The Signal, 1922-6-13, Page 7t,.
GODsltu m. on.
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I Ii
Thursday, July 13, lir2'2-7
Cos Do All Ha ilovsework
Alm Demme Lytha E. _��rd
Heaped Her
3419114 MinI saw in the paper
tllbout I�tlb F. Plnkham's Vega
Compound and ,took
it because I was hay-
ing such pains In m
stomach and the
my back that I
not do my work. I
r had tried other med-
the none t did
m• the good that
your Vegetable Caw
pound did. Now I am
able to do all m y
work alone while bo-
om I had my daugh-
ter cat home to do it. I have
Mid a amber of friends what it has
alone for me and give you permission to
mss my letter as • testimonial." -Mrs.
JIM/ PITZEsmi,Route 1,Jasper, Mora.
Thee la no better reason for yoOrC -
!mg hydis E. Pink -it h s VegetaCamthan Una- it has helped other
So if you suffer from duplacm
siesta, irregularities, backache, Der.
vainness or are peasing through the
Change of Life remember this splendid
Medicine. What it did for Mrs. Peter -
Ma it may do for you.
The Vegetable Compound stands epos
•fi tion of nearly fifty years std
Brophey Bros.
Orden carefully encoded to et
all hours. eight or day.
4' --Every I0c
Packet of
Si!." WORTH or ANY
Tan to handl- Sola by all
Druggists, Grocers and
General Stores
Hydro -. •c
A n beer of electric stole cir-
cuits are now being cnitatnict d at
considerable c.,at, wt that tin• de -
maw! for electric rangerierVice• uuy'
be .applied.
New Is The rim ---..
to envies when
three lisweeire
may be dimpile ` later.
See • • Moffat' an 1 -1'lu� lie
Clary" electric rnntr•e owe en dis-
Hydro Store
We an• Pee111.1%4. n•pnuentr
1strieh for The Met'l ies Eli.
de Range
Wetsr led Li;llt Cossissioe
OoUritM - Ontario
S d IiI 11I • !
1mr"y.IY 111• • s\VPtwMa'!, .. -
I� 01•1110M410 ase r■at.sw" it<awars:�1 JaeRPArylMAaAMwANrl
at that 0-vanulruz:.c ..+e toy • avauuo
_ tion.
CHAPTER 1 -The crown prince of LI- "1 hope your daughter 1. not worse,"
ronin. and William Otto, ten years be said politely, during one of his
LI -
old, takenen by by aunt to tel opeera, thusbe
to the ticket booth.
of i.h• singing and slime away to tel park
and then makes the acquaintance of "Bb. L we11. She recovers strength
Bobby Thorpe, a little American boy. rapidly."
CHAPTER II-lLturnln to the palace "And tb. new uniform -does It At
at night the crown prince Lds everything your
In an uproar as march result of the arch for
him. The chancellor Impresses on the old "I do not know," Bald old Adelbact
kneedy�`tr`precio very
III, thng, the
forbett protection 1711017. "I have not assn It recently."
crown prince and suggests that the friend- O. to day of the procession we are
be cemented by glens the Princess Hod -
wig In marriage to film. Told king where we will be, so you can look for
finally agrees. in...
ship o the neighboring king of Karnl* 511 going to watch for you. T7) ten yarn
CHAPTER 111-Hsdwfg herself, who
loves Nlkk 1.arlsrh, Otto's old de camp,
and Iarlsch are upset by the king's (W-
"There win be no proceseloo."
Then to the boy old Adelbert poured
out the bitterness of his soul. Ile
CHAPTER IV -Countess Iesehek, lad showed where be bad torn down the
In waiting to Annunetata. In low• with king's picture, and replaced it with one
Karl of Karma, M )6)6616")•o•t H•dwlg. and of • dying stag. He reviewed his days
ilots to start • revolt In Livonia by send-
ng a code letter to Karl telling him of 1n the hospital, and the hardships
oondltlons la the country. Peter Nlbur..
who was to deliver the message, 1s b•-
tn71d by • follow clerk. Herman Spier.
(-HAPTLR V-Nlburg Is robbed of tel
missive, and a dummy letter sub.tltut•d;
Captain Larlaeb. unaware of the imbetl-
tution, holds upKarl's chauffeur and OF
cures the •nvaope
through which he heel passed, to come
to this. The king had forgotten his
brave men.
During the rest of the day Bobby
eonatdered. No lees a matter than the
sharing of a certain secret occupied
CHAPTER V1-111ad Humbert, proml- his mind. Now, half the pleasure of
writ among the Terrorists, decodes asmCoup- a secret U sharing It, naturally. but
teas Lchek's esses with the aid of •
whom the Terrorists Yarn holding prisoner. his old playfellow was changed.
0.:111AP'r2R vp-Captain Lerma tmp.r- Bobby, reflecting, wondered whether
sonatas Karl's chauffeur and exchanges
the sheet within the lett.r for mom* etre- old Adelbert would really care to join
retie V,amen On delivering the note a hl• pirate crew, consisting of Tacker
, i.rlscs M made prisoner when t
Iec•ptlon Is discovered. Hedwtre certesnt end him.etf. On the next day, hour•
to the marrlag, forcibly obtained, idstt- ecce, he put the mato matter to ttest.
Itch, chancellor of Ursula, concludes tel
arrangements for the marriage and Moves having resolved that old Adelbert
for Wd•llag, Eleg Karr', hanttng lodge. I needed distraction and cheering.
111.111111111 wttetout "Bayer boor
s fent Aspirin at all
student named Ha•c •l, a price spm. It should be with the right person. And
CHAPTLR vitt-(1l the way Is Woad -
ng Chancellor M,tUiek's party lads Karl's
.ba ffeur, wltb whom L.,tsch had changed
clothes, bound and gagged Thiry release
him and peened with hien to ilk• king'*
hunting lodge. The chauffeur •MappeNs.
M.1tllch and King Karl reach a saner •0 -
tory arrangement as to the manage, and
Karl releases L•rtael, after telling him of
ill,• randit. waddle•
CHAPTER IX.Oil• Ad•Ib•rt, crippled
vet•raa. Mn` as attonda•t at N• opera
house, loses his position and hiatuses we-
Mtt•red against the king and the chase
CHAPTLR X-CeaatM• L*•chak Ends
bar room In the palace .a•robod and
Incriminettag documents stelae. /M
Plad a summons te appear before the
omminae of Ten, revolutionary trlbunaL
he goes, and 1s ord•r•d to ambit In the
kleinapof tit• crown prise', under
throat of having her de licit revealed
to Chancellor Y•lWch. IM• in given •
week to aonddo.
CHAPTER II-Hodwlg, t• Mapsrun•n
as the thought of the .rarrlse. oath Karl.
org•s Larbteb to elope with Mr. H• points
*ut t1• tmpo•atbnity •t o solemn" tied
loaves H•dwig la d•spatr.
CHAPTLA XII -Meadia• trimming et
tel a
att ebnt between Heald, and Cap-
tain Laded', putouts out to the latter tel
impossibility of kis marrying the princess
Ma steres from him • promise never to
desert tit* *rows pried.
CH►AATK Papo Tk. Am•rtcapanBobsea177,
way from rty ',safes,by wthe hich the court
tans to sage If the Terrorists make
outt1Anto ttoold
w a revoluntit, i
"1'v Bela Basan/.' as repass
belay. "Maty deal beat Whew"
Than be relapsed late absorbed mil -
mos. His mother, petting Bream on
Ms cereal. placed as mtp•Aa.eed MEd
as Ws forehead. "Are you stare you
feel well. Marr she made "i Mak
your head 10 a little bed'
"Tm all right nether."
dbe was ideally silent but -ib• rt,
ever in her 'Mad the spring treatment
ter child:es at home. The blood. she
telt should be thinaat_ltte/ • winter
tat sausages .ad rich mess. lbw mem-
tolly searched her m•01dae ease.
A strsage thing happened that day.
• blokes plate disappeared from the
upper shelf of a deeet, where ropy
had 111ddea 1t ; alto • cup with • nick
In it similarly concealed ; aim the Mel
eta loaf of tread. Nor was that tb•
end. For three days a sort of magic
reigned to Pepy's kitchen. Ten pota-
toes, laid out to peel. became eight.
Matches and two coda et esadle
walked out as It wore, os their own
teat, A tin pan with . hole In it len
the klteb.s table and was discovered
hiding 15 Bobby's bureau. whoa tbs
IYaslsiI pat away the washing.
T. governess prettied that be
yard •otiiig its told kW, and was
al.snt-minded at bis Is..oas. But as
the was always pretesting about some
tidal, iso ane paid any attention.
Debby drew ahead as its pocket allow-
ance without emotion, and se his
birthday was not ter oar. asked ter
"Me dollar to pow en" M advance.
11e always r.eetved a dollar for each
year, which went Into the bank, and •
dollar to grew ea, whack was his ewe
to spend.
With the dollar be made • number
of pure asee-- ca•dlm gad caadlestlek.
• MY PIoal ad ceps, eni Of the masks
for the sarslvl. now displayed In all
the Madsen. -a.Male knife, !wpm
plates, tad a plea eat Mem.
Now .nd them lM appeared at the
sessile railway, abstracted and vt•wtag
with a calealttl•g eye the feraleblmp
0f the eagise resat and wo.bliep•
From there dieapMsred a bream
chair, a pees et old esrpst awarded
from a ear. gad • large padlock• but
the latter be asked tet and obtaln.d.
1111 *cessional visits to the railway.
however, found him In old
ets A e
shack. glad his beside to sieve.
with char.
owl teem m that M
and made centime inquiries as to
methods of cookie* potatoes. But the
opt ed e1d Ad}I88`0 t/••! lt✓emgflafN
• e--pgcwfsgyrrTeMetrefalspiwia"-
se a Ayer" package, plainly" marked
with the safety "Ra7er Cross.
The "Rayer Cross' is your only way
bf knowing that you are getting
e tiinnga genuine
Aapirin, prescribed by physicians
ayteen years and proved safe by
mil -
testas for Headache, Neurtaia, and for
Equmstiam, Lumbago,
Psis /'morally. Made in Canada.
away to boxes of 12 tablets -also
qtr sired 'Bayer" packers.jspirin is the
'f Mr tr g*t To
le Canada), of dal,y
renoaeetioseldester of Salicyliearid.
While it is well known that Aspirin
meats Bayer ma0nfaeture, to assist the
public against imitations, the Tablets tts of
Sayera Company, Ltd., will bee
wh their refill trade marks
IBM 011111
"You know," ha said, talking through
the window of the booth, "I think
when I grow up ell be a pirate."
"There be worse trades," said old
Adelbert, whom, band was now against
every peas.
And bids treasure," Bobby went mt.
"In a-tn a care, you know." Bobby
edged closer to the window. 'Tee gat
the cave already."
'Here, In the park. It is a great
"A cave -bore 1a the park?"
"111 take yon, 1f you'd like to see til"
Old Adelbert was pnttsled. The park
offered, so far as be knew. no place
for a cava It was a plain, the alta
et the old will, and now planted 1s
grass and Mowers. He himself bel
seen It graded and sown. A covet
"Where r
'That's a secret But TU Mow It �p
yea, if you won't tel."
01d Adelbert agreed to silence.
Until midday, when the railway
opened for business, the old soldier
was free. Bo the next morning. due
precautions having been taken. tbl
two conspirators set off. Three,
rather, for Tucker, too, was new of
thea band of the black Mag.
Outside the thicket Bobby besltsted.
"I ought to blindfold you," hie salt
"But I gaeaa you'll need your eyes.
It's a hard place to get to."
Perhaps. had be known the dielcu1•
ties ahead, old Adelbert would not
have got, as. And, had he turned
back then, the history of a certain
kingdom of Europe would have bees
changed. Maps. too, and school books,
and the life story of • small prince.
But he went en. Streeter Ytaa tris
young guide, h• did .01 trawl. but
est aside the stiff and ungatnly
branches of the fin. He battled with
the thicket, and came out vlctorlona
1 mamma R IMO a /sam am 5
got another. I always lock It"
Prolonged se•reb Perimed the ker.
014 Adelbert'e taco wit sat hard. Oa
what dungeon had alts bey at5 b1041
It was strange.
Bobby was removing the leaf -mold
with his kande. "It WM &looat all
covered when 1 towed it" he said, be
dustrfuust, scraping.
The door /wont I,0. M•1017. se
though the hinges bat been recently
oiled; as indeed they had. bat not by
the boy.
91'. rather dlrt7." M explained.
"You go down steps drat. le very
H. extended an earthy land and led
the ad man down. "ICs ark hese,
but there's • room below; quite a good
room And I have unites."
Truly, • room. Unlit Of old briik
and damp, but with • free drevlatisa
of air. Old Adelbert st•reesbout him.
It was not entirely dark. A lilt et
light entered from tboyaparture at the
bead of the steps. 1y It eves hetero
Bobby bad lighted Ns candle, ke saw
the broken chalet the Firm alt Nd lar'
pet, and the odds mad ands to child
had brought
01d Adelbert Mt .irlseab slate•.
"lame have visited this place since 7o0
have been serer' be asked.
"I don't suppose my one knows
about IL I)o your
"Those wbo built it, porbapa But
It is old, very old. It Is p0gslble-"
He stopped, lost la speculation.
There had been • story once of a
passageway under tie wall, but he
recollected nothing clearly. A passage-
way leading out beyond the wall,
through which, 1n a great siege, , a
messenger had been net for help. But
that was a passage; wbUe tbls was a
Th. candle was at last lighted. It
burned fitfully, Illuminating only a tiny
sone In the derkuew.
"I need a lantern," Bobby observed
"There's a draft hers. It comes from
the other grating. Soma time, when
you have time, rd !Ike to see what's
beyond it. I wad !lad of nervous
stout going alone."
It was the old passage, Nen, of
course. Old Adeltert stared as Bobby
took the candle and held It toward a
'wood grated door, Ute the Ent, but
A close ezamisatloa revealed to old
Adelbert two things: First, that a
bract -limed passage. apparently In good
repair, led beyond the grating. Sec-
ond, that 1t had bees recently put in
order. No muted passage N1., but
one kept la order ad impale For
That evening Adelbert called to see
his Mend, the locksmith In the uni-
versity place. H. pomomed, he .•1d,
a padlock of which be had lost the
key, and which, being testeoed to a
.best, be was unable to bring with him-
♦ largo sad heavy padlock, periwig
the gine of his palm
Whew he left, he canted with him
a band* at "eyes dedJ , •'rows
paper• _ '
But M did net back to his died,.
H. went Instead to the thicket .round
abs old gate, which was still termed
Me 'Oat* of the Moon." and there.
armed with a lantern, purened his Ia-
vestlgatlo0s during a portion of the
When he bad finished, old Adelbert,
veteran et many wars, ooretime patriot
and newly turned traitor, held In his
shaking bands the fate of the king-
dom.• • • • • ---s_-
5,' •
Int se5 was campuses onstage woe..
before the sun was well up, the ma-
chine drew up In the village before
the Inn where MetUlch had spent hla
uneasy hours.
She had expected t0 go to the twits,
but' •t nine o'clock that night Karl
came to her, knocking at the door d
her room and entering without wattles
for permission.
The room was small and cosy with
firelight. Her scarlet cloak, Sung over
a chair. made • dash of briniest color.
Two lighted candles •a • btgh carved
chest, and betwesta them a plaster Ag-
ure of the Mother and Child, • built -In
bed with white curtains ---that was the
Before the opep Are Olga I.oscet
sat to her low chair. She wore still
her dark dress; and • well. ready to be
donned at the summons of is message
trona Kari, trailed across her knee.
this firelight she looked very young -
young and weary. Karl, who hat
come hardened to • scene, found he.
appealing. almost pathetic.
She rose at his entrance and, alts
• moment of surprise, smiled faintly
But she meld nothing, nor dad Karl
aotil a had tatted one of her cot(
hands, and v,rnsbtn7 rt w10 5b lips
"Weill" he said. "And again,
Olga 1"
"Once again."
She looked up at hlm. Yes, he was
changed. The old Karl would have
taken her to his arms. This new Karl
was urbane, smiling, uneasy.
"Thew is nothing wrong, Is therer
be said. "Your note alarmed me. Not
tie note, but your coming hers."
"1 was aaxloua And there were
things 1 felt you should know."
"Whet hinger
'Th.truth about the king's condi-
tion, for one. He Is dying. Tile bulla
tins Ile. He is no better."
"So r mal
It was nut 7
Karl one• iIy. "But the
ured m•-" Hs stopped,
t►t time to speak of the
'.ouog Lady ,Yum %'Ingham Wins In
W. C. T. 1. ('onteet
The following essay, w'hiell Wit$
written by 11Iss Margaret Snell, of
N'Itighaw kulrune clues, won lira!
prize at the recent 11'. 1'. T. U. ooultwt
a1 Henson. There were other tontest-
iata from the schools alt Blyth, Brus-
sels and Ileunall.
The, cigarette during the war was
almost the unitt•rsal smoke ut the
soldiers. Much Intl been said of their
Iwiled t las the uvt'rwrought saddlers,
touch of which 10 true.
There in a danger that the glamour
which has been throes around It may
chole mein. eyes to he really deadly
effects of the cigarette habit, especial
ly lu the young. at Is not out of place
then to draw aUtW(ou to saute of the
1'he pubous coma tiled In the to
tweet, are absorbed and takeu into
he lungs by the vignette smoker, ult.
mint Int'luriatly inhales the smoke.
re the delicate wewbruuew absorb
poisons and they pass into tilt.
utll, las time, the whole systelu
ted. The uareutic poisons net
nation that can be relieved
re of the poison and lite
es more and wore. At
e• itt•tr.wt•i so persistent
the cigarette smoker
tette Mind, helpl••an
)Aller except N lieu
Imre to the teeth.
of the •tvlla Is
liuudreda ut
are annually
t cigarettes
'itis money
rge pru-
'rho second evil is the nndenuiliug
of the health. The unanimous op
hill of physicians Is that the (wealth l/F
the whole body la merbously impaired
by the continued use of cigarettes.
Thu blood Is laden with poison, the
1igesllt't• organs become aRe•ttd with
catarrh Anil other disorilere, the lunge
011h their tender ln•iiit,rnlnY become
tv,ug.' led N114 dlse•a.'s'l •ud wl/ritt of
all the brain and nervous system be-
come aft deranged that the ratan 1' un -
litter] for tterlotw and rnionslt,le
labor. 1t is well known that atnwt
tar eomp.ule•a. ralfway companies and
t. rmplr 7 rcipltwtt tAmok-
Thin lack of health rind etfe•feury
meant a great loan to thr Iletlott. in
tiniest Bks 1fiT, the nation .melts the.
Mast services of all its citizens and the
loyal young man will rad therefore III.
Jure his health and ruin his lower to
serve his truantry by w, lujurhma a
laldt rat clgtlrette +smoking. If the
eountry isworth 'lying for 11 le worth
Ih'(rtg for.
Then there ie the moral evil. Not
that smoking I, Imtr1nal but It la evi-
dent that they u.' of .clgarettea very
often boring, lacy* beto companionship
with the worst elcnwenta 111 the mum
annuity, whose evil Influence drags
11111, down. ('lgnrettee too fngpebtly
develop n dewire for etrouger alima-
lanr+ to relieve the crating'and much
deadly habits an the owe .of apiritts,
tew•aiia% morphine and other drugs are
the result.
Therefore mince the nae of clgarettea
meals wise of !nosey, moral deny.
disease of body. Impaired ability and
disloyalty to the high Interests of our
beloved (vnintry, let every boy shun
them • as he . would an abominable
-hancellor'a viipt.
"The chancel I He ileo, of comae.
How bad thing are you may judge
when I tell you that a hidden passage
from the palace hits been opened and
leered, ready for tnstant night."
It was Karl's turn to be startled.
He rose, and stood staring down at belt
'Are you certain of abate'
"Certain 1" She laughed bitterly,
'The terroMats--revotutionleb, they
-a11 thewselver-are everywhere. Ther
know everything, see everytbtog.
Mettlteb's agents are disappearing one
by one. No one koows whets but all
suspect. Student meetings are pro-
rohibited. The yearly procession of
veterans 1s forbidden, for they trust
tont, even their old soldiers. The
council meets day after day In secret
"Bat the army-"
"They do not trust the army"
Karl's face was grave. Something
of the trouble In Livonia he had
knows. But this argued an immediate
"On the king's death." the countess
.std. '1a repubile will be declared.
The republic of Livonia! The crown
prince wilt never relgn."
8o you came today to tell me thbfi
She glanced up, and catching
eyes, colored faintly. 'These
thing. you should know."
He knew bar very well A jealous
woman would go far. He knew now
that she was jealous. When he spoke
It Will with calculating brutality. "Toa
mean, In view of my Impending mar
Be It was arranged! Finally ar-
ringed. Well, she had done her best.
He knew the truth. She had told It
fairly. If, knowing It, h. persisted.
It would be because her power over
him was deed at last.
"Tow I do not know how tar your
amngements ev. gone. Yon have
at least hems warned."
Rut .h. sew, by the very way he
drew himself up and smiled, that h.
understood- Mere than that be 1,;%..4Cher tomes how fatal the
Th. Countess Lotrchek was iia her
way across the border. The arrange-
ments were not of her making. Her
plan. which had been to ge afoot
across the mountain to the town of
Ar -on -Ar, and there to biro a motor,
had been altered by the arrival .t the
castle, shortly after the permission
was given, of a machine.
"The matter of passports for Owl,
border 11 arranged- madame; Black
Humbert told her.
"7 neve my own Pampero." she said
'They will not be necessary."
"I will have this laterview at my
destination alone, or not at siL"
H. drew himself to his great blight
and regarded her with cold V
you wish," b. sold. "But It is'prob-
ably not necessary to remind madame
that whatever le discussed at th1a
meeting, no word most be mentioned of
the committee, or its plans."
Although he mode no threat she had
shivered. No, there most be no word
of the committee, or of the terror that
drove her to Karl. Por, If the wont
happened. If he felled her, sad .be
must do the thing they had set ler to
do, Karl must never know. That card
she most play alone.
Everything hong on the remit of bar
U Karl persisted, 1f be would
marry H.dwtg In spite of the trouble
it would precipitate. then laded she
was lost. If, on the other hand, he
was Inclined to peurc, If her story of
• tottering throne held his hand, she
would defy the committee of ten. Karl
himself would help her to escape,
might indeed bede bor. it would not
be for long. Without Kart's support
the !lag's death would bring the ter
turista into control. They would have
other things to do than to hunt hen
Mit. Their mrd would be mime
out her. Let them steal the crows
prier'', then. Let Hgpkin
nwig fight tot k
tie• and lee. It Let the streets
run deep with blood and all the made.
monlum of heli break loo...
But K Kart filled her. By dlnebd
her teeth.
The countess did not• sleep. She
was, with every fiber of her kegs brats,
summoning her ergo:mots• Bhe would
n eed them, for .he knew --none batter
-bow greet a handicap was hero
d b. lev.d Karl, and he k1► 11. hat
er had
had boss SW
'Tues N lel" Cord Bobby.
He was not se old, then. or se table.
His arm would have bees strong fel
the flag. had not -
'Them It 4 r cried Bobby.
Net • cave, 1t appeared at gra. •
low doorway, barred with m arm grab
tag, sad p•dleekd. A doorway IS the
base of a side wall •t the gen, sad
•o heaped with teams that lis Meta
halt was covered.
Dobby predseed • key, 'I bt.te the
as * IRO was eta 11," M 4 1i wdi
. meat
L if
..,v r..•' le •rgk '4.4;
1' 1
w Batu
up all i
„lily by
ker ern
filet the des
mud SI ruing II
l.v,lIea lbw el
to resist and hue
smoking. Ile is a
The tirat and len
the 0nate of unities.
thouse wls of dollar*
spent for the wltliou',
eouauwel hl Canada.
would relieve much of the
that exists especially as a
portion of It cowte fr the
of Ihust• will/ Paas Icnst nRtrd to
Nothing site
soothes gad
w hisks. dime -
e d feet lib•
tact-Dok. n
senior to burning
eat eo o-
fosrts Zama -Bali Is
equally •/oetl.e
ler heat rash.
Miss. .horns. eels.
Fres Eelerge■eet of Yovr Best Picture !
develop and print your next
mill of titin, any size, and give you free
one enlargement of the best pichlrt of the
Int. Thin tlarual otter in to iotl,,hice our
superior worku.anship.
"Young man, pan couldn't begin to
I lgort my daughter."
't retrialhegira rill right:-
1 iii 1,, 'What would he your attitude
In lout six eolith* 7
Metrical Contractor
Agent for 'Blue Bin' Washing
Machines. Choice line of Electric-
al Fixture!' carried in stock.
Old Colborne Hotel Corner
Phone 251
K1) Children Well
wring Hot Weather
2.40e.Uoocd t/hit7 s1jiuZ- moor utonlr1* 10. 15 small cifil-'
bad said Tb. very fact th.t she had deer. i 1'hulers hdanhnn, lila reborn.
told him only the tenth added to her ny'rntt+re. colic awl stomach lr0uildee
resentment. are rift at this time .reel often a pet -
"You will see," she said sullenly. Mous II tle.Ilfc Is lust after only n few
Because he thought he already saw, hours 1 hetes. The tiler who keeps
and becomes ■he had given him • bad Itaby'i tw•u Tablets In the house fells
moment, Karl chose to b. deliberately "Ale,_ 1t., "VeltmIttllnl .11mr 14 the Teti -
cruel. "Perhaps I" be said. 'But fou lets p •rents sit umnett a 114 Bone!
leave out of this discussion the .et. Imohle w or 1 the tmnMe-tlrrttoex oncF
element that I consider Important
Hedwtg herself. It the Prtneess Mod -
wig were tomorrow to b. without •
country. I should still bops to marry
8he had dons well op to now, had
kept her courage and her temper, had
taken her ene from him gad buten quiet
and poised. But more than his words.
his cruel voice, silky with friendship,
drove her to the breaking point
Bitterly, and with reckless parolee.
she none at him 1edwlg's lnfatn.tios
for young L•risch, and prophesied his
dishonor as a revolt of It.
In the end she grew quiet and est
looking Into the fire with eyes full of
stony despair. She had tiled sad
failed. There was one way left, Duly
one, and even that would not bring
him back to her. lot Hedwlg escape
and sorry Milky Larierh-'lull where
was she? Let the terrorists strike
their blow and steal the erows prises.
Again -where was she/
Her emotions were deadened, all
Mee eke. and that was her hatred of
Hederlg. The humiliation of that mo-
ment was dace to her. Somehow. some
day, she would be even with Hedvig.
Karl left her there at last !toddled in
bar chair, left full .t resentment. the
gases or his old love void and gra.
Timm was 11tf1e seedender elf the gift
ref the monatalna is the stony -eyed
women h. had lett sagged low by the
Oat* mut Is the epee Or, the king
et Kerala drew a l0 p breath. The
aastr was sen. It bad Nem amides.
•alt lit wag alws7s atugMssa■t t•
Mesh meth 0. areae ..Bea et tea agate.
(Coallnsed ea Page $)
1 eo
dimly a
leets w it
They ar
by, mall
, que Bedspreads
Wi et to Match
are very , , . alar this year
and verybttractive
It (chorally dues -the Tale
bring hsby wifely through.
mold by a tllcbty dealer's or
1 251 (*elan a lox from the 11r.
Mellelne 1'(,,. Rruclt lllr.
1 (Lural Rhymes
sk, $o6 ,/!Jams _
Train Service To Toront
t.Ne (iodcricb 6.00 ani 2.20 p.m.
" Clinton 6.26 " 2.62 "
" ttvaforth 6.41 " 3.12 "
"Mitchell...".:"... 7.04 " "512 "
ArrStrrtford - 7.50 " 4.10 "
" Kitchener 8,20 " ... 5.20
" Guelph 8.48 " 8.50 "i
" Toronto , ", 10. IO " 7.40 ' ..
Leave Toronto 6.50 •,m., 12.55 p.m. and
6,10 e
Parke Cafe car Goderich to Toronto On
morning train and Toronto te ltuderieh
5,111 p.m. train.
Parlor Ibtdfet car Stratford to Toronto on
afternoon train. 'r ' "
For (till particulars as to tickets, etc.,
gpl, TV)
Tera Agent. Phoma d
A. feel
Yon tba-lisaker t writes eat
barefoot s and their 7rell-jt4
harntnot 1 ys with cheek of tan and
o'er which they ran -al -
Met ire cIlire bri
far e Jaded. las
rnral rhy cit that have Mine faded ;
hat of t r truth I'm not pereenadal.
it at my Isle Mame piMent fairy, with
w--i�n��ta ant wand Mesh raring airy.
+ "itld at p anti offer me Hier: joys
which ai 'rtafn to barefoot boys. 'I'd
any "Who mischief aro you brewing 7
Don't va .p ter dear; there's nothing
doing• 1) off and tempt some other
n.av/v 1.,t .,Mit ,h..k„f ren.
M7 tan m I(otallxell ht ,la't'klen •
was a ho, with cheek of frts-kles, leg*
e ratrhed with thorns Anil stark With
Nubble .141 bruised with .tones end
other rob d.. 1 hall no money When I
w"nld ha 1, 1 had no hanky when 1
•tonld It e. 1 love' the pretty t'e'net
Mirth ml Intl primer kids got utI
the kiss(' , or grown nit lads who find
the flue ; snit half grown hay. were
out of II 'k. Too Innuy nicks 0111 itd
lay toe; the new nails hook tio long
to grow The thorn, of life too ell
would Irk tn.. ton many Jaekknlc.'n
tined to nick me, too many other boys
mild 1I k me. TM many !nese• kepi
me her fed; I have but one elect I y,ot
.te 1,1,41.001.11011
Real Good Damaged
WKieat For Sale
When wanting corn or
oats in large or small quan-
tities see us. Also for Baby
Chick feed, Calf and Pig
Wesley McLean
oma Hewn Meek Q.derkh
j/ you
l,,dt.s.. N.vddo er un .•lora 716
pal :%foal'. I..",.go r tel ••N�a
sem .d pt quoit .el'..1. Mord."
k. roe pt.k.'lM sa,i
Th... go Wiwi to oral O.
Nook .."roto.
Yarmouth, N.S.
#yet I. g.'-• abtAk►imv..o•.ds