HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-10, Page 1t• A New Year's Resolution A good resolution for file New Year is to resolve to read el( of the adver- tisements in The Si 1, re/altar-1y each E.t NE1' B\'1 1 rat , 111 11 11.114I0 2. Zbe GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1924 Every Dollar you spend in Goderich helps to maple a better town and the better your town is, the more valuable is your property. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, P tire' The fuue.ral lalrykw, w•Itklt was held on Ifoaday afternoon to Col- ,. The Late Miss Sayer horn.• cemetery, war condur't.d by ltev. re ted with ghyt •uddeu Mr. Ho.Oe•, .a%sl%Uvl by .1t, v.)I. E. t and torsi -worker In Ford and Ree. .111s rt .tii. r•: Thr pall Nor;h suet Mkthodiut et4rch,Jn the bearer, were Mers. John T/l.butt, • pi.reon of 3140. Mary. Suydsrr who 41,11 Norm.tit Nuyder. 1i•ilihuu Finnig.tr, and last F'rlrkty at Ler lair ye,ato•. Brutes. 11,•nrc Suy•I The pt*rtieu:tidy i.tIge -,Wire, . after bot two dol.' 1111te,.4, Thre •1111' udutire of friends at the fuuetal . deewas.d wait the touch eluid in a and rite floral trsl,utes received from futility of eig,.l •ltiutre:t Lura lo. Iib' ole various orgrnixati.:i t, it:, which pr. t,e•ewsed hint only a Tow 'week., ago 114• i% Nurtited by two Mother-. Juhl 11. Evans. el, Treutuu. and 11 W F:\lur.. or 701111110 three son,. W It Es ante. 1).$ (I., of . Nicht rent .lulus II. Faro**,. of Toronto.. alit, is 1• 11'ttltt1.i.g, and two Wools,-r- llery and 1.711wi..11 home. '111,• drat track place on We.lu.•.elay Ito!, St. 1',ud',-chuii•It. pat J.. _ 1L.;.A, sod Ma- stat. rbi es %,t iw.t trr«+etrt.-4- i Bti)der. f oak,r1r rid cuu.es. dthatel tire titr•y Jvplla4ity 11111 war Ita`1n. -it i t. -----Fans v--r-Mrousert- thr.rwgbtlu♦`---fila• •etwunistisitf ia•r, bevile,. Ler loth, 11krr,_l!' lest ouddeu demise. three 'orders cud tan brothers, *Pi fwll.«tw• Mr.. Jo411 T .butt. of near Beath of .1 Native of Goderir'I Clinton. Mrs. trill. F'i igau..of Nile.The death of :t native of Gude- YM. 1(td,rbvvi 11..rwlei •111. of town., Itch was reported lo. 'Toronto yester- Henr; Snyder u,- 1'Ihuou. and i (laj its the passing of Wjlliam B. By - .Norman and Leel aur r, both of 11att Min at Ilia home. 21 Park mad. fulltww- Itswro. saakat.Nn1. a of whom. a.. i1r, •n protr.t•-t -.i iilne,N. Mr. Evans also, a e tido. Mr. •rt M trick, orf ; was Lora in 4 o,Ierich It/ I s.'N. going to Hags ler. wen• L. re for 1114. -funeral Toronto tip sante yea f. 11, w:is edit - eR. except Alt. Ler; $i .•r. of itn.11.31fl catcd lit till. obi11r/111111111r Sehtol and The • pale M1.. filar r had tw4•n au i 1 nag' t'aaad full.•¢,'. He Joint! the ivewditglt devoted and Solve mem- 'staff of the ilriti,h .1111.•riean .1s(nr• hes d .North i.gt t chureh during aNtre t^o, with w111c11 both his father the last fifteen yert., tiling (lowly and hist graudfalher were previously a, connected with &alb.. activities of the -.whited !Ater 11.- became Joint man - choir, League. :rumen'« Mis.tlonary ag, r far Ontario of the Commercial -aorh•ty and W. (', T. 1'. She was i'tiun Assurance Co., with the• late Mr. gr•n.•r'•ns will! iw• /.tient a. 11 pianist 11-leke4,e. tnb.11aently residing in llartkularly In 1ynn..•ttun with the )1«nirsil for ten years as Joint gen- two last nosed organization.. and era! tonnage? for Canada of the some WWI as wen me.atant pianist for the company Mr. Evans wan a ('onset - regular ml.l w «lc aerrice of prayer. votive. In polltit•-, and was one of the Misr Snyder trill inked he greatly oldest members of ,St. Paul's Anglican mlrwst in tow :!re of the congre gatlnn. church. 4.ervltyt there as chnr.•h war - 'Die feeling reference to her death den for 12. risers. He W11481.40 it tnt«- wldrh was ma* by her pastor, Res.. tee of wycllffe COlheg.•. As n mein - J. E ilotme. a' the e'tuur'h leer -v yes tier of alt• Q. 11. It., Mn. I vaus -crv- ou $1111ay wa, in it,ell eloquent tea- ed in the Fenian ntid. in 1147:3 he tltts'ny h. her worthwhile - life of married Mary Elixah.•th• dau4hter of Christian ,ad•itor and unselfish ser- the late John Parnell I'atinier. who Huron County Council, 1924 Huron county council will be romiw>Md tapir.. for 1924. Those marked with ao in the comet! this A•hfkld A‘alletitt Barfield Blyth' Brawls eilatoe (',lborne Exeter Garb -rich Twp. Goderich 1;r.y `h tan liar Henson Hallett itowtei Hoot& Mega 111op Morris ltgaforth too nley ro rrtlteery keramlth orae aw'anont. Roe sea nosh, West Ingham rozeter . of the foll•rw1ng nhlrroeu- aaterbdt are newv me•mts•r.s year. Representative Address J. Frank Johnston Lueknow John Jamieson Lueknow Alfred E. Erwin Rayfield lir. W. J. Milne ltlyti, ' Alfred C. Beater !truss -Is *Charles G. MiddleteS ('lintps Charles A. Robertson 4ioditilBeh. R. R. No ., •W. D. Sanders Exeter Oswald (Ilan Goderich. R. R. No. 1 •N. J. A. Ma(F)wan Goderich GA,derich - Brustelel Etbel Zurich Henaall loon owl oro Oorri. Gerrie Sit COlunMn Blyth Reaforth Clinton Dashwood Mt. Carmel Wing/ram KRte.. •• Centralia Blyth Ltckaow, R. R. NO. 1 Wine/Ism Wrocet.r B. ('. Mannings •J J. MoCutrbson *Thomas McDonald Elmore F. Klapp Cowen (i.tger ?, N. Armstrong Thomas ingtia *George JtntAard Yranrty 1. Mt'Quaid •Robe•rt Shertreed •J. W. Beattie George B. Hanley Ales. H. Neeb John Hayes John McEwen John McNaughlon William H. Coates It,Itert Buchanan Den. S. Naylor J. W. McGibbon .lohn Douglas INQI F:.'i' ST.1Nt)s .%I1.JI11R s :l l'lll itl'll \O'IES • The upstairs mom of the tow'. hall The semi-•, lo. Knux ehnr•it lI4 \1 r .vas :tg,iiu crow tied to Go. doe•els..Xe4w-- ZPutulu) will .lye_ uu..}tul.ut='}-4hu--Wla- • • „ 11 p,tu Tlaew,IJi .•keytlag.0r.Ihl,: , .tor. Sryl,h•rf of tansirr. ' 11.am ... f,m 'I" 44 ,• -11,4r ..14"1"" '1 !h. -L•; ;(al 1111. 1 :!' put." r!l 1 .seri,'1I Victor Is Accorded a Record 111ajurity of 371 Lutes Over His H. J. A. MacEwan Is Reeve 1, \ ' I u- no.ruto t st voices o,t Thr Lord': e• .1,, - 11l1I. I•rayet•; 7 ,.til.. ''1'Ih• Lu .,f 1 gg ' I'.iA• 1 • - ,. \passel 11111 Sabh ' 1 ( llumef ttti .Neil, al and llfLl.• cld..ks til Ic„\ 1: r. i. I•w,i( Id:u'e• 111 t 1,i ie1•k. 1. I. 1'0\', tarot. aC l7k Lair Franc uta ser o orae• =T 1. -t„ 4(tt_e e11,-.Iltllt'N 1-.]'f.(it-_thit._i'itiL_1411it11 came at 1k•truit on iiifl,hrst,ay. 1h•c•eur Is.r 27111, tit Fru11k .fustlu ( King+ Humber.second sal of the Int,. Mr. aael Mrs. ('. .1 Ilun,her. of facet• rich. Mr. Ilunitter wits seized with 111 ,ltlttck of teat,. Indigestion rwhllc discharging Itis duties KS head w•atclt- In'aker noel diamond ,utb•.man of F. Ro•ho!teu h ('o.: Jewellery and,w•atch- making firm of 1ktroit. and pawslvl away in als.u1 an hour', HMO. The d..0as,1, who tear burn ill Ke•tu•. Isar 1',•ted'oro• fifty-five year, ago, came In Gocb•rieh with his parents 1't the age of four years. In 1x(41+ the Jewellery firm 1'f'('. A IF1'urher & Son wits formed, the late Mr. ILuWN•r contin- 'ning in the partner -hip for thirteen years. in fact until he moved to De- troit twenty years ago during wh4l, lie had maintained iialuterru(.t'•1 his connection wtith the firm ill whose avis,. hi• was emnploy...I ,It the time of his demise. Ih.ad••. his alrlov, formerly Mitis Lizzie Fol(ord. of (:od,•- rich. there survive three daughters and one son: Mrs. Leslie Koons. of FI Centro, (.allforma. and Misses Vera and Helen mid Mr. Frank !lumber. Jr.. at home. One .inter anti tuns brother. also «urvive,. as follows: Mrs. R. M. Cassels. of Hamilton. Dr. A. Milton Humber, of Ih•troit. (l*arlva Ii. Itnrnb•r, of Goderich, Henry Hum- tttr. of Iced Deer. Alberta, and Malt - land' Hutftw•r, of Stratford. The fun- eral was held on Now Ye'ar's day from the dlrra'wt1', late residence, . 54.4 Loraine avenue. Rev. Mr. Homey. of Grand River avenue Pre,+• hyterian church officiating. inter - mens was math. In Forest Lawn cemetery. Mr. number• as well as ie•ing a Shriner and a Forester (C.O. F'., Gode.rk•h.) was a 32nd degree Mason. which latter order had full charge of the burial services. The nurneroua and lavish floral trihuteq teatlthd eloquently to the esteem in which the late Mr. Humtw•r was held by these with whom he had been aa• wwdlated in bnslnev,, in a fraternal ,env and ate a personal friend. Mr. 4'. If Dumber. of town. was among flue r'•Iativ,•s from a dl,tan•e, who attended the funeral at Detroit. for which nil the relatives were present with the exception of Mr. Henry Dum- ber. of Red Ther. Mr. FIumler'a Horny former friend's here extend to the soddenly bereaved widow and her children their sincerest '.ympathy. • Catrifan Pacific -New Tarot,* Sudbury Sleeper Travellers to Sudbury will appree- lat.• the new $lydtury sleeper which leaves Toronto Inion Station at 10 p.m. daily, in Canadian Parifi' train No. 3. This sleeper may he mooniest at Toronto 'st 900 p.m.. and passengers may remain In the sleeper at Sudbury until 14.30 a.m. Any Canadian Politic agent wall arrange reservatlnrw. - Eighty-one Years on the Same Farm ohn Gallagher, of Colborne Township, Was Born on Resides In the Year 1842 my that he wai born on the e farm on which h,• at present des on the 7th conc.ss1On of ('ole township gives ill a word the .tory of John Onllagher. fifth In e signal's aeries of Huron county Deere. WW1 on toward 100 years o Mr. Gallagher'« parents. the to Patrick Gallagher and Margaret niln. came out to this country from and and settled in Colborne town - ;1. having parrlrand from the Can,. a ('ompony two hundred acres of -h land. On this homestead in • hotter Mt. Oaflagher was torn in October of the year 11.2. Patrick Gallagher, who taught School at R. R. NO 1 ('olbtrne, for a atfager of years, as well es *working Ida term. died when hl« sun, John Gallagher. the alltdoet of this sketch. was but Avec years old. while hia mother passed away in ins. Of a family O[ beer children. three aurviVe y : Mr. Gallagher and two Whiten. pries Matilda Gallagher, of Goderkb, sed 'Nis. Margaret Deeereaus. of the 914 eoate«wioa of AAtlsid. Mr. Gal - 1'r sea vetted in aaerrlage forty - tea yeller nen to Mary IAraaworth, daughter of the late lit. sod Mrs, Ron - gates Longworth, the ceremony being performed In the Angiiean chump. Gnd.rirh. by the bite Rev. Arch +'lee• .'on Elwood. To Mr. and Mrs. Gal. usher were horn four eAlldrea Otw amt. Harry (laIiagber. dhd some +Mrs aEn et the age of thirty perm The ether rhlldrea stalk's. Arthnr Clarke. Of Jotlth's (til, and Inas Tillie Gal. r sad air. ' Wftilem Jams. Oallagier at Losse. VttreYrintlt Ila tiredly. revidetrve le ('ldlhsree Kr. As114•rfer has won the Farm on Which He Now for himself the reputation of being an excellent and dnueavlsful farmer, which reputation, It may be said.' is tieing worthily maintained by hila son. James Gallagher. who continues to operate Mr Gallagher's two first. MIL JOHN GALLAGHER spa's« 100 -were farm, facing each other on etnc.eslono 7 and 14 of the t(rwnaMp. the latter of which he pur- crhaaed some twenty -Om were Igo frmn William Hartwell. 'Mr. Galla- gher haw always taken a partk'nlar pet& in owning and working the best type of Clydesdale horsy and during the past twenty years las been a prominent bredtr In the towushyn of thoroughbred linrhnm 4111(11 While taking no active part In multi - chat Int itself Mr. (:filinghcr was. for over fifteen year«, n trustee of S. S No. 1, Colborne, and as such rendered excellent e'rvkr to the com- munity. As a Conservative of the party man type his Interest in poli- tics wall always kern and deep rooted, both la the potkh•s M the ptpl and the present. He smalls in particular the historic battles b•w•,en M. G. Cameron and itati.rt Porter. Mr. Gallagher has long been a member of ,Smith's 11111 I'reewhyterlan church and. Softy -one yeses ago when the prevent edifice w•at built. took a prominent part in the work of erecting Ore building. th,• hlatory of which rhllr•h, wax publisher! In booklet form I8.tt year in oelsbrnting the eon- gregation'1 Jubilee year. For a num- ber of years he was a mightier of the rnarulgtng board, and at the present time, together with Mesons. WIlllam Bellows and Gordon Young. Is One of the trutte.a of the church. Rheumpti.m bothers Mr. (3nllagher e•On4iderably, but hia never -failing gond humor And lid" wit, which have tome down to him from hia father, Mond him In stood stead In enjoying the declining yarn of life, whirh remain to him Aiways a man who has kept himself *All Informed on the affnlra of the day, Mr Gallagher poauwos an interesting and genial pertOnaulty with whi•h 11 la a real plesttnre to erne In ermjge•t. The Signal wishes him renei*F(s health and strength and ninny nwatp years of happiness with his family In his natlre town/hip. • 414l 1 r 4- "-mi. : r'=--juhciu Tn• ••.,y'•.,r, G. •.rc+ 'e scot tat. G Fulford.' •.Harry Shields. Hiram Brtindley. 1,iwar.I Lao /itOl. 11'illlaru Green., l ' 'r1;.- Syut- 1,11,1. awi 4'harl•s Itr,eknw• ('roan .11torn•y Chas. W'nger. K. t'.. 1111.. 411'41.41 the ens.. on to -half '1,f the• Crown addle 11. 1'. Ittys. Jr.. apps•ar• td lu the interests of Mr. ,/'..x. Thoma, 1: Ory. tu.nstabb•.w•as :h.• first wl(1a4111 1•allel. 111 nor -Wer to Mr Beater's queti,tious 11r. Gundry said that in Ids opinion it would b11'N been pond, le for one person to pities. the !midi lit the position 11 was funnel. though. If alive and able t, defend himself. it would out have been INN. slide, Any strung 1111111 111111.1 have done it 1f tin• lacy Iliad leen insert - Able. he stated. •M r. Gundry testified u, 11 the marks on the I11Iv :11141 re- girls (1( :to. ,,1...t.. nnu11N•r fort.. 11' 4ahtr11!1,.1) •',11,ri. soot '.tt Iii\ .! 11.. lh' 11.4,1.' .,'ruutn Ytwe a r,. l__ l ,_. p•,:.moi,,.. 6,r,11 Intttr•,t11141 .1111 prulual'c fa 11 .ir.,•11 cuugn•gatlufla tattoos out to 111:1' 1,1i1u 111t11 muruing an,t . Weti'tg de, pito the rery bad st1yu.. In tit' morn - log and et.•uing lo., N111.11111 11'. 'd - ors•+. 111 the, grout .arisolottair work In Japan war 1tdePsi '1t'ttino.v1• 4117.1 inspiring . Flt tilt , feting Dr. Norman gave n chalk on 1'a1••.t111.6 Wit 11..a 11t,1f a hundred lain. r1' views of the 1111y iauat,.411.6:h 111 had iisit- ei on his 'way 11t016.• on furlough. ''sly fn11•m'ing note front 'ih•• Knox cluan•I* "Week Ia •AVeek" speak. of it r44arl chttt1-I1 attendant, by the beys and girls of the ,r,agrl•gation which JS lath Intere.ting std aurth wltitc. ".t very creditable morel of chnrch attendance In 1911 luta Just htetl cont. ph•t..1 by sixty-two of our toys and Opponent, Robert 1/all Cult Ity,-rs of th,• town sthould be of the •esti°• ttt11t41 throughout sloe %worsiing of a year. on January let, lit:J. Mr. St,t 1 w„o 4..'411•.1 Llta J fur WW1- rCle•rs with 1:(ni rut,.4 (identically the same vote 1144 he rea•ived on ,Monday Mr. ('utt at that tome ran Itim a close second. lalling 1.1.11 vdtrs. In only our lulling vtdwlivbsion sus the contest a clout. t.ue. In Nu. MarKwan waw led -by mils four votes. 'Thr vote by sutalit'leiour la glut to - tow ; I lo. ',•'> !It's,-'. t.I,l)le:, the :.it' rI„I .1 la,d.I.. I.dwt _J 11.1 1..\'.11, ,+,obit, in- 'leery_ of +{+,_ antttioit -for-Eke ,,wx- 111:1 l e• \1t•..••atlt tit1.1 votes for 1Ir: Mae; i?\ran. while It opponent. Mr. R. 11. Cult. 71•'..i1 oil !"I. The handsome majority of 371 vote;- which was oi\e1: )11'. alaiI:eau. is tile- , largest 111 r..•,•rd. is the trr•al untul- cipol aueuu.• It is esp.•.•led deft Itel.%e JQIeFtttin'« , .lupi..• In the utw council will be the ' lance as Met year. when° as di'rer- ' man of the finance ('onunittee,he r.•,uh•n-d the tqt' u splendid service.• Peculiar it 4t, hitless!. that 1il,i rates 1 2 3 4 ✓ 0 7-iflotal 111tt ti.• 1;0 J4 02 -20 41 14--294 Mac•Ewun _• 7: W 97 7161 A9 127 45-9114 The Town Father,. Uuvor- lir. '11'. 1' e:aliott. lte•ve--Fl. J. A. MacF:tout. 1Mlnity•Reeve 1: 1' Sunning i •nnnr•illor, It. }:. 11o1 no.-. C. 11. IWm,b•r ferrel to .evena1 s•ahs and roughness eight %tete present forty-nine be fifty- J. S Platt. 11' the Silk. 1111.1 lat1 of the. 1)03 - 1 1'. .1. Ityan. two SnlAonrhs. -ecru were present It. Turner. hnpdp• forty --seven to forty-nine Sabbaths. and Dr. A. H. Macklin. w'ho coneinctel thee'. W. +creno poet -nutrient et1uotrlatton wit. then rr- wren store from forty-five to forty- (•utumi.sieu 11'. 'P tl\!maty. ,eve. Thi. t, .......v fine react, and oallel. fir. Macklin testified that all 1. W. Taylor . an example to ih,• rest' Of u•." \payor Gallus. the evidences. loth external and ha- @ Th.• +'rang 19•up14e, 1..•agm: of t•rtall. ta111tef hanhe cond- Nh seet yewst r1'r,hew' Flee"tion of t111e Inctgsto. Iw•iging.ug ta...'Iutclyi 4ortfir.[ unrtr[iulg oI,•thahlis• ywhr nu-1lt Tar% ld }pun Nits Ne ...sooty (-mown will have nine airless and rolint.S,• I ter a'Iiitr dny evening. The meefing w'a11 led demo aril absolutely characteristic by Mies Nf. Kink and short address., of dent!' by ,ufhs•atiott. In+N**tion a t w•,.re given by 1tew. J. E. Huitiw•s and continued effort to breathe. being able Mr. A. 11. Robertson. The League will t0 exhale but nut inhale anti' continue to bold 1114 rigida.* mI•t- hausted. I feel absolutely positive lug, un 7itestay evening'.. call. •n'ing that he -died from wuffts•atiul due to al h o''law'k In the s•bsdrom of hanging, h•• satll. The condition the lt11r,h. During the months of lea. II I. 1Ir. \rackl in ,iate41. cnu1/' not have been brought Matto by hang ing if the body had Ist•n placed there when lifeless. The marks on the body. parrtieularly tho.e on the ch,•vt, were something like braises. Th1• akin was not ahraile,l while the tissues undernenth the skin were absolutely uninjured. If prt.ltw•ed by n blow, he remarked. they 'ould not have Men prslneel by 11 henry //IOW. Similar marks are mentioned by authorities on hanging which were quoted and nod from at this juncture. by both Dr. Mneklin and Mr. Seeger. MIs,. Dorothy Veltnh. In'.pctor for the Mnrc•hmont Ramo. who last Oc- tober ae•umpaniel Mr. Kenneth Tay- lor, orate inwpctor for the boys, (now on his way to England) on a visit to th,• ('ox farm. was the next witness called. Miss Veltch snid that nothing •wA, k111wrt of the 111\•'. fatil.- er: that hi. mother lull 'been n d1- tn•stic. 1.111 her address wear unknown. He had he•n nine find n -half y'urs. 1n One of the Home's Union ffehoOhil in England and had been sent to high *chord there for two or three years b.,vttts• of his el•v,•rn•ss and treated n'. fin ordinary memis•r of the family The two was of a retiring 1'a turS. didn't den,.1111aasmutll 411114 people and per- 7(411 'TI i' d f R i' 1 lrfih. liable to 's• despondent. Miss Ye•iMh raved considerable corres on- a m ltibh• •. bol at 2 p.m. A e denIN•t ten the Huai/with... au'•rit ... of the Homs and Mr. Cox in eonmetion 'with the lay. At the time of her visit Fthe i.4. • wits getttw4 alms better Ond ' January and February the meeting. will h1• devoted to the Study of the • tanks. 'New Chivalry In Japan." and lter'es of Our Home Land." Devo- tional study w111 also be led by Rev J. E. 'Holnw on the hook -What and I Where is plod •" There meeting. will no doubt prove very helpful and in- tereating and all young people are eordially invited to attend. At North streetstr.t Methodlat church classesxt, Sunday the church classes and Men's Club55111 meet 1't 10 a.m. The snhJ/et at the Club: "What good does church tttetwhttwe do?" will be intro- duced by Mn. JWheeler.. It. Wheeler. .1t 11 O'clock the pastor's suhjmt. will be -The Weaver's Shuttle." a serviee for the renewing of the toverwant. in the s-v.nhtg the .uhje•t to be taken will he: "('hureh inion--Rl,y do we be- lieve in 11 Y' Satdath school will meet in the afternoon at :3 o'clor•k. Strangers and visitors will be cordial- ly we -loomed to all services. Next Sunday in Victoria street• Meth/1(11,r chun•h the spe•Inl Evangel- istic services will be continued In the morning at 11 o'clock. the Nestor will speak 011 the stehJ,•t: "$tivnttin TO the itterwoat" and in the evening at taking more interest 111 hi, •work than at first. IND. Cox waw then called and was nn 1111. stand from 9 until 10.25 p.m. replying to question. from both )61'. Seager and Mr, flays. 1h.. latter, how- ever, for hart 'fen dannte,. Mr. 1'1'x describe+ life farm and the work the hay ''4744 .uppsta•d to do. 11'' told of the hoy hoeing run awny Incl Nooem- ber find of hip haring found him about 10311 one Sntni-,ins- night sleeping out. under 4114 light waggon he tool taken . with him. on the Lake hank doe woof of Let -Niro. Mr. ('ox snit 1t.' 111111 pni- Isl,cd the boy by strapping hint on five sevenon civ different twen,IOn'.; had slrnp- pest him. seen or eight strokes on the palm Of the Ulm] the morning of the day the boy had toing hlm.etf. The lav had nut taken any Interest In his work. did not 'Want to farm but expected an office Joh. Mr. ('ox ex- plained x- plainYd that he had punished the hay lwv•Otw- he had fount! him deceptive and telling Iles. Ile said thnt early Saturday afternoon he hall had a talk with the coy. following the. strapping In the morning. and that he hall told him that -If he (the boyo did his best its wool(' not loutish him any more pint. he did not think thepun- lahment. were having any good rt.. stilts. Mr Cox 'toted r•nnphntlenity that in pmniahing the boy he had nevt(r treed the btwkle end or the etr,p (which .had been pat in as polder's -el nor had h..tnwek itim with tiro .trap anywhere e•xe.q,t on the palm of the hand. Mr. Coxa theory wap that tie boy, '(ming of n morose and despondent type, the Idea flint he had to work In the world preyed on hia mind until he gore 1'p. The last wltneeep heard war A toy by the nome of blathers. nineteen years old• who had worked for Mr. (ox for nearly a year ?tome five year4 Rift ile told of hs trootnent while with Mr. On. The Inquest stands adjourned until W, inetday Jtnttary 10th, at 14 p.m. In luau. town tua. Mr J. A. tb lattrp wit has been on the• ash plat during the peat taw day* with an attack of tonelllii. new: (area at the opebiug s•s',ion on January 22n1 next. it. J. Miller. of Citroen,. sad A. Tinting. of WIugh,tm, were un.ut essful tvutestants in mayoralty contest. in their rose tive town-. and their Otters have 1/1.411taken by ('hoc. G Middleton Old J. 11' el: Mlbton. respectively. John H. Fear. of Morris, dropped out to 1a..0 clerk of Grey township. conee- queutly his post haw been asum ses by a new man. Robert Shortred. Reeve Martin Knight, of Godt-n ••h dropped out and 11. J. A. :MacEwan appears in hit steer!, Warden B. W F' heav- ers retired at Exeter. wove W. D. Sanders la the Dew R1.1.111.. Dr. J. (;riere. of Sesforth. we. beaten by J. W. };.sale Thomas inglip stepped up in HRee nw1•k from Deputy-ve to it•eve 011.11ng Will 1.11 J. Spotton two that a new man appears as Deputy - Reeve in the person of George Hubbard on .1. .1. Me('ut'he trimmed John Reeve)fo•Nnhh, Reve of Grey, and Thontat )IcI►onald is al'.o a news man as !Popo?y-11.05.• of that too nohip. Incidentally .Mr. Spotton, of Hw' o• Ick. wait the only prospective candi- date for ash• 1Vardt'nehip who felled "to get hack." The rase is thus nar- rowed down to (lounefllor, McQuaid, Erwin. Net*. and (-ate., with theodds, at least aw far an experienee and etervire are l•ollcern,wl. in favor of AI(md I Erwin. for nine yearq lteeve of the village of hayfield Miss Mario McIntosh. slaughter of 1, as'. ng 1 e lgouq ape Mr. and 'Mrs Wm. McIntosh. Nelson pwrtunity". Fellowship service at 11 .0re•t. and Mia .anon Stafford. dough• 'r- ter of Mrs. Stnffnrrl V apler street. dial welcome. to all. hove returns! to their studies at the North Bay Normal school aft • 1 ing the vacation In town. Annual Meeting - 'l!,,. anneam l ,wting 01 the(;oderieh Iiortte•nit11r111 S•clety will he 114+1 In the hoard of Trade room. 01' Friday. January 111th. nt A 11 m. All the nmen- 11•rs and those int. -noted. no- r,- gite•ael to attend. First in a ('lass of Twenty-Eight .1r the Christmas examinations at the Central Te•lunical Sclool. Toron- to. 1Iurra44 Kernighan. formerly of olb"r1'.• township, .on of Mr and Mr,. J. N. K. rtiglnut. 'toted first in A Cho. of twenty-eight, taking first• rtes honors in- eight =,tnhJ.4t44 and second -(•Ins. honors in three others. Chas. R. Shane Dead. The death is reported at Rochester. N. 1'.. of ('hnrles R. Shane, n form- er (:ewlerkh business. man. Mr Shane had been living at Cleveland and had gone to itw•hevder to undergo an op- eration following (which his death took !Alto.. The body w•as Interns, In 'e i.nkevi,hw ,nwtery, Cleveland, on 111'- eember 26th. n0kp•ipe t MAa 'f MIARCato ALL ova* T0411 TON,/ PER_ 111E SNIRlpr ANO FINALI'4044/40 ctI' fourt0 NIM OSMuJart, MAcock Mitme$S 3•40P.sa EscLAR4HI , TOE OLO Matt RAM AWA'+ 'museTME bgewiR Mat TIRE . t anstl KOm `to(► UP 41 glia NOW 1111111! fat R TM AT ,•r ape nes - The. 11'. C. T. t'. w'111 meet at tile home of Mrs. Colborne, St. i'atriot( street, on Monday January 1411*. at s p.m. Ev,ryiwuly wWeitme.-Pries 11pt. .1 likely `late .t prol.tble and likely elate fee t761' ch:rtnntr1eh11 of the variotue commit- tee, of the 10411, cuunril tet follows, th.• first four nam,d beag grac- tirally tertaln: Flnauuv--iI. J A. Matel4woa I'nhlie Warks. -It. (' MonMags. Spw.•1a1-C 11. !lumber Ila rhor--J. S. Platt ('onrt of 114•vi+Ion-D. B. Habra. Market -4'. 11' R orweil. Fin' -P. J. Ryan. • Park, -•R. Turner. ResignN County Solicitorship 1t. 4'. play,, for the past tweedy - five years' solicitor and legal adviarer for the county of Huron. has rwtgare that position The rectgwttoo will be considered by the council •t rise January PEI*iON.tL MECNTION Weltome visitor. in Oodeekh an. Mr and Mrs. A. R. Aadeenoma of Bradwell, :Cask., -who are beret iso an extended risit with line. Lad.rrda sister. Mitis I,. H. Walter. Mr. Aa- derson reports that the section of Western Canada in which be is West- er (near Saskatoon) .ajeyed splendid crops this year. Mr. Ander- son has been a reader of The Signal all his lite, in fact hits father wam numbered among the first subscriber' M The Signal after It was edaNi/hell in lash by Thomas McQueen. Mr. Band L. Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1t. Kelly, left. this were for Los Angeles where he will centime hi, eonneetIon with the Hearst Pab- Ii..hing Company, of Now York_ Mr. .1. G. S. Loynes, of London. waa in town on business this week. Mr. Jerry (:emus has returned to Goderich for the winter months after a season on the Great Lakes. it fa antloipated that he will again be • member of toy Gad.rieh Ina.med- late hockey team. Mr. Jew• Lindsay last year of tis Toronto Sitmv,ew arrived In town oa December 31st to qualify as a resident of Goderkh as a player for the Par- ity Flour Baseball Club next season. Mrs. M. A. Graham, district in- vestigator of the Mothers Al1o►aars Oommisolon, and %Liter. Mlas Ida F. Leeekie. of London, were w,•'k•end Cleats at the home of Mr. and Mo. G. 1i'. Holman - Miss Evelyn Pollock, of North Bit.- and 17 --and Mr. Gordon Holman, of ('aatit Trethewny silver mine. near Gowatada, were r"•.•nt holiday visitors with Mr noel 'Mr.. G. W Holman. Thank-Y u! Will the people of Goderich kindly accept my most cordial and grateful thanks in electing me as thew Reeve for the year 1924 with such a handsome majority. May they also he assured that I appreciate to the full their loy- al and generous support. To those who gave of their \ time so kindly and unselfishly in elping me to win, I am deeply and sincerely indebted. H. J. A. MacEwan