HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-8-31, Page 7B Tiny, August am=
YOUNG WOMEN Mr. Fred C. Elford
WHO SUFFER In California
Latter Pants Waj Towards
Rellelb—Lyabi L Piikham'a
Vegetable Compound
Tomato. Offsets,—•'1 guttered-
libe Uma 1 west • school -girl until l
had talon your
medicine with pain
in my lett side and
with cramps, grow -
Ing worst each year
until I was all run
d own. I was so bad
at thosethat I was
malt for work. 1
tried several doe-.
tori and patent
medicines and wait
only relieved for a
abort Um.. Some
of the deters wanted to have an
opsr�Mo• belt sty father ob).cted.
y 1 teamed through my motber
wt '
Lefts* B. Plakbam'a. Y6ptabl.
Oso pseud a0ol bow thankful I am
eat I fried it. I am rilleved from
pals sad *ramps and feel as if it
ii/ sawed my ilia drew bay mea my
to help raiser m
er woen as 1 dm
',command the metdiela.."—
H. L. O000r a s. 14 Revivals
Ave.,. Tarsals, Ontario.
i Ptakham's Private Text -
ipso "Ailments Peculiar to
" via be sent to you fres
segessl_ Wats to The Lydia a
lbdielter Co., Lyme, Mass.
wmadata• valuable (seas►
-11'111 IP
Visage and charts' $(n -at.. Toronto.
L wall known throughout ('antis In.
hate grade work. be .tees.. .1 tr.* .v.
mourgss..d. Enter ono ll►ort.ente eater
lush fr.. w•..1 F:LLt. ITT. enu,lpal.
Brophey Bros.
Orden carefully attendee to at
all boors, night or day.
Now or Never
No, that isn't our attitude, feyr
we shall be pleased to we yens
at any woe -
We ch'as'e now rather than
never. iie yon consent.
Quality Chasers us. Pressers
W. C. SNA'ZFi.
Tetephone 339
South Side e,f S.pnare, tio.lerich
Applique Bedspreads
With Set to Match
are very popular this year
and very attractive
Ql4 tow with "Bayer Cron"
tBlr Atikin—No others!
!f pen deaf see the "Bayer hoes"
is.- the tablets, refuse tkem—they are
Mt Aspirin at all.
lesist on genuine "Bayer TaSleta of
Wpiria" plainly .tamped with the safety
"Bayer Cross' —Aspirin prescribed by
physicians for nineteen year. and proved
safe by millions for Headache, Tooth -
who, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago,
Colds. Neuritis, and Pain generally.
Reedy tin holes of 12 tahleta__alan
lure "Bayer" packages. Made in
Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered
• Canada(, of Bayer Manufacture of
eioarctieaeidester of Salieylieaeid.
*While it is well known that Aspirin
mpi1s Bayer manufacture, to assist the
ptillie aptinat imitations, the Tablets of
er Company, Ltd., will be stamped
h their rant trade mark. the
er WAS.
uth.Fe,laid for a choir of
se the Prince of Wales
Canadian National Ex-
g'teat hesban the
riltip it has been
the number for
oodnr . A, Pricker of the
ssohn tr, t1 lU b• the leader
n/ d
Delivers Speech at Convention o/ Poultry Men
r�_Ru Benefits Derived From Egg -Laying
TIW 'batons (Cal.) Progreso con- eggs rank quite the bighted due to
taltted au account of a speech given by 1'4401o14in ataudardlsation."
Mr. Fred. C. Elford at n recent eon. ('tea Protege
te•utiou of poultrymen at that city. ' Sir. Elford wcutiossd the fact that
Mr. Elturd le known to a large num- lu the Dominion at tiw prvee•ut thele
ler of readers of The Signal who know twtuty'•five experiwen(al tarns
Mils as the pioneer poultry rulwer ut lu while egg.laylug ivoutrsta have been
Canada 11. was located for years at out/ducted fur the past four years.
1 of hisspeechmwerllrwing iw ss. wc. t "tin the first u7 next 'November" be
yyeu a: llae - nutty
1'nd C. Elford, '!-s(al)t totnnt, seven eon-
_ Canadian tit i tui. ...w.. b.�Yure•i•4hottt
Con -
:tole °MMetal with the title of "Poul-' Morale, and much of our supremacy
try Husbaudwau for the Dominion of I In egg py,miuction has been due to
Canada,•' was tnlrodtieei to speak the taws we have made of them. ('au-
uu the itut,Jtr•t of the benefits to be oda followed the United Stateen In the
derlvcl (ruin egg -hying (-untold*,' wafter of conducting these Contents,
.a geld in which in• is raid to have had tint we lave done a little more than
vast experience. Mr. Elford said:
"Tide la the first tine f have ever you have In standardizing the cou-
Ireeu in e'aliferula : in fact, the first ditlous tinder which they are conduct.
time 1 wan ever on the l'uclfie Coast i, all Use regulations being the same
.oath of Seattle everywhere to the cut ire Dowlufou.
iWe keep permanent records of all hens
11,1ur,• cow hag down here I ieun'e-
how gut the idem that you ptvople entered lu the contest. We are cowing
would be sowethiug entirely new to feel that the matter of r•gketratlon
end strange to ear, but on the I in poultry husbandry Ix of equal 'value
contrary I duel that yen not I with regletratioo in any other line,
0017- knew generally where and w�lt� sill h " 1t err t attle, We sees strongly
the Dominion of Canada le but of the ()pluton that every step should
very many of you are yourselves furns.1 ire taken that (ren he taken to protect
er eitiaenx of our tnuutry,, Mr. unsuspecting people against the wiles
of tine uuw•rupulous chicken dealer."
Move•• Learned
Speaking next on tome of the les:
sots learned from egg•laying contests,
Mr. Ettord said: "You are to be comp-
limented on the amount of intertest
shown du Cent. contests'. I believe
1111" one feature of your woPk hail done
more for us in the Dominion to bring
about better production than any other
one thing we have done. In yearn
pixnt, times without number, we have
staged poultry shows. Many of these
were in the nature of hearty /halve,
ethl this critielsm cannot be confine(
to our counter, but yours an well. I
remember well, many years ago, a
visit which I made to such a "low
conducted in Madiwn Square Garden
New• York City. An I stool mutely
a,huiring the world'x clawplon chic-
ken. xo (•1111ed ('(fume ctaimcl to be
pttysk•ally the molt nearly perfect
to tee- found. w -ho should eome up but
the owner himw•if, strutting around
with nix chest puffed out because
of the fact of ownership. I did :tot
blame him for feeling proud, be fully
deserved to be.
"In my utter innocence, I asked him
Trow many eggs she could lay. 'Lay?'
he asked me angrily, as though I had
personally Insulted blm. 'I don't want
her to lay an egg:"
Mr. Elford said that this old-time
erroneous Idea of the poultry show
was gone forerer, and in place of it
a more utilitarian standard is univer-
sally 'tempted,
He cited an instance from the hle-
Lary of one of the Canadian egg -lay-
ing (contents, in which a poultry pro-
dnc'r estimated carefully the value
of the contest to hem personally,
from an advertising standpoint. This
producer figured that the Met of his
being entered In this contest had
brought hint add RIona 1 tinniness to
the sum of fourteen thousand dollars.
Elford calks' for a show of former
Comedians present, and about thirty
people mead up. He continued, "Now
the only difference I"'tween these
folks and me, Is that 1 ant going back.
1 tame down to t-hllfuruia to get new
Ideas about poultry htedtandry, and
I am going tQ-lake thew buck cud put
theft to work for tiw Dominion.
Praises Alrserkans
Before passing to the announce(
subjects of his addnwx, Mr, Elford
made two complimentary remarks up-
on the proge•su of the Unite( States in
general, and the tbuth-West in pmrtic-
uiat, In Vie field of paltry husbandry.
In this connection ►t- said that we
bate glow much farther than ('a nada
m syxteutatic organisation of poultry.
men. "When 1 NPP your organizations
front dt'a*hiugion downs to thin r•glotl,"
he said, '•awoug the prexlueer', and
among the business wen. 1 bare got
to take off my hat to you for the
manner in which you have iws'n going
after the poultry bushier,.."
Hitt second tribute to our progress
was in ree.pet to the Chambers of l'om-
merce. Your Chambers of Commerce,
we In Corrado ,all them 'hoards of
trade,' are s, enthusiat•tie in your recep-
tions. Canadian boards of trade are
'nighty hear( to get enthusiastic about
the chicken business."
Turning to the main snhject of egg
haying contexts, Mr. Elford des•rilaed In
detail his governmental work et thefx-
perimeutal fermi station at Ottawa.
These governnt'nt'actirItiee had result-
ed, he *aid, in a eRaadardization of
egg* un the market `wheels was ter,
and ■way In adreno of what Uncle
Yam has been able to do in this direc-
"No eggs can be ehippd interpro-
vhtclally in ('road*, he amid, "unless
-they confirm in all respects to the.
government standards. As a result In
the markets of Europe Canadian eggs
rank highest of Ill in quality, Tour
Prof. J. E. Rice of Cornell University,
iu addressing au American. audience
recently made remarks to title effet,
that you people are putting on the Old
Country market the very iowett grade
of eggs received there. while Canadian
('old Climate
Referring to the climate of Canada
aa effecting the chicken 'twittery,
Mr. ,Itlfmtt -nal*: '•Mang people te-
memitering the severe eold weather
which may ler found in the winter
in some parts of our country get
I� Canadianiing Canada 11
- RAVEL s one d the /eat elemwta Mucb las been done by the—railways
to advertise our tourist territory, which
lar resulted in millions of dollen being
spent in Canada annually, principally
by oar neighbors to the south of us,
but the fringe has as yet only been
touched. The Canadian National Rail-
ways have just opened Jasper Park
Lobo, in Jasper Park, that largest
and most wonderful of all our national
parka, 4,400 square miles of magnificent
mosmtkimous scenery There wild life
roams ent.oleeted and thousands d
tourists from all parts of the globe will
gladly assemble annually when the
park is folly developed with good motor
roads, and the system of lodges so
aunpicioualy opened on Jure ISth past
are attended through the park. Jasper
Part is but one of the many feature
tees to be developed. Mount Robson
k jure fifty miles west from Jasper
statics). is another. Aside from Mount
Robson being the highest peak in the
Canadian Rockies (13,068 feet), the park
which is entirety within the province of
BNNsh Columbia, is an Alpine kingdom
hi itself, but until such time as it is
developed, the glory tad majesty of its
scenery is denied the tourist .."o does
not choose to ride a cayuse.
By way of comparison it has been
stated that tourist traffic in California
aeons nets approximately a hundred
million dollars a year, and the more
northern Pacific Coast States. Washing-
ton and Oregon. add fury half that
amount to the total, whereas it has bees
said that tourist traffic in Canada all
told. did pot net beyond ten or twelve
Again, the provinces of Nova Scotia
and New Brunswick have all the ad-
vantages of the State of Maine, but
eotngaratively little has been done to
develop them. What this development
may mean is a measure can be esteemed
by the fact that Mame last year reaped
s harvest of over $40,000,000 in tourist
Our wonderful tourist territory ia-
unrbubtedly one of oar largest agets,
and greatest beritagea to be developedS
and in the opinion of international
travellers who have visited us, Canada
Imemeao rbc fosse ageragatioi
ocewary is the .id.—Toronto Sturdy
is educatioo and a sae of the
fusda,nentals of good eithaemlsy.
Ilse desire to know one's onre country
should be inculcated We the gyrate=
d every Canadian aid to obtain any
adequate knowledge, how uaa it be
as abed better thaw by triad? "Can-
e ases,
Careases, See Canada," and "See Caanda
Fent," tett,-have been adopted aside/mu
in this endeavor to create in the maids
of Camden' the advantages el satin=
travel and the attraction Canada has
to tier.
Tis purport d this Mid* le est May
to give .sprues tp tiiStatoo(
Camelia. sang Caa.da that they
WeWeave a Mier gm' preciutiel what
we country hie to oder them is
y at soem.ry and lstarest, bet to
.is�..mi particttlirty the raise d
twrtitt travel to the =dem, and the
deerdtw% .we ouresbees m deve4dllig
ter tourist ter ismer—ue TAN= to
=lime the we'e'p. , Pwssibly me
1a the waWdm ves
te its people a greeter se=f
far sec eatioe purposeis aad th..a
playgrounds are sot oteiasel M say
p.rtscular section but are spread from
the Atlantic to the Pacific. 'Ten again
from the seashore resorts ef the Adobtic
and the lower St. Lawrence to the
Pacific Cost the interests are so varied
and so distinctly dt/knnt from one
another beat our C..sdee people stay
er their vacations far years sad Ind
new misery and sew Weems siMaally.
From the quiet beauty/ the Maritime
Provisoes to the mare ragged scenery
d the Province of Quebec, the almost
coetiswous lake a river country of
northers Ontario, the Rocky Mountain*
so immense, tputifel, and wonderfpl,
on to eke Pacific Coast, one carom
imagine without personal vision and
knowledge what a wondetf.l asset we
have in our widespread playgrounds
and national parka.�L
But to make the most d these wonder-
ful healtag+ to rash's the fullest
antsa*t d profit, they must be de.
veloped.•Tha Pqmincipl and Dominipn
Governis mai be keenly al to
what t"pmaiossibilities ate, Good
to the woodier phare+' and Way spats
are eamptial se that the way ef the
tourist may be mode easy sad attractive.
m guns
the lues chit It would to Imp rielble
to raise chickens successfully tht•rrl
lu taco, there have begin times when
the government 'twit had serious
doubts In thin regard. \Thew•, how-
ever, have all Iaeu ean(e1Jrd lu the
light of experienee, but we find that
all that be required for the` ruse's=•
ful ralalug of poultry Is a certain'
amount of braid* alai peerat•verate,
and we are of the uplubu that with
these two you eau noise chickens any-
Mr. Elford( in thin eounet•tlon (Iles
the Act that ■ large proportiou of\
the reent high -point hens in Cana-
an anti Eastern 1'. M• contemns were
Canadian. "Taking into ,eosasldrr.tion
our ten contests in Canada last year,
and the variola contests held In the
l'nftsd States euxt of ttw Pacific
States, we Had that five of the eight
highest point-erlwters were Canadian
He estphsinedar follow,-
"1 rite tbfa- fact
stout our altysemgpy
duction, but merely
that the matter of climate is a sec-
ondary consideration. Other platters
are of far more importance,
Mr. 3ultord mentioned cameo no rec-
oil of Canadlaa hen" which bare halt
as many as three hundred eggs a year.
He said: "We have a number of
300 -hens recorded, and one case where
a hen laid 104 eggs in 104 days. Please
remember that these (tans are kept
In au honest-gueslner:r: cold climate
where the thermometer goes down to
forty blow sero in the winter and'otlen
lower. All this is meatlonwl to (ie..
monstrate the fart that-chicken-relit.-
keg is not primarily a (natter of ell-
inote, but of brains."
In closing ills address, Mr. Elford
referred to the large mums of money
which are constantly flowing Into
Softhern California from Canatyirnn
soureee. '•A friend of mine who is of
a conservative turn of mind and who
has the facts available In connetion
with a large Maio 1a1 institution with
which he wets e011ner-ttMi In Yaxkatchc-
wan told me as a cold fact that duF-
Ing the two years 1�tip-16 the sterns
of money that flow's) from that pro-
vince alone Into •Southern California
totalled four editions of dollars."
GRADING HOGS tweets guild tacuu tj'pw( tot different
__ Leets. ,
proposal Hao Met Vsilh much Be._ ()tiler points filen the statement by
the envie auUturityt are worth quotInlg,
Reception Than Was Expeeted, ' Itaof only fur their own merit of eon
clMedeflullbu but as reaffirming, for
tlte\\ sake of eu-uurag.weut, that the•
brim( lines adopted by tiw pioneers of
the e4pturt Made In l'anmda thirty y'ert.
ago were true null well considered."
meat manufacturers and government" The main dlxlderatum Ix to peseta( as
utfk•lals, than mux even expected. inexp'uslt'vly as patellae bayou or pork
From the first pwekent collectively
lave beets heartily behind the move.
In tact, they have been ready to do
d�redr part 'seer since the Ottawa eon-
ferene last November. Tiwy per-
haps, as fully as any otter poety to- Tlw art►xan housetife alum axe tt'w
fde agreement. have-reullsed the ex- adaya like a bacon` that 'runs away I
minks( tlitlk•uitlwt to be treed in tram- the pan,' whatever fogy Is.• its pari
hug regulatiurs, stetting u (standard for from a calorific or energy stare paint
graders• wh1c11 should Ir uniform To produce such went .dsiuowlca1ly not
at the different markets, soya ring the only must the auyuti lea prudently
The proposal to grade all hogs on
the Canadian public markets( and at
abattoirs seems to have `wet with
otall(intn-wileev rnr ttprodu era,
of the type flavor and fleyh cuudx-
tetacy whkit 1$ritlsh a-uusuwers, stud es-
pe•lally the .tiiwm et lateens demand.
Its any case. Iran it must be in order to
aath,ty the modern industrial voila11
r aero or work and arbor fwd tnnd Those who�Jtatl• their...dL
not to 'Dibw' prepalruatlona, ° pose w•perate milk or whey an• "pea•
Mitt mere (self Arrrn tstM In thbs -ivmpretl till
to prove to you baa been an i tee ie lu the number ills frame pork must he such as*, e$rr�
of Ings on far* and an tar as eau the maximum amount of firth flesh
be forewent the inrigskktd Ione -un typ+s In those places where It yields the
lave been well torWarded. The prov-
ince of Mach( ix WIN makitee!a united
effort to breed stud teed the types want -
el. inforuaation (Nina other pros'.
litres Is that then. has been at fair ad- Lotwlon Sepee•ndwr 9th to lfllh
dltbn to number,' but,. e•sprinlly In Active preisratluus are laving toads•
the West. there appears to be still an for the lig exhibition which will soon
unfortunate deviation from the intron 1st• hart•. , Ae Inrge hitt i tet of roomy has
(seen expended xgalu till« nose "u the
ty 'reminds and buildings. A new plat
11 should be riles) that Ila' ivinit- form has been built It front of til,
mend of the select bacon log otlklall)' (fraud Stand. A taw subway la'
adopted, for Canadian grading agrees leen put under the track leading to rhe
center ring . This will do away with
-all p•rsms'trosslmg the track and the
danger of any possible accident front
that source.
The interior of the Horticultural
l hiding has liter' (•hanged, eonsidern tile
and will be much more attractive. An-
other e6tranee has leen made tr
Campbell street which will help vou-
skler*i.k in the loading of the Idyl'
Si,a ft , A Judging ring for the heavy
horses tam been erected and every.
thing p. slble done for the eomfort
and cony Wenn. o[ loth the pxhlh-
Itorn and xltors.
It is true, will more frequently be 1 it Prin. list entry form and all in -
found among neawroahly well-bred i formation ,len by the • tw•r:4ary at
Yorkshires. Tatnwortba and carefully the General (►ffi(wt, Iutwlon. (hit.
selected Berkshires than among other! '
weeds; that ie the lesson of experience, "('restore" whose hand is famous
in bogs for a commercial pnrpse the among tither things for its masterly
ttfferene between the good and the!n'nitttott of "(sal Save the King"
poor type within the name bred is ; will again Imre a week's .ngagmee
usually greater than the diffen•nv le- at tine Canadian National Exhibition.
Community singing will be repeat-
ed at the Canadian Notional Exhi-
bition this year. It is eatltliate,t that
32.5,(010 people took part in this feature
a year ago.
highetst coutnlerieul return.
jaerftetly with tete diewriplot ut for
khtl needed ns given by one (if Eng -
bind's foremost hog enthusiasts, (word
Binds le, when he pays:—"Fxperletle
ed pig breeders' who week 10 derive com-
mercial profit from the. production of
bacon prefer pigs which tire light In
the ft req tut rterg. thick In the flank,
rupture ht the hindquarters, well up nt
tete tall. long in the lack and nut too
lung in the legs."
• Alt through it must be kept in mind
that wlat is urged on Canadian pro-
ducers is type. not any ape tfle brew(.
The right type for our export demand,
ontreal Board of Trade
Perpetuates Maisonneuve,
'Time ri Teasing monument in Montreal to Manonneuve,
(pander of asada ■ Metropolis. 'As in his life time, his
theogfits d ON West. so does the memorial to him
Mod . The sculptor
ham cat spirit of the
.deenttunestpioneer hit poised the the body and the head.
Y.iaa. courses, dote miastsoa are plain t0 the observe=
eye sad taadteeaandhg mind.
Maisonneuve and the host of gallant men and noble
women who laid the foeadation of the Canada of to -day,
long. ago embarked upon the greaten and last quest. But
their faith in the new land is as a living flame in the hearts
of Meir successors. They see their country favored by
geography and acture, a link between East and Wes. and
extending almost 4.001 miles from ocean t0 ocean. They
know that it n endowed with a richness oti cean
beyond the power of man to calculate Above all they
rejoice in its attainment to a place and a voice in the councils
of the nations.
Retrospect is often pleasant. The'trus Canadian has
little time (or that. His heart and mind are on the pretest
ane the future He knows that it his country is to come to
fall fruition as a nation it must be by still worthier efforts
on the parr of its people individually and collectively. No
single province within the Dominion's far-flung boundaries
Can afford to diregard another Each must be in sympathy
with all the rest. The Eau must share in the problems as
well as in the joys and prosperity of the West The West
must have faith in the East Bound by an invisible but
unbreakable chain of mutual affection and goodwill they can
and will put and keep Canada in the very vanguard of the
world's great nations.
The devrlopnaent of the nitional sl has been fostered
in many an bour of peril. difficulty, and struggle. It is
beginning to bloom in beauty and strength. Its progress
has been greatly advanced of late years by the action of
important organiratnons in sending delegations to many
sections of the country, so that their members may add to
their first-hand knowledge of their home land. Such an
or aneratton is the Montreal Board of Trade which will
celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of its founding by
beginning on September 1, a thirty days' tour of the Dominion.
The members will not only see the country in all the glory
of its most beautiful scenic settings, but the journey will be so
arranged at to give them a new perspective of its wealth of
sap, forests, mines and waters. and impressions of its indus-
trial and comnierdal growth that would be impossible of
vsualiting is aur lime way. .
From Montreal the pang will travel westward via
Toronto and the Great Lakes, thence from Port Arthur to
--Winnipeg. the greatest primary grain centre on the con-
tinent, across the vast prairie lands and through the Rockies
to Vancouver and Victoria.
On the return journey they will make the 550 -mile
''int up the north Pacific Coast from Vancouver to Prince
Rupert. os one of the palatial Canadian National Railways
steamers. This pan of the journey will give the party a
splendid idea of the development in the mining, lumbering
and pulp and paper industries of British Columbia, with all
thew future pomibflitiea At Prince Rupert, Canada
most northerly Pacific nom. hewn out cif the solid rock of
Kaden island, there will be every opportunity to gain an
insight into the enormity of the halibut and salmon industry
Of Ile province. From Prince Rupert eastward the party
will become acquainted with the Skeena fever, with its
historic and romantic traditions, its arresting gran't.•ur, and
Ws fame as one of the most prolific salmon streams in the
world. They will,see too, some of the Bulkley and Nechako
River Valley country. one of the newest fields of settlement
opened up in the west. Unknown to the vast majority of
Canadians, the luxurious valleys that lay between the
mountain ranges in this area, are suitable for mixed farming,
dairying, fruit growing and cattle raising. In the years to
come their productivity, now a matter of knowledge to com-
paratively few, will offer means of livelihood and competence
to thousands of new people.
Shortly after leaving Prince George, the party. will piss
through Mount Robson Park. This is a veritable woider•
land of mountain scenery, mme 650 square utiles in c, --nt
and set aside by the government-of_British Columttia + a
national playground and wilt( life sanctuary. Hera will be
obtained an excellent view of Mount Robson, with an altitude
of 13,068 feet. It towers above the surrounding peaks,
sublime, majestic, with green glistening glaciers and purr.
white snow adding to it. beauty. Sometimes its own sumti•t
is lost amid the mists and clouds, quite often ,that summit
is the centre of raging storms. But on Munt R !oxei
they beat in vain.
Next Jasper Park, another mountain kingdom, b..t of
greater extent, embracing 4,400 square miles of sublime
mountain scenery, n entered. Hero the party -will spend a
day at aaper Lodge, the new Alpine chalet built the
R u
the first of a series to be built throughout these Northern
Canadian Rockies. At night they will leave for Edmonton.
From Edmonton the homeward route will, he through the
rich farm lands of the northern part of the Prairie provinces-
rovinento Winnipeg following the trans -continental line of Cana!ian
National Railways through the rich pulp forests and new
farm lands of Northern ()motto to Cochrane, down through
the famous Cobalt mining districts over the Temiskaming &
Northern Ontario Railway to North Bay, thence to Ottawa,
and back to Montreal.
mat NONJ'ik
Take "Mb.,hn" And
Make Yourself Well
"Fruit a fives",theuarvcllousesedi-
dile atade front fruit juices and tonics,
la the most beneficial medicinal agent
that has ever been given to mankind.
Just as oranges, apples, fibs aad
prunes are nature's own medictue, so
"Fruit-a•tives"—made from these
fruit Juice, --but concentrated and
Intensified -is the greatest Stomas and
Merlteine, die greatest Kidney
faRtilikadskr Medicine—the greaten Blood
pnryliw—the greatest remedy for Head.
aches Constipation, fn.Qgestion, !Vervaiu-
seas and Bad Compleai„n -in the world
To be well, take "Fruit-a-tives"
50o a box, 6 for $2.50, trial arse 25e.
At dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit-s-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Bought and Sold
Real Estate and
Put* 230
Bask of Ceaunerce Building
When YouTnk
Think of Us !
�iplllii" nII111
And When Your
Bin is Empty
The Saults Coal Company
"Tie Yard of Service"
F.xclnsive Agent.. in (F.lerich for
The Lehigh Valley Coal Salo Co.
Telephone 75 Goderielt
Cook By Electricity
Citizen. contemplating the in-
stallation of Fkctnc flange Service
thiM. year phonkl make the neoea-
mary application to ourC isdon
before tW temtber 1st.
I>t t IT NOW
All information cheerfully given.
2:r, all unit 00 watt '.'Hyrlro"
Tungsten lamas have been reduced
to forty tents each. .
Water and Light Commission
Town of Goderich
Hydro Store North side Square
Used it
a bop
Nothing toeuat
/Dr Sprains & Bruises
TLet thing to de often yea have an in -
It rto apply I,'mane'et.n•,.0 I ismeet.
It ie entiereptk, asethig, bestows, awl pas
That publisher el the Leet Farms : paper in
the Maritime Prep, ossa to ..nine to wu.trc
"I would sy thea Ile net bolo •1 •'neaten*
het Austad the test er lite Lie M WARD'S
LINIMENT. It haeb.ewane.nfeil,ntn'ne,ly
in our hn,,eM.M ev-r since 1 in r.'nrmk.,
•nd hie Intl ...d dress el wou1.4M coupe,
bene end em,tetene.
Vermouth, PI S. .t
4 the w lw lr -Insiieiittg - Mee - been _�l' -.
oyer to the music Inten'sts this year
at the Canadian National Exhibition.
N t..10 it