HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-3, Page 10]0 Thursday, Januar 3 1924 • 4. - THE THE SIGNAL, - GODERICR. ONT. MAWS WORK REVIEWED (Contlnde from Pag e 51 offims and by whom nominate4 la us follows: FOR ,MAYOR William F. (tallow. by T. 11. Willie Wilson. anal J. I 11. J. A. ][acEwan by J. W. Craigia ' and H. 1'. ('lark. FUR REEVE W. M. Knight by A. lweunlugtun and J. Sturdy. 11. J. A. MacEwen by D. E. Holmes and J. Story. it. 11. Cult . by A. Saunders and W. Wallace. FOR DEPUTY REEVE \Vm. Itanie by T. Randy and A. Len- uington. VOTE H. J. A. MacEWAN for Reeve ofjf:theTo of Goderich for 1924 Read His Message to the People on Page 1 e.. January Clearance Sale of Millinery FOR Friday; ran. 4th, and Saturday, Jan. 5th and following week Smartly bei.oming versions of the winter mode at greatly reduced prices. $5.00 to $7.00 models, at $3.50 $7.50 to $10.00 Det,dels, at $4.75 $8.50 to $12.50 models, at $5.75 Sailor Hat.. in Plush and Velvet $I.75 Children's Plush Hats and Tams, M...... $I.50 Children's Beaver Hats $2.50 Sport Hats, in Felt $I.50 and $2.00 These Hats are of remarkable Quality, style and value. Your inspection is cordially invited. MISS MacVICAR Kingston Street Cadee'ich • .4. R Sixty p, , . of Hamilton's population own their own homes, a fart revealed bythe figure* a d f g4, of the 1923 assessment for the Ontario city, which, according to these fig- ures, has 21269 dwellings and 457 apartments. The great flour movement over the wh t Fort William and Port Arthur tn.* season has been unprecedented, according to reports of the Canadian Pacific Railway, which, by the end of October, had shipped 239,086 tons of flour to lower Lake porta. Port Arthur's building permits for the ten months ending October showed a total of $2,632,055, which is the biggest bulidiag year in the history of this Ontario d , exceed- ing even the total foe 1921, one of the real estate boom years. Canada exported 14%178,000 worth of cheeses to various countries dur- Ing the month of October, an In- crease of $1,224,000, over the total value of cheese exported in October, 1922. The United Kingdom was by far the largest consumer, taking 216,000 cwt., valued at $4,634,000. According to an announcement of Hon. E. R. Armstrong, Premier of Nova Scotia and Minister of Mines, the coal production of his province for this year will reach at (east 6,200,000 tons, an increase over last year's production of 4,842,196 tons of more than 1,500,000 tons. The outlook for 1924 is encouraging. The Prince of Wales, uniess inter- fered with by affairs of state, in- tends to make annual visits to his Alberta ranch, William Carlyle, superintendent of the E. P. Ranch. told the members of the Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturists in addressing them at Toronto re- cently. R. 1' Uuuulugr lay .1 Cutt and Mc\ell. 9 C. Manilla. by W. F. Cliva and J. 3W (MOIL fr FOR oDtTh ('I LTd)R S - ! ltuln•rt Turner by Wm. Rollie and A. less ri i ngton. It. 11. Ceti fly F. Jeffrey and J. %V. ('ralcic. R. .0:'lisj jr. by .1, 11. 1\'t'.on and T. It. 1Yailia, (1. 41 New:on by Way. Bailie and .1. rT-R•3T.,In � ti 1►. }:. 1t. ',r• by U. It. W(gth!a and 11. .1. A Mai•l)wan.. W. M. Knight by 1W' 1I Roterbineetan'I J .\V. t;ra lgie, lobo Rtor)' by .1. W. Crylgie and 1). E. Mew's.- • H. J. A Stee}:w:nl t v D.1 . Holm.es and W. T.- Marney Dania Harrison by 11 .1. .t Mfr.) *an and 1). E. Holmes NOTICE OF MUTING NiNlief. MEETING.-Tli}i AN - mud mevtiug of Colborne Municip- al, Telephone Syeteui will be held at tlaa Tow•ra.hip Hall, Carlow, on Thum day.`auuary IDtli, at 2 p.m. E. V. 1.aweunl Secretary. (suDgit11>u iIitIrrIel'ulrru.tl. sIl 1'1}:•17•-,\' N!Al, )L}:}:'rink: 'rhe. a.Ina,tl ' eating of this wu•ipty still 1..- h. I.5. in the fh.atd of T rouses en l-'ridny, ,lauuary 11th, at R 1 members. 1 those lute e•te h. h. A I m 'm re, nil t n i ted, are rt4piested to attend. J. T }' •:I W. S. Ituwdei MF}:TINt. OF HURON \COUNT * ('01'N(•I L The Council of the Corpoettlo of the County of )lyrot( -will meet a the n NOTICE TO OlRIEDITOKS N4ITll'E TO 011E1)1111)104. -IN THE matter ,of the Es too of William Bell, late e' tale of of Ooderich, in the County of 114, n, Laborer,' al - eeuwd. t NOTICE 1. 'hereby given, that all persons Imtiug ciulila or demand* agalust the .held late William Jame« Bell, who died o4, of about the fit• teentli da) et 1Nretgber• A. 1). 1!aa, at 1114- .aid 7.4%11 m I;uderteh, are requested •to --sent (di--0r__lk•Grfe 'alis 19114 day of .butuu• .t. D. 192'4. by loud', prelwtd .•r dr ver to Hays k Have . lbrrrten:I , Gigierieh. Ontario, r-fur..L1I 'ono. .Jona •' ew- ('omte. their naiuenl d addresses with fnll,9*rtleulatrs. dui verified by atllu- -tart' declaration ,er ffldarit. of allele clallut. and uatiaa'r of se, urltle•.; .if any, lw.hiii, au .LN1) Ti.tKr I: \.1 I('l that a(tor AGENTY WANTED DI'ItEI'T TO IIUUE HALES Men or women. 1 xelw.tt•e taking oriters for Women's I)re1..es, FR. -tory to wearer. t required 0t' samples, rentnu ! hurls•. (:he• refo eut•es. (taus Cu. 95 King street. t1tat. 'rem It:l.I:l'T11IN c'.%KI)8 ()' 1 _1 v t 4,f. \\ tWAN1+sIi. 1 have liven iaufuatal position of Reeve of vogr fur the year 1924 and I he your vote and Influence in content. LI the two years w O cupletl this porkier' 1 hare do m)duty faithfully and honor me by electing me for term 1t .!111111 b, m,' endeavor., thine to aerie you 4o the Fur traders in the distant parts of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Silt iah Columbia, ordinarily weeks and months from mail service, are now getting regular quotations on furs from the Calgary Herald's radio broadcasting service. The annus) winter carnival at. Banff, which is yearly becoming more popular and is attracting sporting enthusiasts from all parts of the continent, will he held Feh- r•uary 1.9,-3tI24r- while --1b, D.nft annual bonspiel will take place Feb- ruary 4-9. According toestimatesmade hy the Rt. Rev. Dr. G. Exton Lloyd, Bishop of Saskatchewan, that prov- ince has room for another empire north of Prince -Albert and North Sattleford. The bishop has just completed a six weeks' tour of the limits of settlement in his diocese, oeveriag 2,400 miles, and estimates that homes and living+ for 250,000 could be provided is the country re- ferred to. The adverse balance of grain shipments Ginni It Canadian as against United States porta is be lag steadily reduced, according to statistics oompiled by the Marino Department. In 1916 only 91,082,- 702 bushels of Canadian grain were shipped .rough Dominion porta, where as 165,949,989 bushels were %hipped through the States. The figures for 1023, up to September 1st, on the other hand, show that Canada 110W ships nearly half her grain through her nwn ports. Dur- ing this period the amount regist- ered has been 10a,fr48,4R6 bushels despatched via Cana4ien porta and i3O,Mg,4$$ via those et the United, t. -tt}'atrhy- M..1- -Ratrter--nint--li- 4'. Siliunlug44. C w'. Worse!! by 11 E. llo'mea and J. W. ('reline. . l' 11 howler fit' W 3. McNevin and W. 11, itobernien J. S. 1't.•yt by 1)..11. Holmes and 11 C. Slum Inge. \\'. 11. Rotertaon by 1:. 1' Minnninea and J. S Platt. J. I). Wilson by J,,P. Inkster and W. J. McNevin. - 1). 1) Mooney by W. T. Murnpv and D. E. Holmes. WATER AND.IJGHT COMMTSCTON John W. Taylor by Wm Bailie and J. J. McEwen. POR SCHOOL TRUSTEES Rt. i via's Ward: Thome; Gundry by J. Story and J. A. 's Ward: by J. R. Platt and D Abse by J. n. WI1.nn rrle and W. F. Gal - Bar St. Patti R. J. Ach ' E. Holm and J. C low and W. F. Clark. W. F. Saunders by B. C. Munntnes and J. a Platt. • St. George's Ward: Alex. Saunders 4"9- J. J. C. Iaithwaite. St. Andrew's Ward: J. W. Cralg(P by C W W George Hunt. n. ae,.unts'awninat the County most is' In the- hands of the ck•rk out later than Monday pre:Intim: the meeting of Cuun1•IL Geo. W. Holman County Clerk. Goderh•h. January 2nd 1924' iNV'ESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES THE It1('II GULDS 1)1,1E1..OF • ::I orlheru Ontarlo---Wonderful ulr purlunitlsc to make money in North- ern Ontario Millions of Withal and American capital are being invested In the rich gold and silver fields of the North country. AIBIT1IBi MINES LIMITED In the Lightning River Dis- trtat is a property highly recommend- ed by mining engineers. and offers Immense possibilities.. Now is the time to invee.t at the first offering price of 2:x• per share. Send fur in- formation. Ontario lutt•atment Co., 48"Ontarto street, Stratford Ont. CARD OF THANKS The Eseeutive of the Huron County Criltile and Children's Aad society wistt to pub- , ; Heftily thank the many friends who so generously show their interest in. the 11 and. work. by their contributions. The donations for the happy Chrlstmns , reason were very gratifying. and while it Is impar ihly to mention here each One separately we furl it Ls due to 'name the employees of the C. P. R.. the Men•,wtnng Canoe Club and the Wo en's Tnsritntca and Sabbath echo° organizations in the eounty which are shown their Interest and appreciation by their generous - and continued contributions. Aeknowl •went Ls also due to the newspaper p of the county for their ready poll tion of any Item.. In elmneetton with e • work of the Satiety. To one and all si express our ,sincere and grateful th ks. -Jan tlitteh.•11 P !dent G. M. Elliott. ('onp v Agent .5. M. Robertson. nnnty Seer ars. EVENING CLASSES e climate ander the aeaaplees of the C. eglate Board, will he begun In the pub c library basement ah fol- lows: - Basketry n Monday evening. Jan- uary 7th, un, the instruction of Mr. (:eorge McLeod, f The Arteraft Furni- ture Co., whose pabtlities are so well known. Farcy Knitting Tuesday nfter- noon and evenings. -Ing January Ra), under Mrs. D. McN , who has given ench splendid were re. Home Nurndtg-fin Wed ay re (Dings. beginning January 9th►. nder 4110 ably in.teur/lon of Dr Gallo fooling -'On Thursday evenings ginning January loth, under Miss Potts. an experienced teacher, who (bolds a speeiallst's certificate la Domestic Science granted by the lade- eatlon Department. The Board has for a long time bad to give up cisme ' in coking for want 4f a teacher. They trust the ladies will take full adventegn of the splendid opportun- ity pportun-Ity The classes to Automobile Mechanism will he Bogan for ladies on Tneaday wve'niog, Tannery LSth. and for men. Thursday evening, January, 17th. The daises in Tk-eeamakidg and Mfr": linery will Dot be begun until Feb r uary. when the Spring aryls and ma- terial will be available. ' The Principal will be• present at 7 pm. for enrnlment and classes will be begun at 7.40 that evening. The , nfterrioxnn elaesee begin at 3 pm. FoP for the rrntrep of thirteen lemonsis °4117 11.00. I In Itaak.lry the materfals will be furnished the members at enat prier. Tn C.oking the material.' will he pro- vided by the Board. Other ebonies in all -deportment! will be orrenteed as the attrendanee re - gram' .7. W Frnspr T 1' Ancon Chairman neinpinel. P1'RI,iC NOTICE 110 NSH1P OF WEST WA5VAN014H Election. for the portions of )reeve and Council rs of the municipality and voting nt a pleerselte on the oneetion °f oho .hang statute labor twill be h.dd at 1 following pnlltna' places on Monday..I nary 10th, from 9 am to 5 pm. rolling snhdIvI,don N •. 1 --Weigh Reales. Pubngnnnon. B. }. att. tit'p- nty Returning Officer; Fra Jones, 14+11 flora. Polling Subdivision No. 2- bile T.Ihrary, Mench,st.er. Robert Stat Deputy Returning Oftte.r ; John M Knight, poll clerk. Palling StiMlvlsion No. 3-'I'nwnship Hatt. Fd. M14.9obertr, Deputy Rpinrn- khg Offleer; John ('amernn. Pole Clerk. Polling Suhdtvlslon No. 4-Ptthlle Library, Rt. Hpl.n.u. Wm. Wefhater, Deputy Returning ()Meer; R. M. Att- e/11.14n Pott Cl.'rlt. -- - - Polling Subdfrlslon No. 5 ---Patron'( Tie11, concessions V..' and 13. Lottie woneherhead. Deputy Returning Of- ficer ; .ioseph Anderson. Poll Clerk. Polling Subdivision No. a .St. An - roe, 44.,.. .-.1 the -1W141- 114,441411011 t.41 aueuug 1114 11.143.111 .111111ed there having rexar.1 $uly ft, t4tr hKhali elnitus u whit. e Khath 1 have 11141 nut lee. n4,, that rile sttki •eeecut,r will not lie 1 - hie for the en14 assets. or any part t er.rd. to ;114 persons of whose claim teas. )11.111 •ant 11ave been re - Dated a Gnllcrith this 2711t day of Tkr,•mds•r .t. D. Tryst. I \Yw& HAYS PI irate for the Executor. Al-CTi N SALM DIsi'}:ltsION ' SA E OF P1 1RE Scotch hod a I►1w purpose short Hort Tattle. T rue' rehing out- fit 114,11 Mnrhinery. Mlt. JAMI' 11'Hi3' I.M ' will sell by piddle a lull sr LOT 5. 1.. Its E. CI)L1(4) NE. (4 males' nortltt of ikeler a 4111 -Tt'4si)AY. JANUARY 15, I commencing eta I.3o e', -lock sha 22 head of Pure first Registe d abort horns. S$►.t of them of tl famous -Duchene of (1l41ue•ater" fam- ily. the nest are Dual porpoise of Meavy milking etruine. All the, pure bred cattle Mr. 1'hlshnhn nus will iw sold Ine'luding the stock' hull, Ridge hunk ('onnt No; 1501%2. a grand thick individual rising 2 years old. 4 young MM. up to 9 months hid. the halanee are er.w•a ami heifer% In calf and w,me Toting calve.. alas three good grade (vrwR, due early. 2 York sows dor in March. 1 25 H. 'P: Itakee' engine owed ta-n years, easy to fire and In first class condition. 1 16 H. P. englne, 1 Sawyer Massey -separator with cut- ter, 1 large one tank. 1 Rlizzard vat- ting boa with teleecop• di.trlhnting pipe, 1 Johnston I'or,, binder, nearly new, 1 corn planter. Conveyance will meet Incoming trains on 4'. N. R. and C. I'. R. on day of sale. Rale to he held under cover. TERMS:--NIne month,. credit will to given on tarnishing approres► Joint note.:, a diwrrttnt at rate of 0 per cent per annum allowed for cash. On the barge threshing machine ogtflt longer term' will the given and will tie announetd at time of sale. This sale Ix hieing held on amount of 411 ealth of the proprietor and every- tg must be disposed of. Write for rattomes or any Information to Jam • ('1hlKholm T. Gundry R. R. No. 3 Gaslerieh. Auctioneer. CLEAR1NI' ACCP; elf( SALE -OP }',Iran 444.11• and 1111ptementa. 511t. E. M.-I1.WAiN w1!l w•11 by pt' 'Ic auction at LOT 7. ('(1N. 1. 40 1).. ASilt'1El1) oq w'I:I►V441Ay JAN '4It) Orb nuume!M•!ng at i o'eI ,dvirp l eORR18 1 henvv dneft hnrap, 7 7 R old: 1 heavy dneft"mare. 14) yeeiw -Oft; 1 driving horde, 4 years of 1 neral purpose mare. 10 years n 4411 s,.sl to be In foal ; 1 general pttr- pose use, 3 yenrs old, broken to lint, news: colt. It months oA1. ('.ATTLF, .1 Ihurha ens-, R years old, fresh- en in n atv. time: 1 Dnrlum cow, 4- yeaift• std, • e April 24, 1924; 1 Holstein sow, 5 Drs okl, freshen -in a short time: 1 Mum heifer, 3 yenrs old. freshen J .. 24. 1924; 1 Durham heifer, 2 yea old, freshen March 22. 14r24: 1 Jer v cow, 9 ilk n L"g1) natlne. Ambrose Rrophey. -pity ye"Ira old, frewht•n April CRO7,TRR-Tn Ashfield. on Friday. 1' Decemher 2Rfb, 11i'L't, to Mr. and Mrs W. P. Croei.r, a daineh;ter. FiSHETR A. ,legends lioepitnl, on Vandal, Thwmber 28r,1, 192'5, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher. (neve \'era 'Rtoufpinn), of Cnlhorne town- ship. a daug(ttr, (Donne Adele). ..-_. . SHANE --Al Rtr•iteater, N. 7., Cherie'. R. Shane. of Cleveland. Ohio, formerly Of GodprMb: __._-- IAWKHART --At Sioux Lookout, On- terio. on Thursday, Dteember 27, 1921. R J Inekbtart, aged 40 years. CARS OVERHAULED CAJt4, ANY MAKEREPAIRED, OR nyerllaralwl In ytnnr own garng', entipita rtion graerwMood. eve minable rat.Y1. Mpr•tataxt in McJMnghlin and ('hevrolet. .1 M Rrown, west end of Nelson str..4, north aide Aron SALE FOR SALE COONSKIN medium weight Apply Signal Office. COAT, at The lap rvettiiiitiiitti row. 'i1T►i.u. -cur sal.. --ore Prairie State, choicely 1(10 eves; one Postrie Mate, 4 -opacity, 390 eggr . one MAW/0, lttyle TIE.. t'apnt•- ity 210 eggs Thew' stains.* err all in Al condition They meat he seed to make room for a larRpr machine we are Metalling Ritlirmnd. Farm. R 14 a R. R. Roep4I. Ondeekih. Returning Officer; J. it. It.ddlhem.l )earning heifers: 1 yearling Poll Clerk. PiGS 1 sow, due 51n nett 25: 1 now w-Ith gs born IAremM•r 27; 11 pigs, 4) WP/` 1224; 2 A PPLICATTON TO PAi(1,1A3IENT. Nctice is 'hereby "teen thatan ap- plir'atton will to made by the ('arplrn- 'Ion of the Town of Goderich. to the Iwegislatl've Awembly. of the Provinee -4)1-OnitHio.-wt-1M Datta-wPawben for w Special Art to empower the read Cot, anon to rine hy way of loan on itt. credit of its debentures the .nm of 125,000.00, to pep It floating debt of the acid Corporation. amounting to the aal'd Rttm of $23,000.00. and which has arisen hy reason of yearly deficits on cornet accounts (from time to time, and whkM have been carried by the Town's hank, and to empower th0 said Corporatnn to VINO a by-law for the purpose of raising maid money on •44 - credit of She quid datwmtifrnR, without obtaining the ennsent of the electors of the said Town (f Cloak, rich. to the parsing of said bylaw or n 1w•rvtng the formalities' in relation thereto prew'rlbrd by the Consolidated Municipal .5.t. 1!t2,! The pen,,eds of the .aid d.•bentun, to he applied solely to the purpose of dlaeharging the raid heating dent of *25.000.on. The Ousting d4Mmtnre 41111 of the .eM Nanicipslfty IR $219.925.42 (ex-' elusive of )oral Improrr•ment debts .eenrM hy special arts, rates of ameme- mrnlal whereof no lwinelpa1 or inter - .•.1 is in erring and the region!' for repairing a frifther home of dethentnra,, ere ie 011000 NI 01)4. M. G ('an.re lolieltnt for the Appltennt It* tort aO Oenterieb. thll 31st day nI t44*.mber, 1922. FOWL S., ereee : 1 gender; about 130 hens. IMPLEMENTS 1 riding plow, single; 1 Wilkinson e11a11:inm. plow, .. o..-'a-:-3-Fleury walk- ing plow, No. 21; 1 ('ockshutt doehle plow ; 1 apt resection harrows, 3 -section dsnbletrce; 1 set 3 -reaction Harrows. 72 teeth: 1 Kat dine harrows; 1 Masspv- iiarris 10 -hoe wort drill with cultiva- tor teeth extra : 1 Deering mower. IT foot ; 1 dump rnkn, R foot: 1 dump rake. R foot• steel wheels; 1 Maseev- Harris hay loader, 6 -foot, nearly new; 1 Frost A Wood binder. 8 foot ; 1 McCormack hinder, 7 -font, good as new. 1 wagon; 1 cart; 1 net alPigtue; 1 famine mill. complete with bagger and sieves; 1 MnpleJ.eng green grhrd- er, 10 -inch plates; 1 Meteey-7Tarrls corn binder ; 1 stnck rack, gravel fox, basket My reek; 1 senfner; ehnrn; Happy Thonabi range, Primrose cream eeparetnr. nearly new : exalt 50 ton.. hay : Mxmt 12 tonna strew and num- erous other articles; 1 good collie dog. Everything will be disp>.0d of, as the farm 11 rented • TERMS -Alt toms of $10.00 find under. Oath; over that amnnnt -ten month's eredll will be gtren on furn- ishing apprnved joint notes. A diet - delft at the rate of R par rent. per anntoa4 111111111111 for earth on reedit a mounts. R. D. 1t'Tlwaln Thos Gnndry I'rvpri.tnr Anetioueer R. S No. 1, Ilboppardton. the se•assen.-1 am •-""1- Faithfully � Faithfully yours R. Y. FARMS FOR SALE QAIIM FOR SALE CONTA `` )•101 acres, situated on the road fl1 miles from (lucterletl a mike from Clinton, On tXe tarot Ia a good bank barn. SSx(15 feet cement stabling. a (+ambit' .oust• and drivlt';; shod, al house. House Is a story and fntwt•; Moth hard and toff w house and running water in the yard. Farm land is of good loam. Seven acres of fall wheat Lido fall; twenty serf's are alfalfa, about twenty -fire a tall plowing done. .511 the fa wed feared. Fur price and ter this Al property apply to the o4, the 'treaties., Sll('(IAEL F R. R. No. 2, Clinton. LWR SALE .5T ONCE. -A nice 1- Just outside the corporation of rich on Huron road. where the or can have many farm com t all the advantages of the Township tax hn+teud of town side walk to the dour from Town; livery of Groceries. (dread, Meat Milk from Town. Mail box at This" property consists of two ae land. prieture near by can be set. Plenty of aaclrt.•.I fruit trews email fruit. A goad house, barn. eta drive house and fowl house. The h is on atone foundation. Excellent lar, ■11 well planned for convent and comfort; Electric lighted; water; everything In fine condi For particulars ■pply to J. W. strong. stove I'arw,n's Fair, P. O. R9. Goderich ,or W. Rheas. God P. O. MEDICAL DR. F. J. it. FORSTER �/ EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Bargain New Tort thalmic and Aural Hospital. at Moorefield Eye Hospital Golden Square Throat Hospital, don, Eng. 63 Waterloo St., 8.. Stratford ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford. Goderich, February 2011,. at 7.30 p.m., t.. Fpbra ary 21st. at 1 pm. At'CTiONEERI IG 1 M STALKER, AUCTIONEER for household effects farm 'tock. etc., for the County of Huron, Address all communications to 1. M. STALKER, Auburn 1'. O. LEGAL G. CAMERON, K r, iIARRIS- TER, Solicitor, notary puha.. (Ake Hamilton street, Goderich. third door from Square. Trust funds b loan at lowest rates. PROUD KILLORAN & • HOI,ME ,BARRISTERS,' SOLICITORS. NO- TARIES PUBLIC, ETC, Ounce on the Square, second door from Hamilton street, Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. J. L. Killoran. Dudley E. Holme I'tays & Nape BARR/TF.ar, 97C. AYS-R.C.HAY9, JR.. B.A. Iton St., Gen erich _. CIMAGER, .C., BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, 'otary public and conveyancer. Of '. onrt House. (lexlerloh. INSURANCE. LO MCKiLLOP MUTITAL P1RE INMUTANCR. LOANS, ANCE 00.-ratm and Isola town property in'ored. Ol6cers-Jas. Connolly. Pres.. Godo' rich P. O. ; Jas. loans, Vice -Prep. Beece►od O D. F. Mc(lre/er. 8ee.•hwTresar P. ileetorth; P. O. Directors -A. Br•oadfoot, R. R. No. 11, 8eafortb : John G. Grieve, Se. 4, Walton; William Mae, R. S Km 2, Sesfrth; Jobn Hemelwles. di;mtfoni;Robrt.dLiarsoll1rrat haaen;Gen. McOartn 7, S E1eOlbon,Hrunedoid;JEvan�.Beechwod; JawsOoeOodwn'le.Agao: J. W. Teo, GeeMdehAlen.Leltell, R. S 140.1.(11in8ss Jobn Murray, SMferlh; 1L $1RI 8eaforth, PoH y bsldsee Kan Py 9•14Oata .tad tetW. Mer tna ad at R. J. Merrlsl'e (b1W is 1416..11 mites; lt. H. (litre arse.ry. /fiat street. Ge4.rtek. K J, i. tianeeal Store lselHdt o 1r • January Specials . LINOLEUMS DRESSES ' •h- rOttrh- •1 ,tnii i , 1 . lli tir-iTI alntirtrniree-rf-Tort- lI•r11 • 1 , ,lualit; and eel{ .c.a..ine,t. at la.i' "Lr.ur '. r,1 95c BLANKETS' . lawn,. ,ii'uh;, i ,,,. aft white ;it •• an wool. whipped shitty. Pink or bine $95 ala r'.. tete mit* -+ttr-torlr- a lrr'ritr3..,}33nc3t, (n amen- r•.Silk. Newest style and •rf superior yu»t- itr, sinew 16 in 42. Regatlar $20.00 $14 00 . Eatell COATS Children's and W..11a, - All title season's ,•i Ica, utiuly erre .iii; I:Inl »nd some fur _._-.•nr3f. DY Bi *IIIK T -- • • ":'- n$ • ---BR �: ' ' • MUSKRAT COATS Belem dark akin)) well w»telted and with largest, Shan't collars. Coats are heavily silk Tined, 45 inches long and with nr with - out belt. Size 40 to .. �1GO.W dt X135.00 .Y. 44. •Special _stilus COTTONS 40 -inch heavy mibleaelied 25c - 40 -inch bleached' 30c 36 -inch bleached heavy white eotton 25c 35-int•li heavy whiter, free from dressing Flannelette . , .. .... 28c • l;rey ell purr wool Blankets: lllnr burden.' and whipped )singly. Largest doitlale els•. Very .peeial, per pair $6.50 ► _ COTTON BLANKETS Largest size, best (jualit}. select beat's. With fgnry borders at per pair g r� 3.50 STANFIELD UNDERWEAR For :itubltva. at per gar- .95c $1.25 $2 00 luent ..:. .... .... Penman .11 Vests and Drawer,. • •'1:•''. all sizes. at per garment $2.25 W. Acheson & Son MAWS WORK REVIEWED (Contlnde from Pag e 51 offims and by whom nominate4 la us follows: FOR ,MAYOR William F. (tallow. by T. 11. Willie Wilson. anal J. I 11. J. A. ][acEwan by J. W. Craigia ' and H. 1'. ('lark. FUR REEVE W. M. Knight by A. lweunlugtun and J. Sturdy. 11. J. A. MacEwen by D. E. Holmes and J. Story. it. 11. Cult . by A. Saunders and W. Wallace. FOR DEPUTY REEVE \Vm. Itanie by T. Randy and A. Len- uington. VOTE H. J. A. MacEWAN for Reeve ofjf:theTo of Goderich for 1924 Read His Message to the People on Page 1 e.. January Clearance Sale of Millinery FOR Friday; ran. 4th, and Saturday, Jan. 5th and following week Smartly bei.oming versions of the winter mode at greatly reduced prices. $5.00 to $7.00 models, at $3.50 $7.50 to $10.00 Det,dels, at $4.75 $8.50 to $12.50 models, at $5.75 Sailor Hat.. in Plush and Velvet $I.75 Children's Plush Hats and Tams, M...... $I.50 Children's Beaver Hats $2.50 Sport Hats, in Felt $I.50 and $2.00 These Hats are of remarkable Quality, style and value. Your inspection is cordially invited. MISS MacVICAR Kingston Street Cadee'ich • .4. R Sixty p, , . of Hamilton's population own their own homes, a fart revealed bythe figure* a d f g4, of the 1923 assessment for the Ontario city, which, according to these fig- ures, has 21269 dwellings and 457 apartments. The great flour movement over the wh t Fort William and Port Arthur tn.* season has been unprecedented, according to reports of the Canadian Pacific Railway, which, by the end of October, had shipped 239,086 tons of flour to lower Lake porta. Port Arthur's building permits for the ten months ending October showed a total of $2,632,055, which is the biggest bulidiag year in the history of this Ontario d , exceed- ing even the total foe 1921, one of the real estate boom years. Canada exported 14%178,000 worth of cheeses to various countries dur- Ing the month of October, an In- crease of $1,224,000, over the total value of cheese exported in October, 1922. The United Kingdom was by far the largest consumer, taking 216,000 cwt., valued at $4,634,000. According to an announcement of Hon. E. R. Armstrong, Premier of Nova Scotia and Minister of Mines, the coal production of his province for this year will reach at (east 6,200,000 tons, an increase over last year's production of 4,842,196 tons of more than 1,500,000 tons. The outlook for 1924 is encouraging. The Prince of Wales, uniess inter- fered with by affairs of state, in- tends to make annual visits to his Alberta ranch, William Carlyle, superintendent of the E. P. Ranch. told the members of the Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturists in addressing them at Toronto re- cently. R. 1' Uuuulugr lay .1 Cutt and Mc\ell. 9 C. Manilla. by W. F. Cliva and J. 3W (MOIL fr FOR oDtTh ('I LTd)R S - ! ltuln•rt Turner by Wm. Rollie and A. less ri i ngton. It. 11. Ceti fly F. Jeffrey and J. %V. ('ralcic. R. .0:'lisj jr. by .1, 11. 1\'t'.on and T. It. 1Yailia, (1. 41 New:on by Way. Bailie and .1. rT-R•3T.,In � ti 1►. }:. 1t. ',r• by U. It. W(gth!a and 11. .1. A Mai•l)wan.. W. M. Knight by 1W' 1I Roterbineetan'I J .\V. t;ra lgie, lobo Rtor)' by .1. W. Crylgie and 1). E. Mew's.- • H. J. A Stee}:w:nl t v D.1 . Holm.es and W. T.- Marney Dania Harrison by 11 .1. .t Mfr.) *an and 1). E. Holmes NOTICE OF MUTING NiNlief. MEETING.-Tli}i AN - mud mevtiug of Colborne Municip- al, Telephone Syeteui will be held at tlaa Tow•ra.hip Hall, Carlow, on Thum day.`auuary IDtli, at 2 p.m. E. V. 1.aweunl Secretary. (suDgit11>u iIitIrrIel'ulrru.tl. sIl 1'1}:•17•-,\' N!Al, )L}:}:'rink: 'rhe. a.Ina,tl ' eating of this wu•ipty still 1..- h. I.5. in the fh.atd of T rouses en l-'ridny, ,lauuary 11th, at R 1 members. 1 those lute e•te h. h. A I m 'm re, nil t n i ted, are rt4piested to attend. J. T }' •:I W. S. Ituwdei MF}:TINt. OF HURON \COUNT * ('01'N(•I L The Council of the Corpoettlo of the County of )lyrot( -will meet a the n NOTICE TO OlRIEDITOKS N4ITll'E TO 011E1)1111)104. -IN THE matter ,of the Es too of William Bell, late e' tale of of Ooderich, in the County of 114, n, Laborer,' al - eeuwd. t NOTICE 1. 'hereby given, that all persons Imtiug ciulila or demand* agalust the .held late William Jame« Bell, who died o4, of about the fit• teentli da) et 1Nretgber• A. 1). 1!aa, at 1114- .aid 7.4%11 m I;uderteh, are requested •to --sent (di--0r__lk•Grfe 'alis 19114 day of .butuu• .t. D. 192'4. by loud', prelwtd .•r dr ver to Hays k Have . lbrrrten:I , Gigierieh. Ontario, r-fur..L1I 'ono. .Jona •' ew- ('omte. their naiuenl d addresses with fnll,9*rtleulatrs. dui verified by atllu- -tart' declaration ,er ffldarit. of allele clallut. and uatiaa'r of se, urltle•.; .if any, lw.hiii, au .LN1) Ti.tKr I: \.1 I('l that a(tor AGENTY WANTED DI'ItEI'T TO IIUUE HALES Men or women. 1 xelw.tt•e taking oriters for Women's I)re1..es, FR. -tory to wearer. t required 0t' samples, rentnu ! hurls•. (:he• refo eut•es. (taus Cu. 95 King street. t1tat. 'rem It:l.I:l'T11IN c'.%KI)8 ()' 1 _1 v t 4,f. \\ tWAN1+sIi. 1 have liven iaufuatal position of Reeve of vogr fur the year 1924 and I he your vote and Influence in content. LI the two years w O cupletl this porkier' 1 hare do m)duty faithfully and honor me by electing me for term 1t .!111111 b, m,' endeavor., thine to aerie you 4o the Fur traders in the distant parts of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Silt iah Columbia, ordinarily weeks and months from mail service, are now getting regular quotations on furs from the Calgary Herald's radio broadcasting service. The annus) winter carnival at. Banff, which is yearly becoming more popular and is attracting sporting enthusiasts from all parts of the continent, will he held Feh- r•uary 1.9,-3tI24r- while --1b, D.nft annual bonspiel will take place Feb- ruary 4-9. According toestimatesmade hy the Rt. Rev. Dr. G. Exton Lloyd, Bishop of Saskatchewan, that prov- ince has room for another empire north of Prince -Albert and North Sattleford. The bishop has just completed a six weeks' tour of the limits of settlement in his diocese, oeveriag 2,400 miles, and estimates that homes and living+ for 250,000 could be provided is the country re- ferred to. The adverse balance of grain shipments Ginni It Canadian as against United States porta is be lag steadily reduced, according to statistics oompiled by the Marino Department. In 1916 only 91,082,- 702 bushels of Canadian grain were shipped .rough Dominion porta, where as 165,949,989 bushels were %hipped through the States. The figures for 1023, up to September 1st, on the other hand, show that Canada 110W ships nearly half her grain through her nwn ports. Dur- ing this period the amount regist- ered has been 10a,fr48,4R6 bushels despatched via Cana4ien porta and i3O,Mg,4$$ via those et the United, t. -tt}'atrhy- M..1- -Ratrter--nint--li- 4'. Siliunlug44. C w'. Worse!! by 11 E. llo'mea and J. W. ('reline. . l' 11 howler fit' W 3. McNevin and W. 11, itobernien J. S. 1't.•yt by 1)..11. Holmes and 11 C. Slum Inge. \\'. 11. Rotertaon by 1:. 1' Minnninea and J. S Platt. J. I). Wilson by J,,P. Inkster and W. J. McNevin. - 1). 1) Mooney by W. T. Murnpv and D. E. Holmes. WATER AND.IJGHT COMMTSCTON John W. Taylor by Wm Bailie and J. J. McEwen. POR SCHOOL TRUSTEES Rt. i via's Ward: Thome; Gundry by J. Story and J. A. 's Ward: by J. R. Platt and D Abse by J. n. WI1.nn rrle and W. F. Gal - Bar St. Patti R. J. Ach ' E. Holm and J. C low and W. F. Clark. W. F. Saunders by B. C. Munntnes and J. a Platt. • St. George's Ward: Alex. Saunders 4"9- J. J. C. Iaithwaite. St. Andrew's Ward: J. W. Cralg(P by C W W George Hunt. n. ae,.unts'awninat the County most is' In the- hands of the ck•rk out later than Monday pre:Intim: the meeting of Cuun1•IL Geo. W. Holman County Clerk. Goderh•h. January 2nd 1924' iNV'ESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES THE It1('II GULDS 1)1,1E1..OF • ::I orlheru Ontarlo---Wonderful ulr purlunitlsc to make money in North- ern Ontario Millions of Withal and American capital are being invested In the rich gold and silver fields of the North country. AIBIT1IBi MINES LIMITED In the Lightning River Dis- trtat is a property highly recommend- ed by mining engineers. and offers Immense possibilities.. Now is the time to invee.t at the first offering price of 2:x• per share. Send fur in- formation. Ontario lutt•atment Co., 48"Ontarto street, Stratford Ont. CARD OF THANKS The Eseeutive of the Huron County Criltile and Children's Aad society wistt to pub- , ; Heftily thank the many friends who so generously show their interest in. the 11 and. work. by their contributions. The donations for the happy Chrlstmns , reason were very gratifying. and while it Is impar ihly to mention here each One separately we furl it Ls due to 'name the employees of the C. P. R.. the Men•,wtnng Canoe Club and the Wo en's Tnsritntca and Sabbath echo° organizations in the eounty which are shown their Interest and appreciation by their generous - and continued contributions. Aeknowl •went Ls also due to the newspaper p of the county for their ready poll tion of any Item.. In elmneetton with e • work of the Satiety. To one and all si express our ,sincere and grateful th ks. -Jan tlitteh.•11 P !dent G. M. Elliott. ('onp v Agent .5. M. Robertson. nnnty Seer ars. EVENING CLASSES e climate ander the aeaaplees of the C. eglate Board, will he begun In the pub c library basement ah fol- lows: - Basketry n Monday evening. Jan- uary 7th, un, the instruction of Mr. (:eorge McLeod, f The Arteraft Furni- ture Co., whose pabtlities are so well known. Farcy Knitting Tuesday nfter- noon and evenings. -Ing January Ra), under Mrs. D. McN , who has given ench splendid were re. Home Nurndtg-fin Wed ay re (Dings. beginning January 9th►. nder 4110 ably in.teur/lon of Dr Gallo fooling -'On Thursday evenings ginning January loth, under Miss Potts. an experienced teacher, who (bolds a speeiallst's certificate la Domestic Science granted by the lade- eatlon Department. The Board has for a long time bad to give up cisme ' in coking for want 4f a teacher. They trust the ladies will take full adventegn of the splendid opportun- ity pportun-Ity The classes to Automobile Mechanism will he Bogan for ladies on Tneaday wve'niog, Tannery LSth. and for men. Thursday evening, January, 17th. The daises in Tk-eeamakidg and Mfr": linery will Dot be begun until Feb r uary. when the Spring aryls and ma- terial will be available. ' The Principal will be• present at 7 pm. for enrnlment and classes will be begun at 7.40 that evening. The , nfterrioxnn elaesee begin at 3 pm. FoP for the rrntrep of thirteen lemonsis °4117 11.00. I In Itaak.lry the materfals will be furnished the members at enat prier. Tn C.oking the material.' will he pro- vided by the Board. Other ebonies in all -deportment! will be orrenteed as the attrendanee re - gram' .7. W Frnspr T 1' Ancon Chairman neinpinel. P1'RI,iC NOTICE 110 NSH1P OF WEST WA5VAN014H Election. for the portions of )reeve and Council rs of the municipality and voting nt a pleerselte on the oneetion °f oho .hang statute labor twill be h.dd at 1 following pnlltna' places on Monday..I nary 10th, from 9 am to 5 pm. rolling snhdIvI,don N •. 1 --Weigh Reales. Pubngnnnon. B. }. att. tit'p- nty Returning Officer; Fra Jones, 14+11 flora. Polling Subdivision No. 2- bile T.Ihrary, Mench,st.er. Robert Stat Deputy Returning Oftte.r ; John M Knight, poll clerk. Palling StiMlvlsion No. 3-'I'nwnship Hatt. Fd. M14.9obertr, Deputy Rpinrn- khg Offleer; John ('amernn. Pole Clerk. Polling Suhdtvlslon No. 4-Ptthlle Library, Rt. Hpl.n.u. Wm. Wefhater, Deputy Returning ()Meer; R. M. Att- e/11.14n Pott Cl.'rlt. -- - - Polling Subdfrlslon No. 5 ---Patron'( Tie11, concessions V..' and 13. Lottie woneherhead. Deputy Returning Of- ficer ; .ioseph Anderson. Poll Clerk. Polling Subdivision No. a .St. An - roe, 44.,.. .-.1 the -1W141- 114,441411011 t.41 aueuug 1114 11.143.111 .111111ed there having rexar.1 $uly ft, t4tr hKhali elnitus u whit. e Khath 1 have 11141 nut lee. n4,, that rile sttki •eeecut,r will not lie 1 - hie for the en14 assets. or any part t er.rd. to ;114 persons of whose claim teas. )11.111 •ant 11ave been re - Dated a Gnllcrith this 2711t day of Tkr,•mds•r .t. D. Tryst. I \Yw& HAYS PI irate for the Executor. Al-CTi N SALM DIsi'}:ltsION ' SA E OF P1 1RE Scotch hod a I►1w purpose short Hort Tattle. T rue' rehing out- fit 114,11 Mnrhinery. Mlt. JAMI' 11'Hi3' I.M ' will sell by piddle a lull sr LOT 5. 1.. Its E. CI)L1(4) NE. (4 males' nortltt of ikeler a 4111 -Tt'4si)AY. JANUARY 15, I commencing eta I.3o e', -lock sha 22 head of Pure first Registe d abort horns. S$►.t of them of tl famous -Duchene of (1l41ue•ater" fam- ily. the nest are Dual porpoise of Meavy milking etruine. All the, pure bred cattle Mr. 1'hlshnhn nus will iw sold Ine'luding the stock' hull, Ridge hunk ('onnt No; 1501%2. a grand thick individual rising 2 years old. 4 young MM. up to 9 months hid. the halanee are er.w•a ami heifer% In calf and w,me Toting calve.. alas three good grade (vrwR, due early. 2 York sows dor in March. 1 25 H. 'P: Itakee' engine owed ta-n years, easy to fire and In first class condition. 1 16 H. P. englne, 1 Sawyer Massey -separator with cut- ter, 1 large one tank. 1 Rlizzard vat- ting boa with teleecop• di.trlhnting pipe, 1 Johnston I'or,, binder, nearly new, 1 corn planter. Conveyance will meet Incoming trains on 4'. N. R. and C. I'. R. on day of sale. Rale to he held under cover. TERMS:--NIne month,. credit will to given on tarnishing approres► Joint note.:, a diwrrttnt at rate of 0 per cent per annum allowed for cash. On the barge threshing machine ogtflt longer term' will the given and will tie announetd at time of sale. This sale Ix hieing held on amount of 411 ealth of the proprietor and every- tg must be disposed of. Write for rattomes or any Information to Jam • ('1hlKholm T. Gundry R. R. No. 3 Gaslerieh. Auctioneer. CLEAR1NI' ACCP; elf( SALE -OP }',Iran 444.11• and 1111ptementa. 511t. E. M.-I1.WAiN w1!l w•11 by pt' 'Ic auction at LOT 7. ('(1N. 1. 40 1).. ASilt'1El1) oq w'I:I►V441Ay JAN '4It) Orb nuume!M•!ng at i o'eI ,dvirp l eORR18 1 henvv dneft hnrap, 7 7 R old: 1 heavy dneft"mare. 14) yeeiw -Oft; 1 driving horde, 4 years of 1 neral purpose mare. 10 years n 4411 s,.sl to be In foal ; 1 general pttr- pose use, 3 yenrs old, broken to lint, news: colt. It months oA1. ('.ATTLF, .1 Ihurha ens-, R years old, fresh- en in n atv. time: 1 Dnrlum cow, 4- yeaift• std, • e April 24, 1924; 1 Holstein sow, 5 Drs okl, freshen -in a short time: 1 Mum heifer, 3 yenrs old. freshen J .. 24. 1924; 1 Durham heifer, 2 yea old, freshen March 22. 14r24: 1 Jer v cow, 9 ilk n L"g1) natlne. Ambrose Rrophey. -pity ye"Ira old, frewht•n April CRO7,TRR-Tn Ashfield. on Friday. 1' Decemher 2Rfb, 11i'L't, to Mr. and Mrs W. P. Croei.r, a daineh;ter. FiSHETR A. ,legends lioepitnl, on Vandal, Thwmber 28r,1, 192'5, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher. (neve \'era 'Rtoufpinn), of Cnlhorne town- ship. a daug(ttr, (Donne Adele). ..-_. . SHANE --Al Rtr•iteater, N. 7., Cherie'. R. Shane. of Cleveland. Ohio, formerly Of GodprMb: __._-- IAWKHART --At Sioux Lookout, On- terio. on Thursday, Dteember 27, 1921. R J Inekbtart, aged 40 years. CARS OVERHAULED CAJt4, ANY MAKEREPAIRED, OR nyerllaralwl In ytnnr own garng', entipita rtion graerwMood. eve minable rat.Y1. Mpr•tataxt in McJMnghlin and ('hevrolet. .1 M Rrown, west end of Nelson str..4, north aide Aron SALE FOR SALE COONSKIN medium weight Apply Signal Office. COAT, at The lap rvettiiiitiiitti row. 'i1T►i.u. -cur sal.. --ore Prairie State, choicely 1(10 eves; one Postrie Mate, 4 -opacity, 390 eggr . one MAW/0, lttyle TIE.. t'apnt•- ity 210 eggs Thew' stains.* err all in Al condition They meat he seed to make room for a larRpr machine we are Metalling Ritlirmnd. Farm. R 14 a R. R. Roep4I. Ondeekih. Returning Officer; J. it. It.ddlhem.l )earning heifers: 1 yearling Poll Clerk. PiGS 1 sow, due 51n nett 25: 1 now w-Ith gs born IAremM•r 27; 11 pigs, 4) WP/` 1224; 2 A PPLICATTON TO PAi(1,1A3IENT. Nctice is 'hereby "teen thatan ap- plir'atton will to made by the ('arplrn- 'Ion of the Town of Goderich. to the Iwegislatl've Awembly. of the Provinee -4)1-OnitHio.-wt-1M Datta-wPawben for w Special Art to empower the read Cot, anon to rine hy way of loan on itt. credit of its debentures the .nm of 125,000.00, to pep It floating debt of the acid Corporation. amounting to the aal'd Rttm of $23,000.00. and which has arisen hy reason of yearly deficits on cornet accounts (from time to time, and whkM have been carried by the Town's hank, and to empower th0 said Corporatnn to VINO a by-law for the purpose of raising maid money on •44 - credit of She quid datwmtifrnR, without obtaining the ennsent of the electors of the said Town (f Cloak, rich. to the parsing of said bylaw or n 1w•rvtng the formalities' in relation thereto prew'rlbrd by the Consolidated Municipal .5.t. 1!t2,! The pen,,eds of the .aid d.•bentun, to he applied solely to the purpose of dlaeharging the raid heating dent of *25.000.on. The Ousting d4Mmtnre 41111 of the .eM Nanicipslfty IR $219.925.42 (ex-' elusive of )oral Improrr•ment debts .eenrM hy special arts, rates of ameme- mrnlal whereof no lwinelpa1 or inter - .•.1 is in erring and the region!' for repairing a frifther home of dethentnra,, ere ie 011000 NI 01)4. M. G ('an.re lolieltnt for the Appltennt It* tort aO Oenterieb. thll 31st day nI t44*.mber, 1922. FOWL S., ereee : 1 gender; about 130 hens. IMPLEMENTS 1 riding plow, single; 1 Wilkinson e11a11:inm. plow, .. o..-'a-:-3-Fleury walk- ing plow, No. 21; 1 ('ockshutt doehle plow ; 1 apt resection harrows, 3 -section dsnbletrce; 1 set 3 -reaction Harrows. 72 teeth: 1 Kat dine harrows; 1 Masspv- iiarris 10 -hoe wort drill with cultiva- tor teeth extra : 1 Deering mower. IT foot ; 1 dump rnkn, R foot: 1 dump rake. R foot• steel wheels; 1 Maseev- Harris hay loader, 6 -foot, nearly new; 1 Frost A Wood binder. 8 foot ; 1 McCormack hinder, 7 -font, good as new. 1 wagon; 1 cart; 1 net alPigtue; 1 famine mill. complete with bagger and sieves; 1 MnpleJ.eng green grhrd- er, 10 -inch plates; 1 Meteey-7Tarrls corn binder ; 1 stnck rack, gravel fox, basket My reek; 1 senfner; ehnrn; Happy Thonabi range, Primrose cream eeparetnr. nearly new : exalt 50 ton.. hay : Mxmt 12 tonna strew and num- erous other articles; 1 good collie dog. Everything will be disp>.0d of, as the farm 11 rented • TERMS -Alt toms of $10.00 find under. Oath; over that amnnnt -ten month's eredll will be gtren on furn- ishing apprnved joint notes. A diet - delft at the rate of R par rent. per anntoa4 111111111111 for earth on reedit a mounts. R. D. 1t'Tlwaln Thos Gnndry I'rvpri.tnr Anetioueer R. S No. 1, Ilboppardton. the se•assen.-1 am •-""1- Faithfully � Faithfully yours R. Y. FARMS FOR SALE QAIIM FOR SALE CONTA `` )•101 acres, situated on the road fl1 miles from (lucterletl a mike from Clinton, On tXe tarot Ia a good bank barn. SSx(15 feet cement stabling. a (+ambit' .oust• and drivlt';; shod, al house. House Is a story and fntwt•; Moth hard and toff w house and running water in the yard. Farm land is of good loam. Seven acres of fall wheat Lido fall; twenty serf's are alfalfa, about twenty -fire a tall plowing done. .511 the fa wed feared. Fur price and ter this Al property apply to the o4, the 'treaties., Sll('(IAEL F R. R. No. 2, Clinton. LWR SALE .5T ONCE. -A nice 1- Just outside the corporation of rich on Huron road. where the or can have many farm com t all the advantages of the Township tax hn+teud of town side walk to the dour from Town; livery of Groceries. (dread, Meat Milk from Town. Mail box at This" property consists of two ae land. prieture near by can be set. Plenty of aaclrt.•.I fruit trews email fruit. A goad house, barn. eta drive house and fowl house. The h is on atone foundation. Excellent lar, ■11 well planned for convent and comfort; Electric lighted; water; everything In fine condi For particulars ■pply to J. W. strong. stove I'arw,n's Fair, P. O. R9. Goderich ,or W. Rheas. God P. O. MEDICAL DR. F. J. it. FORSTER �/ EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Bargain New Tort thalmic and Aural Hospital. at Moorefield Eye Hospital Golden Square Throat Hospital, don, Eng. 63 Waterloo St., 8.. Stratford ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford. Goderich, February 2011,. at 7.30 p.m., t.. Fpbra ary 21st. at 1 pm. At'CTiONEERI IG 1 M STALKER, AUCTIONEER for household effects farm 'tock. etc., for the County of Huron, Address all communications to 1. M. STALKER, Auburn 1'. O. LEGAL G. CAMERON, K r, iIARRIS- TER, Solicitor, notary puha.. (Ake Hamilton street, Goderich. third door from Square. Trust funds b loan at lowest rates. PROUD KILLORAN & • HOI,ME ,BARRISTERS,' SOLICITORS. NO- TARIES PUBLIC, ETC, Ounce on the Square, second door from Hamilton street, Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. J. L. Killoran. Dudley E. Holme I'tays & Nape BARR/TF.ar, 97C. AYS-R.C.HAY9, JR.. B.A. Iton St., Gen erich _. CIMAGER, .C., BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, 'otary public and conveyancer. Of '. onrt House. (lexlerloh. INSURANCE. LO MCKiLLOP MUTITAL P1RE INMUTANCR. LOANS, ANCE 00.-ratm and Isola town property in'ored. Ol6cers-Jas. Connolly. Pres.. Godo' rich P. O. ; Jas. loans, Vice -Prep. Beece►od O D. F. Mc(lre/er. 8ee.•hwTresar P. ileetorth; P. O. Directors -A. Br•oadfoot, R. R. No. 11, 8eafortb : John G. Grieve, Se. 4, Walton; William Mae, R. S Km 2, Sesfrth; Jobn Hemelwles. di;mtfoni;Robrt.dLiarsoll1rrat haaen;Gen. McOartn 7, S E1eOlbon,Hrunedoid;JEvan�.Beechwod; JawsOoeOodwn'le.Agao: J. W. Teo, GeeMdehAlen.Leltell, R. S 140.1.(11in8ss Jobn Murray, SMferlh; 1L $1RI 8eaforth, PoH y bsldsee Kan Py 9•14Oata .tad tetW. Mer tna ad at R. J. Merrlsl'e (b1W is 1416..11 mites; lt. H. (litre arse.ry. /fiat street. Ge4.rtek. K J, i. tianeeal Store lselHdt