HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-3, Page 2r 3-4'1or4ay, January 3, 1O!24 • THE SIGNAL, GODERICII, ONT. Xbraia,Stoutiil Es'lAttlatilIED 1848 GODEKICII CANADA Memher of Canadian Weekly News- paper AssoeisAion PubHailed eery Thursday moruing. Subscription price $2.00 per year. To 1 alt..' States and Foreign Countries. $2.50 per year, atrictly in advance. THE SIGNAL PSLNTING CO., LTD. Telephone 35 Goderieh, Ont. Athol lIcQuarrie, Slanaging-Editor Thuriabiy, January 3. 11r.4 THE 9.1TAWA SITUATION. 'II. bye -election in K11111. \ Thll.tglt at 1111the 1...a- • HIGHWAY TRAFFIC rim there was "Wale fear that reasels. would 'not b, available at the head 1, ..t the Lakes. to tram -port the record' grain .rot.. the iliffh.ultlea were over - vont.. and the alt111111eat8 aggregated more Holl t•timity million bushel* over the previous year's. The total for this season. as emulated by the iloarti of Grain Ciontulaalonens. was • • • ACT CONTAINS IMPORTANT CHANGES uu a nighway Atoll incur, for rho; first $2.1 1411.1 not more then $100, and shall • °Deuce. a penalty of telt less than oho) he Hanle to Imprloolutent for any term mot exceeding 30 days and • ror any -iiliscipicut atelier shall in- cur a pcoolty of Imo hoot than $1.410 , a 1111 1114 more thau Moo. and shalt also be liable to imprsoinuent for 0104140 Motor League RevieWit any term not ex...sating six mouths Enactment of The Year Passing Vehicle Going in awe 1923 Dirretion '44 poromi in t•1111Fge of „ii vehlefe Audi pugs. or attempt to 'Writ. An4.11114 'T'. • !Naha ay Traftli• .140 ^4if 1923 „Adm.. twin, in the same 'inaction on .... I I1*• NIIOY1 1 11 le of the Act t hat it bigt, as, ind,., u,,a nail. Whil.• t'aiortilito -r ilittario. at least-- ,,implirks.4.,,,,,r,11.thi, and etakauti, tritiened weir*, af rho_ utenway. in 4..cthe iiiittitait whiter ovalliet date,. the py,,vislon. I In. Motor Ve. • .ront of, and to thv If Of the "'it', 111.111. Highway Trayel 411111 1-0'4d Id vie tr, ht. passed Is safely fie.. froa, Vehicle Ael In °Morn. The 1(4W 114.1 approaching traffic. • eonoo Into fore, imcomber :Dot. IrILOI. I iinfimiefued pews% NA fe Drive 3-1„„f,..a*vr nmolimportant rheum.* No intoxicated person shill driv, 4.1111.1" 118" bre" dYlug Iy frionsthe 01.1 Acts „governing Cie ..-.6.414,,tor vehicle. Penalty chrism', 1411y brought a 14(111 .14444.4(4 1.414 of 110.444r vehlyleS 01111 14 Ale11111, or 414 ViiNe ikens.e I, 31-, £-b44 Protorli. 1.4;10.0 L. Lk. lintario 'dolor Iu.i k omit... to -of-the--mmor retitle, then 111:: • Ag1,".1.1111011., tome other eountrie* are not so fortimail.. 111 14011th At- ..., rico there has Nadi a terrible 41rought, a$11.1tell III the transfer 41 the .4..11 41Ile I 101101. 4.f Common. from the Lineral lo the Coa-ery afire party. '•• The • alsirtrime Province- are disoffeeied over theatuatolon of Canadian Nation- al Ratio ay' U inagelnieut. the Intercolonial !tonally tare tinder political monagement and Monet es - 1..04 to pay Stowe it woo ineorp01s- Je411 In the CatiodLua National Rail- iliform' tumor...Li apt t hereto' I s d 11 the license 'n tat It, Emit • /111. form'of a tremendous haIlsiorni ("11:5. 1111Ve ila'al 11111141 1111•01V111111111.141 „Mal i S./11 W111) 10 eillali:t..t...1 of dric 1,4 _ 614" oll'i 41441"Iner 4**4 11113 "'I 81 "'" tossibly ii fogy fines. ,%4t (44448 below ..,,it 1 motor rebid.. while isitoxleated -...,!• itondied thousand pounds. Whetlo low id •the 1111/re importtint revision. ', he ottopototed hy the Minister moo er the l, -..,ht has 10-011 relieved a1111 1111111i1101%. . 1 r.port to the pollee Mogi-trate 04 NI'? 110t Ille 1.111.01e does, liot 0:1y. - T.F..- Indite!. Motor 1...agn.• poin'A J11•11111 114 The ille051,W1111 1111110e• the • • • out that hi, a general Ne113.14 1 1Ie 1 VoIlVtighIll. far a period: ' alitat• code et laws %ebb+ regn`ates Iti i Not exceeding. three months Tiii.re Is noteh • disenssinti regent' the IlVerflti011 Of 1)1014.11 Vehh'11,4 4.1, Iii,. f. r the first 4.fleitce. at • 1(44 3(414 the new, or rootlifitf. •111e• MN 114:11.W11.1. win Ile (o1111(1 lo ono Amt••11• • flit; Not.1,41 than. three months and oldeb Is 111-14ftW Mini .titnriary pt. 4n-ru,- tiignwity-Traffic-:Aiar,T- , •.‘,..-ithii•st•Z-iiiiitttle. 'for the ia•e1Witl. 1.4.r11:41‘,1'11"!11%'41(111!121511.1141.131: l'It1141111.11.1:11:rtiU11'elli14.11:1Ye ::111:1'1111f":,; the hint 11T •IIII•eatteat 11i' 49.1. r,i.'4,igiiiink at a speed 'tie b. a I''"re itim 1P141••• or ',crush .ir both. mapper danzerim. t.. the poldle: halt'. IIN the ease may be, shall be t•atitelle.1 14.g., r •••,,Ir,1 (II an --the--etrem,„ 4 „ „,.„. and le; shall he thse'ldrell 4y atitlt 1.4.1i own '.iietir a penalty" .. 114144t nite or .3 ('.4(14414' of t Re • Pon. •.• • • , tole i.rIttelph. underlie.. tly,„6, •••104••• II° 'dIslin3lif14 from holding :. ' I tot ern ment. • 4 4.1 ;ho tuition.11 dein go eii inerenahig 'no- ': ,ohject 'Tlie law illiplet..9 Upon every- • et- 1.'"e o P. a 4144'I 44 poCtowite41 thot rd.• • ways the ret.o. lt.tve t000r 1111.1.113..4 4111111"1 ix 4.4 Ile. hest, t'lett 4.a11 • Mk Vat tbl. IS a 111141re 11111,111eNNIllit• 1.14,1 11. agement. This 4104,4 11414 suit' the 4..r " th"t 43141 1"‘"""wat thnerit. and ,t y are sanwing 011•111•Ir 1111* per- , el.sgtis,ruetion by r*-0i.ing ouninat ti,;. apt elle emit...4 1•• get it. 'Llubiter of Villa WI. had either to lot It a Ottawa ileswel, to TM. r•lol..• .1i -1111e great litinly„ of" iiiiriletietthd f 3x • '4144"1*• Wal"wHY' 1riam'-441.'“*4.411"1 14 14 1 'x'''"U"11 .. et. reking at all times. that degree tw" Y"'"''',, . _ . covers the Parnain..utury :itinition Munirmat ni.i.aws Ineetoistent .illony deficit.. or impose fresh ray,tb. „r ram Tor foe 4,01,.4x and e„4,4•44,i,,44,.,„ „ as follows:, ..• 4•11.4i1 yorisiration or hoard of police :. my Thornton Om railway deficit* eonnulasioner4 or boP.a. trieZtees for d'r.• rapidly. deereaaing. 14 WI .1 here Is a '. ' -.11.. l'`' "el" "f .1"v vr".1) "V"" " In 4/nevem:tient minies over the Kent III set. 'flare 1* do 11111 r111. 11.41111W. 11 &Mow to collillIrt .111111er 1111 eirenne rontIntnig 'raffle ..41 the 1,1gliwtiy; with the exo..ption 4if the tranotor 1.1f 11*.. - 14,41 that this year Nie -.1 Vielsliag statues of -travel. tire known as the ' "which are hiemodstent.. with tint pito.. A. R. McMaster from the Liberal to ,, PI 1.• able to halftime his loOlget. If riii., of the road, .. to la. 'repealed an.1 bereafter aid ht'-- ',!ti,isions of this Art. shall 1.4.• decuosi. thetftirt. ..1witilent 441.11inin. the'Llbentim tab. 4radual improvement of the lira- • • . ' HiliTelos •. hov.. rerthInthis _traffic 4441 4, ((.1458*' pmilionl a., lows watt". wiani , oleo 4111atte- cont.:toes. softie liglit• 441 I' 111(0 /111:11Wely- after dusk , and before Own: every 1.14,yrIe alto shall he onloultted to the Deportniew ta Hotta.. of opinions are In the .: , ,. , 4 present Prorlletuent opened two .4'"i"4 14? 61""i'll' Will """ III- ill There is more chagrin than alarm r,...a,..114,..nsbiriernipitim.risnonn, pa,nit 1,y "I' "r 1.1f.11111.1141"111.;1 -1V.:1211:11111111111. ',al. 1.111111 I'l‘e 11131141 • '.34 tb yea the Kent --a Progressi -ed the.Gu for approval and. shaft oot 10411111 • op.' tricycle Shall. carry on the. back thee.- ,v. Th,„ tu.„ ,rmilit 1,,,g,.., in tirliIT. ,iiiti a iis. um, or four maiii ,a4 a r,,1 11011,1 lamp, .., 1.4.4 1,..n.,,i.„ crative mirli Ithe Deportment -hall tritim...--at Ilalltax and at ' s.,uri.rs of ,••••,.1,0p. 14.. Nile" 4'' . tor so.1•6tieed ** to lie-a-learly Pkilde •1,/,ir;' "i.,if;.;i‘t-tilip.::r •'se""ra'..ina Sumitomo offoet by the gain. - -w-1 ti--ic t 'o ..".0 '111,1 IN. 111.• (1 rt 4,. 1.• r.'11(1014.1or to ilrieorg of y!..41•401,1 . approylebinr. • .‘iirl Instituting Civil .trtions .4' from Ontario., who join- .,,f: ' 4" eettitred. It hampers bustle,- fr.". tile hi"- : . - 4 • rument routs .before the '-"(4-iNiffiliiir-iLlasts .., N4471111101IN i•••••••,,1,41 4.01 11 Vi..ir.10,11 II 101 rills Moo ny on the eon/4nm •-r• • ' ' of airy of the provisions .. f thi. Act hat session. 1.1e. McMarter 1. not a , A move tor ht4lw e•hile standInu g noti shse all is. rv...1 within 144 day- of total loSs to e Liberals. for in 411- ami- ee hos a tivadY I/4410 /1111CIreNte,.. Ally II IZ11 sVfly 111 ',mil time* II'- lights the alleged off..11,... prorldeIl. I4o4?. 511410118 111 the I1'48)'4' MS 4(4 4444 AVIII (4(0- 1111. 11. only JustlflYention ill the lir:: I14.e reonire41 hy the provkions ,.?.this ,ever, that the eino• fi.r14;rilirg"";ip.h.. pear In the I.iber, I column alintot 116 c•111 444'. 4- of the Treasury. 4 .449? 31,11 for stielt vehicles may. In film gnono,,,,,, 4,4,, y I,. 4'V1,7,41,1 I,. ' 14, .- Often as In the l'n reolive, 114 there . • • of the tiglitilig emtionotit specified 111 . pn Ailing MagistrAon ll' "niffirieht •\ a re mauy Issues nasi which lie Is In mitred ahich the (1,1v. nment 14 lot1.• afforded another '.1'. '1', to the ifnr:litillit"7.111441" tr....iiir47Zst.r."-.111.sit'il.::1.4..e 14"41 11411.;- • f"'d ""7,111 14,,- °ail' '1".iMP.t. .N11 avriion .littil be brought aga110.1 414.14. sieVil(111. 01111% "tie fight carri.41 not o,-1,14.44,.„. 14.144g mi,1410.ti 4,, titast witlt f.iheral icy. ; • sudden drop in \the price of tire Irft side of tile 1-ar la stade. - Lo. persopi sauttni.nisl ..41,11,1 not he A 1..gialative iittigrain 1a. stde , iirt...ys just Itefitre t•lit4ot lotto roost In tile 1.4.44 (liter...Att. of . 41,4 two illtlirt*I fe4.4 alitl ho Show a !,..r.,•14 for the ro,,i•ery 11011110ge• jaeing regard for the twine* e9 11f .1101 11111111•11•0111 .orpri...4 tile la.t roar ..f the yelible: provided., how - the Yoimtry as a whole. oleo '(41440-4.-, who ha 1. had a altere•sioll Idte to the front and the oecasioiled hy a Motor -vehicle after the 0-'8 (4(4.44 ' of .4' month.. from the tour. it. it melt light shall not he Ilia- mom 4! taddie 4411 34')' to which few 111 '1 firma.. Ill• 1104,1 or should adhere. If the r 0.. 4010r4 to emisole the forme s bv play•al oldie th.• motor vehicle is It. ed... they would prt.ir r ion awl a ; y, 41111 t114I the lower tires, "1"1 1."114. • Spotlights ' itt n, -r44,‚, emitters -A of an offenee • Production of License gnotolvie. laconic 1.111y etnivinced ti t ill itiere“,•• emomintrt Ion and lia if 10.11111.1%1 CM oirry 41,1 any motor under this Act If he holds a yhtinffeur's general eleetion to giving assent to • ---,‚.r1k,,l,,r I.therailmesion'. 4404 43' itt"nd nr till•t/Tig "11T3' 441)" Turk's \fTr'"c'll`*41 " bigh"nY 841!" 13'111' .411:111 forthwith prodp4o the they are fully prepered 10 *$4U1* nulio I why pturt,tia. rev.dves upon a lavot or other it -eta's. for 14)»- onrpooe of ett.1.11,4*- device so Iliad. the rays of onclx light nnnit_and ;40„, hob} n...ivtitf- , the reaponallillity 5."111Pelling- an th 1,...t/twelitY. Thin reminda_ -armee& to the ',erode.-- no - mamma, t. • of the eorner otoretts *1' . oniy prnji-4-4e.1 TtidrfiriTo•nt ill rev- (oleo license, tho owner .4 the vehicle - 'Matilde Will is put In the way of n'• I ,t.ono by on le eilita 111 Or he yehlele. itith'i or tin.' which, the often....vvro. Him; sugar so „hover, spotlight- or searehlights shall" committed shall fortlin-Ith 444141444.'1.1- their fulfilling their dsire. ' fneed to the left -We of the 4.0)4,44'ermit fir the 44444.4.4.4. 4.1 endorse- 1.4b••r4ils represent by fitr the rr Jarge.t group in the 11101.R. 111111 f0' 11* extent that They Ito fhls they are enrrying on the 111111.4.14. notion nsponsible government. They carry on to the end of their t - means two 4 alma.- of Parliament if a -Wves feel that -there 44ff.,r1.111.1. 111144411 41 • Nellie 11111'401111M at 'I:overflown! to MO e 01011 1 011 la e1/11.1.14 1.11111111.1 iyhtaly eke to the district tin 1.11141 Wa If 1101lig ff briak Ilf 111.• . 1.111111perftelft! 1of t 141 i 9441)W1.11 111111 he a • •I 11111g his 4114441r 111 .11'11 11 inanaer that the beam of act for a first. second. third or 'sub", nz it.,,,,,i Hght ball -trike the extreme right intent offence tnewords -tiros". -ow. of , at , five tents n hi Iredweight fl I en 111-T ierrjakT11:01Y gad.' Or °:•1111•141111111“911:111 r late only roletr '-- noon it coat lain. '`---Ite 'odd. -1 %in th _ray of Italtt therefrom nn.or. 1 1.4. Idris -re -41 111 11/e eIirl*1111. right IMerpretation • Intl -4.11..1 toirtion the %1,'l,.,,.., ,.,.,-,,,t.- th.• • L •, oppoolte. they the Governme the floor. / ivitlihr •entv•fivN feet of the an141 afpn,,,,,onnorfed the NO Me PrOgrea- *tee that: hitt 3tat see 1 make It up on ille Fag tor ow" The faun r. oli•• a -Mender ytnr ; but this .' .11 :,..t auffkient „ th,aat. aa tizrkal4 n better bu-iness than Every wo\prill,raithari...,0411.111 v. 11 h motor ear While *ft hitexie•ated TIM'S on -amok. to offen.o. of permit' - ant their ?tint . -he, may-mot/4. Dirt Ili" 1 ii is, 111, :11 111191 (WO brake., 111 good working diffon. 1 he welcomed 1)7 loanable IN! 11141/1111V turkey., ..,11.. order. nod so pollee constable or offiter aopiiiiitt I for carrying out the when they` crone reoctit low prices nod the re.itit sitsr, -i l' 1 t th net limy 144.14119' nine. W'H0'8 0 OF CANADA pro14 .. 11 11 . I 1 i , next year. The ION% of ol EDITORIAL NOTES, p . 'de.' , ehi.-14. on !he highwati.......and may. if 14.. fewet' turkeys and 'higher wk Inspect 4A- eallse l • ilittpeet4011 to Ire • made of the 'mike. of au, motor seipply to works hoth WHY!, I 1- itt brakes are not III good Working • • • •1 • -1 appy Leap Year. boys: . I order. roorire the delver of such motor 1 • • a Tim ,nif „p.m' pi, pipiiiiii, i,iiiii.no,,,,i , %phi, .• to pries4s1 forthwith 1.. put 't ._ or hat • +mai brakes lint in g111111 Wark• ' At Infest account Tothroy Chnrch on the .111.Ject of toxotion has helm Intl ar,4,,,,.. A. AV still :atoning. . strikingly exidigted in Toronto's Within City. Town or Villain • • 6 . 111111111111(11 1111 11111 tax reform bylittr. No motor yrhiele shall be driven -.... . __„______.., ' , MAY ital lte_a haIro..Y ond I'M!' 41101/1 1111r LtlithWitv-wititinat'etty.--trovn 'or instanee, a reverend genth .,- or village nt a greeter ride of "Teed at N 1•11M14(11 without that, gorerinumit" ,11,rren12ter% nralte of speed than 10 ' :r year for all n alders suniat, wriosig the press makes thw Ante- •. • 'Min 141 miles per hour. awl ' • • ment that -the ma•tter vacant land street anterseetion eurve who Illorothen. the -• ogle ma" 11 recetria. aetual service whatever driver 4.1 the rehlele hits not a not a tax 011 haetudor, yto.y hare frion the various departments of vionv of any approaching traffie The Municipal Review Commence.. Interesting Seidel in Current loose TM- yurrentj home of The Munic- ipal It •t-lew einitogins the first chapter of "Mttnieip..1 Who** Wbo Of Cali- fon." 1111(1 41011110N In MI- preliminary work some two hundred blogrnialies of liayora, many of then1 being illus. --trated photogronho tic -.4. OOP.- kagiotratea, rgerionsly IIIN work a'Ill fl 1 a lout felt need. 3111111(4prd government 14 cloaely Isoind up with the future of eil11111111. 01111 1 IS resoonahle to expect that if our tonnixli government hi &CWe nye going to deniami the sane In the Leitislittnee. of consls. as \ well au nt Ottawn. \`, Thus for the first time we see and eompore our mayora: who ore they and what experience have they hail. "The Parlianzentory Guide" publiohed at Ottawa hat long,anpplied to. with vrifintlift. Informatimi. and with the ever Increa*Ing imPorfanne of Mtdd- eipill mivernment. "Municipal Who'. Who" ve1:1' simply fe. with this Mol- nar Information In the mannapni field _ The 13 rt chapter is only the be - 'toning. and will he folloWed oulek'y by additional chapter- on 111e perman- ent offirials. These einioters a Ill be of 14(4111! Interest. for the el•••••teil men yotne and go, hut our ION. I govern- ment 14 earrIed • en continuously by r secrem ries, treasurers and •‘nirlii- vets Ther represent faithful terrier, r a hong period of Hottentot should be very Interesting rending It ti on la be inter...ring to know what remon- , ete.t and arg(tineore "1111:114 tik)tiii(CFrOsPforrrei"ljie 1,,'r -b-n111 4111,1,,,11101;11Ylnoti'on%;,):30,0iroovVarifitt;\ town or t'asa Highways Outside A (My, Town • NO tor v°erlibIllellaireshall he itch I•11 npoti any highway oittable of a eity town or village at m greater rate of •••110.191 'L4 111111* ('.4 1111111% rehallir who %had tes tiny of the. provisions of this se...tiot. *hall incur, for the flr-t offence, a (soon)of 1111i 1414411 than $3 awl lilt More than Cliirf for the second- ofiretwe 44 penalty .1 not•deas than 310 and not more than 3100. anti in addition Ills Ili -else or pertslt may la. solinetided for lin,- twri4141 not ettsailing 11 months: mid for any sideaspolit offence .hail ineur o lemony of not than 324! 111111 ma more than *LIM. and to ad. dltion his limn+, or permit may lie, smittionied for any period mit e8111.41- 111,1 sI 11111111114.", Iteekisonx Drhing - Penalty Notoith.randing tirc !provisions of tin. above seetion any person who drive.. 45 motor vehicle on it highway at a *teeter rate of *peed than 441 miles per hour or who drives Im motor vehicle on it highway recklessly or negligently, or at • speed or Ina man net datiteroga to the online, hoeing regnol to an the ciretimionnee. +hail 1144-511 a penalty of mit 11••• than Ito Mai] not more than $200, Rad 1111011 also I# liable to Imprinotnient for any term not exceeding 410 illy., and in • ti 44111.1h his I leelvat• or permit shall be /411NIN•tole11 for any tierlo.1 not exceeding 11N month. Defacing NOW, or Removing Ob4n44e- ,4 ‘innvan.: rm.":1:11444;e17ril'ilrnt.41114.r4f1:1.1tr.."'relt1h44104144; notice or obstritetion fatefully placed An ".ttuerlerin" 4.er91011 Of the Itilde Is tre 14. pyiblished. Will 41Ih Ten t'ontitinioltuent. be left 04(1? • • • • - The =tato:vary:4 of Ontarin ahead be given isiwo coofiseate the 1:110• tor cars ..f fairsons convicted ta-14..4' or oftener for driving a car while infoxl- catett-Torouto 4:14ibe. -why -nar-rrrnmt nip Tumor tt...;n1; the first time a man 14 found driving A ear Nit. -Tiilhifea fed? . • • • • thie of most eminent states- men. known hitherto as Lord itobert ha- been elaafted to the twer- ps.. a 1111 19 now tilsguiae.1 under the title ••Viayount f'ecil of Cholwirod.“ Tito. may a maii be robbed of htit past 14:41)1.'. • • • T,.. Ontario Gov. rnment anatomy- ... drarole r..lut•t;oris 114 the 11r14',. of liquor odd at Gover.otnetit illopen.ar- ies. The finvernatent has been mak- ing nn on 1 profit •ftom .13.- )‚4414.'1r141'.4threcaPtarters of a mil. lion dollar.. or more. and the Idea In ?44141l'1 11 the 41f3.'4'14 1* to get the ••• 111e.. nearer Honor vOrd" Night. • • • Ti. -year past ('4004.1111114 been a notable one in many nays, but prob- ably 11118.11414' else will it be 140 vivid- ly remembered ae fp Japan, orIllsre 4'14r114'411 • kes stronght (44443) devastation as ..et hn••k the .0144414.4a quarter of a 1,1 .o more should not be taxed for tit,.',,' VP. A little, reflection would. inive revealed rite fallacy (lie argument. Every civic Intprovemenb enhance5 tlie i.drabllity and hence the %:,l.,,. of the land 'within the -44i4. 11 the dile servires. Portlier, maler the present tysteni buildings are MO 111:•4141 1.11r111141/ to the Ilearee• that they et- Ititire.asollee--and-fitte - proles -firm vet, % hes. A fine.' hig. fireproof building 11181111 111.11411Y. WhIleihe frame fire- trap on the next 1411 Is let my With fl light fa K. Anil anybody knovve a holier police protection is noire need- ed in the enletantlal, heavily -taxer' 'portions of the iity or In the slumik which pay little of the taxation. Whet her (441'. Torot, bylaw carnes or not••••yre do not know at this time of wrIting-oits oprmonr. 11114'P satisfaction at having at legal done witnething to relieve the demo. cloud miseonception, mIsinfmnation•and fal.e resannIng tehleh murrotinda a ry Important sruhfeet. Not Vet .ivelf! What are you .topping for?" tio.00i the young man, as the fait! • nne. to /1 lia•t In the middle of the wisic ' I heard the lady any "Stop"! said the Intl driver *lit. a-a-n't talking to Noll." lig.•. . . . Quebec to Repe .t Carnival Success T. The Guns which once defended the citadel noes ace, •rnmods e arnith rt -nam. 4 and tar.' Ski- int i. These are out f.d • ';‘tw,to no. - in*" good flaw. 4. Ska Ina in the V sill t ;rounds is 314.0 ')4' ...der .1 ,1..' day. 4. • •Netik- eras born this year to the Chateau FronJ.1i teem and he will probably. Moo.- 1#4•14 in the dot nu,. featuring the Worm, Sestet Protrana. ntiEBEC j agaia to huve a real, live carntva I V hat shall V he truly representative -of the a onderful sporting attractiors of the ancient (*apital. The sucees4 of ill-. dot raees held in Quehee last year has' encoorared the organizers to sponger a very much higgezarogram for this year, and a comprehensive series of sporfirrevents will be held on February 21,22. and 23, in which all the ,port, for which Quenec is so naturally adapted will be represented, and culminating in a grand masquerade bull at the (*bateau Frontenae. In addition to the interna- tional' race.; for the Eastern Dog Sled Derby Trophy. there be evert. in Fnow-•iloeing. Pkiing, ice racing. curling and skating. The whoie of these events wig take, place within the•.Exhihition Greands..andit is propoied to once again give Quebec an ice palace. 'The people of Quebec take, and naturally, 'a pride it. their wond.•rful old city. and the ancient c000 at le n4 so large trio tr, neople cannot get togethet on' ueeasinn to tett en Pigs.- J. sr& vni in Quebec io not to ire •orgotten. for tboovhoi; notice •ielevb• the snirit 04 44).' season. drawing its %•isito into the gay vortea, a* that even the walls which rang n laughter centuries ago loos their aged atnrtphere, an lend themselves to thaleto. Ity reason of its even a d exhilarating climate, its accessibility and natural a artificial opportunities for sport. Quebec it the home of the winter sports for uk. continent. Each wintry season,tmore people are at- tracted to it. and for long periods it becomes the seeini cent -e, at well as the =porting centre of North Ansetries. Practleally everything that is carried on 4. on an epos scale -Quebec 4. the soul of hospitality. A hundred t= incite you to .kate. as far a. you *1411 1188. fir -clad 44,11 you to ski through their myriad glorious glades, of toboggan sudor there are not a few, and there are may excursions which simply must hmade on snow xi for evening entertainment the ball roam of th4;41= e teau Frontenac is the seen. of a dance nightly. Thliaa moonlight excursions, events on all illuminated •muote. song and dance,-• thousand things to do. erdnon three. officials re, .•;•,., fibre -I. 1111 11114430) "1119' area. permit.- ent benefit ean Ito 144'?' 4.14.1 to the mani- la)... ty through 4.1.4..oi:or ti.t. rigid 4- ft...taIs and placing more re-ponsildlity Impesittiol Train Senier Iletween Toronto and Winnipeg The ra 111141141:i 'Hallwai% • a Meanie... t ha t 141411i .• staturday. January :ith. train aer- ViCe rtia New Longlac route will Ia. pot in , "The NAtiatial." the Toronto, • EAST ST. GARAGE Cars overhauled and re- paired by an expert mech- anic. Agent for N1cLAUGHL1N CARS ,1 , Batteries re -charged ano stored. W. M. BELL East street Phone 243 Pea and We.tero Canada will hereofier run 1. • this Ind via .X I la oda le na rrie. atel Wsehago. itsmteall of Via Flea S, rtott. lerW at tor: onto. 117.144 pm. dotty. 311111;4 Mud' baY dud iftuuties .4.10 ille fi1110Witix 'The Nat Iona!" will ea try 'tourist Sleeping Car Torome and Witatipeg. - • Sri rd 4,4 1 .1 1. 'r lea E,1111.111,11. 1'0111141 11 1111,111 IlliNerVcinpli Library Ciir Toronto Ind Winnipeg, 4 Standard "14'. -ping Car Toronto use Sudbury: r 111/9115. For 11.1 leNer1.1t31111. JIlIl oprly 10 /thy cana National .lgent INVESTING Invest•ng. like any other business, requires not' only the gots] judgment of an inve3tor in knowing what to huy and when to buy it; but a thorough check should be kept so as a person may know at all times exactly what securities he holds, the numbers, when 1)1 ught • and the am•,unt paid for them. To help investors keep a record of their holdings we are giving away Tree of charge, a neatly gotten up Security Register, giving full details of any bonds held by you. Call at our clfice and ask for a Security Register. 0. F. CAREY & SON Masonic Temple Bldg. Phone 230 • a•••••••••••tmewmuesnonegioniagannagnameamo- Before Stock -taking Sale Before Stock -taking we are cleaning up our broken lines of goods and left -overs and are prepared to give you special values in these lines, in tact everything in our store is Itt dose prices for_this Before Stock -taking Sale. Call and see our values; you can't beat them. Men's Mackinaw Coats All -wool Blanket Cloths specially priced for before Stock -taking Sale. Two lines at $6.45 and $7.95. Prepare* young men and yonng women for Business, which ia TOR llansda'a greatest pmfeasion, We emit* graduates to rritione and they have a onkel al training which enohlea thern to meet with Anceeas. Studento regiotered earb *eek. (le) mu. free catalogue and learn onvnething about our dif- ferent de:orteien'.. 1). A. Mcl.ACIII.V.X Principal • Boys' Overcoats Balance of our Boy* Overcoats to clear at very low figures for before Stock- taking Sale. Ladies' Coats Of Velours and Duvetynes. A few dif- ferent lines at specially attractive prices for before Stock -taking. Men's Overcoats Of all -wool Blanket Cloth, 3 -piece belts, nice comfortable garments for col d weather, well tailored, at special prices for before Stock -taking Sale. A. CORNFIELD LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS Wrst Side rf Scplro GODFRICH •