that during 1923 there were 141 births, 35 marriages and 72 deaths. During loll there were 52 births. 45 mar- riagM and 74 deaths, Itfw''w±.. M. C. C. At Home The Mrneeetung Canoe Cluh has is - 'sued Invltatone for an at home to be held in the club rooms on Friday evening of this week. Messrs. W. .1. Henderson. M. R. Hall. T. Kidd and A. 1.. Cole are the committee In charge of the arrangement+ for the event. Meets .t Court G.derieb C. O. F.. Court G..derh•h, No. 32, has toetaflyd ter-f5N..wiag 4.ttioere tor.- the ensuing year:-('. It., ('. Johnston; V. C. it., N. Armstrong; fin. -see., A. J. Wilkins; rec.-sec., A. E. Barker; treas- urer, W. J. Me\evin: chaplain, W. M- Knlght: l+. W., Percy Barker; J. W. 0. E. Step: S. It., T Carroll; J II., Heuder.u.n. _)lonitrnoriWest la F'lari& Monsignor West. of St. 'Themai ;- former parish pri..a . of St. Peters' church, who attended the ree'e nt jub- ilee celebration at St. Joseph's (on- r,•ntr ham left for Florida where he will carry ou mission work. He will be modeled In t61s eonneetion by Rer. Father Fallon, of Sacred Heart church.' \\'Ingham. who is going to the seat1t in search of health. Turret Crown S.Id The steamer Turret ('rows has been sold., having been purchas.d jute re ently from her English owner: by • newiy organized navigation com- pany known as the Toronto 'Sreamahip Company, whose headquarters are at Toronto. Captain W. ('. Jordan. of ('ollingwad. who will sail the steamer in the lake trade. J11 provialunal presd- n the tele trade. Is prorisionni presi- dent. A. M. 114lnni-, of Gode'rkh. is vice!-preedde•ot. •1Jr. )dunes. who last year was chief engineer of the steamer W. 1'. Franz. will assume a similar po iton nn the Crown when .he leaves her berth at the north side of the harbor early next spring. Interlodge Carpet Bowling The ,:tending of the varinn• trams competing in the lnlerkxlgc ('arle't Bowling iw•ague is as follows: - {V. f.. Pts. Knl h (E' Griffith (Odd., 3 1 Ilutch 4Odd) i 4 1 Abell (dd. t :i 2 HeNevin (Orange, 2 Wilkins IFor.) 1 4 g t or. a :t 2 08 00 59 44 46 'Killing (orange, 0 • 5 44 Johnston (For.) 8 1 43 Let us assist you in furnishing your, Sturdy (Orange) 2 35 home in New and Used Furniture and Stoves. We specialize in any- thing for the home. The at.edule of the rental games is as follows: - Jan 10--(;rlffith vs. Sturdy. otos _.ns t--. Kaittiug 1 f1 Jan 1((. ---Griffith es. 'MeNe'vin. 1 iii. is Year Store U.. It sc Latch vs. Johnston. Furniture Jan. -Knight vs. Sturdy. Blaclutone's be received until Elabruary Bib at 1 pm„ with a view to baring the intake completed nut later• than Jury 1st. The specifications nail for "the placing aad supplying of 1900 feet of 24 -Inch east from and 1300 feet ut steel intake pipe with Intake well and crib." • The I.4. Thames aUKa.b Though be bad been ailing for six weeks In the kid death tame suddenly Iasi Friday morning to Thomas Mg' K(uzle lu his .•rrenty-eighth . year. lir. MvKeoalv was lore in Duyatrles. Canada, in the year 1847. He ease to (;odertch, is lea% and four years later was married to his now bereft partner. Mary Rush. of Nor"-ich. Besides his widow two daughters survive: Mrs. Walter Buchanan, of Toronto, and Mrs. H. t. Edwards ot--town...-Text sisters and one brother aim survive; Mrs. J. Stewart, Belgrave, Mrs. Somer- ville, Woodstock. and Mr. Richard Mc- Kenzie, of Burford. The docketed was employed Ger the greater psi of hls residents. in Goderich as engin- eer at the North American Chemical Works, now twine toleratd as the God -rich Balt Co. Fed a time he was Connt•.•teil *nth - the ,iiFtt works -at- Han- ford. .\s an adept in vaulting and jumping he particlpated In the sports In c•o ties with the• first Do- minion Day celebration ever held in (ksh•ticb. Ile was also a member rat the original fire brigad4 in Goderich which was organized by the late Cap- tain TiaDanety. Mr. McKenzie main- tained his conn«•Hon with the fire brigade. until 11)06. In politics he wait Conservative and fraternally- was a memulwr of the I. O. O. F., C. O. F., and Sons of Eldvtland. The fun- eral. which was held on Monday after - anon from his late residence. Vic- toria 'trete, to Maitland cemetery, was (+i ducted by the deceased'. pastor, Rev. R. C. MieDermita. of Knox church. while the pallbearers were Messrs. James ttt:rimg.'onr, A. 5. Cooper. 'Mat- thew Bates, E. ('. Belcher. John Story. and I►r. W. F. ('lark. The members of Huron Lodge. T. O. O, F.. No tie. attended in a body. Those here from out of town for the funeral were: Sir. J. Stewart, Belgrave, Jdeesrs: Wm. A. Nelson and Isaac• Rush, of Hatchly; Mr. Jti••hatil McKenzie, ur-ilurford; eats. Alex M, -Kenzie. of .Woorectoek; Nle --r•. John and Robert McKentle. of New lur'ham: 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Buchanan and Mrs. John Rates. of Toronto. and 'Messrs. Thor:. Edwards :sol Dever Gidley, of London. Collegiate Hoard t. Coder With Connell At its inaugural meeting on Mon- day morning the town council received the folios ing c•ouimunlcatlon from J. I'. Hume, secretary of the Collegiate lestitnte Hoard: -"I am directed by the ltoard of Trustees of the Gods- rich ;elle-rids Collegiate institute to request fpr th,. Board the privilege of meeting with your body in an inform) way to lay Before you, the situation test has developed regarding the improve- ment in the aeeompmodation atthe t'ottegiate remit -red by the I,dtxation Ihgatrtment. The Board would ap- preciate very much your granting them the earliest date at which you would A sale of bolas. barking will he 1,e-pleaewt to receive Geeir'pre•eeuta- Aha a held at Haley's Grocery Wore on. Rat- tion of .the ease." ese on the -Broadway of Goderich urday. January 26th, by Eureka Class On motion of Councillor C. H. Hum - 4111111111111 NydroElectric The People's Power C«k by Electricity .i Wash by Electricity Irse by Elsctficity Gotsoient Claw Quick Cheaper than Gal tor Wesel An Electric Vacuum Cleaner removes all dust. A broom just moves the dust. Walk in aad see the display of Electric Goods at the HYDRO STORE North std. .f Spare G.d.rlab 25 dozen Men's Wool- Sox Made of Canadian all - wool yarns, in grey only. that will sell for 50c. Special for this week only 3 pairs for 95c. LTIM14. ROBINS s - ,leo iietiaricli dr of Victoria street e),unb. Tenders Being Called For Mer and Deputy -R. ve 1t. 4'. •Mnu- nings the council Ided to meet the Collegiate Board formally on Thurs- day evening at,•t.:Ni p.m E. 11 Darling, M. E., of Hamilton. Who wee wam engaged by the water and (;et your costumes nwety for the light cemmbwion as engineer In charge carulval to he h.W at Wer.( street of the installation of the new Intake, rink during the latter part of Jame %114 in town iset Prlday evening ary. and interviewed the commisaton. En- gineer Darling has completed the plana and specifications for the work iso that the commission decided to im- mediately call for tenders, which tall diaiMEMOMMir Happy Is the Bride - who anticipates the desire of her friends for a really good photo- graph. Let us show you our newest style. ' -R. R. SALLOWS Try Us For Fancy Goods Novelties, Etc. MISS S. NOBLE South Bide Square - Goderich COME IN and let us start you on a piece of FANCY WORK. L .sons Free on all Em- . Silks and Crochet Cottons. all colors and sizes. Mail orders promptly filled. re embroider and do knitting to order. Smith's Art and Gift Store Phone 198 East Street CHURCH NOTES The oervlee• at Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday well be conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. W. -Hedley. Sermon subjects!: 11 a. m. "Taking off the Grave Clothes'; 7 p.m.. "The 1.o•t Je,u+.:' i'he services In Knox church next Sunday twill be enndueteel by the minieter: 11 a.m., second In series on the te.rd'+ Prayer, "Thr ' Hallowed Nnrs. ' 7 p.m.. 'Hindrances and Op- portn nitle.." etabtwth school and 1t11de closets, at 3 o'tea•k. Rev. it. 1'. M'Dermld begin' last Sunday morning In Knox ehoreh a series of sermons on "The Lord'. Prayer." Ills Initial discourse, "().sl our Father." Indic-etet that the study will prove bath Intrreaing and prof- itable to the eongregntlon a. a whole. The regular monthly meeting of the Arthur Circle of Knox church will be held In the lecture room on Monday eientng, January 2L■t. Seas. (Rev.) Jas. Hamilton and Mrs. A. H. Johns- ton will speak. Refnwhments will be served. AH young ladies of the con- gregation are Invited. The regular meeting rat Knox eQ urcb W. M. S. will he held on Tuesday Janne ary 22nd, at 3.30 p.m. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Warnock and ' Mrs. A. J. MacKay. A report of the recent Presbyterial meeting will also be given. A. thus is the firth meeting of the new year ail members are urged to be present, and all women of the congregation are cordially In- vitee to attend. v Ai North .trip Methodist church nett Sunday the embje•t for the 'Men's nest. at 10 a m., will be: "flow ('aa WW Cultivate a Spirit of Woe s blp?" Mr. M. W. Howell will be the Lader. Church amines and Mission Band *leo will cony', at 10 o'clock. The pastor's snbjeet at 11 o'clock will be "Christ Our Example." aryl In the evening at 7 he w'il epclk on, "A Broken World and How to scent! 137 In the eve Ing Mr. F \. Mister win play as an offertory .m'n l'eon) "The Angel',. Sereuede" (Bro••s , Stranger' and v isItnra welcome t o , C /1.1,1(a1( Mlle Great Nortl.a "+'arlci' 1, the tulle of 1 ml,.. 'r'- 'ows,• which will 3* R'ven , •-•'"4 •with '••,•. -f the ',ranee . day. lantern .ilei.. by tl 1.Ier•e•w of Ke-wnnn r(s parish hall et 4.1 F'•' ruary• 1st. This tt11 film talk s-l'I 1s• fry t--• el'jldren and M '.ray o' •- :w pre` • •bezel • who 1 ^ - COLBORNE'S STORE' 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT Jae ,. ON THE FOLLOWING LIST OF MERCHANDISE ,a. Silks, Dress Goods, Cottons, Flannelettes, Coy sets, t Underwear, Gloves- and Hose_ NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY and help us make room for our Spring Goods. • COATINGS All wool heavy Velours and English Coatings 58 inches wide. to sell at per yard - •sre3»a144144a Regular 1$4.50 and 4-1.00. 1'loths $3.50 COATS AND DRESSES- AT $10.00 EACH el Coats fo r $10.00 Now is a good time to get a good all wool cos t for $10.00.. Allo two three-quarter Se,tlettes for $15.00 each. . Twelve all wool sergeilresses in navy blue, -very -good-style for eaEh . .. $10.00 Four all wool jerseys for : a =7,00 These are real bargains and will save money f or yon. THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY wish to attend. At 3 p.m. on that 'day the Blnhop will speak ou "Indian and Eskimo Mission" to ter.+ members of St. George's W. A. and their friends, tinct in tier evening at 8 o'cloe•k he wilt speak in the prleh hall agein on the name subject bit with a view .to the Intereot of the general pub- lic. Those meetings are free, except - Ing possibly the one In the eveolog when a Voluntary offering may he taken. It is hoped that many will avail themselves of this opportunity. on the fuse of February. of hearing from first enures something of what, t. being done for the religious de- velopment of our Canadian shortg- Ines. New Reeks at the Library Tile foitowing books have earn piar- rd leu circulation at the public lib- rary. IMrary. FITION ' The Guarded y'tame .. W. H. Maxwell The Night of the Wedding .... C. Mc A. JI. Williamson The Mystery Road .. E. P. Oppenla'im The Amateur TIM .... A. P. Terhume Bread .... ...... Chas. Norris Madame Claire Sewn Ertl The isle of .Hetribulion P;dison Marshall Moorlius do Co W. J. Locke C'rnatao 'Mary Johnston 14132 ...... .... .. .. Mary Johnston Draeger Ernest Poole The Thing At Thei Herts. . H. next The Child's lion... • • Marjory MaiMurchy The Viking Heart .... I.. G. Rult•erson Michael'. Evil Deeds E. P.Opperrheim Jeremy do Hamlet .... ilugh Walpole John Matheson ('. R. Andersen ('ettle Onnta %Vntsno* filrlln Ilalin.d Olive H. Prouty Falt►t Perfume Zinn Cale Oliver October .. , . C.. B. Merutcheon .\,u, and Her Mother O. Douglas (.w,rglan Glories O. Douglas A 'Lost T.ady Willa ('ath.•r The 'Box of Spikenard Ethel Boileau NON-Fi('TION • Training for Leadership. and Power Grenville Klelser Newfoundland Verse .... E. J. Pratt Tee -Breakers - Heister Fwlna Dawn the Mackenzie Fullerton Waldo The irlsh Guar rvin the Great. War . Rudyard •Khaling Ben King's Verse Sly Experlenee. in S.otlaud Yard 11as11 Thomtion Idealism In National Charach r .. Rdbett Falconer Getting What We Want .. David O. Elan Alfred i.yttleton .... Edith Lyttleton Electricity R. R. Starting Chemistry In the Service of Man .. Alex Findlay History of English Literature Andrew T.nng A King's Daughter .. John Masefield The 1lnngalsm Rook 4'. E. White Tippet. Mother -Cited . to Slake .... I. M. Gurney Elementary Water Color Painting J. IL Brown ('anadian Commercial Correspondence H..1. Rummel .\ Book of Canadian Pray and Vere E. K. & E. '1i. Ttroaders in.11an rays In the Canadian itockiest 'M. !Wheal' A Laugh a Day Keeps' the Dater Away Irvin S. Cobb TlePoul W. 1.. Stldger i,loydnrp Geeorge E. T. Raymond Baliade an(I T.ytiee .. Alts. Carman The Appeal of Petry Ts,nald G. French The (ilorimu A none'" Old Blue llnster C. Ii. J. Snider Reacts. Men and Geoe\A.sen4.iwsk1, F. Ifi.tnr)" "anti ,Jetta S. Wolff \:tisk:' 1:1ln 11igglnson The V. ser Ponsof Testerday ., Lord Fray Hamilton ("totter. 4 D. Ilorthwick site,• "^Is sea lt.'me«r,ud A .F . W4IIAI,ms Wit, 'ear Photography ... . Wm. S.' Davis rf•••s•oi10111111aaa i MODEL THEATRE. WEEK OF JAN 21 to 26 Monday and Tuesday Thomas H. Ince presents Millen Silts and Jahn Bowens in "WHAT .1, WIFE LB.A1iNED". Mermaid Comedy. r;r "Flying F7tmnee • • • 1 Wednesday and Thursday "HOLLYWOOD" with a east which reads like the Who's V'ho of the Screen Ceres B De Mille, Bill Hart, Thomas Mdghew, Jack H.It, Owen More. Betty Compton. Anita Stewart, Baby Peggy. Ben Turpin and .arty .thew Alan rig Lloyd Hamilton In MY F'R ISND" • • • Friday and Saturday Charles Murk) Jones in I "SECOND HAND LOVE" Al St John in "A Trpieal Romer" 'Fez Now', Real No. 105" 11 . • • Matinees. -Sion. Wed at 4.15 Sat. at 3.40. ............. For that Cough or Cold gl?I'!FYf .. RIKER'S SYRUP TAR with Cod Liver Extract 50 Cents RIKER'S LAXATIVE Bromide of Quinine Tablets 25 Cents MELOIDS for Sore Throat, etc. 25 Cents Humbugs, Ib . 3t)e Horebousd Drops, Ib 30c II. C. Dunlop, Phm.B. The Rexall Store Phos. Ne. 1 The Square Your Husband Will Thew& it.. eM Look Like an Angel If you buy him a Victrola- with his money, of course. Von remember the lady who called down the photographer for making her husband look like a baboon, when she saw the proof. And the photographer's reply that "she should have thought of that before she brought him there." The poor man can't "Look Pleasant" without -a 401 N'iCTROLA. H. E. JENNER Hockey and r Boot Boot For Men, Wornen and Children are now in stock. Come in anti look over our big range of seasonable Winter Goods, Felt Shoes, Moccasins, - Rubbers, Goloshes. Spats, etc. Our prices are as low as we can make them, consider- ing the high qualities of our goods. - - SHARM AN'S THE LEADING SHOE STORE Phone 158 W. REO. SHARMAN OODKRICH A • s. ('i • t•siwza,mer. d. a........+•: em..•ia,... •..-•..ram•.• MAL 1. aft jot . -- • Wit,`"rte >v KLEAROIDS for Htlisitiner, Hwrsrness and other simple throat itri• titian. •'PENSLAR .ALMOND AND CUCUMBER CREAN A delightful application for chayped hands or (ace _ Aweberia•d Apse is Careen i.e DR. THACHER'S LIVER AND BLOOD SYRUP Th. Celebrated Vasehbb,T.mp. Stop that bark with R PENSLAR White Pine and Sphtsce Balsam 25c and 50c bottle. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded. We know you will appreciate -Mrs kind of service and we want a chance to demonstrate it to you. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE .............. Phone 90 The Square. Goderich MILLINERY A oup of smartly trim-' Hats at Half Price They have a charm all -their own. in brown, black and bright colors. Girls' Tams at $ 1.00 and $1.50 Children's Hats, clearing at $ 1.00 and $1.50 Miss MacVicar Kiagstos SL Goderich ((H NIKE ('HECK BOOKS Leave your sinter at The Signal for Count, r cheek Boone. Brophey Bros. Tits LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS .%ND EMBALMERS Orden carefully attended to ■ t all hours. aiiM or day GODERiCH - ARRANGE FOR A GROUP,PICTURE while the family are home for the holidays. J. T. FELL Pboa>s 117 Gderte! W* dram* w mare for Fleet - Clam week pias is eedi.arily asked for meend-eless Our purpo.e is to clean, press and repair your clothes in such a way that you may regard our work as better than [pawl, and to charts you iso more for this kind of service than perhaps you have been in the habit of pay- ing for unsatisfactory results. There, • affer.nt» we -wase[ M .Mw yew W. C. SNAZI1 PboneSl9 Moth Side Square 1tHN'SBOOT SHOP • ThltreSatis acti• Gape on to us" i smiling 'Footwear that gives \ satisfaction to YOU. No Footwear can give their best servsoa if not fit- ted Irl,. It our aim to give- properly. in , Fit, Styl and Prion We invite you to let uh \sUPPIY yam' ft/ 101 W. BERN Tim Smears . rh.n. 43w Macdonald Gilts. teacher of piano and alnaing at Knox church, Sat- urdays, 10 r m.. to noon; and 8 to 5 p.m. tf On a Tour of tea Old Wald Mr. F. W. Hay, of Lt.toweh torm- er leader of the Liberal party in On- tario. accompanied by Mrs. Hay. mailed on Monday from New York for an ,extensive tour of the old world. Their Itinerary will include a [-fait to the battlefields of Flanders", where Archie Riggs, a brother of Mra. Ilay, is -buried. Mr. and Mrs. flay will vlalt the Holy Land. 'They will spend aomc little time in Egypt and expert to get a peep into KIM Tut'. ,tomb at 'Amor. Plasma of call will Include Funchal. Maderia le - lands; ('Mhz. Spin; Gibraltar, Al- giers. Tunis. North Afrbe, Alexandria. E ypt; Haifa. I'nleatine; Constan- tinople. Naples. Italy; Muoaeo, an in- deys.rulent prindl:ality In which Monte ('erh. I. hswted : Lisbon. Pnrtugual : Cherbourg, Franey; Southampton and i.ondon, England. liminommoom We Are Here to Give! You Service 0 Vflai Siafisliss Vital statistics as secured from Town Clerk L. L. Knoz dew that during 1923 there were 141 births, 35 marriages and 72 deaths. During loll there were 52 births. 45 mar- riagM and 74 deaths, Itfw''w±.. M. C. C. At Home The Mrneeetung Canoe Cluh has is - 'sued Invltatone for an at home to be held in the club rooms on Friday evening of this week. Messrs. W. .1. Henderson. M. R. Hall. T. Kidd and A. 1.. Cole are the committee In charge of the arrangement+ for the event. Meets .t Court G.derieb C. O. F.. Court G..derh•h, No. 32, has toetaflyd ter-f5N..wiag 4.ttioere tor.- the ensuing year:-('. It., ('. Johnston; V. C. it., N. Armstrong; fin. -see., A. J. Wilkins; rec.-sec., A. E. Barker; treas- urer, W. J. Me\evin: chaplain, W. M- Knlght: l+. W., Percy Barker; J. W. 0. E. Step: S. It., T Carroll; J II., Heuder.u.n. _)lonitrnoriWest la F'lari& Monsignor West. of St. 'Themai ;- former parish pri..a . of St. Peters' church, who attended the ree'e nt jub- ilee celebration at St. Joseph's (on- r,•ntr ham left for Florida where he will carry ou mission work. He will be modeled In t61s eonneetion by Rer. Father Fallon, of Sacred Heart church.' \\'Ingham. who is going to the seat1t in search of health. Turret Crown S.Id The steamer Turret ('rows has been sold., having been purchas.d jute re ently from her English owner: by • newiy organized navigation com- pany known as the Toronto 'Sreamahip Company, whose headquarters are at Toronto. Captain W. ('. Jordan. of ('ollingwad. who will sail the steamer in the lake trade. J11 provialunal presd- n the tele trade. Is prorisionni presi- dent. A. M. 114lnni-, of Gode'rkh. is vice!-preedde•ot. •1Jr. )dunes. who last year was chief engineer of the steamer W. 1'. Franz. will assume a similar po iton nn the Crown when .he leaves her berth at the north side of the harbor early next spring. Interlodge Carpet Bowling The ,:tending of the varinn• trams competing in the lnlerkxlgc ('arle't Bowling iw•ague is as follows: - {V. f.. Pts. Knl h (E' Griffith (Odd., 3 1 Ilutch 4Odd) i 4 1 Abell (dd. t :i 2 HeNevin (Orange, 2 Wilkins IFor.) 1 4 g t or. a :t 2 08 00 59 44 46 'Killing (orange, 0 • 5 44 Johnston (For.) 8 1 43 Let us assist you in furnishing your, Sturdy (Orange) 2 35 home in New and Used Furniture and Stoves. We specialize in any- thing for the home. The at.edule of the rental games is as follows: - Jan 10--(;rlffith vs. Sturdy. otos _.ns t--. Kaittiug 1 f1 Jan 1((. ---Griffith es. 'MeNe'vin. 1 iii. is Year Store U.. It sc Latch vs. Johnston. Furniture Jan. -Knight vs. Sturdy. Blaclutone's be received until Elabruary Bib at 1 pm„ with a view to baring the intake completed nut later• than Jury 1st. The specifications nail for "the placing aad supplying of 1900 feet of 24 -Inch east from and 1300 feet ut steel intake pipe with Intake well and crib." • The I.4. Thames aUKa.b Though be bad been ailing for six weeks In the kid death tame suddenly Iasi Friday morning to Thomas Mg' K(uzle lu his .•rrenty-eighth . year. lir. MvKeoalv was lore in Duyatrles. Canada, in the year 1847. He ease to (;odertch, is lea% and four years later was married to his now bereft partner. Mary Rush. of Nor"-ich. Besides his widow two daughters survive: Mrs. Walter Buchanan, of Toronto, and JEW M. 'It lldwarda ot--tow.n...-Text sisters and one brother aim survive; Mrs. J. Stewart, Ilelgrave, Mrs. Soaet- vllle, Woodstock. and Mr. Richard Mc- Kenzie, of Burford. The docketed was employed Ger the greater psi of hls residents. in Goderich as engin- eer at the North American Chemical Works, now twine toleratd as the God -rich Balt Co. Fed a time he was Connt•.•teil *nth - the ,iiFtt works -at- Han- ford. .\s an adept in vaulting and jumping he particlpated In the sports In c•o ties with the• first Do- minion Day celebration ever held in (ksh•ticb. Ile was also a member rat the original fire brigad4 in Goderich which was organized by the late Cap- tain TiaDanety. Mr. McKenzie main- tained his conn«•Hon with the fire brigade. until 11)06. In politics he wait Conservative and fraternally- was a memulwr of the I. O. O. F., C. O. F., and Sons of Eldvtland. The fun- eral. which was held on Monday after - anon from his late residence. Vic- toria 'trete, to Maitland cemetery, was (+i ducted by the deceased'. pastor, Rev. R. C. MieDermita. of Knox church. while the pallbearers were Messrs. James ttt:rimg.'onr, A. 5. Cooper. 'Mat- thew Bates, E. ('. Belcher. John Story. and I►r. W. F. ('lark. The members of Huron Lodge. T. O. O, F.. No tie. attended in a body. Those here from out of town for the funeral were: Sir. J. Stewart, Belgrave, Jdeesrs: Wm. A. Nelson and Isaac• Rush, of Hatchly; Mr. Jti••hatil McKenzie, ur-ilurford; eats. Alex M, -Kenzie. of .Woorectoek; Nle --r•. John and Robert McKentle. of New lur'ham: 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Buchanan and Mrs. John Rates. of Toronto. and 'Messrs. Thor:. Edwards :sol Dever Gidley, of London. Collegiate Hoard t. Coder With Connell At its inaugural meeting on Mon- day morning the town council received the folios ing c•ouimunlcatlon from J. I'. Hume, secretary of the Collegiate lestitnte Hoard: -"I am directed by the ltoard of Trustees of the Gods- rich ;elle-rids Collegiate institute to request fpr th,. Board the privilege of meeting with your body in an inform) way to lay Before you, the situation test has developed regarding the improve- ment in the aeeompmodation atthe t'ottegiate remit -red by the I,dtxation Ihgatrtment. The Board would ap- preciate very much your granting them the earliest date at which you would A sale of bolas. barking will he 1,e-pleaewt to receive Geeir'pre•eeuta- Aha a held at Haley's Grocery Wore on. Rat- tion of .the ease." ese on the -Broadway of Goderich urday. January 26th, by Eureka Class On motion of Councillor C. H. Hum - 4111111111111 NydroElectric The People's Power C«k by Electricity .i Wash by Electricity Irse by Elsctficity Gotsoient Claw Quick Cheaper than Gal tor Wesel An Electric Vacuum Cleaner removes all dust. A broom just moves the dust. Walk in aad see the display of Electric Goods at the HYDRO STORE North std. .f Spare G.d.rlab 25 dozen Men's Wool- Sox Made of Canadian all - wool yarns, in grey only. that will sell for 50c. Special for this week only 3 pairs for 95c. LTIM14. ROBINS s - ,leo iietiaricli dr of Victoria street e),unb. Tenders Being Called For Mer and Deputy -R. ve 1t. 4'. •Mnu- nings the council Ided to meet the Collegiate Board formally on Thurs- day evening at,•t.:Ni p.m E. 11 Darling, M. E., of Hamilton. Who wee wam engaged by the water and (;et your costumes nwety for the light cemmbwion as engineer In charge carulval to he h.W at Wer.( street of the installation of the new Intake, rink during the latter part of Jame %114 in town iset Prlday evening ary. and interviewed the commisaton. En- gineer Darling has completed the plana and specifications for the work iso that the commission decided to im- mediately call for tenders, which tall diaiMEMOMMir Happy Is the Bride - who anticipates the desire of her friends for a really good photo- graph. Let us show you our newest style. ' -R. R. SALLOWS Try Us For Fancy Goods Novelties, Etc. MISS S. NOBLE South Bide Square - Goderich COME IN and let us start you on a piece of FANCY WORK. L .sons Free on all Em- . Silks and Crochet Cottons. all colors and sizes. Mail orders promptly filled. re embroider and do knitting to order. Smith's Art and Gift Store Phone 198 East Street CHURCH NOTES The oervlee• at Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday well be conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. W. -Hedley. Sermon subjects!: 11 a. m. "Taking off the Grave Clothes'; 7 p.m.. "The 1.o•t Je,u+.:' i'he services In Knox church next Sunday twill be enndueteel by the minieter: 11 a.m., second In series on the te.rd'+ Prayer, "Thr ' Hallowed Nnrs. ' 7 p.m.. 'Hindrances and Op- portn nitle.." etabtwth school and 1t11de closets, at 3 o'tea•k. Rev. it. 1'. M'Dermld begin' last Sunday morning In Knox ehoreh a series of sermons on "The Lord'. Prayer." Ills Initial discourse, "().sl our Father." Indic-etet that the study will prove bath Intrreaing and prof- itable to the eongregntlon a. a whole. The regular monthly meeting of the Arthur Circle of Knox church will be held In the lecture room on Monday eientng, January 2L■t. Seas. (Rev.) Jas. Hamilton and Mrs. A. H. Johns- ton will speak. Refnwhments will be served. AH young ladies of the con- gregation are Invited. The regular meeting rat Knox eQ urcb W. M. S. will he held on Tuesday Janne ary 22nd, at 3.30 p.m. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Warnock and ' Mrs. A. J. MacKay. A report of the recent Presbyterial meeting will also be given. A. thus is the firth meeting of the new year ail members are urged to be present, and all women of the congregation are cordially In- vitee to attend. v Ai North .trip Methodist church nett Sunday the embje•t for the 'Men's nest. at 10 a m., will be: "flow ('aa WW Cultivate a Spirit of Woe s blp?" Mr. M. W. Howell will be the Lader. Church amines and Mission Band *leo will cony', at 10 o'clock. The pastor's snbjeet at 11 o'clock will be "Christ Our Example." aryl In the evening at 7 he w'il epclk on, "A Broken World and How to scent! 137 In the eve Ing Mr. F \. Mister win play as an offertory .m'n l'eon) "The Angel',. Sereuede" (Bro••s , Stranger' and v isItnra welcome t o , C /1.1,1(a1( Mlle Great Nortl.a "+'arlci' 1, the tulle of 1 ml,.. 'r'- 'ows,• which will 3* R'ven , •-•'"4 •with '••,•. -f the ',ranee . day. lantern .ilei.. by tl 1.Ier•e•w of Ke-wnnn r(s parish hall et 4.1 F'•' ruary• 1st. This tt11 film talk s-l'I 1s• fry t--• el'jldren and M '.ray o' •- :w pre` • •bezel • who 1 ^ - COLBORNE'S STORE' 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT Jae ,. ON THE FOLLOWING LIST OF MERCHANDISE ,a. Silks, Dress Goods, Cottons, Flannelettes, Coy sets, t Underwear, Gloves- and Hose_ NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY and help us make room for our Spring Goods. • COATINGS All wool heavy Velours and English Coatings 58 inches wide. to sell at per yard - •sre3»a144144a Regular 1$4.50 and 4-1.00. 1'loths $3.50 COATS AND DRESSES- AT $10.00 EACH el Coats fo r $10.00 Now is a good time to get a good all wool cos t for $10.00.. Allo two three-quarter Se,tlettes for $15.00 each. . Twelve all wool sergeilresses in navy blue, -very -good-style for eaEh . .. $10.00 Four all wool jerseys for : a =7,00 These are real bargains and will save money f or yon. THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY wish to attend. At 3 p.m. on that 'day the Blnhop will speak ou "Indian and Eskimo Mission" to ter.+ members of St. George's W. A. and their friends, tinct in tier evening at 8 o'cloe•k he wilt speak in the prleh hall agein on the name subject bit with a view .to the Intereot of the general pub- lic. Those meetings are free, except - Ing possibly the one In the eveolog when a Voluntary offering may he taken. It is hoped that many will avail themselves of this opportunity. on the fuse of February. of hearing from first enures something of what, t. being done for the religious de- velopment of our Canadian shortg- Ines. New Reeks at the Library Tile foitowing books have earn piar- rd leu circulation at the public lib- rary. IMrary. FITION ' The Guarded y'tame .. W. H. Maxwell The Night of the Wedding .... C. Mc A. JI. Williamson The Mystery Road .. E. P. Oppenla'im The Amateur TIM .... A. P. Terhume Bread .... ...... Chas. Norris Madame Claire Sewn Ertl The isle of .Hetribulion P;dison Marshall Moorlius do Co W. J. Locke C'rnatao 'Mary Johnston 14132 ...... .... .. .. Mary Johnston Draeger Ernest Poole The Thing At Thei Herts. . H. next The Child's lion... • • Marjory MaiMurchy The Viking Heart .... I.. G. Rult•erson Michael'. Evil Deeds E. P.Opperrheim Jeremy do Hamlet .... ilugh Walpole John Matheson ('. R. Andersen ('ettle Onnta %Vntsno* filrlln Ilalin.d Olive H. Prouty Falt►t Perfume Zinn Cale Oliver October .. , . C.. B. Merutcheon .\,u, and Her Mother O. Douglas (.w,rglan Glories O. Douglas A 'Lost T.ady Willa ('ath.•r The 'Box of Spikenard Ethel Boileau NON-Fi('TION • Training for Leadership. and Power Grenville Klelser Newfoundland Verse .... E. J. Pratt Tee -Breakers - Heister Fwlna Dawn the Mackenzie Fullerton Waldo The irlsh Guar rvin the Great. War . Rudyard •Khaling Ben King's Verse Sly Experlenee. in S.otlaud Yard 11as11 Thomtion Idealism In National Charach r .. Rdbett Falconer Getting What We Want .. David O. Elan Alfred i.yttleton .... Edith Lyttleton Electricity R. R. Starting Chemistry In the Service of Man .. Alex Findlay History of English Literature Andrew T.nng A King's Daughter .. John Masefield The 1lnngalsm Rook 4'. E. White Tippet. Mother -Cited . to Slake .... I. M. Gurney Elementary Water Color Painting J. IL Brown ('anadian Commercial Correspondence H..1. Rummel .\ Book of Canadian Pray and Vere E. K. & E. '1i. Ttroaders in.11an rays In the Canadian itockiest 'M. !Wheal' A Laugh a Day Keeps' the Dater Away Irvin S. Cobb TlePoul W. 1.. Stldger i,loydnrp Geeorge E. T. Raymond Baliade an(I T.ytiee .. Alts. Carman The Appeal of Petry Ts,nald G. French The (ilorimu A none'" Old Blue llnster C. Ii. J. Snider Reacts. Men and Geoe\A.sen4.iwsk1, F. Ifi.tnr)" "anti ,Jetta S. Wolff \:tisk:' 1:1ln 11igglnson The V. ser Ponsof Testerday ., Lord Fray Hamilton ("totter. 4 D. Ilorthwick site,• "^Is sea lt.'me«r,ud A .F . W4IIAI,ms Wit, 'ear Photography ... . Wm. S.' Davis rf•••s•oi10111111aaa i MODEL THEATRE. WEEK OF JAN 21 to 26 Monday and Tuesday Thomas H. Ince presents Millen Silts and Jahn Bowens in "WHAT .1, WIFE LB.A1iNED". Mermaid Comedy. r;r "Flying F7tmnee • • • 1 Wednesday and Thursday "HOLLYWOOD" with a east which reads like the Who's V'ho of the Screen Ceres B De Mille, Bill Hart, Thomas Mdghew, Jack H.It, Owen More. Betty Compton. Anita Stewart, Baby Peggy. Ben Turpin and .arty .thew Alan rig Lloyd Hamilton In MY F'R ISND" • • • Friday and Saturday Charles Murk) Jones in I "SECOND HAND LOVE" Al St John in "A Trpieal Romer" 'Fez Now', Real No. 105" 11 . • • Matinees. -Sion. Wed at 4.15 Sat. at 3.40. ............. For that Cough or Cold gl?I'!FYf .. RIKER'S SYRUP TAR with Cod Liver Extract 50 Cents RIKER'S LAXATIVE Bromide of Quinine Tablets 25 Cents MELOIDS for Sore Throat, etc. 25 Cents Humbugs, Ib . 3t)e Horebousd Drops, Ib 30c II. C. Dunlop, Phm.B. The Rexall Store Phos. Ne. 1 The Square Your Husband Will Thew& it.. eM Look Like an Angel If you buy him a Victrola- with his money, of course. Von remember the lady who called down the photographer for making her husband look like a baboon, when she saw the proof. And the photographer's reply that "she should have thought of that before she brought him there." The poor man can't "Look Pleasant" without -a 401 N'iCTROLA. H. E. JENNER Hockey and r Boot Boot For Men, Wornen and Children are now in stock. Come in anti look over our big range of seasonable Winter Goods, Felt Shoes, Moccasins, - Rubbers, Goloshes. Spats, etc. Our prices are as low as we can make them, consider- ing the high qualities of our goods. - - SHARM AN'S THE LEADING SHOE STORE Phone 158 W. REO. SHARMAN OODKRICH A • s. ('i • t•siwza,mer. d. a........+•: em..•ia,... •..-•..ram•.• MAL 1. aft jot . -- • Wit,`"rte >v