The Signal, 1922-6-13, Page 10l timbers L. 0. L. t+� 1 ('ontfeved from page 1% ' Illa upon which the political and milts tf,nis freeeloa of England la Lound ithis Charter begins and concludes ,vtth the assertion that "The. Church of 1l:ngleal gall be free". The political and religious freedom guaranteed to the English people by Ile• Great Charter was aot taIfmsI, cote limed Mr. Hardy. Kfags atilt reigned as autocrats 41111 1't11101t atoll tyrannized oyer the church. This state of affairs cote 11111(41 for a few hundred Closing Services (Continued from page 11 Time Evening Sorties) • Viii the evening Rev. 1/r. Young the c In eluding /sermon of the Christ." Haig when he witnessed the victory at the Marne gave thsolu- tion l - tion In three words : "Someone Is praying.,. Thr word tabentacie expresses the earthly dwelling, the trifling place of Wan with its Creator. The •taber- preached t , nails carried by the Jews from their auntversiry aeries. He spoke with 1 Eayptian bondage had given way to great fervor from Annie 9: 11-'•I will i Volowon's tem•1r In 11100 B. C., which raise up the tabernacle of David that ii: torn was razed In 111 A. D. Today Is falitet" 111 the c'o -t'an clue; h hay superseded was ontiui ` u 1 I 1 and every - Th 74th Anniversary (Continued from page 1) LO is carried to the skies oa beds of ease." Ckytstfaes must ask tbem,telvee if Unlit take a serious view of lite. 11 *di are enthusiastic in Chrlst3etn err - vine: tt they are etraeet ate prof.ating ('hrtmians. tei destroy the spirit of wa- terLllam , rampant In the world. There are many Incentives and en- BANKRUPTCY ACT ROI ALTON.-At Ueltast. un SetuntarJuly IN T11E ESTATn JOHN B. Al. 9th, to Mr. and 31rs, Elmer AIWn, a len, oaf the Town of Goderich 1n son. the Province of Dutarlu, garage wan. ANDERSON -In Toronto, to Mr. and Authorised Assignor. Mrs. Bruce T. Anderson, CMO Briar Notice I1 hereby given that the alcove Hill Avenue, a eon (JamesTolmfe). natural did o n the twenty -Muth day of �.. June, 1922, make an authorized as- sigument to the und'rslgnel. Nudes is further given that the cast•_ werting of creditors to the atxov, H(1 the bride's dparents, 31r.aud Mrs. Jt A. Hailey►, Win hat, Helen MARRIED The rev. rI'u t gent" wt t 1estate he I.t' in his lnrllctbon •o[ 'a the remote mid the tabernacle which Protultoutli Killoran &t the o+s. Bar - 1 better da•o coining At the ohne time' were t,w'al. all•( here. there he was smear fc In his enation t- when. is the clutch u111v.rs. 1. The the clods of witnesaes,in the hwhether links- 21st day oflJul-y. 1Ont atlFriday, the eleven o'clock tion and worn of the exploitation of universal churc'1 for all laud.. pt.oV es I the cloud lu the forenoon. oogenic and the failure of materia Item I climates. tongue-, and all conelltlona'tal� orr[aneut neutral, inspire gr lter llrlactio, To entitle you to yore thereat proof years until the world e•wt-rgeat from ,two „x•i.tllstu to rule the world. of humanity. DIED (110 dark ages foto a tw•rlal of en• in agrtrhlg with Te son !bat the The lsuders in Iwoliti.s, ,utiyrrdtlea,`Imbuing within them a virile dlslosf• of your data must 1* forayed with the tightdeep lt. Marlthl'w ventured tato •LBeat is yet to (0014 Uryoung gave and s,a'irty are awakened iu Great (Ion to wlit 't"t. y undersigned before the meeting fs held. Sunda the deep Hera for the float time cast tt xpmssiuu to Iho wish that hr weer I Britain. Canada, and even Germany. epver. are theft friendly a es Proxies to doe asci et the mw•H0R Y � lir 6;1a ea Beam, iu his 71 tit vests younger • already H i The awn s w 811, h lrtting n struggles here: and wast be lodged with the uudrrolgued I { rbc Estella, to of Goderich, Dudley Hui tilay }Isom Holum', of Mr. and ?ire. W inghaw. thereto - Labrador. anchor in Indian harlwors. 5rbastbi tytl etadi i t ung experlenc the y Christian Calved thnmdtd a w'ty among the lee , were angna 411: conditions crowing which ,law'll of the day "when righteous shall to Ode a tensed m the living aura the p And Lurcher take notice that if you tw•rga of the inial\tie to the toast of tte•tr more hopeful. Otto -dna. selise cover Jhe earth as the waters cover dead alike eo mpethtze and Ionic for citehave Is►bredor. l'onatantinnple was emir ' factory. and Godly than had ever it !the sea.- God has sail the day will stuccoes of all t'hrtstlans la life's greet which any are a aiisst tueraebtor for proof cunei by the Turks and Greek o•hulars•I M,t;n wluleaswl. come. What become% of the practical race. "They Ming dead yet speaketh." fled to Italy. Men began again to With unique picturesqueness the• l.14r of this herculean task 1 Every- The memories of holy men and holy 1of such claim nowt be tiled with the Ible. Thr new learning slulster {sL•lerl the picture of the! wlirrt- spews heard, unkiudneas, theft, women tin giant slily tit''' years of pion -1 he undersigned of this lhnotieerforehfromf and study the 1( t 1❑ spread 111 Elaghlllll 711111 shell the r� I haylHtg Season years :Igo/, and agxtn I lac : of sympathy and co-operation. service In .Ashfield church. the p ( after the expiration of the time fixed Beton as taught by Jesus Christ was I he drew for Ills hearers the hay hat• What Is the sharp of the lndirldwl '? eeew In the faith, crowd the mind and , of turwt with that of the leeellel resting of ttwLay; in comparison. ' • , (d has breathed 111tn every man an heart to anniver,ary day. Chriatlaus bald u�'"t`tionund f :section shall f the of Ito • they ,any a great to reform num weld ecar kid glovtvt thre,ugbout untiring spirit and It la for the Christ- of today must be worthy of theirbute the tri - and tlw•r wen• determined to reform haying time and not soil them." which' tan to be tired i +p4'ndid heritn�e, anti hand on to tate among the parties entitled there - hr l'burch. It was only needed that I inderl, ails a tremendous rdvau.8, he mut tet p to t a aoltrlg.s i- king sl 1d arise anti ; clainlel. • c:lat off the 1wlwtr of 1 110 Poq•. 5111.11 HoN•Pver. viand the speaker. the pro - a oleo wens found ht King Henry the litre -ea of civilisation has been lopsided. Not all lines have advanced at the same rate and as rapidly its in the meehaii- teal line or the phases of invention and travel. Moral and religious de- velopwrnt loan Lagged. some pealimists claim that 1110 movement In this enn- •tivr. The •avid 'vs exist with the thought. spirit, i Inspiration. and unselffahttesa of Christ so that mover. led and dir- ected by him they bee•ome channels of hteasing. Christiana must become Im- bued with the potency of the eternal eonquwrlug splrlt of Christ and be- come reincarnated through living, awaking. acting. and moving in cls eternity, watches with tenderness and lite and love. So that the first asses- longing the t'hristian running sm'cera- tlal lu the practical side is the duty fully the great rate. of !we -owing (laked up with Christ. At last 'well done thou. goon and AcquatrltanePahlp is therefore access - the faithful Operant, Prater thou into !tie nary with the Bible. the Inspired word, 1 Joy of thy Loud :" no sacrifice is too the ehanuel from the fountain of (nod's great to win that word of commeudu- love to the will of the human heart. ,tion. Christians who run with pa_ others the torch with trust all unsul- lied. To Ito worthy of the past. be- comes an inventive to all Christians to be their test and do their noblest. Christ has said : "I will be with you to the end of the ages." Hoy love, unchangeabh. throughout time and Eighth and as had as his moral char- acter may have been still he had the (*Mirage to renounce and reject the authority of 111e Pope over the Church of England. From the time of the Refot•matiuin to the time of t he rev- olution in near � religious lite and the political life of the English people hung in the balance. Things went frow fwd to worse until in 160S the people row' a In arms agalust James the Second am appealed to William of huwau heart. in will heavenly grace follows to the tierce the r,"' set before them 1. Orange for n 'istaner•. \Cilllrn7 of Civilization had exploited the ansa- nal strengthening and cheering it to Ing to Jesus will find their reward Orange was Pro tont and in 10AR he lute phase: Christian leaders lied still greater [awls. truly abandnnt In the crown of lite bolded In F.ughind with an army tremldet at the raleur•nea of s ices . , (►n a Jubilee occasion a fresh con- throughout eternity, Jaw(•s the Second fieri to France and sio man as the destemlaut of the lower tion of the individual relationship ended the hlexwllt e' RrrMrMuloe of ,itdIna ls- the gorilla and thN in key. to Christ ahtlnld be gained. Strength I Tiekei HWtt VIS$. Ry ythe Revoluttlon of 1(IS•S Yet now• that exploitation has coded. gathered and renewed through prayer. Five Junior t England onto mart- threw off the de•Iurel the minister to a ringing shadow of the ('hunch of Rome ted voice. and. flit- hest leaders In -elence declared herself to be a Prste+tant agree that Go) is the creator of man. action nud from that day to this Ho Heti Likewise hos s t talism failed: the tin Catholic has set upon the throne s�ia1 experiences need 'Matted into of England nectiou has been n•trlac pwwslmists were w tong• on the right and left whleh give aosur- 0048 of a fetor era. the 'lav (cache f a development which gives j. , D them marc of the s.drit of Jests (hrlst. The reason why •Yen or,t•trizatiem mor' of the abiding present, of the like Ilse orange Association Is needed Saviour of slut. The readers' of aur• ltou. eoll.•Inded Mr. Hardy. is because gaztne,' realize the -failure of the Ke- ttle cin buts to temporal power on the (bilious of the sccjeutists and socialists part of Rotor are, the same toal�ty- of thirty years ago. l.11yd 4o-..rge. as they were at the. time 01 111e Het•- the g' eatesl tivliit; statesman. says. elution. In the constitution of the ''Nothing can newt the needs of men Orange Assnt•fatinn the memory of than fuller and richer knowledge of William of Orange is n'rersowtal not only es a patriot. a'ennatitutiowtl mon- arch and 9 hero but as n trite elu'Ist- inn and ft Is hoped In tie' adoption .11 his mime to emulate his t-irtt•s by ambito Wing religion without lier- aeon ion or entrenching upon the rights of other•+. TM -w• indeed. are ruble neatjments end high ideals. T.• c•onereeetion whit•h listened to this fate discourse was exceptionally large. Upwards of of over fourhundred mo•nlhera ret the Orange Order iw•Ing in attendant',. The -procession which Mlr- the Squ.,re once before prtlCecrl- Ing to 'tt.-Ceut's hnr(tr was headed - _3 ., I1atan file and drum band. TO BOOST HIOWAY Woe slows to-Oesie,i- rls H i a It w sr Convention .At Sarnia ow July 21--v A convention has I•o•en tauten at Sar - 111y on Nono1•iy. Jnly 24th. In the in- terests of the Windstor-Sart1ia-(:o de - ✓ ich Highway. the proposed, seenl(' route follnwlug. St. ('lair 1tf'e;`rt and -Lake Ifurau-_.Llhis meeting arran�ge- _Silents , willhe made for a monefft•t' delegating to Interview row t: itcreai went at 'foronto. organization will be\ completed and publicity a rot ne.eneues '\ matte. It is exp eetel that Galcrieh x111 is' well represented at the con - ,Ten( Inn. s 1 Auto Ser• vile for Cbstitauqua 'Arrangements have been made for 11II automobile service to the Chautau- qua tont from 1110 Sim liner h,.ok ,-or nor on the `AlulirtT�e a -Y L ca •iting next week .�Ittw7w spool the time lit'twten the teerform- ---- aacer-it--to--takes a_ linch.And pare a piscine on the bench. Mr Heol Mtg.''Nell McE•cbren and two sons-.'i#-in'I-GlLie=>..-_ems_-_ lir. M•+'re•a and airs. McCrea.. *1) of donut Fore•wt. ,ire guests of Mr. sad •- • •airs. F: H wigle. Girls Wanted CLINTON KNITTING CO., LTD CLINTON. ONT. Nice clan Werk, well lighten, sett h,•atel factory building. (liras r' learn knitting, looping and finish- ing /:e00 petition fo,ivxii•tt�rierel help. Weil egniptasl club awl ree•vati•yl room in connection witl. the ,will. Taxes In Arrears 7lit• 4 eiu''tI arc ins.stilg--ter es49.91sumw ...,....r )m.iner IsritLil' at .'t1C(•, etle•rwits Ili+f res* Nrrrralltu 'fest la'iesiesl. ('owe most wear a I912 License r.. which can bit obtained tram nnolcrigued. Dogs w'itlatut a 1.icenst• running at lane' can • -hit and •'weer *Imo subject to a I trent there will lye no neesteit ' taking extreme_ seamen's for 'bctiom. WM. CAMPREi.L. Collector `IT tickets will be hidden study. church association, and regular 111 different torr windows early Sat - worship. Thus will torose starved in tirday moreiu:. These tickets entitle spirit, dlwrourugee and lagging In hop'- the finder to free admission to all pro- leas condition. secure a fresh vision. grams. It the boy or girl who finds •(o that when the great day of rack- one of those tickets has already pmr- having regard only to the clalws of which the undersigned has thou no Dated at Toronto this 10th day of Jody, 1.42.2.' MR OBO. F. BEAN The imperial livor Co- et CmassleN. . will sell by public auction at the premises Authorised Tr lis Warren meet. Godericll, on 13 Richmond 5t., W. Toronto SATURDAY, JULY 22nd Prundtowot, Killoran u Holmes. commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp. Gthe Out. A comparatively new red brick real- Solldtora for the Authorlurd Tnnstet deuce containing livingroorn, diningroom kitchen, pantry, etc., on ground door; bed d bath on record floor. IThere is a well finished basement with WANTED Clltl. WANTED.-.\I'1'1.Y 71e1►EL THEATRE with references RE1D-ja tsjat ua-Monday, July 1(tth, 1922, Jamieson Held, in his Med year. NIVINS.-At Dungannon. on Monday, July 10th, 1922, Mrs. John Nivma, aged 95 years. WANTED. -INTELLIGENT YOUNG MANAOERhth fairMODEL THEATRE. �� AUCTION BALE UCTION BALE OF BRICK DWEL- LING AND HOUSE FURNLSH- 1NGr+ ANTED. -Teacher for school ner- vytlon No. 9, Colh orae Township, holding ••a s ,ltrroudi•lass certltleate. Duties to eommeuee September 1st. Apply stating salary expected, to HORACE HORTON, It. R. No. 3. Goderich. J rooms an SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS -- COUNTY OF /V ON - listing and there is a good garden. APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE AP?LICATION FORDlYORCE.- Notice is hereby given that Mr- nest r nest Warren l'orter, of the Town of Goderich, 1n the County of Huron, in the Province of Ontario. returned sol- dier, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof, for a B111 of Divorce frame his wife, Betty Violet Porter. of the (iffy of London. Euglaud. on the ground of adultery and desertion. Dated at Goderich, Gila 13th day of May, 1922. ERNEST WARREN PORTER. by his R. C. AAPS, Goderich. new furnace. The house has electric TO WIT: DY Vl1ITl'E OF -\ WRiT OF FIERI LT Faeias issued out of His Maj sty's Supreme Court of Ontario and to me dlret•tetl and delivered against the 1 -ands and Teuemeuts of M. J. ('REIGHTON ret the suit of the Merchant,'" (tank of Canada. I have seized and taken In execution all the right. title. inter- ' est. and equity of redemption of M. J. ('relghtou In to. and out of, the un- divided half Interest of the sate M. J. l'retghuon, in the NorthH alt Sixtof y-Slzhot l Gifu acres, ut the Scouth I uumher Three, in the Ninth Cotters - siva of the Township of Morro. it. rte County of Huron. and Prsviuce of Ontario. which lauds and tMements i ahall offer for wale. at my office, in ,the Court House. In the Town of Gode- rich, on Thursday. the tenth clay of l August. 11x22, at the hour of 1'_ of the 1 clock, croon. It. G. REYNOI.Dfe, Sheriff, Huron. offing comes many and ail will hear chased one he or she can hate the the call "Come ye blessed of my father. money rafanded or sell the original inherit the kingdom that Is prepared ticket 10.130me0ne else. for you.': • The musical service in the evening Mr. wan Kart:, :, -tewart, of Ontario, Cali - ways augmented be • 0010 tiff MINA fornix, o :ted been visiting his old Doris' Harris. of Go.lerich, which was home at B' nmiller, left this etek on his very, much appreciated. return to Ore ::tooth. Comfort for Children at Seal 1 4. - IT is not an unusual thing in days for young children to yin the last Tats • (p(yra•a Doom on uaaa-Atlantic Liner. these cross the Atlantic alone. Du g Jew months the passengers on the trans-Atlantic liners of the Canadian Pacific carried some very young un- accompanied passengers. In such cases the officials and stewardesses' of the ship take charge and see that the children are well looked after io fact the children are usuaNy so happy on board that they are glad to hate an opportunity of repeating a trip Miss Hilda Kershaw, a girl aged 9 years. made three trans-Atlantic pips. First she went from Liverpool BRINGING UP FATRRER to Montreal wt It her relatives. Later officials or stewardesses of the liner Montreal to Liverpool. She after- wards came from Liverpool to Mont- real in charge of a nephew aged three years. Amongst the best friends of this little girl is Captain Gillies of .he "Metagama." A feature of the Canadian Pacific ships is the play room and nursery for children. Here they are provided soh all the comforts of home. In case of necessity medicine and nurs- ing attention *,provided. Very often babies are born -on board, and the circumstances of their nativity are made so generally mimed thatmfortable med after somethey o are the she crossed on t e " Metagama" from xh;'h is t1 ? seene.of their birth. The Metagama, on which the above photo was taken, is one of the Canadian Pacific ships known as ">Ionoclass," which means her are just one class of passengers ac- commodated, other than steerage, as distinct from the ships that carry first, secon•I and third class passen- gers. These 3&onoetass ships are comfortable and luxurious, and pos- sess all the adysetages that one can desire in travel, from the nursery and playroom for children to an up-to- the-minute daily palm published aboard for those interested in world affairs. TERM $.-Ten percent. of the purchase price to be paid at time of sale. Ualanee within thirty days. when possession will be given. or any stun up to $7I111 tray re - retain on mortgage at a reasonable rate of interest. At the same time the contenw of tete house will be mold without any reserve, ao follows ; 3dreslers, 2 washataude, 3 iron bedsteads. 3 mattresses', 3 springs, ti feather pillows, 2 toilet sets, 1 bedrooni II' wicker rocker, 1 golden oak dining table (new). fi diningro,om chairs. 1 printed ilii oak china cabinet and contents, 1 Col- nmbia grafonala and thirteen records. 1 five -piece parlor suite. 1 furred oak davenport, 1 Thomas organ, and stool. 1 whatnot with mirrors, 2 pais of parlor curtains, 3 pairs diningrooul cur- tains, i lairs bedroom curtains, 1 pair colored Curtains, 1 tapestry band portiere. 1 fumed oak upholstered nicker, 1 wicker rocker, 2 oak rockers. 2 parlor tables, 1 small' stand, 1 clock 1 golden oak hall rack (new), 1 living room lounge (newly upholstered), 1 kitchen lounge, 1 side- board, 1 extension table 12 leavers), rl AUCTIONEERING. M. STAi.KER. AUCTIONEER •J . for household east!., farm stork. sac.. fila the County of Hurn. Address all communications to 1 !t. 11TALF R Auburn Y. 0. LEGAL Y G. CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS- I l TER, Solicitor. notary magi , Office Hamilton street, Goderich, third door from Sduare. Trust funds Mt loanat 1nw.et rn•rn. DROUDFOOT, EILLORAN • HOLMES, BAIRRiSTERS, Svt.ICITORS, NO•-•. - TARIES PUBLIC. ETC. Ol11ce on the Square, second &'sir Ifrom Hamilton Street, Goderleb. Private funds to loan at lowed rates. W. Proudfoot. K. C.. J. L KUlorsL Dudley E. Holmes. CHARLES GARROW, LL. 11.. BAR+ RISTER. attorney. solicitor, sera Goderich. Money loaned at lowest rtes r SEAGER. BARRISTER, 1301, we ICITOR. notary public and con- veysacer. Otlice•-Cosrt Houle. Gods- IR'SIC Sheriff's Office. Goderich kitchen chain, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 Sing April 'pith. 1022 4-t es drop -head sewing machine, 1 Jewel pIANOS TUNED. -APPLY TO C. O. Irange. 1 hiving roomrug, I 'lining roar [ HENRY. Music Studio, north *MOrug 1 bedroom 1 1 of Square. tf dinner and tea net (66'deco".I, kitchen AM IN A POSITION iY) T.AKI? TENDERS WANTED m carpet, 4 mate, hall ant stair carpet, 15 to 20 yams .oilcloth, TDNDERS W A\'T`ED.-Tenders will 1 utensils, .'.1d di'Iwi. cup's, ,saucer., i he reeetvetl ray roe mldersigtwrt rep 1 lemonade set, P donee sealers, pictures. i-@ntU no. of Friday. July 21st. 1:4_2, washing machine, 1 boiler, la bottles pee - 1 for the Aso -11m of a' +olid brick addl.' 'loves. 1 wringer, quantity . wood, 300 torn to Blyth I4tblb' School. l'lans � Iba. coal, 1 lawn m•.Ner, garden tools, 1 Perfection •ail stove with oven, mimeos 1. pupal la reseal and Instrnmestal' ' motile. For partletl►ars apply to 711814 F.MMA .1. ax1UR_NOYER. at the mil- t of )urs. J. A. Chiehola. I:ruee w attest, • p-spsemeatleas_mau be seen at the stole of Reeve James ileelds. Rlyt b. other items, severed puna, pile hooks. eran._!. tender not areae - Thefnrpitare is in gow.l stape and wt . r Toaereptlwdor .• -be disposed of, as proprietor is leaving GE O. E. -TAGGART. Godench. Sec's' Myth School BoardTEK�L•+--Cash. GEO, F. BEAN, T. GUN DRY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. U11I. i,iIIi,LING.-l'artlee in need it u• PUBLIC NOTICE of w 1 t•,• ,.hotdd + r Wm H raw•r who 11111•!'71 r•••4 an ntsto-date drilling outfit. Gas tower. Terms reatonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. BOX 4911, Seaf•trth. 3't STRAYED • ARTICLES FOR SALE ' FOR SALE -200 LAYING YEARLING • --IVO-White Leghorn Hens. it 31.00 • h-___Att pure bred -to -lay strain. Must make room for young stoc Phone 44, 0. M. KIDD. tet Sa7TIt\YED.-From the property of CO Min undersfened, a dark bay our+•. R SALE. -NO. 1 XXXXK B. C. Reward to tinder. WM. .1. JEWELL. Shingles at McGaw station at ' In concession of CollNorrn'. It. R. Nn ' Tweet prices. $. ICOo. SE(R'T* IN AND AND 3. (kwl0rleh tf4 LOST OR FOUND FR HALE. -A QUANTITY OF FUlt- MEDICAL TSR. P. J. R. FORSTER. V EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late Hare Suraaelr's New York Ophthalmic awd Raspiest and Golden!ant Square Th�P6Hd'- gye vital London, En 33 Waterloo St. S.. Stratford. Telephone 1107. At Hotel Bedford. Godenelalrom Wednesday. A11a,td 16th. at '..a'p nt to Thursday. August 17th it pm. • I O2fL. --C.\MF.ci I%1U1OCH _ isit- • nitore le ohm Inao. left toren stun L twrrn Colborne .tro.t and, MM .'le1 � (arty Theatre or in Model Theatre. Finder 1 mnet he coWeert(t1 tttto-t'astr: 'It mon- pl•ltse apply MANAGER MODEL �siets of the following : One .olid oak TH>: ATRF. for partirulars. t w IDP NEW %DVERTISEMENT Page bedroom attics. complete; 1 large ex- tension tables. r feet : oa. *raid oak re- frtgerator: large stir, expetpdve make : R dlningroom chairs, ,.e M.- wood seat : WPI( 1►rllling. Wim. Hower, aces• I,1 Quebec heater: 1 erinwom sults. forth 10 complete. golden elm. large pate glass Nntiee to Crerlltnrs-Prnwdfnnt. KII- 10 mirror. The ove ust be In the next taw dermas h furniture loran & Holmes Sheriff a Sale of f.ande-R. 0. Rey must be moved from the hon.. where nolds. 10 It le now stored. No ressnnstile offer Horse Strrywl-Wm. J. Jewell10• will ise refused. .Apply at \YAi,KF:it'S Tess in Arr•Pttrw-W m. illtmpbetl 10 FURNITURE STOII1I. .teethe Sale --4',P0 F. Bean 10 To the Pwblic-Chanta119na 01101- 10 antors Mrs. Neltn,ir. with her two danRtl- tern, of ('htt•ago. Is visit-lug.leerfather. Mr. 0. F. Carey Mrs Hammond, of ('aria, and Mrs. Hrezelwo od. of Toronto. an• riniting lira, S. E. Hick for the summer. FOR SALR OR RENT tNt itittAlall;L. ILA/ANS, BTC. MCKILLW' MUTUAL irIRB INSUR- ANCE CO. -Firm and Isolated town property Insured. Officers -Jae. Connolly, Pres., Gode- rich P. O.: Jas. Brans, Vice -Prete.. Beechwood P. O. ; Thomas E. Hayes See -Treas., Seaforth P. 0. Directors -D. Y. McGregor, R. 11. No. 3, Seaforth; John G. Reims, Kw 4, Walton: Wtittam Rlnn. R. R. No. 2. Sea forth: John Ilan newtea, Brod- hsgen; Oeo McCartney, R. R. No- E. Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Harlot*: Malcolm McEwen, Clinton; Jametr Evans. Bee•'bwood; James Connolly. Goderich. Goderleh ; Agents : J W. Yee, Ales. Leitch, R. R. No. 1. Clinton: John Murray. SPlttnrth; B. Hench• ley, Segforth. Polley -holder's can pay all pnynwnt4 end get their cards res celpted st R. J. Msrrlah's Clothing Store, Clinton : R. H. Curt's Grocery. tureen atret. Gnderich, or J. 0. Reld's General Store. Bayfield. DUILDING LOT FOR SALE. -ON [l Brock street. Mtwt be .old widen the nest few weeks. Make oder to MRS. THOMAS MC- KENZIE. Victoria Street. Goderich, or to W. A W HITELEY. '214 Oak S"set, New Orleans. L►: MAI I THINK tt= YOUR. HdlwE, VALP1T TO EUROiee 140 STODEO.iT wOUJt.Oi ttyixspvQ HER VOICE. Nave & NW1 11 t as nhTatr,Dro. R.C.IfA Yr,-R.C. HAYl1„rn.. Hamilton St., Oodsfish sY 010101 xacLxve I'LL GO ANO1 GIT THE TICKET 1 hiOW4 f f r•