The Signal, 1922-8-31, Page 5Ow 01 le (rials llaayeti
The home of Mr. and Mea 7, T.
Murphy, Renate street, was dimity
madras/4 oe Friday last when their
Youngest son, Cheer Henry, (taadl_
tally knows to hla moil friends in
Goderich ae BIM), passed awvy at the
early age of seventeen yeaaaa. About u
mouth ago he went to Detroit sod was
employed at Grave Hospital there
wlwu he developed a case .f blood
poisoning In his bank. Just a week
At Hern's Boot Shop
you will find a most excellent assortment of High
WeWereFootwear in every line. We never before
re in as good a position to 6l1 every need in
,.a.._. M • lidded•4e•
WO ha added in variety of width
VI We have added is eke quality of our goods
We have a4ded to ear knowledge in shoe fitfig
by taking Br. Sche l's Pest Graduate Carse in
eke Care of Fat and in Shea Flitting
Tet us demonatratte that we can give you satisfac-
tion in every detai of the Shoe Business.
f'u;< W. 1ERN
Next Telephone Office ` \ The Square
Bolding beside the gored and bleeding, body of his form-
er rival the MURDERER was convulsed tkith MIRTH, and
strangely enough the -thousands of red-bltded Canadians
who had witnessed the incident, instead of avenging the
slaughter, applauded the CONQUEROR with p'figing cheers
fora the Merry Imp.
had slain the DRAGON GLOOM and its prostrate form lay
over all those parts of the great Dominion in which
IffI A
err 1
—A Canadian Comic, published by Canadians for
Canadians, with a contributing staff of more than fifty Can-
adian artists and writers.
—It is the third largest humorous publication in Amer-
ica and sells over all America.
—It has a larger news stand sale in Canada than any'
other comic.
Contributions from everyone with humorous, literary
or artistic tendencies.
2oc at all News Stand; VV
Special offer to familiarize readers of The Signal with
the farcical possibilities attendant upon the holding of our
Annual Pall Fairs.
Goblin, Dept. II -A.
153 University Avenue, Toronto.
1 eneloee herewith one dollar for which please send rte, in accord-
ance with your special offer, one six ninths' subscription to Ye Merry
ab...r .cgig gioDigima,
before his death h' returned boas
when ubfortuuately pneumonia set In
which disease la, was unable to com-
bat savwwfully. The deceased was
tarn in ("Linton and lived there until
a little over toe years ago, wham the
family eats* to Ooderk•h to matte their
home. ((elides, his parents be leaves
to mourn res death, ole ulster, Bessie,
and a brother Orville, on the local
stag d tae Bank of Mouton!. The
funeral took place from the tamely
rsddence, Newgate strike, ou Monday
afternoon tU Maitland cemetery. Rev.
S. El. Hardy eouducted the services
and the pallbearers were Roladd Walk-
er, ($ergo }:((sett, Gordon L.awa,on,
Billy Mountain, Logan Murney and
Leonard McDonald. The floral tributes
were many and beautiful. Including
wreaths from his toy chuma In Clin-
ton. Genes leospltall, Detroit; Bt
others which testified to the high es-
teem in which he was held by all who
knew him. The bereaved family have
111e sincere sympathy of tbe community
in the great loss whtbey have suwhich
IYrt Jamoa Clark is . visiting tela.
tives In Port Colborne.
Mrs, G. W. Black fa spending a coup-
le of weeks In Tilsonburg.
Send tate boyor to school next
week with mperfect eyesight. Corns in
and have their eye's examined before
they start to school.
Masonic Temple
Goderich, Ontario
Phone 13
The Ford.
Car is the
first choice
of the man
who appreciates
valve for aro
every dollar
he spends.
Ask ns for the price of the
Ford Touring Car.
Ford Garage
Headers St. Gaelntei Ont.
sawn& lis Detroit
The morose Feld frees of Augu,t
5th eoatatatd es account of the mar-
riage of MAnPlM*W ,jiatbesou„ young-
est daagbter 01 MR and Mrs. Robert
Matbealon of Detr'olt. to Jobe W. Gregg
only sun of lett ala MTM. Mart. Gnu,
formerly of. van*. The brute«
tatter walla former Goderich boy aid
only brother esti ,Angus Matheson, tit.
Patrick street. Mrs. Alex. Lawson and
Mrs.. Fred, Tlignageon are'.lsteret. The
careaseny, wM Molt pito at 8t Joe-
epb'e Episcopal ebareb was read by
Rev. Wm. Rind r. The bride was ate
misted by Mies Mildred Phelps as makd-
of_honor. She was (rocked In oyster
grey chiffon. seer • stip of delicate
pink, and earned peek roses and baby
breath, tied with plot streamers. The
bridesmaid, Miss Roth Moore, wore a
gown similar to that of the matdof-
da.or, Jt -was yet. .
low stip with yellow roses and blue
forget-me-nots. The 1, Icgrooua wee as-
sisted by Mr. W. Jftwood as beet
mal. The bride, wbo entered ou the
aro of ber father. wore a gown of
white georgette with Mlle veil and or-
ange beossoms. The bridal bouquet was
a shower of watt Mies and lilies of
the valley. _
.1114. NOW etaafoo, brother-in-law
of the bride. Mr. Abner Godfrey, Mr.
Chariest Merril. Mr. Vergll Cross, close
friends of tbe poem were n.hees
Mies Luella Bourne, an old ecbool
Cham of the WI rendered twovocal
selections "O net/Ilse Me,' and ' Be-
ause," ris,g4M signing of We regis-
ter. A reception foeiowed at the home
of the bride's parents. 1558 Rkhton
Ave., Highland Park. The lame WON
beautifully decorated In pink and white
A delicate lnneheon was «erred, the
dining table being charmingly decor-
ated wltb•a three story wedding cake
in the centre. TIN bride's mother look-
ed charming in black tarette while
the groom'. toolbar wore grey saffetta
with lace overdrape. Mrs. George Corn-
wall, aunt of the bride. wore blue and
white canton crepe with hat to match.
The bride's only sister, Mr.. Norman
Stanton. formerly Miss Viola Mathe-
son and well known among the young
people of Oodesieb, wore a gown of
henna canton crepe, Amid a slower
Mopes and advanced
etylcs forecast vogue fa-
Ostrich Plumage
Persian 'Colorings
Unusual!efects in Feather
Hats, which show individ-
uality of style, and latest
shades. a
The sport note accen-
tuated by the clever useof
Ribbon-, Felt andlFabrica
makes effective Millinery
for out -door attractions
more attractive.
KMS St. Deierkll
Think how long it's been since
you've hada real photograph made
. --end bow you've changed.
Studio methods have changed,.
too. At this nodi., it is a simple
matter to gid • reel Portrait that
youWill be pseud to show w your
Phone 187 - Goderich
Thursday Augnst :11 3
They are made of fine All Wool Velours, Duvetyne, in winter weights
and are best styles for coming winter and fall. Many show the new wide
sleeve effect. Loose fitting as well as belted and mostly fur trimmed.
Colors, browns, tans, blues, prices - - - - 32.50 to 47.50
Stanfield's Underwear , `,' ` Tickings �..�R
hisaisy mai Tieaday
HOOT omeoN
Century Comedy
Wednesday s- ad Ilieraiav
In the Parnmoaat Western
('n mpbel l Comedy
— a --
!Wily and Saturday iM
in a thrilling l?anadlan Story
7 to
Statineae Monday, Wednesday and
Saturday at 3.00 pa.
NOW that fall' is approaching, heavier weight merchandise is needed. We are
showing a loge range of Serge. Tricotiae and Jersey Dresses from $9.00 to
$25.00. q _
Plain and fancy Skirts from $3.50 to $10.00. Mkt'
English Flannel Middies, in navy blue, $3.96. Regular $6.00.
Blouses $2.98
voile Blouses, $L96 ; regular $5.00 and $600.
--- Habtttai Blouses,
GoorideveleuseigMe;-"raw =S.00and-�
The Misses Hogga>ah and McLeod will open dressmaking apafintenta on
the somal Boor of the son on the 15th of September.
Welcome to
Goderich Fall Fair
Sept. 6,7,8
Our pprices will be reduced
on Meti s and Boy's
Boots and Shoes
Gents' Furnishings
fes, Yard wide, white, extra qual-
1 ity, special .49.1
Blankets 4,."
All pure wool White Blankets, fin-
ished singly, large doubk bed size,
beautiful pink or blue bor-
ders, summer sale, pair.... U.
Bleached Table Damask t.
56 inches wide, strong and service-
able, in pretty d -signs, special 59
sale, jyard
Suiting Serge
56 inch all wool English Serge in
navy blue, suitable for boys' or lad-
ies' suits or coats. Forty yards on-
ly left on sale. Regular 1.50
price, 3.50, at per yard....
of rice and confetti, the happy eouple
lHi l'lerelanffalo
theett forbridea trstripmlling In nnd suitad ofItablue
homespun with black satin hat and
dippers to match: The groom's gift
to the bakIe was a' biathlon) wrist
watch set with .apphirea. Fifty mn-
ebines followed the bride and grow to
the boat where lest wishes, follows(
the -at. They r'eeoelved, many handsome
wedding gifts. among them being a
idlest of silver from the bride's Gal_
father. After September first Mr. and
Mrs. Gregg wiH be in tleir new home
to their friends at 73111 Ellsworth Ave.,
Detroit. The out-of-town guests were:
Miss Edna $tauton, of Ray City ; Miss
Genevieve ('err, of Saginaw.
Knox ehllrr•h, Etimnata,t, was the
Bene of a pretty wedding' on Thursday
teeming at 10 o'clock, a gnat iJ mLnm
Mise ((libel H11M, daughter of Dr, and
Mrs. W. II. Hos, of Mountain Perk.
Alberta, became the bride of Mr. Ker•- J. Haw•klnN of P1 e:ltlir; sin
of Mr. and airs. J. H. Hawkins, 1:3rel
•'r.'et, Edmonton, forint -0y of. Gods
iich. The church was prerttily deecnr-
aled for the Oveasiurs wi'h gladiolas
and sweet peas, Rev. W N' Mri(aa
1.. rformed the ceremony and Mrs. John
D'sou Craig played t:i' wedding :uarvh
est. The bride, who w:104 given on mar.
by her father, w•a� charming io
a gown of white satin with radium Ince
overdrew'. The brid•'I roil was caught
with a bandeau of oras+;: blossoms :ul.1
she carried a sbuwer I..o•lue: of w11it,•
bridal roses and tII.ewo[-t h1 v:, 'ey.
maid -of -honor, Mise Margaret Hills
Sister of the bride, wore a gown of,
green and lavender shot taffeta silk
trimmed with gold lace, wish a ruse
adorning her hair. Her hougmet was of
pink roses. Mk's Helen McRae and Mts.
Margaret Allen acted as ushers. They
wore corsage ,bouquets of sweet pea..
If the Blood is. Not Kept Pure
Health jWill Break Down.
Come in and see our
valves. You will save by
Chnl. McKinnon was lest man. Ret•... -W
H. Hies, mother of . the bride, , was
gowned in French 11104 trieoI tte trim-
med with figural eharmeus.• and a
Corsage bouquet of sweet neseMr..
.1. H. Hawkins. mother of the );room,
wore binek eharmeuse with liter over-
dress and der coasage bouquet was of
dark ..w441 leas. Following the eere-
uany a reception tion was Meld at the Mc-
Donald Hotel. The nom was lenati-
.fully decorated with masses of white
ars( pink sweet peas and the bridal
table was centred with a four tier wtsl-
diug rake. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins deft
00 111e ishan train for Jasper Park, am-
id the. good wishes of their friends.
After their honeymoon the young ..mp_
le will reside in Forr•stburg. T'• : r�
.aired many beautiful present.. 'rom
their numerous friends. The groom's
, g:ft to bot. bride was a dinner ring set
; with of Hanion&; t the
it la nwelesa to tell n hard wori;htx .w
woman to take life .11y and not to
worry. To do is to ask the almost
Impossible, But, at tie same time. It
Is\the duty of every womin to save
het*,l} to meet any unusual de -
inn lido. it 1st her duty «he ups herself
nal faraNy, for bee future health may
depend upon it.
To guard against a complete br"ak-
.lown In health the blood must be kept
rich, red and pure. No other medicinedries thta}-eo well as Dr. Williams' Pint:
Pills. This medicine strengthens the
nerves, restores the appetite and keels
ly, 'ttelevwd It I. M..rn," Ile pr•-mout-
1.1 a handsome headed bag. and t.) the
INat man a pair of gold (la Ilnk.. Am_ .
ung the relatfres and immediatefri.•1w1.
of the bride and groom were theirpat-
ents. the Misses Muriel, Margaret and
Meta 111111. Roland 11111., Tal and ['wo-
ol('Hawkins, Mr, and Mrs. EA. Ilawk-
in.,. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Forman of
Hurllsty. Mr. and Mn., W. 1.. Forman
of Tofield. Mr. and Mr.. W. N. For.
man of Edmonton, 1)r, and Mr.. M.1-
viu lirnhini of 1bu,:kn, Mr. slid Mw.
,I,'tat% Atlas 11 Den M.•Itne, Mr. and
Mt Foster, of .rdisty, lir. anti Mrs.
D. 'rayi. r of IA•thl.ridee, Mr and
Mt . Palley "f Vancouver. Mr. and Mr.
ib'.'llee. Dr. -in,' Mars. MIs Mit rum
Mcl)ougaII, llI-s Ma. •'t Allan, :.Dell
M,- rs. J. 1'. Nattr•s., 11, Totten, aim
and Roy Forman.
u cluster . d o Mrs. W. 1.. Murton ...id_Mis. ltpilit
bckkwostd Ana ave a ratahdif -t.,, Ile batc returned from a IhYi4V►Ptk -1i1p
to Mtss Meta }(ilk/, wale dor•. the
aig,iIng of the tYgtst4t wa ag very .west- to Terontu and the }day of endo(. .eennessensimmem
- . -- HOME W NTS
Cream of Tartar, Rochelle Salts, Seidlitz Powders, Citrak
of Magnesia, Headache Remedies, Aspirin Tablets, and Cold
Remedies. Pickle Spices, all of the Highest Purity Products
Stock up now.
Try Our Drug Store First.
Campbell's Drug Store
The Square
Plies. 90
Aug. Id—TORONTO—sip(.
c____ . .. production w B tti. sapats.y.
venous* and .pllandeen es' Mee Per Raaf:
$1,00,OSS in new buildings and seems ' f other
sew felons and settsstlear.
Rdanse res ds o sM de Morel
JOWNN d. R=Rfr, (loss. PLaI
nba ser hasiiaa
every organ healthily toncd up. Wo- !
men cannot always rest wlyrrt they
ehonld, bot th can rep their
strength by the of nal use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. Among those'
who here found benefit from this used_
'cine 1. /Ire. (bra Conrad, Broad
Cove, N. 14., who says: "My gatem
was very much rundown, and my blood
poor and watery I suffered a great
deal from headaches and 'nisi se;
my Appetite waw' poor, and 1 'ai
easily. 1 decided to try Dr. WI. es' ,
Pink PIIIa and hare every reason to
be glad that I did ed. San I felt
tetter, and under the centimes{ ilei'
of tbe pills tbe headaches and dlstioniee
were gone, and my bteod seemed in a
better condition than before. For thl,
ossa.-i—vreemem$d ---tin,- >IF81i•tra'
i'Ink P1115."
Yoe con get Dr. wul ieeV Pink Ville
throngb any dealer in Medicine or by
mall 'at 110 cents a Los or six hexa.
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'
MedIclip Co, Brockville, Ort.
School Shoes For School Days
School time again pretty soon, are you prepared for it ? sN
We are.
We've pthered in a whole lot of gout), sound, serviceable
shoes for Boys and Girls, strong encu to stand tbe hard
knocks of school games, on good wed' f, ling lasts, •'' • en-
sures neatness with durability. Mo' tan that, wt ,gkt
tbem at the lowest prices the marke• . d to offer and we'll
pass them on to yon at as small a as we can stand and
May in business, Von are inviti a% call and inspect our
stocks at arty time.
W. Reg. Shames