HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-6-1, Page 10( til 7, June 1, 192'2. StRA1FORD BLANKED IN CLOSE N. W. B. A. GAME ON MONDAY Classic City Nine Shut Out 2-0 Contest Played Under Protest Called In The Seventh Stratford fell a victim to the Purit- ies "kalsomine brush" on Monday, and emerged a "daub" to the true of 2-0. The playing field provided was In owl) desperate eondltion. both as to infield nod outfield. as well as Irregular (Rat- tan -es as regtrda the bases, that the game was played tinder protest. Hat- box wet the coatest the executive of the 1'tstty Flour team will notify Sec- retar,7 Horuing of the ground condi- thous. iuttktug Its strongest repreaettt- ttiohs to have better accommodation b.al'plled. The game, called for the late hour of 6.15 did not get under way until 6.30 and consequently only six com- plete innings could be played. The crowd was small and consisted in the main of wittor.s. who enjoyed tbem- selver greatly. Stratford Li a hockey town. and the "Domtaloa" baseball team really deserve.. some oredlt for its tight to play the game undo, such disinterested conditions as exist. The "band box" of a ball park let iltuaj..d on the outskirts of the city, and wins- in ilyIn a stone's throw of the G.T.R. shunt- ing yards. which in itself proved a di- verting disturhauce to the players and •p ciators allle. J The game was hard fought and ex- citing to a degree. Thq "tlghtle1 " of the struggle js s!u,w•n ht the feet that there were so few runners on either side retired at first base. only /Wren In all out of thirty-six. Jimmy Carroll • sat the red light *tattoo had a bury taste with five put outs and one *twist one of his chances being a splendid catch of Clifford's hot liner In the fourth in- n ly[. Stratford was able to get runts rs on the ,paths, but they all di -sl there through Cooper tightening in th • pinch ea and being given tine support in the Reid. Payette. south paw twirler. although he struck out nine men. was largely his owu undoing as he was wild. and allowed a hit when it ells most need- ed. He tare three bases on lolls to start the third inning and Pat Mc- Carroll *cored on a fielder's choice. Lindsay walked to start the sixth reached thin! nth Burling's hit, and scored on the klentleal "sgneese" play' Mt and run that he carrrled out with Bob Histeevt here. and again }lob came through with the timely little sacrI- Oee• Mont. The Purities thus scored two earned) rens becauk the runs were register- ed on hits. bases 0n ha11M. and wcrffice bite before fielding chances had been offered to retire the side. During the third inning F. 1/sly un- euestioitably exceeded his powers and euthority in over -ruling :h decision smile at first base by .1 Wiggins.' wis& Bob ISlsaet ran off the ha. • line. Mas than three• feet;to avoid n e•ol- baton with the first baseman Purity !lour AB R H PO A 10 1'. McCarroll s.s .. 3 1 0 0 1 6 C. Cooper, e.f. .. 2 0 0 1 0 0 J. McCarroll, 3b .. 2 4 0 6 1 0 Haynes'. c, 3 0 1 5 2 1 Lindsay; 2b. 2 1 0 3 1 1 Burling, lb. 1 0 1 3 0 0 Blaadt, r.f. 2 0 0 0 0 0 E. Cooper, p. 2 0 0 0 2 0 Pridlam, I.t. 2 0 0 1 0 0 Totals ' 21 2 2 18 7 Stratford AB R H PQ A Lavelle, 2b. ....... 3 0 1 2 0 Moore. lb. ........ 3 0 2 4 0 Edwards, 11. 3 0 2 0 0 Payette. p. 3 0 2 0 1 }tart. 31e. '2 0 0 1 :t 1)o, rr. r.f. 3 ti 0 11 n 2 0 1► 0 0 0 11 Geer, a.s. a 0 It 1 11 0 I HeltJe, c.f. 2 0 41 1 0 0 1 Clifford, 1.. 3 0 0 9 1) 0 Totals 25 0 7 1K 4 0 Sey Purity Flour 0 0 1 0 0 1-2 Stratford 000000-0 Stolen Maes-Burllug. Pridham, Ed- wards. Sacrifice hits-Biskt. Two - base hit -Haynes. Struck out -by Payette 9; by Cooper 4. Mases on fella -of Payette 6; off Cooper 2. Wild pitches --Payette, Cooper. Hit by pitcher -Payette (Pridham). Left ou bases -Purity Flour R; Stratford 9. Umpires -Daly and Wiggins. Time - 1.56. Plsee-Meal I Dingo Haynes has secured a double in every game to date. Keep It up, "Ding." - • • • Pridham made a fine running catch of a foul tly lu the fifth Inning, with two on and none out. • • • r, s. .... Darkness makes a very ousarla- factory ending for a baseball genie. The only remedy Is to start earlier ' • • • Daly is some umpire alright. he needs to take "dally" lessons on the umpire's duties. • • • The team surely plays a strong dc- feusive game. • • • N.W.B.A. Group 6 Standing May 31st Purity Flour 2 to .1000 Stratford ti 1 .000 Zurich 0 1 .000 • • • Teeswater entertaining Zurich on Monday In the Itig Four nosed nut a victory in the ninth• after two were out, winning 3-2. This was rubbing it in, as the Zurich team prides Itself on its "ease tack and ninth tuning rallies." and Teeswater simply *tote their thunder entirely. The batteries were Haines and ('hurry for Zurich and Currell and Boyd for Teeswater. • • • The executive is Indebted to J. H. Lauder for his donation of liniment to the club, a gift similar to that receiv- ed last year. PROUD WINGHAM HUMBLED WEDNESDAY HAYNES THE ARTIST Although part of the wreath Inning Anon Hits, Strikes Out 13, was played. the rules signify that "the score. when the game 1s called on ne- peas Plays Pine Ball, 5 count of darkness. shall he reckoned Doubles, Score 10-11_. as that of the las: even Innings," which In this ea'.' w•ns the sixth : turd 1n the Winghsm w•as snhjeeted to A enash- esmpliauue of (his rule the Flour team! t. defeat In the Big Four fist ure in hale' len nous, two walk-*, a dmtble,; that town on Wednesday afternoon. rad escape. two strikeouts, and two' the score being 10-2 wen left on banes. In the tacky ac•rehhth J. Mc('arsoR, Leonard -Dingo" Haynes. the fourth 1 pl 'mond man up. walked. 'role second. h•her date by v ]fun- _ rttd 4cor l on Dingo Havnes se•ennrl ager Btrottwi out to ays of the Purities ,b me long doable. Then Rnrlilig tame through with arewperse, chid twirl his through with another bit :til Hayne• opponents hitless for seven Innings, allowed them only three hits end struck out thirteen during th^ gamc Goderich Rare Haynes fine snp)nrt as shown by the scattered pal -out figures eight men being caught . lt 4)0 fly Lalla. HAyue•s' control eras ceel- lent, thongtl he hit two men. he t•osned only one walk. Telfer'' hit. width went-rn?-"TIVirTstsla (types the -abort 11. t-fle•IA fence, would easily have gobbled n.1) by Coed Cooper. w bo made two fide catebes right off the Moa ods. Mercer -r 'Dingo" Haines mallrtein- ed hi. re'nrd of hitting t double every *Me to dale" by furling nut two hang hits and alklv8►g In two rens. Cer- tainly he taped the climax In a grand day's .tfort by striking• out 4i.raur, who•li considered a strong hitter for the hatter in the ninth. As fV►r SViugham, and the support acrorled ]I trden, even though he •e as nicked for six hits, fire of tfiem doable.. the less maid the better. Thlrteea miserable errors. were. /Stalk - •..I up to them. and .thus ten Godrrteh it were allowed le reach first base. lrlus. Arnott and Geddes vied with other in playing the roll of the sieve." ‘1. surely playerd a lino game red to w•ln, every man on ng in tine form. ,1I1 it 11 I')) A K . 0 2 0 1 0 0 4 2 0 2 () 0 4 2 0 13 2 n winged his way home [row the i\ec- stoue sick. Yonig batted for Cooper. 14110 112141 been pitching with & panful alJteh in his side; and hurled the uiw•ourpl.•ted half of the inning, strik- ing out two. lhatters.aahile two others reached ilr*t on rollers, whleh disap- - rrAi lea--tis_-darl•OYss,-Antl-.the nm. Ole Balled the game. WARNING TO WATER "IkAKERS ! Any l.rtwusitlg Water for lawn sett ice litthtside reg•a;ar hours flout : tri 8 a. Id. d .i to 10 p. rat. will he pro e4 and. water turned off 1\it notice. • Water and Lishl Cos Is 'Without Doubt "The Bast.' ld in .Sealed Packets Only. .1-'5 Haynes. p. 4. 0 2 1 0 0 Lindsay, 2b. 3 1 x 1 2 Burling, lb. '1 0 1 0 0 R. Bisset, Ic.f. 5' 2 3 0 0 E. Cooper, 3b. 4 0 0 0 1 0 Pridham, 1.f. 4 2 1 0 0 0 z W. Bisset, 1.5. 1 Q 0 1 0 0 Tota Is 40 10 627 4 2 Wingham ABR HPOAE Rowson, 1b. 4 0 0 8 0 2 Geddes, 14.24. 4 0 0 2 3 4 Tetter. 2b. 4 1 1 4 2 0 Arnott, 3b. 4 1 1 2 2 3 Hodgius, e. 8 0 0 7 2 4 Garner, 1.1. 4 0 1 3 0 0 Walker, c.f. 2 0 0 3 0 9 VordFB, p. 2 0 0 0 1 0' Aitchineon, r.f. 3 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 2 327 10 13 X Hatted foJuCr,m 1s1 &laa, ('.ederlch ....1 0 1 0 0 8 II 0 0--1d. Winghaw ...0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0- 2. Left ou Lases-Iioderk•h 6, Wingham 4. Stolen baser --P. McCarron 2. C. Cooper, J. McCarroll. Hurting, 1Md- ham. Sacrifice hits -Lindsay, C. Couper. J. McCarroll. Two -base Mts- Hayrws (21, Lindsay, i'rldham, R. Bisset, Teller. Struck out -by Haynes 13, by Norden 9. Bases on halls -off Haynes 1, off Norden 3. Hit batsman -Haynes 2, (Walker. Hodglnsl. t'm- pires-Tacker, 1)oauthue. Time -L05. Tit -Bits Wingham had won five straight In Wellington and exhibition gamer. but they tinnily met a "Team." The large crowd received a new "treat" for them In seeing their favorites era wesk with the bat and so strong on errors. • • • Several automobiles of Goderich fens were in atteudene and were enabled to see the team win away from home tea, fine style. • • • The heavy ea of the Wingham bat- ting order struck out one, two, three in the second inning. • • • Four Goderich pitchers have allowed 22 hits, struck out 40 batsman, and Garbage Collection -o- The collection of garbage under the direction and supervision of the Locgi Board of Health, will com- mence on June 1st, and thereafter the collections will be made every Saturday and Wednesday through- out the season. The fee is $1.,s; to the end of each month and payable in advance to the Town Treasurer. Ne awe will b. kanded to tko Garbage Collector salon Foo has bqnid in advance. A few appr'e'ed (i airbag). Cane 1..r sale at coat. For any fultf';.r particular' apply to L. L. KNOX Town Clerk 1 been /cored as only 3 times In 33 Inn- ings, certainly n record worthy of notice. The teem with a huriing stiff sueh as that 1/. eertalnly needs to beer watching by opposing nines. e. t • • With Richard Tasker, of Clinton, as a regular umpire in both leagues this McDonald strews. a son. year. the teams are assured of a fair and .stiriactory treatment in this con- Mt/finis. IN. -In Goderich. on Sun- ne sora. day. May 21. to Mr. and Mrs. Thom. I• • • Morrison, Park strcwte a neon. Jimmy McCarron caught a splendid game. nipping twn runners datfootedt-- I off the baser by soap throws. BUCHANAN - WASHiNGTON. - in Lindsay stopped a ecre0ehing.Lslin)te ) r Chicago. on Wrtlnelalay. klay 24. In the ninth with his bare right hand Miss Cora Washington. formerly of and was slightly Injured."Goderich, to Mr. Walter Buchanan. of Goderich CecheRig Four" May Slot BEACOM - LYNN. -. In Kt. Peter's chnh. t;o.lerieib on 1(atorday, .•eetwater ....... 1 1 ;sr)r• May 27, i,Rev. Father (;tum, Wfna4am 0 1 .M)0 Helena. danatrbter of Mr. and Year. Zurleh ' 0 1 .000 E. F. Lyuu. of Goderich. to Mr. • ' Wm. He*e•nn . of G.slerleh, son of For Zurich game here on May 24th Mr. and Mr- C. Bea• om. of Clinton. "Dingo Ha7ese aaaped for Hero's Pat McCarron won a box of cigars given by T. Thompson for stolen base.: and Earl (toper and 1'at Mc- Carroll cath get a pair of slippers. donated by Reg. Sharman, each hiving a batting average of .500 for the day. • • • Two home games next week. Wing - ham on Wedensday, and Stratford on Friday. Be there to cheer the boys; they have earued your support, • • • • The remarks of the Zurich "Herald" regarding the Goderich baseball team, sound like "sour grapes' alright. DIED COUSINS.-At Whitewood, Sask., on Tuesday. May 2. 1922. Mary Ann Leach, wife of Thomas Cousins, In her 55th year. GORRELL-At Gananoque. on Satur- day, May 27. Charles Gorell, father of Mrs. H. J. Fisher, of Goderich. Interment was made in Brockville,. cemetery on Monday. ' . BORN ALLEN. -At Alexandra Hospital on May 30, to Mr. and Mra. Wm. T. Alien, Ott. Patrick street. a son. LUKE.-in Goderich. on Sunday. May 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luke. MARRIED Hotel Bedford Goderich, Ontario DANCING 8 p.m. ON LUNCHES IF YOU LIKE Fr' Hear Allen Stead Sing "Make ?de 4i cat To Be Loved ley You" Attenticn The lnutoal Slo•etirig of the South !inert liberal Ass'•c•iation; aa con- stituted for Vederai )••:psora, will be held at the TOWN HALL. HENSALL uN - ,roll, ATHLR 6.30 to 12.00 SUNDAY CONCERT DURING DINNER ;\ND SUPPER HOURS P01 IIAIaU ter, of Itayfield, spent the pas _ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr COIL $ALE -NO. 1 XXXXX R. C. and with hay sister, Mrs. T.' Gault ■■ 14[dart% a) Wader station at lowest prices. ROBERTSON AND 4PPLICATION FOR DIVOIIC TREBLE, 1t. R. No. 5, Goderich. tt; PRIVATE SAIF. OF HOUSEHOLD Furniture. -The following articles slightly used will he dispose) of by private sale : One Davenport, 1 iron Pad. 1 bed spring, 1 mattress, 1 011 cook stove, threw burner with ,v.•n. 1 round extension table. 4 chairs, 2 roekera, fruit Jan and kitchen uten- sils. Apply to MRS. ItE1.MORE, at the residence of MR. THOS. 1VAt,- LACE. East street. 1-t ARTICLES WANTED WANTED -SECOND-HAND COOK Stove to rent for the summer. Apply Box 175. Signal Ofiler. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE 01' .t COMFORT - able fame cottage on Gibbons St., Goderieh. MR. C. R. RI LCKIIALL of London. will sell by public auction AI the premises, Gibbous St., Goderich, on SATitRDAY. JUNE 3rd, commencing at two o'clock sharp: A very comfortable frame cottage containing living room, dining room kitchen, 8 bedrooms, a summer kltehen and a good cellar. A good garden and eiectrk Ilghts. The property Is in good oonditioa and 1* well located and will he sold without reserve. TERMS. -Ten ler cent of purchase price to be paid at time of sale, Mt,. once In 30 clays. Property may he in- spected at any time on application to Mr. P. 4. Ryan. T. GUNDRT. Auctioneer. APPLICATION FOR DIVORC Notice I* hereby given that neat Warren Porter, of the Town Goderlch, In the County of Huron, the Province of Ontario, retuhwd tiler, will apply to the Parliament o Canada ■t the next nation thereof._. for a 1ti11 of Divorce from his wife. Betty Violet Porter. of the l'Ity of 1 London, England on the ground of adultery and demertlon. Dated at Goderich, this 13th day of May, 19'. . ERNEST WARREN PORTER, by his solicitor R. C. HATS, Goderich. POR KALI OR RENT. UUILDING LOP' FOR SALE. -ON it it Druck .tett. Moot be sold aiihu the neat leer week.. Moho oiler to MRS. r'HOMASMc- KENZIE. Victoria Street. Godartcbl or to W. A WHITELEY, r2t6 Oak Street. New Orleans, Ls, 1141 D DRL'BSMAKING •soy RESSMAKIN(I.-APPLY AT VIC- • torte C'ottnge, Deur Sunset Hotel WANTED WANTED --.1 G(5)1) GIRL FOR $ general housework. Apply to )1151 GF(►RGE M. DOE, rite Cres- . cent.' 1-t. 11. STALKER. AUCTIONEER PUBLIC NOTICE I IJfor hop.ehold enact., tars stork..!.., tar I W County of 1111/011. AUCTIONERRINO. .\Adie ..• -, •- _elest4me re 1.M. STALE= I CANADIAN ORI)ER OF FOREST. Auburn . • 4•r ors, Court Goderich No. 32, will hold their annual ('hur'h Service and Parade on SUNi►AY MORNING. JUNE lith, to the Baptist C'hurc'h. Rev MT. Ilewey will be the ulinIater. All brethren please try and be present: 1.0 tint brothers Always weirome. Brother* are rtquerted to meet at the Lodge Itootns. over Ileru's Shoe Store, at 10.30 o'clock a m. C. JOHNSTON. A. E. BARKER. Cont Re neer. !tee. Sec. TO WHOM IT MAY CuNCHR\.-1 desire to state thmn¢h the col• limns of the Go,lerleh la,tl Liners, and to whom it may concern and in- terest that the remarks and slaudercas statements that i have uttered and told about the Bedford family, In- dividually or otherwlse, ate untrue, fable. and unfounded and untruthful in every respect. i am signing this statement of my own accord to ay. quaint the nubile with the fact that 1 was untruthful In any remarks made *Mout the Bedford family. Slgoed this '2.Sth day of May, 1922- - ea ft leallt 922.-eHftiSitiP. Me L,RAN. THF; 4)NT.1RI0 RAILWAY AND 111'NI(TI'AI. BOARD - {-P. F. 7414► -- N THE TATTER OF THiP APPLI- e-sties -eh the (lotnmisetntu-re for the Telephone System of the Muski- pallty of Colborne for aut to charge 11304) per annoy for r servk•w, subject to a d(srounf at the rate of 113.00 per annum on all amounts p.alel within thirty days from the date rat renderima the arnroat for same. .11•Ps)INTMENT FOR HEAVING The I nterio Railway and Mnnl- ipoal iFoard h•rrhy appoints nitro - v. the Fifteenth day of June. A. 1). 11)22, at the hour of tea oelnck In the forenoon (Railway Tinter. In the Col- borne Township Hall 1n the ♦il'.agr of Carlow. for lumrtn* the abuove Appil- eatlnn. All nersuna Mvlag as inrc're•t +ccttuAre T ratLll aAl1 Penpal itM1rIsR to tTe At lowest Tutt triads to see llralpd t.. *trend ■t rhe tine soli Wee AA aOre,cald- _.____DH( flFO . KKILLORkt Dated at'Tornnto this Twenty-ninth fiO1.]IER, day of 1447• •l• 1)., 19i. RAI1I1IS'rFflR. g"LiCiTORW (814.41.) D. M. Me•tNTY1t T:1It11Sh &mum., ETC. N(1 2-t Chalnnan• Odlee 00 (he 8qn„ca stcouW n,.r from Hamilton Street, llodertci, 1 YEETINo; (o1' Iit'R5)N ('l)UNTT :',trate futs44 to lots at lowest EI (•O['N' IL. - rate•, tr.=t'tnodflW!t C., J. L. Kip m Dc of the Cor;.oratl,n of Nttrlfnf l .Qe1mK ilio of nt7 of Ian wit! meet in thea LES O.AREOW, LL 1 Cann,•11 Chambers. (in4erich. at 3 p, a.. TtNrAay. June Rth, ' rtlsT%;R, nttornrr, anllct ill acmnnts should M' in the hands Onrle'rich• JFnnry Inuned at on ear $Morn tlar Hon- rates day preceding the meeting of f airx•Il. G RO. 11OLM,I N, 1W8I0 D ANOS TUNIRD--APPLY TO C. T. HENRY, Musk Studio, north sir of Square. et •MEDICAL 1 Ilk P. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late How Surgeon Ne. York Opathelste ,ud A.e•t ilwpt J, ••esUnt et Moaolsori. aye Hoaptal and Golden Speere Throat Hoa- siw t..naort. boa. M Irnerbe, !tat. Stratford. Ti*aho.a Tm At Hotel tive....n, t.oel.ree(t, leo. Wedne•dar. Juan .Ix al 7.0 p u. to f *nday. Jw. a.m. INSURANCE. LOANS. RTC. MC&ILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN80H. ANCE CO. -Faro and isolated town property leisured Omcers---Jse. CoatMNy, Pres., rich P. 0. ; Jas. hent, V{ s Reethwood P. O.: Thomas R1, Bee: Treas., Sea forth P. O. Directors -D. Y. McGregor, R. R. No. 3, Danforth; John G. On eva, No. 4, Walton; William Rine, R. R. No. A $.,forth; John liennewles, Bnsi- hagen ; Geo McCartney, R. R. No. 3. loaforth; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Malcolm McEwen, Clinton; James Evans, Beechwood; James Connolly. Goderich. Agents : J. W. Yeo, floderlch ; Alex. Leitch, 1. R. Na 1. Clinton; John Murray, 8eaforth: E. Hinrh- Iey. Setforth. Policy -holden ams pal all payments and. get their cards re- p celted at R. J. Morrlsiu's Clothing Store. (';Intoe; R. 0. Cutts Grocery, wlnerston street. Grsterieb, or J. 11 Rold'a Genet"' 'Store. Bayfield. 1 LEGAL M O. CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS. Office Hamilton Street, Goderich.TER. Solleitor. public from Irian rtes. The (' t 11 e1! flit' ('leek • (ialcet$ch. May loth. 1922. CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS. -MR. IlII'iR- ling Mcl'hall anti family wish to !thank the many friends and neighbor. for their klndness to them dwrilog the recent illness *0d death of Mrs. Ye. Ilan i 1. hesday, lane 6th, 1922 at 2 f.0 o'clock p. en. toll attttulanl Ifrom e' ern• 0,41 t- in the 11•.;•.•.i r I „fid grit -wit l inyitatintt P . c<',.1.1.•.1 1•, !l:•• to imp Pea<, r. .her l M beim: • .•,ores 1R' the upon k r Y JOVE' tT'S i l AN IDEA L DAY FOR GOLF - est -40 INMISS JIGGti S I'S uS %U<GOOD c lo,a caCOMPAtV-t • rt. mow!.... .. °\-0 k/ v .. 111.0. I OONT KNOW • I'LL r ^lE 11;ER, BARRI ' ICITO►t, notary Sam raenneer OfRets-('ntlM 001, end eon- e'ee. (anAe• %RIO it IIAne R•CRAT17I B 'IMPIONor MaM NIAGG '•TMERE'S AN UM04 LL.a.•MEb0ER 1r•1 DOWN E WHO Wi,NTS TO SEE UGIiTER' _i tt* , t: l i l'