HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-6-13, Page 6•e.
4-41herag[I, July 13, 192 2.
At Last
A transparent Ovenware that t•
realty pretty.
Fry's Pearl Ovenglass
guaranteed not to break in the
Casserolee, Bakers. Meat
loaf, Pie Plates. Nappies,
in fact any piece you need
See this beautiful and use-
ful ware in our store.
Fry,s Pearl Ovenware can
, be had only at
greater tart of the whiter ills was-1,and uehool studies, and all the hun
t•onfined to her home, only to emerge deet and one sit 11/101gt stones to fate+,
title spring from her chrysalis, keener stands the atm of her future. crowed
than ewer on education.
with laurel., and w'reathel with clouds
Jest how well that krPnneess (arriat °t KI(rluue .utrrwe, Lillian r who.
her through is ovideuc •.1 by her recent
I aK� uhw, w� us to Ile a d.A'p,r when
examinatlou papers, which show a 1"It`' gruw•a u .
standing t r 00 per cent in each' three
Is l •roe wall advautwl in
Lillian `swath. of Winghain, Ilemon-
♦Itales Esceptlonal Talent
To have se ung through exanllnat1o11
111 the "Three It's." after only a month
or two cit e•h.olln4; to set a green
tratettre ar rtfit•*ciuu.ly as any sto-
rms': to be au excellent ut>tdleaoman
and s creek amateur photographer.
all hrfotr, reciting the age 'of nine
jrnr., is the record of Lillian Naomi.
Aiwa'''. of tViughaw, who is keeping
up the 'standard of her district by do-
ing worth -while things. says The Lou-
don Free Pres.
Lillian Naomi, who is to he nine
years old In Wptewlwr: wet off for
'w•hod for the first time last autumn.
right from her home tang into the
first hook. without .11 Dint h as a peep
into your childish kindergarten. with
its aids to hot -idle winds. But al-
most at user• a wevere sickness caught
to ng co over then N ground of mere WORRIED WOME
Lillian Naomi 1s not merely a silt
The Down. are I strong Dies. chats breakers, p1Ckpeck-
_ • atony strange rs httm.things. eta, bobbies. furoate tellers, all the
Sone Impressions say. with 1 .mud. Just a clap of the drifting population of the city anti
num Ding to tit 1woles. Pa them couutrysldr, *Ilk -hatted Swells.
.-r-� dew op
their a holes. a soar IRp oiled and awauky, Honest Jack Downs,
Conttaotd from page 1 • flew np from the hedges the bookie of mita Jeer+ Diel, h-
s more eztenstve'othan tttiase of -a preach. 'It was astodi*hing -to tut• to tet. * bot, Honest 11111 do-andM-
I lino such wild life In Entitled: Up tug out the ones, and a o -an Nly haat•
o e �l•N 1-ork hotel. Hut Ton i on tlw doW is theta ere three stumps
gat r nowt sial hath tt,, s half tulle -apart. so format Iij around for the hest odds. and
1 n room and yo could yt-• everyone laying a wager. You know.
tr a bath. ahem 'mikeand and greeu up on the ba re. turf m the there W uu adwlselou charged t , se
hills that 1 sur fnipefllerl t� Nsplure Derby You Just walk in. That
a tearettey� � burn
It took three hours to get off the field,
and out on to the road to Lotttuu. Audi
each 11 eight : In front of us a hue
leaded • with wen and women, a luau
the worse for liquor Aught' acid ges-
ticulating; on our lett a group of
ewrlls. with monocles, to a tine Ilmuu-
elne ; behind us, close. a wagon load
of women. one full of gin, slttglug
wildly and shaming her companions.
vae�arathat lou have to "ltouk a one of them. At oar approach. lone
1 set le
took to nn English Prorindal hotel. aevouuts lex the tuilliuu+ u[ { .t
dent however. She is one of those nc•N pert Of the rove°• deeds of rooks left their quirt retreat mita gu to wee the racy. 1 put a few'
women.• who dares to have. not only huh o
hobby. 1 1 Millen \ tui D tare ttwtiug Tt,ere war ao15rthlug qui e I Ina gaol and, twin a you rt
the first
t1t111 all that was lu the tree to and circled stout pro- •urs+, •me an me•
Ds u n for •wrong r wt
one o „), int srvrra . au .'a(
has +tebatett rrrr uw•tnl h.oldde•s, roti I Isom the IlarteMegls. Yolk mysterious °lout theft' Woods. .tronutl
'spurt, laid elf the nest of the giver.
are s i >yitf°Ntnph•. in North ik cu11, w,, nit' aur of them a lruw•thoru hedge had Tlou I[ Dir Pah didn't to and win on
aid errurw• of the G. T. It.. which is p,y,_ 1 tc+uulrrwl about the birth -
planted rind was closely ,grown the other ricer. Let 'eve, I bay+.
Ixlswrt on to her by her father, :e if the Blood is Not Kept Pure •PU&Vi. of city father and through the togetlwr like one of those thickets Ihr We ,rruldti t hoar aur e'o the 1{lug s
t:rrud Trunk employee. At eight. and town, nod along the FxN
Vale I'rr- brine+ in the fairy tale had to Ills+
some months. IItNr Miss Sneed' esu Health Will Break Down- ads.. and through the public gardens. to rescue the fair lady. Nearby, on apptrtach, though 1 had a look at bis
letup a hrworrlrrgr, wake any kind of box half a mile rwa), IhruugD a trlr-
and I Dish heti a KtlwN alt tennis and the tap of the thorn, Ci un •old But 1 tiro a goods,dth view of the
I:I Iaudage (r tourniquet you may de- idled my time until evrnlnR. A tram ltonwn esti straight servo the toiIt 't"' lrasr--just the
sire and knows the first aid (hart in-� it Is ulwelr.* ti tell a hent working of howler from tuxtrnlin enlivened
Fp from the hawtI .ru in Cie t•nllev. IM.rbp-the Darby, V
warn• our party found a clear speer
side nut and u,r.t lr a gtulrtt•r of it wile below, team., Ihr ,.1retI•h
• wuw•ul to take life ++wily and not to the dtulogr'•,ow with IaughtrOut-of-place
and,,,1 the rail Just on the track1 1.4.r remarkabh. lilt of work last fall.
't dowse bones and
all A. a crowning achievement 11111111. worry. le du so fa to ark to almost btrealnesr that appeared 1 1 Irum rout of the )Icy, herr) and
At all fire "pubs" ou the trey
there were hundreds of men and wo-
men drinking and singing, and men
,clogging, suit 1 don't know what. My,
it teas a merry rout` Rut once 1s
1 euougb of .the .Derby. N'C sot bum•
about 9 o'clock, tired, 'sweaty, dusty.
1 all declaring 1t was a great tight, and
all vowing '.never again : "
(To be continued)
The concluding portion of the letter
will be published 111 nest week'+ lemur.
rrgrwnt. 1 r• the Jockey+ try to negotiate the'
iwpros.lble. Itut. *t the weer time. it to tiN l.t . The (harm of a l)y s Valk rising ground approaching
tumbling .tff a stool. she sustained a Ix the duty of .eery woman to snve
green fracture In her wrist. Not tie- Iter strength to mart 5117 unusual de -
lug of the fragile. fainting• early -Vii.- tuaudt. It is a duty she owes herself
l tartan ilk of holies. n't Lillian t'tl l *hut
er and family. for her future health may
her teeth tight aced, arxlsttrl by her ,Irlr,ud 1115111 fL 1
1 mother. autrrrYlel ill wt1i nR file broken
To guard agalust a er000'4P break•
+trot. in applying sling,
co popping dawn lu health the blood must 1w kept
I the Nhole Tutu a sling, nx cool as you rich. real and ;lore. No tither medicine
dol`'+'`(' does flits 0411 well as 1)r. Williams' Pink
Photography is another hubl.). tad Pills. This medicine /strengthens the
I sin her owu camera the little miss nerves. restores the appetite ant ketpa
ham lady has had marked summit, ,even organ healthily toned up. Wo -
developing and printing her work. a men cannot always nest when they
Sewing• plain and fancy, and Lead elwnld, but they ran keep their
work, are also favorite p,axtlmtw, LII -
...strength strength b7 the (erasions( use of Dr.
Bau fa.hlaiittg aume really clever Williams' Pink 1'111s. Among those
things in the 11111. of paper ieads,
wieo have found Iwta•fit from this med-
which, when thneedel and varnished.
trine is Mrs. lora found, Broad
are charming• and original, many of ('ave, N. t., who rays ' "My prism
which the little craftswoman lax sent I was very much run down, and my
to Chinn and Japdn, where they have! itheal poor and watery. I suffered a
INY•at distributed among the natty grant deal
,•-fish reerve and t cert TutU•nlSam
Tour young Englishman will take hie
Scotch or brandy to the diningromI I had l4snrely W*1ks ui! ,cit 1101 1'(rner. The whale Derby outfit, Iran -
quietly, 1f not sadly. mud walk about country In all directions. and ro•r•fltal iig over end bunched, thundered by
softly on the hotel lawn In formal din- in e11 the xylan delights whish only me h1 e s mass over the Mitotic turf. '
nee drew*. Itut no immoderate laugh- k' England
gw n dgehas offered,
Iti vso tfar
ampsrl hr 110 wit was
gs eightll flag of puts and
ere WAS
tar,' K you phrase.
1 had intended running up to e'"nodi tlllout every tow•° and (Ity I
Clovelly and llfracomla•, but a chilly
have lived in or visited for any Ira;tit
mint ams rreepdnk in off the Bristol of time in America, but urerr have 1
channel. and 1 lost myself among the 'weft anything to approach these de-
Barnshi r folk in the balcony of a lightful English fields and lanes_
cinema, and ,.At among the young 15.411 There is more (term In a day's walk
and their sweetheart.. the men $1114)k-
these paths than sbuld be
[(Mild lg six months in any pare 1
Inc and saw a real British. long -
hoer ever been In. N0 wonder the
Jnwiout film play of the "Perils of English ...Irak w, tenderly of home. It
Mormonism." the same being n story la all they say. uNt much more. They
of a smart h eking Mormon who wooed never drecritte It with the imagination
a sweet English lass with brave and enthusiasm it dewn•ea. Long
The girl's lover. • Itriton
Rpa'eitss ■iter 1 get hack to the mills of Gotham
with hart cit oak, puncltea the rude 1 know my wisal w111 wander hack to
e from hrrdacb•. and Als:l• Tank in itrltl.h style, and so on.the sweet Ganes of I►evou, the reeedi-
children h the mla+lou eohewly. These British girls are tender. The Iuz wallon. the Wiltshire Down.. the
'nests pry appetite Dia,; poor, egg I t paper, •egrchtight In ttanel, W.Id»r) all fields real with bubbles, awl gulden
With It all.ef.11lixn Naomi 1. by nt�, tired easily. I (lea•Ided to try Dr. through the sail story. jppngtne a with buttrrcwps. the leprkx, the t golden
means a pe(eIIg7; nor Ix she a Miss Williams' Pink fills and have evt'ry loan nigher of the Garden Theatre. I es, the doers, the cuckoos.
I'rim. who likes to sit all day on a reason to be glad that 1 did to. Boon Rk•hmond 11111. 1.. 1., crying over a 'Next stop Is Paddington, London,.
%Still cushion, sewing a fine seam. Not !I felt letter, and under the continued' pla7 , the dingy old station where one 7outa,
a hit of it. She Is a regular rough -and- 1 ase of the pills the headaches and ,l�svetSirtR on English Ilallwa)•'s
tumble. Jolly, out-of-door girl •x leen diszo„ ss were gone, sod m7 blood gallant 1111. his enamorita a hurried
for play as any healthy -mindset young- twentel in it better coalition than be- I One has trouble -hooking railroad good-bye nal the words he would say
stir of her age should be. and now I fere. For this reason 1 recommend tickets In England. You don't buy n falter on hl. Ilea. Pa, 'ntheti.•nlll, 1
with ,ickne%. and it -aeons things of the I)r. Williams 1'ink Piths" 1 ticket. Yon "hook." whether on a long should remark that novels of the west
past. she 1* all set for a wonderful , You crit gist 1.)r. '1Vlltiams' Pink trip or on the Tundon +111.•. The; „notary hate one pMae acted In Pad.
summer holiday, out of doore the live I'llIa through any dealer In medicine ticket man doe.n't rattle oR the time I,Ifttgton. All novel readers know that.
lung y. ( or by mt -
all a:i0 cents a, box or six of arrival and departure mid, the My moria mlwuwl me, and l had to
Only, always Just ahead, the object• (loxes for $2.50 from The 1)r. Wil- changes as the ticket agents at home . taxi eat carat, a. they sly to the big 1
Ire of it all, the reawm for first aid liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. do He #on.ulte time table. unknown I town, to whrte he lived.
the little ue•w• student. and for the __,
Ito apparently. tll and giver: you the
♦ v�v�.s NAPxx =C
Information. Two 7044!! mica int Seeing the Derby
ltarta4ple Rave me wrong 1'1tormation, i cath to London town the day l.t-
Deprtseat of Interior IssoM lead don, n, 1� be iltshiremy nest top. hh 1were.It party an t nYl mt to Ypwom
blsf.el Prairie Pro wait two hours' to Bristol. w,'abort n •ocla•k. The Wads
The totalnumber q tions
about the .'hanger in gettinc to aw•in• fare the herby. and we wade 1111 11
,. t1
X A Very Special Opportunity to Buy be natter see
11 Summer Goods
Ladies' Waists, Crepe de, Chine and Georgette, in various
shades. itogular up to 1.5150 and $5.75. To clear at 13.75.
-Ladies' all -white Milan -Straw Hats. Regular $4.00 and
$4.50. To clear at $2.75.
What so delightful as a dip in Lake Nuron in the hot
X weather ' . *We have Bathing Snits for ladies, gentlemen and
.xr children, in both wool and cotton, all colors. At lowest
0 Men, get something for the warm weather that is cow-
fortahle and will look well. Free -Neck Shirts, in various
Xt shades. 11.49.
moo .
didn't matter, except that 1 LodKnotto Duw°q to see the Knrate. tt'e left
t In n cud down the
srow-dtd with bus..•-, char -*-lane..
of Crown land still available in each
tart is ens n t R P
gelpora it was a work -°-dal hilly -loos, donkey carts. coders. and
of a Land map of Yen s tereaWag t., an American. mei hot. hotter than New o
c hewn and Alberta17 his„d 11ViI toil Downs was. \t r pa p 1 t t
township 1. shown on the 1921 edition mate
ttoba Ba kat phte�' sit the feet. 0f it. Imo quite 1i1 thousalkls afoot. It was a great day.
recent u parked a the hill.wind o
L by the Department of the Infector, i The t rr T*t..t•uha'u Corer. had our meat plies
Ata B ReductionRight ] likewise the number of quarter�ec- ��dun is R sturdy. i nb.ia-ulal( mind, rte. etc.. on the grasp, and
Big ]g lel a tions of unoccupied and uncultivated
Auto Electric and
Battery Service Station
C' rner t'•,Ilr. rile and '•ware
Battery Repairing on All Makes
Battery Re-charg•ng
everlasting and Repairing of Ig•
aitiea, SM.rtiag and Lighting
New Batteries and Electrical Sup-
plies o Steck
H. JANE, Manager
tesf .of fact piste. tt nnct un t' rambled shout among the th0atrtlndx
b e Season lands held in private ownership fiat sob` Safi the home of great rnilr••nd ',rambled 'klew clown to a point opposite
Height Vi as purchasablehis from theeat re s oidestwtig abtrha' T to o• met Marr d a r.•Intyvel en!
owtur. This latter feature, egowtn.g with "limy and gr•µ and driven rev.4n the grand stand. t never saw such
•t • glance what lands are for sale. tags° tp and down hill and :round to
Clearance of the balance of out Gingham Dresses. Regu-
lar V.50, $7.00 and 18.00. To clear at 11.98. All sizes.
Ladies' House Dresses and Bnngalow Aprons also re-
duced in price.
Everything in Men's Summer Wear, Top Shirts of all
Vi X styles, Suminer Underwear, Invisible Suspenders, Straw Hats,
Soft Collars, etc., etc., all at lowest prices.
The New Store - Goderich, Ont.
he liinfntt near Swindon. Wilts.1 love three ngli..t
. room.
of tr tatod �'
J;are ar r etrlie
Tb.. Bay rumen as the
bway Is above the road
pert Dam. Af•er
mites oat, and In-
ge:, and to the left
should proi•e of great service to t itrno&
land seeker. Supplementary to the
sap, the Department has had com-
piled for, each diatrltst, lists containing t
information aa to the price asked for itltrotla
the land, terms of sale, nature of soil. 1Tatltlton
acreatee fit for cultivation, value of down ow l
buildings and other matters helpful to we hat gaits'
the prospective purchaser. With such
to 1,,d,d out ,of 1 d the Hall 011 the I
Information in his possessi the of :, t•ertaltt for
tending settler may then . negotiate pola.' of which there overhung a hedge 1
with the owner of the land. twenty 1151 high I•aukel twhiu.l by
Another Important feature of the a y.•,a hedge forty feet high -1 took
map is the Railway Belt information pirlenhar note ,f the !wield -behind
which has been shown in three differ- whi h a myrterimt• old house just
ent shades of color on each side of all sh,..,e.1 • perp. we •wnlg op and
railway lines, to signify land within 111111.41 a' hill and ,+nn•• Into 11111 view
5, 10 or 15 miles of a railway. Among of the Wilt*hlr• i1.own.. the rolling
other details shown are the Dominion down.. They *feel t,. -[retch itte•r• •
Parks, the forest reserves, land din- • mummy, teeing, INc•an•.• „f their ball-
triCte and agencies. surveyed town- ne--. As effect 0f height and distant*
ships, and railway information to date. like it entrain ranges. We got 0111 of
4 copy of the map• also a list of the the trot) and walked up the h111-. they
unoccupied lands for sale In any par- war.• se steep. .untag the road. we
Iticular district may be obtained free treued. under tail elm.. end part
of charge. upon application to the miles and miles of hawthorn in doom.
Natural Resources Intelligence Branch, to the tillage of Brand ilinton. The
-- r'lllage j* .boat the size of l.rehnrn.
_ lett. let Inc tell 70M. Inroad Hinton he
The Junior Clt/ntaugtm will 1w a It' attractions. A tnerrin the r.
feature of the dgtngs atthebig tent nt to Bell Tavern.
iiuiIllind a littl Iron
luring the week July 17.22. The boys and 'past the gabled pn*tofflce, hidden
g helices
and str will enjoy thisand proal by aum,Nh•"tl among dowers And shrubs.
the instruction and training they will1
receive. and n awing t0 the left. And thew
. w -••re Iwfore a Ion1 chalk stunt
xpledh.•d with elimatis snd nestled en.
der the inevitable Melt;'., TIM white
rond dropped straight down the hill
And into the valley. and nor the *ode of
- the Downo.trk,e rt'Wfte4 np sad orer
the hills and for away. And up noir
one of these fliekSereW tarns Dins 1
wh11,' galloping horse. rent in the cltalk.
that could he seen for mil.- I'll tell
'yon of the •R11111. 50111s•r Among
i'rler!ree, •nal kind Ai tell, !.I,tl In-
• gntri.-+ of American rah' ti.,•- ave
American W11ys. and 1 pleasant nr
' or tw•o getting' nortnaint nod the
ihest s no lured me t most gu nn
my even down t.' hit+ road. it wan
olaelt 9 9'elkfk snd broad 111tii4l0.
*n.1 so one on the road. The ions
rooms of the elm* etrctcht'l sones
f-the--hawth0ra,frametl_ folds of duet
green. and bright gre'e'n. sad goid-
brown fields that had lavm freshly •
turner! ha• th.forlesugwalk. Thewlerkra ••
rare evening
sena gayly. thntaltee with dnleet notes
w^erlele) In the thiekete. wool pigeon/.
and 'lore's made dellclnus ersotng MIA
crooning soiled*. and -a cnekon snaghi. Ione .,ng In a deep
elm. ill1P
'71) , quite startled ale. i had never
tut' i' l one before. 1 couldn't tet the
mind. I1 dwenthat tn Abed m ortly
I. ilamp,
Matte in. In twilight et silvery anal
bright that It startled me. 'tui reline -
antly took 11 glen(' np and shite the
white road. and to the meet -ent-eip-
Ing fetrther bed emit ever emhnrer{
'.me. 1 smiiel to myself with rine+
1 delight and sank to sleep with a lend-
seeps• riotous with twenty flitting.
kaleldwscaiph', *cross my sense... Fain
117 prayers. reverently maid. And pns-
Petget from the Itihle. preceded the
neat do7's activities. and 1 oat Again
to Icer tlw leka t'ttdwthe ionslwa
aid the wood pigeons
tied to tertian aside the clover and •he
Mitten-1mo la the field• one ditty we
�a& Quinistte in Costumed Parts of Popular Operas tied to nn on the dlthe iver a right
Il1�r e1f�g
4 • '
. r,j
• 7
crowd herfor •. and I have sten some.
Gypslex in caravans. 'Arriott and 'Ar
with their kids and a barrel .d herr'
The Ford is
the car
for the man
who wants
the most
for his mpnex.
'The Ford is
the car
for you.
Buy a Ford
Touring Car -
To The Auto In Trouble
wean' ph7.iriaus estmenlinary. For no
testier Low r•riuus the trouble may be at•
•apply the remedy that will remove it.
maul your car here for treatment when
it nods attention. We'll disgrace tine
cam. quickly and correctly and cnre the
tronbie 1.1.01111417. a htr fete are alwnya
Reg. Williams -_
East atreP. - loss 243.
(Light Medium Body) is the _
lubricant recornrnended for
your Ford.
Goderich Chautauqua -July 17-22
Briefly, these are some of the results of using too
heavy an oil for your Ford.
Barry pe.�guuu 1*d t *sg g tree the cost pilular epras at Ohautaucu• this is rip .nd on top of thorn. anti •t.eo4 tin
)) r.tteo�s anA lt}g t1stf' itis aye of the white horse. and tear
- lsem "jam
. .-
Engine drag and loss of powers-.__
improper oil distriltrtion.
An overheated engine.
Excess carbon deposit.
Unnecessary friction and wear.
Large repair bills
Rapid depredation.
Excess fuel and oil consumption.
What is the remedy ? Use Imperial Polarine Motor
Oil (Light Medium Body), which is especially
adapted to the mechanical requirements' and
operating conditions of your Ford engine.
Have your crank case cleaned and refiHed today
with imperial Polarine Oil. (Light Medium Body),
Manufattu"eel and Marketers of Imperial Potarfne
Motor Oil. and Marketers in Canada
of Gargoyle Mob'Ioil.
Made In five ;,•a es ;le t1 ;. er
lurrleatlae.. ^f -!1 and-vactoeto
mobiles. truck*