The Signal, 1922-6-27, Page 5Mra M. W. Gurney and son. of Re- read, Is the gueett of her father, !ter. Canon Hilt BONDS Bought and Sold Real Estate and___:. Insurance. 0. F. CAREY & SON ---neat 234 -- Raak.dif CAasnerce Gulden • ('lever Musicians Mr. Vertre utt, of (*total Pres• byterlan (-hunt, Galt, t« to le von gratulated un his repent auttress in lensing tis 1.. T. 4'. M. exam«, et the Toronto ('uueervetury of Music, with !ashore in firth vole.. and plana. MN T. E. Itoss, of Peterborough. 1¢e Jean ('utt also peseed with !loti- on' her Toronto l'onewrvatory exams in plural. !Mss Galt Returns Slam Haldane hiss ]largaret (:alt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Galt. returned to town ilia week steer au airwaye of nearly two your* from (iedcrk•h. Miss Galt wn• on the staff of the (tank of Coins • .-ae«ett•--4fr-Yanet.nv-r-for tmme_. time. Had later vI..lte) Iwr elsfer. Mr.. Colin r),• Vere Hedley. in Honolulu. where Blaelt-Mised-Green-Sealed Pacl'[et Only. Mr. f entry. TES SU AL 111oDlviOi. Over a Quarter of a Century of Public Service of the highest order. stands behind ever, packet sold. arae. LARGE PICTURES FROM YOUR LITTLE SNAP SHOTS We are pRlared to. gree v.'tl rim• ciao work by the use o('if new projection printer J14!t u,stuGr:1 this week. J. T. FELL Phone 1i•; Gode)fich A FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIAL IN Women's Hats AT Half Price • A number of very smart models have been marked special for this week -end event. The shapes are of Mo- hair, Milan, Silk, Organdy. and are flower or ribbon trimmed. All the gay shades of the season are noiiioed among them and tills variety \s exceptional. '13r 3E11 AL Sudden heath of Little Son Dearth •-dans very suddenly nn W\'ed- nes,fi,' morning of last week to Jack, the little son of Mr. nod Mr.. Ed. Lynn a• the result of hear* failure. lleseaaed was a bright little fellow eh.. will 1s• sorely mi«sed by his pelt.- , ht. std little brothers and sisters. The funeral was held from Ht. Peter's • hure a to the Catholic eettetery In t'olboru•• the little casket being laden with be:nttitul totters. Water and Light ('osaaissies .kt the Inst regular me -ring of the epee Company regarding !oilers was water awl light eu:umissiun tis en. received used repairs directed as were gfine•r ods in.tru,t..1 1,1 tuake a re+ ret•omm•takd. A uumb•r of accounts were ordered paid. port on the eo.t of Installation of I GRAIN OOXPETITIONS water awrvlces in connection with two apldicattous. The treasurer's state- ment for June was ordered died. A number of applieationa for edectdc ligating service.. were pa.eetl. A ser- vice for a fire horsepower getter was granted to J. W. Smith for his bakery on 1:ast street. The application of A. l'. Andersen for electric range servlue was passel. The commis -don decided to require a guaruntee of a minimum monthly Lill of 42.7.5 for 'range and lighting .a•rvtet's awl ale a 810.00 'le - posit *love the ordinary depuatt. The report of the General Accident Maur - Hetet Sunset Registration Thr toll.,w its registered at Hotel �uriwt during rte pa«t week : ►eu- MODEL THEATR �lI a l.rsn� °rlie,tra IMlsttte Helen Newmeyer, Elizabeth Heimann. [heat[ eine[.. Mayleeth Mack. Mary 5 'toward. Cyril Parkinson and Murton )toward)'Tom tikeyhill: 1)r. nod Mrs. al.•tvlf. Mies J.• -ale Meteulf, N'iud,or; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Kogers. Missed). Rogers. J. E. Rogers. Hamilton; Mr. mei Mrs. W. D. Corr, London: Mho J. J. Stuart and Miele J. C. 11 Pherwm. Toronto: Arthur Barry. New• York: J. Harry Irvine; hiss Virginia Oiliorme, Miss Roberta Belling. Miss Mary Pole- alope, Mr. Will itlepttahl. New Sark; A. M. Walton, Toronto; T. G. Semder- wi 1 lit: Marys 1 3t. Twooney. Wind- sor: Mr. lad IRs. J. K. Miller, and daughter. Brantford: Mr. and Mrs. A. It Itogere, Preston; Mr. aid 'Mrs. J. M. Guiles, Preston; Dr. 0.'W. Kerby, 4 •algary ; Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Rand. leo,• Angeke: Miss Amy niggle. Toron- to: Mr. and lire. H. K. MacDougall, Toronto: J. M. Vole and family, Wood- atock ; Hugh P. Inure and family, Sitntoe: A. C. Scott, Stratford: W. M. McLaren. Toronto: Mies Muriel Mutt. dy. Windw,r: Mtssee Minnie and Mar- garet Ferguson. Detroit ; Mr. and lire. G. M: Bugler, London; Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Direly, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Crones, Paris; Mr. and Mr«. R. H. Tsrnbali. Parte; Mrs. Garrow. To- AO/eel Montle), and route; Mr. rad Mrs. E. L. Law, Port NFa:I. OF JI 1.1 31 TO .11 4.1 sT Monday and Tuesday I.LK111 SCOTT'S bIg story w•'n au all star eu+t "THF: POVERTY OF RI('IFES" HAMMY VERNON ,"HARNY. K1) f.tYALWER" Wednesday Thursday WILI.i.1M S. HART "THE WHISTLE - "STEP THIS WAY" -o-- Friday and Saturday M.ARi l'l('KFOKI) as rhes was t..•Ir.• (-situ ago in "GOING STRAIGHT" MAKIN PREPOST "THE h.%N(.F:KOI'S•LITTLE I)Ell(1\" Ontario Gnirrtissepl Sante MISS MacVICAR ;Gedertatt 1(f►tgy'lon SI. •:r � Results of the Cesabiued Field Crep and Tbrasbed Grata cotatpetition SILAGE FERMENTATION Gives Bane or Benefit to Cosa tents of the Silo. Miall -Packed Green Fodder Usually Ponies Out Well - Various Coo- dtluns From the dune Claw of Plants- Preventtoa ut Tuber- culosis 11a Poultry. (Coatstbuted by ontarlpDeparttment of Agriculture, TOr When a large quantity of finely -cut or divided green fodder le packed within the silo fermentation begins at once. The temperature will grad - tally rise and considerable earbonle acid gas will be given off during the first five days. The temperature of the surface six inches may go up con- siderably above 100 deg. Fahrenheit. due to air entering and permltUug The following net .'bows the etaod• fermentative processes which are not hag of the farmers who took part In Passible.deeperin the 'mass out of the combined field crop and 'thrashed grain competition in reach of the tree air or oxygen • unwectlon with Mie Godertch tndustrtal Exhibition fur supply. Under good practice, where the ensiling has been well done, the temperature two feet down-- will not exceed 140 deg. Fahrenheit during the first fFve days, the temperature '* 1 then gradually drop back to lee deg. or lees. Green Fodder For the b to Should lee Well Packed. this year. Thi Bennie, of Pr judge was Yr. George evtlle. who completed the judging on t1'edneeday.a The priae- winners were: \ Jas. Chisholm, 98 points; J. G. tickpana. 63; W. N. Hill. 92; Robt. Andreas. 91: ltobt. Snow= don estate, 90; 1. efetbertngton. 805%; Frank Young, Ki)• he standing of the other competitors 1 a' follow«: John Overby, 8854 pointl<; T. M. 8uowdeu, John Flick, 87; J. Glen, SA%; Bel Overby, 84%; John Baer, 8a; W H. Elsey 'bas. l'rouae. 86; Brun., 83; K. J• 'MIL 84; B. lt. SALESMAN BACK AND FEELS satuntuy at 1.111 pm• ----. Ht;raft --3: H-llagfeeen. A. A- Cam t• ro u. 1' et e r bo sn t gh . I (DM1N.: NEXT WEES-"At At Tar Est of the World."I daughters, Before You Put Them On Sprinkle in a little � Orm. Tread Easy Foot Powder This delightful, antiseptic powder makes your feet comfortable, pre- vents rubbing by keeping the dry. Soothes aching, burning feet. Makes walking easier. _Gat a Can Now while You Want It FINE' "Tanlac Certainly Delivered The Goods For Me," Boyer, And Tells How It Him Of Serious Sto Trouble. "Tanlac put me on the road to g health and 1 don't remember the time I telt better, than 1 do now," said Rene Boyer, 456 Amherst St., Moat - real, well known traveling salesman lfahment. 'About two years ago my for the Constantinesn Printing Etttab- appetite went trek eases sad I begi n to suffer from stomach troubre 1 fek sick and woraoet all the time and it woo all 1 could�,io keep plug- ging alone. 1 hall terrible crawl's in _ T Yt Mies M. Baker sad Mies luuth 111.1 - Hauls u- lirtus returtrel on Saturday fruw )[offal, awl Toronto and are away ou a hekdsy'trip up the [:rent lakes. Mita 1. Holmes, of Acton, is , iaititig her aunt, Mee. lierslewuod Thursday. July 27. 1922.---s _ reel Gueete at "Lakeside" Include and Mrs. 1. G ('hew sad sou, Mr. lltKerruw and Mime McKerrow, all Detroit ; Mrs. I)ickieou, M. W u Heauu, and Mrs. H. Ibrrald, Loudon. _ . 4 V Well -packed green fodder Carrying a normal amount of moisture will cootaln within the small apace Jam_ enough air to carry the fermentation to the desired point for proper silage making. 11 an excess amount of ale L present through improper cutting and packing of the fodder the fer-,- mentations will be carried tau far. mooida will form and spoil part et e. Nage. Numerous agents ate present awl ready to function should 000dlt/ons favor their development la the ensiled masts. The plant enzymes. Invertase and zymase, together with the acid-forming bacteria Batts acid* and vial acetall are of the greatest a Importance in silage making. Nu- erpus other bacteria are present, and 11 conditions favor their development to a greater degree than they favor the development of the lactic and 'tette acid formers the silage prod's*- , ed will- not be of the blithest grads. plant cells of the cut or shredded green fodder that Is pieced in the silo are still alive and carry the chemical substances commonly known as enaymes. These enzymes are the agents that break down the starch [ad increase the sugar content dur- ing the first few days of the ter- mea1ative process, apparently previa - ng the way for the acid forming Lorawhich become very active the fifth or sixth day and con- ol the completion of the silage 1 Iv process if conditions are mal. my, Ctomach that Meter -Tor hoary' and tion 1 bloated •v with gas I could hardly get sty brvaNMy nus i. Maevwere en Walt* . C. p, Pore reit two edge all the time and my sleep was elves Of TOMO" are rifting Mr t Weeedge reetiews. useful -�Ta. Horner Horton. always 'Nuke has rid ise entirety of- Dtfferen e o:eac h trouble. I now eat whatever ripeness, 1 wart. my sleep is restful and I feel dlfferenc time and ready for a good day's work. *nee or a Teniae certaiuly delivered the goods in Quantic for ass and 1 am gland to give It the on the dual Hydro Electric Activities In the tlno 1setul d Otherwise- - • --- vast differene0 to the road*' 1 the various fodder* used 1s' making at the time of vatting to various activities both nd otherwise within the silo.) degrees of greenness or different cl f planta, in moisture content, pres- hence of desirable bacteria will have their influence product. 8o we see silage Moss, odors and flavors e same class of forage emperature within the age making 1s corn- y from-1reesing- near degrees near or at silo. -L. Stevenson. culture, Toronto. A ■nether of electric .Love cur• suits are now being eonstmrtel at e.nsilarsble cnil, Po that the de- ntaod t r electric rangeservice may be supplied. New Is The Tine t. svrnre a range Men Ire. when Dear litre are being el,'ted. You niaY beedisais'ilmod later. "Mad Mry" vleetr)a ranges now oh dis- pay 01 The Hydro Store We are exclusive reppresentati,ee in tiederidi for The HcOlars Elect- tf). !V� highest recommewtiti.al" of vertous Taulac Is geld by all goad druggists. made from -- __ A f •arrecthsn Let week's Lutrauce report should have credited Leaa Hackett of C. 8. 8. No. 13, Ashfield, with lieat•ciao hon- ors. - Annual I iot& The ansa! picnic of the Gotkricb N•oseu'e lustitute will be held M Meaesetung Park on friday, August 4. uveyaat'ert wtY heave the curter of Montreal ',meet and Square and corner PI-jel -greet an.ic it dtoteietelt. Winners of Medals The Robert 1'nrk Memorial gold medal donated by Victor Iwrt'rlston anwally for pr•ofieteuy at the High rent rale and 1t several School Entraw.• Cxamtnatlou wan g known to be. a Ip by Dorothy Brows. of diet[ er suis wosal prosily be the part to de.Yr oy the whole flock a owe(' again., The poultry house be atrulibed out with good die ant and the wails whttewaahe the loon ut the houee.ts dirt, re about ,adz duets and' bury 1/ ou pleats. The silo after the -:Metal may va the wall to t the center of th See., Dept. of Ms Prevention of Tuberculosis la Po 1. It Is absolutely useless to treat poultry -which is sff ng from tuber - cutoffs with any for rent medicine or pabjnt povKry tonic Preparations wgtsk guarantee to cu this disease ars ptwpoUDe : r mvleuti■t. Ouse Ube bird 1s infect' • tbeTe 1s uo Cure. All effort should be directed to ppayrent the healthy birds from oontrictiug the disease. If Use flock is small a d not of •rdi have ected, it wisdoa) d start heuld feet= It eve of =The Company Behind the Tire When you buy a Goodrich Tire you have a gttar- antee oT satisfactory service from one of the world's •largest rubber companies. Tb.Goodrich "55" New 30 x 3 1-2 (Ford Size) :Clincher Fabric Tire Sells at 514.50 You take no chances when you buy a Goodtich. SEE FISHER -_ VULCANIZER • HAMILTO` STItEL•1' (;Ot)ERICif. s 1 XXX XX X CXXXXXX;ftXXX Everything in Ladies' and Men's Summer Wear at Bargain Prices GINGH:YJE DRISSES-Those left to be sold at very speci prices Regular values (th.50 to 8$.00. Excellent b , gains at the price q/$4,9$. i,ADIES' WAISTS-Cbartning colors and styles, in e- cbine tine ,g`eorgettt Reduced to- -$i7ff-,---ITT 2angit+g1 TO to 8•),l 5. • BATH , SUITS --We .have Them in all tires far la , or , gentlemen, girls or toys. Both wo i and ut. Prices:75 tc• t".75. MEN'S SUMMER CAPS=Extraordinary offering: in then'' Caps for summer In light checks anti plaids. Price $1.10 MEN'S SAILOR STRAW TEATS -Specially priced at 81.50 __ to $1•99. . 11 -('MBi.,ATION UNDERWEAR FOR MEN -I1. v• D's Ju -t the thing for !tot weather. Reduced to 11.0(' SUMMER MILT,TRERv 'I0O- CLEAR= -Ladles' and ;:i: ses' 4 Ready -to -Wear Haiti, in inohairs, milans, crepe de chines,0 " and organdies. They are all w pleasing shapes and the x price should please yc,u, to). hey range from 12.°:r to X 14.50. X The New Store G-cle:ice, On; 'X xxXTXXxxxXX:XXxXXX "Pen.lar Remt'diea" The Square 'Ili ail Light Coss,sse l- SoEsdN - Mario Two.Thircis of the Stock Sol • and Irish A beautiful range of Scotch Tweeds, English Serges, West of England Worsteds and Overcoatings still to go. No Orders Taken After Saturday, August 5th F. H. MARTIN, Tailor ...W►ters/`eVV'Iev.►t►AWbVe• Central scowl and the silver medal Via! won by Boas Hoe, of Victoria algal. Their. two pepibs stood arc and sound In the public school., t.eiag only a few taarka apart. GO1)1311 ll MA . the'&w. Ren nes wits Malt, Tbnreday, Jelly 244 Wheat. per bush. 11.3:. tw 11.40 tints, WC- blush. 40e to 45c Rterhw. per bush tNM to Ise Pato. per hash. 41.40 a siert) Ito- kwheat, per bush. r.. , ,Tic to ilbc !'lour, family, ler cwt. ...$3.75 to 14.0a Fla..[ tfalrt1.-4a eat_...;i.I1 to.. t(►_ Bran. par tdn 121 to Itis Shorts. per too 129 to Safi !toy. per Mn .......,•114 to 116 Straw. Innes. per ten 18 to $10 all Inc fowls, ith.7 tlter, per Ib. 30c to e we tit destroying Oresinery Balker. per 18. 1Ac to 43e gt.egt also and atte¢t1on, even to the Wpm, fresh, per dria• Inc to 2.54 s¢taneat details, are necessary.. One Potatoes. per It .11./6 will of denier, overlook some of the (Stele, buteher'e choke per cwt. 7.00 to $'.l* c.ttla huteher'* aseditn. s to $11.00per eat. r Floret,18 a wetght per a ., t. 113.10 to 114 Hide* per 18. .. nodi. Lt the floor if well made either concrete, tile, or wood. no th&oughlx with distntectent. If th fiber is tot of good material or. hard to steam, lay a sew one over the old. Tur{{ over the soil in the rens. Bea Qabklsig cops and clekno all other atiligttls. After this 1. well done, w .f.fira the new bares, being Very *use- ful to purctj'ase the teem a lock aMsteii• is tree, from the dl If Oa floc N large or valuable aid t y decided to attempt eradication I-• .rices diseased birds on the first examine - time, but they may be observed later on when the sylaptoms are better de- veloped. .Keep the floor as tree from dr pa as possible, and clean out and 'me -in 4ute rj at least once a week. Do aappp� attdw the swipe birds to run - - _ _ -r" .ifiNet the older odes, for they are cag- ily infected. After the, drat geaeral w*4t)ine; out, patch the rest and as s w one begins to appear dfseae- el, remove It from 1tie flock and keep ita`taWoe. �anl1 then it it develops fur - Gar symptoms destroy it at once. For young pigs en pa*Toro the self - feeder has gluon ■atlat*ctory results. Sjlsltly melte grsln'may be required. wheel, Is offset by eeobomil ing of 1 t ire mait-iiU-111170relt the Hee steak of a community or glees It a beeper viriety of"enrrt 11 deserving of Dalen se wail "as Ali vibe "Plucks Ilrt he eannOi'a LAW - Have Have you pthcumathm or Neuritis Sciatica, Limbic*? New G ((fill time to Ret rtd el It. Natant la doing all she can f,,t yea. Jost help things along• dot a bet of •tenIplelon't phe`pi'I t trout yoga Druggist and o soon he lit sad wet .511*• • . ' 't11(1 arm c1y Os. WWI/ R 11. t'. :. _•'r:'1P A. CORNFIELD -•_ y We'll Meet You in your sho" ideas, and save you money. too. When }'fou purchase from us you get the mst ore- liable and rl2t )end' hie footwear the market liras tc y(fer. Our many rs connection with manufacturers and wholesalers ens res that. Ye',1 benr•fit ,because we sell at as close a profit as we can stand. Get your next pair here. POLISHES -_ _ SU.'DRIES FINE SHOE REPAIRING - SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE tt.1:.> 'tpr.t;In