HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-3, Page 411- Yuri. y, January 3, 152(
Gelting Ready to Move Sale
Sale of Overcoats Men's and Boys' All to Go
at Exceedingly Low Prices
11111'1 32 -ounce all -wool British cloth, the nt -dilcit
and newest shades. check backs, uict rearm $19.75
a 1F A great bargain at •-, •
Men' all -wool Melton Coats, Chesterfield style. velvet
collar, a very_dsay.Lnat_.awl extra_ good to, $20 75
Wee/. Special price •
Aboat a dozeu Men's overcoats, various $16.50
lariats, all put in at one price to clear.. ...........
lust eleven let clear: at :front .,.,.. .. --ST.-50 to $11. ; 5
Ittwl'r<" anti F I piIungs
Phone 57
. NILE Jan. Y - Mrs. (oIau Stewart
✓ entertained her sisters and their ram -
WW1 to • six o'eloei dinner on New
Yates sad a radio .sincert in the ev-
eaia(t. which was mu. -h 114u.h ••ujeeyed
by all.
Mated: Mr. E. Phillip", Sire. Alf Itob
bluw,n, Mr. 11. 11111. ¥r. F:: Lawson
and Mr. A. Ferguston.
mr.:lio Mrs, oleo. Baxter, of Gert' -
rich, visite.) at tee home of Mr. Jus.
-Carter. of the village OIL New Year's
11011'r forg,.t the (lid time dance .
In the Town Hall, Auburn, on Frlds)'
evening. January 4t11. Old time mush
will he aupplic.d by Redmond's thee-
pieve orehest na F:verrla.d7 euro
s114 euj o a real gourd !lute. A silver
coll.-.tion will Ir taken to defray eit-
p.•n.e•s. .The ladies ore *raked to pro-
vide the Iutich.
-RT. Ar(:rRTTN Biu:-T=among4
the teaehera who '!pent the Chrbtt-
mas holiday.. at their homes herr were
Mita Lottie Johnston, from Sturgeon
Fells; Miss May Redmond. from Tor-
onto Mitts Irene Jefferson. from
Somhra$bin Margaret Jeftenton,_
from Aetna; Yr. Cordon Jetferaon.
from 4merle.
.\ number of young, Nsople atteldel
th. dance at Kingobrldge lost Friday
night and at AMtn ni nn Monday night.
all report having had a gtrtd time.
Miss A Walsh. of Toronto. is holi-
daying with her parents, Mr. and Mr..
Tli.• Council of the Corporation of
Mi.. .J.•.'ie ilunkle. of Moffat. Is
ri.i(iug her aunt, )(r+. John Jefferson.
t present. •
Mr. and \Its. J. R. Bo) 'IP vlaihd
Hulle'tt friends Inst week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton • Martin of
Se'aforth. visited friends In thea vle•fu-
ity this-w.rk.
Vias (aadys Jefferson. of Wool-
-t a k. l• vl+sting at her Tome here.
IMr. ad Mrr. Wl1f Lane and family.
of lain spent a day resentit at the
home of rs. l/ai-td llaekett.
Mr. and Ir.,. Leslie Ritchie. of
Zion. Tialtwl -ith Mr. 3114 Mrs. lam ,,
Sheens -0.d one dity heat week.
Sir. and )jr...I`er•y ' (:raltam. of
fort .\Ihert. .pen Sunday at the
home of lir. and M .. 11. K. Albers.
Mr: tend Mr,.. Jobe •l(ullln spent a
dei `r.ecntly ill•ilir county town.
41r. nttmleer from here attetwteat
formed the ceremony. before a twist of a11, there wit it metal time with re
the frivol'.s of the bride and grow.
While the register woe Irving signed
Miss Tlclrborue sung very acceptably
"Leivew ('oryluittun." After the temple- Sunday. January 6th. Seri -tee will be
that of tint ceremony, the young held to Mennilll'r ehureh in the et-
c.nttple ueeonibaanl.YI by till guest,. re-
paired. to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
T. l:. • 11' h, whore hearty eteeytratulu-
thaw were exteudtel and it sumptuous
dinner prelrered. The afternoon was
f reah menta.
A missionary anniversary for the
Reumllirr circuit will he held ne=t
spent in a etmvirluI way. The young
couple are elydh highly rewp•.'teel, and
curry with them the beet whale.; of
the emir.. conim1nky. They left un
'!'ue•s.hiv nous, for Macklin. Sask..
Hhere the gr til Is engaged as a pub -
lie •e•hool teacher. The bride's trav-
elling snit ;ensnared of brown tricotlne
eslth-hat to match.-- The papularltg ut
the hride• had been recognised by the
%ta f of the Sun Life Aaauraitee Co..
'Poronto. with whom she had 1101.1 ell-
ternsion eommeueing at 2.30. Dr.
Nurnutn, of Japan, who was expec-
ted for this service. lyes teen ill and
may not be present to which ease Rev.
J. E. Holm,: of North stns.( Metho-
dist church, ihslerlch. wilt preach. In
the evening lantern views will he
shown In elle of the churhes.
miller Sunday Sunday ' 1iool will meet at 130
New C. O. F. Ofneerlt.-. iteniuiller
Lodge, No. Rid. ('. (1. F, elected the fol
lowing uffieers on Monday ntrht for
the year 41st; ('. R., 4'. A. Veneto'(:
P. (` R.. Ernest Holzhaus•n; rot'rd
fug secretary. A. M. Stratighan; fin
In n, N' IU nM•lnl aae'etary, , Edwin
Dolhau-. 1
gaged for ...•me • time, when Dew was tnasltrer, Minim Strangles?... $ W
pr•s•hted with a ruble llnnesuta-lknwer I I1erold Allin: J. W.. John MtIti'�n
parlor t.. her retiring from the firm. chaplain. Clarence Walter.: F It.
ittip--wlw. res..dts l s w.asage of -caw-Lorne dgeyt'.'--1--R:--i'tttor ion is :
trsnelations from them on the wed- 1ru++Nrw-I/arid Rno1RPa. W114110114dfug lays ' I
Macke and Clnrenew Walter..
The Truett* boned of Benmllleer
NYJ+T WAW.%NOSH t'onsolidated School eonsiats of the
f 110wIng: Peter. Fisher. Jr. Erre
\\'1:4T WAWAN4ISIJ, Dee. 23. -The Isher. Richard Mitchell. Hugh i1111
fuiliril•Ing Is tlu' retort of S. S. No. 1 and TTowerd Baer. Albert Mugfo-d r -
West Wee -emelt for December. signed and Peter Ftaher. Jr.. was el-
\' - Myrtle Leishman ' 1. Sr IV- acted in his pints while Pore Fisher
I.lewe•lyn Culbert 74, Mary Sproul 73. and Richard Mitchell, whose terms ca-
escorGe I11lltou iii, }:art M1.or• :i2, West, were re-elected.
Jr. I\'--ik,rurlt)• Milli nti till, ' Adtala Miss Flornne•e Mnetel has returned
Ik•re• t: lila Sprnrd J. 111-F:1- to Detroit after a brief violt with
titer Sproul GA. Ile! Me tteu 116, relatives In B emniller.
Graham M.N-a tic_. Jts
Sr. II- -('harlie MtN
'Lr .
"Irv" Rebeyt
- 9'
t. , Ilse Late J. Lockharth.•
s1, 1tee.alt• .Fath (recurred at Fort ' \clllixm nn
Dere 74, Edith. tion 53. Cordon_Me- Thnreday. Ik'e. mteer 27th. its the re-
4;ratte•n :.e Jr. 11-- diet Finnigan 72. Ault of an aceldent. in the 4 sn:eiinn
Sr. 1- Melbourne f ultwre Evelyn 1111 National Railway yards. of Robert .1.
ASHFIELD vett.. Stanley M,-(ratteu: 1'r. Clifford Lockhart, native of Heron enmity.
( Th p. t'
'calla rt. tart }'inuigau. Nnmtrr on roll. ,, diseased
eel wn; burn a[ Alo.s
ASHF'irl.tl. Ih,•. :Il. - ('hrislains '='.-A'.a'rag,• :tttendnie-e 17. 14 1. field forty years agn. p'a. a son of the
yl'(iters of this week include: - MIs.;` ('err. tt•xelivr. late Mr. and Mrs. Matthew isrkhart.
CO1.1►OR'(F:, !let -ember a1. Mr MwcLenu:w, of Detroit : ails An- Tt..skhw his wife, who wag formerly
the nomination hew Al Mefe•king nn•
Trwwatiba, of tesfortA, has returned APO TEITS HILL Mina„Jennie Chuff, of Dungannon:
alenday � pal� \Ya,•hratrid, of Hamilton: Mr. Dan
bone. after "mending a few -days with 1Cameron. of Ikdrolt : Mr. C. Mefireg• --- there survive three brothers and three
pia friend Kenneth Alln. - or. 01' Kltchrnrr, Out.
PIIILTF:R'S HILL. -.Ian. 2., - Mr. sisters, namely: Mrs. John Johnston.
](lav Helen ll.lfttarrfe has rm.. to tlSl'RN 1 Ileo. `1r. and Mrs, J. Ihtrdr
Wert llenk•ton for the ChrLatuas ,nod Mrs. S: :Monson of !Amnion. spent (:exMrleh: Mrs. Tom Haven. aCawota.
spent Chrt+twos In London. (Inti l'hrlswa. with the luu•r'r another Sattkatch..wan: Mrs. Thomas Read-
AF'RI'IIN. Jaowry 2. ---Mr. lt.'tkrt ( • The n•gaalar_mt..tinR of the 1Yumru'+ Nra: .f. Cux. sr.r nock, itlytb; David Lockhart. .%uMrrn.
Milo Hilda Hardy. has gone to Tor- Stalker Lett on rrIday fuer Flint. Mich.. Institut" will he M'Id at the• 'hoes a of MI.. Mary Menhatl who has been and Chnrlea and Ben Lockhart. both
aorto for a two mr>plltrt' visit with rel- where dile still visit with hi+ Banal,. - urs. Itiobert tiomlltun fhb . umonth. I'qa•mllaa her holidays at her home of Blyth: Mr. Loekhnrt's early year.
...r. Mrs. Coat- -. v-- ......d. for 'Mile Beckett aceso a anted by 'friend. liere'1,ts returned to Sarula te rtwIIine were spent in the vicinity of Auburn '
&twee there: .• town, hail. Auburn. on New Gambier. eve. A. splendid erowd 'turned out abthough the weather woe a little eaddhiemin end stormy Tie. Oreheetra
-14011--.41-".A•"--tmor or-vhrer weeto. fiVien rinderich-aprat t'Itelstastais at Da. her studies in the Collegiate. after which be lettered
as. s. John
home of he entire, Mr. and Mrs, AI-
A veer sn,•.•.•tnd d:nn•e was held is, r 1
Meer .1,1[111 A. Walter t ca '.tom _ _ Al-
bert BeekeKt, neer !Curtail.
MTs.-'Tretie Maeflotiehl. of Whlgham.
sp.•nt (`hriatmaa at the home of her
parents, Mr.. and Hr Neff Maelhalald,
supplied the music and prove.! theta-
s.•I re+ real use iu ns, Mrw., MacDonald. of Aberdeen. Sent-
Mr. Ntae.- Meld. of 14., snit. '1,e land. i+ vl.iting at tin• home of her
spending a few days under th.• lair- brother. ler. Simpson. of Klntnil.
roof. -
r, And MT- .1..., tarter. and Sias, . KL"GSBRIDGE
ale. of Port l:l_in, are vf+itins - - -
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Carter. •f KINlISItRI144,I . 1hccmla•r 31.--
Thee.-,q.•nding hnlide . here inelude.
1 Mr.. Ambit. Rubinson ore' airs. I.. Dalton. ale -+r+. John Me-
•Intin•+ in 1h•tedt *Intent) ('arthy. Jn. M.-etarthy. Pet Ilerartlkr.
alet'arthc. Wm. Myer and
rt er. of Detroit. 1. vis. W m. i.yon of. Detroit. awl Theslore•
r. 31r J r rt -.014 (•Chi Y.^ '
snag in Toronto.
Mr. Howard Walters.
Obto, spent Christmas
p iei,is, Mr. and Yrs.
Mr. Oharl..t Walters repeat Oh
was 1* C.ewl.•tich with hfr mother a
The (ihrrult Club deet at the home
of Mr. CertI Raster tide week and ter
report a good time. - with
Mr Tony Wamwall and Mr. Jaw
I'sllett have returned to (bllwrne Sawa.
after spendInr the season on the hosts. Mr. - a
Oer. Freean, of Nile. has been • "I.11112
busy (-hopping grain for a few farm• the' hollelay
ere in this Karg the post al r. int'. f
The stork has brought a nice icing his hilt
tittle giri a, ea Christman- present ice- 'Y+ ,inder.ea
the home of 1L•crvey Fisher on Sun
Hardware tb., ha
day. December 33rd. . partner 1]i the per
Mr. ('latish Walter Is enjoying a- 1t tine lu'awe ..1 Mr, -aa
new radio. herr.
Skating baa commenced. The pools nidus Kxihatin'•Mnrp
promise M tie better flit aeaeroa rlstrliig rrtarhee ,ami
Man bait year. •this locality during the Is
Mr. Jimmie Feagan has returned Miss .'. McatanII.. of G.
14011 safe and snttnd inoklag well after visiting nt the home ..f Mr.
having spent .another *meson on the F. 1. ilihb.rt.
Gout Ltew. Mr. and Mrs. 11. 4'. Weir and to
if r. -iltB ftlaytnn: orf : Womietorie. is - +efr'nt -Newer-Year'. 40400i41102,4'
visiting friends at Carlow during the .'rt+e'n• and family. e/ Colborne town
holidays. ship. - . ' . ..:
Mr...('. A. itolwertrnn hny returned Mr. Tho+. John+ton had a narrow t
home again feeling mneh •stronger. ew•alg 'rnm n very serious ae'ident
North Zion intend holding a bot. on Monday lam. while working tWNG.t'�'NOr
u,.ial on January 15th hon'( forget Around n three -horse engine. ore of
thus date. •
ala. 1 es.. I o e .
the firm of Hill's. Mi.. Margaret Joy i,s home after
taken . n n junior! epe•ndInc Christm.u' in Detroit.
n of a young son t ` The .seas .•rt h.I.l in the Parish pta11.
E. 111, sea the evweing of Tkscmber .7. undo*
the auwt'i.s•+ of the Ladies :Altar So-
. of !Detroit. .1.4*. was a d.',4ded auree... -The
friend. in 'nn.Ibence was tarps. and therrn;ghly
Way*. satisfied when at the cines• of the
rieh. it program. Mr..M..rgan 1►alton. as chnir-
u illi, man. •ec±,r.•+wet the w•ntlttd'nte of nil.
in..�mpiimeeting airs. Van Wyke. all's
Ili' Brander. and air Buchanan of Wing-
-thorn, -ilius rain+,. 1 e:r
leo and a number of la'als all of
whnm had •rntrihnted their share to
• evening's a•ntertaindldht.
74Fn.FAST, January 1. -Our teach-
er. 311a. Johnston. lis. retur'nd to her
dntM'. after .pending the ('helicons.
vnejIMn At her home near Owen
Mins (,.mucro, of Wingham. is vis-
iting .with her slater. Nn Ai'lllitm
Twamle;y. for a few •d ave.
Mr-.. Ralph '!Nixon i4 111.11.11 TM n'
few day. with her .laughter. Mrs
John Emmer.nn. of Ktnlough.
a11s.. Wimtle e'nnnlgham. of Port
Albert. has retairned home after spend-
ing th.' past week with her stator, Mrs.
Roy Allow. • -
Miss Mary rook. of Mafe•Ring. apart
• Snnday• with Mrs. Samuel Thompson.
Mr. and Mr.. Joseph Ilackett vis-
isit.d with their daughter. Mrs. Ilett.
Snit here of Dung..nnna. one day
MIs. Mary Phillips is visiting with
her :Teter. aft* Thomas Ferg•isnn. for
a few days..
---tlr�t-tted Me& Haeke4t+ .
of i/etroit. here rot tiniest home nfteh
...pending a few drays with friends ta'
the burg.
Mr. Jim Sherwood. of Detroit, epiut
the week -end with his parents, lir.
and Mr.. Sam Sherwood.
\I r+ .%lex Hackett and son Tom tali
ter! :at the home of Mr and Mrs Will
'Minter. of Zinn nn Snndny
hisless was ...aught hr the drive holt
:tnd h.• was thrown ngninet the pulley
on the eetterntor of their lighting
)dnnr. 1.eeki,y for Toni. Om ielt %a.+
an .1.1 on.• and it hrok.'.'thus fro-ing
hi. leg histone It was drawn .around
the pulley. Tom I. eougrarel,11ing him•
self that he we. n.'r toned to Mt
his New Year turkey ill 1i111.
It Anse ludas grind to ase nor friend
Rn+sell Kine around mm...rit/sr ns npnin
after reboot -is week. of Illness.
Mr. amt Mrs. Maitt:tn.t •.lttin s-Idt-
ed with Mr Josh .111in on New }.ear's
f hl y.
We understand 'Akio -titillation. are
in order for air. Wilmer ilowitt who
w•:.s mnrried a few dnya ago. ,and is
rert_busy there timea - moving 11n_.1n
the farm formerly awned by Roy
t'rnwf,,rd Mny tie New Year and
pair married lif. be Happy and pros -
pinna for you both
Mr. rlurdon RAIL ns. Clinton. visit-
ed relatives' 'rind friend* here last
week and leaves on {Wednesday for W.
-.hoot in H*ilhnrton township.
Our loyal pnlH'.•tnan is In very had
seri or persons getting ton Intimate
with his mime, torpe during hi+ Ah
%•rise. Well, WA don't blame him. A
eels.• Mink doesn't walk into 3 trap
every dry of the week.
The amine' meeting for the nom-
initlon of the town tri -tees was held
In the fire hall on Monday evening.
when the following p'rsena e'er nom -
We thank our many •customers for their
patronage during the past year, and.our wish
to all is
A it appy and Prosperous New Year
141'N(:�NNOX. Jan. 2. ----Thais follow-
ing who here been home from 1►.-
trot for Christtnus rehttnel on 1C(•.l-
n.•+dn' of this wes•k: Orville Ityau.
Cecil Rieke. Wm. Fltsergald and Cecil
Orter. Itohtle Stoth.ew L. also aes.ij1n-
pinying them to the City of the •
The teacher. who hare been home
for the Chrietmas vacation returned
,to their ee-441w,ds on Woloe•sday.
At the annual w'hool meeting iswt
-W 4fl.estay. Mi' . itntlt. McAdam was
eJe•ted tnMter .tor the following three
years. A large turnout of rate payer
was pre+.ent. Improvements are being
mode In the Junior room this week.
Manson Reid laving the e•ontrnct.
Seboeol opened.on-Tharrday.
Mr. and 'Mrs. J. R. eMeNah and Mar-
garet atdl Jaek. of l.ueknow. were
the guesat.a of Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Crawford on New Yerar's -Day.
'Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Wleken. and
family, ,and , lfGs Georgie Allen. left
nn Tuesday for 'Toronto after spend-
ing a week here.
Mr. and Mrs- Roy !Farris and family
Stretferst returned home on Torre,
We ,n.lerstnnd quite n few now men
are to the field In both Ashfield and
West Waw-nnosh. 'We wl.h them all
goo.! Tuck. that- are ell good men.
Res.- C Rintoul ptwa(•hed in
itruntfnrd on Sunday. Mr. Perri.., Jr.,
of Wingham. took the seri-lee here.
WMekee tore Allen. -A very pretty
wedding was .nlemnIzed In the Methn-
dlst chnreh nt noon nn Snturday. De-
.•.•mb'r 29th when Ruhr Margaret
third daughter of Mr. and lira. T.
41. Aloin was nnited In marriage to
Harry at. Shae•kelton, youngest son of
Mr and Mrs. Thomas Shaekeltnn of
A.hfiMd The bride who was prettily
attired Ina dress of erewm, hand-em-
and- m-
brolder 1 net. over amber Patin, with
shows and stockings to match. and car-
rying a bouquet of cream roses, Pe-
tered the ehur•h leentng on the arm
of her father• en the etraln's of Mend-
.Assohn'e efe.l4Ing march plAye.1 by
Nib. Tenni Savage. T11e hr14.. and
groom stored ander a double arch of
evergreen from which hung a large
white hell: the arch being heantUully
deenrate'd with w.',tte n'1-1 «Ink earrM•
Mery and Kethle,•n IA'lekens,
two Mees of the bride. mere pretty
little flower girls. Rev. J. Peters per-
Miss Ida \'austuue. ut Toren+,, la
spending ,a few week. at the home of
S. McPhail.
Mies Feeds .ittirliug who has loss'
spending tier • holidays with her
psn•nt.. Mr. anal airs. J. Stirling. has
returned to I. dun Normal. '
The entertafnnenl given at S. S.
one of the (west given in
Ulla locality for yenrs and wens thor-
oughly enjoyed by a I:.rge and ap
pre.•latIvr auelia•nie.
Mr. Tran Austin. now of Detroit.
"pent the holiday with his wife and
family lure. Dan still thinks there
le no place like home.
Mrs. W. Mair ;old sea. Elliott. of
Byron stent Nell' Year'. with 11.-r
Wither, Mrs. .1. l'nt. the latter rt-
tuntiug home with her on Monday.
MI.+ Lula Enum••rson, of louden.
.pot the holidays at her horse hole.
tlu' ('. P. R.
;school, of which lire Lockhart
had bicep a teacher ; 1. O. a E.. Sloe=
Lookout, rad the Women's Auxiliary,.
of tit. tMaryt Anglian ebureb, Mt.
and Mr. bred Adams and Ms. and
Mrs. T. A. Carrell sad other tribute's,
from r401tt0ee, and triendt . The body
was brought to 1beamUler for inter-;
went fn ('ullwrne cemetery, the fila' d
end,w ht.•h ons rondudMotto -
rd last Mo
day afternoon b7 1Rvr,, W. 11. MONO
!ring held fr.me the bottle of Mr. A.I
M. Stfit utt111111, t'rather. tn-law of the
des -eats ti. Thr pallbearer,. were -j
Messrs Ben. latrid and ('leaders Loa'k-
hart. A. M. stranghan. Thur Brad- -
nock and J. s. irleholaa�
For ten bars he had been a COO
doctor on Ale (' 1'. R. out of Sonrtx--
Manit.tlea. and for the last seven years
he was In the employ of the Catuadian
National. making Iris home at Slow
Lookout. The aeetdent which resulted
in his death was caused by a yard'
engine running into the esteems. of
the train of which he was eonductor.
The late Mr. Lockhart was a mem-
ber of the Order of Railway ('ondne-
tors from whom floral tributes vete
received from Sioux Lookout and
Souris brotherhoods. Other offering,.
were sent by the 1. (1. 0. F. and
G. R. of R. T.. Slont-Loohout : put -
Ile school hoard and staff of Sioux
t;l►1►E1(1('lt T(1\4'NNHiP. Jan. 2.
al r. R'tn. Elliott. of Detroit. Io apend-
Ing the ('hri.tnino h04hl.iya at his home
on the Rayfield rood.
Wllw,n reuse up from
Stratford to spend Christmas with his
!w'r. Jia-rr•turtu•d-t0 dict 47 .un'
'Mr. -nod Mrs. Cordon Jackenn, of
Rant•ruft. returned hn11P on Friday
of hast week. after spending ('hrfat•
mea at the homy of Mr. and Mea, T.
1'. ('nt.
Nominationa for the 1924 simnel'
wen. held In Holm esville on Monday
ufte•rnoou. It le to be hoped that the
new vermeil will arrange to take a Joy-
ride on January 14th over some of
the sldaroitda of the township. They
will think they have reecho, the reeky
rend to Dublin when they arrive nt
t -he one going past -Rose Garland
(cottage" -a direi road to itenmiller.
and one more traversed than any
other in the township. The first
,'n,fl•illnr aide to etpr.aa his eeentl-
ni.'nts. niter the trip. should he prees-
enhd with a silk hat.
Mr..be Wilson who hat been under
the dnetor's care. le able to be out
Mr. L.'o•Chlahoipn, of Detroit, 1a
hntl/laying eat h1a bid home on the
4111 e►td•..salon.
Wedding heIltk will soop again to
ringing nn the 5th concee.aion.
Mr. Rielierd oke. of Rayfield road
bet n horse by feeding sweet clover
one dry last week.
.Mrs Villi' Relic held n reception for
her son. Fred end bride. nn Wednee-
_da7 ('renin(; last. About a hundred
and twenty-five were present and all
reported a goo.' time
The Fhrmer's ('lit held a eudiie
and dance at Roue Garland Hall on
Friday ensuing last which was at-
tended by a largo crowd The Westlake
0trh,atrn fernished the melte, weds.
trod by Mr. George Armstrong. of
Mies Rota afrr'ellanel, of Der rolt,
spending' the Chrlstmns holiday. at
the home of her uncle And aunt. Mr.
anti Mr.. Rees Tlehhorne
Mr. and Mrs Manner of the Ray-
field road la visiting at the Soo for
a couple of 'weeks.
RFLNMiLT.RR. Jan. ^- Miss (1Prt-
r11de Uhler is visiting nt the home of
her parents.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Moss ,-'fit
New Years with the former's Orono.
at Thorndale.
The Fsrmera' Club met In the Tom -
penmen hind last Friday evening. Mr.
Norman Kernlglutn repnrte•d nn the
cursor( t' }' 11. .nnventinn and Mr
11n01 11111 gave an ae•nnnt of the
Royal Winter Fair. After the sddre0
seg which were thoroughly enjoyed by
IT Iluweer was called to
IN•trolt on '1'hur'da) of Iart w.'ek
uaying to the euddcu deulh of has
brother, Frank Humber. A Ruiter
referents t.' the d,,t,ew•eL 11 WI Hue,
we'll kgpwe lit thelerich, w111 be made
rest work.
l'hlldra'a's .1Id Sot
n►t• Jahoary wtetluR s
hell the Udreti r Aid Society will be
Tu y: January sth. at 4.13 p.m. it.
the he 7 as. right by"nttnHank. Start
ssllugti la met�
at Detroit
'These qualities are all built into the Hydro
Lamp, so they are bound to be given out.
Hydro Lamps are Factory inspected and
tested by Hydro Engineers and experts.
Look kr (hie
label on the
lamps you
Price Changes of
r. Chtses Medicines
By increasing the contents of the
the cost to the user remains unchanged
THIS revision of prices affects only
three of Dr. Chase's Medicines---
_ the Kidney -Liver Pella, Nerve
Food and Catarrh Powder.
In spite of the constantly increasing
. cost of doing business ever since Dr.
-----L-Chase's Medicines were placed on the
market many years ago there has been
no change in the prices of those
three medicines to the ormsumer.
It has now become absolutely neces-
sary to make saline changes, but this
* = has been worked out in such a way that
the cost to the user remains the same.
The slogan for Dr. Chase's Kidney -
Liver Pills will therefore remain " One
pill a dose -One cent a dose," for while
the price will be 35 cents instead of 25,
the contents of the box
instead of 25 pills as formerly.
The same applies to Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food, which will sell at 60 cents
a box instead of 50 cents, since the
contents of the box is now 60 pills
instead of 50.
With the exception of Dr. Chase's
Catarrh Powder, which is now 35 cents
a box, the prices of Dr. Chase's other
medicines remain unchanged.
Dr. (chase's Almanac has now been
mailed and distributed to practically
every home in Canada, 1,560,000
copies, if you did not receive yours
kindly advise us and we shall mail you
a copy fr of charge. Edmanson
Bates & Co Limited, Dr. Chase
Building, T