HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-8-31, Page 44 Thereat, Angela 11, 11189 T10 SIGNAL - GODERICH. ONT. For Schoo OPening Harrogate Serge Gold Bond Guarantee. Sun and Sea Proof Harrogate Serge Snits Ready for Service or Made to Order, $38,00 WIN1 "opularity Ever. Increasing The Pure Deliciousnes▪ s of IPtIAT�1 Campion • daughter ATKINSON-At Alexandra s0 haapltal ()Weigel", un Yrlday, August 25t1t, 1022, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenville At- kinson, of Hayfield, a sun. I.F;SSI.IF:---Ou Thursday, August 24, at tlw Alexandra Marine •nd Gen- eral Hospital, Gexlerlch, to Mr. and Mrs, E. V, L as'ie. a on. DIED MURi'HY-In Getter l•th. on Friday. August 25th, 1922. Oliver Henry Murphy. In his 17th year. Boys' Suits at $5.95 and $6.75 Clearing lines -about 25 in the lot -good strong tweeds, well tailored. Sizes 26 to 29 Sizes-30-W-34'-.1-1- tzea $6.75 Come early and get the best choice. WALTER C. PRIDHAM Bring Your Films to Us for Developing Printing and Enlarging GOOD SERVICE All size Films carried in stock. The Reaall Store red;' H. C. Dunlop P`sae 1 Bedford Block i - Are You one of those Automobile owners who realize that the mechanism of your d.licata and needs the scientific skill and tech- nical work of an expert w h o understands all makes and every branch of Automobile Repairing ? Then you will not want to trust your machine to bungling amateurs and you will be glad to keep our address. Reg. Williams East St. Garage Phone 243 • ST. AUGUSTINE ST. AI'GI'STINE, Aug 29.. Mrs. Grady, of Toronto. visited at Mrs. J. Thompson's last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spencer and daugh- ters, Mary and Ethel. of Hart, Michi- gan. visited friends in this vicinity last week. Mrs. Stafford and son MMheel. of Gnd•rlch, ap.nt the week end with friends here. Mrs. Jefferson and son Gordon. via - Ord Guelph friends last week. Mrs. John Hamilton, of Shakespeare, is visiting at William McAllister's this week; Mr. and Mrs Harry Herold. of Stratford, visited in this vicinity Last week, Mr. X. McLean, of Auburn, thresh- ed for a =ober of farmers in this vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Shanahan and Mr. and ;Les. Charles and Mises Anna Shanahan. ofIntoe. spent the week end at Mr. J. $oyle's, AUBURN At'BI'RN. Aug. 30.- Mr, Norman Match has returned to his position as operator near Medicine Hat, Aiherta, after speeding his holidays with his parents Mrs. 0. Wenzel. and daughter, Mrs. Matthews, }I,• ,and child, of sp•le:, are visiting relatives here this week. Robert Scott has finished repairing the [lam and is now able to do chop- ping while you watt. Mr. John Cook and family and Mrs. Rhode. leave for their home in London the end of this week, after a month's visit, Come back again to the Malt. land Banks! Give A Remembrance That Luta A Picture We have a splendid selection to show you. Also all the new Pic- ture Frame Mouldings. Smith's Art Store Str East eet Phase 198 Belfast baseball team and a large number of fans came over on Monday night to play with Auburn boys, Ther♦p teams are tied 1n games won in ilii Mnitland League. Atttikre„atarted night and 'shared Toici mor in each of the first two Innings while Belfast scored one, and atter that it was a sure wia for Auburn 18 to Belfast 5. Auburn gore to Belfast on Friday [tight for the teetotal game. Good luck, boys. GODERICH TOWNSHIP The weathers of the Country Women's Club were very pleasantly entertaiued for the August meeting at .the home of Mn. Groves. The Secretary reported that 060.00' had been made at the sale and tea held in July. Instead of the ny. mil program Mrs. Groves' sister Mrs, Shute. who is visiting with her, gave a moat Interesting talk about India, where she had lived for some time. • • BELFAST BELFAST. Aug 31 -Master George Topp has returued to his home in Tor- onto. Miss ida Felce is spending her vac - cation in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee, of (`oiling- woxL visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Nixon during the past week. Moue Pearl and Carl liners. of Kin - lough, are visiting at Frank Irwin's. Miss Irene Brunt returned to her home in Winnipeg. Miss Mary Philips is visiting wth her sister. Mrs, Thomas Ferguson Mr. John Kilpatrick and Mtsa Violet Kilpatrick. visited in this burgeon Sun- day. Friday evening, a ball game between Auburn and Belfast at Belfast. The hall game between Belfast and Auburn which was played Monday evening resulted In a victory for Au. burn. The score was 1:.-5. BAYFIELD BA1FIELH. Amt. 2•. -At high noon on Wednesday. August 11th. the mar- riage took place at Trinity church of Muriel Christine. slaughter of Mr. and Mn. George King. to Mr. Morley C. HartThe rector of the church. Rey. R. C. Pitts, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Hart will reside In Toronto. where Mr. hart 1s aastataut master is Clinton street school, A painful accident befell lir. Andrew Sturgeon one day recently woken he was knocked down by an automobile and narrowly escaped being killed. He will ixe eai.l up for some time. The .Jammer welding of Mr. and Mrs. J 11 Wilson. of Itttethelalr. M. formerly of Rayfield. watt celebrated at their home on June 5th. lir. and Mrs. Wilson went West from Bayfield forty- two years ago. They hare eight child- ren living. all of whom are in the West There are also twenty-six gra awl_ Millilren and eleven greet grand child_ ren. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson art both enjoying, good health. On Sunday, August 4(hh. the Metho- dist church of the village held Its an- niversary servi owe when Rev. R. Ful. ton Irwin, of Seatorth. delivered two splendid addresses. FALL FAiRS Miss Craig Sept. 21 and 28 Aylmer ‚Sept. 6. 7 and It Bayfield 4ept. 26 and 27. Blyth 4ept. 25 and 29 Brussels Sept. 14 and 13 Chestey Sept. 28 and 28 NatursiLeaf Green Tea is recognised. sus the tremendous Increase In the de- mand for It shows. jry it to -day You will like it Y.eca il4 r%n •.• Klscn rd i ae w ... Sept. 21 and 22 Sept. 23 and 28 Sept. 21 and 22 wept 9-16 Sept. 2. and 29 Sept. s and 29 em Kttrht.io Lletliu,•1 London n Lucknow Wive' ton FOR SERVICE FOR SERVICE.- A PEDIGREED Yorkshire Boar. Terms $1.25 cash, or$1.30 otherwise. G. L, GROSS. lot 28 Maitland Concession. Colborne. 3t AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF IN ACRE farm. Following instructions from Mr. (William J. Melntyre. i will offer for wale by public *action on Tueselny. the 12th day of September next, at 2 o'clock pm . on the premiers. he num- ber 2, In the 9th ooneeslon. W. D. of the town -hip at Colborne in the ('nun- ty of Hunan. costalning acre hutsdrwl acres. This farm M situated about half way between Carlow and Nile. The building. coedit of largo frame!' house 1 1.2 wed 1 stores anal frame tars fig) Get i Se feet in fair ayuxll- i tion. _There Is a very valnable spring creek which rums through •!w corner of tie farm and is close to acid build- lnys, There are two small orchards and about seven or right Aeree of woodland. The soil Is'of tom very hest. clay loam and the land is kn.e*e'ellent condition. e- the greater reef of it has been la 4..1 for years. Team. -The said property will 1►e offend for ..ale subject to •■ reserved bid. The 1,,rehaser shall, at the time of sale, lay a deposit of 10 per cent. of tis purshase money and Nall pay the remainder of the purchase money in thirty days thereafter without In- terest wh,•n pssesslan may be given. Further particulars and condition of sale will to made known at the time of :ale, and in the meantime. may he had from MR. THOMAS McINTYRE. Dungannon 1'. 0, and the undersigned. Dated at Goderleh this 29th day of Augwst, 1 U. 11r22 TBiO'IAi tit'NDRI. Auctioneer. PIBIJC NOTICE VOTERS' LIST NOTICE, 12!2. • \lunicilaality of the Town of Oode. rich. County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I hare transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned iu Section 9 of the Ontario Voters. list Act the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the► list, made pursuant to said Act. of all persons apparing by the last revised assessment roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote In the said Muni( 'polity at Elise tions for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections and that the said list was first pest - ed nn at my office in the TOAD Hall, G.alerlch. on the 21st day of August, 1922, mud remains there for inspection. .(axl I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceeding to have any ernes or omissions corrected accord- ing to law. Dated at Goderleh this 31st day Au. gust. 192'. 1. I., KNOX, Town Clerk. L_ LISTNO1C>R 11022- liun llty of the Towaidtlp of Wear Waaraneeh. County of Huron. Motiee is hereby given that I have ttlansmttted or (lelvered to the persons aentl.ned 1n section 1n of the Ontario Voter Limes Aet the copies requireed by sal/ section to be so transmitted ur delivered the let, made pursuant to said Act. ell au teI1.ons appearing by the last zliwlasd War.+ment roll of the aid municipality to he entitled to cote Hi the malt bfaillieipauty at eTection+ far members of the Legislative As- allmbly DLitt municipal elections: and Oat thi. saki Inst wan first posted up et my office to West Wawanosh on the list day of August. 1922. and re -1 main. there for Inspection. AM I hereby all upon all voters to take 'immediate proceedings to have any errors or omission correete¢ ace; cording CO law. Dated tits 24th dr. of Anmuat. 1922 1V. J. THOMPSON,Township Clerk IJSGAL .mmw G. CAMERON. IL C. RAR4RI5- lll TER, Solicitor, notary public. ()Mee Hamilton street, Oakerich, third door from Square. Trust fuada W loan at lowest rates peouoroUT. KILLORAN a HOLMES, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NO- TARIES PUBLIC, ETC, Otflce ou the Square, second door from Hampton street, (ludericb. Private foods to loan at lowest rates W. Proudtuot, K. C. J. L Killoran, Dudley K. Holmes. CHARLES UARROW, L L B. BATF HIS4'ILR, attorney, solicitor, ete 0611llftfb. 'Woe? )caned et Wwest rates. INMAR. BARRISTER, SOL- -1° OL1111 ICITOI, Notary public and con- veyancer, Once -Court House, Oodie rich. Rape R Haps 11.aat,rgrw, En. R.C. HAYS-R.O. HAYS, .1a., LA. Hamilton St., Goderich AUCTIONERRINO. 1. M. STALKER. AL'CTiONEEE for household effects farm stock, etc.. for the County of Huron, Address an communications to J. M. STALKER, Auburn 1', 0. 44-tf p Our New Fall Stock • Is Here in Splendid Array Here you will find the moat exclusive styles. ma- terials and workmanship that can be produced. and beat of all, our prices are just what you have waited for. A few items of the many for Special Mention. Velour Coats - - Finest quality Velour Coats, in rich shales of rein- deer, filbert, cordovan, nubian, brown, and mauy other new shades, with splendid beaverine collars and cutis, and handsomely embroidered. Some fringed, others tasseled. Beautifully lined throughout. Prices rang- ing 221.50 tip to 852.00. English Burberry Coats Exceptional values. Prices ranging from 116.50 to 627.50. Also a new shipment of snappy English Burberry find Velour Coats for the juniors. Attractive pikes, from 815.50 to 118.50. Dresses Dresses in the newest shades and designs. Canton, crepes, silks and chartreuse, homespun, tricotine and many other materials at prices to suit all purses. Exclusive Millinery -- --Produced and chosen by millinery artists to snit the most artistic taste.., Hats for the juniors and the ladies. Prices ranging from112.25 to 87.95. The Royal Ladies' Ready -to -War Co, Office and Factory: 64 Temperance Street, Torooto,Oot. - FOR SALE BUILDING LOT FOR ItA1.R,_014 Brock street. Moat be void withka the seat few weeks Make offer is MRF. THOMAS MWRENBIE, Vie. torte Sorest, Ooderkh, or to W. A, •WIf1Trby, SUS Oak street, New Orleans. La. tact rOR 8AL10.-NO. 1 XXXXX B. (, I shingles at McQaw station at lowest prices. ROBERTSON AND TREBLE. R. R. No. Q Ooderlch. tt LOUR BALE. -A QUANTITY OF 2 IN, 1 by 10 In. and 2 in. by 8 In. Joists, different lengths, also 2 In. by 4 in. maantling. Will 1» sold at redueved prises. JOHN J. GRAHAM. Cambria road, Box 678, Ooderkb. rot SALE IBo eevErl- [room, prtwed brkk hoose for sale. Erected this season; Just ready to be ooeupled. Two minute's walk from Square. Apply 0, 1'. OOULD, Market street. It BARN FOR SALE. -Nile FEET Apply to ARTHUR FISHER, K R. No, 4. ooderich. (Colborne Munk. Ipal Telephone 124). 31 ARTICLES FOR SALE COR SALE -UPRIGHT PIANO, MA- boeany; Pathepbone, labogany, both almost new; three-pkre mahog- any parlor suite, china cabinet, two Axminster rugs, 9:10%. Gray Hurt touring car, driven only 6,300 miles. All bargains for quick sale as I am rear• lag town. Apply to F. H. MARTIN, Tb. Square, Ooderkh. WAN SD WANTRD-GIRL OR WOMAN TO look after two children during day MIt$. It. H. McCRKATH, Meue..•tang Park. Phone 351. WANTED -WOMAN TO ASSIST IN general housework for family ,f thaw. MRS. MET[ ALE. Bayed 1. lh,t. 1I.O0T OR FOUND FOUND --A ROB& -OWNER MAT a have same upon paying for ad. and proving property. FRED T. CR.(IGIE, Godeteich. gimp. LOST. -A Pc*PLE time ScAar with green blas. on the Square of vicinity on Tbunalay, August 24th. Finder please leave at THE SIGNAL Dt'FI('F and receive reward. LOST -THE • SUM OF FiFT1' DOJ. lars--two twenty dollar bills and one ten. Finder please leave •t THE SIGNAL OF'FI('B and revive re- ward. _ LOST. --AN ALTO LICENSE 1NI N- igr-14f1t3.- .on ..�t••In..slar somewhere between Clinton and 1.041" rich. Finder please have rat THP! $l(INAL CARD OF T1413414$ - CAIRD OF THANKS -ML ANi) NRbi, T. T. Murphy and fawiiy wish to take this opportunity or. .revs^ -Ing their slrxwre thank« to the friends and ueighlsors for their sympwthy anal kindite.0 during their recent bereave went In the loss of their sem. Oliver Henry- - MUSIC - PL4NOB TUNED -APPLY TO C.V. HENRY, Musk Studio, north side rat Square. ff puPILE TAKEN IN VO('AL .ANL) in.trunxental music For frill particulars apply to Miss EMMA J. l'ouraoyer, at the residence of firs. James Foley. Victoria street. • • w COATS -dome in and see the Season's Latest Models and Shades in �_ ; I , : �� __ r We Invite You showing of new Fall Apparel comprises some of the smartest models in Coats, Suits and Dresses that we have i seen in recent yews. ' Many new style features have appeared that will make this season individual. We invite you to make this Store your Headquarters for Fair Days. Come and see the showing of New Fall Goods, leave your parcels and use our Rest Room. SCHOOL OPENING NEEDS FOR BOYS ANB GIRLS ARE READY School Dresses 10 only girl's navy blue serge Dresses, with red or blue trimming, pleated skirts. In ages 8, 10, 12. To dear, each School Sweaters Girls' and boys' Wool Sweat- ers, in navy, maroon, grey, with military and sailor shawl collars, in sizes 24 to 84. $2.95, $2.25, 98c Fine rib school Stockings, in black, brows and Cream, This is a vlendid stocking for school. All sizes. Special price Boys' pare wool jerseys, with button !boulder, in brown, navy, cardinal and maroon. In 3 lots. $1.39, $l.49, $1.69 Boys' Hose Strong, bard -wearing black cotton rib school Stockings, in all sizes, 6 1-2 to 10. Spacial school opening price 30c pair Fair Days Special Silk, Serge and Tricotine Dresses that have just arriv- ed. In the season's latest stylet. On special display Fair Days. $16.50 ... 4, ial a. AflereM. n