HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-17, Page 2$- ursday Jsettery 11, 1924
Member of l'anadian Weekly News-
paper Association
PubILbsd every Thursday morulug.
/tubortption .price $2.00 per year. To
Called States and Foreign Countries,
$2.50 per year. strictly in advance.
Tdepbooe $5 :: Goderiele Ont.
Athol McQuarrle, Managing -Editor
Thursday January 17, 1924
Have you got used to writlug
• • •
Read The Signal's advert - ug
umas and don't miss the money -dieing
oppnrtunitlea tetr merchants offer.
e\• -
The London F Press ;says tiu•re
is 110 question the Mr. Me•ighen is
"the right man in right plats,"
Why should the F. P. wish to keep.
Mr. Medghen iwrwauentl . lo the tit)
position leadership?
• • •
Mr. Meighen .at. the Ottani'* Gov-
ernnfent in spending tea) much money.
We ag''cr with him. The present
Oovernmeut i.. not spending as much
as Jlr. Meigheu's (,4,vernmeut did,
tett we believe there could be still
further retrenchment.
None Better
is the finest uncolored green
tea procurable in the world.
8upertor to the beet Japan*. - Tr7► it.
lug Out that there are 100,000 people
in the elty's environs, The Star says:
"Toronto must enter again upon a
is to keep Rase w-Ith tuber cities is
population -growth. 1t is not a good
advertisement for the city . when its
populatlun appears 10 Increase on
shout 10.000 ler year." )a this a
Joke, or is The $far atflktid with
*eine wort' of mild inanity?
• •
Nolssly likes taxes. Fainters con-
demn the eugltomx'tarlff, merchants
condemn the sales tax,' others don't
like the income tax. Ile* is the
country's revenue to he raised? Thp
l'anadlau Manufacturers' - Asaoclr-r
• • •
!Deluding pur•halew price of errs, up-
keep and d• pre•iation, as well as the
l'euny Rank Is now conducted in
more than fifty Ontario public schools
outside Toronto. , Ooderkh has one
and so has Harriston. Since tiles
bte 'part
of the edumetional system of ac'Ica)ls
In otter towtlk. sorely Wingham does
not wish to be deprived of the beni-
fita which the opening of a Peppy
(lank would confer. As the Mlnlater
of Education has shrewdly said:
"Thrift need-. to 1e eneouragel as
destiny and persiatently as good man-
ners or as any other desirable habit."
The fenny hank hale long sines passed
the experimental stage. Ito ability
to promote -elk practice of thrift
among school children is amply reel -
lied by the monthly balance sheet.
Gott ham owned a statement denouncing
Hae sales tax and other forms of dir-
ect taxation and urging that the
(levrrumeut should rely for Iter -rev-
enue chiefly on the customs tariff.
Itutvfit tin• ole time the l'.. M. A.
• expense of maintaining motor high -
,like to have the tariff raised
so high\ that there would be no lee
wad's, Hon. W. F. Sickle mays t'he
.people of ;ware"spout more on Atlto-
portatkin: ud consequently me revenue.
mobil•, last year than the tonal ratiteawn the a Ir. thing lett for.the Mln-
of the crops of tlw Province. That ;-ter of Einem* tit do would be to
to someethiug to think about. 1 take alt $ evohestlon.
• • • y _
• . •
The rr(0as•taw to a new ,town hill
-A-ptrase of the nn4mtploymrut-gmw=
to Mayor Gallows address to the new tion Is developing .at Toronto. A
council should he followed as quick- numbeer.of men. from ;the Old Country, ty as possible by definite action. Gude., who teatime to ('anrda` agl harvesters
are stranded in. the eft', .where they
r v sadly in • f Mie 1-
techs y n nod o a pr and
t�uatt.'x1rr. The mutate
hare- been teurbte to obtain employ -
and othergathre _ Went. The Ik,mltelen Govertimeut has
tderaMe rr-
I offered them farm Jobs and will give
teem transportatiou to their \ Jobs.
Mit the men, who worked at`.city-
So far ass be announced, -there Las i trades lu tine Old ('urates, want, to
been no definite re-ult from the meet- • remain in the city un the sharer Of
lag of Messrs. ('reran std Dunning getting employment !later on. In •the
with Premier King at Ottawa; yet the tneantlme they are hetet( supported „ley
conference may have far-reaching ctarltrbt� orgnnlamtlun! ;'oder The
Toronto Star's emjeloymeat insurano..
e•neequetae•4es. Eamrt and. Weer__•
reconcile their deffereneen if l'anada ' �" we prevrutoe these sen would i
le to he governed wisely. and an ex -
tee in reeler 01 (;evernmt�iit doles I
the farmers whose offers of!
change of viewpoints should he de-
finitely helpful. ^.- i employment they refueo-aroted have:
• • • I to help to pt1y, .
There is always something to woe ,
ry about. The sumer elected to the CONT1sNP R.1R1 OPINION i
itrittsh Parliament are now much agl-! Advinee Warrdtng
tared over the question of wearing (Ila lou '1'ralwa let
ints or going bnnhead.sl In the
Thla enuutry wilt Moe 14.000.0001
l -s
lionise. If they decide against hats, In whoantohm.ddme-nna11Ythat1111 enhed of 1924,2t, Teeniest ria n'e
what faelden shall they *eat their 'elm nee., of helps inn fiver velli - v
hair? 1f lints are to iw worn, what lnfprovel by 4,000.000 corer 1923,
shale, style and (-dor?
• - Irene Castles Ha■Ilaadlt
• s (Winghaei Advance
ili.ngr,•me•nt has token' among Irene castle. of the ot feet.
the European lowers as to the meso- 'tents; marresl a Ikeatetatnis hen a
erg of 'a sentence in the treaty ot-•c'aptain. ttrkl now bei latest eiemuiwl-
C,•rsatilles. aril the dispute hinges' tion is n major. Looks like a\rrnk
ensiu.•ss all through, Evidently,' too.
upon the quo:thin whether a comma rhe Joh of king of the ('antic Inst 41
should or should not be in a certain of being a little shnergtre le a lit e
place. At,'interm.tionnl eooferr•nee le. proceeds•.
being held to decide flu• matter. 1 -et
many pople have a notion that punct- I Ne'fd for Penny Bank
(Winatham 'Advanr)
torlum o
for entertainm.
Saga would' make, a
duction in 11e interest
• • I a •
uatlon 14 unimportant. Wth the absorption of the Bank of
• • •
The ('onr.er-atice.. of Western lamer-'
10 had a hid gathering :it 1,n..Ion last
Friday. They halquetted Mr.l
Nleighen. Jumped on the King Govern -
mens with hobnailed hoots, and prom-
tsel themselv,'a flbe sport the nett
time they go gunning for Oras. la
short. a good time was toad by all
present. Th, -s• jolhtical banquet* are
great for getting tnu• lops going.
• • •
There Is n proposal to tender a
complimentary dinner to members of
the British Parliament who have igen
In prison. The Manchester Guardian
irlfieC r-,wentevet ,etre *oute-
be Invited, Including "conselentiopr
objectors,", offender.. ngalnet the 'De-
fence of the Realm Act, violent sup-
porters of the suffragette movement
apo others. 14veu more interesting
would be a dinner to M. P.eo who)
Deere were In prison but .Mored he
• • •
The London Advertiser advoeat.a
collection of the F'eleral and muni-
e1pa1 Income tnvev, by one orgnniza-
tlon, instead of leaving two separate
collections. Why not go one better
as pr,pnwvl some years RICO by one
of our Gnderleh merelennts--end have
all the tare* for munielpnl, l'r.'hnein!
and Federal purposes coll.s-N'd lis the
municipalities on the munielpnl aerie-
ment and then dietrihutel to the
varicella (Tomlin( hodiew? The eating
in the eo11 of collection would he
ilamilton by the Canadian . Bank of
('ataseeree, there le u" longer nn to,
stltutlon In town where the school
children may deposit savings. of less
than a dollar. The ('hri.tmas ('tub of
the Bank of Hamilton <erred a dis-
tinctly u1efnl .purywrwe In en('ouraging
*neong children the habit of thrift.
Now, the quotation mince, Is the good
wed thus planted to be• allowed to
die for want of proper attention. The
local sehoot board might well con-
' thane. etre 'work whfrb !the Bank of
Hamilton bieg*n hy opening a branch
of the Penny Savings Bank here un-
der the direction of the principal and
teat -hers of the public school The
• • •
Toronto ban grown Immensely in
the la* twenty years, but It t: not
growing fs•t enough. I1 01'0ms Point
"SAVED My Life
Read this true statement
"1, Mr.. Clayton, have suffered
from Bronchitis for year• and
found relief only in Buckley'•
Bronchitis Mixture. I consider
this to be • wonderful remedy
end wouldn't fw without it in the
house, •nd 1 am frrmty con.
vinced that it saved my life."
Mn- W. Clayton. 90 Uxbridge
Ave., Toronto.
B.eklej • is s teal to
relieve with this very first dose,
roughs, rolls and bronchitis.
Got • bottle at your druggist's
1 -
ftokl In (ioderlrh ley ('nmpbelt's Drag
t .a Store and H. 1'. Dunlop,
Winners' hers' Auto Justified
February Rod and Gun In Canada
There h Interesting readiug for ''
every sport.wnn In the February la -
sue of Rod and eltc '11)10 '11
eluding test it does .10- ;• 1 tr'i ,ele
dealing with deer n
Mg, fishing and 1, o r: .lg. 111 011)'
graphing wild life, qn ' ' Cos !
and ammunition, tali • hoc,
articles on tri% dug
int; kennel .11111 rtm..o,
"A Allary of tie - '
lug t'Iuti' 1 y I'arotd Tarim,. 5174 ,e
good naeoonr 4.1 rel+ -•'•w .
and 1s written In an t •tg )a1 stele
Ikinm-caatle hale. t r well 1 ane'• •
Canadian nahlreliet of ova 'Scene
routlnuree tis article on "'Camera 'but-
ting lefrre„the 1tea1ro11' ore -ll tU NOM
Serena" welch le written w 11* the e'tth-
or's eagle and ability • We make her
contributions ontatann')•.tr. "An Inell•et
Enoch Arden" by Mart •'t 'tender 'e
nn Intereeting. yarn. will... -Toilette.
the Wilderness" i'y It( itra.eleT ''- sn
article dealing with the •v'e nese, .
ossa r}_tdir kiln bras,tyo •dolts- �cl.e..e>L..
will he of Interest t - )-14
are planning frtew e 1'mnd
Specials Befor - Stoc
20 pieces of 32 inches wide. Inip rrtrd •Gib
hams in broken and neat checks, wase
Omni, browns, blues, 'and woven
C sorts.' Every pattern is •t'Ieet.
quality and colors warranted. Jai' •JS
per yard. 7
1111 C
ittry at
Rest quality (•'auadian ply Pure Select
Wool Knitting Yarn. Greys, heather, black
and ..-h.tx, h.eswtt. fessisay At. 1a
his first nether.. ••BIN:--• nd M
which opens a .erre-v on (rna "-
Riede..,a *detect on welsh th's welt•
le an authority. M. 1' notes. a r...
per of long . xieripm•e. has h!e dt..
pertinent filled with inters•:• f^• ""
trapper. while F' V. wi'"*"e• has ••.n-
trltnttced an amus!n:r -eine of "'
Tale Thviee T .kl " W' (' Hon".• •,.r.4
F- H. Walker ore n' r-"' •' ie
with good departments •1.0 a c,^
formin t an e-pd•lelly le-er•e•'e r..
hire of "Kennell": ()nee .end Am•n•env
tion H Iarrtlenlartr levee -Ms yr "•-
(Hanover Post ) with first class *rtI"'•••. by - J' ^ -
ieretel-..:\shier A tTatnee Ferri.7 o
ante n Targe' number of in '1e. 4_'
.t sane and well -port plea for the f4r-
mer s right to the convenience, con-
tort and advantage of an automobile
Is contained In the "Farm Topics"
column of the Toronto'Glotw:
"'Me ar a 11 e .
eragv ()uteri() farmer lire.
threw to five mitre from town and has
no street ear to take itlm to that town
for the purcta.r of supplk... free his
family and business. Futhermore, hr
m1441 make .a trip there about ob4' -*
week with milk. cream, eggs or sone
other small amount of perishable pro-
duce, which can 1e more rapidly and
ec'nnomlcctlly conveyed In a car than
in any other vehicle. The t.o,,t of the
light ear, and there are few others
owned along the c)twmleslma lines, 1s blood IS amazing. and most women are
Mit -.lightly higher than that of arhere be no comparison' in speed. ea rrless abut the consllrton of their Thrb +
deemoorat 41'fth home and hams*. and blood.Their mert„w are quickly .1- such a:6;
the p)glolble exeeptl'on of the countrT ferrel; they worry Over' trifles and do ii; eompneee sone and i. r
physician. no Ie•r«rn ;rose more need of not obtain refre.Aiing slop. Ther raking of ca
ear for hn..Suess pnrywses°than the
may Sue mtomach trotbl'e and head- far divt-act w
farmer. To lire this machine a • an ache*, shortness of breath and a tint- Ides soli d t
leering of the heart. Tb(e la a condli-
Indic•atiou of the agrk•ulturist:.s pros- tion that Mtn for Dr .W'ttlawa' Pink nOswlsoper
utility. however. is alines( I•tusurd as. Pitt.. fife Mooch-im ren•`
to argne that the average laborer In P tmR. AervPry-
etoring tonic. Mrs. Wilt+ams Henry,
ttk city must b• snaking hlg wage. he- Lovett Street, London. Ont , has pmv-
rnause he tees-asstree•t ear in going to ed the ratite of thaw pills. end nays:
and from his work." "I had a very severe attack of anar
Maes farmrro are twits,. or three' mist. i was always tired :nd the tenet
themes five miles from their nearest:
meeker, and moat often make more
thing would make m0 nick at the itom-
trip,week- temente* the Meet
retur . foriNr.i;ice. Another argument
for the auto Is that perishable proems.
reaches the market in totter detention
and sells-wUer. -Still another 1s that
the work 4M the farm ran often go on
without interruption while the nitro
Is on the wa market and task.
T114' sorea] el recreational edven-
tags. of It Id justify the lureeet-
ment Involved.. Powtibly In some cases
for a while too much time is spent in
this way. Rnt the novelty soon wears
off anti the auto la ogled quite se den -
sib's: *!t rhe horse and\buggy or demo-
e'rat of the port. .
Wow 2„. tautaliwies' all wool Serge' and
Tricotiuex, neatly trimmed. Good styles,
well made, a -I this season '24 1111 0.00 to $25.00
011 title •
$5.00 t0 $12.50
Formerly $12.00' to . $5,00 to $25.00
$10.00 at. frotjt .
;iii -Melt alt wean E,igIiah Cheviot Barger
tuedtuiu weight avi(Ewrfet't shade of lldd
rant; navy for coats a rtrirnr send for sample.
Regular X75, at
Vaal -Fingering, 4'ply, best quality.
•ry sake Black, greys, heather. .. $1.25
.bite, per lb.
W. Acheson &
per card $1.50
• • -J
r, fur va)Ie, Tells Kiwanian. the
.. • v and '.slur of the
tt*t ■ a e.v Town frees
-ten sero to the Barrie Siwalik
( :.^). ',1-•• ;tie visiting "nww•galer-
mca w' ' eeuents at the we gkly lure/A-
eon' vu.- decently. E. Roy :Sayles.
mummer 1 the ('tinedlan Weekly
Newgan•r .tvdaoeatton, made a brief
address., .
nted_ogt lt. vel
What They Need to Il'*tetre
Health and Vitality
ty -
The w-on'ul win. feels tired out. wlu,
aches all over when she rises In the
morning. wl.o hole denr••esed most of
the time, neo(' the he'', that Dr. Wit-,
Ilam+ I'Ink P111.can�ij-e her --nom ,MP r.__
rich blood and -*renter nerves. The the coml.,. -. .
number of disorders ..nosed by poor its ehief-f; c.
e ('ommunity !fees•
i serves and mnme Of
ratty home nslwapiipe.
.•e of w teb the e'.W.N.A.
said t
doing a
nada. He
11041 the •*•v
all to wuppor
Inc of the
Menace to Mrrehenta
( Wtngham Advance)
i The LIstowe, Ilanner'j*lleves tha
one serious menace to merctiandlsing
today.• more particularly, perh*pe. in
the *=mailer towns, is the gritwing
tendenr'y of one dealer to "butt 1n"
on the other fellow'* busine•sti. wt4('h
looks wt profitable that be attempt/,'
to handle it as a gliaeline end thnw
helpe to -pall the thing for every.
The Moire is right; tbere 11+ al-
t her too much of this commerc-
ial oti'gl'ahnees. 1t, may he that prne-
tlee is a survival from the time
whole\ evert` rural storekeeper was
praetieelly a general merchant, and
handled ' everything, from whiskey
and needles to ca)tlskln coats null
eel lee.. NOmetier: The progressive,
-Modern ttrtrn lava since outgrown the
need tared, for much prnmioetoue
m4r'handising. Th lm Is the Age of
multiplied and direr.ifled wants
which have g en rime to a degree.of • .pe iallsat in prement•day
store -keeping qu a unsusp etch hy
our grandmothers.' The result Ie that
merchants find tlepmwlvee more and
more hmpedleet• thropgh the - exigen-
cies of !pace and ee Ital to restrict
rhllvew .[g *WVf •k
preferably, with whleh, they are- well
*equaltttert Neverthele there con -
flatters to he -.too mush overlapping
anti until this condition ' Is. righted
Tines will 1* Incomplete and orders
will gin to the eltlee, where *election
1a' tttctatrit by ?pommel tette renter
than hy the limitations of loen1
Dearing nn tills point n story 1-
tull of how the retire...netttite of -1
chain store went into n N,'w Eng
land town where slide a condition
prevailed. He in4 ee,l the chairman
of the hien! ('ioniser of commerce.
'to trail a meeting of the merehnnt.
before whom lie laid his remedy. The
rettIleetM who up M that time lied
been dis,•o:it. sired and jenlotte of
nee another. and were selling not
and hearing town and doing other
things !e slur their tack of tenth
111011 • pt ace. were at haat induced
to try- the new plan it worked. in-
side of a year easiness hail •n IM -
trot -ed for all that the merehnnte
lfrrame wedded to the prinelple of
each man "shinnying on 111s own mess are gone.
tilde." Went worked in Now Rngl*nd Ask any denag'st fur a jar of Resoles
111evi`. '1 '1 ..or'. In R'intlu,m nod Red Pepper Rub. Be sure to get the
ether ts' ns in Vee -:,ern 4)nt*rlo .(t genuine, with the ;same Rowles on each
least it would •cem worth a trisi.i WOW&
part 1* the
t1*e day.
ral c.mmun-
thelr (1nme
me•Ms a town can have Is * Rood pap-
er in fact it it were not for their
papers bit;ie would to knnyti of the
towns throughout the country.
The duty of the newspaper Is to in-
form and, ale. to Correct. Ther' i1 nu
man whose work is sortlj4s•t to sal
ash I ceroid hardlyscrutiny than the now p'rtnaII
_ go about and Main _people think they know how
suffered fete b jmlt' tea M my legs run a paper is•tter than hr does. A
from cramps. 1 had no color. In my trial might es,avinv' then otherwise.
face and was es white as a sheet. The A great service Is Ireing rendered bt
doctor gave me several kinds of mels- the local newspaper sod it merits the
eine, tmt eonldenot understand wiry 1 hearty support --only In this way can
did not get rewrite from It. Then 1 It serve its avmmuuity- to the beat
went -to a hospital and was there for - advantage
tlir*'t months, tout tame home no bet The community newspaper appeals
ter than when 1 went My Mendel to the local community. It doe. not
were w•orrkd and feared ermenmptIon.
While i was still in this condition a
friend advised me to try 1)r. Williams'
Pink. rills. i tried them and after a
time felt they were helping me. and I
gladly eontinue'd their i •r :Ind am
thankful to say that i nm again a well
woman. and 1 firmly believe that had
11 not been for Dr. Williams Pink
Pills i'would not have got tetter."
t The new vel* tax will not irer'aw.
the. price of 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills,
net the eompant- pays the tax. You
ran 'still obtain the rills through any
malleins dealer nt :,O rents a box, or
by mall, poet paid. at )hie prem, from
The i)r. Williams' -Merlic'ine Co„
BrorkvItle. Ont.
A Common Custom
Golf la not mentioned In the n1Me.
though we lentil of Jelin that he
lroce furiously.
"Cascarets" 10c
if Sick, Bilious,
"They Work Whits You Sleep"
When you feel sick, dIzoy, upset, when
>yg_-j[rjd•• 1* dell .e aekino_ or you;
stomach fn sour or gassy, just take one
or two pleseent Caoeareta" to relieve
constipation and biliousness. No griping
-Must cathartic -laxative' on earth for
Men, Women and Children. 10c boxes,
also 25 and 50c sizes -any drug store.
The heat of red peppers takes the
"ouch" from a lame back-
lore. it can
not hurt sem, and it certainly mos the
torture at once.
When you are offering so you can
hardly get around, just try Red Pepper
Rob, and you will have the quickest re-
lief known. Nothing has such concen-
trated, penetrating heat as red peppers.
Just as soon u you apply Red Pep.
per Rob ye. will feel the tingling heat
len three minutes it warms the sore spot
through and through. Pain and snre-
wish to ('ompete with the daily. The
latter has Its plane and the loath
newspaper has no quarrel ,with it. "in
these days, much is heard of the youth
being dra*n by the magnet to the elt-
iee while the country suffers. 'tyle
home paper is helping to bring the
country and town more elos.ely togeth-
er to develop a community , %grit
of benefit to both.
/fr. tlayies-urged Kiwroiaas and
others to macre larger use of the home
newspapers for exchanging Idrwa. "1f
you have something worth while to
say, why not write It end s.•tsl it to
the newspaper?" be naked. Ex-
change of thought Is of gnat value.
ideas that would Improve cow nnni its
Ideals and bring loan and :-.amity .lu
to rinser relatleisdtip"
iitsnkiug of the e,.rreetit-e fatter:on
of a w'wsprpef. Mr. :Leyte. still -that
editor.. are usually t•areful nein and
very rarely revengeful. When critic•
Sam lo offend it is generally 10 mildly
correct anal keep the rromwnnity Woi
•ing along rate and wane 1l► s . The
home pttjwr is doing a real ..•ryi.e
"Srrt•ke." the ..e'ske'r (tw.•Inned "only
eonstglts of doing snmethlug for some-
body which mentally 1. ueflts that
wointeemly• hiw'aliIs ('lila- ere-
r. glvhlg
service, particularly in their week, for
boy atleits. said Mr .Presto.,
"Thee grratesI duty of citizen. 1• t..
cep mitre fie ;setter thing•..^ deelar
ed Mr. $*yl,'... "and there 14 no nndinm
that guru your mesee:ge mirii Nems.
to the honors of the people u. d.s•s the
home newrejap'r. What. ver Kiwauis
(lots or nt1(•'r organizations are pro
tooting for the betterment of the
community. hearty, .upment deli be d.•
gentled mien from rhe hook. Ions
Also Like a Fish
1Le11n: I►iek's awfnily {..•:ienl.
Rlten 1 "'.epttcl him b.' said he
felt like• an initMgratit entering a
..range (stunt ry."
(Omuta: "11'"11, so he was
stella: "An i oteigrant. •1.11*- "
1loom. : "111,.1'1 In• j ea 'J, .1, •I
App/opeCnrsain is Nostrils To
Up Air Passages.
Canadian Parifk_-New Toronto-
• Sudbury Steeper
Tra4,il•rs to Sudbury wi1l apprec-
iate the 04w liuitbury deeper which
*ties Toronto Prion Station at 10
poi dally, in Caua,llan Pacific. train
This sheerer alt be oceuplel at
Toronto at Wee pm., and passengers
may remain In the .deeper a1 Sudbury
until h.:10 a.m.
• Any (amollan I'a4'ttir agent will
arrange r'-.•rratbas.
Abl Whst relief! Teter clogged nos-
trils open right up, the air passages of
your lead are Blear and you can breathe
freely. No more hawking, mating,
mucous discharge. headache, dryness -so
struggling for breath at night. your cold
or catarrh is gone.
Don't stay'stuffed up! Get a small
bottle of, Ely's Cream Balm from your
druggist . now.• Apply a little of this
fragrant,' antiseptic cream in your nos -
Lib', lot it penetrate through every air
passage of ,the bead: soothe and heal
the swollen, inflamed moon membrane,
graving you instant relief. Ely's Cream
Balm is just what every cold sad s
tarsi sufferer has been asking. It'.
just splendid -
Waists Kimonos Draperies
Skirts Dresses + inghatns
Coats Sweaters Stockings
liamond Dyes
F,arh 15 -scot package id 'Diamond romaine dlrrrtn.ns •o simple say
woman can dye or tint any .14, woes,
faded thing aim, even If s1• Ira. never
dyed before. Drug stores sell all cams.
Instantly! End Indigestion
or Stomach Misery with
"Pape's i)iapepsin"
1+ .nen as you eat a tablet or two
.f "1'.tpw's Ulaja'psin" your indlple•stem
• gone! limey pain. lwarthern, rata-
1,•.we, gases, palpitation, or any marry
from :t soot, aci.l stomach .ods.- Cm-rw-t
your stomach and digestion for a few
ecru Each package guaranteed by
We AM ;bis week in the midst of stocktaking. To ��``��
Bees we intend to dispose of certain Ladies' and Men's Wrest at re,
markable low prices. Call and take advantage of these bargains.
Monarch Blankets
Monarch Blankets, white with pink and
blue borders, and grey, with pink and
blue borders. Whipped singly. Size,
11 x 4. All first quality. Per pair, $2.35.
Ladies' Coats
Of Velours and Duvetynes. A few dif-
ferent lines at specially attractive prices
for before- Stock -taking. $9.50, $12.75,
$16.50 and $25.00.
Men's Overcoats
Of all -wool Blanket Cloth, 3 -piece be!t.,
nice comfortable garments for c o 1 d
weatl'ier, well tailored, at special prices
for before Stock -taking Sale $15.00,
517.00 and $22.50.
Ladies' Seamless Hose
Knitwell, full-fashioned Ladies'
Hose, wide top, brown heather,
heather and fawn heather. Price
pair. 69c.
Men's Mackinaw Coats
All -wool Blanket Cloths specially priced
for before Stock -taking Sale. Two lines
at $6.45 and $7.95.
Boys' Overcoats
Balance of our Boys' Overcoats to clear
at very low figures for before Stock-
taking Sale. 57.00 and 18.50.
West Side
of Square GODERICH