HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-6-27, Page 8New Rand Orgaeir.+' .,-' The Citizens' 1udepeude.11. 11.1 :t the name. of alio new bad o, rn: • - tlen recently formed L Goder.. it. Tllia new organization which Inelutls alsoot twenty IAafere will give their first weekly concert this (Thursday) evening in the Square. The following is the personell of this new figaniza. • tip,, : Honorary president. Dr. W. F. Gather ; honorary vice president, Rev. Fatter Guam; honorary secodl vice president. G. W. Black; prweident, I►avid Thompson; vice president, Clam. Tweedie: secretary -treasurer. K. A. 8psrr; tamIsmen, Thos. Walters., lead- er ; E. A. Spurr. ¶'ha. Ranee. 8. Port- er, R. Henry. I►.: Thompson. .1. Huck - fns, Godfrey James, Clyde Carter, Syd- ney Palmer, J. Chisholm, II. Watson, A. Curry, Rol. Johnston, F. Miller, G. Gentler, H. Neweoobe, C. Tweedie, Geo. James. PUBLIC NOTICE To the Citizens of the Town of (icderich Wednesday, August 2nd, 1922 having tett. fixed by Bylaw N. 21 it 11108 as CIVIC HOLIDAY all citizens sew rrquooteif '0 ge.vrnt UwIete.t'se accon',iogly. I_ 1_ KK10X, E. It Tenn 17erk. Mayor. s -- i IManalltallMaa M.1 I1 RIED (: U Ht3 17 -Mel • •('1" -At the Me•h- o0lu 014 l.oade,rlror., on 1117 re 1►T' R. Qabpt Gladys. &settler of aUr. fad ra A MuCo.• to Noreen Parka Cho - rest. FINE CLOVER'' CCHONEY 1944A-5 16. pall, .,s„(ji.,.._ 71e. 10 Ib, puff, ., 4,03l.so For parties briuging their own palls, honey in I:Se. a pound at the N unwries, tf7EWART 11 ROS., Ite:un i fier'Nurseries. I Rural phone (Dungy win) o r 7. C•dbnru. Illunicil.al A pun 135. CARD OF THANKS. -MR .AND MIM. Ed. Lynn wish to thank their trieads for their kindness in deli sudden ions of their little son Jack CARD OF VIA.' er -441DEIIIRF 1(5 thank tW ni ..-1 1 s t t.; . ...,•1. ale. (Lir •'• • . • ti•,• . .?•-.. .111tW FRISCH-'rtai .MP$ON.-Is Peetlas. I " ]Il h lu t Wttral hiethodbt . .1 " eh Aarurda7. July 22Annie •• ". daughter of Mr. and Ja. • v' e " Thompson, of Nrie. 11..11 • la 4151:31,1 Faacb, of Pji, '* We. w- IJ.r:i Ithat;(;.1ttTt! -Is t;,.(rrd b. •• .I .y. Jc.,r " . 1! :".. 31.44 Ten. we'. ttof T.t:,uats ! - her ;•:;rd year. 11.1.F.AX-- " ,'ra I:w, • tittles guaranteed. BOX 400, • • : is. on T a:J«7' July" • •nth. 3-11 Th.2. ('alt. WL. LI. 3IIEIwaa in kis 0.1th year. r their malei...( Ulneu. .111.1 •.... .,1111,'.,p; .i.a, ii. - 1!''11.0 DAN WEAN' rear t."1CIE %vYa.t. t:t•1.1..\41--I'artirw in need '•.4 water ahonlli see Wm. Hopper 'whooperinea an up-to-date drilling rebut. Oas power. Terms reasonable. I WANTED (7t.v P.P.-At Hattee.ackt 14. Y.. on- -- Tue•stday. July 11, Frederick Alfred WA (lED. Teseher for scLcwl scr- l'rabb, oldest eon of the late Chola- tion No. 0, ('olhorne Township. topper and Jsuet Cribb, of Gode- holding a second-class certitlsate. rink. 1 I)rr•' at to commence September 1st. A;.piy, stating 'salary expected. to HI►RACE lit►HTON, R. R. `.e. 3. IN MEMORIAM Oodertch. tf Rt.IIDTT-IN LOVING MEMORY ROOMS WANTED-4104/MING AC - el Illeltorld _Elliott, Assn tiatiae-aha- ~flea for three peewees want. el who left ns one year ego, Td a beellr in 'lode/rt.-h. not nrcew July 30110 rarity near the lake fur two wick« In Angs,st. B. yea 1111131 he reasonable. Where the eon never seta nor the 'Pelelrbme THE 81GNAI. or write P.O. tluwere. t Box MI, t;ulerich. 1•t He le with the Redeemer icer from trouble and lain Where fa God's own good time TO T We will ■11 nowt ■gain. Gone but not fergetten. WIFE ANi) FAMILY. THOMPSON.-In loving m.rtxrry of nor dog' alga and brother. Walter J. Thompson, who pasw.l away nine year'. ago, July 28th, 1911. Hew we mime your amnia* face ' ( Hut you left .ua to rimrmher None en earth can tate your plane. You have left this forth mf sorrow Ansi you are free fnem pain aha harm Note you roast in prove and .v.mfort 1n the Itlr,wwl Savu.ntr. arab«. The day. are sail without yogi ' And nothing seems Just right A face we dourly loved has gone A heart so kind and bright, -- But Mere 1. anemone who will linger Around the spur where Toe Sr, laid Who will come sash scatter dowers' On the gratis tlmt Charlet has made. HIS JAWING i'AItE\Tia. 41l8T::Rd AND Itit YTHEIW. FUR SALE 1,101114ES tail( :4A1,19 -.4 114ttt1) SIX - room house un Napier street, with mod foundation, all remodelled six years ago. Apply cot premisea or to Jas. WILE1', corner ,t Victoria and NaJiler streets. 28-9t Fill :SALE. --.4 sl•LHNIID NINE - roomed brick house, excellently Ioeate,I. corner Montreal and Water- koo street... three lots, modern 'maven'. entre. fireplace. good furnace. Apply HAI'S & 1f.\TY, Itarrtst$f.j Hamilton street, Ooderiub. 2$-4t i "LE ---SECOND 41AND LC/l- bw iia gad esndltba. Bo C. HUN - Nixon. Phone 1119. 2-1 HORSE Felt SALE. --Cheap, medh,m rise. Work any wlwre. quiet and safe. I'rie ten 71011nrs. Ree J W. ARM- STRONG. above Harenns' Fair. 14 FOR SALE:. - (►NE WHTTM ROTARY Sewing Machine. one Singer sewing tnnddne. slightly used, one plonn- graph, table size•, with twenty-one re - re rd., severed pier's of turn lttire taken In exchange for new furniture. one mold mak extension table, very large, will west eighteen, Mae largo ,•nrtrh, "mild oak frame. A11 the Above In very beet ev,ndltlon. and ens token In exchange for new gond... Ap- ple' tit WALKER'S F1'KNITI'itE STORM. 1•t KV4 1 SODUIOR. 01 ? Tax Collector I BALD Iwo ■d dater. enproates tnet!. i Darla. hi leas teem la eistwetisa (oaallri_ $ an les $ mater and apt commission, water latea,81182.01t akM,•t llgbtl Way and Jose, illtr2.47, for July $8$7.49; tank oar of tarvia B, $ISIIMSIt The Arc committee reported that all abs building applications referred to Mem hail Igen parsed. The report was adopted as read. The following building permits were pcferrtrl to the fire committee with power to act in urgent casts : shing- ling kitchen, on Warren street, 0.1 Ssugrldge; foundation work, on South street, J. it. Orr ; repairs to cornice, Bank of Commerce; garage, on Elgin avenue. Dr. Hoare; reshingling roof, os Regent street, Thomas Sturdy; ver- andahs, on Trafalgar street, Geo. Westbrook; shingling house, on New- gate street, M. Schwann; reshtngling roof, on Arthur street, Mrs. Ellsa Rnt- ysge; skylight for kitchen, Britlah este, rho Wing; garage, on Colborne slttreet. J. W. (;ralgie. I*ieaoeW Statement for June, Godo. - rich, 1922 RECEIPTS Balance en May 30th $ 7 00 Taxes -1920, $100: 1921, 21800 1900 00 Rents -J. E. Drennan. freight shed !Ines -Motor Vehicles AM... 30 00 Miscellaneous 7 90 90 Cemetery Board of Healtb-{'oUeet 00 of ga mare 28 50 4.I 28 50 Louse from Bank Ttw regular mooting Mistiest Aessoci tit 'Poen Hall, Hayfield, on Wedneseisy, July 19(11, with a large number of the medical men of the county and others In attendance. Reeve A. E. Erwin gave a short address of welcome to the Association. after which Dr. Wflllan►i. Superintendent of the Hospital for Epileptics, at Woodstook, gave a very interesting address on epilepsy. Dr. Woods also gave an address qn "Mee tal Disorders." After the meeting the doctors were very pleasantly en'er- talued at luncheon by Dr. Woods on his lawn. The doctors In atteu-:u nee from outside the county were Dr. 8mk11, of Mitchell; Dr. Tian ,in, of London, and Dr. Struthers. .vletlical Director of the Workmen's Comps -sea - tion Board, Toronto. Japro, ou waw orld at the GODERICH TO'r'NSHIIP II The Ladles' Aid of Ttylor'e ''orr,.ts will hold its next w. -••fug on We i.v.- day, August 2nd, ai s:.e' churn n a' trip p.m. 5 00 I WEST * .1 W COMM 'T C WEST w' a W&.N(sill. Jai/ 14- Cout►cll a.• t. s...o . -.te ss per ad- journm.t.: Jour ' ,.r,, t;eeve Naylor preoldl' a rh. satinets. of June 18th • as appented. on motion • six ler-tar. W..1. Thump. - - :seri(.pro tem on met - est '-, and h,- Sims As) , . o•: ter 1: ,its. .N ra WD. P'11 - e:vi idem -.•'r .••. 41 Ia Ex t•E,N-017 "1111;1 aellArlos ...e .- .w` p:..•. • ...moats i ] ••h;•• tv ... ll fl t n• ..cess a 14;4 ire t r ... II la ail l • • w Iatutwt is t Ri •., jlEilf'$f king Park Hulei ,' / 'y Thane tit M►'s..•.F-•'1ar11a 3.'tlh Health... •1 , T, Chicken Dinner Bliwefaneena . 6ti mews • Heibed Hair 1 The Zurich Herald condemns the bobbed hair in no uncertain terms. Of ewurs a it isn't compulsory to -agree. But read ' "The bobbed hair cut has become s popular fall with the ladles a Ili I.,oks something like a Ford car without a top. or in other words a rooster that bas been robbed of his tail If nature would not allow the ha' of eur fru- Wu to grow any longe would spend all kinds of money 1 .rare It grow, yet while Providence ha.. gut• •n woman hair for an le nor and ;entity, they are It off. An old adage says •'if people go crazy they snarl at the head." It sure makes the head fighter and eertaiuly shows lightheadedness." «. 11 ; 00 THE REASON WHY ANEAMIA PREVAILS The Strenuous Conditions of Life To -day Responsible. Mothers w•hei remark that girls to- day are more prone to amtemis .than the girls of a generation ago. should -blot bark at the surrotmdings In which they and their eomp.tnions tired. They would easily oar 1110 reason in lifer altered eircumstauers todlay._ --_ WPM J 111('tsRrf )ctrl trilt-IP wore atrewams; her more trameruun atndtcw are a ...•Pere rex upon the strength. Also, girls enter business star after leaning ss•iwal,-at an Age when they mist need rest and stride• 111., Their womanly derelogment e ' x011 cwt ts+- the. stress of working ex, .mrried and often' scanty cora. Girls are more liable ter bloodlessness to•1uy, but there 1s this consolation lation that this con- dition is 00* more easily reinedh'd then in the year.. past. Such tnwllclnp .01 Ur. 'William's' fish rills hare heipwl thous/mils of weak. IIIMemlc girls and women. simply Weans* they contain the elements n1•l'eeeiar7 to enrich the blood which mean* goal health and vitality. This he proved by the' statement of Nitta Eldora Acker, lake Pleasant, N.N., who says :-"i shall be glad If ,sotue other ailing girl will profit by myt prperleue,• wh it1)11. N'illianni I'ink fills. I w•a« very much run down; my face was pale not there were dark circles around my eyes. My Apletire was had, and i h:1d no am- bit ion to do anything or go about. 1 had /e ev• before been helped by lir. Willi*m1' !'ink fills and derided tut : try thein again. It proved p wise de- cision, for in less than two months' time i felt in every w•a7 better: 118,1 a splendid aplwtlte, the tined feeling disappeared. And I can work with en- joyment. Naturally I think there is no better medicine for young girls than Its N'{Ilfstus' J'Ink I'ills." You 11111 procure Dr. Williams' i'Ink Pin. through any dealer In meIndite oar they will 1s• sent to you by mall A :10 rents a lox or six bole« for 12.:13 zwiNing direct tri The IM. Wflilam. ; dM•I1w t o., Broekyllie, Ont. i Fish and ('hie':. n Dinner. •t: l is. served r•v''-r%-n;..!ay evening frau S;:Ifs 1.1 a3 :9. sw.541ti. tritest been take. t.'keep our dinners rap to the high stwndani tet in the past. Kindly Idone341 for reservations W. E J. MURPHY. Manager. thank.. to the council for their kind- 1 with tits a sac❑ til fluad the dlffer- mess in the sad bereavement which Int positions of trust that were eu- had come to them. The Reeve and trusted to •him for thirty odd veers evsutt filers expressed their wrrow cour- t erning the clerk's vacant chair through the sudden death of Mr. 11'al'a'r A. Wilson on July Tth and ..n motion of ('nrr and Forster the Reeve and Tree- wirer were dlreeted to draft a letter of condolence to Yrs. Wilson and d .ughter. After considerable . Aiwa* non It was moved by Naylor and s - j ondeJ by Felreter that the council auk 'for tenders for clerk. It was moved I In amendment by Medd and Carr that W. J. Thompson be shark for the ha1- anee of the late W. A. Wilson's term. The amendment carried Accounts to the amonnt of 11515.211 were passed and ordiwJ Co be paid, ., motion of Carr and Naylor. The •.uncll then adjonrnrd to meet Aug. .5211 at 1 p.m. SVM. J. THOMPSON Clerk. The folhowing tetter of condolence was sent to Mrs. Wilson and daugh- ter by the council: Dear Mrs- Wilson and daughter. - We the member* of the muniell.•1 eoaaeil of the cmrnoratlon of the t, ahip of West 3'. wanosb met t..-a.y In r guitar sea -lou and a deep arrow and gloom rests tipon us which woada cannot express, a recant char is '!t sad reminder that tine we i„ved .tad respected I,,,t passel away. l;u: hu.txind and father. ,our fri-t..1 Ltd •s - secrete. wail not in -so ' lila 04 again. with «n:h eSt1egcy sal falrngrr, as to merit, the approval of the unwell and ratepayers having filled iso office of clerk for nearly thirty yfors. As Dieted, as citisrn and as official he was highly esteemed and respected. Tbo muakdpalitj.bas suffered a great loss. To you, AM loved ones, those words of q'pat3y will come tar abort of what Ws feel The prayer of the eounctt la that He whom he loved and served will be a husband to the widow and a tether to the fatherless in this time of your great sorrow. Signed oa behalf of the a nvie t 1 Ilk R N A 1;1.05, Reeve. WM. .1. THOMPSON. Treas. MIM Gertrude Whitehead. of Toro,, to, L the ghost of her evusine, U Misses Robertson. Victoria street. The Victoria Street Methudtas -)►- flay School will bold their *tit... ,r - n1e at the Harbor Park as C ea U 41• ft y, August Ind_ 'Iltstr••t la _►. +•.. .r 1. sn Tr•d t . t•..► t.. l...L.:. !o Hr. • - + 'h 1+•boi nit, a ala Ljal-r - d• • " .w atr.r. OAR. ••-},K•"- •i God,: .', . •y vt. J...a bath to 1 .t ltd. .v •'• •warn. a l... st r -.F isn •. J•v.1 a•••• Cc p e to CcderichPaces c =_Z Aust 2nd and 3rd a^a at the :.tc h.):3,. -n the Country have _...r.tefe d. ADMISSION rwitep. $3.00. iaclndiag all .rivies.s. General Admissions Adults. 50c ; Childress. 28c 1 Grand 34and, 25c - "••"•.-_-!! - FINAL" GAME in group No. 6, N. W. B. A. Pot' Mama MEd PURITY FLOUR GODERICH Ik AT sao P.M. " ems" __ sc `4 ADMISSION: 4 *tel` No charge for autos. $411, 1'440p ,! k '¢;..fes DON'T MISS THIS GAME - .• 7V1 RENJR-FOi'R It/n)MM AND la pantry hath asci lights• 1■ two. family hem«, third block from Square. Apply on premisra. ('IIARI. eTF A. POLLEY. 110 Lighthouse street. 38-2t 1'0 LET. -A MODERN FLAT. PRI - 11 rate entnnue, hes ted by hot water, over Mr. Tlchltorne's store. For Sale ---50 yards Hrur.As t•srpet. 1 He. frigerwtor. 1 4quar. Helatzma■ 1'tano. I 1 Siouan. Fisher Pians,. loth In gond corn:Wino. at helrgaln pricier. Apply W MiSS NINA TAIL. 224-2t A11RIt,1l$ POR RALE IIs 0s V'oUIVD FOUND. -.11, LADY'S KNITTII0 ,bawl. Oyler may have Name by ea* lug ut $. J. FAR?R'8, Rtgln Ar• 1.(1ST.-BETWEELN °ODEltt( ►i ANI hayfield a small black percketbo4 with Num of money. Lesiva at THE SIGNAL (IF'F'1('E and receive rewar4 LUST. -AN UMBRELLA SOME. wbere on the north side of the Syuars 011 Sunday evening. Fieder please Ms tun(' n c o THE 81 .NAL OFFICE. 14 1.08T. -A 1101"8 GHAT SWEATER. coat at the harbor park or beach on the morning of the Chautauqua picnic. Reward on leaving at THE 81GNAt.' UF'YI('E. 14 1.0ST. - GENTLEMAN'S rocirr'T• Molt. containing as AnNrk'3tt 'xw,'-. d..t!ar.WU Rad Rboet two.diaIl.- ..- attioe --iaq; also ata• ,s. con••. .p rawly !-•wring senor-l-a-tt, __ _ _,. ,•..s: 1.., -..---•'; i.:••• t .r occurs bile. F';:: , r 1, .4.0 %re rat; -, :.t, .t I. ', ti a ':ae • rw. lib •r,.t ,a .. •i 3-t APPLIC.1TioN FOR DiVOR('k: a 1 I'1'1.IC.1''i '(": F'Olt .LJYORC 4 heretV Oren that gest Warren Porter, of the Town Gtslenlch, lu the County of Huron, 1d the Province of Ontario. retum►sd sob Bier. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next aerofoil thereof. for a R111 of Divorce from his wife. Betty Violet Porter, of she City of London, England, on the ground of adukery and desertion. Dated at Goderlch, this 13th day of May, 1922. ERNEST WARREN j'0RT14R., by his aoeettor 5. C. HAYS, Ooderich. AOCTIONEERiNO. F M. ST.ALK1:R, AI'(TIONEER t for hou..bold eases. Ism work. osc.. fag the t'ounty of Huron. AAdrew all communications sc J M. WAL[LR Auburn P. 0. 44.13 LEGAL G. CAMERON, lt. C., 11ARRIfl1- TER, Solicitor, eomry public. Omoe Hamilton street, Godenlek, third door from Square. Trust toads to loan at lowest rates DROCD10 T, K1LLIJRAN' • HOLM 5f(, BARRiSTAHB. SVLiCITORR, TARIF9 PI'BLiC, ■rt. ogles on the t[quare. saved from Hamilton Street, Godeeiei Private funds to loan at rites W. Proadfoot. K. C.. .1. L. Killoraa. Moiler 1S Holmes. CHARLES GARROW, LL D., RA'A. WATER. attorney, none tor, OW., Godericb. Money loaned at lowest re tea ✓ 8£AGE]R. BARRISTER. 9010 {r• ICITOR. notary public and coca veyr neer fMee-!'ourt House, God« volt SALE. -NO. 1 )XXXX B. C. I Shingles -at- Mct:aw st.r10 .1 lowest prIcas. ROBERTai IX AND TREBLED. R. R. No. 5. Codified - von IIAt.F..-A I'ktims.roY1'RKty re ear In grad condition. Apply at THE SIGNAL (4'TICK. 14 POE SALE OR RENT IIUILDING LOT FOR SALE. -ON 1) Brock street Mort be sold within tint neat few (meta. Make offer to MRS. THOMAS Mc. KRNOZIE. V,ctorla Street. Godertch, or to W A' W HITELEY. 1.216 Oak S••eer, New Orleam. La aN-tf SHERRJI('P'Y SALE Of' I..3ND1i COUNTY OF HURON -.e* TO WIT : RT YIRTt*? or .3 WRIT OP PIER! Teci«« Wier. eat of Flits M•t Jeoty'e Supwettt(rf'rinrt of Ontarto and fa me directed and &silvered against the Lands and Tenemehts of M •J (:R1U)HT4)X at the stilt of the Merchants' Rank st ('ends. 1 Mame wised and taken fn exe.'ntton all the right. title,. Inter- pol. and entity of redemption of M. J. Creighton in tn. and sit of, the un- divided hall itderest of the raid M. J. ('reighton. 1n the North Sisty-Nix ((MI *errs. of the Nnnth Half rd int numlwr Three. in the Ninth Conceit - elfin of the Triisashta. of Man's: in the ('nnnty of 1nroo, sad Prorl.e. of (►ntarlo. which' lands and tenements' i shall toffee ter ,wlarat- my .Ake. in the Court Honse. In the Town of (lode. rich. on Thur.da,v. the tenth day of August. 1022, at the hour of 12 mf•the 'lark, noon. R. G. REYNOLDS, $leriff. Huron. Sheriff's GiSee, Goterlch April 27th, 11922 4-t Bistro & *!taps K truisms., R.C.HAYR-RC.HAY!,sa., BAA. - Handlers St., (iedeeisb k \ 1O - ----•s D IAXO8 TINED. -APPLY TO C. T. • HENRY. Musk Studio, north aide of Square. tt NEDICAL UR. P. j. R. FORSTER. EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT. Late Howe %rarr.e New York Ophthalmic e nd Aural Ho.ptd, t- ant 11 Moomilah •a Eye Ho.p.lal and GoMen Square Throat Nor. viral, London, En. XI aterier, At A. Strattwd. TekyMxle isr: At Hotel Bedford, God•r.ck, from Wedi.eaday. Aygnn4 1(46. at -.40p m. to Thursday. AtrauN 171* Id 1 para l.\s1KANCL, LOANS. ETC. Mck1LLOF MUTOAL Hili LN*VD.- ANNCE (JO. -Farm mad Malstaa town property Insured. Odes -Jas. Connolly. Pres., Go/R. ✓ ich P. O.; Jas. Evans, Vie,. iteechwood P. O.: Thomas )d Bips.. See -Tress. fleafor'h P. t) Directors -D. F. McGregor, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth: John 0. grieve, Ito, 4, Walton; William Kinn, H. R. No. 2. Seatortp: Iphn Bennewies, Brod- bases ; rod -bases; Geo McCartney, R. R. No. S. Seatortb : Robert Ferris, Ha rlock Malcolm McEwen, Clinton; Jambes J Evans, Beeobwi.esl: James Connolly., f ' Goderlcd ' Agent* : J W. Tso, Godertch i Airs. Leitch, R R . No. 1. Clinton' John Murray, fieaforth ; E. Hindle lay, Yeoferih. Pelleybohlers eta all payments and `et their cards twisted at R J. Yorrtah'a Cloth Store. elliston : R. H. Cntt's 0 xlanton street. Galerlch, Reid'. General Eton.. Rayfield. BRINGING UP FATHER ots 50Y- 00 iron TMINK ,rou CoOlti< TO A ot."0 'Alma ALL OAYfit • NOT T111NKtN' , 'ltfr•01P4': HELLO - JERI:V(1 BY GEORGE Mc