HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-17, Page 4d 1 • ( 17m ; gid; •e: It' -eft ; Ober t 4- 1 1urstlag Jaauay 11, 1224 PRIDHAM'S ANNUAL JANUARY SALE nitxa AI Overcoats at -Pouring Tail - SPECIAL SALE PRICE $14.95 $16.50 $20.75 $25.$0 -Boys' Overcoats - $5.00 to $9.75 Walter C. Pridham Clothing and Mena futrniahinp Phone 57 Godericll 1NILE NUJ:. Jan. 14. -The W. .M. 8. held Its regular monthly meeting at the parsonage last 'week. Miss M. J. Sheppard, who has been 111 for the last three weeks, 1s grad- ually Improving. The news of the midden death of Mier ifary Snyder, of (lod,rlch, war recce vett with regret by her ninny aequelntancew here Mr. Robert Echlin has gone to Lia - towel to Atilt Ws uncle, Dr. Rich- ardson. ' Miss Jennie Marquis 1. visiting tr%edr at Clinton and vicinity. The'L.adies' Add held their meet - lag at the home of Mrs. I.rwlN Tay- lor as Thursday lent. At the meet- ing arrangements were made to hold a Valentine social and bazaar In the church oa Thursday earning, Febru- ary 14. The =dal will take the form of a pancake 'supper. Pancake' and ' maple syrup will he served as welt as or'ypr will be 1 a bazaar where many useful and fancy articles and home made baking will be on sale. An interesting pro- gram of dialogues. vocal and Instru- mental made and readings will be rendered. Buller served from 7.30 to 9. Adaisdon 25 cents. . OODERICH TOWNSHIP GODIIRICII TOWNSHIP. Dander,' 15,--olfesars. E. Montgomery and Joe Hicks left last week for Detroit They expert to spend the whiter there Mr. Robert Resters Tues been laid up with an attack of infltaenza and pneumonia. Mr IN -leant Wil..en returned to Stratford last week to evntinue treat- ment under Dr. Forster. There Are a few cases of scarlet fever In the township The Annual Meeting of Dungannon- Agricultural nAgricultu al Society will be held on Monday, January 21st at 1 o'clock p. in., in the Weigh Scales Hall, Dungan- non. All Members are re- quested to attend. Jamb Reid, N. F. Whyard, President. Secretary. THE SIGNAL, POKIER'S HILL PORTERS HILI. Jauuary 0-11ra. C. ('oz went to London to undergo an operation for au ulcerated tooth. Mrs. Austin and family are moving to Sarnia In the near future. We wish them imec'svts In their new home. Mr Howard ('ox was unfurtuluste in losing a valuable luorse last week. Mr. Hiram ('oz. of Toronto. Is rielting at his home here. Mr Will t'oz Is the neve trustee ter Y. S. No. 5. Mr and Mrs. Bert „Iarris left on Tuesday for their Yet► holes de Dr GODRRICH. turtud to Toreute after apeudlag their hoad1tys a1 Lerbern. Mr. Toni Horton 1s nsorerloe akely after bis Illnevw. We are carry to report that Mr. George Fret -nein la under the weather. ('hk•ketl poi Ie: still raging in this emninunity. Mr. Harry Freeman had pun•hasad u new black driver. rlf Dl1NGANNON Dl NOAV\Ol2t. January 16. - Ou trait. • Tuesday. January 29th, the Itelfaat 12lauiatic (1u 10.111 prnwnt the hum- ''1''- orous play "Always in Trouble," In ASHFILELD r"• the pariah hall Dere. This play has been given throughout ('1nanda and the ASIIFIF:I,D. January 11- Mr. :eel !rutted Stater by the ('row-Mellgnlan Mrs. Mar o,•t. Meet-et:or and family,14'ompane. and Ye not an ezperlutent. o .t lherti no are visiting his mother. It wino audiences by its eomedy. (-bon- ito, A. il.s:r'ger, Lake Shore. Puree. simplkdty and jokes. Watch Mr. Albert Thain and Mr. Elmer next week for farther particulars. Meet arts home after sis• aline IJne sootpee_e oaths on the Iakew. • Mr. 9044 -McLennan Ti lIll Ivry 111. The F. F. O. Club. KintaH, held their meeting on Friday. the 4th. Mr. M. C. ileKenxte gore a splendid report of the I'. F. O. convention held la Toronto. Immediately following the eonert a dater will he given in the ball. the copy -Orth i nbdi the musk. A •sincere consisting of two short PUP'. quartettes. duets. readings. etc., 1s to be given in the parish hall on Friday evening, Jentuary 2:wh. under the auspices of the Wowt'tl'r In.tl- Monthly meeting of the Kin-. tute. Admhwloa. 23 •rats; children, tall Women's lutitute was held at the 13 cents. home of 'Mrs. Robert Hamilton on Sirs. (;. 51 McKenzie and son i1a1- Thunday. January 3rd. A splendid cols are visiting 11rien.is in Toronto program cans given. this week. A meting to organize a Mission Band was held at Ashfield church on Saturday. January 12th. The follovr- Ing were elected offkera: Mias Anna McKenzie. Olivet Mary M. McKenzie and Meas Ella Cowan. We wish them, much «'.access In this highly important work of the church. Mr. Nichol. teller In the Sterling Bank, has retuned from Hrusall rad Is on duty herr WIS. The young people of tire .inglkan church are giving a play entitled "!)t'al'on Dubb.." In Vont Allwrt on Frklay night of tltls week. At the H1m11a1 meeting of Erskine church het.l last Wednesday evening L EBURN E.-0. Duff. Herb Stothere and Arthur Elliott eery ehet.d lnaitllgery in LEF71tg'RN. Jan. 14 -+Misr Myrtle place of thee* n•tiring. All reports Fulford, of Buffalo, le spending some presented. in•Imliug thp treasurer's. time at ber home. were in a very satisfactory condition. Miss Blanch -Shaw has returned:to itobt. MMcA11I.Yer is a happy man New York after spending her holidays floss- day.. having fiuie:heti the tax at home. eotl.r'ing of West SVawauex.h. Re'. Mr. And Mrs. Maxwell Have re- spou.ibiury is now removed. b MENMILLER -144' Y it'ivR4 1 sway, wbes 1 selected ••br,1.I Bib -floc sprang that oa aN last stint" agar, _ ( try, But it is not too kite toe ewelry 16•- ro The even Fet. l want to take asbuonfl "Oh, was that yos? ' Bi7.Yl/HJ F:R, a ' Instead." tgry Day,. owd for JY. 6(hh,, and poetpaned a a„ount of the The mothrrwir scorched tb shesaid)ra sof torm, will t,r held net Sunday. Jas. her "'u ,harpl,.. T.0th. Bev .1. F: ltol, oII parr think of settle letter richt, will preach at the a vier to be held In Brum commencing at 2.90. A ba of lantern slldew • well lw oho Bethel at 7. 30 p.m. Tlwre will creek's in 'Lion. , Brnmlllcr Su school will mewl at 1.30. of Cd You ou rrnoou air -,.acus•• ter staying out at Diehl!' church, An Old "Gag." it reatti 'Roberta - "ion interest - '..•fore uo str ngele tet no war ease A 'erioue ae ckleut occurred Fray night ou the farm of William Walter+id, wlwta Mr. Spragg was in the aid of harking a traction entitle i1tt0 • shed. One of the rear wheels ran up ou the will awl struck a post. calming the machine to upset Mr Spragg Jumped but Was •'aught under the wheel:- The neighbors were sum -I mooed at once, but it was semi. twenty minutes before they were able to free; the vietlm from the crushlt(g weight of 'a seven ton engine. They were hatadleappe at flat by the steam that tiled the shed due 10 tae w`httlttP havlug been knocked off; and it was difficult to make room to work because of the other machinery.It Ir nuthluR short of miraculous thug 11r. Spragg Thos escaped with only a were leg. Nu lanes were broken; but the wound. though email, 1.. erremely 1.niuhtt y Aubwii f oorert Pont posed Niece the item. "G C. 1. Players tD Autuarn" appearing on page thaw. was printed. It has been learned that the date of the concert has been poet - potted until Some- trine -in rehrusry - The annual vestry and congrrs- gatiuual meetings of St. s:ev.rgr's church will be held on Mondeo. Janie 'try 21st. at 4 pm.. in the parish hall. mat's* Saw Through 11 "Father." said the +111111111. "I want to talk *bout you about clout; lug my course of study" "Taft to your mother, ..ret.' dt- retted the fader. who was rending the paper. -Mother." mid the son. . "I made 1 ti no* gzeayslfag Mother (sssumiug ber beat before -0 Company '.manner)-- "Oh. psi cutis limb! Hasn't modest told yak that you must not bite your finger sailor' fur l'reelous Lamer -"Itis sot, metier. I I to Nat getting tbs dirt oat." --lite. 4 Specials in Blankets for the Cold Weather -Largest Sir Flaa.eblta llaaklt! 3� weal Doak Mikis Flannel. Military Flannel, and bean Cotton Shiftily, 11 *uitahle for winter work shift. M RIGHT prime All -wool Soar. and' t'pdertreaf et CLOSK Prices Jlen's Lined 'Work Ono' at 60c leece-lined 'l'nderw'eat to elms before. Spring M Men's J. J. McEWEN Phone 46 Goods Delivered to All Pats of the Tows t «aa. 4001 We have )ust received a shipment of Macbeth Nu -type Lamp Chimneys and Burners r .>. They are twice as good and less thanhahalf the price you have been paying for these goods. Call and tree them demonstrated at HILL'S HARDWARE CO. AUBURN tss 11 Pim GRAY & CARTWRIGHT MID = FWINTER SALE 15GRAY &L CARTWRIGHT Ci. 5 0 SPECIALS IN THE MID -WINTER SALE The Best Argument in Favor of Our Mid -Winter Sale are the Extraordinary Money Saving Values on This Page -- READY NOW FOR ANOTHER BUSY WEEK= 5 0 SPECIALS 14 IN THE MID -WINTER SALE 50 ITEMS ON THIS PAGE CHOSEN FROM THE WHOLE STORE THAT PROVE OUR STATEMENTS Up to $49.50 Women's Winter Coats, $25.00 pluses' Fur Trimmesl Coats made from good quality Velour in season's latest style. Sale $16.50 price Women's Fur Trimmed Coats worth up to 349.50 in several good cloths Including Marvella cloth. $25.00 Sale price t� J IN 13 3IIS8¢S' DRESSES, WM WOMEN'S STO('KL'GS 3133 Misses 16 to 20 arms all wool Women's Pure Wool Heather Flannel Dresses. all shades to stockings, Browns, (treys, Blues, plain and two color styi.w. SaleSaud. worth regular up to $1 95. price. each $8.95 Sale Price pair $1.35 GIRLS' WINTER COATS 19.75 ALLWOOL SERGE 96e Girls' Burbury Cutts In several All %Vool Dress Serge, full yard good shade. tisk, check bnc•ke' wide, in a splendid shade of in Axe* up to 14 years. Sale price • $9.75 Navy Blue. Sale price yard .98 36-L5(11 CRETONNE 49e FLANNELETTE GOWNS 11.?3 30'lneb English Cretonne to Blue. Inose, Yellow, patterns with bran•h and bird designs, these are a wimp. Sale • • •49 Women's White Flannelette Gowns, beautifully trimmed. long or short sleeves, high or low neclrv. Sale price • $1.75 each IIADI UP CURTAINS 13.45 42 -INCH PILLOW COTTON 49e ilio quiaette Curtains whit lace ling value In Pillow Cotton made and. _ inset t ion full Vas yards Circular, pure white bleached. ion`, splendld values,. Wale prier floe thread, even weave. Sale Pair $3.4 5 price card .49 SPECIALS FROM THE HOUSE FURNISHINGS ktensoinc DEPARTMENT mammas }test Heavy Quality Canadian Linoleum, fully seasoned and well printed lsatternr, a few line. In room sizes S..,are yard .98 Canadian Floor Olkloths In splendid pattern. for Halls or Redroom*, your choice of patterns at square yard .49 Genuine Hold 11x11 ('ongoleum, In many pretty patterns and new detalpteo, sties 9 by 9. feet Hale price ea" . , • • $11.95 Up to $2.95 Pure Wool Crepes for Dresses, $1.95 Lovely pure w• o1 French -irtuure dress goods, 3.4 inches wide half a dozen shades. Sale price $1.50 yard f 1 �/ }'urs Wool Dress Crepe.. lu sand. Brown, Navy, (' .pen. Black. one of the beet bargains. Sale .. $1.95 price per yard J KIMONA VELOURS 42e 27 -Inch Kinins Velours In pretty patterns and plain go«1s, a epleudid width for Children's Kimonos Yard, - S('OTCH PLAIT) 75e .42 Scratch I'lald Drage Goats In regular Tartan patterns. several colors, widths 38 and 42 Inches. Sale price yard .75 VESTS -DRAWERS Pk Turnbull.' make, Women's Vests or Drawers, white only, all vests with high or low neck Sale price, each .98 Eva SHEETING 91k 72 Inches wide, fine even Sheet- ing. a special tale value. we have enough for fifty *beets. Kale price yard .98 TA RA CLOTHS 15.56 Pure bleb bines Itamask Table Cloths 1a pretty patterns. all In 2 by 234 lards. Spwrlal sale price - - $5.50' 54•INCH ('OATIN(iS 32.96 54 Inch ('oatillgs In all wool Ib.I- Itla cloths and filmy check ma• tercels, a final clearance at sale sane• yard $2.98 Tl'RKISM\ TOWELLING 39e Turkish Towelling by the yard, a splendid gealky Engliab towel- ling. Rete Price the yard .39 ENGLISH CHINTZ 37e. English Comforter Chintz and for any other uwrw, full yard wide. very attractive patterns. tittle price yard 37 PARISIAN CORSETS 31.35 Parisian Corsets made from good qualty white Coutll, all sizes. to clear at epeeist price • - $1.35 CURTAIN NETS 39e Scotch Curtain Nets In several pretty patterns 40 to 42 Inches wide. -Sale price yard - • .39 MEN'S SHIRTLNO 29c ifen's Shtrtings in medium and dark shades, full width, and a splendid value Sale price yard . Me)tNC/ DIM $1.39 All wool Dress full 54 Inches wide, color' Navy and Black. an extraordinary good' cloth. (sale prlee yard . $1.39 WOOL GAUNTLETS Women's and Girls' Pure Wool (hanntlet in Brown, White, Fawn, and Heather, some fringed cuffs. Sala price p pa Ir .98 DOUBLE MESH 3 for !Se Double Mrah Hair Nets of best wearing quality and guaranteed to give matlatactioo, 3 lu one package, A for 25 GIRLS' COATS 17.75 II Girls' Colts to fit ages up to 14 in Blanket Cloth Velour, this 1s a final elearance price, your� choice $7.1y5 FL•4M KL STTE 19e White. Blue, Pink English Sax- ony Flannelette, full 27 inhcem wide, this Is a real snap. Sale price yard .19 f2 -INCH LLNEN NAPKLNS 33e 22 -Inch Pure Linen Tried] I)amaek Napkins, dozens of patterns sold only in half dozen Iota. Sale price each .55 PARISIAN CORSETS 31.75 Parisian ('orsete several model.* to clear out •t one price, made from high Wass Coutll White. only. Sale price $1.75 BA= TOWELS 49e Pure Whits TIrkiah Itath Towels walk 3311. or Pink bor- t das,' a fast droll* towel, lin. writ star. Acte 'Price sae, 49 LINEN TOWEIB 4k Pure Linen Bleached Huck Towels, good Mae and exception- ally fine finish. Bale laic 49 each • SINGLE MESE - 4 ter 25e Single M.wh Hair Nets, every ql•t guaranteed first quality. put np 4 In one package 4 5 for .L Regular $5.(10 Yard Silk Dress Lengths, $3.45 $11a Knitted Allteme Crepe In plenty of good shades, MI inehew wide. While the suppl) lasts. Sale prier per Yard $2.95 Pure Silk I.a\'cies. u lovely knit fabric for afternoon and evening dresses. full yard veldall shales. Sale price yard $3.45 COTTON Hl 1K TOWELS 29e Cotton Ihu,k Towel,. a good rap - Id drying towel. and lll.ernl size. Special Sale price .. ,29 each LL.•�� BLEACH COTTON 24e White Bleach Cotton. In fine even weave, yard wide, while the supply lasts. Sale prier Yard LLNEN TOWELLING 21e .24 Pure Linen Band or roller Towelling, pretty red Iorderii, While the supply lasts. Sale pries . yard 21' WOMEN'S VESTS 73e Women's White Combri Cotton Vents, High neck and long sleeves only. Special sale Pk* each .73 LINEN TABLLNG Pure Irish Linen Tabling gixsl finish. sold regular Special Sale price ten at 32..13 36.IN('H FL.LNNELRITES 25e 36 -Itch Flannelettes In dark and light stripes, come early for this . bargain. Sale price yard 25 wide rd. BLACK CASHMERE .we STOCKINGS 98e Women's Black Cashmere Stock• Inge In fancy rlb or plain knit, ■nd all wool mocking. Yale price. pair .98 KNITTING WOOLS lh Excell Hand Knitting Wools, 'lodes. Blue. Mixed Heather and Brown, In one ounce skeins. Sale Price .10 DAMASK NAPKINS 23e Cotton Damask Napkins, good liberal aft., and twalttiful flnhfi. Hemmed ready to use. Sale Klee eaeh .25 PURE WOOL BLANKETS t, e)resentw ..e .. c._a•cr: FANCI WOOL BLANKETS ranee Blue ('heck, Pure Wool Bed Blanket or Comforter, full mise and Iovrly quality. Rale puce $05 esti DOUBLE RED BLANKET'S Pure All Wool Bed Blanket« In Targe double Red slaes, blue or Pink Borders. Sale price to clear, pair .... $845 BIM ('O.SWORTRRS "e (cotton fille& good quality sateen and chintz Lovers, have eon traatIng panels. Sale prier earh $4.95 FLANNELETTE swam Flannelette Rheets, Bine or Pink larder'. White anly, deet* ltd slzem. Sale prier pair .. ... $2.98 Hundreds of Remnants in Cottons, Dress Goods, Flannelettes, Silks, 15c to $2.00 ra eM 4 1' a^ MEI 1