HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-6-13, Page 442 4-01/118 tiaj, July 13, 1022. ST. AUGUSTINE BT. AUGUSTINE, July 11.--11r. ''rank Clark, of Toronto, visited friends in this vicinity last week. Mrs. Mason McAllister visited Dun- gannon friends recently. Miss Gladys Jefferson la home from Woodstock, for a few holidays. Misses M. and B. Boyd are visiting Mullett friends at present. Mrs. John Reduwud and Mr. Will- ie Redmond rtalted Whttechureb friends the begiuulug of this week. The Grand Bend Cafe GRAND BEND, ONT. Meals and lundiuss at all hours. !very accommodation for visitors. Pleasant surrounding.. Best ser- vice. Popular prices. WILLIE WONG, Prop. BUS SERVICE TIME TABLE : Stratford and Goderie"' Stratford Goderich Leave Antes .m 5.00 5.00 .40 5.15 5.15 5.45 5.45 9.05 4 05 980 4.85 10.00 5.011 10.10 1 51.5 10.40 1 5.4i a.m. 780 -Leave 5Ai 5.25 M,SS 9.15 9.so 9.55 10.05-Arrlre Stratford P.O. Sebringrl I Ie Mitchell Dublin Beaton}, Clinton Holme.rtlle South et.. G;odorlch Saturday Only Ooderlrh Holmesrl ale (•11nt.,n fieaforth Dublin Mitchell acnrienr:111e Stratton! KiNGBBRiDGE, July 10. -Mins Rose O'Reilly le home from Heapeter for the holidays. Rev. Father M. Sullivan, of Chat- ham, visited relatives and friends In Aairfeld. „Mrs..). C. Dalton visited In Oode:lch. Miss Marion Dalton was visiting with friends in Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lanolin and Master Teddy Grittlu motored up from Detroit. Mrs. Will Daltuu and children are visiting Mrs. Dalton's parents here. Ids' shad rs Thomaarvey. r, rankMMetartbys(;Is home after a airy in Detroit. p.m •.s. 6 ep 10.06 6.25 9.5.5 , 6.00 9.4.0 4 40 9.15 4.20 555 5.45 5.25 SSD 5.06 SAO 780 p.m.1 Arrives' -4 05 680 5.90 4.50 4.90 ' 4.05 5.40 Leave -$.30 Morning Bus from rsol,'nrh meets London train from W,ughaun at Clutton J. M. LILLOW W -_,Stratford, Phone 799-j E. A. LILL.OW Goderich Phone 347 ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, July 10 -Anniversary services were held in Ashfield Presby- terian church on Sunday. July 9112. Both services were very largely ,attend- ed. A large number of visitors from Pine River, Ripley, Lueknow, and God - oriel' were alto prewent- Mims B. Preunan. of Harper Hos- pital, Detroit. has returned atter spend- ing a few weeks et the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drennan. Wednesday evening of last week was the °cession of a very pleasant time at the home of Mr. Charles Boyd. of Am- berley. We have referent* to the Spend the Summer months in comfort, get a cool, easy - fitting Suit. All the new shades in Tans and Greys. F. H. MARTIN Tailor ■ 1 1 1/ 1 • •• 1i • 1■ 1( a**AmmarammilimaallINHMINI1111111111 Big Reductions in Summer Clothing Just at the time you need Summer Clothing most we offer you very special prices as we must clear all this month. Two and three piece suits, including " 20th Century Brand," at prices that will please you. See prices in Window. Straw Hats at One Quarter Off regular prices. WALTER C. PRIDHAM "The Home of Good CI, thinc" Phone 57 Sok Agent for Barsaline Hat snecsestul garden party given there under the auspices of the U.F.W.O. ('mora Club. Much credit is due the officers of the dub es well as to Mr. and Mrs. Boyd fur the able pro- gram furnished and for the good time afforded to all. Rev. Hardie Was choir man for the evening, filling the position as usual in Ills capable a►xl affable than ner. Among the artists present from a distance were: Mrs. Frank S. McKenz- ie of Sydney Mines, who rendered a very pleasing solo; Miss Rivers, of Lit.know, elocutionist: and these were followed by moat able anti approp. priate addresses from Messrs. John Shields, of field's Corners. and Nell McKay, of Ripley. Our local talent WAS well represented by Mrs. D. A. McDonald, elocutionist ; Mins Margaret Maclennan, "Moist ; Miss Violet Mac- is.nuen. soloist; Mrs. 1). A. MacIwan ae pianist. Messrs. MacLennan and MacDonald gave selections on the vio- lin with their usual skill and the Loch- alsh on•1►estra rendered most pleas- ing numbers. The ball game between Lochalsh and the Lake Store with the score an favor of ioc•habh was quite a sourer of interest to many. We can now say the l'.F.W.O. In our commun- ity has shown its efficiency as :1 was f- ety. as up.tu the present any enter- tainment they have undertaken oas proven abundantly sneees. tnl. AUBURN AUBURN, July 12. -Mr. Wm. Muth and Miss Dorothy of Clinton. spent Thursday here, Mise Dorothy remain- ed vltdting for a. week. Major Jos. Beck. and Mrs. Beck, of Toronto, are visiting with her cousin M 4i SODIRWI, �T with tf- atall of their idols. its players ani/ °facers of tie team wit* ha thank the Ladies of the Institute the wpleadte singers given the team/ after east gain., The locals will Meet Carlow ass's 0n July 111th. The :..'f.:::%;....'att...:42411:e tWett.rn group to date s la,ti Tot lay Atthura s. Seifert....2 22 Pttngana•a.....4 2 Beumllkr.42 ('arluw.. . 5 2 Batter* br stolidity night's ,tame. Dunganndti: And.•r-on and Treleaven. Auburn; Patterson and Stoltz. Umpfreet.gsdmortd and Stewart. LEEBURN LEEBURN, July I1. -Maas Lizzie Horton, or Stratf..rd. is visiting her brother Mr. Hert,•r Morton. Mau. J. Piper and daughter Margaret of Calumet, Mich erre week -end vfa- itors with J. D. Fnrrish. Mhos Bstetyn llort,nt has returned from Crewe, where she was spending a week with her melt.. Mr. Henri Hor- ton. Mrs. Roy )(anon. of Toronto. hal re- turned home after ...tending a month with her mother. Mrs. Alex. Clutton. Nure Blanche shave. of New York city. is spending lir vacation at Per home here. Miss Ruth Rlut' urrlved home to spend her vacation. Mlaaes Linea and Lillian Lauren. slayer. or Toronto. arc visitors at their home here. CARLOW l'ARIA►W, July 12. -Mr. and Mrs. (low4us, Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna, and Miss Louise Hanna, all of Wing - ham, attended the Jubilee w ratt'tw last guuday anti (*lied oa friends s'u lug the dal. ltev. John Young. of Mexleo, N Y.. preached both morn - lug and evening to Irrge eougregatl)1s. 111s dlaconr%ew were both helpful t nd inspiring. Rev. Milton Tyndall, R.P.. of Regius. Sask.. was Thome for * few days to bee I mother who had been rery 111. Site had recovered sufficiently to 1* out last Sunday' to partielpate la the jubilee servh'e . We are pleased to report that Mr. Robert silent 1s Improving somewhat. The lawn social held at the h.•me of Mr. .\ Young at Loyal was a derided sue'.as. 1210.110 being realized at the gate. Tote night was all that could be desired and the program was ex- ceptionally good. A little son has come to the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Fowler. A number from this vicinity took In the Orange parade at (itxlerich on Sunday evening. Mrs. J. Glenn and daughter. Edith. enjoyed • vera pleasant trip to I'ale- b' with friends from Toronto last Sunday. lire. Pr. Young who tame home by auto in time to attend the lawn ',octal. w•as te•ontlanied by Mr. Wilcox, of Mexico. N. Y.. They left on Wednes- day on the return trip. a distant* of 380 miles. Mrs. Trethewy and children, of Guel- ph. visited at the home o1 her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vareoe. a few days last week. They attended rite lawn social on Wednesday evening. Mr. Elmer Diamond stent a few days Mr. H. Sturdy. with his mother, Mrs. Arch. Hones. Mr. Jame. Nicholson raised his barn Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan. of In Tuesday afternoon. A large gang of Auburn. were visitors orer Sunday at meu were on handl and had ft up in , the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bogle. good time. Mr. Thomas Shield 111 do - al r. and eta Herb. Cook and lividly Ing the work. motored from W,ssistawk to speed n few days with relatives here. Mr. Hanley is on his holidays. Mr. t French is supplying In the Sterling (tank during his absence. Mr. John Ferguson 1a with his daughter near Brantford, owing to the Illness of his son-in-law there. Auburn wins from Belfast. -On Wed- nesday evening of last week the Au- burn baseball team played the Belfast team on the latter's ground, and zoo• eeedet in getting the long end of the score, which stood 21.11. As In the game of a week ago. this game was a patting tar, Auburn having the ad- vantage. The farmers here are very busy hating Just at present and several of the regular players were not on hand. However, the necessary changes apparently did not weaken the team. The boys appreciate very much the splendid support the home folks are giving them in their games away from home and also those played at home. Dungannon is now at the head of the League with Auburn, and Belfast ties for second pace. Batteries: Belfast -Irwin, Alton, Ir- win and Cook. Auburn: Patterson and Stoltz. L'mplrew: Redmond and Robinson. Time -1.55. Belfast 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 3 3-11 Auburn 1 3 0 3 0 1 4 9 x-21 Anhwei win fres. DlYdlgatsw--Tbe Dungannon basetaRsis.m played their last league game with ate Auburn boys on Monday night on the local diamond, Auburn winning by the score of 8-5 in the sixth inning when the game was called by the umpire on acount of rain. Patterson for Auburn and And - preen for Dungannon pitched a good game, hut Patterson got a little bet- ter support in the field. A strong wind was plowing from the South making It very difficult for the fielders to field a batted hall. As usual a splendid crowd was on handl to cheer the boys to their third successive victory. Dungannon brought along several carloads of sup- porters. They proved to be a very quiet lot and were very much disappointed PORT ALBERT CREWE CREWE. July 11.-Mistt'Tlolet Kil- patAok. of itenmiller, In spending the holiday with her parents here. Mr. Prenntltt Mcleod. Of Lucknow, la vtslti,ns at the home of Mr. Wit - fret] Pr'ennan. PORT ALREt(T July 13 -Miss Mrs. Aubrey Illggdns, of Detroit. 1s Plcksnn returned 6,•mr recently from visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrd. Harmony, where -he had been the John Mcnary. guttwt of her aisn•r. Mr 1Rer ' E. Miss Mabel and Mr. Wm. Reid spent Tayler, the pant few w.eks. Sunday at the home of Mr. George Mr. sad Mrs. Ben ('rawford. f Dun- Meapntid. of Whitechnr•h. gannon. with telatiree are now -pend-. Mr. Sam Sherwood visited friends in ing the summer mouths in their cottage Goderich last Sunday. by the lake.1 ttratford. are visiting friends around John 'rtgert, i .. ;. Green. Wwlti.r�I Masses Jean and Lotta Gibson, of Mr. Will Beglr; and btmlly of Ham - ,did win. The score pas 21-11 y favor lltuu are visitant friends' here. ( of Auburn. "Spruce up Belfast." Mr. Harry Anderson fa the latest car owner In the village. Mr. Delos Dasher tr home on his bulldaya Miss Amber McKenzie returned to 'Toronto this week. Miss Vera Hamilton is home on her holidays. Mr. MA.ure, manager of the Ster- ling (tank, leaves for his holidays on Saturday. Mr. Frt•ach. formerly of the lank here. will relieve. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. W. Treleaven ceaven •ud hildren, anti children, of Toruuto. are holiday - ing at Mrs. Robt. Treleaven s. Robt. Devid.uon and l'oatma te fuer Stoth, is are having their houses W e1. Mr. Devldsot 1s also building • verandah. Mrs. R. E. Willis and daughter Beth, leave this week for Toronto. One of the oldest residents of John locality In the perso Siris, diel on Monday at the ad- vanced age of ninety-five years. The dressed was born in Ireland' but came to this country when quite young and had lived in West Wawanosh aver since. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. !tickle. in Iltltt. are visiting friends in the vil- lage. Mr. Blekle 1s just recently out of the ho.pttal. having Iasi two oper- ation*. Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Pentland. of Galesburg, 111., Mrs. Williams. of ('an - 10n. 111., and Mrs. H. Stranahan, of Romeo, MIeh., who had been visiting 1 friends here during the past week re - melee! home on Tueedag morning. having motored orer. Mr. I.wrenct Pentland. of New York. met them here rill`went tuck home with them. LANES DANKO, July 10. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Austin Sundayed with friends In 4htderleb. Mr. Frank Scott made a budnets trip to Hingham. Mr. Frank and Mr. Russel Mo- Creight and roster, Masa Blanche. motored to Toronto last week. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Jamieson to our midst. and wish them • long and happy life. Died le Early MaaMsi-A very sad death occurred on Tuesday morn- ing, July 4th, when Thomas L Little, son of Mr. sad Mr,'. Jphn Little pass. ed away following a lingering Illness quietly awl patiently borne at the ear- ly age of twenty-three year's and seven months . Tont was a young man of a fright anti friendly disposition. a gen- eral favorite in the community and in hie death this neighborhood suffers • severe loss. The funeral tea. held on Thursday afternoon to Greenhill eerm- tery and was largely attetddd. Her - rice., at the house and grave were tak- en by Rev. Char. t'umm•ng4, of St. Helens. Beehive his sorrowing parents he leaves a twin brother, James D., who have the sincere sympathy of many friends and neighbors In their t.er•aveMent. The pallbearers w ere de yf his schoolmates: Frei Johnstone, John Scott, Eimer Farrlrb, Wilfred Drennan. Lorne Ferns' anti Hemel Mel'rs-lght. Friends who were present from a distance were Mr. awl Mra. !tell cud -..a John. and Mrs Pickard, all of time : Miss Itteisum, of Ingersoll; Mr. cud Mrs. !lurid Sproule. Miss Margar- et Sproule, Mr. and tins Carrick Ten- nant eo-nant end John Drennan, James Itelt ST. HELENS I and Charles Bell. all of Goderich, and Mr. and M rs. George Fielder and Mks ST. HELENS. July 11.- Mr. end Mary Fielder of fort Albert; Mr. and Mrs. John {'lark, of Toronto, are Mrs. Little wish to thank th,• frl.•nda drying under the parental roof. anal ns iabborr wet. rn kiwlly a.aistcd rel Mn. H. D. 15'ood.. and MIs.holt- them during their taon'e Ihnew end at I Versa Woods, of Grimsby. were Haltom the time of his death. with Mr. and Yrs. Robinson Woude ever the week -end. Mr. end Mrs. Roderick MgKen-I LUCKNOW I sie and children, of Winnipeg, are visiting tate dormer's sister Mrs ('la rk. Mr. Robert Barbour. of Erin. /pent the wvrk•end with Mr. W. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Miller and tam- p fly after spending three weeks rotting t r mother and Mends here motored o Sarnia un Saturday to take floe boat Tlgert. arole Tercet and his la,y here. H - to Duluth en route tor their home In friend from Stratford attended the , Miss Bella and Mr. Thos. M Calgary. Orange Walk in Brutte4s on Jule 12. of Shepperdon @pent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Barbour, Erin. r Pt. Georges' pant'. in Ooderirh was Crewe friends. and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Woods, motor - well filled. Mai Port Albert 1-pres. The annnal Sunday seh picnic was el to Bayfield on Saturday and spent putative. last withitlY night. 111111 Saturday on Mr. Albert Yo- the tieek-end. ]urs. Joie (ys•uhalrs. Yrs. F.iRntt. ljoold'a fiat@. e'oe. Miss Zeta all of Clinton. ant iters y 'L«k., are vlsiting their sister, Mr@. Mr. and Mrs. Minion. of Sim r•haperoMirt 1.nmla•raof 7011 is girls D' who tries skit entrance *his year. 1 GANNON Thera w as no a rrlee In the Eng- ( L)i'K(TAN ON, July 12. -The garden Hsh ckere bas for n number of Su0-Ipar&`en Mr. Browns lawn lest Fri- day. as Rev. aft. Demise.' Is taking day evening was fairly well attended his vacation alley July 10th. notwithstanding the evening shower. Mr. acid Mint Jos. Tigert and son. IT esu present enjoyed a rery good lith n flying Hsi with supper ■rad a splendid entertainment. hale t of his res Os Kr. lis_ Mr. Wm. Teeter. Ot S'I1 41Tdtrtn. Maize who underwent an operation motored to the former's ear o Owen in Toronto for appendicitis is Improv - Sound. lest week to meet Mr Hawkf' Ino nicely and 1s expected (home on sister. Mrs. Thome Leigh and awn. of Wednesday of this week. Sault Ste Marie. a Ieluttut, airs. Miss Violet Ross. of (:eslerieh. 1s twitch coming as far as Owen Sound visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. by Mrs. Meyer'',of Stratford.will he F. Boss this week. her brother. 1 .tar baseball team phrased with the Mr. and Mrs.' Art Hoy and family, tttbert team At Auburn on Monday ev- of Auburn. ri-ited with his brother. ening lint owing to the storm and rain Mr. R. J. Hay one day this week the gAme had 10 be called off at the The "Wenela Rest" cottage. ..w nod end of the fifth Inning. leaving the score by Mrs. Myers, of Stratton]. e II be t:, in favor of the home team. A occupied for n couple of month- lively game is expected here on Friday Mr. and Mr- George Ashton -1» nt evening between Dungannon and 11e1. a day in Seaforth this week. TAO. nt tel wayt Detroit was at - Yr. Duerr Ktrh, o iing on friends here last week. tinge, 1 We •ry pleased to know that Wm. Jas. Pardon. Miss Margaret Rintonl. of Toronto, Is home for • two weeks holiday Mimi Pearl Web -ter, of Toronto, and Miss Dorothy Webster. of Wingbam, are holidaying ab home. BELFASR Brirast, Jn1j11r-era. W. II. Reid. of Goderich. ,♦tiff Was Dried* Reid, of I►etroit, are visiting friends in the burg. ' Miss Winn!. Cunningham. . f Part Albert• is visiting her odder. Mrs. Roy Alton, at present. Mrs. Liston, of Leeknow, spent Sunday at James t'oon'.. BORN. --On Saturdelf.-4111filkt to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alton. a son. Congratulations. Mr. and Yew. John MullIn were in Goderich Sunday. We are glad to sew Mra. ('iu.rtes Alton able to he mit again. Auburn Boys came orer to win the ball game last Wednesday anti they ' Li'CKNUW. July bl-Ltiekwow held a very suecteofnl celebration on 14► minion Day when baseball teams from Holyroal, St. Helens, Iangsi.M, Rapid ('1ty. and I.pehalsb engaged la • tour- nament. Lochalsh carried the .lay .1t- featiug Langside 6-3 anal Hflyro i 20.0. Rev. J. H. (41ert►out, with Ida wife and three children. is getting settle.! In the Methodist parsonage. Rev Mr. (►sterhout come* from Drwdrn, whero be has Just completed a three year..' pastorate. Finlay Marlon's, who violin) Ills home here a short time ago has 1. ft with a forte from the Northw. -t Mouton) I'olise, of which he la a naem- ts•r. for Itamfn's Land. north ..f 11111 - son Bay. The company carries with Itwm food and fuel for • two-year term In the frozen north. M1.•. M. Itaua.,n has r•.Ignel her position as pH/whoa} of Lucknow rte. Ile echrsd after a term of fattbfnl and e4lcieut service. Mrs. Carlton Mann, of New York. was a week -end gone at the home of her brother, air. laugh Melnto-h Mlaw Sadie Gee Left on Tl•-.lfy morning for Fenlon. Man., whet, -h" will visit her mutt for ■ few w„ t, - (Additional district news on peer 7.) Rev. It. T. Kilpatrick, wife and -,0, of Uwossn. Mich., awl Mrs. 11. F:, llan- son. of East Tawas. Mich.. motored to the old home In Ashfield and -Tent A week with Mr. S. J. Kilpatrick. Wife (away from hornet -Horne,' 1 forgot to turn off the electric iron ' Husband--1t'a all right. Nethiitq will bum long -1 forgot to turn oft' the water In 11M bathtub. Make Your Plans to Buy These Lines of Ready -to -Wear -NOW The Offerings for Women and MissesAreExtraordinary Values Please Remember that These Items Are Our Regular Stock, Not Just Bought for a Sale. You Will Find Every Garment Right in Quality and Priced Very Much Below Regular -Many Other Lines of Seasonable Merchandise Have Been Marked for Quick Clearance at Prices that Will Compel Attention.__ Fine Voile Dresses $1Women'sFine SwVoile re'.ases, �•50 in dark anFid light iss patternsD , in Aoral and spot. Shown in navy, black, copen, white. Sold regular up to 19.50. Chintz and Percale Dresses art--A-greatdrem for morning weer, mase t$ j • In bright colored chintz or fine per - ode. Sold regular. all sizes, at $2.00 and $2.25. New Gingham Dresses $6 7This comprises our complete stock of • 5 fine Gingham Dresses, some organdy trimmed. with sash; others in more modest models. Sold regular up to $15.00. Voile Blouses --All Styles • Good' -Porch Dresses $3.65 ge onlyqualityPoh• sses, in ginettgham and chambrayrc, very neatly made:, in blue. reds. mauve, pink. Sold regular up to $5.00 At)auc 50 of ch. hoer. in white and 1.00 colored voile, with short or long sleeves. This is value extraordinary. Summer Skirts --White Tha.eSkirts are in white repp, pique. $1.11V poplin and gaberdine. Nearly all sizes in the lot. Smart House Dresses $2.45Houseinagreatvariety of styles and patterns, with long or short sleeves. These sold regular at $3.00 and $3.50. Women's Chintz Dresses $1.4835 fine Colored Chintz Dresses, in all sizes, with plain and scalloped skirts. Special sale price. $1.48. THE SUMMER CLEARANCE OF VOILES, ORGANDIES, MULLS, PALM BEACH CONTINUES SHOP EARLY Every Last Stitch of Summer Goods Must Be Sold. GRAY & CARTWRIGHT July a Month of Special Priv e*i