HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-8-31, Page 1010 Muddy LW._ $1. 1111 • 1 1 1 i • ••a...-•-- • +u • • -.•----u- .w *..drti.tlrjl(.4 - x _!t • •••►-• .- • . • •--As--�.�_-_---- - W - r, ODERI. f Y Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, $2,000.10 Se Four u -_a sair ash razes 3900. for 7 .8.• 9 Horse Races EXCEL N EXHIBITS ALL DEPARTMENTS Brilliant and Colorful Midway, Featuring ,. x41•. , . _.,.al ka5 v Mammoth Merry -g. Round,Ferris Wheel, Whip. also an attractive array of Clean, Instructive and Amusing Side Shows. A Midway Supreme, Edifying; ° Entertaiiing, Wholesome FUN FOR ALL+ �I HOR RACES: PI • aily Midway Concerts by Great Empire Band. Meet your friends on Empire Lane. A our Day Fair with the Added Attraction Travelling Midway in the Dominion. RE ,� SHOWS "•matin: of the Finest FUN FOR ALL THURSDAY, SEPT. 7 -Padre 1' Trot or Pace, $150.00 2.20 Trot or Pace, Purse . 250.00 FRIDAY, SEPT. $2.30 Trot or Pace, Purse . . . \,$250.00HORSE RACES 2.12 Trot or Pace, Pum y : - : 250.00 Music by the Citizens Band, evenings. Special Attractions in front of the Grand DON'T MISS HURON COUNTY'S w.-Pres.GREAT ANNUAL EVENT T.„ MURNEY DECORATION DAY SERVICES - The Canadian O,de, of Vomiters, -Cteret--Ondevi N 32; the Inde- / Order of OddIellows, No. , and the Loyal ()range Neter. No. 1t;f, will hold their annual Decoration Day Merrier* at Mait- land ('elnetery on SUNDAY, SEPT 10 at 2 o'clock p.m. AU leoriety axed visiting brethren areiToorne. ALRI{RT E. BARKEft, Secn•tary. 1922 Taxes 1 an, now prepared to accept pwvntent of 1W2 Tare.. - Tax, • in arrears dtoold be paid et nnr7•. -- - --- _ DOGS SHOULD WEAR A TAG •'seers of dog., are ,atbject to penalties for not (laving a tag fur their dog. Tags obtainable from 11i. undersigned. W101. ('AMI'BI•:LL, Tax Collector. August :tali, 191." 11 Menesetung Park Hold 1 Chicken Dinner Fish and Chicken Dinners sill be served every Sunday evening from :5:39 to 6:30. toEen keep keep precaution nner f up to the has been igh Mondani art in the past. Kindly phone 341 for re4enations MURPHY, Mntejr. - Reward Yourself One member of each church in Goderich aHyl Bayfield can distinguish him or herself at trifling expense. Address LIFE-SAVER. 4 1 I -west Ferry $t. Riilaio,RY. THE DECISION IN - (Continued from Page 01 and vacillate« as to the cont*. tie .1144I1 pur)ule, reas,ulshle. care. may re- quire that he atop his car In order to' ovoid A rv,Illsion noddy on automobiles 5147. When 41110 riding a bicycle is and- drWr i)lacelf in danger of imminent collision with an automobile, driven negligently. he is not expected to use the coolness with which he would act t _normal circumetance*. and his Zack of (udttm0nt and failure to use the best means to avoid the accident do not necessarily render flim gutty of contributory negligenee,,as a wetter of Lw: Ruddy ou Automobile/, 644(-649. Other twee may be referred to In support of the same prinelpto, am- ongst Herb Bain v. Fuller, 29 it, L. . 113. - • Ooaaell v. Prescott, 22 I4.C.R. 147 I as nIthr tr ifythe `cases relied upon by belt ant's eounael do not help MM. These east•* are as follows: ,. Adams vs. Wilson, 10 O.W.N. 13A. Iteehan va. Bands. 22 O.W.N. :1.. Wein vs. Haynes, 21 O.W.N, 124. Hadley gra. Caroli*, 22 O.W.Y. 72. Atter a careful consideration of all the ell/leper 1 am unable to find as a feet that the damages .I,stalned by the plaintiffs dM not arise through the negligent or Improper lust of the defendant. On the question of tlaMadiewths-inidietti erklpnrw La that the Infant plaintiff suffer') mutt pain. ltd injuries, that the Injury to hid knee will likely he permanent. Dr. Taylor, who attended him, Nays that he iv still sufrcring from a relaxed eonditlon of the ligaments, whk'h means that the knee hos beeomp less rigid and liable n, turn or bend, and may be perman- ently wtak. The doctor also states that the boy's face was lacerated and that t.i•• tissue did net beat for over a BRINGIING UP FATHER .0171 R. W. F. CLARK, sec.-Treas month, He still bears a naetT.diedEnc- sumo lntt *or on the Isay prominence of the left cheek, which is quite appareeat,' and will. the doctor *tete/. be per- I Old neat. - - In one nepew no sum of; ' money will properly compenattp h1m - _ � til injuries. If it were In my noon, Rer H, I). Moyer. pastor of .\oath LOTS IPhilli-Carriep The teaittent* of Mr. and Mrs. F.W. n Care, Britannia road was the scene of a very pnKty bonne wedding oast Wednesday, of laweek when at high power 1 sou1 d award him damages At theATIrst Agree' illness dttr--g atm Methodist chafed/, united In mar- tYtmmPRsllMtr with the damage he tie Dart naatherthe „toe ones Hage Mire Ida O. Currie. daughter of has sustained. but 1 cannot go beyond baby's Own Table I, a few hour. Vie home. and Mr. W. Thrrnln Phllltpa. the Jurisdiction of this evourt, whkh he may be beyeiel Throe Tablets n of )L r. and Mrs. Thoulas 1'111111M.th is e amount elaim,.f by the plafn- will prevent rummer com,salnts If gir - Rt. Helen'.. The bride, charmingly atter will tiffs. and I do not think they should re. exrasioaafly to the well child and el in an embroidered snit of fawn tris. he les`' °tine with hat to match, and wearing 'Offerable expense for pp mels •tl and Tablets shook' ale hermits!1tNL menthe,. ono be bey to every away by her tether, Mr. P W. Cnrrlr. The adult f y"'.. ,isJ relieve these troubles !t 1•ialtttif< cone put tothey r.,wp ou .u,t,lcuty. Baby's Wieh a ern -mg bouquet of rt a was van did other ineiden home where there a yowled chi 'ren. Mee George I.,ttridge. (nee Merle' tale amounting to $44.05. The infant There i, no other {eine at good Moore) of Detroit. played Mendel,. plaintiff hl addition to the '.images ani the to which he i+ entitled for the person- a cos the /:mare.° ee of aohn's welding march. After a dainty four local rinks of -bowlers seat to 1 government uu,,l int that they are i buffet luncheon and heartiest eongrat- Clinton on the invitation of the (11n. al inJaries, le entitled to recover for absolutely mate. end - his clothes, bicycle arul watch, which Ti,e r by ut are sold elation* the booby corp. loft ont an ton Bowling on the and gred a . t'be by medicine drrh•rayr'hmlyll at 2.1 extended automobile trip. T'pon theft ly game on the Clintoni,n gre•etas, The were damaged 10 the collision to the mots a hoz from ''1$& �W1lltatm,' :return Mr. and Mrs. Phillips will re- Goderich rinks won,by five po teever extent of 1t7J:10. Medicine Co.,.11es•t Ont. np jm There will he Judgment for the adult tie st St. Helen's, where the groom is their opponents. plaintiff for 04.1k5 and for the infant - - 's _ _ _ plaintiff for $433,05, with rosf.irrsnit imm' 'Mare twill be a stay for 30 data. Outset at Oodewleh this lbkh day of Only. More Nights With the Aagndt. 1f - g Regular LEWIS H. sDIlltblO�i, J.C.C. Co. Huron. • • engaged in baatawa. Weekly Taerarmeeta ('melded Th. regular Monday peening bowling tournaments were brought to a claw on Monday of lad weed the highest rink for the evening being composed of R. W. Wheeler, Iskipt Reg. Sher- man, and H. J. Fisher, who bad a plus of twenty over their opponents. The following players tore Iw•n de. claret aa the four highest lu the series of weekly tournaments: Fred Hunt, with a pins of 110; H. Ettwanl.. pins of 33; fiterge Symonds. piny of 51 and 11, I. Plainer, phis of 441. A. D. Mci.pan was only one point below Mr. Fisher. on Thursday evening of last week Autumn t tyke. do Millinery ,Pavilion Orchestra „. Miss JLaI'\•{par's change of Advert- r� , iwMiss came to 'tend inn late for In• w-rtinn this week. She gas jitat re- «. _ turned from Toronto anti Blrlfa to w fit re t " '' " '..0 she attended the milliner o `ie-- r; -l) y openings " At the Pay. and is ■nnourwhk• the a developed meoelin _Yf xer t for autumn whk•h are develop,nl in ~: panne velvet, Qrtretyn, plushPs, metal - cloth, and ribbon. )Zany striking mod - rig hare hrhltlant touches of exelntaite color tones borrowed from the Orient. A great variety of shaiatK,are shown anal are artistic In every detail. and display. There are more new ideas In hand -t raft than hare been shown for many years. You are cordially inviter) to make an in spectlon w:111.• In (lode. rich visiting the fair. ursday, Aug. 31; Saturday, Tuesday, Sept. 5 ^id: rig .J144b- 1.N1 LUCKY TO F-1140 YOU IN : 0' 1 gMOoL0 'SAY YOU P‘RE1 • e 1 WMIT YOU TO1 RtanOtMt LAbT tiLIVOtit BRAID IT- • • • ARE YOGI C.0IP ' Tip T14110 YEb - etsr y+AP4e T'o use ept.2; tIODERIC TOWNSHIP, WNSHIP, Atm31,-- The Ladles' Aid Society of Taylor's Corners «111 hold their next meeting the e eburc•h, 011)Wedueaday, Septets. be Sib. at 2.30 p.m. Mr. 1'. T ing a few i a of Buffalo, la *pend- ia town. MEDICAL - �R, F. J. FORSTER, - EYE, EAR, NOME THROAT. Leto House Sargeon New York Ople thalm{c ani .lural Hospital, ae/latant at Moorefleld's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat lloapltal, Lon- don, Eng. 533 Waterloo St, N., Stratford. Tel- ephone NT. At Hotel Bedford, Ooderfch. from Wednesday. Oetober 1Ath, at 7.90 pui. to Thursday. October 10th at 1 p.m. INSURANCE. 1.0A74 111altILLCM' ML'TItAL FIRE IIi1SIl11L ANCE CO. -Farm town property insured. OITr, rp-Jas Connolly, Prow, GMs. rkb P, 0.; Am Evans, Vlep-Prns, Berehwood P. O. ; Thome* E. Hays See.-Treas.. Aeaforth P. O. flfri tors --n, F McGregor, R. R. No. 3,'Neetorth; John O. Orieva, No. 4, Wilton; William R am Rhin,, . R. No. :, Sea orth John flennelwles, Reed - kitten t Geo. McCartney, It. 11. No 3, Seafo . b; Robert !'erre*, Ha deck : Lava F4/ M w�' Clinton, Jame(/ t•, nod; James (onnoay, a: J. 111. Teo. Goderich; Alex. Leitch. R. R. No, 1, Clinton: John Murray. Neefnrth. E. Hench_ ley. Yeaforth. Polley holders ran nay all prlympats and get their cants re- eelpteld at R. J. Morrlsh'a Clothing - $ore Clinton; R. H. entre tirocery.. Kingi ton street Ooderk'h, or J. R. Reid' General Store, Bayfield. �T rm. 40044 Z. HAM* oti vA 'rll�RtLY0111 • LOT Oi. bLmiso PO* 1 TMtbt --4 r y t . li fc. te -445 1011tor ta.. ata► • w�• • • 7 • •• ..�_w.---w.r•-a.--. ^x-:r'^..:..a,:.�.. /Ir.s air...,+•••••.. •••••••••••••••••••••••.... -- v r. 4