HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-6-27, Page 3••-
Help The Signal
To•' Boost This
Additional Funds
The successful farmer finds additional
funds of value in promoting broader
operations. A discussion of your plans
with our local Manager will be treated
as strictly confidential and should prove
of value to you.
SAVE Because
Berries Are A Good ('rop
A Signal subscriber ndcist•. uu (bit
tow l4•rry 4 r.q. this year i" very heavy.
Thr frequent reins have brought all
the berries to tualurity at 41141• SO that
the pl•kiugs are heavy but the fruit
w111 not la -t heig. He advised ell
7(iiairrich citizen- t, l.owuwlu•o their
canning iulwwl,ately.
Unlimited Quantity ot
at $3 pet single cord. delivered,
(Foot of Anglesey St.) Phone 61.
All kinds for sale at very mon-
able pnces Houses to rent.
last Saws ant I uauran es rine
Tourist 'Camping Ground L Opened
The Gialrriclt tamping ground for
tourists on the site of the Melvor telt.
Cage 4111 the lake Hank.' was otheially
optnwl on Monday of 1111r week, when
party from London 41a their way
north eatutlwl tilers for 111r right. The
palm tom -Wt. -41 of Irr. 11. 'H. Kellner,
wife anti three eIiIkiren and lire other
frletals. Their destination is 4►Ilpdtaut
4111 the !truce 1' • sola.. Dr. Kelllo
1s hew] of the Pension,. Board in Lon
don and every year follows the saute
plan as lie has this year in arranging
for his 1411111/3/ holiday. The party eel
t.plipweut tassels In tw04'*i and two
t ratters.
! ,1,Su` " �c " tit- „dhlat"I,,In M nL
Getterk•h. are to he congratulated upon
Mr. and 3!(r". Frank Woods and son
Jack are tamping at Bayfield. the brilliant record made by thew at
the recent examLwtluns of the London
Andrew ' Hicks. M. 1'. P.. W11s In 1'uusrrtatory of musk.. The fifteen
town 4111 Toewt.y. ;N1pt1s w•bo tried their exawatatluus
Mr. Worthy Ryan. of Toronto. I. vis- were all ruccear+fnl, right n4.IvIng
!hug of tit.• parental home. first-class honors and five receiving
Mimi Grace Video!) is visiting Mrs.honors. MINS (Neta Lamphrey wins
Martin Price In Stratford.the 141(.11 shyer medal alcarolt41 by the
Mr. Frank Doty. of(blltugw,64wI, Conservatory and Mfs4 Alma book
DRS In town over the tiy.krtid. the local bk prize. The Maximum
W. M. McLaren. of Toronto. is holt- total lhtahlable is dol uulrks, first-
class honor« S3, honors 73, and pass
daying In town at the Sunset Hotel. ,k;. The following are the p•r(eutagt-s
Miss Sinclair, of Ottawa. Is visiting obtained by the l'omoai pupils.
her sister, Mrs. 1I)r.) A. H. alackliu.1 Junior Violin
Mrs. It. W. Cralgte, of Brockville, to First -Plass Honor. - Oleca Lan -
In Goderieh on a vtrit at the old Dume thrry. iN ; Elute Spence, 1)1 ; 1:41110vu Keeps street. \ 1411111. t(;1; F:IIa lldoinsou, x$,
Mrs. William Lawrence, of (hMak�((�► honors -glary L..kdy, rid; Keith
is the guest, of her brother, Mr. Itul). 31uriw,i, 77.
art Foley. Itlghan start. \ 1'ar+-Helen Hoq'ri,•, 74.
Dr. Abbott nod family. of London, \ en Howmary ie. 74.
are oce1lpyhlg their e on N'rlght First -times Honor. -labia R'tw,ll-
street r the t'v-raWater.
[u t
Is Boss
+ + 7
' aur 1 Flri 1
lic4•. J. F. Rep. -raft and family, of (41w1a•. iMl; F.,1
Loudon, m(itnrld through Goilerlcll on Jllafhl,'wln MU; ]rile Andrew's. *5. of 111+1 week.H.Wnr•s--inline Whitely. 13; Doris
i ombiti Fre' Press : Russell SIe!k Andrew*, 81 ; Doris Rodgers, 7.).
IAA left on a !tithing trip to l:oderielr 1'11f14' -Jack WIlttty. 74.
alai Wlsrt,m-
Mrs. I'laas. Swanson and three ch1M- GtM1eNuP1f
leu have 1911rmwl to their home in uws, 44 iII l(ilpwnl the Offender r wN
story concerning 31r. tad Mrs.
le SIDIu atter spending a week with harry Matlkeld;, which weals to lave' nearly thirty years. duly. 11114.1 re the founts• 3n11er WA•.
Mr. x4141 Mr-. M. 1'. d to 'e gI(PW11 considerably in the telling. ha« Iu 1141'.'the family returned to Amer- The t1'hlgh:u0 citizen (1111141 unit Iw•
The rlgtut1 is glad to 1't'pio t flat n•arhid the lwllrtt where it Is giving Ica and settled in Brooklyn. The sully I tried by the Mayor. as Juetive of the
Mr. harry \\'IRKhas who was •operated 'auuuyvuu•t• to rho concertos'. The jeer of this sketch IN4aut(• organist of l0arr, for *.*disorderly cvuwlua': ns uu
un recently far ular•Mltl-Itts at Atrx- tuctde11► woks of a mist innocent Indere. St. Paul's church, Brooklyn,. 11 the age' offence agnbl-t the 1►. T. A. 11117 146•
noir, huspltll. Is f Ottawa.iiy improving. 111(41 'rhe Signal has • (he authority of of 1•i,hteen. anti about that lira• par tried by a Justice of the Pelee unless
Itev. J. C. Reid, of r former 31r. \\'illinnl \\'allare.`inanagtr of the :11191 the 41141y 41f 41rgna playing ander Kico11 s4Nr11(1
permission to 40 so, by
ho ,.... ..oto.• \1n,ristrntt'.
pastor of NI'. 31.•thodist church. was Godrri,•h Knitting 1'11..
renewing old acquaing itie iu Goole- tory it took phtee • for
ricin 411441 vk•i:4,(7 ,owing nae pair week. That Mr. amt Mrs. Wankel..
Mrs. H. E. 'rromblry anti amt Jtanlor. unaware of what had ueln
of 1lrtrolt. are ••welts at the hntue of
red until Mr. \Ganite,• art M
Mr. and Sir.,. 'M. J. howler, Vk•turia o„ the start in Ooal,rielt a 4111,
street. lat.'s.-,clwu tine atilir was rx
Mr. S. 1•. \Yjlsom's friends 14111 rye- 81x1 s;a.4lily (k•arc+1 up. The 7416
gret to learn that he is suffering front 11 tuts leen circulated is gritty
a paralytle -trike which has confined untrue, audio ono• with ally reg
him to his bed shoe hast Saturday. for truth or Luisa,• should repeat
Mount Forest Confederate : Geo.
MIs -e' Evelyn awl Lucy Morris, of
-Sarnia. are visiting their cousin. Mr.
Eric Wilson.
Miss Madeline Martin, of Ottawa, is
titter Ilrr grandatetl►rr,--Mrie C-
Melnt.'sh, West street.
Bus meets all train.. Calls male for
passengers and baggage to any part •of
:he town. Prompt .in ice guaranteed
Telephone S1 Day sr Night
-11 . R. S 'row E
Residence, Cambria Road. opposite the
Organ Fit 108'. Office
Girls Wanted
a clean work. win lighted, well
he: Id factory building. Girls to
lean knitting, looping and finish-
ing,. ( petition for experienced
-e.tttil+pei-club anal
recreation • ,m in connection with
the rwUT.
Dr. William Henry Woodcock, of
Garden City, N. Y., Pensioned
At $3,500 Per Year
The announcement of the retirement
of William Henry Wootl.64•k. alas.
Doe.. as organist and choirmaster of
the Cathedral of the Incarnation, 1:ar-
den City. New York. is Made In a re-
cent 'mother of Tin' New :1usi1 Hee-
slew'. Thus 1..0,1.491. the report von -
thaws. 1111• active caner of one of the
most wiolely known plolawvs of Angli-
can unholy In the Protestant Episcopal
I'Inlrch, lt44vuse the- Ptatewt•ut, a
. shove.
. f hl
•n • ({ born n Eng- -
w „f R
1 I 111'1t
• K
Signal s The lisp permits. at G4Nlerlch to 14'rl. In strong trrw R
1';:,:1 Ile went to Engin Oil «1111 hi. par- ,IW4rtairl the t•omtdete facto all
,'nt'. and later became a chorister In of the case baler discussion 111
his father's choir at St. Starks. Pen- Times This was done. and It was lea
totrille. Loudon. At this time a ed it• the Crown authorities iu G,w
cousin. Iter. 1)r. John \Vo.wlc•t64•k', was rich that the second charge wa. mad
trn9entlr of I'anterT.tli•c ('atlu.lral-i nutter the u. T. A., tlrtt- cif ",Irutda.0-_
,asitiou held by hint fora period of • "
Give Us Your Sup-
port By Becoming i4
Regular Subscriber
SI E''Tt, -y11r rH mut No; 27.
JUSTICE IN HURON COUNTY - Mr J• V. tOnOD' of 13eatorth. lifts
Iw.•41 aeD,,.u.1,1 (•r 0.,.11 i::111k ot
1 l'umut'net ataR•
Diaeussfon of System Provoked Hy Re ` ___
rent Editorial lit Winghaa Times --
- --
Finler the he+l,liun. "No flare for
,••`�.•.• .
Just lee Shallow,- The N'tmghait Tinges
In a n. •nt Issue criticised the admin
Istratlnu 1 justice as it is at present 1
iultler a 1 ,nuts Magistrate.
In plat. u• sir, hie was as foil oc1,:
Nut lung sit a it 01:11 was arrested ill 1
W 11'g1111111 tar drunkenness 11411 11'11..1 ,
la -fore the ata, ar who thin.) 111111 $.1.(M) •
and 11104 10. As hough thio were out
huulr11uu•ut emu' 1, the Gatlrrlch 4)54'
elms nook a laud Iu the wafter ..unl
leviid an additional
costs, awouuting to
result of a simple 1
may call such action o
nsn11orltil•" Justice. If w•
is out Justice as the pia
iuh:d sees it. 1t s.lcut►rs
du*iright, malicious pr41w9•
tine of 81(L0M1 and
'7.1x1. All a5 the.,
uw•rl•ttan. We
the G.ateri'h
x•111. but it
every day
rather of
tion." .
it np• Sensible
1 1
1 t,4
Every Night
.whose +tor. tne,164111r 1(4! 5i44rrge 41. .aarg; u, a
e statement was ji:•rh.tlw tae binding organist of Moreover. 1 tho. two mot. who Ossi-:-
were quite 1144 Alai. lolirlg_tl(MNleote: establish -,491 the 4•011s1111.144 10 jail the unruly of-
Ily occur- ,591 at St. Peal's tho' Lir.
a male choir In f1 tisler..*ero nor at lfrat plaid their
WalkelIt 1...:1g Island. - • pr.i,ue fee (1 s1.:.0 (.1011. The rase
or 441-,4 141 1.4711 141• w.aw i tUed la SL-34sic!-t',''t" tiw-hlkyor-+says held in prn'.tte
*11011 • chinch, Itnoklyn. aril a year later he, court ..cud no aotltkettton wins -given
7 11A intr.N14161"1 n nut le (hoar in that rnrlock c, -en to the (tlustxble who wade the
elsHr a•as -----,luted to (:alio n pity mist, . necordlua to the inform Ohm
p.m. -
\'111111'44 --
Wast AL.
M'ss the chance
o hear the hest dance
orchestra In Ontario.
Oh. Boy ! That Wonderful Floor !
Meet Me at the Pav !
III tin I I
"If I open a Savings Account for
will look
foolish -I'll
I it
,�' wait
UlRO>I wait until I have $50 or $100•" That
SAW` is what is keeping thousands of per-
I poor.
. u ns
(►���i The Union Bank isthe Bank of the
/,' People. We welcome your Swings
r �~ , Account whether you open 1t with $1
� � �' 14���'hl ,; or $100.0
A.l gym, Copy of booklet "One Dollar Weskit'
,• - { sant dor wino.
Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager
\talmsley recently spent It tee / lay41
111 (iotlrrieh with his sister, Mrs. Hor-
Mr. Walter Itneltanan and family,
of Toronto. aye visiting Mrs. Bucltan-
an's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11, W. Mc-
_ _Sir Prank Tom. -ot--Tnkehn -thio--R"'ul
brother of Yr J E. Tum of town luta
41 1•atheilril. Nebruary 111. 14`1.'.. by MAI- furulalu.l '1'11:• Signal. '
op I.lttltJohn who had I,ng kept a 1'41:lltquin;:. fat. Times owlets.. I
watchful eye 13146.1) !kit- choir of St.' 1lel 1 -11i a 164.1114 4it• eee,141y it Is ,
ary'5. Mr. _0111,1 k N':1. made 1ka•- .121111111 1111 11 tlr,•s14111111 Ju11gr $hould
-0f--M11s1V-117-44e 1'111%14'41y of the k.110W_1Uw1_iil,tls of the family htstat•?•
tit shortly Otter taking 41;1 his tail cir.11wst,ttue• of u prisoner wit.. tlam'gtrt Fano Agency m1 Canada)
rdtal duties. Ot;ps•:, rs Iw•Aor; hLu," life this p64dut 'Offers for tale a number of choice
ntttnl"•r of nears he acted n• 1in• Itw,.1 1111111rrit1.•1 cl+thin 1II 1 the farms; from '10 to 2(!11 acres, good
choirmaster in rarloi,, tar.
1litst knawa of rho caw• the latter, .0
%ion? 1114 more Import. nut 411 717:1141--thlr,tr.' 1n14y br Irlt'd wh ( _, tolatiut� 170th to 9CiMel`1 1414(1-g�iAd---
let. tanks A-rllnrelt. Besekly,4.- kn:lr-glret1 a.rict I) .on its merit on- AII:-
rnllrt w 1 11 �r tje. markvtlnwns. Any per-, --
At the Harbor 11
The only arrival ' at the Ootlerieb
Elevator the pa wt'l'k WW1 the (11en- Ca
Beet on Tue.alayy ith 11O,I1M1 bushels F•1
of wlrat awl oats. 4�r 1111
The' Government dredge 1r Waking f lies.
1J_liluULt- -will 1w•
needed 111 It Is ex1N-Rtwl. Iii ni w
,', aw. 011 Huly Trinih•. New hark --then t,1 toe e(111• 4114 gl{eu u,
ou 1Ile walk on the top of their retain- 1t,dlsnn Jtranu_ And_ Forty' oat! the only proper, x411 r.. I.
-tr et. ' 9 nnree WTiT,ritl ti4i'U it a
fug wall lack of the t:oderk•h Kir- Wl,..o ur \\'4NNIeu:k went t:1 Coe Toe inn 1st .Ire or Judge shnnhl
calor.• .I
Shipments of groin by rani ' re been 1
henry (1115 last week. 4'
114.•eipts of grain transhipped tit' 3
I:Ialericll l:l•r:unr u;, to the a of- t
July will show' a fair increase o er t
those for the same p64•r1o41 iu 11r'1. 'I' • c
figures thus f:1• are TS_.6MN( bushels.
Thiough the weather :,has not been t
lot lou• lathing leach is patronizwl
da fly wlt11 a goodly number of latthers.
It•ihni a 7cu never thought of it hut:
that way._ Some kinds of .h-wrller .
ue a,!nntt, mem quite silly and sups
erMuuo, and still people wear thein.
!tut other kinds are really enlential
M tin' well tiverto614L 1IMtt ..I W01011114.Take this scarf pin and rine deli{pttrl.
or example, neat, not gaudy -tart
4 ate the right thing.
Watchmaker and Jeweller
Car. East Sit a kuak k
re Goder
•11•�3s�ss®c�a® •
The Willoughby Farm Agency
takeu a t.ittage lu l,utderkh for the
month of August. _
Mr. and 3lrs. A. J. Cooper and
daughter motored to -Owen Sound 011
Monday to attend the funeral of John
t . Sloane.- 4. first cousin of Mr.
Cooper's. '
Mr. and Mrs. C. 31. 1h'zzn. with their
eldest won and Ills friend, atwl third
won. of Kit.-lw:wr, motorist to•GoNlerfcll
Saturday 111141 (464111.1 ou their relatives.
They returned early o11 Sunday.
Mrs. 0. W. Schmidt and dauglit.•rs.
loin old. Evelyn, ot Portland. 44014111.
are visiting. Mrs. Sehwldt's uuc4. end
aunt. Mr. tml airs. J. H. 3L 6'liniou.
It Is .roar ren years 441(4,9 Mrs.
Schm1/It's hist visit to Gish -Hi -1a
Klppei (441'resp,ntlent to 1'llnton
News 11+4.1.'11 : Miss Mharian M. Kty
who I. vi.14113t with h.•r si.der.
1'. Ma,Ewan, l:4aletieh. IA ...mooted to
her room thr eigh illness. \Ce hope
MIs« M.'Kay will soon be able to re-
turn to her Tome again fully ret -over -
lir and 31rs. T,enrge King. Hayfield.
+1:inghter. M11r1oi1-4'Im'Ist1t'. to Mr.
3lnrlev (1. Harr. only son 0f -Mr, and
3L•.. rharles Hart, of Maim. Ont.
The mut-Inge w itl •Mkt• palace tarty in
riteT the pl k
cal to to buy or sell, get in 111 111.11 el 1 la
t` their representative, --
C. C. McNL• IL
Street ,• Goderich, Ont'
'atheilral r,f the 1o•.lrmatkno. boy tutlw4r 1111 nrtluetw•,. anon his u..
ole( .culture. aril-tie:ill3' s1'' :Iiig, t.acora:d.• 41' 1therwi .'.
r.1+ but little understood in this ctuu- Further, says 7'i:r '1'iwc . '•\GIu1.1 1t�
hire. IT,,nn'e were -May t they 1(146•1 a(, better class Jiawrc and t41». urt1c of from
and moneyl.,int of
to re-
ha11•s I sung with impure tom` .puallty. ' >tlir& the farui•'i' system of local uta-
\Yl:at"1+-'wmn:'t11nts called '•('nthe•Ir•a1 13'RXI •y, which uhixe.i common Itm:,."l•
..! i tool i•ai1Woll sense **nil •' 1(1(0':. --..
min out r l III n ! to whit of .mow -g•
only hea ard III Eiighuul, (4',tw t i ii 1445' 1111 give rn(4r,.- n4twf,actk,u 1) t''
at extent unknown in .\tucric 1. 4 4111111111114
g the (11r)y reformers in t'ai41'nd.•r the present System It is p•dW-
Delegation Visits WInghala 11+rt. nits held .1 coke rnlhnrt% throe I(' out that tie• nrtgistrate Jonrr..•vs
----.t--rh,1rj .then --from GoderIeb_tl-n'tL men • mal amt• with smell striking
iro111- .to ft' 'ct:•m othe rigs,• oder*' nu the
thoyiars inp,-1�%-
1(4' • 4411110W, 'Agility lt.eve 3105er •thnr the. 11111yI•e 1111.41'oe pion,"'r"eIl,es-rs •.-4r..- 4T-t1111,s fTlr.y"'t4'4
5480114•il, (ha151sthr[ of 'Mayor Wigle. ,1341344: 64tw1411
14141 Councillor Ha11144. visited Witte- of artistic choir-irN11dug in the Coifed 11r)' 1ulrausde4 \sod•from
tills.-a!ai..-t ..•vents -'Ice per refit. of
h:111 on Friday of last; week rind he stat... Ti 'y were Keudril•k 1171w. of tht d1f.•o,Ilul1-' h1 ) „Ili,. „t,urt r1as ••
s;«4•iwl the IIP\v tY•tuent rads whir!'
St. 3�IIIrti's, .1111:! 1.1phin. George F. Le dr74114• to r •t . U, 1:'64lerfeil to tic'
hate been .lid hl that 1OW11. The J.•1u14, of $►. Johi's 1.11.1 pet: Trinity their cos..",100111114 W11 11 :May Learn ti.
tutenb yrs of he party express them- Parish. 111141 1. II. \\'oodetw•k, (1f pnI'II.• ,•y1' .d th,•tr x4411 town. 1int tow•
se•Ives 1101 qui plt.rw4l with the hr Garden l'ity I th4lrlI. air. J'yie ,.,nr1 Is 111111 4.11181!8'13' :Ind 6111 '444'rr-
forulatfotl %lhic was obtained during 4.4141 to Mt. 31:1 's ,from r'hlehester.nod 4'13110-741.: err no11ti4•�I b1 .In''•Ie
their c.lnfen•1144' 1(11 tow ot11e1N1r of . Cathedral, hedral, 4:mrht_ rtow}-was-tor. Lrat--n re- 1-hirlt- 4.44- +,inflate to t u'- ,r•'-
\1'inghati1 4111 it 1 ez1w••iwl 4hat very 1.11..i1•It oi-yrnilst 141 •llu'lulsh a flans - 1"41111',' h. tht: in+e 4'14(.1 hr \\ In¢hani
1R erste .n A4 .111 __ n.f , 1011' t ••u .040,1 a r•'n
4h1rr11y sinal urr:llge rnitt_1l' IL --- tiIrIlLNI•'sllldm.-ot _ 1'111•
pleteti t1, st:irl work Un the-eouneet-4.,.....2.1.• _.2.:...H1 aft'rIa1'1 4 + il:••u=T1 m «id4 rthis• !IinOlI wt of In,4IiSW to itte incl
mN 1 - 44e the (•/0uic M.1xtw-
Ut_. fink• --\ i. tesla stTL Sit - aLtrii'+_ l'1dlnlli�lith tri '1 1 tv.a years Jw•ilw
tri• 1'.ItlI l:'IIT. wTiele lie Went a11r►,rt .trite Tia+ Inti many eases 1Ni-t►ii}ii
The New 3ta11ti. Ttu The• rein' bili,
with the ,orlweut of the defendant of
4 la
e n
have s P•4 tit• n rh might
t.T •r (4111
•e newt T so
n 1' F. !
A.I n roar
taxes u George
I[ sta
.1 number of c 1e. ,!iii ( or town • The new schedule .tell c p on • tonal of I'v33o--Ilcarl { tit him 1115444.1 ,4n directly to the 4 .:mty
r•t co e1
are (Dunlop e 3 • Juhu Ga1111 rnr - August
tic.. tax Into Ra j
Mgr, Dunlop hooch. Among them are. Angu t 1st. 'the tax will be 'u ('41115 111 l'ihIa'141 IiIi when .1r14Nn144 of `(t. ji„tgds criminal,court. Iry «1 the
• er11n
In {
„ •, 4•rl .
• •Is tl a f stn
- afterward.. _ •stn
311+r 3[nrgat9t (hilt and Mi11gI+:1, ItPlelt �m nmonittr.w^ tet sE.-,I►, and 4+s tents Luke's thuh.h,au iu
4.*1-t /Tinel'---Itxytir 14•r•ie11y-llau1•11,-�-ecrr��dtlttltnlal amount '..9,9 to most brill in tit ,11(1.1.4•• us orgnuls4 anti .8tirf too• Cost. ilii,iiiii mort't$ehi'ri'
Itarhnra ' \t'IL•oli. Catherine Hays, x , n+:, 11.4, 1:weeding ;.i,01M►. (411 rholrm 144ter Of -977-.171701`4 t•hiip't. w ,ty 411(1-the_iltt' +
-Dien Cooke, arta ('ifake sad M atuiuit. 41.1 4'1 $2.lNN► lite t+tw wlI . W-ainin4'slit - ' S, ci1•wa.l frog 1 4, ry !!" ,, -
Gnrrua. ><2. Tar 1.13 applies, telt oiAy u I",y•ehnlr-training literally bred lu hl. 14,11.114 1114• 16461111 of , . •,•its,' 11 I-
The ('Ilgngeua•nt is :Inumlu(wl of 4•heglii:, but to d 14(15. deur ii I luau:: Iw:mrs In F:n':1:1111, To tines,' flow mm'1 't, (441'•(1 that th1 , 1 ,oily 31141' _t
Lucy Virginia. (1111y 411,1g1h•r of air", overdrafts, withdraw -,al receipts. money the 1.811',' Of expert--eholr•trtlhtiuz, In j, .,•ns Npnre11hb17 the ndullui.hn': ,
3fnedonnl(', Delaware avenue, Toroth. orders. motes. except rotes 1.11A11hle nn _Epl$iyr alt 4'1141'Sh, l,WV,4 much mare at j13stlri•-411 !loran - vomit 7.
ra and the }its lar. W. 4' t1n11bmskl dtNttarNi delivered to hunk, the nix on
, (':ut be adequately told. _.. .._. - ...--
11111 grNud.l(4mghh•1 ut the hitt' iter, VA 1114'11 Will la• two ('4.3315 regardless of -- p,• hof Capt Wrt1: B, MacLean
.lames Sieceright;-trr .ttr. James It -i'.- 44 111011O: Stamps cert ordinary receipts -Wk t del _is __well_knma't1 tt.
Perkins. youngest sin of air. end Mrs. will not crane In until January 1 t to blit' visited
(1 Isere.
It is tela • A no •ii11r on too• In'an11 likes tar
G. 31. Perking, Vleyburu, Mask., the _ - years s e°e he visited lore. 1 r I4 N Nlmo-t t3' re4t•4 Asci at .\t:xntrdrt
marriage to take place early In August. How About (.oderirh ? t:, -1t -*v the late I'e duIsere \1i..,411 k I lospihll n 1alnrlii .In1,4 '2211141•ht
\\ high iii council has pnn-141e(I $301141 for many ears n resident of Gnderteh the perwn of Clip?. Wm. B. 31a1'!A•nn.-
S • ., . 1.01%0. -
Augast Rod aro! Gun in 1'1i7es tar the horticultural S1s•i(ty who pissed away Ilhnllt ta911y year., 4)l 1`.1,04.41 W1 Iwnud1111t. an eary t)'
The August issue of 1(011 and Tarn to disperse ruder thele heads : For logo. Mrs. \'. I' Fish. of Rlw•hester. cninr toea this c tory with his pwlellg'
In ('Mania; which1is naw an sill(•, can- the hest l!I �iw; for the mostost j4attract-, The Slgu:i1 t.4,1 her
dldltedrice, to for 1111• :INT .11161 and t•ntlw 3In'I •.l11. wt1UUZ
rains n wt abounds
of earth -while and read -
gloom in 11r11rstel r Fe .-0- tint+'. -the- (*11113
Ing. end it alnnwl5 hl bright curl In• ice oar grounds or Ranleu; for the lutleb•. 'We are- �Iso advised that the Moll 1111 Itrue,• ett sty, but ,iter re-
tereetlnR features. The camper oe la•st decorated front porch or,veren- 5't1:1•elral-of Gar(l'14(1 City has pension Moll h, 1:4«IrN19a, 1'Npt. 31!'1rai
1 1 big I 1 411111 Thy prirew Irl each chile ire $11 1st e11 Ire \ O111leOrk et�j3.5410 ler year to :lulled
his unitknI 4 e'1' at 'tn• 1:41
1 Regarding net. for first And 444.(N) for AProM �t of seventeen r1 N
t deal. forIt 1
vacationist will that the i g net c e L opprw laflan 0T his w r les- rs ass Nsherwxu. H,'
44Meme worth
1st ons 4•gan n
worth a Kees 1 en . s I of n ears a' it non of :a Ash -
for B. O. T. A. lug tag Sul_. ons stab+aa •.1 at 1 h h-
wrftt4n by an outdoors matt, Aps4-lal• CHURCH NOTES ly for the aid it holiday pleasure Frank Beimett, of Guelph, formerly Fish 1'nint for over four w• t
seekers whom trails lead thro•tgh 114° 41 Ifirth. was charged last Saturday At Zion {hnn'h, Taylor* Corner, Ile 4cns c013nw•t19t 4( ( seer .1 pnt
wllds Or the ntw•u s1N1rPs. "Tow l„•Lure Pollee Magistrate Held. of w•rrlce will is' held ,4n !tool after -
At 4 t' 441 his lifetime. a li 4 (41 \Ip .rt -
lInntly of the \\'estmnr,•innd," Is a 11114 Groleritil, with violating the 5)tltario ,'r*l nt 3 1 11's 1, 111 I', N. !after 4111rlitg tId 1)tnnl;;,w, 111,11 cthcl�pa,iol•
fishing yarn by Hobert Page Lincoln. r1n, s'ruue .\ct ly supph•Ing ugnor nn 4141• ••11011. 1 1,,I •
1 1 N{► will officiate.
Atl hje.Y et this it,,: •
There 1.4 n splen,1141 y to a )fist1 man (, narticle by Bonnwho 11'141 •14nt r
of Igeared before the "Seine31ngi"trnte to Kuo� shun b, 11e11110111.nit. w
of 1.11 ,lent I.
t4• 011nwer 3:"I
Fre Stewart. son of 31rs. .trl4.
-astir I)a1P, Whilethe nits o mer..4,i •
..)len of the Hudson's Rayy Cbtalt►y" ,, charge of A .foe of Rev, J.► ria•le is with tl
a Il n.On(h.1,t,r..\ F
T Th 1' The 11111m- t t t -t
waif T(l miss. '11e Trtp 114lslrttm•nt
It an nnnsnally generous one, eontahn-
of he }lant-
• account t r
fag a long breezy
ern ('inada (!hitnplanshlp.. at Hamil-
ton. which is replete with pleturls of
tunny of the "big gluts."
!tad anti Gun In Pantie U put/limp-
ed monthly at Woodst4N•k, Ontario, by
'w 1. 'raylor;'•bimineir-
h \ 51
of ler eNttl rl . Ie raflollA (P '>1•�INI nod r414 . In164r.,.. .
, ,4`!rMrs►N •1 115 seyPlll4'-hft it NtI IItYPre -�['ti..t'r'• alj."W.i11i1
i.Il�• trTftntTr"..
o b h- w•7tti-
*ailments are filled 1 fit; }ln Th /a9(shwt 4cas markwl by
TNI el 11•11 til& sportsman «111 not M 11.1111 1 iJu(
Wrong Date Announced
in Inst work's Slgunl n !manor and
salad ten, under the inapkew of Ah -
meek (*hapter. 1 (1.1)1:,, was announc-
ed to he held an the grounds of Mr.
0. F. Carey, the t•res/ent, on Tues-
day. August 211.1 This date ghoul('
have been Tuesday, August oat, at 4
p.m Ten will be seri ed fr 5 ;.m.
Admis,i,I 1(N' (9111«.
*was Man Men On Mileage Ilasis
The ('niadlnn Rural 'In 11 ('earn ,,• tar 141
,• shlnhl
. I
•'r I
soil ti
re nrL
n P, , ..l .r
tors •• 4 t d f
11(4 1 Norm �. 1
l7 rontlm 1 n n
•s tenni 41
c4• •.Iw. I nn
the ihotrtilllun t:0c,•runl,.,,t, h, lu, M144.1a1 rel Inn the pr,•4,•11! sy+tem ..f t, -I l,•rlu(; r'•- '••A 1':I "1441 •line•!! n.•xt''$IIn.LIy. Tn 3I1+•hlg11, $11• lir..?11 r" , 31' 1111
n1oc191, 111111 n straight $711 n mile s +1' the morning the sm .titer «Ill he Re r. , 0.11, of 114";'.,It 'TNI Sora Ma 1' o: a'•'
-;Ratti. The 1h1'rchnl•ttt will also 4' IL (Greer. of Mt. Thome*. nn11 In if 11i;lry, nn•_air,•Is: HM•tor 31'lin
1. . skwt to 15.11,' an order 4•olnps•IIh'K the evening Rei'. ('. N. 1h'wey 4111 of I:tkr N!, hall. 14ru 141.•,•f 4:4
t I .1, , ImY nut im.n„, lin thr•twnH rh•sek_•fwnl►••4Jw-.Llnu*a.:_...::TJtc .&43 { ;L..'
crtrfkr's richt 1141e, AO 'ifs 10 n1OMW • 1141 H1:04 Ijue'tlon." 311sA Elizabeth I Itobt.• McKay, n11 of ITcriherk-h. ..r
A11u14or of d141141on «nth itndrs. Kunz, of London. the well known coir ,ep/lw•ws."4/11.,.1:::,:,:i. nrr,ll wn•' hl I!
1,43110, «ill sing at both s•rvtce4. Bih1e l•' ,"14 18y frohl 'h• re.i'I
A New Makers «,•hail *III mi't nt 10 a.m. Th.• 11. Y.I of Mr,. 11',apt., ion 3L•Kay I, 41
G,"IIrirh is to hare 11 new bakery. P. 1'. will sleet n' r: p.m.
oe 3iondny I In nd t4 a►rfrry'. Ti,,' w•n'tles 'ore r e
Mr J. link. w'ho has Igen In bn7lneem evening 'I'h,• t1_', win M• : •'1:armPt des the dfn•:'tlnn of Huron s'mv 1 1
in Myth for year«, has h'iwd the noel 'triflers." 1'rnyer service «111 Inti ':,..ii'
F„ $lt• meluls•r.- of x•111••11 130.•,nt
1 store In the Dunlop 1,l11•k tut rll•At I1ekl on Tiler*.Lty meting at•ai•o'l l8lI(. f ,iiC[,It.u.1i.1`'!a►r'e'Pt, ami IA busy 11tthlg it tit► li 14"' ' ste,�.' rlhvld leer
`moder,h lakert 1\'atr•14 for Mr 1.In 's Pot chill bags if14il ii4lllea•ww 14o to i•tndet..1. J 5 rF:4n••i, ue! 1'.'11 • C
l opening aunonu•rta•it. "Walker's Furniture Satre. I were pit Ill"•:1lrs.
1111 s
snry. a ,Ig,. 1, t1, tt. Mrs. ,
_✓i•roprlir' services on Sunday'. fol -
Ka' of l'"'""1"1%."114 3trs. tic , I
y. by n s„•ia1 Ruthrrhlg on 3h,n' Johnston. of '.uw^n1rer. 1t. 1'.. ate
`' and John 31•'Fa'•. of Durk
per -square foot-___
- me.
- Lasts a liltc4l \
\ r' r:,'1:4 cion be accepted
July r.
after at this
I'eet glade. enol matched,
clear osk.
Godes i( ; Planing Taws
ca., Ltd.
1'1+,�ne li P.. O. lint U4
Recd VJ(,1 kers
Rced \,V.l:ders
M.•chir.e Hanes
Bench- H .r. ds
Finishc•1 s
If desiring employment
leave nam- And Address
Wt!) our agents,
ssr. E. H. Hill & Co.
Coderich, Ont.