The Signal, 1922-8-31, Page 1Psue.*..••••..- 4.1,44tr4
•euro YEAR NO. 34.
GUST 31, 1922
reat Empire Shows, the Biggest and Mos
Goderich Industrial Exhibition, Wednesday, Thar
Native d Aabfeld Township Meets
Trade Death at Barricade
E BESTA native of Aahfell township met
THEdeath In a tragic manner on Thuroday,
Anauat 17t1t, when Mrs. Arnie Morrin-
son of Burks Falls, was fatally lnjur-
111at� Clark Holman 800eives ed during a severe electric storm at
Barrledale. Mrs. Morrison, whose mai-
Letter ?rem Irriend Testify- den name wag Elisabeth Ante Arm-
strong, was the eldest daughter of the
ins late Robert and Mrs. Armstrong and
was horn on the 12th contention of
Ashfield, forty-two years ago. It is ab-
out thirty years darn the family nom_
e1 to Rark'g Falls where they hare
since resided and of a family of eleven
this is the arat break since the death
of Mr Armstrong twenty-three years
ago. Of the union with her bereaved
"We found the roads all through
'dello very good Indeed. but the
oda through Huron county. I think,
teen the best of ■IL"
In these worda a recent visitor to
Aerie" pays tribute to the highways
this county In a letter to County husband • family of Ave children sur -
irk 'idioms. The vtxttor wax Mr. rive. They are Elva. Duncan, Mona.
!ask E. Halla, Se rotary -?measurer of Ana1e and Aubrey, all •t home. Her
P (Garter -Halls Atdfnger Company of mother and the following brother* and
givers and hander., and a former •latera, most of whom reside In the las-
pt1-of Mr. Holman, and a brother of mediate neighborhood. also mourn her
e isle P. T. Ha1•, who ran a dont loss. They are David. George, Minnie,
d oboe denatures In Goderkh several Mrs. Martin Mefaughlin, Morse, Sank.:
NM age. 1 Meq, Mrs, Nekton Cripps; Rachel.
Mr. Halle called on Mr, Holmes re-' Mrs. 'Hugh Yams; Robert; Ella. Mrs.
utly while on an auto trip through George Morrison, Vinland; William:
Marin and on his rrtebsrn to Wlnni. (lame, Midland: Pearl, Mrs. C. Gould -
g he wrote hie old school teacher leg. The dory of the tragedy as report-
followa: fed In the Barba Falls Arrow is • pelt-
' e all enjoyed our trip through elle met k weber of workers had
darlo very much. and i enjoyed meet- withered to make preparation to eater
I my old friends. The little visit I to the needs of those who would geth-
1 had with yen was particularly hap-, er toy as after000n of recreation and
, -1 am lorry that i eoald not have'.gMft .The pkrrle was being held is aid
Wed longer. 1 hope. however. that 1 of the Crippled Soldiers and , flallors
iy be ahle to slat Ooderlch again of '&creel had t een
have a longer vlelt with you eat y
•e. The afternoon we left yes we derets meg •p whelks thnn.
ly tateuded going as tar as Kin- elnod is of rain whl.b bieneed the
Mine;' hot we found the roads 00 lightly.raled holiday pokers to seek
rd and made such good progress
it we welt through to Owen Sound,
'ting there in time for dinner We
ant the night there, and the suit {{Ing struck 1n the very midst of
I drore over to a mummer resort the groupt wasp of t to
the Georgian nay just beyond Ca-.-� (roma tib who had
good and spent the afternoon at n,,d di were aide to ren -
place called Wangs Beech. The der esaistanee t< was found that some
It day we drove over to Port Me• in. were sass or lea seriously In-
tio11 and took the C. P. R. tont from jure/Mrs Archie Morrison, •.wbo had
we. We found the roseie all through been helping is tip preparation of the
tarts very good indeed, but the made toirectbnery stand
ough Huron county, I think, were afraid end was 4/•thone
Wn by
1 best of all." lar gaa/ilkd " ""R Wog terra
what they s l r tbe lea-
f') Wilk that tetrtiytIag raptatty
wit* which meth events always wear
iSHFiFILD, Aug. 70. -Mrs. Bain,
.Detrolt. has returned home after Ing the past two months at the
of Mrs. Kenneth Maclror.
Isabelle MaeKenaie. of Klntall.
Eng in Stratford this week
Ji N. McKenzie. of laugher, In.
friends In Ohio. vending
Brown. of Detroit. is ending
vacation at her home it I.oeholxh.
i*- C. ltct regor and family. of
holt, hare- \returned after spending
1 summer mipuths with Mr. and Mr*.
Met 1)renm , Ashfield,
Ir. and Mr'., Mnrdo•k MacKenzie.
11rankon. Min.. are rislting old
Mads and aequalntancee In Ashfield.
belie, Aug 11_-M(Lly M.-quoit!
awed home Mata after /spend-
' pend-
' tweek with at Whlle-
Ir. tad Mrs. yen • od
event Sunday at Mr. John
a, of Laurier,
Jean (:dawn returnrei to her
Stratford on Saturday, after
few week.. with- friends
Mrs. Richard Twamley, of
spent Sunday at the home of
flay t Kilpatrick returned home
aday;. iter spending her vacation
&tends at Minden.
frank Finnigan, of Seaforth,
the home of Mrs. Robert
on Tuesday.
Mrs. \Vtlli.m Mc(onnel
Jame.. Finnigan's et Don..
V1. of (kmierkh, vis-
a Mr. William Due.
the cors meet at Mr.
elet m'a on Friday even -
have a gook time
her were retwetaatly L'ored to
pronovaee life extinct.
WF•STFIELD, Aug. 31. -The West-
field Epworth i.eagne and Circle
haring ■ social erening on Mr. James
Tunny'a lawn, on Thursday evening.
August 31st There is n god program
prepared, atter whieh there will 1* a
cern mast and light refrohmente nerv-
ed. Admission 10 and 20 Bents.
Arbor. Elva and Mabel Walden have
Jest returned from 'letting with Luck -
now friends.
MIAs Annie Blair Is slatting with
Strathroy friends this week.
lir_. Frank Campbell had the slater -
tune to break his arm
CARLOW, Aug. 20. -Mrs. A John -
etch has gone to Toronto to bit her
daughter. Mee. G. W. Patterssm, and
will also take In the C. N. Exhibition.
Mr Conners, etndent of Knox Col-
lege, but who has been laboring among
Getting Ready for Arrival
Of Great Empi
lee Travelling Midway in Canada
friday and Saturday, September 6, 7, 8 and 9
Advance Agent and Bill Poster Reach
Wednesday Evening to Prepare
Of Their Attractions
Active preparations are already remise way for ted
Empire Shores which will furnish the ratdway atttadiswr
Fair. The Empire Shows will arrive in Goderirb M Nimes/
their medal train and work will be Iaeredkatag IMAM ht
thing in readiness far the grand opening an Waimdajt A
eolorful midway will be featured by the Great iEnphe
asst of a m.aiaseth Gerry-gerwad. ferric wheal, ami
a pleasing array of side shows whist will prove entertaining.
struetave. Notable among the will be Captain Terve'
a beautiful 11 avian Village Show, a saartster Tem ha
variety of other pleasing features. Tbe Goderieh Vain $mega.
leaving no stone unturned to insure the simian at the Pale
wiliest saying that a midway attraction d quality wish as liras
Maws are acknowledged to be during the present sett ue pollt
t.padty throngs Burin[ its engagement and the ,Illi
Mr. Walter Schilling, adesire agent far the
Mr. Thomas Kennedy, their billposter, arrived Weistltter
far the wiry of tits attractions.
RF.L1NS, Aug. 20.-. Mra. Pfi►ti'
Cranston and ova Ronald, are Walton"
with Fort F.igin friends.
Mrs, A. ('lark, who ham event her va-
ration here, intrude leaving for Harlot -
loon on Friday. Mlle will apeud a sew
adaystNawitpierh. her sister, Moo. Mackintosh
We are pleased to hear that Hugh
Menary who underweut in operation
in Winghain hoepital for appendicitis,
is improving nkaly.
M. and Mrs. Within' Mo/jailll•i, and
Robert, Mary and Mlldre,t, motor.d
to Orangeville •u Saturday.
beiMra. Robert Murray, of Lucian. 1s
l • visitor with her sisters, the Mis.w
i St1.rt, Murray and t'amerlu,
1 Mian Gladys Webb is ludidnying at
tbe lake at Kincardine.
Tbe Harris Ml•dlon Baud will hold
Heir regular wising In the church,
ea Saturday, September 22nd, at 2.70
*'clock. All the girix are wel.•oom.e.
Mrs. Charles Dentin, returned from
asotor trip to Guelph and other elute
ting members of her fataily.
Mrs Morrison of Went Wawanlsh,
h a visltor with Miss Ruth Phillips,
for a couple of weeks.
-- Mra, Joe Anderson 1.. visiting friends
In Toronto.
Miss Irene Lynch is suiting friends
hear Hamilton,
Death •f Mrs. Samuel Phillips 1
A highly redeemed resteh•ut of
ern Wawano•h wits called away by
on Augnst 17 1n the person of
Ann Gaunt, wklow of the late
Phillips who pe extend her
lees than two years ago. Mrs.
wax toothed to bed for two
before her death, and taro
Illness with patient re.
She was born sixty-one
in Wed Wwanosh, to that
was passed within the town -
of • gentle and kind
And greatly lured by all
rnntact with her. She
t and faithful member
roan .church at St. Hel-
years of wedded lite
a f thtul wife, a
DUNGANNON, Aug. Y), --J. 11 Me -
Nab. Dr. Orme anti BJ. Crawford went
to Toronto on business on Tuesday.
The? will. In all pro/mild:1y, attend
the exhibition while there.
Mise Bguaett, of Montreal, 141 visite
tog hes Cant and uncle, Mr, •and MMe1
A E. Treleaven.
My.. Whin D{•vidaon is vi
of Ja
fences here.
r; 1. Cleary and ,
are elating
Agnea std Mr.
. t „ Mar( Y.frleodto Toronto and Galt.•nSunday with
Y i
Mrs. McXab and son Jack.
ed home from Michigan last w
Rev. H. B, Campbell retu
Tuesdag from 8udxtsry.
Bev, D. Douglas
the old Iketbodlat lbarsii
O. Allen. He purposes ha
ed into e, narbth ball. t
begin In the near fa
The new bake shop
In tap awiai, and
new $idtMtry to rear
pee ttas
be Qre , an orale.•te.
miring a large public net
T. G. Allen has improved
to rn
rr Wrests Mary
in /a
rult. pant a Eying
Salinity Vet.
Mr. C. stats of
in Ash
Wrote, bonald Iden
is vbiltiag at the
ISasaU Town Lite
The census figures of small towns
in Canada reseal a high average of
' wealth, taxes that compare In ratio
with those in large communities, and
general good economic standing. One.
fifteenth of Canada's population 1s
housed in villager and towns from
one to three thousand, yet the gen.
rel disposition a to regard these
little communities of small account.
They way be county towns, township
centre's, railroad volute, or just agrl.
cultural marketing cud distributing
centres, but they are an Important
part of the couutry'a general economic
lite and and only adequate local lead-
ership to make them much richer in
color and life, and more proaperous.
In the 2)4(1 towns between. one and
three thousand population, there Is
taxable property ss+eea.ed at S227,-
000.000. The average per capita, is
'$5741. The real value may be put
at twice that much or half a billion
dollars. Thew small communities hare
wealth, relatively speaking, but new
often do the young ripple migrate
to the larger cities' as rolsraq they con
leave home' Outarfo his ismuntiesoo
towns which the young roma,. term
"dead." lairds In them complain there
are no nice young men -these have
flown to plates of more /mooniest op-
portunity. Small town life otter. is
monotonous breathe of petty jealousies
and cliques that prevent co-operation
in the creation of amnwments. How
many of throw towns hare ilhrnrtes,
'suitable rink'', tennis courts. a re_
erection field fitted up, a community
dancing hall. a literary so.'lety, or
other aid to youthful enjoyment? In a
small town laiot is (-heap. and building'
are espy to obtain. But leadership
In creation of clubs, societies, or assoc-
sano-!ration in often the great ytek. Com -
=unity leadership is the great need
of hemi -rural ('masa.
The motor car has been of l.menee
help In allaying the unmet of emelt
town youth. Sporting eventt and soc-
ial attractions in neighboring towns Ile.
come accessible. Rut when the motor I
ear so much ado transit, the obligation
en commuolty leaden to create fresh
ata is theeyated. If the Fath.
0e a ieu:he i^riT lIpsi intA' tarn*
whom the remora figures `*how to- le
financially able to create opportunit-
ies of oriel enjoyment. world pay
more attention to the desires of youth.;
they would find a mulch stronger dis-
position by the boys and girls to stay
at home. instead of noshing, at first
awe of the hakesh.rp and R'lllbtm Mc-
Clure's store by adding a coat of pal•lt.
Several others bare taken the hint and
are nm► engaged in brightenli.g up
their residences.
BLYTH, Aug. 31. -An old and high-
ly esteemed r. tIjIent of Blyth, In the
person of John McComb, passel :.way
on August 17th, in his ninety-third
year. He was a resident of Morrie town_
ship for fifty years. and in 1001 mor-
ed to Blyth with his only brother
&mem: who- died in 1008. Me, Me l�erea
never marriedand during the pet,
hid niece. Mies Janet MoComh, affec-
tionately eared for him In his -failing
Mess's. leemrsd McDonald and Win.
Mountain were home from Detmit to
attend the funeral of the late (Hirer
Murphy on Monday of :hon week.
body la welcome,
(Fro* another
ing le the order of the de
Mr. net Mrs. Pater Ma
ily motored from Ptttstourg,atad !pert
■ week visiting Aahfi'-I'l frleads,.
Mrs. .Atpenlighter, et ['roans. gent
a few tiny. visiting Mr anal Mrlk. Ste-
phen Martin,
Mr. and Mr.. Thome- Ioreua(ta intent
Sunday with Mr. and Niro. Jaeeph 0' -
lair Thomas Sullivan. our ede/toed
eonneillor. built a very Isantlful and
substantial bridge On the soot" read,
north def Kinahridee,, Keep as your
good work. Tum.
Mr. and Moo. Wiliam 1'. Lotman and
Mr, and Mrs. Stoplwn Martie, ind
fancily spent Sunda? vi -ging Mr. Wan.
.1. Hogan's.
Mrs Thomas Drennan made a filing
trip to G.wltrich one shay tido week.
lir. Esl. I;urn and Mr. George I.
lirenna are taking In Toronto Fair.
et r Vox. Sark. George ort
Went Wawcnosh, and John, 'LiAyd,
Rath and Vernia at home. Much sym•
iettky 1m felt for the sorrowing family
who have lost both parents within the
cast two years.
ASurrrELD, Aug. 21. -Council met
on above date, all members present.
Minutes of July meeting read and on
motion of Jamieson and Farrlah were
adopted and signed by the Reeve. On
motion of Farrish and Campbell the
clerk wax instructed to write the
Crown Attorney regarding bylaw No.
14, 1921. The Henderson Deals By-law
was then read and provisionally adopt-
ed. On motion of Famish and Sullivan
the following bills were ordered paid:
Wm. Draper, Atop claim, S20.00: T.
Garvey, sheep valuator, 112.00; T. Smi-
ley, work on sidewalk. 111335; John Me
Nabb, cement for sidewalks, 884,70;
Wm. Brown, balance on bridge, Road
S, $011.00; T. Shackleton, tnap.etlug
bridge mad, $'15.00; R. A. (:rant part
pay on breakwater, read 1.1210.00 J,
McAdam, gravelling lake road 1. $13(1)
G. Drennan. filling at bridge, mad No. 3
855.00. M. McKenzie, fn'speting lake
road, $7.50: Alex. lbinh*r, grading hill
road 5, 135,00; R. McKeuzle, limped --
lug and grading lake road, $57.00; John
Scott, grareling road 3. 23)1.(0; T. Ter-
gusnn, repairing corner. road 1, 3711)
F. Anderson. file culvert. road 1, $7.00;
R. Nixon. tale culvert, road 1, $8.73:
J. A. McDonngh, raking stones, road 1,
*1.00: John Campbell. iniepeeting road
2. $(1.(0; M, Austin, ops day `boor,
8200; Robert Menry, cleaning ditch.
rod 4. 81.50; T. (laiser. repairing cu1-
vert, road 5, $2.30: ('lerk, for elrepplles,
87.33: James Henderson, road tile.
8313.2.1; Ww: Twaairy. gnuvelling
road, 1441.(1): T. Robb In ie.•tl-tg recd.
120.(0. On motion of Jamieson and
Campbell council adjourned until Sep-
tember lath. C. P. Mcllinagh, Clerk.
nicipal Council of Township of Wept
Wawsnosh met on the abore date,
membeng all present, Rewe Naylor
presiding. Minutes of July lith were
read and approved on 'notion by For-
ster and Taylor, On motion ;.y Medd
and Parr. township rate atrnck at
0025 milli. on the dollar and By-law
No. 3 was reed three times and passed,
on motion by Taylor and Forster, This
lty-law Is for the purpose of levying
and colleting the several rater of tax•
yyItt tthegmuntetpallty. Icy -law No.
I f'f1Mrk; 'wig[." read leffsem e .R Taped'
ted fidget Gadd Paas. ►
ed, on motion bymid sed Carr. Mo-
' tide by Medd and itatr that Council
pay cost of tib at kiln for drain ac-
ross roadway betwleten lots 15 and 18
concession 2. Carried.
Motion by Taylor and ('arr that
Connell lay cost of repairing Andrews
award draIn screw roadway. 1'areed.
On motion by Meld and Parr Recounts
to the amount of x1!49.07 were passexl
and paid. All statute Igloos 011 path -
ma. tors' lista not returned on or he -
horn the ISth day of September will
be eluarged on 1'elIector's Roll. Council
adjourned to meet on September l2th.
William J. Thompeaan, Clerk.
Li'CKNO\V. Ang.:t1. \ir. and Mrs.
Thomas Abell. of \!'Ingham, changed
their pace 111 address Inst week to
Ism -know, where Mr. Abell Ions been
appointed to represent the imperial
Oil Company. MIs. Bessi.• Abell will
rem:aIn in \Gingham where she is or-
ganist at St. Paul's church, amt Mr.
Rost Abell will also remain in Wing -
ha m
Het ready fee Decoration ay
The cemetery committee of the town
Council request that portico owning
plots in the cemetery to meet on the
afternoon of Labor Illy for tIe per-
pos. of fixing tliem up prior to Dec-
oration Day' 011 Sunday, September
the miners In B. ('., aereptahly filled •
the pulpit of the Preshyterhn church -
on Sunday est.
The annual pkrrk of the Sunday who were defeated by Wingh 1111 at Clinton on Wedne(tday by Hilae store of 6-4 bi the Hairs same
Mr. and Mrs Charles Wilson and second round in the North Wellington League Semi -Pistils.
hahe, are visaing ■t "Bide -a -wee," the
home of the former''. parents. Mr, and
Mra. Allen Wileon.
The farmers are shipping two car-
load• of grain this week. 11'e a gaol
sample and should bring a good privy,
Miss Mary Robertson. pritclpal of
Glenview 'whoa]. Niger.' Falls,. Ont.
la risiting her sister. Mrs. E. -Fisher,
. - The Purity Flour Baseball Team of-Goderkh
school will be held on !ohm Day.
Mra. Geo. Peke and son Jaek are vis-
iting Mr. Martin Price in Stratford.
Mins Ma. -Vicar ham returned from
Toronto and Buffalo where she attend-
ed the millinery openings.
egiate Ines
rete Re -opening
inetitnte will mopes
23 on Tuesday. Sept. 3,
Clollegiete, hfFit,rrle• pro-
' Color e up{ to Find
ITnicentiry Mar rieule-
ors in all the hranch-
gcood GvmersI Gonne
ting Diplome granted
Report/nerd, conducts
Trial Omer wall
cots who have jnat
School Entrance end
(hon is not sufficient
()AMP braider giving
Book -kee •
ent for all ordinary
• mneb wider eines-
Wed in B.tstn,aa Col-
t's genera) edneetion
Gengrsp4/t A
tion t
of Rook
ipuog, (ams
Rapid OnJcoI•
Tose Onm
able charge of
menial Specialist
this work. The other
der • corn staff
proved abill ty.
No Gems Mss are chimed for tsist
and tnanty "tridents. A nominal .batt,
of $2.(D Ie mode for mat ttah Qr'arvided
for Second Year Onm,nssiel SbWents
and of x1.011 for chemk•M nand by
stridents in chemistry clams.
The srhonl has had e*oepttnnaliy gn.rd
Taenia this year and • large Karam
clams is expected.
Prtnefpel Hanle will he pinned to meet
Use meets of intending sldenes Mn die -
once the Oosiere. advisable.
wn*tion, and Algebra, in a(idi-
directly Commercial auhjeet
ng, Shorthand, Typewrit-
1 taw, Writing, .:orree-
rcial Arithmetic and
ta are under its
Brill, a C0u1-
earpartanoe in
re un-
lit" of
of the
chance. to the supposedly gayer life
or the large cloy. -Mall and Empire
• A "&eadtive Spot
According to New York newspaper.
"Me('oy w -ax struck several times in
the fracas -and twice between the
lunch ,-./outer and the cn,h register."
Nor Is M.i'ny the first to resolve it I --
cruel blow In that general region, The Governments will show au un -
especially 11 the restncrant happenedusually wide range of exhlbltw and
to he a ialtlonahie one.-Yxuilietdt•moh,trations at the Canadian Nat-
('s,mp:sMon. 1 lotlnl Exhibition this year.
I See By The Signal
tipper Row-Ostirgee Biitling, L. Hayuel. C. Cooper, B. 3lurgeon, J. Young.
Wank) Rni1 i. I ieset; S.'1-oojrer,--Fie T;inn`lujr (,:ups mi). W. Ruin*, (C t t, • h) , t .
J. McWro 11, P.' McCarroll
S. trwiil%AMaacotj
i'ri lhaoi,
That if yon are one of thole Rutenunbile
owner. salts h'alize that your ear semis
the scientific skill 0f an expert you ahonld
gra to Rt7t: \''illiants. Page 4.
That Stnith'n Art Ston' have a apilendid
ael.ctiot of picture. atol picture frame
noonkling.. See parte 7.
That %Vnker C. l'ridhaut offer. shout
25 bwoys snits at gxc•ial cls -lying prices.
111. ad. a 011 ielge' 4.
That 11 Rohn" offers minced pricer on
nwen'm nal boys' clothinc. body and
shoes. Hc. daring tow fall fair days.
see page .'•.
Tint sit Cnrnfh-II', nooivereory .ale
ends on Thursday, 1•npwonher 7th. Hew
totem!. on Mage 9.
That the lldlel Th. -stem omicron for
next seek include. \Viol. '4. II.rt,
I.:tgene (1'itrkn moil Raster Keaton.
That on excellent nwe.rtment of high
grade footwear in every line r..n
twined at Herts'. Hoot 14410 p ' rose• .i
That dream, itdebt, middies and
Morten' are among t •(seri.;- ta'ola "(-
fere(' at the C.db•lhie slam' Page b .r
That Porter's Book -torr in pn-p.ared
far althorn' opening with • hill stock of
aclxwol aupppplice, l'mgr:f.
That Meli'sn Ito* are .dvertiaing
School Solite for 14oyr at Pt (11 to $12 in
Shy paten.
That Women's For Trimmed Coats err
one of the feature.. in W. Acheson and
stn's n.(1. on age 2.
That the new fall stork is here hi splen.
did array at the R•nai ladies' Ready-
to- \Veer (:o. 4.
That there are only three more nig), s
at the pscilinn at What the rggnrar rat4
che•p'ni will play. See ads. on pager
3 Anil 10.
That Ff. C1Dnnlnp will glue gond ter -
vice in developing, printing and en -
horsing. Seehis ad nn pone 5.
That F. C. Robertson, Jeweller, is now
in his new stand on the tipnare next to
Lee it Hardware, and is atnannneing sone
worth -while speciaals for ftir work. env
peg.• 3.
That 11e Font Car 1. the Scot choice
of tire man who apprreintew value. See
P..1 ►f.cF:wan'a scion pore ft
That the Mao y -Harris Binder makes
neati.sdpnano bnttwi slwevca of any dad mil
mine end pita the bares) where you want it
with tall or short grain. MO Aebt. N al-
ann'a ad.nn pare a
That the 1'nivenwl Mi11in•r Store w ill
open 1n ties premiere recently orcnpied
by Mr. F.. O. Rnhertsnn after September
Atli. Soo the w.l nn velar 3
That yah s►nn.tkl not send the boy or
girl off In school mat week with imler-
e't eyesirht. A. 1.. Cole's ad, appr•e's
, ou page IS.