The Signal, 1922-6-13, Page 3S
Give Us Your Sup- .
port By Becoming -A
Regular Subscriber
If you feel that additional
would be of benefit, discuss your
plans with our local Manager
Your discussions will be held in
strict confidence - treated en-
tirely as a personal matter.
Mr. R. 8. Harrison. Irarwevl) of Gene- II AMOUNT TO $14 000 Mks Belisle Reed, of Detroit. 1+
Should Adopt Reeve Gallon's Mugge(- deb Purchases .
H And Thus Work With Thr following from The (Ottawa
Hon Journal refers to a business deal In
Ad. flub which a former lioderk•h boy N9% In -
Thr immediate10(sod need for a camping1414terestel. air. Harrlsab ill he well
ground in he k•h for autos' as rug -
remembered In Ooderkb 1s he wa.
gusted to the town council by Reeve
employed for four year.. in the drug
(;allow is more fully and readily of the late Fran(•b, Jordan :
cognized when an article from The A tra111114rtlon of more than usual
Barons (1414 1s an Observer it read. I interest In local lrwdtes. circles• took
The idea 1s (ertalnlp worthy of de- place rwtndY. when Lr. it. S. Har•
finite action and If taken should 1 prove 1 risoll, proprietor of Harrl„m's. I'lar-
to he a step which will cater to tour- , mile).* (•uwlwrlaud and, ttldeau streets.
came r without ( Drug S o
nnr, tithing treat
Istx ►u • dlre(•t mn , purcha«wl the A R
tug any itxourrulru(r to any other I Batik and I.aurter. which Mr. Hugh
The Item which follow% shows the
posdhltlties and splendid opportunitl4"
afforded the Goderich Ad. Club, which
le planning to aim a timely shaft for
the tourist trade from l'nitel States
in placing sign posters on the Sarnfa-
I:oderich route.
"Sarnia Is beginning to reap the
tient of the publicity given to thle
Met in the special tourist's. blue
reeently issue] by the Sande
Aut ..oldie Club and distributed to
moto (.luta in Michigan anal adjoin-
ing St tea. The results are shown In
inerts - tourist traffic'. An officiid al
of the 1 a
parties rut
port and t1)
every case 1111
on the Muerte
or cross at \\'I
slug the "blue
something of 'the
tide part of the Do
the facilities offered
the form of free' ea
touring and void Info
Life." anti at the evening servkr Ilk they had altered their p
theme will i e "Revivals." table ('loss titled to come him
will meet at 10 a.m. and the Ii. 1. 1'.
1'. on Monday evening at S p.m. The
regular prayer service will be held on
Thursday evening.
8AVE `` Because
Property ('hanger Halals
Tile property of Mr. and Mr. IInvid
Jar'llnc las h..•u ,orris 41 by Mr. I►.
Worthy. 11f ltitduc. who is show in
pnsws«ion. Mr. e11d Mrs. Jardine will
♦Intl with dlferwli tuemlwrs of their
family for a few months 11111 11lay go
West t0 M.sceJan hs the fairly fall.
Unlimited Quantity of
GOOD MIXED nlglW00 delORe� ALE
at $3 per
(Foot of Anglesey St.) Phone 61.
All kinds for sale at very reason
able prices Houses to rent.
Masi East. st.'l li.•unrer 11- Ir
Rev. 1'. N. Dewey will conduct ser-
vice at %lou church, Taylor'( Corner.
at 3 p.p. 4A Sunday.
/rev. C. N. Dewey will preach at the
Reptilt church 'aril' Sun(lay morning
on the subject "The Church and its
Bus meets all trains. Calls made for
passengers and baggage to any part o'
the town. Prompt x14. ice guaranteed.
Telephone 51 Day or Night
HrnuesseY established four rears ago.
This store will now Is known as
Harrlton's Ethical Drug Store. The
opportunity of acquiring this suc(•ess-
ful and growing hulloes« has e curreld
owing to the fact that air. Ileuuessey
has other huelnesa Interests In view.
of o (011 -
wt continue IIUe t
r u
The new owner
duct the business along the ethical
lints of hitt prodeceasur 311.1 will s)rw•-
1a11ze in the filling et pressrfytkons
and ,k•k room supplies fila ,antral.
ly located drug stole Is enjoying the
hearty support of *Ise medical profess -
mhos and the public nt 4lttaw-a. and
enter the careful supervision of the
new roprietor a commit...I measure
of su vee a 1s assured.
huwe fora two w•eeeks vrcatkm.
COUNCIL SAYS COLLECT ; Mix% ninths D11w•n has h I1I home
Eros Turmlro tura %hurt holllaay.
Ml«les \'err and Prates Wiggins
are home fr I)etritlt for a !milder
Assessor Campbell Gives Two Miss Nora Hamilton is vlsltktg her
More Weeks To Appreciably I mother Kra. (Caton) Hill. the Crete
Lower This Figure- Rev. J. t're Stewart, wife and tam.
lof 1101utont. are holidaying la
The old yet new. the ever present uIy. tderlch.
phare of routine Misf11rss, the tuxes of I Mi«s Nrlllr ('0tlIng. of ('hike-W'IMI
the t11wu of GI%lerkh, r.-elrel atter- )tlttmr. Tun'uho, I+ the iurxt of )ter
tion at the meeting of the town coun-
cil last Friday evening. j
It would slaw that the storm is
ju+t about to bn•u►, the wuulcliaat air Mn.xMeyer.
le Iun•hargeel. so to speak, with action . Miss Elva Heid arrived lest Stanc-
and the tuw•u (.001x11 undoubtedly day from New Turk to visit her souls,
meso% actino, prompt *1)41 (1(1101114. the Misters Farrow:
The large sow of collect) of 1SIL'1 i Mr. HMI Mrs. D. C. McLachlan. 111
taxes st 111 remains uncollected. 001 10 t Turunto, are spending their . vacation
o automat In arrears for the
mention the rw u t I In l;ueterk•h.
Mass Vera flood, of L1111dnn, was a
recent visitor with Mr. and lire. Chas.
Leckie, Quebec strut. ...
Miss 1- s Schaefer. of Toronto. her
ell by Arse savor l'rmpleell 011 Fel- been of -sting her sI-•er, Mrs. °oldie
day night. Mr. Campbell also present- Smith, for several da: a.
ell a report, whirl) eellsi%ted 01 a 16141.4 \1r. .Ile. `smith. of Chicago. Is visit-
. W. Smith, of
Athol M( uarrie.
t! '(J
Mime Helen Myrick. of London, i% a
guest at the home of Rev. H. D. and
years 11)17.1x-111.20. Taxes of 11121
paid alar June 2 amount to $2150.
response to a motion carried by
the commit early in June tj)e /'olle•t-
ur's roll was placed before the mitt-
automobile club ss' to-
day I p rel Iatwl list of those in arrears for 14121 Ing his brother. Mr. J.
e had interviewed acini I taxes. n the_ East Street Bak, -r7.
Ing the country at this ('outtlllur liuwlwr naked !f any done
1r original intention 1n I Iter. Ito. i)Irkir and 11440113', 111 Mon -
to drive round , Native of Huron Dim At Southampton toss warrants had•u Issued in.411.... treat. nn at their cottage a Mrnes-
shore of lake Erle Mrs. ('Iar11M Hopkins. a highly a s. 1 contents with the lurtrt •thous given ening (hark for the summer.
r but after men- teemed reaklent of Southampton. and by the council. Mr. Campbell replitmll Mr. Geoffrey Holt, of Toronto. is in
and learning) native of Hay township. Is dead at 1, that 1(14 had only just conajdetel the town visiting his mother. Mrs. Philip
sok' a Its fthose
rrwars *1al tort no
rake beauty
of the age of fifty-seven years. The Ile- t in u that
wanauts had been
Kincardine and Clinton Papery Take
A Hand In The Good Work
Advertkting pays but buy your space
In Tlw Signal if you want quick re-
apons•. Reference was made two
weeks ago to the•lact that Ooderich
was the only town In the Province
which was asked to be located on the
mapm fnrnishwl the pupils trying the
High School Entrains examinations
throIi h0ut Ontario. I)espatcbea
printed below from The Klucardioe
Review and The Clinton Sewn Record
Mhos that any advertising program Lt
The Signal puts across the Idea intend-
ed with a vengeance. Running com-
ment of the nature suggested in those
Items inspires friendly rivalry between
towns In a common district and aa a
direct result cooperation ari(ren,
At the same time the answer% as
pwofounded by Col. Hugh l:lask. Edi-
tor of The Review, would not obtain
many mrrka from the kind and gen-
erous examinee. They are too
1 vague.
humorously Ru
ht y
issued. le ex.' Misses Rose and Malwl Strang left
Inion as well rM I(,l•a»wl had lived at Southampton *inee
for tourist* in 1874 In which year. she removed there
pg ground%, ( with her parents. She 1+ survived by
tion, etc., her hllsl•1141 and fear sisters : Mrs.
ns and de- (Capt.) inkster, of C.%lerlch : Mrs.
(Capt.) Dan. McAuley. of Southamp'
ton; Mrs. Adam Aask•reun, of Toronto.
and Mrs. F. Harr*, of Fergus.
Il not,
At North Greer Mrtbodiet church
next Sundry Rcv. H. D. Mayer even.
tendeut. t:. M. Elliott, Ila« been r
randuot the services morning and even-
Ing. speaking on the subjects e 1
"Irrrlrr' I busy with many carer requiring his at
ass end Its 1M%rlu." 1n the morning' trntl4n and hap just completed visit.
and "Hew To Ise Saved." in the even- i Ing LIG) wards 1n foster homes. Some
init. Mr. S. 11. Wheeler will lead the „f thea• nary( and girls are working I
Men's ('Luh in discussion 1111 the theme for wage'% and their .wtlug. are kept
-Wealth is In what we are: riot what 11n trust by the Society until they are 1
we have•." The prayer meeting Ir, of age. Their joint accounts amount
withdrawn Ibis week on account of to hultdreda of dollars. The new
the 1'hautanqua. I Adoption Act of 11r21 has met with
At Victoria street Methodist church' et -writ! favor and when explained to
tier. John \Y'. Hedley, M. A.. B. D., , the foster parents- many of then have
pastor. will preach next Sunday. The appli.d for adoption of the child they
Ituaeta x•hool will meet at 10 o'clock may have had In thrho a forsome etd all 1,
Sad the morning verde* will ha bald the, When adoptionAudi
_ 11. mowers. 1-"�klag off tho 4wpervt.lon 1)y the 1
grave . clot b s "
The (veal*( rervioa 1 the tooter parents ke r lbs'
at 7. Subject: "The central fact of city. All a(Mp'tlnna list he sppr'er(d
our Christian Religion" There will by the Provincial ()Meer and the
e.r sw a,jel•w•aeek services during Chan, +ptwry'r% are wantied tel for giri14 three y the l'ounty land I
n very desirable
" children and- a boy ten )•rue of age
Children's Aid Society N
The Children's Aid Society
hold Its regular monthly Ineetf
July and August, but work g
just the alms. The l'ounty S
pressed 11114 w•llli11gue'l `'to Issue war- 1 411 V Inc on a three weeks hulldny
rant against ever)' ora lo arrea " if int MrsI'rquhart'r %uwmrr hmne at
111e cuuucll su directed. \ I Killarney. cent Entrants examination papers.
Councillor Hill In ep caking to tl :41 Ills. Marlon returned last week I Some of the candidates say the papers
putt of the dlscuselun emphaticall t from (filen Mawr nadirs College, To- were full of peters. Itut want until
stater( that he could out and wotdd ronto, to spend the. xumwer 1•ncatlou I the answers are read. here are name
not support any motion to bleu( dist- I
tress' warrant'... agaitlsl 1ry5Nae whey it
wa% making au honest effort to pay his , of
taxes, 'an some were doing, by paying In
Clinton. of course, is famous ae a
flag station on the eelebrated Huron
and BMtce "l'onnreville trolley. Signal
To both thecae papers The
.acs "call ngnlu:' there le too little..
humor In the weekly newspaper%•
11'11 111011 News Reerord : The Gode-
rich Signal was almost delirious with
joy x1111 excitement last week b•cauee
the geography paper In the Entrance
examination hall a question a. to the
l%•anon of Goderieh. The question
was probably needed. Now, 1t would
he a superfnllty to ask intelligent att1-
dents the location of Clinton.
The Klnrardlue itevlew : God ,.rich
Is all wet up 1Ma•xnsr Its 10e11 10H wait
one of the qne+lions asked 111 the re -
Iwo home here.
Ise Mary ltaec•bler left on Monday
in set week to complete -her course
on' I f 1 A rk•nitnre at the Ontario Agricul-
u-, 11••0•••00�01/� In small instalments as Hwy were able. tura!�College. Guelph.
He deemed 1t time, however, to get' air. )snd Mrs. Wm. Walsh. of 1.411.
atter those who had ignored the me don. .p(atit the week at the home of
tk'es of the Assessor, and, who con- their nephew. Mr. Jack Siewert. Feet,
reyurMly were waking 110 effort what- street. ,
ever to pay thrfr lase.. al r. Her �'�� ('hicagu un
I tauqua week.
R . STONE Picnic on Jul)• 26th
• Canoe
e.rr Il
'u K
four )cars of gee
I The following contributions are grate ns',
Club The b aT fully acknowledged rl : W. H. Willis. .
le dc(relldahility. )!oriel.. uu .
tesiden ('an Fa Road, (t site then ranging to hold a picnic on July 28th.''Binglam. $.'i.(10; Wm. Zimmer. Dash- ting., etc . may ter-ioit.. d, 1
rgan Factory GtB(e _� wood. $1.111; Miss Loth- Bentley, 6•i; I is whit weaker our Jewek nj we• eel
Exeter brach Women's lustltnte. ".." : I remain lovely while the nw 1x
/ The following contributed clothing losee its false charms in quick tins
Mrs. Lylliatta, Myth. Mrs. 1►. Mcl►nn- 1
aid. Mr.. Legg. Mrs. R. Stokes. Mrs.I When you are giving Jeweler
Jas. Wilson. North .treed, Mrs. J'aBell- only o exco' dependable
ndable kind, such
ford. Mrs. Doctor Taylor,
{ Mrs. Jos.Salkeld pall
W{ggins arrives] from
Councillor italile expnsawl 114% do touchy on 'a visit of tt
latl%ftrtllltl with tiny 1.IIIIH 214I1s 40'1111.11
week with it . mother, Mrs. James
w exletei a% regards the 11r21 144x4". He Wiggins.
;el(rrttel to say "that he would not airs. J. R. H e, of New York, d%
4pproye the %talking of a new rate un-
n• 'home on a hollla visit with her par -
fl the outstanding taxes of 1921 were par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs.A. Nairn, Keays
est to 'a considerably low.r figure." street.
Mrs. Y. a n r wen% soup at -- go y_MarLean
Actually the council was within a St Drage attending a amity re-uni'm- of (-,„(sidrrable local In-
•month of the regular date for striking
About JI(1 erre prer:n to participate
the rate, and still a large sum of last teerwst took place In 1Winghnw on \Yed-
eear'a-aaaga tttsrmi� uncollected. in the unique event. a (nes(1,.y, July 5th. at high 114 r 1 at [he
--• aenfed to t11r�1e11 11 been (telae
y i Mr. and Mee.
of them m :
1.-A vtlinge on Lake Huron a few
wiles mouth of Kincardine.
• --The place where Edward Nor-
man Lewis' noted to live.
:t --A towtl that has to boor for drink-
ing water by order of the Provincial
hoard of health.
4-A omit on the map about the alae
of a fly 'meek.
S=A (ronrt house entirely surround-
ed by judge•+, officials. plaintiffs. de-
fendents. wituesss ant water. -
7 -(hilt yer'kiddili. There ain't no
such place.
4 --Neer Remitter.
lacuna ne--a - Mr and airs.-. A. MacLean., The Collw•n.r's null wan pile. tevrit, erre In
n('th 95 hal -ylsit wits, Mee. Grtm.haw
by Mr. ('ampbell. 1t wax the right an Mrs. Esther Tarter, and s
Beauty I privilege of the council to return the ("Lane,' Black.
roll to Mr. t'swplwll for a detlulte Mi*s Olive Allen left
iwrleol to collect the remainder of the a throw woks stop in
1 faxeM. The council. If, 11 saw tit to do Mexico. Miss Allen alit
no, might hand the roll to another man ltnvrrgel w•Ietd friend,
Behind Our Jewele
✓ a abort
Is _Y
set' ter collection. In verifying chi. ex- R„lis, rt her home, "Los Liles."
u•14ty I planation no to the law. •Mr. ('amp' lir. ami Vis. S. Curran, of Howe'
I and p F Mk .irrtt•el in town on MOudey en
I Iwn said "If oil Inn flat Igive it to
1404049)114 eTtel-- Cm dome."
�a cult to the+tr relative*
ilei(. -- They
considerable further- disemutiou of came by motor and went on up to
g'4.4.1 the tax question a•enrrt.l. the nprlhot Owen Sound - to (.salt Mr. and Yea. s
we of 14.111(11 W15 a 11101 1011 muco) ) y . J11hn%ton.
('onn•illon. Bailie and ltiunlwr. "that Mn. George MathIeson la vlsitl t hie
the roll be returned to air. Campbell stn, Mr. Root. listhleson. Britannia
R- asa
ur' . - .. honey
cherries; r _ for further coll.rti,eu of nixes. until road, for a few weeks. Mr. Chas.
arid clothing; min;; friend, bread . but- -� the next regular meeting of the (roan- Mrthleson, of fhleago, Is' fins► spend.
ter and mind; Mrs. W. Coats. n hon- -
part of floweret a friend, a treat d - • - - � 1" which takes mdse( in two weeks' lug a few clay( with hbe brother, Mr.
t .e, on Ja1L21st. - George Yathir.4n.
ler cream. I tI Mre. 3: >:L R,.berkenn and children.
Help the Society by making a con- of Region. RItirberito were ildrin.
'1 tf n by ttuiTM* a harms t i`f Regi lir riaok.,/wh "It
.r- 4
Every Night
Miss the chance
o hear the best dance
orchestra in Ontario.
O; Boy ! That Wonderful Floor !
intik xt r t
8.15 to 12 p.m.
\\'est St.
e P h for a
trim o ,-leftt
home ars+ child, and by reporting ewaeu [ T°7vTe, hover. a satin' or T' 1141.491`... join lir. R11tlerteon at Toronto for a
g nogte•t r t his home 011 Keay'. tit • tel the latter'a old hom4 In Nova
Sunday at t 1. Age o .: a sent a.
r lir.'Itoyee was born in Mr. (Id M. O. E. Wiawmnn And
1M4 and cam( 10 t1) wen 113 &rain.
Watchmaker and Jeweller
�. East St. and Square Ooderld street o
iiteeovers From Injuries eight y
The following despatch from The eight England
Collingw•ood itnlb•tin records the sate ceonnfrd w
I.fnctory recovery of Mr. Hugh Myler, Mrs. Jrmra
who was lujunel recently In 811 unto- boy. They
mobile accident in (:oll,rich : "The ship where s'1
friends of Mr. Hugh Myler are viewed til w year
to se him home from G,tl•rich, where (/alnrk•h. Mr.
lie has been In the hospital for a num- Miss Jane Bate.
1 r of weeks recovering (rota Injuries d 14enth to Miss Ilan
when their (laughter Helen Estella,
heenme the bride of/Dudley Fiwad
Holmes, sol of air. and airs. Dudley
Holmes. aloft otff lhlghaw, Rev. lir.
Perm( ofth•11t14sl at the (we 'molly
while Mrs. Hanna played the wedding
march. The bride. who was given
away by her father. wore a lovely
4(01.11 4f white kitten'« rear crepe and
rudlom hire, with wide-brlmmel bat,
Ijtmlhel with ostrich feather.. and car.
ed . a. a shower bouquet of rose`s and
f the valley. Miss Sarah Mae -
n, sister 11f the bride, sang "O
Is• ate" in appealing voter.' due -
e signing of the register. Out -
guests at the wedding Incia11.
ore from Denver. Colorado.
Sarnia, London. and 1101 -
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes left
meson trip to Toronto. Mon-
ier point. (•eat. On their
nl couple will reside in
w1) a The-eFuelm Is a unit ...-
nf Prbadfoot, Killoran
leo is a member of
Thep adored bits a partnership la tba
new %minessif he could invest a few
dimt be had never
sawed ad dy andars. he1wt iia chance.
sawed mosey
There are- a-Twa7a epportanttlee forth*
Man or woman wbo has a little money
to tuck op ability. Da ready. Start
saving each payday• rat
mar ear kohl*,""On
W.Mttr"*wren rsowaf.
11 o tl
Ing t•
of -tow
ed cls
for a hone,
treat and 0
return the yl
(int er e• 1.
of the law (Ire
Nines and
Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager
the. town triune
Is , , New Hampshire, rem
f1) hi« {sirens., Mr. nn'1 111rnel mn Monday to their home in Harbor Notes
toy,.•. wtilte Mt1(1 a y4Rna y(,w---gng'♦nml 01,44 au eujuyalt( vlstt. Tlae strauty 1:►nullet arriveel un
1theli in Stanleey- town•,/with• refnticett end frif•uds Ut aud,neear Monday with 7(I,IrN' Ins+1)41+ of whent
Bny,Y resl)G'd nil un• jk„pe�'h.• 01x1 (rats for the (;,t,rich elevator
o when h4 muvfsl to .Il r. Tie); $(on•honar hon gone to thr 111111 40(11'1 1)111411(1+ of 4' 111411 for the
nc• ons married to' Ontatho ARfli'tiit((rnt Cnth'g,' %f /inrli►1t 4.V,stf•rn Canada h'lunr Mills.
1 11471 nn11 utter her where he will rpwnd svr,-r/1 works of The shipments of grain from the
n1) Palmer In 1!(e(1: his cacnthnl, al r.. Stugehfin+( has 1 fl'elerich Ple1•nt„1• l.) (I. T. H. and ('.
fnnr «nus soul'' left for Munro, Mich.. where he w1111'. 11. ha We been very heavy this hast
The Willoughby Farm Agency
.11slaill(O by being +trii,•k by an auto- (largf•st F.rin Agency in Cana x)Three daughters s'1
Middle. Mr. Myler Is net yet folly re- I up the two female
1 but f% Hulking favorable pro- offers for sale ,a num ber of choice Flianbeth diel to t1)
guess The aertdenf, of which he wit* � farms, from 10 to 200 acres, good jdra J Huoaws snd'
the vietlin. occurred (11 n lending « ieee
in Goderich. Ile was crossing the
roadway when an automobile struck
Mat. Throwing him Into the air ami
clueing him to fall ncrn •s the hfexl
of the ear. By the fell n number of
ribs *ere broken and he was other-
•isee painfully and seriously injured.
sensately he was taken to the mow.
nd given treatment until he was
come home.
able t
.tn 1,nnnrt
the Hospital f
111 the council 1
nftern.>tiul at 4 o'e
mem Meeting
11 hnrines. meeting of
Iles Aid w111 be held
mlwr next Monday
Grand Bend
Clinton Sept.
a e Sept. 15
Rt. Helena
Migrate ...., Kept. 1s'
Gorrle Sept. 10
Ethel `kept. 20
11'rox et er Rept. 21
Colborne Sept. 22
i'orter'e 11111 Sept. =3
\\'highs m
.Rept. 7
9 et. 11
location, both to schools and good
market to1►as. Any person want-
' sell, get in touch With
their representative,
C. C. McNEIL 114y(r, ,.
log mender. of the family of eight V1$ithng 11. town the Imst wick an.
Bruce Street .. Goderich, Ont (.hlldreo, of which the .uhje•t of this renewing acquaintance• with friends at
Sept. 13 and 241
Sept. 27
Sept. 26
Ikt. 2
Dashwood Oct. 3
Wlnchelnca Oct• 4
wijla.(ler Mister
(ane daughter. visit for a time Satin dry
Woo in 11)17. Mrs. II, 1. Strang left on S
•r, II.. iIuon(•e. „n a visit of two week* in Muskoka.
north of Stanley township. and four She wens n,c,omlanle'd by tier Izon, V
sons: Frank and AIIwrt, also of Sten- H. Pre -ton Strang, -of Toronto. who
ley. Victor. of Detroit. arid 1YIllInm. will spend a week In the Ont14rtp High-
of Godork'h, survive, with airs. Royce. lands (.•fore returning to hl. pIattlun
n kind hn,'ha11et1ntt--father. Mrs. in. taw ejueeen ('sty
Stephenson. of Stanley, Mr. R.,I,rrt Mr. Oliver II. Kirk. for-U1erly of the
lbyee, of Mitebe'll. and Mr. Thous( *(erlln4 Bank, (;oilerk•h;-and now of
1 Goderlrh. are the only Liv• the National lhuk of Detroit. w'n%
The•'I'. W. Dredge. 100 and tug Her-
cules hnee already Marred work
dredgh'g. --Kt present they are' work-
ing dlrei•tly In front of the .marine
leg. Capt. Got111, who la In ch*?ge of
the work report?* satisfactory progress
to date
The Government lighthnasa TetAtur
Grenville w'a'x (1) th1rharlarr whit map -
I Phi,••. for the liehtho..44. here and left
I on lloesda) for him ardlne ani Point
i I'In rk.
1111 e1
n Methodla in religion and the inn• gentlemen he ads„ spent a week camp -
mai seryls wen+ (•tnhl'•ted by Hey. .1. Ing at Grand item].
1W. Hellec, instar of \'l.t orla atrewt 1 .Mr. and Mrs. It. e. Postlethw•alte
church. h on Tuesday"aftermsm. the In- arrived hone from Van'•mtv'•r a-)l're
tt'r. Mrltny11^r''"vex" With three other young
At Cost
s Car 31 Clear
t Car 31a'-
t Car ss Clear Butts
We have no mom M, store these in
anti they moat be sold. A ''awl
chance to nave money.
Goderich Planing Mills
Co., Ltd.
Phone 47 P. 0. Sew 1R
• termer r
t t kine Ones'nra. in 101)1144dld rem' \ir. I'o+Mcthw•attr was attendance
rtrry The four sets. Albert. Fronk. at the 91111111 ('4nv4ntl11n of the Chief.
Victor a..l t\'illi:un, were pmilhrarer'. of I'oll(s of the t)umlhIun, They en -
All the relatives of the tit -named were joyel the trio very much but regler
:ifeprow•lrhrmuu who is ill at her home In the train that they were not permitted
at air trio fitments except Mrs., ted that so mach time was slant en1
Stanley. Ito See more •uf the beaattea of the
11 Windermere, Muskoka
Among the torso Goderich people
who are registered at Windsor. Mns-
1'Rr1Rir carer' -1(
('oast a* they had wi*hel.
The tenches., uottchor one of hos
pupils Idle. said: "Tommy, come down
work at punt arithmetic.
liegittrations at Hotel Sunset
Those register...I at the •Hotel Son.
oet this week hi, : Mrs. Maur.
TwonseY 11 1111 Miss TW 1110111
of Windeor; Mr. mei Mr.. Thomas -
Barnett, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Mb -
Morris and two daughters, Windeor;
Mr. Gisirge • Mair and two children.
Windsor; Mks Cardinal, Wei Shaw.
Toronto: Mr. Thos. Beep, Mount
Clement': Mr. and Mro. ritoirge Adam
son, of Toronto; Mr. •04I Mrs. J.
Toronto:lir-. (WW1 Ifolden. of Ham-
troit ; Mrs. a M. NInir and family, of
tlendwich; Dr. allil Mrs. Bragg and
Stnitton. Pittsborgis; Mr. and lira.
Chester Glen 11 1111 1111ughter. of, Chat -
W. 0. iticlutrilo: of chatham; Mr. and
lirs. M. Treble. of Detroit.
(nee Ora W Ilkinomr. aloo of 411111, ac-
companied hy their families
Teti. --There are 4,111 110Me th1ngo
we haven't f.ainil out abont home
brew. 4.9
Ned -Tee. no one has yet occupied
the trivineow nf making It thetwands of
iye.iro ago.