The Signal, 1922-6-27, Page 4we
-�lgl�irl, s b R Baa
Breezy Budgets From
?Iz EOwat
the Several Community Centres is rahfield, Colborne, West Wawanosh and Goderich Township, as
Chronicled by The Si r' Staff of Correspondents.
CREWE, July 24 -Mr. god \Ir..
Sam Sherwood speut Sunday at the
home of Mr. Herb. Curran of Mate -
Miss Mae Mennry spent the week-
end at her home at Sheppardton.
Miss Violet Kil;tatrick left Satin,
d trto visit friends at 1'eterb trough.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drew tn. of .
Ebenezer. attended anniversary sera :
i&t at Hackett's t•hun•b ou ttundgy.
Mrs. James Fiulgan, of Ebenezer,
spent Staidly at Mr. Wm. Mtl'ou-
Mr. and Mrs. Albert McQuoid visit-
ed at the home of
Mr. AltErring-
nd Fr
tun at Smith's Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twamley and
daughter, Hilda visited at Will,Hasty's
nu Sunday.
Mrs. Wilfred Drennan visited her
sister. Yrs. Herb Stonier* on Mondale-0
Miss Maggie Shackleton and Mr.
George Drennan visited at Mr. Math-
ew Slwekleton's on Sunday.
Miss Irene MtQuoid is spending a
few days at the home of Miss Ida '
MetJuold. at \Vhitet•hurch.
Yr. and Mrs. Fred Barlow and fat- t
Ur, of Goderich, visited at the home'
of Mr. George Revett un $uuday.
eredlt latinetine e to Miss Welsh. ef henna actin beautifully trimmed church next Sunday :a,arni Mrslt.rt. Fowler LI the death Ott their W 11011100L *,l'
our teat er, on the 1011::....a. of her pup- with black satin and fringe. She
lis. ..t the recent Entrance exams. ' were a hers-JMohAlr ilei with m; res
four w:ete•and four passed. !cal henna trimmings and carried a
We •congratulate Alias Olive Alton bouquet of sweetheart rases and fern.
on taking ars: c:ate. houors and for itev. W. R. Osborne performed tilt-
:daudlug aecoud highest in the whole ceremony. After the signing of the
county. realsrer which was Witness rl by Mr.
A good baseball game Which result- cud lira. Nutt. slater and brother -in -
ed In a de•idtrl victo'-y for Belfast was Inw of the bride, they motored to the
pi:tytd at Dunganaun recently. 'The home of the brides parents. Liter leav-
w-itre was 13-1 lu favor of Belfast lug on a motor trip to Toronto. The
(neer Up. I►ungiunon! bride travelled in a suit of testy trko-
We congratulate Miss Violet Tw.lm- tine and small riblau hat. Tli• happy
ley on taking Iwnora In her Junior cotinte will s_nt•ud a fortnight camping.
Theory Musteial exam. They' were the recipients of many
Toe result of the baseball game last handsome gifts. The grooms gift to
Weti teaaay evening was s-3 in 'the bride w.ts a cabinet of silver. t'pt-
}tt•Ifast's favor. ' llen:wiiler hope put 1111their return they will reside In
up a hard fight but were neabie to Wroxeter. Mr. Garrett having secured
over.ome unit "Dusty Niue. the ' •rinrlp.11eliip of the ('ontinuatiot+
The anniversary serrlees which school at that plate. The good wishes'
were held In Hat•kett's church Sun- of a holt of friends go with them to
Clay afternoon and eveuiug were a their new life.
splendid success. In spite of the dull
weather the church was crowded after- ST. AUGUSTINE
noon and evening, Rev. T. Wesly
Cosens, of Ottawa. preached at lath
aervieet. Spirit}_illpele-wM reud-r- T. AUGUSTINE. July 25--- Mr.
cd by the chub. and Mrs. W. Grindley. of Guelph. are
Mr.' and Mrs. Willie Maize, of Tor- .1r81'RN. July :Sit -Mrs. Moore.
Onto. tilted at Mr. WUI Haste's I of Guelph, is visiting Sirs D. E.
Yrs Isaac Gawky and family are I Munro.
spending a few days with friends an • Mr. and Mrs. 're:. of lance Ste.
Goderich. { 310
are .pending their holidays
Mr. Rubt. Durnin. of Goderk-h. silent Leath MIss ISLtir.
Sunday at Mr. William Dnrnin's. • ' Most of the farmers hive their fall
harlcw Har sun, u G r: w
Mr. t rt f God
'int. heat in the barn and some have
is visiting .at Mr. Wm. Crozier's. , threshed and report grain turning Mut
• well. •.
Mr. Wm. Ferguson., of, Windsor. is
renewing a_Aurigaalntauc:s here _Auriga
his hotidays.
Miss Edna -lintel' returns to Toronto
to- her position on Saturday.
Mi..s Flo -Killough, who had been
taking a business course at t'lluton
1ud passer) with honors. lett Mua.l:ty
to hake a position as private secret try
in the. Temple Buildings. Toronto.
BELFAST. July 2:3 -Mrs. .huhu
Shdlters. of Luckuow, visited in. the
burg Saturday.
Mts. lila 11a,•kett -pent a few days
tate week visiting friend. near Dun-
ga Itnuu.
Miss ]lyra MacDonald. of iiJuekuew,
visited a few days ret•ently cat ltubt.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bradley and
sou Eldlu. and Miss Mary 'Bradley. of
Laurier, visited at Alex. Hackett'e on
Mrs. Topp. -Of_Turont it sp•n.ting
a tea Mays w nth bet -sister, Mrs.
James C'uok, .
Miss Cameron. of Toronto, is vfsit-
ing at William Twapnley's. _--
Summer Goods
Men and Boys
Outing Shirts (see our Irish
balloon cloth), B V.D. Un-
derwear. Silk Hose, Flan-
nel Trousers, White Duck
Trousers, Khaki Trousers,
Writ Rathing Suits. Cot-
ton -Bathing Suits, Cotton
i''ghtgowns and Pyjamas.
Phone 57
ST. HELENS. July 24. -Mr. Robert
Jieguillian, of the. Sterling Itnnk. Dun-
gannon. t.+aHtt the week -end at the
home o-f'li s parents, Mr: and Mrs. W.
McQuUliu u.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Webster and Mrs.
Jas. liartstur intent a day during the
pest 'Week at Walkerton. where the
tatters sister, Mrs. Webster. Is in the
Master Fred Houston, of Wiugham,
is holidaying with his uncle. Mr. Geo.
Miss Jean McDonald. of Toronto.
was n guest with her aunt, Mrs. W.
Rev. W. W. Mackintosh. Mrs. Mackin-
tosh and children. of Napier, and Miss
A. Clark. of Saskatoon. are visiting
tle i pat'eiit e- -'►Ir.-end -ansa.
Miss Verna M,•lauelthlu.-. of Wing -
law. is spending a week with her
friend,. Miss Mar) 1►uruiu.
Mrs. 1Vatlaee Miller and children.
and Helen Miller are attending a week
I at Goderleh.
1 Mrs. l'nyler returned home on Sat-
urday after speeding a couple of weeks
at Klueardtne.
Miss Clara 3F of i - (.\Lame "ATM"
'Pending Aehatrt of her holidays at
�YI Iia voile...
spending a few weeks at, Mr. 1Vw.
McAilllste s,
Mira Anna Shanahan, of Clinton.
vleited her sister. Mrs. J. W. Boyle,
A number from this vicinity took
in the 1-. F. 0. pienie at Belgrave on
.tSIIFIE1,14. July 24. -iter. Mr. and
Mrs. Hardie, t.f Asitaeltl Presbyterian
(harsh. lett on Monday last for their
.summer cottage at Olivet.
Mr. ('harles MacGregor. who has
heen spending a few weeks in Toronto,
has returned to his home at Kintail.
Miss Irene Maclh)nald, of Detroit. is
spealiug her vacatluu with her par-
ents. Mr. and Mr,. Nell Macihoutld.
We are very ieolty tit report that Mr.
Charles Ma: Leunan had the mistor-
hte to bretk his leg one day this week
while working In the field.
Mrs. Davol Whiteside anal children.
of Toronto. are spending a few wet•ks
with Mr. Janes MacGregor. Kintail.
A very successful meeting of the E.
F. W. 0. was held on Wednesday. July
, 19, at tete home of Mrs. Albert iteckett.
The roll tall was answered by ideas
for keeping cool.
Harold Collinson. of Kintall. lad
the misfortune to break his wrist
while cranking the ear.
Master Kenneth Thain. who haw
leen visiting at the home of Mr. ands
, Mrs. Albert Beckett. for the past two
wrt•ks, has returned to Goderich.'
Dt'NI.ANNON, July 26.-,ommun-
ll be dlspeq.ed is Erskine
Re are plastied t , •,uutratulan• Mr.
ltruokr former mann_. of Kterltug
(tank here. 'au his la.':.cage in lager -
soli. as re;arted la•' ,s,•rk.
Yr. Thos. Stother tui.• iwpruvtrl the
appeiruute of hb huo.v levy much by
hsviug It nicely ptta:wt. Mr. Robe.
l)aridaten also has added to the ap-
his home lit istlutlug sud
erecting a lawhieene verandah.
Congratulations to our Eat ranee
•andldatcs ou their - t.,'•'.> iu Ir•=sing
tht• Ent rsnee.
Mr. J. It. Ile a!,:, is away ht Itam-
ilh,u, ltuffalu and :her totals on
business this week.
t n h r
Mrs. 1' G. a
Allen .
othy returned from their trip to To-
ronto and Stratford '•tat Saturday.
They were accompanied by Mr. and
Yr.. Itoy !lams of Stratford.
- 1)r. l'ampb.4i prt•u.hiyl__lu Knot
hut, h. Godericet, 1,-. e't,alay evening.
Mr and Yrs. Bpe;l:.a gad •ell Jack.
of 1Vtudwtr. were t::e nests nt Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Treleaven last week.
Mrs. Wm. !Hotter. and 'ttnb And
3l r. awl Mrs. Herb. s..ath-rs and little
dankliter. I.enore, tn,: ,reti to $,aforth
awl stent a day al the lanae -of Mr.
and Mr•. Andrew kirk. formerly of
I)uuga a ttsu.
Warning.-5evtrat-etr unwires +-I4
taW on tile and proms -tittle will' awn
follow if the parties OW ufug these t
will persist in violating the law iii
ltaviug cars standing on the wants in
the village and habitually guru: w'ltii
out tail Ilghta.
little son, •
The nti.stouary meeting will be held ingsligof the TO111111111011 .1 Aabbid
as usual the first Weduttadity- of the and Wawsta.ub
mouth. I Following are the Lower School re-
sults for Ashfield and Wawano.h.
The figures ladktte the number of
subjects in witch each student passed:
No. 2 -Helen Dalton 3, LtUlan Dal-
ton 3, Ella brennaD 3. Helena Foley
3, Margaret Joy 2, Fltaaheth O'Connor
3. Marguerite Sullitau 2.
No. 4 -Donald Finiayaun 4. Salina
M uI)ouald 4, Johu Robertson 3.
No. is -Mahal Brown 5. Harvey Er-
rington (1, Winaie McClure 5, John Me•
Nebb 4. Recision Pentland S, Alice ltug-
erson 5.
I No. 14 -Elate Anderson 3, Palmer
Kilpatrick 4, Ruby Megu dd 3.
S. 8. No. 4 -Annie Campbell 6, Win.
tarredFarrier 3-3111rdelaise Hennessey
2. Fred Mttjulllln.4. Ven Todd 6.
Greta Webb 4, chin' Woods 5, Vers
Woods 4.
No. 6 -Douglas Campbell 4. Norman
Mt l>,.well 5, Grate Itedtsupd 6, Ed-
ward Bodges 4.
w / weeks old . --�r-
KiNGS1tit1IN:I:, July 24.-MLsass
Mali and Ethel Anent' are visiting at
the home of their mother. Mrs. Settee
Austin. here.
Mr. Edward Walleee. of Chieago. Is
visiting with his brother, Mr. Jas. Wal-
Mr. James Griffin. of Chicago. Is
visiting relatives here.
visited London, Chatham rod
on and Tbos.
other points last week.
A scall' dance held in the hall on
Tuesday night was declared a big vt
cess in spite of the inclement weather
and busy season
CARLOW. July 21 -Mr. and Mrs.
Alien Wiks.0 with Tom Wilson and
Ilaruld Walter merit the week -e11.1
with friends near rellinawood.
Mr. alai Mrs. Arthur Clark spent
Sunday in Embro the guest of Mr.
l'Inrk's brother. A nh•t•e of Mr. Clark's
returner, with them. •
air. George ('last is the fir, • on tit
line to thrash his 11,11 *beat. "W(f un-
derstnud it is a goof :rep.
Mr. Colin Fingltud of Blyth orn-
pied the pulpit In the Presbyterian
chan•h incl SatnlWy
lir. Alex. and Mr.• Itaruby, of Ham-
ilton, are the gat-rs of the latter's
mother, Yrs. T. Y.Pbee, for a weed
or ten days.
!Muth sywpytth' is felt for Mr. and
-- I
When You Think
1 •'' ,� •i a� of
plllni'� "n111
IIIIh1:a,.-.eaeu1 COAD
rrii:i7y:ii i .
Think of Us !
14)NDESIIOR0, July 22.-A pretty
wedding was stlemniaet at the Meth-
odist ehureh. i ondeaboro. on Saturday,
'JtITy"gilt. wheti-Elva thanes. dangh-
tet _nf.__lir._ami_Mrs. 5. Ms'4 std. he -
Milne the bride' of Norman Parks
Gsrrett. The bride. who w:,s unat-
tended. looked very dainty in a gown
And When Your
Bin is Empty'
Kill them all, and the
germs too. 10c a� packet
at Druggists, Grocers
and General Stores.
The Saints Coal Cornany
''The Yard of Service"
Fxclnsive Agent. in (teelerith for
The Letihra-Vntl y Goat Males
No atwson of the year 1s an danger-
ous to the life of little ova's as 16 the
summer. The ext•essive lent throws
the little stomaelh out of order wt
quickly that unless prompt aid 1s at
land the baby may he beyond all hu-
man help iefore the mother realises
1,,• is ill. Summer it the season when
diarrhoea. eluded' infautum. dysentry
awl colic are -moat prevalent. Any one
of these troubles may prove deadly if
not promptly treated. During the
summer the mother's. best friend is
Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate
11t.. towels. sweeten the stomach and
keep baby healthy. The Tablets are
-.dd by meeIMlne dealers or by mail at
*:.:1,,•111. a NIX from The Dr. Williams
31:slieiue Co.. Itrockvllle, Ont.
Specials at McEwen's
Men's Summer Underwear,
Shirts and Drawers, each .. 7 5c
Men's Belts, special, each..50e
Men's Socks, 3 pairs for..$1.00
Men's Invisible Braces, ,non•
elat.tjcan?.no- slip, more coin -
tortable than those over the
Men's Overalls from../1.50 up
Ladies' Hose, per pair. from
••• . ••• 25c up
Ladies' Vests, each 25. up
Ladies' Corset's ........$'1.50 up
Voiles, some nice patterns at
75c and $1:00
McEwen's Own Brand Baking
Powder, a No. 1 tin 25c
So:ne Salada Tea yet on hand
at old price
mood Pure-Soair..111;00.
No. 1 Cofire fresh ground as
you buy it. Try a pound
(J} McEwen
. lyet-the.good`
Brophey Bros.
Orders carefully attended to at
all boars, night or day.
-11=agitnuir Buie 4.
U. 8. 8. No. 1 (Nile) -Ruby Kier;
Sylvia Segura
Several pupils got honors 14 every
subject. There were many first -clams
Wood.. Twenty-eight received honors
in from oue to six subjects.
Canadian PadM TkesiaMs
Leave Goderich 6.00 a.m. and 1.76
p.m.; Oueipb 8.40 a.m. and 4.14 pia;
arrive at Toronto 10.25 a.m. and 61111
pax: Hamilton 11.10 a.m. and 818
p.m Direct connections at Ooa�
Junction with through trains for Galt,
Wooutock, Chatham, London, Detroit.
Chicago and New York.
Train Service To Toronto
Lve Goderich ...."... 6.01) a.m 2.20 p, m
" Clinton .. "_.... 6.25 " 3.57
" Seaforth 6.41 ',' , 3.12 "
Mitchell............ 7.04 " ...-5.42 "
ArrStratford....... 7.3) " _.4.10 "
-" Kitchener......... 6.70 •' 5.20 •'
:' Guelph .._.-- 8.45 " ..._1n.50 ,
" Toronto _... 10.10 " ......7.40 "
le,ave Toronto 6.50 a.m., 12.55 p.m. and
6.10 p.m.
Parlor Cafe car Goderich to Toronto on
morning train and Toronto to Dederick
6.10 p.m. train.
Parlor Buffet car Stratlotd to Totnnlo on
afternoon train.
For hill particulars' ss to tickets, etc.,
apply to
Testa Agents Pie..
For a Better Commercial Course
Attend the
Schooi.:of Commerce
Our best advertisement ---our ex-st
Jean Beak
Alex Donely
Margaret Kelley
Ethel Elder
Mary Pinder
T. B. McKay
Myra Mc`tiven
Isabelle McNiven
Mary Hussey
Emma Snell
Stanley Melsan
Norma 1 ant
Kathleen Ryan
Vera Johnston
Bessie Reid
.ldela McCann
liladys McKay
Alice Reid
Vida Allen
'Mildred ih.neherty
Rita Woolsombe
Luise Stell
Norma McDonald
c drays D' Reilly
Gladys Ginn
R. Pinder
Ethel itokea
Allan Buchanan Nae Dickson
Muriel Over Annie Thompson
Luella McWhinney Ethel Graham
Edith Glenn
•:wen. Templeton \
Winnie Gledhill Viola McClacharty
Allied }label Evelyn McCartney
R. Vanatone Lloyd Currell
Anne Brown Maude Pinder "•
Harry Symonds Marl HunIey
Irene Marlow Marian Bogie
DorothySmith Bertha Longmire
Verna cViltie Rudolph Brown
Fern Johnston Roy Foster
Doris Harris Beatrice Longmire
in _lune, 1915, Clifford Hunt, of Seaforth. was award-
ed the Gold Medal by the Remingtoln,T.ypewriter Co., of
New York City. T -
You can win it this year.
For information write
B. F. WARD, B. A. M. Accts. Prin.
Clinton. Ont. Phone 198
Gingham Dresses, 2-6 Years
Made in good styes and ma- 63c
terial. Worth up to $2.25..
Picture Crib Blankets
A fine. soh Blanket, in size t o0
30 it 40 inches. Special at
1 Infants' Fine Voile Dresses
Infanta pretty Voile Dreesea, $1•nn
regular values up to $1.50 •VV
6 to 14 Gingham Dresses
Clearing Dresses for bigger $1.13
Girls up to 14 years ....
ChidreD s Sox
topands lisle 25c
Col ... .
C`iitbry Bloomers
Blue and pink Bloomers. to AOC
wear with gingham dresses at
Girls' Gingham Dresses
For ages 4 to 14. Made in all Q9c
styes. Worth up to $1.35.. 0
Cotton Vests, 2 to 16 Years
Made from clean white cotton. 25c
With short s ee'es
Children's Rompers
All size. and styles. On sale A 3 _
a- pil `
Girls' Under Bloomers
White or kink. Melds fromCO
Vood SC string yarn
The Clearance of Gingham Porch Dresses, House Dresses, Morning Dresses, Kimonas and Blouses Continues
Allover Aprons, made from print and it9c Porch Dreesee reduced to dear. All Womens Kimonas. All styles. In e9 gn W I Fine Pel>OePress's for morning
percale I $1.98 I crape and cotton, silk trimming I
...err elk
• a,