HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-10, Page 3fr Start Now ! No matter how f advertising is postponed, the ground hich could be fertilizedthis year eventually will have to be ,Cultivated. ! 4-T11-4- THE 1 SIGNAL. PRINTI\1. CO.,' LIMITED, Publisher& lona The Buying Power of a newspaper's circulation is gauged by - actual results received by adverti$rrs. The' reader interest and influence of The Siguab1 is a known quantity --and its quality of cire e- lation' riugs advertisers satisfactory reptilts! I•1 Water Highway certatniug where Ilea act.. fruit.. COUPT - the tourist IuglIrlr- n no . ns, r v., LION'S CLUB y well .,uIl,w 1 where the I 1 1 GOI)ERT('li. (�NiAl:itl, '1.URSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1924 ably Imp gg. oong pets ( • • were gulug to «n4y. how mruy were • I.i.•n K. ssociation Meets in the {arty. and whether the (Artie:. Malfi.lrei,• r 1 "ell Y.i•t Fr were affiluuwl with Aut./Mobile (11111•. 1 .1 • !1.1.1 ti firs hot. '1'11 It the A.s1M•tatlon 11x11 under sole Ju,, .,e•(04t.J.litlun of, -Mao Minister of Highways, is Favor- 1140 turawll• iu t':lilada," lvpdaivai ' u•' ' I''. a,Ivertite•me•nts, .1 ii 1.etiVvriJIZ all th'• ssed With the Plan of ip• )•.. M,1_;•':It, Itnmh- wilt , tool d1lNrlets tram \Viudwir.to :uud 1plln4iog ('otling'•vou,1 1;! it • he Association That the .1r•,..i:rtiun Pi.' In preparrt t•,4- 0,1'', tt :I n r 4Jf ilt•.a !1 4 • ..t 11..14 .� ou 1111, just b0'ea' o.•••nta the ldluwin4 h.t,. Lel taken. • The rel»,rt 111 &fes I1,a! tery - effort was made to •Ic+v tl Poo -lochs' tilini■h r of Ili,!*:s.04 ppesselate 1Ip• failrerta lw•.• of retook ' g the lithe • Water fltithwoy :4. 14 twilit. es, hilt from ('Iva t a m ,$or- 1-rht Wit. Ntatt. •ne1M•r 11th, 'rout whh:h ;floe Pro-sidevd opt by .tatiug that the vett glad. halted. 1.. preao.n1 Io Ji.h-n tv Highway' story f that, l►nt*rh.e wa.fl ekdhirs year!) w11H frau tourist Ira( 1, In I»•alar Mhau• (ho'I willtkilad fttion to draw t - tonality spot. imeautkv, of their Mad.. Were far *Welt lied ••ten• Moo ills nabs r milllop. at 1.4111 1114' tilting rah of (lie already ea f(ntarim - and if t of tongs! k n; IM Th.• pore'' 1i,a4*trtie•- ed i,e'ial!t of 11. from Winther north ,cnlatly. 1V:nrr Hier hooey. 4e,mja serf.- drive beauty, qui: sat. The p meeting of t of the • the (..Ik,a A 4t'Inctul road. the 1114411115 .MM'ltiion was e the \lint -ter u• Blue Wet.r hand. slat lag ag millions of Ight IM• ubtatntd the roads were h Colombia and .\tw•rlran 1N'hu h ary•sstng l Tl(4•h•N•thog playgr Is and .trippng 4nate rt.,. dulement to offer IIMe•. had. That would come With nesting links ulna ng good roads- in tart° would let the is attnl,tione. e•mph,411r1dl the ern tlul:arl., anal eta- Iu. Water Highway raight through to the stating that thi' Blue . white still in its In. favorably with any the world. There is y and quality along the !dent stated that rat a eXet'ulNrp 111,• request" HMI weer drawn up In form :-- 41. 1 Thu' a (lot'-rnment rev,gnlxe ,ib.• 'mak, I a•, Water Hlg1tway. rat Dig. Government 111.1111 the pro,»nl•w[ and pnhliefty work of the 11.111•• &"area Highway A•solflttnn. That the Government .cud an 1 support .ene:lrs.•r sad extend nn,4ro Ia t { to die betterment of crrt*ln neetio08 of r.rd n!'t'e•nwlry to the continuance of cr.'•tli of the traffic which 1UIa alha& boon crested. a That the Provincial tlovernment Ie •.►.4 to aen4 engineers and cover the •ietttet from Grand Iletin to nllln- herr•: with a view to emulating tq the n{rotag and developing of this area. That the Gov.•rnmeut elnshler the pre 1•iaa of a type of ht%ltway *tdt- abl. for the ma Xlmnm development of 1wke Hurn and Georgian itay dl•'riet IPPS in bneidth and grade Oso, the present sta4ntory provincial k,xl.4at holt palrtie4tprtlnp to the maw folio III .00t•rnment nisi. ant the apldIe•nton of the same .• tae emndderel with reference 1141 eal Estate and Insurance ($.n Lifer, Auto, Accident. (la rancet Houses and lot• Goiarirb and Farms for Sale FOR SALE -Several very ne homes, among the test in oderich. Full modern equip- , a large number of houses nal lots in alnnost any part of he town desired. Many of then) very cheap and easy !terms. $850, $9.50. $10(1), $1300, etc., will buy good houses and lots. Also a number el fine farms for sale. As law as POO down pay- ment will be accepted. J. W. ARMSTRONG Above Paraon'M Fair 1'. If. Box An l inderieh, tont. to ityrt 41G11 Gyd1uT 1144 u.i•4J for puhtielf;t• 0,,, and slot' nest-. , . f 1114 111,,- I The presid>nt asked tl'w-T nil. TTt,v- .rum,•ut nice 'these eta item; du.' e s he re ' I. nu Id.•rxtion slrtioK that to I Pori 1 e , "oi 111.1 Traffl e 4-. f the utP • 11 1 l i lI t I f u 1 nsabiau l mm tl c which sal' L•1w y'ur the material given HM eve- deuce In Sarnia wit,: us*v1 alinoat cer- batitu lad their report nod In- asking aid for the publiett ' work of ' the .tssoelatIon we wrro &..king Itothiub more than was rerommeudel by the Commission last year. Ile slated that the %ork already dune by the Assocta• tion had peeved this wiledom of a vig- orous. pultk•Ity campaign 141) the tourist traffic at the Sarnia gateway had been more Hain duubdel In the past year. that the routing of oars loth . uortlrward or,•r the Blue Water High- _. way and southward uc.'r the Blue Water. Highway had In:crewed beyond all ex rept long, and the must sanguine eatNrtaGloat'. '1'110• i're•sblrot hesp..k.• Immediate ,and liberal agdstallee to reia.iring cer- tain. owctlnna of the route $p that tnitrl.ta as well a. 111. ,rmus'reial traffic lx•twe'n the muuw•i1N11ri1.•e: on d o 11 .Y the route vlulrl get n u h for 1 .1 ate h U K The 1'reeldent lulled attention' to one short •leetiun ill ale vicinity of (Ilia - ham which hart been branded danger- ous. one short section nix miles north of Sarnia In the vicinity of ('rinlana Grace and Bright' finite and also the section through the I'lnery. Ile stated thnt tb•w• bad +('•tions were giving the route a bad fa -Imitation by ulrrtorists. The I'ncddent tasted that the !clue Water Highway A.,ao•iatlon was not asking fur a toyed htklrwity widened and brought to uniform grade lout on the contrary rather preferred a ralrrower gravel roadway t1 -it would fora»•:,1 to the tourist and answer all train,. requirements. 'toads that would clr•L• around obatruetlon, rather than pile up added ripener by bl r Iw Ira hem was favored. 1 11 n through u h f K K Tbs. I'reMldent then called upon the Se'ritary to outline the julblIcity work of the Aawclatioo. Secretary !Wine Trac• Secretary stated that the Aa- ..orintl'u originated with a reaohrtioo from the ialmbtnn County Councfl- w'hk•h had been endorsed by a large timelier of munk•tiwtltie„ and organist- *tons. That the proposes' route served 4w•ven eountie,4 with a population clone to 4:A,1MM1 and that there wen• four chive with a population of 51.000 On the proposed highway. alto'eight towns 11011 11 a population of 31.090, 14 villages with a {Ir.{altAtofi of T.OfM1, 1't -taana and VIllage•e allJneent wth'a population of 24,15)0 and ronnusor extras' sand small Menlo.bringing a tuteil pouts- then directly .urv,d of 16.i3000 people. That the .\as.N•tatlon luta•pubihlhed a magazine caller "little Water." 10,000 ...oat... the demand for whkeh was Mo great that the edition Wit 41 extun1st.d•, %t'ithlu ten day's. That the AssH•tation` hnd pnhltshed Targe' nnmbe•rg of maps. had ass(Mle•il In publishlug, the daluklet •'Noh.ratnl)19 hi ('14muhn.' 1d%liad ob- tained several hundred Utunl of newam.per publicity for r 40.04.1/1- 1 11111 111 various 1'nitrvl✓State. Monts. it That the Sandia Touring !luriat Dam the only touring bureau in On rho that kept a rem In 11)22 and 11423 ,f Ilay. Ile•ipien1 of Gift Fellow .\Irmbein y m, mb•r.' fir 1lle 1.4.11- I,r,•a•u1 forthe ill, al:,1 ;4'11"1 ;tat Friday maw, at 41101.1. 4'I't4. 44,11'1141 1.1 1.11,,,•1 1'11,1, K S1uu l•.1.. •.I ;lglu'o•.1 well ' for the be he u,•U te,1r. at thl•'-h4.w• ,4 r•: marl-. 41111ri111 vWeh It ••,,.•I I.ri.fl}' th,• 4'llt1.. luticiti.4 • post 411.,nttlr. 1.1014 vh,:U •1 the member -- {11141 4400_ 1.4 ties .. x:,w._ 1..,,.1.,« . riotttr irt oT , r 4' T. 4.1 I h , .Sohn I:,•hh •,,* f hnr•llux to Itie- bordering -rT1 i4t ``'a •u:e Suttee. . lute .\t third j4dl1r Mr. frau.+• presented l .111 the Ilion. 4,.'or • S. Henry. Minister., ofof ' ty . , o . 11 Klt yr. ue 1111( d/4xru of 16 above referred to oil ed11rel' eu1*rge. mot.. Ih. P. E.I)oollttle• The l'r'•`deut It 11 111111 at Ole 4.X04.11 .• meting 1)r 1•. E. that'll 10 i had leer. 91144•.) H„worary' 1're...Wein of the 5sesieuttion Ile a.kel for a I �•onfirmHlion of this by the nnetIng. 1t was moved by ,\layor flurries ofjl Owen ituund by a very complimentary' address that rite action of the Exe'u• 4 • five beco tfirm.vl. It was ,e•und.) 11, 1 Mr. J, t). Ialfnly in als)tber 4.unplf- ril•utary' aildr. "+ 4,444 the tooth/ha earthed a ith three hearty cheer.. lir.' Iholittle endorsed the Itlue \Vater, Highway ,a•...Mathot alno4. -Millis and regne.t. and spoke at stone le•tigth on proper advertising of Twenties 'of the country and IMaint.d to alae'itzerland as one country where proper advertising llad'show•n results. T{1' Swiss watch trod., one of the blgttj1eit manufactur- ing asset. of the eoun14'y, did a bum. !nests of 51.1..5)0(MM). 11s1. was dwarf - el by the tnnr:•t truffle to the emintry A could be drowned that 11 1 tiro n vl In i k• Huta -r- iot. l 11 for ata' never be Mood. *3410,000.0M/ la brought into the country every y.vr from touH4ts the world over. Every ndvertl4wf article that comes out of Switzerland dears a photo of Molle twenty tep,t and this means of advertishag has tarn effective. Hr ufl< rived the Itlue Witter Highway ,..roc oe- tat10a to do the tame thing.,? Hon. George S. Henry. Minister of Highways and Public Works iie plated that he could ace no ob- jections to recognizing the lame "(Slue Water Highway." lir com- plimented the Atltnrlatlon on their pltbllcity and thanked the Arogreiltlnn for their Irl o s t r eMrntatiun of 4-h to re 1 I 1 tt P 1 iie then stated that the demands of the A.+.a•inton were quite modest and than their ambitions ween• la11(114111e•. He mmm.nd,d the work of Mr. Mac Adam. and stated that the result,. of the rampolgn marked the Sarnia man a one quite fitted to he eommissionl(t• to attract tnurtst14 to *hi* country and province'. He could do nothing In the matter of ih.'Rlue Water. highway until he had received reports frum.l1u• mutineers. but he would d' only too pleased to go over the northern section to el.lderirh that a4ft,rnnon. Ontario eitisetw must copse first in the .matter of roods: It hs the looney of the d,lslrtme•nt to promote the great Agrl.•ultnral fossil/11IIIe•a of the 1 province. Better transportation fac- ilities will do away with the lapin - ton that war formerly tow' dad fentnrt of Yang% ).life. It is hop t to have yiptarIo'Aernad system such that. with- in a very few years. Pn-v 14ersM M- twei•n farms and communities will be 8vi(llable all through the 74144. Ketfer roads throughout the pros•, ince had M'•n )1Irkel by 1remendno1* Inereaw• In the number of tourists In- to the province and the tourist. influx had -limn marked by Increased pros- perity'. The 111111 Water IHghwny w'N. H step In the right direction and hr praUcte'd (hat It wowld. e•Mminate tntemetfullc judging by fru• great en- thusiasm and interest shown by the many different .' Illmuniti,•s req,n•a- .•tltel In the attendance. Ile stateI that he had come to Sarnia for t expr'aa rwtrioww of hearing the cur firsthandiif fh.' AR44i.1atlon e pro- posed to at rmee moor m•er a High- way as far as Gaderich and view the starts which had been tnehtlon,l ns being in had condition. He abut stated that he had eo-erd' nearly all of *he I'rovirrr•inl Highways in 1110. 1'rovinee. The Minister r,ceivel very lu'arty applause And wn, thanked by the President nn behalf of the .\ssowintinn proved id th.-' matters brought to 111.. for bit iwelrty consideration. and ap- e ttenflon. W. S. Hone). M. P. P., West irmbton Mr. iTnney &poke concerning Go - Blue Water Highway w•heme and stat - Pd Hitt he ons of the opinion that the mnd.•st demand.. of the .assoeia- tinit should be avemled to and that he .seri in favor of the policies of the Minister regarding Ontario roads as outlin,d. George W. Wanda, Aom oristian Tree*. neer, Chatham Mr. \&-ands In a short a44re-v 10 the Minister a.ket for immediate nada- tatter, for a tarot.lt of eight mile& of road in the-lednitly of Chatham which he termed the moat dangerous stretch of road In ('Anad14. Fifteen Par+ had *ell weeedeed there this year and one man had been killed as a dlw'.'t moult of the t.reaetivemus road war fhlroit papers had attacked the rand and warned motorist* to avoid t'hathem no Its a0evnlnl and one paper had brna,leatted the matter by wind, as. Tbn stretch of road In gfP_tlnn was FOR SALE •••• The People's Garage Vittoria street (l,Mlerieh. 111 present ,M'e11t,IWi by Wm. 1-ratg:7-1910-I a money -making nropotitiou for the right man. Apply to 14110111 :m) P. J. R1.1N Unlimited Quantity of OD Mi�(ED WOOD FOR SALE at $3 pet' single cord, delivered, I'HE GQDERICH-MANUFACTURING CO., LiMiTED. (Foot of Anilines St. Phone 61. Capital Reserve and Undivided Profits-___ Total Assets.__. The Bank's Annual Statement and copies thereof are available for tion, at any branch of the bank. $ 8,000,000 2,067,074 128,299,679 has just been issued anyone, on applica- UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Wool combc, Manager 4, Y•) guilty ,, Im. r :ori . :11.44, 1nttuhl, ter which ;, f4• .. . , hash tu•u t n �• h' , ,BI I *1u . :imluonutinc to #:+(10. Jerry Illtliaa �f 1.tu41uu. driv. r for I.ilbison'. lir•w•e•4-y ain1 Uuvid 5?,Mldnrt, ',d' (lak•rleh driver for 11,urtr. Itrewer1,. Kiteheu,•r. were 014...1 $2011 and allif, rrxpctively. for "having Ihtrlug 1112:1 Magl.lC,it.• Krill heart 231 ('14144+1. of which 442 were offerees against the Onhlrin Tengl•r:ulet. .act and 4.5 a,gaine the Motor Vehicle. Act, while 111 were crindnal 1144'. Fiucr linmse.1 and fees nss.•..e.l dur- ing the yrnr totalled Al 1,11_ 104. as against A94451 during 102Th.- fines alum! Gas were allotted as f'dl,ncs:- HulIet( lona..hip a 2.50 R'evet %Va wa cosh township.4.:10 myth .... .... .............. 5.14/ , Ashfield toofrsldp 10.6(1 Exeter ... . .... ........ . . 47.00 (;oderiela 70.011 haul . ... .... 241410 Proc. Offli•.•r..:4,. Whltesld.s 25 Oft I Witness Fees .:,.t,. .. 1211:. F.v+, ••t 111114 1 erteltls" 1 929 'nn'tabl.•ri Fees .. ss, I'rovinrhil Tralattry 029.7:4 ('ount.y of 1lttron 91.500 Felernl Treasury 16.50.00 Ontario l.irrnw• Commission 6175.1111• Total ...... .... (1 1.112,01( Twenty-fourth Animal At Hose The Edlto,T of The Signal has re- .,4h•e1 an Inritntion. to the ;went,' fourth amuai .41 Home of the !futon 401,1 Rope Association of Tornrito, whiyh Will 1M• held In the 44hlfeliow.' Temple, 22411 College stmt. ,m Friday evening. 41111 111111r 2:4th. The program Ill to tv)nal.t of a conef•t't commenc- ing at 5.20 p.m.. followed hy daneing at 11.:410.m. P Twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary They 14,'rvie eorreepindent of The Kinenndlne it.{nrter rvportx the fol- lowing: Friday. I)eemb•r 21rit wets the 2.14 11. :notveretry o? -.the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Frei 11.gtgins of Kin - lough. it4•Iativew from 4;.Nl.•rielt. Lon- don and Khu•xnllne nod 0114.'; friends from the netghM.rh*»I nunttM'ring about forty sat down to a Mrnnpt aluie supper. After the supper the bootee rapidly filled with their ninny- Kin• lough friends who *111,11 to (ay their repo its and spend the evening. in games and- dnneing. i,"on the provincial hiQltl'ay as w,•11 u4 the Blue Water Highway. The Chat- ham lonrd of Trade an. publl.'hing 10.001 eimUlnrs n.t'e•rtI..ing the �i�t1 � Water highway and prot•Itici11 13-1 h- i way through that city anal taw; Chu) n':,- .1tsMlatinK :40 ulnallar, ett•alins this r chant• tool hotel k.r•i*. were getting ort ma '11strihtlte'1 at the ffrrenI rs.i'n(4.11f 1 lotor I email ..t 1.. 1•..,.8.1 ..-T(..io fen- uriui; Thl' .%% Ight raise •1,f 'i • nl mom'}'. in ,1,IdlIon 111 that al 4-.;1.1y on 11:111,1. h• g'i nbe.nlNit h.4(11.• 1,. 'plat IH I . ground text' stabiliser.; It we Idit this- jililtgroiiini i+'•beiiid over. 1,.• said. 1t Mean.: p4.1114.1 11111:r big, anti 1 don't think wi' as a faith .4o••41 fel i` 'drag 'toter I.ey'oud- this fear. The hderesthlg feature rat tlre,liluoli- eon was the p.re...merlon t4. Lion It. ('oekt,itru Hlir.i of al t.eantiful brides. ?amp as 14 lake!' from tit• Club of its appreciation of 1111s ptast..ercllv'. es (9larter elder for a year Hud' more por- ticnlarty extl•ntiing to hhu Ie••t wishes in view- of hi. Nrq,roaehHtg marriage t.•I'v (114• i•E1•EN•1•1•EIIGHTH 1 FAH NO ENTERS THIRTY-THIRD YEAR RADIO BROADCASTS' TO MOVING TRANS (';(&Julian National Haliwtays 7'11 �1dd oNotrl Feature. To Stroke &.-carding to .414 annoui414Wtt►R,'ailad4 n air la. rs ir•'T'•, Cie.•~rresl.le¢t of he e',4:1.1.1 11 Nat i 4441 K:Iiltlxys, rad 1., ,,ill I•roy,• ,4-n imislrtaul part In the w1•raiel• of the Nat -.11.1 NgRe•m thtrlug- Alga -aviator rase Its, oinking n..•. of existing lelewde tot u» sta al :,414- by 111,' •'r•',1i11u of fit ht•rg.'pro- guus r,of- a ntertainmlent and new.* will I r .:I.sI. 'l..1 -freite .,n.- mod Al' the -'7►t-ilydnton t, i%v.• 5111i'r. 1• -►111.1h.•r inllortateiteee w-111 t.. ih,• egnitpan_ of 4,11 irau.,vnitulguu.l tr.Ii„s of else Cvit IIIc National Karl th radio 141 . 1 I I1• sae e and pinrlpg uveal in etree of-,:L-lll,(•d:u{r•r. :Iron..,, il•.tt u.•ws items. and ttagt'erLl may be lir.'slastet to. train.: en ;route a4311:,14. Canada. Very- suceweful civet -I- ntent. along this, lice were 411rrieeg out during 1h:• lur•1..umm •r by -the Nation 441 4 4toon. shell nil sp.'kt1 tMhta agvrP ...pillars! with radio resiling .4't * 1111411 eunel•rt* and new plekeel up he then! while the train was, travelling .\ hallo receiving s.f 1119b1114,41 to the car Usti by 111r. 1.Iuyd -G,nrge wag the means, of bringing h• him the world•w'ide molt's of the grine•ta dm- 1Nu•tlutee :Ind 1111f ('amine him to Maara.-feriae 44• "Invaluable" tato special feature• of the Canadian Nw- tletua1 aerci.e. The otfk'aal. announce mot of Mr. Rrrhh. 1,e rtM hollows : - Itealizftik the intetsa' Interest in radio rem.talon In ('anatbt, there now being over leo.nuI radio usmra. It ,nilly not Ir• amiss for me to state briefly the motifs pInniy now 4u prbtvlw ..f fnlfilhnent nn the port o('the Can- adian N:itieirs(l Rni1nnys. We halve now under enn•trnetion a very powerful tmoniea4ting gtati,. in (4? In wI. 101 a tett. on the roof of the Jackson hnlrlin;. Tithe station will be til in w-i'h the Northern Electric Snot inn .ut Montreal an that our pro- gnrmnnw from either Ottawa or Mon- treal will be hrnndenat.vt simultaneous- ly from thaw• ham points and shnpld be nrrlv.l by lirnrtienlh- the I•nttre _Eastern end of Canada and the fitted Sti W.• are• then- going into the middle , West with our broadening !cations. and then farther wet 'Intl! w•1, ope'a the entire e,ttntry from the .atlantic to the i'aelfie with fmr program sed mewl¢es. roll will flu the tranrt eoontlnental trtllna of t ' Canadian National Railway eguIppwith re. haalllxd Apia. l.,tK1 t,eal• -A . skil -*tons. for tie pleesure and benefit of the travellers. and you will aovo soon tial In our working lintels tete mn4 elnrplete radio te4I,.poeiNde to itwtalL GODEIIWH MARKETS• We are doing this fxcniis* .we be - Thr Mih•ertou Sun Was F:Iaalylildwd in heeentlwr, 1891 • e 'on,t•a!lil lti••u' aro• ,Ire E.litor Mae• - 11111 1.11 11i, 4o444141erton of aver IIn'14' l,ar._114 ,.h:11•;re of Tiles Miltel.- 1,111SIla 1.'1,1 w..,. so11 1',.IIY.II11 1 !he ^fel.,...,, ."'tutu, ut . In r....•4.u.v• to 010 1111 141.1'4. 111.1 week flit $111 e11h•r.v1 ,,., it. 11111, 4 'h:i',t yeat••.of publiratkua anti h.l ...,•r, 111 11•1 hr. dull period ii 1114. L' 4.44- :"lel lllt•,WIS hhil'r JJs• • IA, -•'111 11:411,:,, III.•nt. 1! 41;17, 4-w . ,h h.eist7r t» Tnn+T. 1•; I. Tc 111. l 1...1111.14.1,1% :1;1.1 • iw4•-i to u the h:'u0 1 1 of ! i t it , ,_ I,• inlb 4.11.•4 In .\u¢n.t 15111. 0 X.14: of 11404.•4 1Mew- jNihlt.4t1141f 1 l4-• et het' 1•' •»'I•. 111 1111 ....may t rat were 1 c th, n 11 ei�lit�•ol r e� Stratford 7b sort( r, , 111•r� 1\141 Wag ha tie 11.1 1111,,, of the IOilman Nulty with \Ir. %I', S. llingusao. IMw id the i•revinehil 1.t.etne Board. as editor and mluahing dine•tor. '1'11.. �Itte1u41 A41 It' 44a, o4cur•d be al r. 44'. It. Hulas. * 14Iu,••r of the/ present owner. Jar.. 11. .1. IMvIM. air. 1Vau. Cl hub• paired 'floe 1.1ytowe l itathtu'r and Mr. .t. St: (nvirge N,nvklns the 1.1stowel Standard. The Irate Ralph 1'e•Ilon wag pnbiiehing the .tt•wnod I'flol . iv 1V Whalley. not\ of T.on S. S. Hardy. ehaplNlu of the Clot). I Bee. nitd -it waw s.'verul year. after 1•pok.• In a humorous, tont happy vela wanly that 1114-. Jn1111 Ee1)' as$ome1 PXpresshtg 1111 ber11110 or the ('1111, 1111.1 I'Iwrgr of. .i he St. alnrys .4,urwil. 11'04 r 1. , . compliment,. . :4-r telo ut Jhie first ten tears The C r gra t 4w Ia well n lh Son the wish far a long ,til hippy wedded ' n14M ntddishel nn 11' \1'ashingtoll lUuul 11(1'. The pre's4•nttltion 4.11, made 441 Pres. w'hh•h still 144414 a4- pdae.• In 1114- I.lent 'lardy. a+MiNtevl by Lion SV.wley ( llphaeut of stir ufflrr us n.. pr000 Walker, trill twister. Lion ITays,. Im's• It drv.•lulw»I li•nfl❑ vent though quite taken by surprise. briefly mnw•Ir, boa 4'14,. ,r 41111111hurl slow exprf�Mevl 1,18 (ha aka t0 1tIP41'hlb 111 mode of printing its every sheet 11x,1 11 14latine•r befitting the occasion, to 1N• adjusted to- plate by 1.41114 on Linn r;. L. Fresno, lion tamer. 1141 In the tympani before it '.was run under at .plrlted rendition 11f the song,, the pMh'n ,The • roller lural 10 be pushed overr the type 1 by hand fors a Regular Fellow." 1 Lion Hugh John A. MaeF)wan 01)4.' every lather. It required pretty .tun{• In eeorlttratulxtnrc t•rnlm of the ('h.4i a work to _pull off neer 21M) copies:p,•4- aeticitie'• under the euergetle IPa.1er- hour. Thr hnndpr.M$ --.w44. followed KWh of Chief Saunders. ptoflle. of 'ns 1^• u Itntxrn•k . an,l gasoline engine•, had our siatlot. at first whether a which In 4nrn'was about eight years Club aitch N. this ,'lupi be carries' "54) n11p111a11ttl by an intermediate 'l on successfully in .n('1. u mill f0r4a..('intptell drh'en by an ele•trie alot4r: but under your able nIH i1N 4'emetNi, Slx,rth• afterward. n linotypo. wtl. Chief. during the past .half of your 1141.tnll,'d and 41h• Want "Pit 111"1 year omit things 11144-1 ,teen entirely ,'"dual to 11114. 11444Mty n?t9s'. . In lair forgotten. 1 want 7011 to know 111111 y.ar' the emMit-slot, p rodin Ing a 'paper (awl 111111 the membersrecognizenal has inenased enormously, but We are appreciate your work for which we ,'Iulcn'orirlg M ked) the flog ilying owe you a debt of gratlilude. (Air and 1ha, x111 he mode e4sler by the pinnae.) I loyal :nal llh*rlvided ronpli)rt of the coongtI1II)ity which The fila e4FYPe. Chief Saunders thanked Lion May- Fiwan and the members for their 1.114- 1 - tall, of ('made flaking dies appreciation n ere e• e 1this M k s. H The lame rad Sd•hrol ('11th of Vie - mould not lace done mach, he soil. mein 144114x1 will hold a rale of home -- had it not been -for the Netive sup- f„"4b• 4'irt-in-Tprwe•rs pest of the memlxrs of the flub as Mt„n, 04) Satnrdey, January 12th. eom- Indlvidualt' I Im•neng at :t o'clock. Pew- eyls In ala .,f ..err fund: Poke Gives Out .1tev. 1)r. Kn.soll 11. Conwell. --� 1 - tar of Grao,e Baptist Temple. Iiln- dolphin. 119s' temporarily t his volar. his phyak•Iai4t nae t high ex- haustion in hnvtng ertaxet his '1, . ,. s 1 t I e on 111. 40111 lecture tours to e t t P �! during wldch he am delivered his famous. Ie'ture " crew -of IIlaulondi," over t/ 4- (1(1(1111 rColwell. t m n . 414) 4111 be eighty-two Ili February. wag absent fr•(rn his pulpit on Christmas; Sundaky'. the first time in forty -le yellra that he had hot ('udrn•Ied 'lit Ipn,t one of these annual eervie's .1)r. ('unwell w111 to.. well and favor- ably remembered in 4ialerieh 1y those who were privileges! to hear him rudder the eu.pices of the ('hantnngna some years ago. Thursday ,tan. 10th. Shorts, per ton 1.42.00 33 00 Bran, per. ton 211.00 3000 Hay, per eon (1004.• 4 . 8.00 0.00 flay. per ton (halal) . 12.00 MOO Whnp t. Inter bushel .... .95 1.00 Oats, per bu.b.1 45 .40 Raney. per bushel .... .:46 .410 Buckwheat, pet bushel .70 .75 pota4nes. per bushel 14) 60 Hide.. per 14, 06 117 Cattle. ehnkr, per cwt. 5.:411 41.nil ('('tore. medium. per cwt. 4.50 5 n Veal t',.Ive.. p.•r cwt. .. 9.45) 10.00 Flour. patent. per cwt. 3'2.1 1.:10 Flour. family. ter helm. 3.40 3.:40 Ihuter.''r.-nmery. ps'r Ib. 1:1 47 lintter, dairy. poor, lb.35 .40 i' e1.. 1114.fresh per dozen .. •i5 40 of that elty 1 •.. which will to E1-ENLNG CLASSES entry into tiwe .1,114.1'. Mhdater Itl•plyh to the 4'hathnnl Speaker 11on. Henry tented thnt he wenn a In Chatll.uu 4(111111 the next weeks'111 deal with 'the road in teat Inn. N. th<ntgl}n, Waltdaeeburg 11r. 11'•nItignh Anted filet tVoillare• 1r3;..n n - hehiruL ii{e_11 ne 1\ Jltil way :\4•wl•IatIon in"every detail. . He .rated he approved 'lite ammonia of the A -.,.,Tallon. •Halt he- w•oldd llka very mach for the Minister to go over the road between 4'hnthnm and 1Vaf- leceburg. stating that at• the pin -meld Dine the road was alm.wf 1nr{w�suble. In repl1)ng tli.' Minister stated that he proposed to go oyer this rod also. Several,otl4•r speakers hri,•fly meen- tinne,1 varinutlfems. A. the time allured to the tneethlg by 410• Minister had explrld ntilourti- men ons morel by 51r. '.1. 11. I.111x1y of Windsor and se•oudevl by Mr. J. E. Armstrong of i'etr(dia and carried., r N4)TF)14 , The Minister &ee•omlwnlel by his i►eputy. hie Chief F:gineer, his 1)lyls- itnal Engineer. J. 11. Ma.•.\dams. I'reorident. Geo. P. Prams,. Secretary. J. E. Armstrong. ('apt. It. Alexander and lime*. finsaenl)erry of Grand 'Bend tt Sarnia at two o'clock to Inspect 1P route SA tar a.. (loderleh. The al n six miles oto of Sarnia wart In ver rlre•tchel 'ctndltIon. The Minister and hit enrine'rs inspected thin very M y' and venturd tire opinion that It old not he expected to emend many t rima over such a More of read. At thin paint the \i'r•wident and Secretary left the party. returned to Sarnia and the Minister was piloted on to Grand Rend by Mr. iknaen- berrr,, viewing Kettle ',obit e•nr0wrte. He was mot at (l rierieh hy E. • R WIgle, M. P. t'.. and 11r ('tallow, tin• Mayor. These elns"e...unde the aw\pleet of the Collegiate Hoard. 111 be hegt(n In the publl.' " lihfary b gement as fol - I •' :- - itasketry-On Monday evening. Jan- uary' 7th. tinder the Instr,etlon of Mr. Georgie 1fct.eod, of The Art'rnft Furni- ture Co.. whose rnpahtlitira are an Well known. Fancy Knitting -(!n Tuesday after- . noon and evenings. beginning January 8th, under mi.*. r). Mexevin. who hat given such splendid service l4lw•yer: "What'' Ten thousand a yo.fir yt y'nnr wife 1f she noir, i,,., a5ltln. and only five Unmeant] if .he dM.estl'1? That Is nnIoeul1 !'' Client: "-V.a. hut. you ace. 1 think of • - my .tu-•1•ssnr. 'IIe deserve. extr.:" For good printing 14i?n' h. The Signal. ltew' In thetremendous value fpr eo radio to the people of Canada at la* because and buwe fey It wi11 be or arealbenefit and pl1•nuure to the large travelling rotate whom wee are .'111111 ' lrpou So seryl andto our army of 0m- ployees. Euchre and Darer - A *intro.. and darn. nndek' 1114 14us{de's of the 4;011.1141 Women's', Ta 41)141 will be held In the 11 Temple on Thoir.da, .11111nry 17 Cards at 8 o'..10. -k..\ -k. drni•aon tents. ly'rnt.tsaor latter arcing first -hour (1-114.)-"1'411111• time ago my 4'.14rr 10111 me 10 exl•r.ts.• .arty even ul/rn• 1115 with dumb -bells. W111 the elev. pleas.• juin . Ille 11011 h»•fah• break - fa st ?" Home Nursing ---On Wedrtd•sda}-•e- I .'fltllgs. i.'gtnning January mak muter I • the able Instruetlon of ')r. (;allow. ('ooldng-On Thursday evenhtg. beJ ginning January 1(111, under Nose F,'i Pott', an experienced teacher. who - his __a tl 'iallest'>.certificate 1g Tlomettle Selene., granted by the F.d,i. ration Department The Board hart for a long Time !torten glt's. up Marrero In 1'nnktnr' for want of n tencher. They trust the hallos will take full advantage of Ike Splendid opportun- f1r. '1'hip 4Tatwea In Automobile Mechanira will be begun for ladies on Tuesday evening. January 154h, and for men. Thursday evening. January 17th. The ('Mawr.. In I)remsmoking and Mil linen• will not be bggun until Feb- ruary. when the Spring styles and ma- terial 4111 be nvallahle. The Principal will he present Ai m. for enrolment and Masse.. will be begun at 7.30 that evening. The afternoon elaagrt begin at 3 pm. FPP for the course of thirteen towns le only 11.00. In Musketry the matertols will he furnished the members' et cast price. in Conking the materials w111 be pro- vl4.d by the ttnnrd. Other canines In n11 departments wilt Me nrgnnized as the attendane( re - unreels. J. W Fraser J. P. flume Chairmen Principal Iatures. -_• • - The Pride of the Hills and Valleys ,r - 114 a wonderful Indian ('reparation, which has been a hidden s4e•ret for many years, but is again coming back to"hi'lp ' the Weak, Sick and Suffering, who can be found in almost . ev'ry home. NATURE'S OWN, being an indian prepnration, iMie eatirady with Pontes.-.lBarcks.math:-13..4w,-antits444e-bee--- ottr forefathers great standby in every ease of illness or sickness that would he in the 'tattle. The merits and virtu.' of NA- TURE'S O'IVN have been Tried, Tested and Proven in ages 1.,•past, to be the most natural for the human body in its ailments, such as Heart Failure, Anaemia, Rheumatism, Liver Complaint, .....Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, etc., etc., and NA- TURF'S OWN Hireling Oil, which works wonderful in con- junction with NATURE'S OWN I'reparation, as it is made from Oils, Minerals, Oils of Barks, Plants, and of Animals. This treatment is old as the hills, but always new; easy to buy, hard to beat. Full Course Treatment for $10.00 I'm up nt1(1 sold only by -. LEVI WESLEY (The Indian Herbalist. ) Mr. Weeded will b4 at Hotel Bedford on Thursday, .laouary 17th, 1024, but it linable to come on that date. him preparation1'i'an be obtained at any time from Mr. Jam. M,'Crarkrn, corner 1 irtoria and Trafalgar Streets Phone No. 31 r 1. HARRISTON, ONT. Nom. 9692-6991 The Proprietary or PatentM441icine Art. (