HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-10, Page 2(i-allaturaday Jan wry 10, 11r2,4 Particular People choose T3E7•d The most delicious blend procurable. 8010 sZbearallriAlim EBTABLIS OODRRICH :: CANADA Member of Canadian Weekly News- paper .tlasorlatlon Published every Thursday morning. Bukacrlption price $2.00 per year. To United States and Foreign Countries. $2.60 per year, strictly In advance. THE SIGNAL. PRLNTLNG CO., LTD. TdsobRawe 35 :: Gederieh, Ont. Athol MctJuarrie, Managing -Editor Tbursday, January 10, 1924 &R LOMER GOWN'S RESIGNATION 41n ae•nant of continued ill -health, Hie Lamer (;Quill. Minister. of Justice In taw Kine .tdwlldlstration, has naatgned his portfolio, and. although for the pn•-.'nt retaining hid meat la the !lona,,.-. sill withdraw • from any active part in 'intake life. Sir termer. has had a- brilliant end woeful car- eer. As Premier of fits•..'' for ninny years before entering 11W Fictional HOW* he had much to do with pine - hg the thinners of the slater Province in the excellent condition In which they stand today. .1/4t tlttaw'a he sena not Oftel In rte• limelight, but his influence was supposed 1 to be. ex- erted, In ' ,.half of steadiness . and mafety, arid he had the confidence of the great bit -sinew( community of .Montreal. 1be did not disguise his ballet to l,rutes•tion, and, rightly or not. his premenee in the t'ttbinet was reganl.d by the I'rogr, Ives as a e'gallenge to their Ion thrift' vl.•ws. This resignation. counted with the serious .Massa--4f-Mae-44en. -Mk' --ft. ,Fielding and that recent loos of two tats In the Maritime l'rovinra, ds arcd by the Opposition press 14 ct,nstitule a ,'rials for the 1:nve•rn- meat. Without a majority in the House, and with its two strongest men gut or dlwiilol. how can It eaarry on? However, the hrye•rnmrnt ah(Iws no s ss of panic. If the 1.11,- with .ilrwith 11 meMwrs cannot carry 1w• 111114 he ('olis,•rvathrs with on. fifty+ .1, or the I'rogrttatives with sixtywtl ? Sir Lr •r's plata. in the Cabinet e•III he f tel, and for the prwOnt %Ir. Fielding dudes will be di..•hargel 'ii another ' ile direr of Imo t'abinet. 111(1, I. 1t may Iw that the Government wl home fill. Itself in n more ..,dire 10 ihienr than ' it has -pout mince it t( • -(.lift.. t years ago. if Sir Lome finals -as the --"(bete noire" of Hips removal from the scene may permit closer co-operatlail between I'rugr•s- •Iyerl and J.ttw•ra►ls hl retorting measures a(rwtaable to both parties. -xlttare-- 4aee._.J►twn. m rapartat_ Hun. T. A. ('rerar and (dn., or two other exponents of Western views were to be taken Into the ('ahlnet. These reports apls•nr to Is. without foundation In a(•tu:t1 fuer. 21 gh they took sumo color from the• expectation of a lw•tter feeling on the part, of the 11 -,..tern l'rogr•ssh'e•s towards the Government. EDITORIAL NOTES 'Tlsn't every taw's can afford' to stgq,Iy its people with mineral water. W1210)212 extra charge. • • • Ho1l3"WOIM1 se•nse to Ile good for a veneration Quer ,'very *o often. Has your mrsell favorite gist'iutu a s. -rape yet? • • • The 4'lo.1 .-..rth prognosticator pre- dicted that January world he "vert mild and cants" .tad then January, got right tryp audit showed hem he did- n't know anything about It. • • • �'lu• London Frei. ,i'ri's,+ quote, Ida Presse, of Montreal. as the heading Frenchl'anadian 1.11tertl palter. 1t w lerful !sow Many things Fre,• dress knows that arett;t-sea. • . • Toronto Telegram shohts: Brit- ish 'I'niotii+ne should have 111 truck or trade with Asquith:' Ito what is troubling the t'nioni.t i+ that Jaquith will hare nn trio with them. • • • There may be. at chi us many fathers wit Oahe *1t4, hew Nees" Ye•ar'a rew►lat t :1- there art. youngsters with on unbroken (atria?. ma, toy: 11111 we wool() not w•ug.'r mash on it. THE SIGNAL., flan •owpbitla:but debar raw you e u 01 DricroR of a roto tlfN t art elected lbmmy CRurt h as Its 'Major (+ecru times In smr,'*- alow? 1t hay at last (two cured of the Church 'infatuation , perhaps • day 1t will see the folly of lexica in, priHrWWlts. • • • Montreal has maintained its pool Hon as the foremost grain -exporting .,'agora 1111 -'the erotiueut by handling .luring the sans. of 11123 1_0,(M00.(00 hurdle's. New York :hippest .7,000,0 410 bushels, and Italtlmore. Phila- delphia and Note 'ripens foHesw- eel hl the order nun's! These fig- ures are for .uwporter only. Shipments AN BoxBox! Rot,nds 1, range, does tt not' Yet •hat Is(. . "lea Jr.lJ. Cat Aar says Zan Mutt le regarded by ills fam- ily. Mr. ('a 'Ler who Ise member of 1 v foul. :v of the lata Sir Georgia Cal ler, Is . as, 'e of the 1'sac• and Asa 'taut a"err, of toe Circuit -Court, Ido.,... al He drat dlacoy- ereu rice ac rest till power of Rani - ENS by nste7 11 'or eczema. which it coo piste; tided. SLLce Wes Ret futn147H u vor without it. tad from Furt William for last settstat ht.' %e;iv: 1 fr in the use u: Zam- �w•ere over 21:L,1r011,0(Nl bushels. Pc -. ! 1. .re proved that It Is. • • • wl:':oat-doubt, the finest ramedy for enema Its general healing -At a gathering of Visitant 1111.1 trod ..•, tall a ;ower. are Immense. , Turtor,' and Dlriiril•• last 'soak it was IJa�t 20 'are reror wt:hest, it" )S•etbera, P1so' 4 set► that Zam- p-Syoare(T with -the iormatron of a Pelt lx- always handy, for not only third golttIeal Party in the tantarlo does it end p:a'n, draw out Iuftam- I'roctos•IaI field, to be known, prub_ n•Ltt10w an't ~rove: t blood poison - but as fin. 1'ro centre . but It lieaas •k.n diseases and K .t r•onvell- 'Wanes in the rhortoi ; time poe- tiou '1(111 i e meld rat Torouso early in siblr. All dealers, FOG bot. • Jun,. next for the organization ..f � � the ale's• party. 7Formi•r Premier S able choice of the convention as the *sl � !vim ,� _'� .Cow :. e . rzyraugg tut/ grati- a,^ he v ,'21e. for alae benefit I or traded .illy and .,our, • • • old Genera Januaary. is now In command. I Aid 111,1'trkl Idm Tung to assert him •If, once 111..4 turn (same In the la whir. H.• may ho no far- orite wi 1 mime of us. but skaters. hockey nn, and the iceman sv-ear ly • • W- W1. with , the preliminary fire- N'nrks over. Lot's all settle (1nwll to "bask.. 1124 a year of prosperity and progr.•ss for I:.MIerlch. 'Mayor (iallow- has behind him a Stood -looking ruun- Ill, and the cud of the year ehouid we sou1ethhtIl worth while Mets). limbed. • '• • -'Format,- v(ired down tit.. tax-ext'tnp• F. PURTY FLOUR 1 --Mori. Bread and Better Bread-• t ''and Better Pastry lol I s, 1.1 USE IT IN ALL YOUR BAKING HAIR GROWS THICK AND SO BEAUTIFUL 35c " Dandcrinc" Does Wonders for Lifeless, Neglected flair Girls! Amy msntl s of ha,nant hair full of One, Invite and I, r.• shortly follows a genuine toning np of ne•glertrrl scalps with dependable "Danderine." Falling hair, itching scalp and the dandruff is corrected immediately. Thin, ,Ire. wispy or fading hair is quickly im vis..ra(wi, taking on new strength, enlot rand vout.hful beauty. "Dinderiae" is d.liglstfnl cwt N•• tot*: n r'redtinit• stimuls'ing form•-sotsticky orgreasy ! Any drugstore. Drury Is looked up.p as the pr l.- I.arty leader, W. E. Haney, K. t'.,• - who was AttorneysGeneral in tlu• Drury ('abluet, was offered tis. tie,- • 111/41 '1/f ilo(tse leather of this l'ru- gressive•s for the seaming se:ssiou of the LegtsLatur•, but he has since de. dined the appointment. ' . • . A. It. Me'lfaste•r, M. I'.. the Ind,• - pendent fr Itrome. Quebec. has Owen making . ae sp.r•he•s in the Wrst•r adviM-ati g governmental economy. tariff sIuctton. and other p►lh:1.;s with hfe•1a ht• has klentlfi.rl himself Mr. 1'Master iv a confirmed free true er. and gots( farther in urging (stint,. 4444 draatle tariff realm - 04 than. pr'o).atbly. sante of tlly d'ro- r(..oslv,' members. - in. advu(•Ieting a ro.In,'tlon of 1Tp a eblturns, so that taxntiou may tie lightened, he declar- Try Us For Fancy Goods Novelties, Etc. MISS S. NOBLE Hoath Side Square - eiuderich pool their finance,' and their ahiLity_ to work. . • ' The /true'..-+ayett'm-at>,rte.I fourteen year+ ago hemmer some of the' err. 1- • 1 ,1: "The attitude of the people to dents of rural s(1li.mr felt that the the Government in the past lei, tarn exL+ting ..m+pany oriole not afford to to regard 1t as a sort of much gie•e them, the .eerie.• til+? needed. Today there art. 1.67,1 phones, and Indlvldquly munklpallltls ami it Ls the only phone +pa an n Kin - Prothro.. have seen only what they Cardin,', fart Elgin. Plitt -ley, river- eould get out of the t:overnment, not ton 311'1 t'1s1•9rw+we1. and alar tnwn- what they could put into the Gov- shits of ICltyardiw«, •Inns.•. 1rr,ln. erumant " The �[c MaaPt-lthHweophy 4 r.',•u,wit and FIlden ler The KIn.•ardln.• Itgslr2e•r ¢iv.w Gov - goes In the carte of things, and while crrt:t to alp rntar•rn.+1 for til,• work he may la. too radical for the averse atone in .arryinr out this plrojte'. Canadian it is refreshing to find atone but n.•ve'r :a word about J. .1. Hunter. wan 'slut .has se thoroughly the pjat!1ieher of the iten..rtl•r• alp, for year* has hem a commissioner and courage of las convictions. • la' now 'alr.shhort lie tins .r•rtaiuly k .e • demon,. trate! that - he hes high l' ,tt the munk•iptl nomination meet- ,ibillty ns an organizer and, a .Con-. Ing at Orlllla Mr. hale. the chnjr-' 'trnc;i.o• worker. I111111 Of the Ileal 'water. light and piw"s•r-.•nam,+slon. gave ,:oche interest - Keep Little Ones Ina Mimmation as to Ilg'lu and power „Ont. in thief town. The aver age• cost of light !s r kll(ewatr hour at. 11,•1112, Well in Winter Is 1.43. as compared with 2.1 at. Tor- onto and 2.7 at Itsrrie, t'ollinga"asl, and midland, Farther. white in pintgrt--SYiutaerlaa clangorous *seisms for the served by. Hyden thorn is n mnnthl I Ihtle ones. Tlo• days aro ..r,'harsh1 y ! stele -,Nu• bright, the ni•xt colt) and Minimum charge of 7'. cents, at,tirillla' .tormy, that the mother is <afraid to there are nearly 400 light -takers whoa-' 'aka tit- children out for the.fr.wh air average per unotth is only-titi cents. and exer(•jM• thi•y noel vs( much. In 79tr 'Formatu,l:mdse credited the rr• •'nwreepuenee they are often cooped up markable sne•r•ss Of the 4Irilll:a ram- In overheat -ell. Jaully ventilated rooms and_ar• sloe mired with mien nr nips*Ion• to "Hydro." hut :1 , wuutor • grippe. • What is needed to keep the Of raif Or11Ha' is. not under the I'ro- little ones well 1) l jly',. t)wn Tablets. vinrlal Hydrvreletrk• elvytAni it W► Thy wit! regulate )111 stomach :old era levt' 1M user power '`itafi(f ,drAr Qui cn s. and br I 1 plant on the H, ONT. Severn Hirer- anrt Is getting better their f1t• the barfly wilt he able to (net Over the winter..e•aroo to iwtrfect safe- reaults than nelghioriug tow -u, are• ty. _alp Tablets are sold by medicine getting from "1lydro." The Or1111a c'om- healer ` ur by mail at `.'' rents a box Mission has just aumo11nced 11 further from The ter. Wtiiism,i medicine ('o.. reduction of rates in the form of an Brockville. (int. }magma. of -the Marottal. on air 1Ti[bt "in (lave gone by the young :mea and power b111a from len per trot. to 'came around at midnight to serenade Toting women" fifteen per stent. CONTBMPOIRRY OPINION Just a Start (London Advertiser) Hon, Charles Murphy announce, that the rural mall carriers are to get a holiday on New leer's Day. and that the hahlt of holding hark a nl..ntll's pay- until the completion of the contract w'llI tea Ftoppd. Tiow• two Items make a ' little break in file cloud for tIte rural mall ,tirricr., especially the latter con- .idnratton. The big case of the ruralcarriers&itgh. is for tine abolition .if Mir i'so Tact system and the pnvinetrt for ti• work done ou a mileage basis. At Inea•tat many of them nr,' cov- ering twenty mil.(* n day. k.» -ping two hnMw and a rig. and getting about astal a year. The, niike no names. send In a good notify (a re a pity out more for the upkeep and fwd of aver outfit titan they receive. Let the poand'tice depwrtm*nt keep right on ensll.•ring the rare of the rural .smelters. and nl.O . antlnt on tlsdr ('otlsideratkn. A Project of the People (London Advertiser) The torrent issue of the hIncar - dlue Reporter .vnMin+ a 'snipes- 1t•'nrlve review of all the even's. lending up to the prevent sllrisfeefnry 4114.1 rather 14111g4e. position of the ?truer municipal telephone systren. .t pleTnrea1 Of the stol•y Iolnlat M one thing. fetid that Is that the people of a entmmitnitr have within thr'.n ...hoe the power 1. work not alp• 'solution of tonna of their prohlernr. provtdettl they come logenher and 'The custom Is impossible now;" vommente'tl Miss Cayenne. "A pop- ular girl is very .w•Idom at brims- at +hat boor.* - Faheln+l-"Ther. s a certain quete- tion i've winded to ask you for we ks.- gest n more on: I've had the answer Waiting for motith.." "Do motor cars make um lazy?" asks The Dig.ea, Well, not if we're pedestrians. Prepares y0utag men and young women fur Htuuneeal, which le naw Canada's 'restart pronasion. We sexist graduates to positions and they have a pwacttcal training which mettle* them to meet with success. Students *re registered each week. (:et our foe catalogue and kern snmethiug about our dif- ferent deparunente. D. A. MiLA('1 IL..1N, Principal CHILDREN CRY FOR "CASfORIA" A Harmless Substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups - No Narcotics! Mother' Fletcher', Caatoria has been in use for over 30 veers to relieve betties and children of ('onstipal,ro, Flatulency, Wind Oche and Diarrhea; allaytng Feverishness arising 4.here- from, end, by regulating the sto "h and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Foal; g.% an" nature: .deep wet le ut genuine lava •Ignat a r. •.1 •optet.r. lb !Bold in (lederteh by Campbell's Drug Store and H. l'. Dunlop. The New Ford Touring Car The Nsw Runabout The new Ford Runabout is as smart and bovine's -like a car se you will find on the road today. The new arrangement d the rear deck gives abundant storage capacity. allowing • corridor/ibis load to he carried in its lock - tight compartment This is the logical car for those who require a good looking, sturdy and economical car at for Lavern possible cost For the motorist who requires a .good -Looking car of unusual serviceability, the new Ford Touring Car it a splendid investment. To the sturdiness and endurance for which the Ford is universally famous have been added new features which materially enhance the appearance of the car and add to the comfort of the passengers The new radiator is higher, giving greater cooling efficiency -the hood and cowl are larger affording increased leg- room, and the steering -post is braced for easier driving. With roomy acconemodations for five passengers, the new Ford Touring Car is undoubtedly the most practical general utility car on the market. New Ford Prices Touring Car, $445 Runabout, $405 Truck, $495 Fkrrr Sra eons and l.,eari* Fowh err $QS 00.,n.. Coupe, $665 Fordor Sedan, $895- Fkrtrk Sesame and LgMrn, Ib„hMMn4 .Standard an Abse • nods All pewee I. o. b. Ford. Ont no. Government Taxes extra. A 11 Ford model can be obtained through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan MacEwan & Tebbutt GODERiCH, ONTARIO KORO MOTOR COMPANY ns C/,NADA tIMITgD feaMlaw r0nr ONTARIO ,,.. . JanuarSs4als• LINOLEUMS ' - 3 and 4 's arlfa wide in a cense lhchoicechoiceIli pill- terns. lieavy quality and well seas61R'd, , at per square yard , 95c D oil sane F,,,,.ial. lila.-k t !'ailette and Duch - ,'ss Silk. 'Newest ,tyle and of superior qual- itv, sizes Hi to 42. Regular =20.00 $14.00 BLANKETS Largs double bed size heavy white fine alt wool, whippedt singly. Fink or blue 95 borders: Per pair ' COATS - . ,hi hl'redls and Women's. All this season's stales many are silk luted and some fur trimmed. Monello*, Rvliviaa, etc., at eachh '13t0071110.00 OBEY BLANKETS ' se 00 they alt pigs wool titanlietii.- "-Bine tarid#rc - and whipped singly. Largest double size. Vers special, per pair $6.5O • COTTON BLANKETS Largest size, best quality, select heavy, with fancy borders at per pair .. CCnp .3.au STANFIELD UNDERWEARCOTTONS For women, at per gar- .95c $1.25 t2. meat .... .... .... ff Penman's Vests and Drawers "95", all Sizes, at per garment $2Z5 ' MUSKRAToATS � t Select dark skins well matched and with largest shawl collars. Coats are heavily silk lined, 45 inches lour o /d�t-ith or with- out belt. Size 4l to .. $120.00 8 $135.00 • . 44. Ctic,•ial value •Minch heavy luablea,•htd . 25c 411 -inch blt•adhed .... ... , 30c 36 -inch bleached heavy white cotton .. 25c 35-Ine•h heavy white -Jae Salm Rani.. ' Flannelette .... .. ..... 28c v W. Acheson & Son _______..... Severn Hirer- anrt Is getting better their f1t• the barfly wilt he able to (net Over the winter..e•aroo to iwtrfect safe- reaults than nelghioriug tow -u, are• ty. _alp Tablets are sold by medicine getting from "1lydro." The Or1111a c'om- healer ` ur by mail at `.'' rents a box Mission has just aumo11nced 11 further from The ter. Wtiiism,i medicine ('o.. reduction of rates in the form of an Brockville. (int. }magma. of -the Marottal. on air 1Ti[bt "in (lave gone by the young :mea and power b111a from len per trot. to 'came around at midnight to serenade Toting women" fifteen per stent. CONTBMPOIRRY OPINION Just a Start (London Advertiser) Hon, Charles Murphy announce, that the rural mall carriers are to get a holiday on New leer's Day. and that the hahlt of holding hark a nl..ntll's pay- until the completion of the contract w'llI tea Ftoppd. Tiow• two Items make a ' little break in file cloud for tIte rural mall ,tirricr., especially the latter con- .idnratton. The big case of the ruralcarriers&itgh. is for tine abolition .if Mir i'so Tact system and the pnvinetrt for ti• work done ou a mileage basis. At Inea•tat many of them nr,' cov- ering twenty mil.(* n day. k.» -ping two hnMw and a rig. and getting about astal a year. The, niike no names. send In a good notify (a re a pity out more for the upkeep and fwd of aver outfit titan they receive. Let the poand'tice depwrtm*nt keep right on ensll.•ring the rare of the rural .smelters. and nl.O . antlnt on tlsdr ('otlsideratkn. A Project of the People (London Advertiser) The torrent issue of the hIncar - dlue Reporter .vnMin+ a 'snipes- 1t•'nrlve review of all the even's. lending up to the prevent sllrisfeefnry 4114.1 rather 14111g4e. position of the ?truer municipal telephone systren. .t pleTnrea1 Of the stol•y Iolnlat M one thing. fetid that Is that the people of a entmmitnitr have within thr'.n ...hoe the power 1. work not alp• 'solution of tonna of their prohlernr. provtdettl they come logenher and 'The custom Is impossible now;" vommente'tl Miss Cayenne. "A pop- ular girl is very .w•Idom at brims- at +hat boor.* - Faheln+l-"Ther. s a certain quete- tion i've winded to ask you for we ks.- gest n more on: I've had the answer Waiting for motith.." "Do motor cars make um lazy?" asks The Dig.ea, Well, not if we're pedestrians. Prepares y0utag men and young women fur Htuuneeal, which le naw Canada's 'restart pronasion. We sexist graduates to positions and they have a pwacttcal training which mettle* them to meet with success. Students *re registered each week. (:et our foe catalogue and kern snmethiug about our dif- ferent deparunente. D. A. MiLA('1 IL..1N, Principal CHILDREN CRY FOR "CASfORIA" A Harmless Substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups - No Narcotics! Mother' Fletcher', Caatoria has been in use for over 30 veers to relieve betties and children of ('onstipal,ro, Flatulency, Wind Oche and Diarrhea; allaytng Feverishness arising 4.here- from, end, by regulating the sto "h and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Foal; g.% an" nature: .deep wet le ut genuine lava •Ignat a r. •.1 •optet.r. lb !Bold in (lederteh by Campbell's Drug Store and H. l'. Dunlop. The New Ford Touring Car The Nsw Runabout The new Ford Runabout is as smart and bovine's -like a car se you will find on the road today. The new arrangement d the rear deck gives abundant storage capacity. allowing • corridor/ibis load to he carried in its lock - tight compartment This is the logical car for those who require a good looking, sturdy and economical car at for Lavern possible cost For the motorist who requires a .good -Looking car of unusual serviceability, the new Ford Touring Car it a splendid investment. To the sturdiness and endurance for which the Ford is universally famous have been added new features which materially enhance the appearance of the car and add to the comfort of the passengers The new radiator is higher, giving greater cooling efficiency -the hood and cowl are larger affording increased leg- room, and the steering -post is braced for easier driving. With roomy acconemodations for five passengers, the new Ford Touring Car is undoubtedly the most practical general utility car on the market. New Ford Prices Touring Car, $445 Runabout, $405 Truck, $495 Fkrrr Sra eons and l.,eari* Fowh err $QS 00.,n.. Coupe, $665 Fordor Sedan, $895- Fkrtrk Sesame and LgMrn, Ib„hMMn4 .Standard an Abse • nods All pewee I. o. b. Ford. Ont no. Government Taxes extra. A 11 Ford model can be obtained through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan MacEwan & Tebbutt GODERiCH, ONTARIO KORO MOTOR COMPANY ns C/,NADA tIMITgD feaMlaw r0nr ONTARIO