HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-10, Page 8F Thursday Jlinuary 10, 1924 Britain a 'Welcher"? A Chbugu Iwo:jate•t• prints a sap ou War tato sl gi•atinruainod giver it the caption: -The Iw•al;ue of Weicbcrsl' I;rltahs is heeIuiled In this map, bel Finns- "'111* In1A.r Party rising to , power fu Greet Britoil.- will he for' British regweWtt.on AltUe 1a.erIeatil Attd jet a day ur two before this leadlag journal thus mi[reepegented our beet lieteraatioaal ally, the Caked etatew 'Treasury at Watetingtse re- ceived a Itrittels rewittonee of 3E1.- 000,000 to apply ou priu.•lpal. This is tL additlou to the lie:3 Interest pay '' tue•nt of 1313s,000,000. ' Title same (Yikago 141x* r, 1 i house not avowedly anti-British, a bluer ; January Clearance Sale of Millinery FOR iday, Jan.11 t6, and Saturday, Jan. 12th and following week Smartly becoming versions of the greatly reduced prices. $5.00 to $7.00 models, at. . . . ; _,$3.50 $7.50 to $10.00 models, at $4.75 $8.50 to $12.50 models, at $5.75 Sailor Hats in Plush and Velvet $1.75 Children's Plush Hats and Tams, at...... $1.50 Children's Beaver Hats $2,50 Sport Hats, in Felt $ I.50 and $2.00 These Hats are of remarkable quality, style and value. winter mode at Your inspection is cordially invited. MISS MacVICAR Kingston Street Goderich THE SIGNAL, 'rah. at Litertul- of John ILII ,old uaaaners), autaatlstes prints a letter from a subacrtber returned from }England, uhu has beeu impressed by the Feet of goys' will to America over ;hen, •'l uderwwill Ili surfa.r'palo0I.tiat rlie•y extol 11." k the intimattl,tt, "the Itritu.s cherish nothing but hostility for their Amerh•an rousing. ,Ir Trope OM every tioW alai ,het/. and 'a: uu- raistisk hie " 11'e do not benevc there is ciwultlt walks. toward Uncle Sam ht the 111111,0 K1'111,U n to eN vera �"• I"• .temp. 1.,I alou•.• a vfhagte. town or .11 V; we hat`.• lead tm,) 111 MY proofs of ltriflwh ssrtsliatity from • Tornnei... 1u the Tteo•hev. to Prowler- In I'aTlla- Meta ; ne'r ' Kupls'. Ihe•re NeYe:. littl0f now then as ,. tiles t rr,osl•t ..f stN,11 an sa11''''h1.r4 i'tag.:'- . . est pati -isle« sta.•.etl-t•rllr 118• doli•g of a very difficult . au• r. -1.3 UI1I t: tentelhlug �'.tu_dlift=1._ it to do. tint w:n.t,ed A., just for rat. ••,tl' of,: your clean record au.1 th • w• f•ri+alt•1•t owl Iudollelu .:u.r of you children wu.l 11.1 •1r.,n' hi;,lreu ; w eu. lu the stilt- as the foto ..it•;¢: 'Voile! - GODERICH, ONT. wow df pailney (Cotutt1I. o.- calling for all your gfeaoun•e•t and *11 you eau sag or borrow, you go deeper to your pue•k,•r sad tont it inside out to pay a 1111th• debt of honor -whop this hap- pens. and your creditor later on prints I 'a list of til. dt•htoa mud includes your tett. and tidal* a sign over it saying "Imager of \1'elebera--wouldn't it make/you mord, sore, boodle, spiteful. uJ4 * onlsac, vengeful. and everything else mean. menacing and mwltelonts? eertyiuly %out,' not fill you with, tit t 'a rs u l and glorious fooling- of I. ,,,t.•rly Sure nl,prntn• n••• t irl.tmas aunt the New Ieti .-{'Mesa,, triti-h .ltucr:•au. Says . Vicks ad in JL `s Only Remedy D ON'T rHI t • THE ATCH; TET Can Yon Hear / Pt.ce watch to earthen dr.. \ / .w� Y ..hods losock et S i.Wa.. ..Drees re s IS rant 0##•#/#0.0111 roref PIOMr Mem* LEONARD EAR OIL retie"•. haelt Head Noises d• e. and De .e. let rob a back of e.» read rase/pia re..0 , Prete $us F., sate E,.rv..lo..- Intenae.nl deo rrprrve older sen, risen reque.r. A. 0. LEONARD. foe. 7e Sth Ave New York i // l) MARK DOWN SALE Our Entire Stock of Fine Fall and Winter Apparel Sacrificed for Immediate Clearance Due to our policy that no merchandise shall be carried over, drastic reductions are enforced on all,remaining fall and winter garments, offering sensational values in every line. Come early for best selections. NOTE PRICES BELOW Coats Marvelia Coats, in throe shades, black. navy, grey, all silk lined, tritnm(d with tucke and have newest collars. Regular 138.50 for . .:.............. ... 124.50 Normandy, Velour and Duvetyne Coats. tegula r 144.50, for 180.00; $31.50 for 126J0; 1128.76 for 124.00; 128.00 for 12.4.00.• Skirts All wool crepe, flannel, homespun and serge'. Price., ranging from 12.25 to 116.50. Dresses Canton Crepes, Charnlew,e batin. Crepe de Chenees and Veleta, all specially :educed. Regular 1,33.00 for 125.00; $25.60 Ilor 122.00; $22.50 for 119 S0; $14.50 for $12.00. Hose Our Wool iior•ewill bory the winter weath- er. All roloro, an plain or rihbi'l, from 69c to 11.95. If your pocket book be your guide Walk In ROYAL -LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR COMPANY East Side of Square GODERICH, ONTARIO For the Second Week of Our Before Stock - Sale We are offering a Special in White and Grey Flannelette Blankets ibex Blankets, largest sine, 12 x 4, white, with pink or blue bo singly. Also Grey Blankets, pink and blue borders whipped_ Friday. Saturday and Monday, OCIPM a pair. Ladies' Coats Of Velours and Duvetynes. A few dif- ferent lines at specially attractive prices for before. Stock -taking. $9.50. SI 2.75. $16.50 and $25.00. Men's Overcoat:, Of all -wool Blanket Cloth. 3 -piece belts, nice comfortable gatr.'r' ';a for •, o I d weather. wVl1 tailored, special prices for before Stock -taking' ;ale. $ 15.00, $ 17.00 and $22.50. West Side Men's Mac inaw Coats All -wool Blanket Cloths specially priced for before Stock -taking Sale. Two lines at $6.45 and $7.95. Boys' Overcoats Balance of our Boys' Overcoats to clear at very low figures for before Stock- taking Sale. $7.00 and $8.50. • OORNFIELD AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS 0 f.1-',•' GODERICH For Croup • •T - -- -- s ( Quebec Mother Enthusiastic Over Vaporising Salve . Fvery• mother %antsi'her children 1 ba active 111111 to` grow strong ^-+ • • :gL outdoor p.ay. frequent i +l,• their 'vitality, cause loss a..: e' !standing, and keep young - ,t, •• puny :sal delkate. V '' who use Vicks VapoRub f ••liiidrer•'s ('olds find that the kld- i' s cal, -:ay outdoor* and that their col -troubles 1•:na usually- be checked Appded externally, Vicks acts like a liniment or poultice. In addition. the iugrediepta are vaporized by the hotly heat and are inhaled directly into the !Malawi air passages. This double o. Mon gnkkly loosens upa cold. Mrs. Leon Crandall, Box 247. Lake Mogantic, Quebec. writes: "I used Vicks VapoRub for my little girt when ale kid -croup, and I found that It relieved her at once. It is WEAK,RUN DOWN AND AILING Lydia E. Pinkha- m's Vegetable Cat pound Brought Relief Wish Other Medicines Failed Port hlanu, :t. C. -"I took Lydia E. Pink ham' a Vegetable Compound because 1 was tired and run- down. 1 had head- aches and no appppes-- tite andwutrodbled for two years with sleepiest/me a. t tried many medicines, but PUBLIC NOTICIII Al'YL1W?IOr TO PARLIAH}:X'1'. A Notice Is hereby given that an rep:' plicadou will be made by the t_urpura- tiou of the Town of Godorkh. to the legislative Asw•mbly, of the I'roviute of Oytario, at Its next Session for a Special Act to enipower the weld ('urs anon to rake by way of loan on the credit of 1to debentures the sue of 32:1,100.00. to pay a floating debt of the said Corporation, aiwwnttug to the said emu of $33,000.00. and which has arisen by mason of yearly deficits on current accounts front. time to tonne. And which have lur•u carrieirl by the 7bwn'f. lank, and to ewi,•wer the notht did me an said (lorporetun to late. a by -leas for n ) tlr' l,purpose of rahetug said u•oa'ey 1111 real good.While 1 •hr• credit et the wt(.1 debentures, was living in Wash - without obtainin • the consent of the ington 1 was recom- k mendedhyaatrunier et.•tora ut-the .old Town of Gtwle• to take Lydia E. rich. to the puasing of "edit bylaw or Pinkham's Vegeta- + t..++.• -rima the t.ornwiitrt, do rrI*tian Lha Compound.' 1 amstronger and feel thereto prescribed bytl I ( 11 i toe -since then and aim able to -40 /fir- x -manual Jit.. Itlt''_' . The lux,ct•.ai,: of boua: work. I am willing for you to tht• -81,1 d. 1•cutnm s In 1». nihdlr.f •uk•ty nee these facts as•testimonial. "-jure. to 11 purpose of diechurging the said J. C. GREAVF,S, Port Mann, B. C. floating debt of at2. INi. Feels New Life and Strength The existing dere debt of the Keene,N. H. -"I was weak and run- *ai*aidMunh•ipitlity is 5218.923.42 tex- down and had backache and all rtorta of rlu•Icr of local impmnpment debts troubled which women have. I found secured by steels! acts, rates or #18/104101- #18/104101- ata - at relief when talons Lydia E. Pink- ment.or ..l._wiwra-too-l.rlari4yal er..inter -mss _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS to NOTICE TO ORE11l'rOR:I.-IN THS matter of the Estate •.l %llliage Bell, late of the Towe ut liudertch. in the County o1 Huron, Laborer, de► ,seedNOTINOTICE 14 hereby glee, that all I, r.un.. having claims sr demands against the bald 'late William James alto died ou or about Ute fif- e yr•utl. da,v of December. A. 11. 1923, of 111.. 3•41 14 1.0a of (;uderleh. aro w mi•sted to send on or -,before the lull 4181' of Jauuery, A. 11. lira, by 1.0-i Prepaid or' deliver to Ilays 4 11 • Berri..tera, tioderieh. omen),), .o,1�• ,r •rs for the Executor, Julio New- cuurl+•• their names end addre•:••s r-rlsail fhtl iknlara, ditty verified -1,v stn .tktn- • tars l rattea or affidavit, .•1 their cluitn. sad nature of seeur;n, s. it any.• IPA 17 them. '- +- AIDAID?Aisle NOTICE .l' s`ter the 1941 - day of Jauuure. A. 1, lx•':41 tire -said aid i:.0ecutor w•ih l;Iu. sal to 11*- t x 'ou*ol 1 ate tril.utr 111 a. .r. ,.r tltet.-,tail--•fro .ea- ed.-aa*!,att-tbe persona (ilitfre..t-nccree- 10.. Iwvioaf .asgard iinly to the claims of a titch he shall Then leave had ry.tice, I bud tle.•t the raid executor t+iti not 1st• liable for the said .assets. .r any tart th. rn,f, to any persons whose. •'falm reelce shall ,tut have ,.•n re► vetoed. Mint or-(lort,,t'i ll Bile reilt day, of Deeomta•r .1 L. 19'-.1. HAYS & IiAi'R4 Molkitnts for gin }:x•cutor. For ga.d.priuting evt.me to The SignaL ham's Vegetable C mpound and I also ,.,t i. In arrear sand the, reasons fpr used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative r..guiring. a further isrue of debentures Waah. I am able to do my work and feel 1111-#. above u.ce set out. new life and strength from the Vegeta- ble Compound. 1 am doing all 1 tan to M. G. Cameron advertise it"- Mra. A. F. HArIIOND, Solicitor for the Applicant. 72 Carpenter Street; Keene, N.H. Dated *1 Golerleh. this 31st Sick and ailing women everywhere day of December. 19a in the Dominion should try L dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cotnp O T - AGENTS WANTED - AUCTION 1!l. ('AKU (W THA\KA ]ten or women. E I. Mrs. Mary Snyder at•d family wish to expr.sa tlttir ttutuka for the many ' kindnesses ah..wn ths'ni in their recent sudden bereavement in the death of daughter and sister. and also to those who *tent floral tributes. the ' only remedy for croup and I would not be without: it." At all drug stores. 5ek• a Jar. For a free test size package, write Vick (9temk•al Co., 344 St. Paul St., W.. Montreal, P. Q. Though Vicks is new In Canada It has a remarkable sale in the Staten. Over 17 million jars used yearly. ' Commerre-tlatniltou Merger The merger ennonnted some months ago whereby tlw Canadian Bank of ('ummeree absorbed the Bank of Ham- ilton became effective actively on Jan- uary len last when the local branch of the Bank of Hamilton closed 1t door* to its clients and the gene( public. For the present at lust entire staff of the Hamilton Bank "crossed the street" to the Com The Hamilton staff include* Stokes junior, William Weir, keeper, Carl Campion teller. ant (and A. J. MacKay, ma bl m•e, rank edgler- c'nunt- CW/id's ;.Pest • xative is - ' yliFornia Fig Syrup" Hurry Mother! A teaspoonful of ''California Fig Syrup" now will thor- oughly clean the little bowels and in a few bouts you havd a well, playful child again. Even if Bross, feverish, bilious, e•onetipated or full of cold, children love its pleasant taste. T,41 your druggisteu want only the genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, Ton must say "California." Refuse any imitation. Farmers rtquirtng help for the Spring Hearne or year 1924. are rsqueeted to apply at oo(e 10 11. A •Maedonell, Director of Colonization and Immigration, i'trliament Buildings. Toronto, Ont., or to the ARrtcmlttrrel Itep- rrstentative of the County in wdieh they reside Application. whnuld •nate wbe•tber they require experl- (wreed. partly experienced or lu- ez erienc•ed eine* men or er- p•rleoerd married met, with or without familt.w, length of time meenksr's will 4* required and rate of wastes. Apptirearmm will be filled it. far as paadble In the order in which they are pe.*•4veut, prefer- ence opren yearly t•naatnmenta. By nsatMority of the finnor- able .Inhn Ft Wert In 114nUte•r of Agriculture. BORN WOODS -In Goderich. on 1'i..- I sy. .Tnuunry. 1st. ltr_3, to NIT. and Mrs. 'l'as's. South street. a son (William Robert Franklin.) MARRIED afat'DONAi.p-- TROMPS(1N.'- in First Presbyterian Church, London.' sb on Wednesday. January 2. 1024. by Rey. I)r. Beattie. Violet May. ae.•- n d daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dar• 1 Thompson to Mr. William Mac- natd. of Goeler(eh. DiED SNYDER.-in Goderieli, on Friday, January 4. 1924. Mary Snyder. daughter of the late -leave Snyder and of )Ira. Mary Snyder. .JOHNS/TON.-In Watkervllle, on Jan- uary 2. '1924. Harry Morn.,•. in. fent wen of Mr. and Mra Wns. R. Johnston. formerly of Gods -irk -h. in Ms 7th month. The funeral took plats. from his parents' residence nn Jnnnery 4th'to Windsor ,;rove cem- etery. MBMOKLAM C.tRTER-in loving memory of Pte. William 0 Carter. who died Ja.t. '10th. 1910. at Bohn. Germany. Buried in Rrnsoris, Belgium. R ov. est son of Mr arid Yrs. James Carter, Airt.nrn. He gave his life for his country He Ilea with the rest of the brave: He died for his loved one's freedom: He fills a" moldier's( grave. -Mother. Fatter. Brother and SDN - ten. WANTRD BOARDEWANTED-ELDORADO WANTED-1JO►RADO iionse. Wte.t Street. Warm ram- fortable ram. with splendid table. Itatea reasons b Jas M. J. Doyle. 21p CARS OV-ERILAVLED 1Rs, ANY MAKE REPAIRED, OR le overhauled In your own garage. satisfaction gtwranhrd. reasonable rates. SpeeclalL-.t in McLaughlin and Chevrolet. J. M Brown, west end of Nelson street, north aide. FOE SALE FOR MALE -COON Sk!N medium weight. Apply at The Signal I)fflee. ltp Fou SAL.F:-A PA IR 01' ONE - horse hh4.alelghs with grnyel lox. a cutting box. n omrhorve plow• har- rows and a dray. Apply to Mrs. Ben. Iloggartl. cnrn.•r Rayfield rand and Raglan street. 11 NOTICE OF MEETING MEETING OF IIURON COUNTY ul ('OUN'Ct1. The Connell of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet In the Council Chamber. Goderich, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Tuesday. the 22nd day of January 1924. All areounta alralnst the County most he In the halide of the clerk not later than Monday preeeding the meeting of Connell. Geo. W. Holman County Clerk. Goderk•h, January 2nd 1924. INVEIMMENT OPPORTUNITn1.!! THE RiOlI GOLDFIELDS Or 1 • Northern Ontario -Wonderful op- portunithe to make money in North- ern Ontario Millions of British and American capital are being Invested In the rkh gold end Alter fields of the North eonntry. ABITiBI MiMI'S 1,IMITIF1D in the f.Ightntng River Dis- trict tatrict 1N a property highly recosmend- ed by mining engine•era, and offers Immense pnsalbllltkw, :time 1s the time to !wrote at the first offering price of 23r per share. Send for In- formation. Ontario Investment Co., 48 Ontario street, Stratford Oat. 31 HF:AD Al"l7rN►N SALE OF' lo}' Milch tows, and young cattle. Mit. ERNEST TI)WNeilliN11 w111 sell 1.y public auction at Lan - non's Ilot.•1. Golcrich, ou TI11'R9T)AY. JANUARY 17, 1924. curnnu•ncing at 1.341 o'clock sharp. 2 Khat grade Durham canes, ti years old, due this mouth; 1 good grade Durham cow, 4 years u1d. milking tt ws.•ks; 4 Durham cows. due in -April; 1 heifer. rising :t, sulgwted to be it. calf: ; ihirham heifers, due In May : 8 Iteru(uml heifers, welgblug about `00 ponnde : 14 Ite•ref,rd steers. from 7110 to 900;sounds: 1 M•ifer rising 3 years, sulrp.w•d to be In tall'. • TERMS -JT'cn months' er,tlit will 1tr given on furnishing al•proved Juipt notes. A diseoi, t of :. per eeW.I straight will he nlloweel for oasb. Ernest Tnwnslwiwl T. Ounelry. Proprietor Aoctkoneer. DIR}1'T TO HOME DALES AGENTS zeluslye territory, taking orders for Women's House In -eases. Tactor= to aearer. Deposit required on samples, r turnst.le any tlatye. 441ye retereare, Canada Dress Co.. tt,5King attest, Mat. Toronto FARILK FOR SRM FOR SALE: CONTAINING 101 acres, aittatted on the Hama road el% *01... from (ioderlch and 514 milts from Clinton. (i the farm their - 1s a good bank tarn, 15105 feet with cement stabling. a combined pig boost• and driving .!red, also bee hods•. House 4s a story and a hal! , frame; Loth haul and aft water td homer and running water in alae bars yard. Farm land 1. of good clay toam. Seven acre* of fall wheat sowed Ude fall; twenty acre., are apeded to alfalfa, about twenty -flee acres of plowing done. All the farm is well tence1 . Flu.- prlc.aad terms on this Al property apply to the owner on the premised., Y1C1L1, g, FLICK. IR. R. No. 2, ('Untss. At'ITOR'N SALE OF IIIOUSE- C, hold fnrniture of the late ` J. W. Ben The Executor of foe Notate of Lite 'Tile 3, W. Bell will sell by public niw•tlon at the prilllisea of the mild late .1. W. Bell, on Hlncks street In the town of (katerkeh on KATi'RDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1924 commencing at 2 o'clock p.m. The furnitike monists of: -2 parlor tahiea;.1 Colombia vketrola and 3.1 mror*M: 2 large rocking chairs; 3 moaner rocking chairs; 8 pair •d cur- tains; '1 pair portieres; \1 Fug. seedy new. Alt x 12;1 whatnot; linoleum In hall; 1 hall rack; 2 mirrors; 1 large oak sideboard; 1 welnut centre table; 0 'Ibi4ilg chairs; 2 elo•ks ; 1 eI4Pa- slit tattle; 1 good rng twrpet ; a num- ter of mals and wv.•ril nom; 2 (nmldete last room snits* with mat- trenees and -prime.; 1 iron Md, mat- ins.... awl springs; 1 dreamer; 2 toilet wets; a gtusuNty of bedding, blankets, `quilts, sheets, pillow rases, towels, etc.; clues,, crot•kcrv, glassware, cutlery and pieturees: 1 littotsanm 15 x 15 f I MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FORSTER ' ETE. EAR, NOMI, THROAT 1 Late House Surgsua New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, uelstaat at Moorefield Eye Hospital NoeNoeGolden Sta- quare Throat Hospital, Lo don. Eng. 58 Waterloo St., S. Stratford Tel- ephone 267. 1 At Hotel Bedford. Goderich, ee- 1 February 20th, at 730 p.m.. to Fatten- ary 21st. at 1 pm. AUITION' uuNG M. STALKER, AUCTIONEERfor hooiiebold offsets farm stock, etc., for the County of Huron, m Address all eosttaleatlooa to J. M.4.11 STALKER, Auburn P. 0. 44.11 : b smaller pieces of Ilrwsle ons ; -- 1 Ms -Clary kitchen range and pilaw: 1 kkehete (whiner; , 1 kitchen table: 2, Ionna't•a: 1 Hodges 'sone: 1 lamp - kitchen an,I teal room chairs: garden M 11. CAMERON, K. ('.. BARRIS- tools, hoar; Rotary wealth's machine, TER, Solicitor, notary lawn mower and other articles+ 1100 Office pamllton street, Ooderlck•, tktsd numerous to mention.door rom Square. Trost funds . TERIIK:--('a ft son date of tale. Forlt1 lean ,at lowest ratan further particulars apply to ----- -- Thomas I;tmdry' Hays sit Moro pg�y[yF(N)T, Auctioneer Hays for the `` t KiLi.rllt.\� k 0LM F -S, Executori B 1STERS, SOLICITORS, NO. i TARiPiS PUBLIC. ETC on the Square, second doer +Hamilton street, Goderlcb. to funds to loan at loam, J' 1 +' *j11Ior:a n. Dudley E. Holmes LEGAL D i8I.ERKION KALE OF 1'1'ItE Scotch bred and Dual purpose Short horn Cattle. Terse TI,t•raliing out- fit and Machinery. MR. JAMES CHISHOLM will Sell by Wolk; section at LOT 1, L. R. E. COLRORN E. (4 miles north of Go0erkh t on TUESDAY, JANt'ARY 15, 1924 eommeneefng at 1.30 o'clock sharp. 212 head of Pure bred Reglatered short horns. Moat of them of the famous "Duchene of Olouerater" tam - fly, the teat are: meal purpose of hw(ry-attlkTing atialna. All the pure bred cattle Mr. Chisholm has will be sold Including the atock bell, Ridge - hank Count No 150182. a grand thick Individual rioting 2 years old. 4 yonng Bulls np to 9 months old. the halanee are cows and heifers In calf and sump young calves, alas three good grade cows, due early. 2 York sows dee In Murch. 1 23 H. P. Raker engine used two yearn, easy to fire and in first class reoi[ditton 1 16 H. P. engine, 1 Sawyer 'Ramey separator with cut- ter, 1 large steel tank, 1 Rlizzard cut- ting 4tnz with teleneop• distributing pipe, 1 Johnston corn binder, nearly Aew, 1 corn planter. (',onveyaneat will meet incoming tractor on C. N. R. and C. P. R. on day 41 t )tape & Flaps BAsOtteriaa, Ere, IIAi:S--R.C.HAYS,u1., B.A. amilton St., Ooderich GER, K.C., BARRISTER, lICITOR, Notary public, and ooa neer. Office -Court Rolm t�J1 NCL LOANS, L'Ii„ P YUT'IAL riRE 1NSUR- c DJR1JIANCI. LOANS. ETC. ANCE 00. -Farm and Isolated own property lasered Omcera-Jas. Connolly, Pres., (lode• ver h P. 0. ; Jet Evans, V1ce`prse,, hwood P. 0 : D. T. McGregor; -Tress., Sestorth P. 0. (actors -A. Broadfoot, R. R 3, alion ; $eaforthW111; I*JohnRlaaG. GrleR. RyeRoc , Ifs, t, . of male. gale to he held under cover) 2. forth: John Rrenotwle, Bred - TERMS: -Nine menthol credit will basin: Ono. McCartney, R. R. No. 8, iwe glvpn on fhrnidlting approved joint Seatorth ; Robert ver, Harleett ; notes, a dlsr•onnt at rat,' of 0 per Yertay Glossa, Rdrnpedatd; Jataas cent per annum allowed for coati On Evans, aeeclwood; Jeames Comet`, the large threshing machin, outfit Ooderteh longer terms will ate given and will tip announced at time of Nal,. •Thal enM 1. being held on seer oat of 411 bewlth of the proprietor and every- thing mnat be disputed of. Write for ,atatoguet or say information to James ChINholm Abet. R. 'R. No. 3 Gode•rlch. Atretloi(!pt. a Agents: J. W. Teo, °MeridaS Alam Leitch, R. R. Ns. 1, Mama Jahn Murray, Rkatorth : 1. Hltachlge S earth. Policy headers eta pay a!>t payments and get their earls nom* ad at R. J. Morrish', Clothing''Lees Ctbtsa ; 1t R. air. ow'''.s- or J. R.