The Signal, 1924-1-3, Page 3Start Now!
No matter how long advertising
is postponed, the ground which could
be fertilized this yeat eventually will,
have to be cultivated.
The Buying Power
of a newspaper's circulation is gauged by •
actual results reeriet d by ach'ertii...-ei;--ThE
reader interest and influence df The Signal
is a known quantity-tind its quality of circu-
lation brings advertisers ratinfaetOry Millis
The roost profitable finish to dye week's work
is a regular deposit in your Savings Account-
Pay Your Debts
Pay your dela.. It I. all right toile
nennotuicsi; to be couiserystixe alma
expan.lon lit a time of Imaintei. de-
w...tom but it is ma all righ to de-
lay -payment bEhr that tat ht. paiq
an as to keep more um:lel 4 hand. If
everybody were to pa) loll jtoo a Illt•
tle more promptly than I normal time.
the (vault would be a iffeuing up of
alt alone till lbw.
Make the money mi active a. it 1.
11','' tali' tot . A pay. It the
$100 thves hi.. It *111 IAly l• $1110
And 11. V/111 $141 from
I/ alio will replace It by IrtivIng from
El and so ors !tut supposing A delays
pisymentliiree months just ketsp
bu.ineas drags fa
tliat .1410111 4111 around the line. Multi-
ply .t by 1.000 and !hear 1,01 A's
would ussicr-a. different.. of many mli-
linina in the total of Canadian WW1*"
door. prompt one offlr
bighe.t reetintotembstiono hualneits men
&wire Celle •ruIng arty an: We appeal
to .t t., hurry up in the intelaett of Ail
(be .if tie Anil in ht. own inter
bio That 1100 to be paid
teventlia:ly. 1111ty not 414444
'where along the chain thin nimble
fittes *in help other14 to pay A tir 1.114
from him. The sitigelob dollar
a tonch of the.whip.
The•nituide dollar Is the i•Itief pre.•
out tired. Whst (he Wes! in .1
ilePrell/d011Z "npald dela.. nothing else!
They are in process of tieing paid. awl j
as that priteces quicken. Ida the
W.-4 That will Make for prosperity
and prosperity will attract immigran's. •
• iminigrant. will !trine money Tic.
money *III 'spur up trade And
ad infinitum. or it atiutt lw ad fain-
itnut if licit... :would remain %table and
PriadaTitY not become a Isioni. When
thnt time mime% the protwr advt.... will
Ise "keep your heed level and pair feet,
"mt, Ow groom!" Just now it 1.,"Play
:op. The sooner are ,Ittpii.hiteil
the Aflltiber 100011e4A WM J111111) :11011,1
In. connection with tile 101•,•it..111=
whh•li attpeare.1 recent 'lawn- of
Tonrnt,i saturday veto it will b., of
ititt,reet to rtitli tbs. following
hy Kinn W. Italeatn, the well Iowan
atatiothian. 011 the relation of 4.0114. --
lion. to tusintets:
it is not so murh the ani. of
1.100/1 111 our hoilies that counts; It's
the 'rate of circulation. It is not the
amount of money in btt.ineits which
tniao Important : 'it'. the tqw4.1 of
turn -met.. There is always about so
nowb‘aaney in the country. In good
tline..411/1 the actual amount of
eurtritey flotation.. relatively little.
The great differ. -nee the rate at
which money changer. luintis. (Ow
iittlat 11/41.11 Mier develops the SliMe
Alle01111 of 11{101111441 # 411e11
out... If we want /I lwriltity
wrong busines. situation then we
nuna•to what we PAU Ili keep unowy
"Appar.ently. however. laedness mt•ta
.10 Irot realise this fact. Whenever
puri..1 of lltluvrIttltIlly itflpPltril..rVery
whether_ be V11 11 iuty or not:Tend.
tni NOM'," •tot IMO
ide. go This way.• or slow paying
t. ...In.. 41 by tlo• feelitig /if uni•ertainty
regarding the 11114104 k. but its effect
on Mashie". 1. to mak.. a certninty of
very much worm. emulations that othi•r-
ale would (swim! The Ilfe blood of
bwhn.... ch•ggsal. To have epliee-
tioici,alowial 25 Per relit l'1411 '11 lite
*410 11# A • (mirth , of our
111•011• 11 101 crt.lit wit id the einaltry.
1 tipahl bills. however. intise lie paid
...10.0.1m To delay frighteos lender..
t•r it and take. the Motet out
of those vt• 11 V11111111 their t lllll
and energe to °making business VOW
.1 it 1011/4 iletter\••
A MiAeellitlnomi
14 Shower
4434.444 •'? 4441 t, given
in honor 1.f Mr. awl Mr. Lorne
litoihre. on Friday 1.V..111111: 1 we...miter
21. la the home of he bride's aunt.
m herr mount
T. ironto. niter a number of
relative. ;sere pewee:or \
• • •
C. 1. K. Entp!overs. and M. C. C. Mem-
ber. licip To Maki. Etent
A Merry One -
'The Night itei.,i•.• Cl.ri,tauts" 'was t
tt Itsppy sae- et ilte- Porto 1:outil%
Children. 1.1114tur. Anil thanks to tlit
generottS erminderpt of tin. ever-in-
ereasing frieuds of the work. there
was 110 14tek of 'the good thing8 ate
pro:white to the season. The atten-
Alauet• of friends was /relaying includ-
ing its it did repretwutatives of the
Canoe Chili A1111 a large iii•legation of
C. 11". It employees. who supplemented
tlwir ieneront gift in -t year of a vie-
trola. with a splendid .tereoptiron
ontlit. withal. judging hy its on:ditto*
014 ',WWII under the guidance of Mr.
W. J. Fitton, will be a valuable ad-
dition notl,tinLy for entertainment but
for Severol
of the Meal clergy were present. and
the little program of recitnthms antl•
?tinging even by the children. as -well
a. th.• congratulartions and good wish-
es of several towakers. with the sing-
ing of "The Old Grape Vine." in whieh
Mr Shipman was wontrisi that tile
little people hail 114,t forgotten' his
training if 1922. notile a very agree-
/11de evening for I•oth old anti v. 'nus.
A. will be seen In the followhig list
of contribotioo.. the work 1* not 'wing
forgotten in many parts of the County.
and the management are folly war-
e/Sob.' hi publicly thaniting tIo• friends
of the Citiblren's Aid its they do In
rho silverfish's volitionof the hoed
preso As It itt of ('11 said. the swork
has many encourniting features. hut
it 1* not withont its proldents also.
wane of wide), are moat iliffli•tat to
deml with. awl sts 14 result of pre-ii•nt
••4144/1 4 e4111•111111111/ the strenm which
supplies this t•lass of work never
seemeven to diminish. but rather to
Inirea.e.• Wee • the preirent net. lllll too -
dation of the Shelter twi•a• whist it
i.. there tera_l_ctit_ret calling for its help
which -catmint be limper -1Y "WWII
until more room is available.
Women's Institute. Lonilesbrwo, 1110.-
1110:.Nelaost Forrest.:50: Mrs. Marsh.
$1.00: Miss Mary Gundre. 1.os Angeles,
Johp 114•Nattglalm. K 1 ppeni
.115011; December Grand Jury. $7.20:
Speck! Optleal er
High smile gold-filled peetaeltst
snit eye gla.w. with twat fl iipheri-
tell leo.... for onty $4.00. other
style of frame. ami len/11W at tweet
- priees Eyes examined by Mr, ',wh-
am. formerly optical export for K or*
Toronto. and later for Ilenry Mor
Mtnitreol. The best optie141 leo
to be obtained and at moiler:at. pritex
Three day..011.7.
Itatnri:ay..itstinary. 10. 11 and 12. C0010
entey. smith's Art atom. Goderielt.
Real Estate and
Life :Sun Life Auto, Accident,
ate, Insurance Houses and Lots
in Goderirh and Farms for Sale
FoR SALE -Several xery
fine homes, among the best iti
Goderich. Full modern equip-
ped, a large number of houses
and lots in rilmo.t any part of
the town deired. Many of
them very cheap and easy
terms. SSW, 1950, $1000,
$1300, etc.. ill buy good
houses and lots.
Also • numlow of fine forme lier
sale. As low as litO0 &as pay.
ment will be aceepteal. _ _ _
Above Fareat'. Fair
P.!). Bog S9 Iloderich, Ont.
largeat fleet in any canotitati port
• 011 tile 1:11•111t Lakes.
WATERTO BZ • ran urn...Ina
tti•44tiitiositle l•reaknati.r um' the piers. -
lather !Susi:ars': With Ily again 01111WA tile Ileee.o/is
FORECAST FOR 1924 "ati."..1"111.4114'" 1" so
pf jolt.
_ I Stst•erul tuutters of ituttortalit•t• came 1...its tit right tht.tisselvt.4 utter emu-
Predlcts Frost in First Tan Day
. of June But We Should Ex- .
pect A Mild Winter'
- -
'The strongest wind., over the en-
tire globe for 1924 will ht. on or
about February 5th. April lItit
. . . .
2Sth and lilliaaawr 22nil."
atates lir. J. II. Howes of t'hatx-
worth in his foreensts for the condo,
7041rr. . ors. s rim it. a in s
and When', w hose oil w ra t (14"
41044(1 argely (It,' neat r. w . gio
bear these dates in mind.
For a grt•itt maue'yt•ara. with me
rigniarlty. :Mr.. J. It. 'tuna's
V1141111.-1' forecast for
emit year. an , his forecasts have
omit year. ati‘ Ids forectist have
proved corre.-t itch 41 surprisingly
large number o times that they
tir;; Niger y winch 1 for each season.
Not only are ht. fo la. widely read
in Oda 411.1riet.'llu his protruostica-
tIous are looked for 111111iV section..
uf flittario awl even if the
-Stades.- Mr. lisowes' td•ility in thi.
direction is. re...mule...I \Ity the very
Interest which 1-0,triken eaelt
year 111 his stork. In minima every
bonie. especially in the ru illstriets
a eopy .Mr. Rowe.' nut tal for,'
('*41is lulu for refer/met-- ,
Ifbrit is *hut he hap/ ;11/111,1 1924:
Jaimary--Very mild and cain
Fitamary•-Aliont 5th of the malt
there will lie quite 11 storm of Ind
1041 1411044, The 101 111 1114. of the no)4 tit
will be mild. (AIM itiol dry.
Niarell---:Very mild.
APril--,F1rst 11111f. quite mild mail
111.Y, but from the 1501, to the 20th
there will 44.• very pronominal stor
of wind, rain and snow. The IV-
mninder of the month will I.. very
mi Id.
May -Decidedly warm nod dry.
, June -In the first ten 4111yA there
will be very +trona and persktent
• a • I • • • i 1 f t
up bt•fore the waiter end light C0111- ing through the entrafice titl: out-
irrhartinr-ar-thr -regtder---rneetiag .1, -.d,le browlessaier.- , . .
Vtitli referenve to the pooer and
Thursday. A letter WAS received from
tin. Westecu thimula7Flottr Ililla Co. lighting fiwilities for the north .itie
t•Alleeiltall 011 their contrail after Jame
direet nig flint fifty horse Istwer be of the harbor. wit quite it ppm. iu te
ntlit.t..1.11pritattm.4nt a...1111;1; iit1.111inttei,f, eolts:.riotrite.pa4ri.-
ary 1st. 19:3.
The commission reeeived A bill for thin% these 1111en sholllil la, 111.18110.1
$4491.1 110 from the Hydro Eleciri,- at urn,. 111111 n't• are prepared to co -
Power commission of I /tattoo for .21.1 011erilte W41111.1 your Ileibart went he
itorsepowt.r Insed duritig the WOW it of prepared to gmtrtintee to re-inibunie
, November. Tlw tint.' A 1111 4111te of Ille the tt•WI1. If tvt• construett.1 these lines
"4th - .- N("141141.: I h.."....1.1..:,,,":„..b. vat,. flo itetation for 114,1.4
, peak load war at 0.40 p m.,
*atm' From Mineral spring . litigki.i.t. t,ttintill..vapor nr..r•ir,villiyieiitintaitgi a nii•le oil:71:4i!
C. W. mini J. F. Burton:0f
lite Goderich Salt Co.. iutervietveti On. 1 wattPr'..
econuassion as ',MICA 111$ tile Wahl' !
How The Money Was Spent •
shortage at their plant. Arratigianents :
lare Iwing voutpteiva hythe VOIlltUlMOIOIL 111 tleettrildnee With the 11101 1011 iif
whereby they will be able, withiu tine Councillors F. J . Mt-Qualtt null .1. 1e
Heat few days. to pipe the water from Colliu04 at the Derember sesoion of
the mineral spring at ;the duck over Iltirou minify round! County Engineer
curial permission to till Mt from the
C. P. H. t'41. and P. I.. Welton. "rho the amount spent 011 good roads lit
ouitiairt• of waiter to be mecumt from
to the waterworks plant. 'having Ile -
own and control the spring. The
ut low vvntvrThe spring water
gallons per
the spring flow b. estimated at, 12,00n
am llllll t of water from tlw intake
„about one-third the Itayee.14
unsuitable .1-Vroxtaer
alinhijilar. mt:e."..nrasi 011-111.(tillttirgesesl".atiiivethetittni:
T. Itoy Fatti•rsim has forwardt.12:17it7ii,:t..414:1141).
retwes of /10. vorion. munielpttiitte.
441114 110. This list is it.• follows:--
. . $ Tit.: 411 7. ,1
sanitary purposes., tl It beettuse itf
1' s first -etas. w A t e r f it r },
its tniiteral content it I.
•'• :444"4-;"..21..:44;41 :11
4.5 1.95
1111. eltliIIIII•reht 1 Wile11 11A181
itst•if. titlintiolpelva•s report4.1' to /
_be itt•itrly tett Allootay. Ih....nii.'r
wIdt•it flirt et.rtnin rutnitrs
titatt litivt. Muni nitwit tiovn ree-
The Lott. Lithe Level
The 1•Ituiulissluit wrote st•vt.rati li•tti•rs
riweattly in taitina•ctltot with tit*.
cet.lingly lon• waiter level in Lake
1 due largely. it is held. to the di -
N nil.. at tit ra la an. ros
Yea' Wit waliiisi,
;IalPrtell 4111.5.00
4.71.-.71::'.4414: Some Interesting Figures
7119100 Ti' following *tritistit•s as prepared
----Tit05.62- by the BoartroTtlrittirrommissioners
fct-17.27 as to the amount of 'groin • slapped
8792 51- trim) tit- bend of the la kes during
, 9100.19 Or nua51111, front taeptemlier Int to '
129.4.:e4 the 1.1010. unvigntion on December
141)04.25 24th may prove of 'Merritt locally.
t'omporatve figuri•s lire giVell for 1922
and nr23, those for this year being
• eit•en In the outside eolumn._ _
Mist., Grain. ...2 492.S11.3 2.2701:N11
-Total number cargoes s2t
; Flax. .... ....1.821 447 2.0s11.01.1)
Rye, lllll•59 2..421.501 .
' Itnriey, • 7'425.5.12 7.920.046 -
, IN heat , 1s1,014.3,40
Totitl number
1 91.49...r21; Lti.s.10.2 in
Inquest Stands. Adjotirned
The 11344111 Ir'. room of the tiorn hall
W415 ITOWliell 10 tile 1104trs loll Thur.- •
day evening of lost week for the /let'.
tottitig, the inquest lotion. Dr.
.A. C. Hunter into the death of
Charles Bulpitt 1 t. McPherson-Home
WY. 4444444111,. /4*•11 t1/01i 1111fee /tn.,
J. B. Cox'. farm. 6nth concession. Col-
borne township. ou Saturday. It...em-
ber 221111. Crown .t tti.ritey Charles..
Seager. K. C. I. ...tido •ting the .11.0
4'1111 144111141 itf 111` erown. •
The only-i•Villialee tnken Thur. -
1111..V 1111:11,1 tla I 1111 1.01 I Ir. A. H. Mack -
lin. who isadorrited the po-4- mortem. - A
1 Dr. Macklin's te.tim llll y• Oats ril flint
- effeet that (tenth reSittted nnquestarin-
ably from banging. -There WS ••, 110 Air
whntever in the lungs of the 1..y. who . •
wa. \ Len yenr. 0141. Evidenee waa
also given to die 01100t that nny
401 lie` body IV' The With -The
exeeption .401111. 111FIrk• on the Int tele,
1•0111.1 aceounted for by till. noture
id III. death.
,The enquiry and ittimiest will be
'contioned T111'411:I y C.V1.11111g. 311 1111-
' are SOL •
town nith lila
Anrini. Renew your .ttbscription t.• The
Signni owl gel a enli•nilar.
*ft\ Pickett tit Below The- Wit nit4
Elsewhere 1
•Titri.ttelt the kimint•ss of t'aptalas
1A1112.aut Itobinstni, lighthouse tuaater •
itt Iloderich harbor, the folk/arias It.t
of arrivails. for the season just closed/
line UM% seturrest:-.114ovklug-hirtge
*occurs* boats. 2; Goverii:Out supply
boat.. 2: cold boats. 4; tug.,
yat•hts, 27. 11 1,1TItill 1/011tS. notk-
ing a total of 1447
Am a result of g,rounding at Ow
entranee :the piers recently the
Pi. I.. pilettno•r Maplecourt suffer-
ed swap slight 'MmHg.. and toigan to
leak in her bilges in No. .5
l'rompt handling by the Eleimtor
however, ratveti all but about 109
lowitels of the carpi.
Though 11)4' 4.1evators are pretty
well filled at prestait the thsderich
Eit•vittor nes unloading the steamer
Fritter Taylor on liondny with the
lq•rryton next in order 4sn.00n
cargo of oat. Anil screening.
On the Iterryton. is. as previously
stat,81. the biggest balk cargo to be
brongle into tit.. harbor Nilo year"
The Elevator C.o., has ten men -P111-
1110yitil pre.ent floishing up "the
rag en.l." 01,4-onstruetion in oannec-
lion witletheir iten• annex. The rade-
payer- will riani•mber that it illAt
011e year ago that the Elevator by-
law was. viiteil upon and that the
140111/71 Ily 011 YhJit tx..aalon tindertopk. It
ist all poseible. to have the building
e0midetasi within'at period of twelve
months. The t•ompttny haa made good
It.. enden‘-or. ton iter cent. for the an-
nex ha. ilone Its .1111re during tile fad
roah wittelt 4111 flecemsber 2Srd
with the 1•10ate Of navigation upah the
arrival of that well-known steamer the
Jolly Inez. The hoisting' tower
being. denoilished NIondity and final
repair- were being made to the front -
no. dock nt the tiorth-euat :corner
of the new elevator.
Tdriff -at wan7r-rrinn-lrike Mb -bigot. (
Illfitlitage Calla! Sys-
tem. .1111ittler of retitle. Itave 1441011
ree..1%..1 by the t•onamission. thret• of
whi.•h art. AiVell
1ialerielt Crwp
McK I lop
Tlw following was received from Sir 4
Adam heel, ''l am in receipt of 11
f I • 1 SI in -
Woo 1..4 tin 11, • eopy tif your letter II t It • 1
MI It .tron tossibilitv of w '
ple. London. $25 00: Mr.. Holt. Torote. w • """ ?Want. 11.1.1r.......1 to ii able W. I..
to. II en rrie. 11.00 Amity. emt inn . The ba 'dine,. of tlie th Ewa. respecting the lowta,_
e . . • 111 tleineratelv worm• nint- ra7110/ of the lake level d Lake Huron.
MilClassBirth"50: Mr*104. 7
th • lent week. .„/
94011,141. S2-00: Methodiat Bible elaaa.
itI7t1). $10.0n: A l' 1,1 ithro: m. J 17 Tl • fir t/dreek tlwre‘ will Ite .. .•
• ../ for which I t iota: you."
der of the nothrit will be thaiperately. tom. ..eore , P. Graham, Minister
tii.ydone, ClInfon. =Oh'. ffeo. .ratap.. l""7-"'"'• 341r -wind- -Thr4e-Mtlin- <4 111141wIlf•. W I -C,114111*. MAIM -all
warm And dry. follows.: --"I lint your letter of flo.
141.09: Mr.. 11. bliller. Detroit. 112.05:
; ralt Anstant. writ .1 If f I •
willThime• dirlyrstanitillitrwarmth wtitsti:
. Watiirwork. tind I. garb. Light Cont-
i ission of the "Mutt •Ipality of the
Mr.. Tten. Ernum. $1.00. Metliot le A
Smola v S41•001. Lonilesboro.
Rev , ktrTii (.r.qtrron. - *6 44''
Itrav A Cartwrieht. children',
(+Whine; Women 111.41111t1,. Exeter.
m nt
• tht:
atter half eiliti unit wet. Awn id Gialt•rielt. 'thinning the
•prember-First week wilt be 1...11 Govermutoit to take al means to pre -
e Ink.. level
"e runt -
• I from
me 10
• 4.4,
rmir ar,...,...,, Af1,1 1,,,,i, fit. thi,..,s: mi. and later very n-arut tint' dry mail ,,vent the lowering of 1
Introit) Nelson /Orem. '•1 (toren mi)s-
f.x&"tIts7.1.1.r-A-cry mild and' dry until . t:1141.. follitiontllOrlreir'it -:.).P1''C'Pu'',
can't and glAre.: M10111 '11.•1 Aoktl, 4
beige: Lonslembort, U"omen's t "Inte 1 11...2.4/1 with. strong winds. rain?ke Prime Minister's privatt•
snow and frost,
pair of mitts: Mr.. Bel gtfto for •
Nos...giber - ihm.i.iviih. vvneni no 1 a"Te khit:fiv,prhiligeo 11.141,1%1,71r:7 nifillayonusrlot,
the 1541i imannt, withrefert•it
goo -e: Mr. . 111-1141., the wilt& level ,lit Lake Hunan.
wand. ritiii. snow, and 'frot about . Mr. King'. diret•tion- your.oi letter
. 4re•••4 -for children:
. lining... n 1111 eon ovrn: the 9111. The middle" ofjhe month I b 4.11 trawitnitted to 11011. Char
oil be very mild.. A twine ivind. ! Stewart. .N11111.1..r of the Merit.
1" ,1n4's011. frm.". ' a!" ''' " rain 111111 /0101r .torninod very • 411k1 i 44111411 111.1111 r1:1111.11t OW 1101111 i 11111::
01'1'. 11r, W
: blr.. . Mnriwy. jetty: Mr. 4(.1111 221)4. . •
: NIrs• Men.- ! atePon'e
r r Branch w
is holisisterc.1.
1. E. Tom.:brinket of sprawl
Not wile (Inept/tr.flow,'*- fore-nst . in order tlett it may r:eeive eonsiderti-
Frans. pair of boots: Mrs. Foster. 2 the wenthrr for/n year. itheiti. Mit he tion :it 111.- proper holds.- •
Infire"` '^Ir hren't nrni AP"1"*: Mr' most,.., -milk; top. for as far ailelli H91111Per ' Light- and POIWT lines
t.7", f':r rehil'ir"n : 1rr-s ter twoor- Twee pate.. and ht. has milli- The commis...ion hns hati lamsitier-
""gm.l 3m "t
"n1". '""`,".o". a 4:11.1 :lit regn rdog th • weather for altle t•orrespondenee . with II. It. II.
;. range. awl clothing: Women's In- the first two month. of the year. 1tr23 ernig. district engineer, Londonin con
I 0 int4_044111wineotawvee
'tr. yl4olLitnilwatle:bo_tx of cloth- .: Jilin:my, ron. 4,0titt. intik
/ 0 11"A:1=h 11 11•1 1926 1 11. prt'ilietitIllk/ 1100: Ileeti011 '1414,4* i44,. e
t linstnytiou of
the 27th. when/fro-4 mid rain May Is. shall- be very glad 10 11
Mary Salkeld. 2 bar. of apples:- .
-41.rlotraaA4ree: SITK. Carrie. tert
for children; eAllt h. gift dr Isseember-Ftrit week jo
Christmas n
and Mr.. Rog,.
Mr+, W Pr:(
Dr 1.. 1'. Fire .1. 1444 41. Mrs Fireirer 13.14
awl son.. Donn! Rani Fred. of St I child
entliarinee. ',spent NeW lele. at the 1111 lo.
1 1 , Mrs. •11 •Eivan. Cambria ilre/oes
1-011, I.
rower 1i11//A.._111_111. north
:my .
Total ..$1 24.1215.53
Mrs. George H. Lauder trusses Away
On Chri-tma. evening, after 11
lingering •illiwes abc month.' (titra-
tion there pasted peacefully away at
her late 110111e. street, Ginierich.
Hannah I'8 11. belovt.1 wife of Georige
41. Lauder. C. N. It. agent. Tile
inte Mrs. :Lauder was born in Tor-
onto. where she lived until her tunr-
riage when tit • moved to Kingst.,te
Liter she reshh.1 111 Ilellevitle...Strat-
ford and Tiretiford. 1.otning to GotierIch
fifteen yenrs Hen. she had Hill
A witle cirt•le of friend.- 1.iy her many
nets of quiet kindness. Site vvas 4111
Anglicon. licvoitt member id. St.
C,,orge's elitirch. 11 1111 WAS eSPeeill1ly In-
Auxiliary. She leaves -fa • intlifrii Hie"
10.04 eit' A loving wife tool mother. iler
linslatml, two dntighters. Gertrinte E.
of the N. R. fri•iglo office staff :
Beatrice G.. of the staff id St.
'atharines Collegiate In.titute. a 1141
n IL. drugglet. of Goderielt. The
fn 'r,. 4. which wa44 trivate. wa5 held
alt .11* Friday afternoon. liecemb r
2.4 It. • Mei t !anti eemetery. Tile servl-
, ,tlie lifinie gravealile were
conduct ,I by Rev. S. S. Enrily.
imintenre %tern.: O.
loy toll/N f o till the E..11. il'ig . NI F. John Platt 11O11
Obrunry 1025--11..1.14.11y Aide "Of hl 1110r. Secretary. L. L. Jar Car 111 4 fly hi•iiittlfitt
at; Wonteit's Institute. Hitr‘111- Ji'litutry 1920---41aite 11111,1.
Fobrintry 11(241.-- .111141 *boot fei e0111.
a February n . It posalltlt. to haye.•
. A gtent many !wool.. In this M. --
trier. ond throughont Ontitrlo. have
e0/111. to tile e01/1.111$1011 tilltt it 444011 d
1mno..11,1t• for :111y1.111. to foreesst
the weather ns he itss dolt-. mut sio
eontainIng new
or all the girl. in the Shelter.
• • •
The People'. Ganle
Vh•torin .trt•et God -Hell. at ',resent
twetipled by Wm. l'raig.
a money -making prior/whim, for the
right innn. Apply to
Phone 50 • P. J. HAAN
3.111... IN hy Hell. kindergarten
timelier at .ictortst scodoot. ppent
Christmas nt .r .110M11 lit Stirling
A1111 Nun' n New l'ork.•
Mr. and Mrs. ohn Felker..Arellu
town for the tetra
Mr mid Mr,44. r. A. rid spent Christ-
mas 44 1111 friends In Stratford ntiil
New in 1144ro8.
ft -v. c.c.rectiv. and ir
111. v1,' 'r" as lie 44
.ome ttlat-friencl.
Nir. llowes' rfor.l.n.t
tont is llll db. of lfrn
eklooliv vorre..t.,arttbmte 10411.•ttlint. the
St0f111 7t1r411141. ritli,. .11„, ,-;;;Ti- frost
on flip 22n4 of November an. me 1111
Int &Oil It 1E0111(1
III gmeis nt it.
..•;:linineti it to
Til 111'
. for the OnNt
lin ve beim I de-
• Unlinited Quantity of
at 83 pet single cord, delivered,
(Foot of Anelesea St. Phone
Reserve and
Undivided Profits
Total Assets
The Bank's Annual Statement
and copies thereof are available for
tion, at any brandi of the bank.
$ 8,000,000
has just beeirlssued
anyone, on applies -
Goderich Branch. F. Woollcombc, Manager
Hilliard. of Waterloo, we
14143.54,13 at the twine of
Mr, 11101 )lrs. T. E. Cnyley
(11 ugh ter. of Still/ford. noel,
Penes with Mrs. IChyley's ntother.
Mr. awl Arehle TO111. Of St
ford. el.i14.1 the former's parents. 11
and Nirs .1. E. Toni. over New Year'..
Miss Itilth E. .11amilton. "pent
New Year's 's' 61* friend. in Ituffnio.
Tho member. of the (1. C. 1. .taff
wer. 4411 Olt/ of town for the holiday
with the exceptioo l'rineipal Ilitme.
au f0114114-A:---MNA ,Itnnter. Toronto;
We Preorett Mite Surma
Kingston: MI.. Toronto 9041
Mitchell: Mr. Mold. Toronto. sind Mr. Toronto.
Mts. blIary itortin. of Detroit. iM
spending a /short hoimay with her
nwther. Mrs. Doran. IlrltattnIn rood.
31r4. oleo. of Toronto. 1. *hating
/141 11:inI1t4tet. Mr.. W. IP. marrmiere.
Miss Itnechel Stewart left bort sre,•k
for ltetroit where she eirpeet. to take
A ro4tInn
Mr Graham !ogles, of Cohoure•
11 holiday visitor with hi. annt. MIAs
Marlon Ingle.. 1.1elvtboie40 etrvet
311'. Kyle and elm ehlItIr :tn. . Jean
r/1544*.. are holidaying witls MIMI -
fire. In London and St. Thomatit. -
Mr. and Mee. T110111AP Nicoll. of Tor -
NPR' War
Ir. .1. It.
,-; -
'onto. were the- gnests Iln.t w...k of
11r. and, Mr.. Wolter F. Nnftel.
Mrs. J. It, Colborne% St. Patrick
street. boa 1001 lls lwr guest last
W1N•k 3.1 1...' liwendole ft l'olborilf• arid
III.. Within m. of Toronto.
Mr: And Mr.. W. Frank, Saunders
s oit Iltriatimn 4 In Toronto. the, pleats
iiir Mrs. Samitler'm .ister. Mrs. Howe.
Ntr. and Mr*. t' V. l'ortwright Iiiiii
hail kr their gueato for ('hrl.tma.
NI r. no m. Brown and )II.. Brown.
of Wel I.
Mr. and Mr.. Bert Smith and family.
of Gnelph.' pent Chrlistmat in town
with Mr. itli'. father. Hr. .I.. IV.
He George ."nble *nil lea. Mr.
ttordon Nowt. n Toronto. "pent nu.
holiday .oapon wit Mr*. Noble. Welit
*met. .
MI.. Mary (larrow. of Toronto, 111
the guest of MIPS (1111)1* /Mr. for n
'few tiara. • .
I)r. I.. M. Mabee stwftt Chriatmat
'filth friend. at Port Rowan.
Mr. Charles Oarrow, blaster of the
itnpreme ,l'ourt of Onfittlo. Toronto.
watt In town filt heehaw, drirIng the
peat week. Ple wows grrveted t•orsiinily
by many of MN old friend. here.
K nox'. Ia.t letter to WM 1111 lleet•IllIter 1107.1 I tribot la•-eol,.• the sy•minithy
211111 was as follow. 4..*341) dmild you 01' 41 large nu ter or 41.1 Ha- by Notion
thnt theta 11 14' now nineteen she will be g tly _
htrge grain boat» lying in Goileriele..-
itar1.•r. with 1.7,00.1,01) Im-heis efloat...Mr. .‘icx.
Thi. 1- the largewt number of boats Michigan. APO
• t 11 tile. lar,a•st tonnage ;tint ever Christmas titration 1
J0.11.1141 here. WWI the t4er•ptient turre.its. NIr. and Mrs.
I'ort Colborne we believe that this is sots.
OM 1 ither.ity spost 7iss
A Resident of Hurson for Ninety Years
arreiNfanTO:hs , Born at Aberdeen, Scotland, nriAw Ycar 1'11129, Settled-44dr His Parents on
the 6th Concession of Godsrich ToWnship in the Year 1834,
Charles Mr1.10.11 Is 11 1 foron minty
pioneer wins wits "born at•ross the
pond". IlIs bIrtliplare wits in :44 (11
land tirt• mites trpin itaimstrai Itudie.
the St.atimli of royalty 11 1111 AiNtls
01111 miles from the grent city of .tlicr
deeti. TN, subject of fhb, 110 1'1 11•10,1r
OISeteh na0* horn in the year 1829 and
1. thus In his riltn•ty-fifth •tit• Ile
elinat• to t'aitailn with his pnrents. flie
late Mr. and Mrs. William McInto.h.
when only two years old. family
flout nettled mine Laeldne, tbietwe. 4444
remnined tlit•re fluty two year. before
coming to llormi ominty to takt• 1111
their resident.. on st farm on the Oth
eoncenelon of Gialerleit township, about
ten mile., from lintlerieh. skIr. Mc-
Intosh resided with his parent. for
11 minther of years. in ?set until the
dote of his antrrhstte In 1.1447 to t *at har-
lot. Ilale7. who died about twenty
years lreo. *hen he bought \'s fiirm on
the 7111 coneeamion of, Ilatit;itt. On
fhb. frirm NI 1. Nfehrweli. a
fmit the
gr Ater part of Ida life. Mint.. 11141
retirement morne year. ago from active
fnrming Ilits vliltod tirmind among
tio• metnher. of hibs family raid is nt
iiru.ent atnFIng 14It11 tIl tillichter.
.11)4)44 Shanahan. Hullett lime
slop. about three toile« from
Ntr. Alcitstopit isittcwit Is
thst• la •It
aurviving mentla•r n lame:
w th the exeeption 0111. sitat•r. Mr,
J aa4t• Glum. who reside. at %%Ingham.
and •ho Is ninety-two year. old. 11 4...
eonsists of five daughters find
three is. AS follow.; Mr.. 3. Shaw
nhan. AltSk INtrick nod bir
dosh. nll or 111•.
Helen Mch rsh, of Montreal ; MI..,
Mary Ntrinto and Mr. Vi'llliam NI. -
1111...11, both o 4411411; Mr.. Margnr.s
Baker, of Toron o. and Alr. .4'' 11,,, Ni.•
haw+. 14 4 lietea • .
mr. Mrintosis I. Liberal in
tie. in tebit.11 he h s tilWity. taken
A deep hat:rest. A ait reader. he
14 neen-tonned *Well yet keep n cl...e
tab on offnirs,throngh the mwspop.r..
which he atilt rend. and Mout ii),•
r Inn 11 T
nill,of ..rvvl
.yvar. a. a acitooi trusts,- to
umtion No. 1. Iluilett. ahich
Separnte public ...hoot
From early boyhood Mr. Melia,
ha. lwen a devout !tomtit Catholic A11
Int. been for many, Yenr. 1, mem% r
10ina.po'S chord'. 4'lltiton
. of almoat remarkable health slid
vigor for a man of hl. yonr. he 1.
54111 able to attend which he
,t100s n'1111,,ntirkeil rsnIsrItv