The Signal, 1924-1-17, Page 3fi e., ti a Now! No matter how long advertising is postponed, the ground which could be fertilized this year eventually will have to be cultivated. • /1 J 1 ,.Dar- o! i . The Buying Power of a newspaper's circulation is gauged by actual results received by advertisers. The reader interest and influence of The Signal ` is a known quantity --and its quality of circa- lation brings advertisers satisfactory results THE SIGNAL MINTING 170, LIMITED. rulWahsees GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, : JANUARY 17, 1924 sFYEN-r-FIG IITH VEAU NO, 3. [IiiSTERLLN6 BANK OF CANADA \\\".;'s • • I BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS The Subject of .1 Ver) Instruruve Paper lip Dr. W. F. ('lark Tle• teeet.-(hied annual printed re- port of the Agricultural Societies and of the ...invention of the . $( •ia- tbnl of Fair.. and 4bdWbltlnrl.* for the Province of G)ntarlo, euntalns a [alai ,.n "l( tit:,• Tube•renlosis" Ly Dr. W. F. ('Lurk. of Gederlt1. I)r. ('lark dieenes•s 'h„ nature of the disease, its history. its symptoms and the use of tuts-renlin in determining the pre sense of ruh•nnless. Referring to the nature•iof the di - ease Dr. ('lark points out that it spread- (r.,w cow t4) COW 1111 a herd until melt of :hen) are affected. This Com -bier. first, .Its effect uis,u the ps•ket of the °wafer of cattle whether faruo•r. breeder or dairyman .t spr- In(a percentage of the dairy .attl4 cows of the .hmtilx'l)t a -re affected, and the dlitess • la found in even a larger percentage of dairy herds. The disease. of eeursc, is cn ern ner in sump regions than in others. 1t Is no uncommon Mint to find a large per•e•ntage o the cows in a_ herd infected •showing no sign of 111 health. others btally,„..di.s•aeel. but outwardly appearing healthy. while n few are evidently breaking down and wasting away. Tb• loss to the owner is evident wlwn a eow dies of the disease or when an apparently healthy row is slaughtered for hoof and found so may net attract much notice from badly after -tel a+ to lie unfit for Are owner. as the disease is- slow to food The calves In poen a bend do develop. and a eow' MAY be sateen"' not long n'main healthy. They eft(l) with it her several months and soma the disease before many month(' old ie health aro to be 'teen. This slow jtimes years before any signs of illwII.1i.•11.1 aro a *soiree of loss Instead of gain. Although the disease 1s most development Is the thief r.on for TTTI frequently found In herds that are , the great loss It elopes to the (arm- more or less closely confined, emelt er or stockman. Ile dots' not wiapev.i 1., dairy • bcrdinis ananby pure tied rcaeans ttle, Its pr.esene•e in his herd until perhapsree other 1t. Even range eagle are ' sometimes affected. and the Infections spread in spite of the Hien-air lite of . the cattle on the plains. Tuberculosis is very common among' hogs The piddle abattoirs report that a seriona percentage of all hogs . insp ect.vl is found to be tuierculou,. The aggregate of these losses among cattle and hogs is enormous amount- ing to millions of dollars every year heeides materially decreasing Me fond supply Of the conn"iry. Turning to e1 - other aspect of the its case, tete danger of Intention of human s distinguished 41.-e German phi sae. df*- b•ing,. w *ii tiderculnsds from eat- 1 covered the germ of the site atM. Ile lir w.' have only to eonelle'r n few ; proved by experimentthat the dis- fe.•ts to realize its vital 'importance ease• is produced by these germs. and to ,reeve eommanfty. tint without (team the disease cannot ltdlk is the staple food of infants i and young children and Is usually taken in the raw state. if this milk Is from a tidw•reolnus cow it may ton - lain millions of living tnlerettlar germs Young eblldren fest on such milk often contract the disease and it is n frequent cause of death among tlu•m. I r \ a large manlier of them *re diseased If the disease developed rapidly and canard death In a pew days, the owner would soon take steps to check Its progress and protect the rest of boa herd but ti erculosis is slow and hidden in its sours• and thn.t arouses nn .n•ptctoa until great damage i• done. Ili+tory record(* the Pzi•'e(enee of the disease (nem the t•arllelt limen. It. contagious nature Wag eup)0c- t test Over a century ago but it was x until 1'U42 that Dr. Robert Koch. b prole ed. It is now nnlyereal- ly admitted mat tul.erctlnsl. 1. a very contagtoua disease and may 10• transmitted from animal to man. The Imporinnee of the diene toned he estimated from two faints of view : tirrt the Inst It entails upon the crate ole owner: and. second. the danger of (mmmnulcatlon to human beings. Real Estate and Insurance Life (Sun Life), Auto, Accident, mc. I Ineltraacel. Houses and Lots in Goderieh and Farms for Sale FOR SALE__Several very fine homes, among the best in Goderich. Full modern equip- ped, a large number of houses and lots in almost any part of the town desired. Many of them very cheap and easy, terms. $850, $950, $1000, $1800, etc., will buy good houses and lots. \A1.. • number of fine bowsaw We. As low as $1100 down pap' resat will b. accepted. J. W. ARMSTRONG Above Parson'a Fair P. O. Hoeg) Onderid), Ont. \lett from 1ulnlous cattle is i s're not so likely to convey the infection for «e•veral reea.nns. it does not so 1tvque•ntly cuntaln the germ(*; cooking destroys a great many of those Mat many be present. and. lastly. meat 10. cod consumed very much by very young children. 1 symptoms Before describing the symptoms or signs Ly which tuterculoeia Is re•og- ninred or suspected in the lining animal it is well to state that there is no gen- uine symptom that can be relied on FOR SAW: er . • . The People's Garage VIctorin street Gokerr•h, at present occupied by Wm. Craig. Tha is a money -making propo ltion for the right man. Apply to Phone 50 P. J. RYAN with certainty. Any of t14• symptoms, may sometimes be caused by some other disease MO not one of them 1s characteristic of tuberculosis alone. Many of the symptom., that are re- tial upon by the human phyettcian In reneltlug 1145 opinion are not available in examining cattle. The thlcknestt of the skin and chest wall, for in- stance. makese It quite difficult to detect a diseased condition of their hunts by listening to the round, made In brelthlleg whereas thio Is compar- atively easy In human beings. It must alit° be clearly remembered that cattle may be very badly diseased and yet show no symptoms of ill 4leaflh. - They- may be fat and sleek - looking. the''i'ture of health, w'lllle their lungs and other organs are full of hrter•Iee. Such eases can only be detected by the tuberculin test. RelialbLlIty et the Teat The tnherculiti test in the hands of a competent and experienced man is muds more ac,rele than any other method of detecting tuberculosis. 'The records of large numbers of tests made by government athlete show that with certain precautions it Is accurate In tlrl per cent, of the reaetions retained. Tido Raves a margin of a ioasible two per cent. of error. and tide small number may be still further le,s'ned by care. in making the tcwt for pret- tiest purpose,. any anInut l that re- act•, must be considered tuberculous. Unlimited Quantity of ;00D MiXED WOOD FOR SALE -M-12-fief t ie tfi7i7, dP11Tr!!!d. IRE GODERiCH MANUFACTUURiNG CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St. Phone 61. Capital $ 8,000,000 Reserve and 074 Undivided Profits_. 2,067,074 Total Assets ___ 128,299,6794. t The Bank's Annual Statement has just been issued and copies thereof are available for anyone. on applica- tion, at any branch of the bank. UNION BANK -OF A Galeria Branch, FAWaouoombe, Manager What is Tuberculin? Tube -retain i; a fluid containing tete prexluets of the tubercle germ without the germs themeeives. Ax it eontatn* no living germ It eanoot convey the disease. Groat skill is required in Its eiaratlotl. .V spsv'i*1 fluid (or cul- t re meRnm o 1s prepared. and the t tele hael111 planted int It. great 0arp being taken to keep all other gerita out. The fluid -Is then placid In a\ special kind of Incubator, and kept f`tt the temperature of the animal body., Under these eonditlons the nera.\grow and multiply. Gradually the fluid is tilled with the products of the germ(*. When the,,right point fa reached the fluid la heated sut- ftclently, kill the germs. which are then era ed out. The remaining •fluid 'b. t mono. 'htlwreuli does not harm lw.althy cattle even to large dose. hut on diseased an ahs It produces a mark- ed effort. " This Is show by a feverish attack which comes on *hoot eight to twelve hours after \the tuberculin 1* admini«tered. last, n fav hoar• and then 1whs4ies. '1111. temporary -ter Is called the reaction. and anima wliJ,'h show It are called renetors the value Of the test lbw. In the feel' that diseased animal.. react while hdralthv ones do not. RADIO PROGRAMS Caine a Herdadt re Uge'Naire ( HOME BANK UEI'Oyl'I'A The Department of Horticulture of An estteptlolially charming noose T tl • Editor of The Sigulal:- .z Deer Sir :-Muppose the Government were to_pay the home (tank Deposi- tors the other fifty cents ou the dol- lar, they would immeiletely walk across the street. and deposit a tato another bent. with itie possibility of a reiwaltk'u of the }lame Yank disaster n few years hence, when they 'would again clamor for Government relief. Now. there le no chance whatever of the Government 'doing this because. the pwpte would mit cement to a con - and Illy -of -the -valley. entrhhl the � tinuatlon of that ,ort of thing. dr veing room on the arm of hoer ; Metter judgment on the depositors' t . father, to the strain: of Lulieu1Qrin'a tart would tee, to peranade the Govern- V,vldlug 'Ma nrh played by -Mica meat to remwya 1114 i15t0.06 limit oa atm Eleanor Hays. slater of the groom. �t The eeremony was pertormell by Iter. R. ('. McDe•rmiil. pastor of Knox clench. In the pisee.ie of about thirty - fire 'insets.t, relativesand' intimate friends. Follo*ring the itervlltg of a dainty hnttet 1 •heson. the toast to the bride was proposed by ltev. Mr. M,Dermtd and responded to by the groom In terms Appropriate to the l.at r.y oh•a*ton. l'ongratnl+ttory tele - ern !UN were nrel•wb trona relatives _ the (►ntlario Agreultural College ut WGY fee Week of January W ,tft4 (lurlplt putting on a four weeks' General F w uric ro:np:u,p, kkienec. course In horticulture, c onshdlne of Lady, N. Y. Hasten' Stamiard elms. Iw turew and demonstrations by men�- 790 Ellot'yclea (3Wl Meters).hers of the college staff and a nunds•r of prominent ltoortlrtplturtsts from Tb08e *hoinyiji dliprrinnd U11l(Tr outside pointe. The mune. Is entirely by radio need -only to tutee In WOY. pre to nuke who wish to attend. It rte. Genal Electric. ('ompany'e Schen- comments* on M lay. January 21st. ectady broadeea.,ting station. Friday evening, January 23th, to bear thirty musicians, picked from the large Ra- tional Biscuit GnnJany Band- of New York Tile orgaubati0fl,. 1Irected by Frank Blanco, will be. •heard at the 7.45 and 14.30 programs. I)ut, ar's Ortdle+tra or --Pitt eld. Maas., well known to WGY fans, will again be heard from the Schenectady station. With this tuneful organisa- tion. Tuesday, January .2nd. will be t the M. bodies' 'ke. •the s° t t. T A. l.a rte , e of i'Itt«field. - Jerome K. Jerome s cell piny, "The Patella of tele Third Floor hack," will be presented by the WilY Players. Thursday night, January 24th. The M'Gy Orehe•atra, directed by Edward Rhee, w111 play. Sunday morning. January 20th. the service of the First Reformed ('hurch, with sermon- on "Creech' and ('on- vlctlons." by the pastor. the Rev. Dr. Clayton Potter. w111 be broad est. in the evening. for the fest time from {V'((/Y, the oservkY of the First Church of Christ (dentist alit be put on the air. The Willi(' Orchestra. with I..vo Rliwen am conduetor, will give a concert program Sunday after- noon. The soloist will be Fred Hen - cox. haritotfe. ' Addresses during the week will in- clude the fol owing: January 22nd, "Hemp Rol}4ing." by George Ifaynel,; January 24th, "A Few Moments with New !took'," by L. L. Hopkins, assist- ant librarian of the General Electric Company; ; January 25tlt, "Belting Biscuit by the Itilliona," by Clarke E. Davis. Ph. D., chief cheatlat, National Biscuit Company. Donation from Mrs. Mince The Alexandra Marine and Gen- eral Hospital has received a donation of *25.00 from Mrs W. 11. Mines. ('hazy. N. Y. Separate school Bdi rd The Separate ae hoot ts)urd tuts c14111 en as jts Clint -n11111 fur 1144 -)tr. Jnlum Lannon and as sw•retary-trea,- un' re -appointed Mr. 14. M. O'Brien. to the ietirewewt of Me'ssr-. John Starr and•I',Urtek .1. Ryan. the' latter to become a member of the ?IMO 0o111101, the two new• members -chosen are Meagre, (:insert Plant and James Phelan. Mr. Spare retires after being a member of the board during the past 011e yee.ra. Mr. 1171441 lux 141... Leen a -member of the board for nine rears.. seven °1 which he 11r!a acted as chairman ()Utile board in u very ef- ficient manner. Prior to coming to Golerk'li to live Mr. Ryan wart x member for nine rears of the puddle school board ht ,Walton. 1'es, 1t Is W onderfut There is a very general desire to criticise new.gapers and ncwvsplu.per men. s)metimp+'_fur their own errors and again for the errors of oeherlf with which they are unjustly saddled, but if those possessed with a tendency to blame the press knew the facts or -were honest they would not do more than at least utter a In their new bungalow on Montreal the (rest po',,Lhle rate of interest they gentle r*lwoof,. 1'reque+sllotuably occas- street. Out-of-town guests at the wed- pay to en7 person. and especially MO, tonal criers. creep in to the tawt. ap- ding wen Miss Agnes !Nabi, of De- :W11011 It would not cost the Govern- er'', for Which those concerned have troit. -Mix. Nancy Nairn. of Walker- mens or the country either, a dollar, more regret titan any one else. Er- rifle tine Misses Jaffray: of Galt. and but on the ronnrarv. pay the depots- rors, however, are .inseparable from Miss Mary (:arrow. of Toronto. Mr. ltors forty million dollar* *nnnally of everyones life, and It wlndd be a re- and Mrs..' -Hays hare the hest *bisect 1 incensed interest thereon. markable thing for the press baud- I of a hoer of friends for their future Think it over eertounly, Hone Bank ling hundreds of topics and problems lappinese. The groom Is well-known depositors, and direct your efforts a day. If It did not otcaslonalle mak.' p„ Godcrdcit and Huron County as along the line. that has .tome chance Junior member of the It -gut nun of of .nrxeas. your,: truly, ° it e,,. Maya & Hays. 'Th. Signal Jolts R. O. SF.AT.F•T. heartleet congratulations anti fetid- 4 61 Hunter street west teflon*. ( Hamilton. Jan.` A. 1924 <+e wedding was tot which talk place at 11 a.m. Thistuday moruing.of last . week at the home of Mr. and. 'Mrs. ' C. A. Nairn. Keays street. when their . daughter, Mies Ethel GMdons Nairn.' was united_ to merrier to Mr. it. Cockburn ITaye, only son of Mr. and .Mrs."R. 4'. Hays, of towu. The bride. looking lovely In a beautiful des* whlte,Jvory crepe, veiled in t'hiffon, with silver trimmings, ,sad silver Ian - ,lean and *limeys. and carrying a shower bouquet of sweetheart rosea 0 0 f' Postoffke saving deposit* and maks the rate Are and a halt per Bent. lrstwul nt three per cent. This would nearly wive the situation for the Home hank depositors so far as in- come was, cemented. and in addition would (x• of Immense benefit In almost doutdlnz the income of the million other savings dem iter*. - For this act, and aw.istanee. the other million depositors benefitted .- t1te•reby. might, end 1 believe would and friends in VV'alkeryllle, i4•pyolt. extend' their synapsttliy and influence Emelt and Washington. The lonse with the Government for (he aerie --+a wits delightfully decorated fay rhe tante of the Home Hank unfortunates', event In silver and pink. The bride In consideration of the splendid pilo - end groom left on the afternoon ('. P. lie service they would bave *Mollie G. train on a honeymoon trip to pllalaed. In addition -to preventing aay New York, the bride travelling in possible future repetition of the chain a smart costume of block marvelin, oto savings dimes -tees 11) the past. with kolltsky trimmings. and small The Government owes It to the hat to' munch. Penn their return Mr t testpte to provide absolutely sate aa. 4 anti 'Mrs. Hay.. will make their home enmmolation for slicing dego+slts. at a mistake. The press has :ever yet Claimed to be infallible. but it does take every palls to bre accurate In what it .:Rya and reports. and con- sidering the many snl.jets which are dealt with every day. end frequently In a rush In order to get the papers "out on time." it Is really wonderful how very few mistake's are made. Home TiesI l eng Enough The Minnesota co1"ge toy's letter Jack -"t .ay! How lnag did 1t to Dad Indicates en 1101451- eomplete take yen to learn to drive?" mastery of the touch system. Betty-J'Onl) four can." G. C. L Mayers To octet The G. C. T. Player hav received and accepted an , invitatio t0 give their concert play. "Phe ughing Curr" in Auban on Friday ening of next week. In his setter to riaef- pap .1. P. tfume, extending the vita - tion -Rev. W. R. Alp. of the ' . y- terian church under whom ans' era the concert w111 be given. made the lowing continent: "They left etkb good Impreaslon last year that all a eager to hear them again. The pro- eeeeds as before w111 go to the support of woo 'Manly Fingiand. Beehive the comedy. "The IaiigIting Core." Me (l. ('. I. Players wilt give R shorter play in humorous vein en- titfPcl. "dour Awful Aunt." Other num- hers on the program will be the Quar- rel' tkenr between hrune' and Cas- sius as interpreted by Robert 'Mcleod and Douglas Nairn. violin (*elections by Mi,ees Edna Hunt and Olive Wbltely. vaudeville net Totn ('ntt and Charlet, Humber. The InTHation comes in the nature of a return engagement sines it will le remembered thnt the G. C. I. Players glare their, piny. "lei (he I4arte Francais." at Auburn last year under similar auspices. Only three students who went 1n the play Inst year appear in the caste of the splen- did piece this year.' "The laughing Cure." namely. Miss Margaret Wilson. Nis. ilorlo 1Vooltrnmis• and Tom M. Cott_ Month of Grams For Motor fliers Motorists will he nnablc to secure their 1924 license plates lentil the first of February. in past years Jan- uary first has been the date on which the plates hare been avail- able. but motorists hare generally i been given several works' grace In ispeurtng them. This year. however, the markers -were not ready in self -1 ficlent quantities to satlbfy the de- 1 mond for them during January. An order•in--eouodl has. accordingly � been passed which specifies FPbru- ary first as the date upon which dis- trtbntlnn will eommenec. The month's dclny will require the Pro- vince to Tonsil° the Immediate taw' of the large revenue which the sale of licensees ormally produces during January. Living in Rope. Employer (sytnpathMlcally) : "So you've been married before, lira. Smith 1" Mrs Smith (proudly :) "Te., ma'am, three times; and if it pleases Wenn to take Mr ,Amite.. 1 knees when. 1 Pallid lay me hands niton a fifth." , 1111•M.11116 • • N w treatment tested ,$r` 0""-. 4*.i*.:o-.w •.ase w in hundreds of .a1vrsN( •vbgC'. r' Ce n ri O to o homes ouseturppatatook for Spasmodic Croup and Childre, s Colds r -sae) ,, ',r r3 icks Wins Most Enthusiastic ntario People Like Vicks Vapo Rub A CASE IN COLLINOWOOD x "anaFc )ors. Ada Whiteside, Box 217, Col- lingwo/d. Ont . writes: "i put Vicki' leteatuh on my hely brother when he had bronchitis and found it verge helpful. 1t loosened the cough and he could breathe easier. Vicks 1s a good remedy for colds nt all kinds." REPORT PROM _ BARRIE Mrs. Robert Ahepp4td of 173 in- nisflll St.. Barrie, Ont.. says: "I trir'd" Vicks Vap ltub on my litte girls for a bad sore throat and In two or three days she -a-ns as well as ever. Vine is en ,excellent remedy to -keep on hand as It Ix good for many things." ANOUS SENDS FOLLoWIN'G %ie 0• ." aw l Mrs. Jervis Keernen of Anglia, Ont, ways: "VIA,' Vap/Rub Is very satisfac- tory for a cold in tie head. I have nod it and think it is fine." Never Leta Cold Get. a Start Skcptieai at first about external treatment for cold troubles, Ontario people hate leen completely won oter by the re- markably quirk action of Vicki. V apoKub. For Vicks medication taken effect imrnedIb.teely it it ap- plied, in ten distinct ways. First it U absorbed through and rtimnlates the skin like a limament, poultil'e or plaster. Sec- ond, its ingredients are released by the body heat as vapors anti are inhaled with each breath directly ,into the UMW, throat and pangs. It is an obstinate cold that ran reefs( this direct double action. Vicks is composed of ('amphor, M ntMl, F:ucal)ptus, Th)nr, Turpentine and other of the world's best remedies for con- gesilon and inflammation --whether in the air passages, much as croup, tolls, catarrh or bronchitis, or on the surfe or, like ruts, bruises, burns, sores and stinga licks is a family standby in the States. Over 17 million jars are used yearly. During its introduction in Ontario last winter several thousaml *unpin were given out by druggists to good, responsible families, to be tested out. Alongside are reports from some of these people who nave. Welly amen - ted that their ecperietw•ew 1►e published. 1CKS VAPORUB OVER /7 MILLION JARS USED YEARLY { t". w Praise Some Reports from Ontario Families STRATFORD "SPLENDID REMEDY" Mrst1 Alfred Morron of IRP Church St., Stratford. (hit.. writes: "We cer-- tainly think Vicks k a.pl'ndid remedy for bronchitis.. We have ailed almost n fall alas' jaand the more we use the noire wonderful we think tt ts. We cannot 4p•ak too highly of Vicks noel lore re•omm,•nd,d it to all our friends." - GUELPH "ORErAT RELIEF" Mr. (l. Belida)). of 222 Suffolk Pt., Guelph. Ont , says: "I had a severe attnek of grippe and ,'old In the head. 1 applied Vicky to the nose and throat at night nn retiring and It gave me great relief." _.. LINDSAY "WONDERFUL" Mrs. A. Mont of 172 Qneen Pt., 1.Indsny, Ont.. writes: "VIcks it a ,wonderful remedy to hare In the. house. Splendid for cheat cold.* a* well ns for headache.. i have used It with gond results. , 50. A .1 iR .lT DR1'G STORES. If )0n prefer to test Vicks befine purchasing. clip thes coupon. mall tt to the V Ick ((•hemiesi Co.. S4-1 9R Paul Ott., W. Montreal, P. Q" and a free teat .Ir. paekage will be amt yogi promptly. to sa A