HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-6-13, Page 5rI r • Illsolskallum As lemosstueg Park Tbp midstream's at the Meneaetung Yarn Hotel daring the 'mat ween he .eltatpd: Mrs. Heatdoe Redpath and Peter Redpath, of Toronto; Mrs. W. Y. Douglass and sone, Dick Janie. and Hume Douglaaa. of Toronto; Myr. Cromwell Gurney and Miss J. Gurney. Of Toronto; Mr*. H. G. But•luinau and M1ar Helot Buchanan. of London : Mrs. B. H. Mtl'rtath and family. of Tomato; Mr. H. 0. Duchene°, of Lon- don. WHAT one of aur cue- Comers said to us last week : " I don't see what we did without a cam. ea so long. Since we got one from you we have had a lot of fun out of it." Campbell's Drug Store "The Pseslar Sao�i Mow 00 .. Tltars Public Sehaat Hoard At a epeeist meeting of the public school board ou Mouthy evening Trus- tees Gundry, Mallows. Wallacr, Mc- Lean. and Acheron lacing ',remelt, the coutrset for painting ata' rtrfecorat• lug the Central school war let to Mr. It. R. I4iwi rove tor 00. The school i. to be done throughout. tbe wood- work palated and the walla kalsom- lued.except two rc.oms which were done at ('hristmar. The work Is to be com- pleted In a manner satisfactory to the rehool nauagemeut tomatittee by the Het of eeptember. Tender* have been received and pal w•d ou to the contingent committee fur the•installatiou of two four -bubbler fouptains at Victoria school, This work le to tpe undertaken duriug the holiday*. and the fountains wtlLbe the latest, most up-to-date and *suits .0 the market. Free Meeting The Bret meeting of Junior Chau- tauqua. which is a fur meeting and which all the boys and girls are ask- ed to attend, will he held Monday mor:dug at 9.30. Come and bear all about the pageant. This meeting le free. Council Deals • ,,wwweenrfeen"'. v.. :ti. t _ d es 111I1111111• 1('nntinned from page 11 - a few moments In a brief speech to the a euncil. during which he prneeent- ed a meml*•r hip list of the new or- gmniaed band called -The independent raison.' Rand" Mr. Thompson spoke of the organization recently formed and said titer this new Iwnd war ready end willing to provide meek. for the town. ineludiag Iwai concert... K (omP satlsfaetory arrnnte cent (0Uld be made between the content and band officials. Monday evening woe fixed as a date when committees from the Iwud ,and council could Jhelum the question. Camp Ground for Autos Reeve Callow returned to hi, point of the council making suitable protl- rion fur a ramping ground for ORM). mobile tourists. a duly designated spot. with necessary .v ifir-eenirlwta.. wlwre - parties touring ria automobile might p.ltah their tent for the night. as many of theee tourists carried their tepting uipment with them. The ides was fa •.randy received by the eeoolteil and the atter referred' to tice.spec•tal cont• mitt Several suggestions •o to pos- sible a suitable property included the Mdr Park. the ground at the rear of the rk House. the Agrlrul- tural 'trowel . Nunwet Park. Harbor Park. and themerou property coo - trolled by the h tel beard. Nurse Read iy Day Iaber The construction the newer on Huron road raised quit a debate. All members of the council. agreed that the work should be completed at as 2001/00001101.110 MODEL THEATRE WEEK OF JULY 17 TO 22 Monday ad Tuesday Goldwyn prevents Rupert Ilughtri big story etFk>q.cr►.. "THE OW NEST" loaf Christ le Comedy m!" ' nth c'NO PARKL'G" Wedmieday and Tamar DOROTHY DALTON ` 1n 1114.I'aramouut Mpeial 3__333 HEIa 'WOW LLOYD HAMILTON to the -Mermaid -Comedy -. "ROLLING STONES" Friday and Saturday HERBERT IL%WLLNSON in "CHEATER) HEARTS" Century Comedy "FARE STEAKS"-- _ "SUMMER SPORTS" Matinees Wednesday and Saturday st 30. NEXT 'WEEK'S SPECIAL -Thomas Merigtmn in -Capin Ricks" 1/484811•••dlddw• MacEwen '& iebbatt Bus Service New 18 Passenger Bus Now Available For Excursion and Picnic Parties TELEPHONE 234 For Further Particulars SUMMER 1. the ides' time fee rhetepagba of the Y_ -=--es. Rtitd►daboet oat of maim then Is (Nam i. plenty to phut for a sitting. Children children but Photo- graphs et tie never grew J. T. FELL Phone 167 - Goderiea aG QUAL The 7.S...a.2117.: Tom;. 11 011° -477 p*".:7 --ses fir s't - _;3 333, •,. ,s,s7 se", •.. Annual Sale Exceeds 30 Milos Packets MIXZD or G>R1t "^- t Btosd>ilaatly Matisse AU Sobstitotoor early a date as possible. Deputy- of ne=t week. Arra is aro to Reeve Mosier favored letting contracts 'be made. meanwhile for tie abiding for the complete job on Huron road. Imp of the business of tba Huron Reg - He argued that the town had tit al- intent Band Awoeistion way, done the work below flu` esti- mates and further that the prices by Purities Win contract would in many cases. be less than the estimates of the town en- gineer who aiweyr mule full allow. awe for all (r,uditione and emergen- cies which eonrwluently ran the esti- mates to quite a high figure. Councillor Bailin• believed the time was too %bort to wait for tender,; the (loderich AB R H P(1 A" E P. Me(7arro1l, sa ... 4 1 1 1 1 0 Idols y. 2b 2 0 2 5 3 0 Bisset, et 4 0 0 1 0 0 J. McCarroll, e. 8 0 0 6 3 0 Haynes, p 4 2 2 1 2 0 Butting, lb 4 2 1 11 0 0 ('arriek, rt 4 2 3 0 0 0 Cooper, 8b 3 1 0 1 0 0 I'rtdham, it . 4 1 1 1 0 0 Barlow, lb 0 0 0 0 .0 0 r r: 32 0 10 27 0 0 Lucre ' `' ARBI1POA F ('rewley. a 4 0 1 e 2 0 Barnes, It 4 1 1 1 S• K. Nell. p 4 0 2 1 5 0 Hiadmarsii. lb 4 0 0 10 0 3 George, sr 4 0 1 1 1 1 Langford. rt 2 0 0 0 0 0 Powell. ct :.....`.-- 3 0 .0 1 0 0 C. Neil. 3b 3 0 0 1 4 1 Weir. 2b 3 0 1 3 1 2 3-1 0 5 24 13 7 From the Some Beek ! Batting Averages Big Four 7 Ganaee-duly 12th G All It H KB SH Pt' ('arrk•k 3 11 3 0 2 1 .'NS Haynes a 22 510 4 1 .436 Lindsay 6 17 2 R 0 R .353 1'. McCarron7 20 . R 4 2 .270 (Continued from pale 1) J. McCarroll 7 23 4 0 3 E .240 and fanettee with wbole "Ding" k a 'Motet 7 211 5 6 3 8 .2230 prime favorite. Young 5 17 1 3 2 2 .177 All the other Purity players shone Team Matting -.268. • in the ilmeUght to a greater or leas Department Leaden in Both leagues Captain Joe Llndiay. reeuver- I Sacrifice Hits -Lindsay 10; Bisset present time w -as the most opportune , l degree. },acting eye. had • perfect day7: ]. McCarron 6: hung 4. for construction of sewers. espeiallytw4th the willow. In five tiniee at bat Runs Scored -1' McCarroll 14; that to be built on Huron road, He I Joe bagged two Plinths, and two saen- therefore moved.'flat the Heron road ' Ace hit.. and further drew a lose on sewer he cvnurtructwl dlreMly, and by Halla. I indeay accepted aMbt nelding Haynes 11: Ins. -rt 6; J. McCarron 3; Lindsay 5: I'ridham 5. Stolen Bases -P. McCarroll 8; Prld- day labor. under a supervkror to be .ba y fn faultlena et}to. two ..f ham 7; Haynes 6: Burling 4; Young appointed by the Mullen nr pubik I opportunith t being of a dlfiieult nal"- 4: f Doper 4. w nttc r ommittee. This motion sae' ture. Hfe stop of Htndmanh' hot - Two lwggere-}layneee 11; Idadeay (•anted• I liner In the sixth with two on was a 4; Biss2: et ('n 30 Ynuru'2g: '2: Burling 2; Prld- - Coundl Te Visit Wineriesprett7 DIe. of work, an waw also his ham a w The Reerr reported •that he had • emIn short. right fled in the eighth Ttittke-ilaylws 3. "Scorer." I e.n lu communication with Reeve inning. Amos Tipling. of R'ingbam, who had Bill Carrick continua 11. batting sour a oto visit invitation for the entire bee by hitting out three tingles In font council to newelaw on goinWedg o attempt«. "Beek' deriding n lot of day to *0 the *..tial work golltg ee ; 'credit for breaking Into the came as in the tonetrncttnn of \Ytngham's has done letel7 witlk such n bola paved streets. RYnglam was Mold- • hearted effort trancl Rte Nally de.ercea ing the extra width of four feet (above the mrtceras hr ba. achtevad thus ter. the regular width of twenty feet/ on � Jimmy McCannll esoght Ilaynar' the heal improvement plan (property roped ter} capiehly especially when owners tidying for this width I and were issuing deiwnoiree to cover theI it 1e eonaidered that ha .nRtheered a `I 1 InattM anger 123 wcond A FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIAL IN Women's. Hats AT Half Price _ In A number of very smart models have been marked special for this week -end event. The shapes are of Mo- hair, Milan, Silk. Organdy, and are flower -or ribbon trimmed. All the gay shades of the season are noticed among them and the variety is exceptional. MISS MacYICAR - NIgtgalen St. Geder'teh BAYFIELD BAYFIFLi4. July 10. -The Phllipa family are In Mr. Ross cottage "Rum- mer Ino" anti are enjoying the beauties of the sunsets at Mayfield and it. balmy refreshing tereexesc Rer. A. Shore, of Ildrerton. and Rev. A. A. Trumpet.. of Exeter. were guests at the rectory on Friday. accompanied Tbursda7. July 111. 1021.- tf total amounts having accepted the erten c t a by Mrs. Shore and Mrs. Tramper. agreement as ruggesterl by the county tinning from a foul tip. Jimmy show- Several of the ladles of Trinity ev,nrtc11. The council decided to visit ed ("Adorable grit in sucking to Ma chnr(•h had the 111earttre of meeting the \\'ingbam on Wettneisy and arrange- poet so catcher throughout the remain- r-:titots and hearing an Intereeetfng ail- ments were made accordingly. der of the contasL dress on missionary work from Mrs. Pat McCarroll (ventlnnad b1 itond. Shore who. is n member of .the Hutson work at Abort. when be made a bean- Diocesan W. A. M(wnl. Routine Badness The financial statement for June ' tom plot -up and peg to flat on a was referred to the finance committer very Lard hit ball by(3ra$iey in the The market clerk's report for 1921. very inning. "Faddy`, earner' eneio.ing 11.5.90. as the 5 per cent doe ed in a high eT hack of t)gfra off Hind - the town was referred to the Renamentar.h' let 1n Me ninth ierdag. committee. Pndbam and !Resetsplendid The cemetery sexton's report waw est..hes of the tan balta in in ttnwir passed on to the cemetery and parks trnpective irrrltoriee LM1e eopes committee. these two players. Alcan.'- all of Hamilton are eujoying- Csmeatttte Reports It is a treat to sea Bt� perfecto the holMays at Deer Lodge Park. The water light ami harbor cont- on area bane.. part lie- after theThe Darla' family of Detroit are mitre reported that they had been In exhibition., given by fandmarsh in thenow e1,IPat In that most FnmfortaMP a-�err the belle and handsoate residence constructed r,. roe wn err At Varna on Sunday evening the 1.11. L. parade aces held to the Meth- odist church. Rev. Mr. Faster preach- ed anapproprinte sermon and the hearty singing of the hymns and anth- em, were much enjoyed. Mr. Fitzgerald and wife. Mr. nod Mrs. Hastings. Mrs. M -Kay and lire. communication with the C. P. R. re- two Luean games. tsardine aw nf the leasingyr lgb*-e ai atern por- are lwthing-- 4141•11 44. thrown to� a nae. The committee recommended tfr 122 eha application for lease be made Amid j. _Fowl , �3= w received the eomrittee he em- as per usual. a departni. �rgprat . powe to proceed with the necessary hattIng In whkb he ea.tly the alterati i to the building. resin, with a total of sixteen in Uhth This r rt was carried. leagues. The epee committee reported that Karl Neil. formerly of fleeditoh. the town soli tor had prepared a by- .nried for Loran and while IIleleri for law. providing the Rale of the Wh - ten hit- he was given very 'toot eenf1 Rigs Factory, wh h wax atiefactory port, four of the seven (.mole coming to all parties. eo rued. The cont- In the •11th inning when the Purities mitts* furtheraskedthe bylaw be approved by the council referred to the ratepayers. The cum iter also re- commended that Leslie F11ek granter' t street Iteense to eeell ref laments from his unto truck. for the bat .ee of the .eeaaoo upon payment of fee. The report wax carried. The finance committee made «eco nlrlldnttolt that several .ceounte no ex- amined be plaid. The commttttee fur- ther reported that fine/win! nrrange- wauta lool_h 'n made with the hank to. I meet Utterer! due en Ju17, lot on cer- tain bonds. The re iott_waa.zeceirml and adopted t as tenth . _ Tlo• piddle workii committe recom- mended that a .ewer be eonetrneted Int Whitler street, from ('ayley street to Brittania road then.... to Wellesley We Own and Offer -( Com n Ltd., 7. First Mortgage Boa to '• 0 S10,000 Ci S Windsor 5 1.2%. bonds. Rate to yield $12,000 City of Toronto 5 1.2% bonds. Rate to yield 5.45%. 20 shares Bird & Son: Ltd, 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock. Rate to yield 8%. • - O. F. CAREY & SON Phone 230. Bank of Commerce Bullion.. it 9 and furuished by Itilly'Nlettalfe. Dr."Tttiman. and filially. of London. are now reddest* for' jstminer at Sonnet Point. • . . Mr. Hohn. Beard hat jn.t complet- ed another pretty and e-omfortable resi- dence for himself earl family in the mime _locality. The hayfield butcher is k.•pt busy supplying the wants of the t•haltnra who get an extraordinary appetite , MOM! after their arrival. Rakers also from the .urronnding towne ami our scored nve run.. Dawn Tom King are keptbti'y Crawley the eateher. nit -hough rid- We hear that Mr. T. Orr, of aerate den rather bard by some of the 'sp'( ford. las rvr•a nt Iv purchased a ch .ice tators. In' really one of r.ncaa's best/ gilding site on the river bunk and In- &Yer.. tend. to • erect a- cottage id tTit near President MacFarlane. of .ilarilstnn. future. - i and Secretary Reu1,e horning, of The deme« et the pvilieoa in Jow- l'almcr«ton. of the N. N. B. A., nm- ett's Grove are well patronized 1.* pirecl the game and nt tLat their work young and okl and the mn.ii, suppli.rl Ight have teen Imp'o:eed,'on. •\ -by Goderleh and i.oudon talent is cx- seting of the executive . f the le gue cellinL he -e the attendant of tie game oY In teat week's1`sn.: it wn" ,fide. r - re mPatln❑ sl tently stated that the date for the t1. rn my �f 'r i'Sti-1110 conferen(e of the Huron Medical Ammo- 1 weather 'ir` Fiba'd `icer 'e.lation would la. held Thursday. July `�/ 20th, aifi at_Ilk-Wn . We _nw wish to say Ta c. hJT tit *cittDil`Rti1m'_that_ the suntan Ott• ra-Vir(slhe;itfiy. T. .177.-''''fTtr4 2trf�Jttiy 10th. and that there will be a d''11"" , expense nn.l most enthtirlastic meeting :u this bw,u- date= tor ezhiht- tifld suminer resort. A c. gel program tlon game. to '1111 nto season sines is !wing arranged and n Larges ntten- strtet. The report was adopted. • Zurich has definite . dropped out of dance of the medicos rind their wives ' The fire committee reported that the i both leagwes. and 1 v deserve the is a xp set 91. building applications submitted to them . support of the Goderi • Awe The retell been sold and the hammer and had been granted. This report wa,town 1.' receiving a tress a4 regards neral Her for building bare at• carried. I h*seh•ll this ae!ason MO 11 m•nnge- 11x• saw 1s e. nstnutl}- ill use` ill.erecting The follew'tt(g building npplicatio11r meat lir worthy of com:nonda on. abodes fur those who have discovered were referred to the lire committee:To Summary that -Bayfield ix an ideal *put to spend shingle kitehea, on McDonald street.Gotleneh 0 3 1111 n 5 0 1 -p thus hot summer months. Mr. Thos. Million: shingting dwelling, },men 0 O 11 0 0 0 0 0 Mrs. Joseph ('ortrw and that« Iptle on Bruce street. Miss Delver: ehltut4 Rtolen hoses=Mia.Pt. {{iaynrew, C anon. ltula•rt..TLOUhts suet .fo ij,h. of kitchen. on Brute street. Mrs. McIver: rick • Crawley. K. Nell. Sacriflcee- femphla, Tenn., are «pending the sum. � skrplag porch. on Nel on street. Mrs. }Saslow, P. (eCerroii. •1..MeCxrroll• n r here. They area..eom{awied by J. Acheson: i Put. Dr. J. B. Whitely: verandah. ,on abltytle dwelling, on Cor► ...odes, 2' ' Iangfot(l. Three bare hit M Mary Burns, of IA/MI/II. Mr. �Dia!>xss• Rtrtfck tmr illtytrP. 'ft U -ort. _ will loin itis family Rater. ( reeeent. Mr. C. R. Robinson: garage. by Neil 7. Base on bails --0R Nell 2. on ('ambrie rand, Mr. Peter Cook : Left on banes-Gtelerb-ir 6: Leath 5. Mire • le Weller, of \Valkertoq, is shingle dwelling, on Trafalgar ,street. First on errors-(,'esleri h 4. llmptree spending a Jew days with her friend, Mr. Leonard Owen: shingling roof. on -Horn -lag and Macfarlane. Time -2 miss Rea Weiss. oxford street, Mr. John Orahem : .hinglhag barn. on Trafalgar $trod. Mr. - - W. A. ehlaholm t shinglinS dwetltng, on 1 Ease, street, Mr. Jas. N. ,iobn.to.: - atorehonae. on East street. tioderleh Knitting company; garage. 'en Ateltnt street, Mr. R. S. Shelton: ehing11ne 1 shed, on Huron road,'Mr. H. M. Down. The council 'adlonrned to Monday evening of this week. the Des . tP thr.ate quite lar . Kir inn here on Fri gone to eonelde trouble in book Chautauqua Programme JUNIOR CHAUTAUQUA EVERY MORNING AT NINE' Aitorne.aa at Throe o'clock - Evenings it Eight o'clock AFT121140ON-MONDAY, JULY 17 THIN FERGUSON OPERATIC QUINTETTR E VENI- THE FERGUSON OPERATIC QUINTETTE (a.. MR. JOHN DUKBURY of London, England: said to be England's Greatest Reciter AFTERNOON -TUESDAY MR. HERBERT MACFARREN AND HIS INSTRUMENTAL QUARTETTE EVENING - MISS HAZEL HUNTINGTON, New York Prima Donna Soprano, supported by MR. HERBERT, MACFARREN AND HIS INSTRUMENTAL QUARTETTE AFTERNOON -WEDNESDAY Unusual Lecture -Recital, ''Music; the Democratic Art" MR. GABRIELHINES Noted Composer, Pianist and Lecturer EVENING_ Piano Recital A It! MR: GABRIEL HINTS its Lecture -''Some Ptoblems of the Empire" - LION. PHILIP WHITWItL1, WILSON Noted Author, New York Correspondent to the London Daily News. Fortner Member British Parliament. F ,, AFTERNOON -THURSDAY LIEURANCE'S CREMONA ORCHESTRA EVENIIG- 1,IEURANCE'S CREMONA ORCHESTRA t{. Lecture -"The Babylonian Finger Writes Again.' MR. TOM SKrYHILL Noted Australian Orator, Soldier -Poet, World Traveller. EVENING ONLY -FRIDAY Her Own Mark Swan's Great L:mgh-Making Play, Moncy,"presented by T111?,'PERCIV:IL VIVIAN PLAYERS vt- of New -V.ork City. AFTERNOON -SATURDAY • Junior Chautauqua Pageant. "Conquests of Peace. it.THE EMBERS MALE QUARTETTE California's Lading Singing Male Quartette. EVENING- ' TIIE EMBERS MALE QUARTETTE Lecture-" The Task of a Nation." DR. GEORGE W. KERBY a: c President Mount Royal College, Calgary. GENERAL INFORMATION Sink Admission; Afternoon, 315c; Eveniags, 5Oq Children, 25e. Second and Fifth N:ghts : Adults, 75c Children, 50c. (War Tax Extra.) Season Tickets : Adults, $2.50; Children, (from d t..14 year, of age;, 51.25. (War Tax Additional). .11 At, the adjourned meeting of the town council on Monday evening. the bylaw regardteg the new i'nrnfture company wee /free tbe required .um- ber of readings, and dee steps taken brirmit the bjlaw to the raterrere Fe Toesdta A - ' 8th. • concern recently referred to in the Signal wbteb wpm to take over the Goderleb Mercantil. plant as a reed and fatten manufacturing wfabllah- meet The roman of tbe Hospital Board to have the town provide a store - Mane for the ambulance was agreed to and Ia.trestioes given to prepare the room in (123 market butldtng for he mediate us* In this eoneecW*. The Mss.. commltMa mot a pee - ties of coo Mopes Bad Is markt- motion of • passible program ter 11e rema►der of tis maa.a. OoenMsf obis discaMoe oscarred wbs It wed eaally deckled is have uta Oltlsees Head put as a ceseart the latter part It Pays To Buy A Tire of Quality Come in and take a look at. this Tire shown in the picture and on will find it possesses everything you demand. It in the The Goodrich "55" Nevi' IL I I - 1 Fabric Tire and the price is remarkably low. Price $14.50 SOLD BY H. J. FISHER VULCANIZER r-" rAMiLTON STRERT tr. .00nN•,RICH, ONT. tk X2COCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mid -Summer eduction Sale All Summer Goods to be Cleared at Remarkably Low Prices a Bargains in Suits, Coats, Skirts, Dresses, Waists and gwagelmimplusom Hosiery. • We have added to our stock Fancy Camisoles, Step-in Bloomers, Underskirts and ladies' and gents Pure __:_ Linen _Handkerchiefs. SEE ,OUR WINDOW DISPLAY The Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. 4 Office and Factory : 64 Temperance Street, Toronto, Ontario XXXXXX5CXXXXXXXXXX=XXX We'll Meet You your purchase from us you get the moat re- liable an dependable footwear the market has to offer. Our many 's connection with manufacturers and wholesalers e urea that, and we pass them on to you at as close a profit as can stand. Get your next pair here. SUNDRIES SHOE REPAIRING . ' - SHARIIIN' SHOE STORE W. keg. ,barman Nil as sti w ) ire 4 .. t 'E2t 1,44. il"e 15 t, .t