The Signal, 1924-1-3, Page 5• THE SIGNAL, `Watch Your Step Look Out For That First Cold That's the greatest danger the first cold of all. Right now, while you think of it, get a bottle of Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam they d a box of Penslar 'Cold Breakers Will stop a cold in about 24 hours if taken in Watch your step this year and don't let your- self get tied up with the flu. CAMPBELL'S DRUGSTORE The Sq re, Goderich Phone 90 a >v We charge no more for First. Claw work time is Ordinarily asked for s.cond-claaa Our purpose is to, ,.tn. pre..* nd ret ow your cl•.tts+ui.etu•h a way that you may regard our aurk as loner than usual, and' e• you i suer for th to cltierg �,tro � kind of sire. ace than p•rhops you have 'been in the Habit of pay• Ing for unsetisfact.rp. omits. There's • differsece we wet to she Trent W. C. SNAZEL 11.e•114 331 South Side Satire MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS \lilltninutlon In various towns and I. viIIzti,s :uud township of 'Huron county for 19.4 •ouncits are' ' .r fol lows Bayfield It,ew.• .t. E. Erwin lace 1. 4 o ii. it -- 1►r. A. Newton :Brady, .1olai 1'es.44•, Samuel,1(1uir, )1nrdoek Ross. Ww. Weston. Jtenry 11'es.tou.- ' Blyth ' K1wre--W. J. Mute•, collo F'inglaud. t'uunel-43e41. l'buwh.•r,, 'tu. Wut• sun, J., C. .11effruu, S. A. uppte- stoue•. Jar. Smith,'Vui. Johnsto How• art Bruudaon, Sidney Ieesllc, lin F'lugla ud. anomie Ite•vr-Alfred C. 'looker. I awl. l ('ouuctl--John 11. Ilewitt. J. W. Armstrong, Walter Rosie, G. R. Weller. .t. L. Stewart. John l'rerar. Karl Cunningham, Percy Mitchell, W. 11. alluuide•rs. ,lames Mt-Fad/rm. School 4ruahe•s- 1). l', Item , W. 1 fir•' )J4ut..•h, 1'. •tewarL . Clinton Mayor --A .T. ('toper. A. J. Me. Murray, R. J. Miller. V .Jaekson, E. ('ante•ion. lt,•.•ve-C. G. Middleton. B. 1.anR- furd. (outsell: -(l. i.. Paisley, F. W. John - •ton, W. Jenkins, S. Kemp. S. E. Rozil1, J. $.•hoetthals. Fred Livermore, \V. A.(:runt. W. J. Paisley.- A. E. I4urn n: W. J. Stevenson. W. J. Ned', ger, M. Ball. R. Langford, G. Jens kine r,ihllr 1•tilitt.5+ t'ommtllalon--n. .i. Gthlwna (a,'cll. Trustees --St. Andrew's Ward. A. F. ('udmon• tricot t; St. Jamwt ward. W. Walker, (nevi.; St. John's ward, J. A. Ford facet.; St. George's: ward. R. Tnkk••r, Ilaruld Fr.•ndin. . Etiet(•r The se•rlic.a at Knot ,•hunch n.-tt .lppreriatbn from A igouu, Advocate.: -The 4iodt'F'Mdl �ig.al I••ual a very hands.) ('briad• t us edition this year. 'rhe Sig . ham grown u lot -awe the night we rpt on 'tie feed - word of its newt prom In th'• middy 711'.. 1;011.•rlch was a prat straggliae village In those day. -a .,wet ..0 • srtwhtrl town. with 'a rail f;•ree annual qhe• ennrt house where farmer.' trams used to be tied, and ,lu• er...1 event of cls• year was "the brrg:,d.• camp" We like Goderich. .11,.1 f!,•• signal is. pre•hnps. our most .:e4m•1 ,•Achange. Try Us For Fancy Goods Novelties, Etc. MISS S. NOBLE out', :sole ..111,1n. 1, r. (• HERN'S BOOT SHOP There is Genuine Satisfaction to.usin selling Footwear that gives satisfaction to Y No Footwear can give their best service if not fit- ted properly. It is our aim to give satisfaction in Quality, Fit, Style and Price We invite you to let us supply you. W. KERN Tice Savor. Phone 43w 1 MOD� THEATRE WEEK OF J.1.. 7 TO 12 -1111111611. and Tuesday Cherie,. Ra) to hl. live4lt'•It laugh provoker ".ALIAS fors CAESAR" Charles Morray in "Th. Pip Pounder" • • • y and Thursday _ 'aleer Hier* the jovial rotund 'come fan in "MR. BiILLIN(GS SPENDS His DIME" Christie '(la0 the Wacon" • • • Friday and Saturday William Russell in A fighting lot pich,r4 "MAYS SiZE" Sundhine Comedy "(Truths Pala" • • • Mat,,,res.-h4ert. Wed. at 4.15 Sat. at SAM. 4. - NOTICE A CHANGE OF TIME will 1..• matr.' el'\UAh, JANt'.1RY Mita, 1934 :all Particular•. Apply to any r .... t -\gent. -. y� x. l %NADIA\ NATIONAL 6.AH.K.11-S Happy Is the Bride who anticipates the desire of her friends for a really good photo- graph. Let us show you our newest style. -R. R. SALLOWS GODERICH, ONT. (tonna, Wellington Skinner, Jame. llallautyne (tire.) Iliad Wow aaerh t weahip Reeve Rota•r Hueliy,wui taev.I Council -J. Gillespie. It. ('oultee, F. D. Stalker. and I'. W. Scott lacy.) • r Holiday Vlallerea Christmas and New Year visitors in town luilud.d the following:-• Misr S. McKinnon. Detroit. Mies 1.. Webster, laladcltl. Mr. It. held. Detroit. Mr. and Mr-. J. Farr, Detroit. Miss .1. Hawkins. Inudon. Mr. and alt's E. Craig, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. E. M,t:ratt.u. Port Colborne. Mr. W. Kingston. Port Colborne. -Miss D. Laithw'alte, Stratton'. Mr. .1. Finn, Detroit. \ Mr. W. Lacey. Detroit. hoses P. and L. McLean. iketrolt. K. Mcl. od. Iletruit. Mr. tad Niro.. W. Oki.. IA•trok. Mr. 4 Juhawta 1)•troit. Miss 1.. orney, Detroit. f4ur•.li J iuuury 3. ltt_a ,. Phone 86 COLBORNE'S STORE Phone 20 Per Cent. Discount Jan- uary Clearance Sale of All Sweater Coats and Pullovers Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL DnuteroKS AND EMBALMERS Orders carefully attended to • at all bourn, night or day GODERICH ]Ir. ago r. J. Walker. Clinton. Mr. H. Newt, • lietroit.- Mr. slut,uu.n, )ttawa. ' Mr. A. Moore, ratford. Miss M. Melw•oel, Toronto.t Nils. N. Melkwmld. ronto Miss 4;. Begley. I • l4. MIs,. I.. 'McDonald, Te me Mr. 1). Murray. Detroit. Mise M. Elder, Toronto. 'few. W. ,5(d'reath, Toronto. Mr. G. Downs. Toronto. Mlt+s R.Robinion, Detroit. Mho 1.. Farr. Itetroit. Mint R. 7bwus. Toronto''.' Mis.. D. Smith, Toronto. Mr. O. 4'. T1.trlworne, Wulkervilh•. CHURCH NOTES Res•ve- -Fred Elleringtnn. 14. Fron- ts. W. D. }4anders. 1t. W. F: Heavers. A F k. r C. B. %tw11. mfr. -Mors Janne .le•kell, .1. El- ston. W. F. Abbott, Rlehard Davis. E14 Could • • • Wale' fee the "400 and 9." It's a real 'epeeist ARRANGE ARRANGE FOR ` A GROUP PICTURE while the family ateliom e_ for the holidays. Phone 187 _,. Kethettr ('haries Hooper. JM' Davis, '.other 'e•nhale. W.,T. Gillespie, J. M. !loathe tt. R. M. Francis. Board of '.dueatlon-Esti Jleyw-o.sl, J Elston. W. 11. Dearing. A. E. Enke, Tem i'ry4e. 'roes Grieve, Joseph Harvey, W. D. . ' nders. Public 1'111111.: R. W. F. Beavers. i1. F. iMenton. H R.'.•v» Owen 11leger, Robert -1118, gins. ' Council-}iugh't• rtonnl . John Dal - in.. Alfred Taylor. Robert .t(•Arthor. C. Campbell, Thos. lludson. (teat*. F'ollIek. Srhonl trustee - A. L. ('a..- I). 13ndenfield. John loung. rnhli. militia - F.. Rohm -tnM.1 Seaforth Mayor --W. 11. Golding lace.) Renese -J. W. -Belittle. John Grieve. Council -W. A. (*Heti. W. 4'hapmnn, F. D. Hutchison, G. D. Ranch 4:. 1'. Canino. 47...rge T. Turn- bull 1e1.e• ruhli,• I.441141". 4,fumivl.sv-J. F lowly IH.-. l Ihtblle School Trnste' North ward John McIntosh 111.•e1. o ; south ward. John Mogan lae••1.4: East ward. M. M.•K.•nnar, J. 4. Laing. .t,itfle4d township • • 11.4-v.• J. F Johnston. (acc.4 Ik.puty-Reeve John .Jamieson. (ace) Connell-- John Campbell. Thos. Sul- livan, John Farrlsh (a,r.) Colborne Towrwldp Re"•ve-4'. A. Robertson Council - .iohn (;riiham. .loltn Veenom. Hugh, )Till, Aaron Fisher. I ace.) For that Cough or Cold RIKER'S SYRUP TAR with Cod Liver Eatt act 50 Cents RIKER'S LAXATIVE Bromide of Quinine Tablets 25 Cents MELOIDS for Sore Throat, etc. 25 Cents Humbugs, Ib Horehound Drops, Ib Mic 31)c H. C. Dunlop, Phm.B. The Recall Store name No. 1 TM sm iso* Sunday will be takeu by the pastor 1te.-. lt. C. MeltrrmW. His morning subject will be., "Th.-. Paths of dud in the .evening .41n The highway or lure." Sabbath school at 3 p.m, $i.'.• ,I New Year Evangelistic ter - vires will be hell next 'Sunday in- Victoria nVictoria .:trw•t 'Methodist church con- du.te,t .b • the pastor and eoatinaed every .Rining of the -week-. A cordial invitational* given- to all -to attend these service.... The service" at the Baptist church next'Sunday will be condu,t.d by the pastor, Tier. (' N. I)owey. Sermon subjects: 11 a.m., -Consecration"; 7 p.m., "Being Ready". Service at Tay- lor's aylor's corners at 3 p.m. and Sunday School at 10 a.m. , At North street Methodist church next Sunday the 7elr10094 will be as follows : 10 a.m.- " Men's flub. JNiie soon Rand Anil church damn meet- lug+. The suhje•t to ho diva•use'd at the -Men's Club will 1w "Ih.w May We ke• the New Year a Happy- One!' a .1 will be introduced by Mr. - J. Du ow-, .iter. Dr. Dan Norman. a nits. mart' on furlough from Japan. _,will_ such at the morning and - ere` ening .- rvie•s. 111.. mornfne subject � will ie • anon" and evening subject -'1•ah,stlnr Lantern views and illus- trated hyiu will he shown at the evening servo •. Sunday school meets at ,:t p.us. i Ladies' Sweater Coats with brush wool trimmings in colors. brown, fawn and navy blue. Sizes 36 to 42 at 20 per cent. Discount. Silk and wool Sweater Coats and Pullovers in the different shadings. lovely quality• 20 zr cent. Discount. Kiddies' Sets, comprising of pull -on leggings, sweater coat -cap and mitts, in mute. brown, heather, red, blue. These are very comfortable for the children from 2 to 5 years. 20 per cent. Discount. Two Specials Ladies' all -wool Pullovers, in sizes 36 to 422, in all the pretty shading. Regular X5.00, to clear at $2.98 Children's Sweater Coats and Pullovers, all -wool, sizes 26 to. 32 in brown, navy blue. fawn, Copenhagen blue and pink. Very special $2.49 "A Real Chance to Buy a Sweater -Don't Miss It'' -NEAR'S WORK RENEWED Cooti,im from1 'rK r 1 • still -11 good; one, Mr. Tltugnlogi.h Id - ami worth today 'a of M. - Victoria street ha • -lave- .,.nrtfieu I and then sit inbcea to a foot of crusher run 1.ruk.tt scut put u• fol- lowed by u top dre:sing. '1'1tr stris•t would prvrtubly he refresh 4 to rhe 4grad with , .0u 1t spring by mea its of bas u t gra v ed, and a eat or two of lair!v two or tbr.s• years treat filen Latvia. asserted Mr. Munndogs. will have a road ou Victoria ...:r similar to the -road --around th .&guar.'. and yon ail know what that is. and at a cost wittyn at least $10.4400. .The speaker - st,tel that 1;.slrri,•Is had some tweet)•-four.ur twenty -tire miles of streets. about eleven miles of sewers and forty- miles of •i.h•- 'walka. as well as 1' '14111n -bol,-- and caa.•h basins: all of which were in oral of evirwtatit repair and attention at the hand- ..f th.• public work• d.- ptrtto.•nt.. Mr. manning,. retired T. rho. -earl• ft.ation of East street and subsequent treatment by _Iwo ..wts of earth. an experiment w•bk•h It.. said he tial Issas ant bona t.. test -tont. The result ..a I, .'t street ha4'.tsrn a splendid Joh. ('ontinu,• ak.ne that tine. advised the chairman of pltblh• works. and I.y- doing a sire's or twe..•a,h year within a few years God,•rlch will have -trees, of whist we can fill he pr.ind. ' 'The Deputy -Reeve figured that the public works committwe hail ,curried on the work of its• etetprtment on apt - 0147 It The FYlitor of Ti the Colborne wapitis (`41l0w on Monday a preparel"to write a de of 41)111 nuPPting. 1'ttdo usually privy duties were through the lllnees of a me her cri_ .o.er 31000 lc„.than last ear Ti,e ')rut even that's Omitted '.Signal attended to meeting at came home lied account mately. his ngme•ntrd proximately 97623. whir was n Iittl.• vt111.prrululhly he miesioner ;hr it a lama1ion. stated that light I"• believed the fess water situl gh v d.•ptrtmrntv were tooth well handle'.' .•xwept that ' at prewiut there wasn't 1 enoug - water. Mr. 'Taylor asserted that he had iwrn long enough u tu.•w- I' lace 0,1 the .ommisesion to investigate• - and know that there' was no truth lu the statements that .the intake was • - partid and •halt full of sand and tie '.n. The capacity of the present intake _IS i40 ptltons per minnte. the ordinary summer consumption in town. while at pre•7nt it ,. only delivering about ::tai to :fl, xallow. a miuuti•. Mr. Tu)-lor referred to the large winter fleet vi 1in.•t.,•n bot! -in the harbor .end COM- re.t 4;'.d,•rlch to a little Hnffnlo, Ile 11.1 endeavor. lie said in closing. to - wit the intake was well laid next -prin noel thin the people got value for et. v dollar of their as V. Mr. M. T. Murney. oh/Orman of the for and so het it •st there, though b r•e 5 oiC awl to explain anything puzzling In connection with the elltt.•rnent id the best way he could. coru}Ws•,ie the evening m.ena-nt+. 4lr. fact that while r0mmis•itou had i to 1t:.74111 14•r 11nr N. tfie cit t:e•n. had This had Men po•si f:u-T that there was head for 7151 or slit' ho for '.tin or 2!40 horsepower. missi,o, show'. it surplus of year. r•markel Mr. Marney. doe- not 'take ,•tire of- de•pre. however. You know aftvr nr :31.1finish with oar statement the 11) auditors got hold of 4t and ttu•T tai It. When they figlwh with it our mutt ut to aruut6l 92000: tet ton had. ,Mr. the grouse (1 hnroarfhly b7 hnl.e.ioner Tay- Hold was the last speaker of nd he spoke but a few' nrovy.•mpha•ize.t the .• power rue* to the rea-ssl from $37.00 1s.wnr the rates. been deceraiwd e due to the more over- .•pow..r than The nom- 1 thin which atlon: C tors ro t IlJat of Nominees The list of tomineeei for t•b a various 'I(oullnlpd on Pats. 10) Mrs. Donald and Miss Myra Me - Nevin wee.( in .1. Ion this week. Mr-. IR Reid. of fa•trolt, 4s in town on a. visit with her parents. Mr. and Um- J. S. Plan. Goderich townedtip fuse«,• -0. (:inn, (acct.: f'ouncll --.1. Sowerhy. 11. Corey. 0. Jervis, n. Churchill, Ince.) .) Grey towtaehip Reeve - ,Inhn M,Nab, Jas. F. ('olltns, J. J. Mr•1'utch'•,.n, F.(1. Fnitun. R. W. Livingston. 1)eputyR.rve-Thos McDonald, R. 7. TAyteI .1. J. Meenteheon Jat1. F. Collin". ro,in.hl--1l'. V. alrKay, 7..3. lite' car4.h.•nte,' Wither 1: Tnrnhull, Fred W. Howland. Hay tonu..hlp Reeve-1Llatore..F. Klopp t nerd 4'ouneii--C. 41. Rader. .1 i'. Rau. A. Reichert. W. R. ikougnll. ince.) Hewkk township T,- Herta. .1. -Wni. .1. Spotter, ;mita. Dr}tnt�-Roe ce-John ilryans 04to. Hnbhn rd. council -John (}amble. R. J. Ilouglas, Wm. Etards. Fred Taylor. Mlltun Leonard. R. tt)onaleh,oli. Hullett tewn*Mp lb...re--Matthew .lrm.trong, RO t (9Arke. Council --Ernest Adams, James 'Riper, Jhhn Barr, Thomas Sloan. Her- bert Mogridge. Morris township t.lwnship 11.e•.r .1. 1i. Year. Rnht Shortre•.1. Walter lnlil. Mr. Frear, reeve for pnst two years retired. Council -W. .1. Hender--.en, Elston Cardiff. John .T•'hn Brown Arthur Wheeler MrKHlap ton nnhip Reeve -Francis J. McQuaid la.r.4 Connell- -John Dodds, Danlel Reegele. Edward Horan, F. Betel' Medd. Daniel Benermaan. Stanley township R.rve-.4:rnrge, R. Donley (ace.) Council -.T. Marvel:. .1. Itathwwell. W. Douglas. Faue Inn i Stephen township Beet., Ak-'. TT. Nceh..John Ilny•. 1►eputy-Ttepoe-John flays. William Sweitzer. Renben nortz. Connell- Yimrge Penhale. Wm. Sweltrer, Victor Snell. Snlmmon Pol- l/sit. 1. Tetrean, R. Lantz. Tnekersinl h township Reeve -John M,'Nanghtnn 1 „er. ) Connell - R. P. Watson. .ios.•ph G. Crich, Chas. Riley and Roland Ken- nedy (nee.) t'alwtrne lawny Ip Reeve- Wm. 11. Conten I ncr 1 Council Fre) C. Stewart. .tofu Med his spending ronaiderat • time, the mer ltanical staff which - ensi- thls Week in the composing t`•om, and thus he was f reel to neglect •n- aderrble office- work. 'Leaders of T Signal who were interested in the report of this meeting have the as- anran.w tht}t all the vounelllor5, 1* - eluding nee Reeve. gave it ;very sada- factory r,•lsirt of their stewardship and that plenty of evi'denee. was •ule�l mlttedz show that the affairs of the townilt�ipt. Dir Te goo.' slu+pe. streets gem -tally and the irk lacks Murrill' fliiTnntht thi ,as well." i think. 414 ar any me. rye- r tae•n ,•nrhrd pretty { mirrk.d Mr. Muicnings. MayorIlalietnr and (o )1. ('. e. harreo Iliinsu:11 the ah•uesetung Cen',e p donee in the alnsei1)10 HA I1 teas the titdtt of a festivitl.es locally thtring--Christ wssk.-- Tb.1 t.0m- -mitt* .in elwrge a 411c. de',rntlon• nntilid Jts•If under a capable and ue c)rgette' 'teader*hfp Mr. 4-'. V. (5,rtw•right. The arch Ays. floral de'oratlous and colored pe paper iii pines and rosette imttetna erea- tel of the twit room a t•erlta bower -of beauty. The artificial shrub trees. and flowers loaned espe•ijjly for the °evasion through the ktltt..A• new of air.' 11. N. t'b•Ihnckeer. imus, ager of chi• Goderich Art. -raft Furni- ture Company. were also linnet'. ad- mired. .l dainty 1,n'•h_iennsri.tinc of sandwlches, ler r•reatn. eake,And eoff's, wasserved about midnight. .t Tnn- +1,m far •aerie proVY4e4 chi'-tmiste for a lengthy, dance program which last- r1.we11_on'.toward 3 a.M. For goad printing (come to The Signal GODIrRiCH MARKETS Thur./My .fan. 3rd. Shorts. per ton 1132.00 3.300 Bran. per inn 2!1.00 3000 Hay. per ton (1005[•1 . 0100 9.00 Hay, per ton (haled) . 12.00 1:.00 Wheat. per hu -11.4 .... ft. • 1.00 Oats, per bushel .33 - 40 Barley. per hoshel .. ..:. .00 Bnekwheat• per hnahel .70 .78 Potatoes. per bushel 40 .30 Hides, per 1b. .015 ' .00 Cottle. choice, per cwt 530 47.041 ('attire. medium. per cwt. 4.50 300 Veal ('slues. per cwt. .. 0.00 10.151 Ings. per cwt. 7. i . S (5t iamb,. per cwt. 1.30' 10.110 Chickens. per 1h :.l$ .241 Dneffs, per It.. . ',1S .211 Flour. !intent. p -r cwt 3..7, 3.7 Flour. family. ps•r cwt. :4.30 3:.311 14ittt ,'r. err. nierV r lb. .12 .4 Hatter, dairy. per .h.Rae .40 Eggs. fresh per dozen . , 43 .• 1 am out for r•-.4.»tion n. He•pur- Iteeve for 1:4_4. ern -winded Mr. Mian• ninRs• and if you flank my services re deterring •tf- it further term 1'11 my test for ti,, lawn a•'1 1,i' .• (I. during the pit -t' ( Reeve and Deputy -Reeve • Wb. might he termed the only ex- t•ifemrnt during (Is• evening wa.- .sr- easMsn.d v the :+dire..+ of - William 14a11ir, a mine• for the Deputy- Ite•ve•hlp n a fortuer nie•mber of the e•ouucll. Mr. attic saw nor rtausor, for any: man pert) •'arty shaking hands with hlmse if -o r the present eon- dition-of-Victoria treat. 7T• Pspre+x- swl tttr opinion al. that tae- work might. h*xe been, J_ moie rap 41 ly than it had been. Mr. flank then turn•, 40 the ac- tions at elle county count of Reeve It -t aneT-Tieput)=S.rre Munningp( to who -s• actions he slid. i�} took 'bunt exception air. _Rollie (011,4,1 fault with the property eommi t5• of the rnunty council In •it. . end ors during the year to arrive at a set ,tient in ronnee'tion with 11w slitter at the 1a11. and the 0•cupaney its between Mr. J. C. Griffin, the term. and .1. R. iteynolds, grain. 'E itr.--f slue arsettestir-twat the door of the property committee. or which. as has been said. !reeve KnighKnight was a w.ntter. the resignation of it. ('. I{ays t,s .•Dant) e0ligitnr. be- t enWw• the committee had. dlsrngarded 1•- fef r BUCKL.EYS BRONCHITIS MIXTURE AT Al l PNU(GISTS ddlIPODW.: 75 4: in Goderieh lr)• Camp1w'II"a Drug Store and H. 4'. Dunlap,' CHRISTMAS IS OVER ! Have you broken your: New S'ear's Resolutions yet ? Mark Twain was the only one wh could preserve his, intact: lved to neither borrow nor lend- ostly lend -for the New 104 advice and ...inputted another lawy er in the matter. Reeve Knight was (Whit rto reply to the erittrefsm by Mr. Mille. which he ehgra(•iertzed as neither Just nor fair. Mr. Knight stated h1. 1.4:44.g111te .4..s rly printing out nett he turas not 5 party to consulting the other lawyer l - 141 that he Itnd objected in open emot- e'',ma dirt Mr. Monologs, to the •.non• ell paying J. It. iteyn.(1 d'rs hill of $21 for light and feel. Mr. f onnolly. who Mid charge of the work on Vietorin street. mad. It clear to Mr. Rollie that he and not this I councilNm was to Name for anything amiss 11: the work there. and further Ithat If the work had been delayed It tray stein.-.+) for a purpose to arum Ia better road, as would Is. seen when I the work was rnnplete'1. I i tiekerielt A Little Duffel* Commissioner .1101W. T'a'ilor. .yho 50 was returned as water and Tight com- Tear. For that. un down feeling aft ter broken solutions there is nothing like new record for V erele Ma fee the Victrola. Hear Galli Curci sing "The Laughing Song" from Manon or "The Mad Scene" from Lucia. 1 -on will r.;new Youth and Resolutions at one and the same time. H. E. JENNER �ckey Boot and Skating Boot For Men, omen and Children are now in stock. Come iri' and look over our big range of seasonable Winter Goods, Felt Shoes, Moccasins, Rubbers, Goloshes, Spats, etc. Our prices are as low as we can make them, consider- ing the high qualities of our goods. SHA AN'S THE LEADING OE STORE Phone 158 W. REG. MAR AN (ODERICH A 1• 1 4