HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-8-31, Page 6/I
O Thurslay, August ':1.1. 11'22
Boys and Girls Remember
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th at 9 a.m.
and remember that you can get the very best
to be had in
Exercise Books, Scribblers, Pencils, Erasers,
Note Books, Ink, etc.
We are ready to supply your needs also in
In order to loss on the right aide street a few feet north of tratmc port. own length. This witness is clearly
thereof. and that when he was about .and that the defeudautb err carried. wrong, as it is proved 'and admitted
half way rood the putt tlw 411111%10n dragged or hamper} him aioug in trout by defendant that be ,lid not tiring
ton* plater. Lkehwdaut'siAve wawa_ of or underneath the ear to' a point his car to a stop until It had travail.
see atgte that 'when he started to *frost 16 deet *mall of the said peat ed 30 feet or more. Tarter floes+ may
turn from Eike stmt. 1w. was weU and that,at tl1U point the hind wheel that defendant, it los Raw platutlff,
ovtg to H•wy's corner. L.., the worth. of fire ear passed over his bead and sho'a1d have 'topped h1* pg, • The
east •trier of Main aid East street. neck. Hta wife was Ukety mist*keth wftrl•as McDonald wrw•d very au•
Aswuwlnk that three stateweuta are when Mus told •tut the oar had pa!md xlow to exotwrate tlw• deIs.dant.
true. they•,go t4 prove that 11e defeu. over the plaintiff because the defendant After the ae•ldeut uud while plaintiff
.1:uu di4 jIi't s plaintiff says; timely: Mys tbMt be had bot goer ,protect than Waal lying in the hospital, suffering.
That when Plaintiff first stlw 11150 de- the length of hle e*r tW1e was over se his pbysh'iau etatea, severe pain, Sipes. On the trial the witn�w� wire
feudrut's car It woos turning foam Gast him. Did he then retinae 'hie brakes and in a very crltkal couditlou, thus *secluded 'from court. ao flat' phey•
'street to Meiu, cl.sw to the right of *nd allow Ilii* cyr to drift as he says. wttneas weut out of his way to hurt wade net bear each other's evident*,
F.na street in a position to take 11 Wide , the 30 fest to the curb? He was drift- the feelings of the plaluttff s father but diaatrdant declined, or at least did
turn, that plaintiff slowed fur &fit,d• inn pretty swiftly -bedew* witnesses telling the father that his sou was 10 001 110 Into the box until all his wit -
:lilt to take the lunger turn and go a. tell us that the whole thing Villa over blame fur the collision. He however nose'+ had given evideutve. He sat
ime. If he toad et trp- corroborates the plaintiff and contra. In court and beard all the evidence
hour can be stopped by toting emer-
gency and aervke brakes, within 10
feet, and he states that the proper
thing tor• the defendant to have done
was to take the cines at he widest
sweep, and that if the plaintiff had
the traffic post to his left, no permits
bad a right to ol'owd bins out. The de-
ferttdairt was far nom being a candid
wittiest He appeared to hesitate Wills
answers as if atrald of making *dans.
r,ohnd lilur IttI Ihlint l,1 .vlif5I the de_ rn au aawata or a
f•u•tau1 m tt he .o
t.s 1w dn1IIg but flat pt'd hla car prowlsly. paying fro heed
dkt$ the tie[endaut es to the position before veuturtng into tbs box• t:eun-
the drfetslant turn••,► In cud :+fru.•: brut:" to wb.t'cir prof taly. p ins; to heed- 1'uw eat >y►r - _13e._.1LIe tl� ant 1LC 1►1+►IutIK ob gl fuel. yutr.l
ilee- that the more serion. witness Turner, Is neatly In 'error detendatrt4coe eel ia.ytwl-that tt %me
eon 1 1.1..itu•e or the cionare f.$ytt�MMctt mat-
ter *lust his reason for eluting the corn-
er. the result seas (Ile It brought htr
to the position In which he found him-
self e•mlwllel to. nuke the right angle
turn to gat to the right of the traffic
post. The case of Myatt ye. Qujek 112 him over him own grouse, aunt a; the cutlirton. though he tells a different the other whlreasea had to my, lu oed-
1), 1. It. :rat.►, I. very si War to this, him own evidence and 'tory u[ the
Gory ou the trial. This witness Me1Ane eat to prepare hlwself for the wItuaws
There it was held that it Is ecldonsse of carur[ttre'!a. shut that he was .ullty *Id says that the Forester car w•a. be- stn!..l. it unit was the motive It was
negligence of the driver of on 3111 s'5, • of negligence and iu!'Iroyrr iudmet.
bile 1 1 f t� A. might be prh•tr 1 the aatrmeutr
-- all the
Readers, Arithmetics, Spellers
and all other Text Books for Public, High
and Separate Schoosl.
injuries eWtttine�I-Tiy'Tfli,--pt tnetfr--whew Ire-�itaws-tIsist- 1prPnrtaet atIw, . W9t JtrL'lleee i4 -j '.s ni hiss W.fenett In
would Ire aver' d• pad hie car within Ito own length *f. the manure he thought' pwa.r mud in
Thus far 1 lune' made little or u,, ter the collision. On another Wa- 1 the iutereet of the defetal**t. t can
''('rete' to tate evidiitleener of wiltol•= - ferrel point he contradict/ the defeu. ser no resaou. lu a ease like thio, why
ea other fila ' t.v oI the detrndttur taut. In his Pxawlatiou for discovery the defendant should tout have been
es i bf. I dra.r t otavoref to t1pt the defendant says that the Forester the first with...,tailed 011 Ills a"11 tie.
car beset! in Trout of hint. previous to half. dolts. he held back'to hear what
hind the plaintiff about In front of
1 e n turning from one street to ,1 _ ex `
other. to eat the :artier iu en 1 of kl•••ts\ of the diffw.nt lit ss •s vary as to 1?rldhaw'et•sture. 1 tGlul' he is toufus- ; `�"�"ar"""�w
t.ig to the right .d for t'-s'r. of lila• in- ` wauy laurels of the colli." Ing the Prldham and the Bleck .tore.
i btoth gent'* furnishing. The int 'taut
friar:thin rs r-- quire 1 1•i• st,•,ae. .•n.l
where rhe bre.. II 1.1 •h,ty plam. d
other driver w•I:u is on he stet- -1.1e .r ala
n. ..... is ,,.1144 dally true as t.. 1155• point. however, is that he corroLorates
euduut's wltm`^e4'. 811 tenths plaintiff wboagya the Forester car w
u tole flue or the eul_ hind hint. Tilde wheel* further curl
: r, ,t. haat _ at [ I1" . reiterates the Melanin,. statement that
ey tray bare forgotten. or the the defendant was pretty well to the
ls(repenekw and contradictions right side of }:ata street when he start-
[tritaltahle• to their having wit -
ed to turn on to Main. McDonald fur.
uoltish.0 from different tier states that the defendant's car •
The witnesses. Saunders seemed to roll the plaintiff along la
I •I wrl • mistrk-
fine nitt,t irjsts-t enl,•rgeu.•itx (51151 sur- .t1e 5.:ahl kl.a 1,04.10m 1* 1,1 414:11 Je wU$t :1 •I•
' prises and iN• pure,• n•el for them. and if nada as .1.1•isioo :11 1 - e•...c1 tot hn.', 11fe and
tike driver loses control of the engine latter driver is not guilty of contra_ many
i nn. .•1 tnmuiu,•uIr butory• to-ell/ewe. If lie makes au tray Ise
'or bees his head, he must answer the error in judgment and caress a 1'01• rnaahral
MATHESON CASE 1."•t1 at, ._ .10!nu1111V arising and the Ibitun, 1 Quote f the judgment In view Vols
d 1•irt•s. of Ilse'. tit tnn•tive• tuttchiins that "se us foiluwa: out► finale[
b0 tae
are very proiN•rly charged with, and "The eontt10tion of the defendant ia act
heti re.Isu 11,1.• for any darni11, cars_ -'hear totieei'1 was guilt. of ern_ cozitradlet th
e by thten�uu1err they can prove con- tributory negligence) would- mean roundlet
of J....__ --,
Judge Dickson Gives His Iiecia- c a-it.•Ic that the damage is out at. plowing upon Ne Infant {►1alnttrt the perleettir basset,
ion In Favor of The : rribiitabl•• to negligence or Improper duty to make very line distinctions ligtblo. 1a "1 4",...21',
Plaintiff •uud11e oto their Wort. This Is the onus ale to whether he would turn to the 'rusts' 11 it••
• •. 1. .oa the .hive's of out biles right or to the left and not attempt
r` -.•. loos .'t of who Motor reli1,ie.' R. get nhe1hd of drfrt.111111 s 1111•.111.1- . deten•lrnt might Lao. stoped his ear
Itis Honor. Judg.• DIA.:en cm has gI ''t'•t : 1C:.•tiun 7 of the same A.•t pro- bile in a moment of peril. This I d&t i before it west over pl tatiff and that
1•u hi.. dot•i..bin in ties' else of U••v.•r•►tt ride. that any person who drives a not think he can do. i must there. 1 in lois opinion the car • out have
rotor vehicle on a highway racklewly o the plaintiff.
ff. nub over the fro This tx w• tnt14N though
II. ee 1, , e y trout t 11'
ace of mtltsion and both " rt m Craig.
laird:uwu. The era. says that a car rune at 6 miles an
*elm . t t tt tt1 bat
wad wholly unlntel-
was he as to what
+ret Kenyon states
and knows the
5111' expert
irate', another of d.•frlsl:uht's witnesses.
f re hu1d tltr 1 i y. • s '
t+. Mttthwur,, Au ortiou brought Ly the•Icalled by datend:wt. cog •rates the
plaintiff to irr11ver for .tnmages its it "'nn• tautly or tot a .11•.11 11r 111 •a I The defendant says that just as'
manner dangerous to ttir Pnbhe, having col• on n. Nle became aware of the c'01• plaintiff and�p u:railicts defendant
resultof a colli -ion en the Wlunrr owl as to the paidsfon of the 1•'0 =_ter cat
2:11-d of t A•tols•r of Inst your His regard to 1111 tlw etre st u1h• ate,. Itsiun. w-hiell would be. when he saw at the ttwr et the ,•Ilib a ich is a
f r rt • I•• h
Ituu11r directed that ju'leuaruf be *urs -r,
shalt' be guilty o au n e rite nuc rte ptetnttR's 1>,t.l} as It was pre•Ipitat_ !material tactor ill the rare, rod_
1.1 for th • adult plaintiff for rIIJ►� and ' A.1. ed over the front fender. he applied ' ant's whines Tur: r contradict him -
7. p.
iuf,un 1d(5t..... feu > r:/r...ith The defealaut was not 411 expert loth brakes: now if he were ural --•eelfHe
Ise* th,. Trlsr•r: he had only driven a ear a.
u.,sf...f snit' 1. [.out 4 month,. atoll (wing to railway
As Ilse a,•.:ialenr her-.. red on Ih'• ewulduye• had lith• tine or opirut'ltlnllty
mare ('here there is frequent coulees,
t" 11f tuifti nn.l iehrre.ttr,, fatal is•rfeet himself in the management
of a ear. lie
•e-i.1ruts b i+ ., rurmd within the says that he drove !f•ub_
recta few years. the findh}gs of Judieout three times n work ineht3lPp of
1siek.ou are of supreme ttap)ortance to Sundays. The ear was a Ford. 1914
',lie general piddle. ani tillotdd lie per- model, ter,nul_Raaol1 when h.• l:�:ehascd
noel earofnll\'. • it. The defendant stares :hat u- ::e
drove from 1:1141 street. approis.'lieg
dud�r lriek'un's tit -vision is as feel_ 1(5in street, he w•:14 going 'o taro Sr.
1',w•: Imind' ant .drive the other WAS, irnt
(111 $mul:ly, (Mt. 2:Ird, 5111 antotn.tifl:• elmfig.sl his wind, and drove on to
reel 711•,1 .Ir'v. r h,v .',. 1 ,- ,'ins. Main, intending to turn 10 tee right
and a bicyi•le. ridden. for the in(m,t and go north, that he ag.tiu ch tuned
plaintiff, come into colli -.ion on Jilin his mind and made the turn to the left
.street. floderieh, Asn n«nit of w'delt on Matto street. H. states that he saw
the sni.l imf:ust 4)1311rtiff suffered ser- n o aurestion of people 514 he 11npronehel
aunts personal ibjuries. The collision )fain street. I11* actions would Indicate
.as -carrell at abet was referrer to in that he was uncertain. nndeei5'l and
the evidence are the intersection of East ct nfnsel, that lie foresaw ih • very
nilel 3latis stat--ts ('lose to the tr,lfle post trouble which hr afterwards ••m^oun-
e rsileutpoUoenia n which stool about ['ted, and which the should h..(••• MIA
Ilse centre of Main 'fret in lin: with emit.: have avoided. if he had acted
Wit-e., ata ..1 }: tee•;. p':,.. ,' r '- upon the intuition Witch hal ptotutg
ant was irrI Yng hie aa[tome tte from ed bim'to-turn round and go the 01. 11.
}:est strel•t nn to the Main street and e. way -an Intuition widen to ►Na rtly
was making the turn to the south on disregarded. Ile was either iueum{.•t_
Sinks street and the infant plaintiff en` to handle the car or need 1111.. ret_
was rkltsg Lis bieyehe on Mnin street tied and lost control in an. 'mer:en v.
ill x northerly direction wln•th the col- If {nomteteot he should mat •'i:tve vet._
lisioti took play... - - turel nisei the danger zona• se{iII.1 as
There was at the time at11 idace• • r he admits ler did a elugt'tiou
s.dlision quite a congestion of I.r.atfi.•, pie and 51'JIizi11g as he admits he 41k1.
due 111:11.111,*in the fact that the child_ th::1 there was wore or less.
rio Them -Ilii• 21110113 -tnntMy ,N•h,,ol. ..1 etc-avehient: It - lie•
!,•re on .':..r .err bon,.•. the inn°Ay he must answer for the eon•'pu'n't-.
'1‘•t1Nils laving -it-,0,1Jul t a few min-. Ile says that as he inroad on 5•, Hato.
,' totes prior to the collision. These - at reet he saw pla5utlff rid tux a a,i_
.1Jldr•ti were going some to th.• north. civic 31) feet ' or more smith
r •me to the „nth. while itlrrrs were •boding towards Min. but .111 mot ter
ca,,-''r+c t•1 1u . •iu1 I*,.n 1 1r,, wi plaintiff nRMtu 11 11 11 after 111+1 car had
5. told's•Iel by 314 in street Iltin sur -'4 shawl: him. and as the id.tiater wa-
r• tit times an exceedingly dangerous thrown over the left trout 1..•11'lu• of
•r .tor. to the n,,to
"0�att u!nhite traffic11, mit, bah•. !s•fetolhuu fur*h.•r
thereon, a(.1 t.. thy' re,:kb..- and ll.:ai. says -that este first tnttutettoa it,- bad
gent driving on the {kart of many mo- of Ih•• edlisiuu was when his wile.
-curt is -The air+1Taue.• a„eine' TT•,• pan- " 1”--W/P'wi+tinp i...Me itfnt,•zu•rs-rtrtr,f
I. e-tiniatell at afoot ' 1_:: of a mile. and dint her' eyes'. His wife mew Ow
I; coating from in street hoards the 1,1,1111 111 and r•eallxt•,I that a ,'.511.45,11
prior i14n1 points of the compassarc • wi•--aarnhiueni : why did the deirudauit
i,. ,;1. buss lua.i slows, .r.+,,s. foil 545 se• slat its wife sew'' It is
ij 1'',,,t-, st .1f:u•rs, th.• t'aak• from which quite cviesl.ut, tint defendant wen. out
-j converges. to the centre or circle !Norm. la•kIng ahead. ile admits that he
ed by Slain start ; 1101111.e of its broad did not s,e plaintiff after he first
circular roadway and sidewalk.. uta its sigli1* l 111112 _u fe44 or mare in front
prom iugly 5.. 1:.e {lark, NIA in 'tier? pts_ .'1 :.. ,I .tri. iu;; h, • .u•ds haw • an.1 :..•
sesw•s uliar 111r,h,•ti,, for, nod doss know from the defendant himself the
at ab ime', llama the motorist. the rt•sssnn 1'.,r his failure to see plaintiff.
11 v,li•l nrsl the'.d'shrixn anal at lie *rya that he was looking to the
times. e•..nms-o,:o-,.del asill ''1 1'4t• right ,and to the rear, his attention
tlh I with 11a a1110/2011114!,N.. d,rven._-is Iter Mflveg- tit..thec h!JtII'e-n _Wile. Were_-
in et, y dila.'; I.,li, log, utter %%11 110111 erne$ing the street or playsuit upon.
any r. ;mrd far 1rati:•• rnlea or r.•gula. the str.r•t; when Itis .rife w•n•i1wed hr.
tions. art rule [tits Mein 011.1 +:.n e..•I. tie.•: 1- 'k .i1.:1,1 for a•s.•
Ung 4 or s furies
luxe us believe.
clue to -a
No person nerd
car routing 4 or
ire stopped with
the witness who
a ear running .nt
an lour, a* be wemt.l •putt that when t
why did his car not , struck plats= .Ise stopped kw'Ise
.cirhiu .i of r. t .•t'• •and lila nest statement is that e
defeastopped t his oar within s f
be told fist a }'ped
5 spikes am hour eau
little effort. 1 think ; - -
stated he he ('0521.1 stop
.i 15 mile- au 1a our I?
within 2 fret. is nee ter the mark than
those who placed the distant* at 0
feet. and 1 also ls'ik•ve the witness
who states that a Ford car travelling
5 Mile. an tutor would Mali if--eeh.
strncteil by plalutiff's ioaly, eslNe'iat-
I,r if the brakes were on. The de_
feminist says that INr1use of his wife's
telling him that lie was over the plain-
tiff he allow'el his tar to drift to the
curb a distane•e of thirty feet or more.
He had not .turetdeel in stopping the
ear, then he must have rekausei the
it 1h..., •just +v hal ,, ra111,'1 drh eat
would do. Upon the evidence theme teen
is' no doubt that the plaintiff Was
start cul the radiating streets or out bare his statement that hi. Wit:. *int
MacEwen &, Tebbutt
Bus Service
,bat rl [i
18 Passenger Bus
Auto ,Electric and
Battery Service Station
Cnrther Opib.'r .,• .and Square
itteVissrypeirier .n All Makes
Re -chafing
er`atalraf •tad Rapairi of k-
aki*p; and Li�tliag
ems -*
New Batteries. a
plies t' Meek
H. JANE, Manager
!Sep -
Specials at McEwen's
Nifen's Summer Underwear,.
Shirts and Drawers, each ..; is
Men's Belts, special, each_.50c
Men's Socks, 3 pair for..$1,C0
Men's Invisible Braces, non-
elastic and no -slip, more com-
fortable than those over the
Man's Overalls front. -$1,50 up
Ladies' Hose. per pair. from
\.... ,2:ic up
dies' Veots, each 25z up
ics' Core , 'tl 50 gp
t•oi%s, some nice patterns at
5c and $1.00
McF.Wen's Own Brand Baking
Powde a No. 1 tin 25c
Some Sa da Tea yet on hand
at old pro e
'1 ila:sG dPure Soap,.$l,(ilh
Non any bettor
No. 1 Coffee\fresh ground as
your bay it. \Try a pound
J. J. M\ wen
Phone 46. •we deliver the gooals
not very ereditapie defendant�and
availed him
have already pointed out. there was
mush confection and contradiction la
the evidence of the defendant and
uw•u leftmost)* with respect to many
IWlrutkkut details. Ile ttupredlied um
as determined to evade re'ppnndbillty
and tediously lndiffereut or Innenalbi*
MS to the injury indictee by him epee.
the uufoltuuate boy, plaintiff. He
dl led, the same spirit 1n court u
he has shown thruugheuf the whole
affair. Atter the accident be events
tp have been wuob concerned abbot
his wlfe'r condition, and very indif-
ferent as to the plaintiff's injuries.
After the accident in a convention
with pl*Yltiff'a father be entreated
An she 1srtyr last alarm. corer hie wife'*
cosdttien; Meting thatala_rums .fliger-
ini fru rwrvous shock. He seemed
so troubled and aglfimfi- tegatt isg
the state of its wife, beat he aroused
the sympathy of the plaintiff'+ father.
who le a clergynau and wbo gener-
ously volunteered to go and did go
to the defendant', hour to amidst in
tranquillising his wife. The defend -
Continued on rage 9
Join the Windsor-Goderich
Blue Water Highway Association
Back up the movement for a Provincial High-
way by River and Lake. Wear the Blue o
Badge for 30 days. Membership one dollar.
Firms and Corpotatiofts are invited to buy
club memberships. Send it today or bring it to
E. R. WIGLE. Goderich,
Vice -President of Blue Water Highway Association.
A well -Shaped - Sheaf, Securely Tied
, •v_-
• A,
CJs., 1 ' �`S
a:N-moi 4Y, i .
a[P,7a - •a�H sot
r -sear•
Tice Maahsey"-Havris Binder tnakt•+ ''test, rpure,hotteNI sheavra of any
dreamt sin and {nus the band whereyou want it with tall eat Alert grain.
Three packers, ckers,' • ne of which perks ct.4 to the butts. carry the grain for-
%anl to tlw kn• •ter, and, in conjunction with the positive notion of tlw
bute•r, place the grain in position for tying.
t;t1 all ti-• I.+rcie.' uylr,uu the local agent • .
Hamilton Street
Phone i65
- r ---
Now Available
For Excursion and
Pitnic Parties
For Further Particulars
Call and get new prices on
Effective August 7th
Specials in
ouse Furnishings
New arrivals of' Curtains and Rugs. A visit
through our House Furnishing Department
will be profitable to prospective buyers.
4 14'1iNfrainF.,"-"40440a1E.
IWalker's Furniture Store
frons the tourer in tit the patter, the 1211- giving
n It o ahi'urn• flat he was
moi-af••ly .,f the is•destri.nn and nth• Ri.'hlq more of hi' ath•nTiou fn the
arts using tit•-.•• Irighwars :err in gr. -at ihil.1rs'n to hls right or near nod to ••
'1'u•. ?. ;..u. h .t,• ire •0 5, .nowu 111s screaming Wife than to the trait.•
:.nth killed I :nu.ow.hil• • on t1 .'n in. front; as a uatt'r of fact h1• Is
street within the past tWO or three 11111 01 :a possition to 'say what was!.
tcwrs, o5)P of -the tis a prrrmI .mT-bud tak•oa 1daer to frenit tet tits tirr--hyr
highly esfe•nt.'.l citiz.•n of t:od-•ri h mehia:5.1 Is•fort• h• struck pinhat UT
' o1 u4 was kitlw1 WIt111n . few yards iNs:ease he admits hit• ons l.s.klujt 10
south of the ybto•e of thin .•*dl!•1,1a. its tlghl. He should Have sewn the
The defen.la15 .••mid
not appsren,13- plaintiff. if Io•( had I*s•o rxcr-inlug
teslst the Is 1., drive on to Alain
'due caution and •sero. His duty to
street, thou, he admits it was n place look Implitul the duty to ser. unless
he did not 1 r t0 R'1•"beenure then was ^'onto reasonable explanation is pre_
:,Lc;ty., mor or less chance of an
lje_ .ca0••1 for Ills failure to do sal- This
oulent The lal,.i w•ho had at•?nded prinelple 1" laid down In tit" Case Of r
The defendant says that hetwno dray
lug bis. tar as slowly us,possible rod
not more than 4 or 5 miles an hour.
if sn and lee were a competent driver
and hnd the ear tinder control. mai
Wart .Nuking ahead what was tiler.
to prevent him stopping the iar be.
fore -striking plaintiff? If he had
been loeklsg shed, he w s dsI have
•*4510 the plaintiff. end might 11:1%0
given him the hand atonal. might have
mounded til* horn. applied the hrrkP..
cut off the gar, tint by ordiclnry care.
even though incapable of skillful man.
agement, /Mould pha►ve'lvith1.tl the act.
fident. The defendant ppuureed a
motif errant- (ounre?ir faltliiif The
Dorn• 1 Ih. „f t4.1.„,,„„ of the Harbor vs. Nash, 110 1). '1.. R. 233.
n,.1,? nt. 7u Ire to II/2%e felt tit.• some
itv 1,, tee time after Morin/ 1rt1•
-$onlay .0 . el ot'k
to tori* street,
it .1015114 'It • pjaee of the .01?ision.
He went di s-tly from Annday sch+,nl
to ills ha.' at the itnrvonsge, whichho
adjoins Il. Sunday w•sd. girt him hi-
cycleit'd,ale at once up to Mathetre t..1'i'I •t. 1'1 �:h.." 1!.1 t f, ,741
ant were sttnetel to Main street for
the (like around the circle. *o others
wtetM bea't•scted, 5041 tills iilustrateth
What I bele iwfors alluded to. namely
the 'sr•U I' • .11'' , Ra11,'.I 11.'111 . , 1 •.i,i
with jus cis •nler drive and promenade •�, nr • •ltlaens and for viyltury
on to Main street. If hal own aventseht
of the affair a* to the (soarer taken hr
him Is to Its trelleveil, it W that when
turning on kart to Main street he erns..
rl near the middle of the etrreet. taking
an almost straight eonrsee In alaatt tlm0
middle of the road (Main street and
had to make prsetk•ally a right angle
w . e 5. tint- bleat
• and 5011 sus: I hate endeavored to
•• 'bow the •- umstente,s hirinding the
nstst•*1 ret. tons. the nsr.of the high.
a fount of the trent.. rt
( collision, 11 lid !Wiley!
that bolls parties will age
• roe that i 1` Ve itwailed these strt•ttm-
ranees ass ceadltbien, etc.. a orreetiy
awe. immortlall7• is daring a Winger_
SW neettir mob as am automnblle,
The steadily increasing percentage of sat-
isfied Imperial Polarine users is convinc-
ing proof that the right grade of Imperial
Polarine is giving the greatest degree of
lubricating service and satisfaction to
Canadian automobile and truck owners.
Check up your car on the Imperial Chart
of ,Recommendations. Use the grade of
Imperial Polarine Motor Oils recommen-
ded exclusively.
Manufacturers and Marketer* of Imperial
, /Waring* Motor OWGt and Marketers
e in Canada .l Gar eyl. Mobil(!.
School of Commerce
-- ' Clinton, Ontario
It is perhaps true that we exact more from our
students, but by so doing. with the assistance of our
Better Qualified Staff, we make them masters of their sub-
jects and expect them to fill the _ Bitter Positions in Me
Business World '
CGurses :
Special arrangements made for special students.
Two Week's Tuition Given Free to students
f e who call at the School of Commerce and Register on or
brfsre August z9'h.
Classes will be arranged for Goderich students 'wish-
ing to attend from 2.50 to 6.40 p.m.
- Fall Term Opens Sept. 5, 1922
Special flee on Ess Line to Sclleol of Commerce students from Gods-
psj $5•.linte3 sod r•tare. Wri'e for p.rt'cu'an.
For full particulars write : '
M. A. STONE, B. F. WARD, B. A. M. Accts.,.
CAen. Specialist, Vice -Principal. J? Principal.
Phone 198 Clinton, Oni.
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