The Signal, 1922-6-1, Page 9AIF`FIF7 "qwwv UM UGNAL — ,I R. Th.ir.day. Jose .14 Ing on thy, food -For Imotaxit'll'." b I What as Lady LAwk Was Wkb Him It the rest of Your 11111l." 4111 do Mail An illifeirikle Justitiv of he Peace -.New 'or. Werk V loo, like a -A Ins," the effildron isbouted. 11, ­ "'al or be N%ews of the District At half -past' eleven on Thursday Q 'ft, wll& 11111al by law totook, but wen Ilfy a 11 onter be maid, "but what ellw Morning ol last week the Church off Radway N4r" urd to cOluu catalogue.. One sky 4 ro war Dix Ifo art gallery) -i wonder come time thetre was a POO" 9 w For fit. Michael and All Angela, Toronto. baled before I he squire o a elts rge Mid nude figure Is entitled ..Pro - we. the seene of 8 quIQ4 but pretty re q then I tie child T*&tR"d 10 SS6gea4 !L Ages relative W. CSrW 19 of drunkenness. The aq m heard crlistingt loll.,, 'R NAM CW82 7sa born I. Idinst, when Mary IN,rothy. younger "A little saiL" 'A H ry Dayl Conamsilsi0sw the evidence and then. aft- r Opening DIX-BIOCOU 'e r,� op UMUL CAMMo XI =ke.ny'!..`ut`y, Ireland. and came we' 0' a me of her putting every. '' 1 4 at I ft.I•omrthlag'ttpore J I lit r of Mr. and Mrs. W ' C. T. &"Oimt*d Isideatrin" too Trass- ­yeo. yeal-, tie Said. -but there b ► Ito Canada at the age of ten with his toe the torlde of Mr."John for Eastern LASSO, Canadian P46 hip book and glawlng at I fined the off. suppose.-Illea a Noui negro $4.49. to be worked act on the than that." pulded &Ulily Settled first in -enta per daVh, &tomcat f fileaforth. Pon 0 mormani retired. III Curds Join foods, at 2.1 c Ad the For a moment there was 0 klkilwayo� 8890"8&Mr. R. F Fad Ha-z-va f Mr. Its' J. Y. liegt' ('&non Ing ed p -a zt — Brain I away silence. then our $Mall hey QU7 parents. V­, f offiry, Dairlsk of Whighoso I moved to and Ml the C. . IL service In 7 negro was being h d Id to AN ugly Ulu* Man lie el'y" but later the service. and the w**1 apher In too Frois ill%- marsbal. **It I haw The vice walk explaining to the leap, ontof bid spat in his eagwronliL tuw sow Rh Country am took IM, as steow r T"M Stratford. Mr. T)avig moved to Wing- Departassat, Mostireal; e X1171.11 the relations of md. ­Pl@ksv*-, air, I know." be 11bodutedo, Oluxle wall played toy Mr. Hodwills, Of Traffic Permod to Open that k flutom"' school chibiren III. The bride Wore sirrod r U. an Is 1W, whilre he Pot up in him stanbot of the church. April. 1904, 114 was tranaf blle� lut;tftd IF u'd be work. Jecilven and notius by telling examPleaL **an Ugly little xamu-" Winglials Mourns a prominent and ham of carrialgi-makkkir. In hip A mart guit,of navy tri, -amine, with Vicsi-President Uw office of In the penton of riltor day" lit, took an active tnt(?n'mt bes of 190 Vd eltiation ed FrPPA'lk hill Of nary- With ")lit. He char of laffic; January! respect Wei r clerk, 0 offia - - - 4 death ne. a member of the firo village COUDI'll cw.,,Rge bouquet was of sunset TO. bruaryk, U fly yearm Collector in municipal affairs anti was elft-ti'll lip stick fell, and tuilik Choker. I; April, 19411111. c Henry I)ovIS, for tort) clerk. same office; Fe - - - - -- - - - - - - - - v there. oh oxe al t; Novenablisr. ,if Customs 1916, latter morning. at In 1974. In 1146 he Served ap Reeve, and lililkoti'llof Me valley. She wall 'it• Ind" A eurred e df likkoventy-lolghi. All the Ion- and lit IRK2 he it-gli appointed collector lendild by her ou!1111, y service; January. Le 1petionted were of VU-toinA. R Pug Morson, who wore a periwinkle 1,11, 1919 returned to C. F. A. again as a Wi 6 the as at 4.4 .5 Tit( ItIon which lie held I. tkillan El mediate relatives of tb It came• lie lit until superannuated last March at the mult, with flat 14,, tu&t(.h. find enrwix" ladu"-yIrlal Agent. WM9 Special •For Friday, Satm f�Ai, j "' ';�C" I ru U with him when the P lose of forty years of faithful service. l"intilipt of pink staretills. Mr. laughter at e Survived by 11104 wlfP- Total aer*W n. J. E David, J. P., well M. Blest. brother e.. one The late Mr. Dariot win an Anxileau th Mentreal., 'Ale s islize in Wiring of home. and one live Fullowing the (-re- ad for so" in the Pmiri* P= all kin d� Let us give you an 'it Toronto He abs) lesive. One, brok. In religion. and, while a Conow wait best man. recently by conviction. his official 90,11itiorn"apre- n was held at ilk" I"Pme Manitoba, Saskatchewan tolial estimate ifor wiring your h use urday and Monday tf,siflon Mrbl, who mony a recept 10 they. Rev. Iii" parish at Sarnia I rented' him from taking an active o Kendal Alberta, is reported to be 2fl.8 per I or gara0e. Igned from - f the looreutit III than that of IS" res of rt In politie., 1',ntil m-ently he was 2g. NittrNon m*ivtnr in a Cent. greater forty year"; I Pit regular 1.5" ac= utter an incumbency former mlend.utI"Oul'o' avenue. taffeta, Will) ,At to with & total of 16,461 out Private Telephones, Noton Another brother. W. R. � a ro, his funeral Services gown of mauve I (.1huruh. and like t fulluvo 4wpet- condi Cto crop bulletin handed .d match. and e0r,,axio Dyiiiafriss, Electric Bells and "`JJtj)r of Thr Mitchell Adruesite' '11" ere conducted by Her. H. W. Snell, latter Nil. and Mrs. It.;t left by Canadian Pacific Agricultural Panama and Sailor Hats la4t March on the eye Of ei'll'besit'lig It. A., rector, on Weilue"(IdY afternoon. PP&A. Agent, who adds .,that' Conditions mot dissiond wedding. W for a 114)UPY91114,I)n trip UP the lakes. are, on the whole. Tory fis-rsibld'I Lilarglu Alam System They will make their hont-, It, Sm* Ground conditions or* Stated to be All %Vork Guaranteed Fxtra Special Value to rt h. excellent, a large amount of mois- M ring Cook, Iron and Toast by M J. H. Reld, of St Lure having Auwr" tile 51' I*Atk of need.. In some I*spwU conditions For $1.99 V to There pu­41 SW&T At her home In arRh are reported to be the beat for many MU 4olah,rtli (in Fridox. MAY M- S years past. STARD'S COAL -id. E6cbi* F I. H. itt As to farm help. no shortage is We have an assortment of lk%*Hged had answers the burning question -two year-. anticipated, a large OUPPI being the best Electric Irons and ax"d sixtylor health Allet. ifildt 0,1111111. it L 1*4.11 In IN available from the cities were un- 1 Toasters made in Canada. H. Ont.. .41 wu� Imorn ilk Clillet employment ban been acute during n Coal ,,IIImeI ry 1`04 vka= 11131-1-il"I it) J- H. geld. the past winter. ► McLEAN 'BROS. -_*31' -NI I.. gedfiprth where Do L. & We Scranton Later t.bl.y nl.,% ailoringand CRrhartt Overam 411 -THE STANDARD ANTHRACITE" III,, j.4.n kraloggluit the Van _GskormLe E. Carter has Senli-Reaidy,t I Mr. Held I' 8L John. Agents for S atia Furniture Factory. Two Soup- been appointed C. P. travellingROBT. TAIT pas - we are just at the other e ir.-of Toronto. al"I 0-4 T Let us hear from You. end of your ht -mr. of Ile- Sanger agent in this district. He has Electritian HE SQUARE GODERICH service is free been in ill* employ of ill* C. P. R. phone and our ourvive. since I914. At that time he joined wed St Phone ELK 19S I '4" Coore" at 4itionforth the ticket office staff and early in v.,livert lit 1110 Strand granted leave of skiltence - - - - - - - - - - - ft The A"I'll'111 6) 1 1 MUSTARD se.iforth. (11, Sunday f la"t t:It5rz&eezd verse". He went over JOHN B. Miy.drew I.orgo- erovvd- llr'lile. a with reinforcements from McGill much' Dr- University to join ill* Prince" Pats, OffFoot of Arglesea S Telephone 98 1+. ullw ProvIliciRl and later was transferred to a ma - gore an ad- chine corps. While with that branch telling Of service obtained a commission till India and It and was slightly wounded during Ira 'It her Px1ol-rivii during the ten to the ------ -lit Ill lint country a-4 &I one Of the late advances ora pia lot;mw % Prir ulketty T.Ar. ho. �Ioo 0 his re- of the armistice. tlu�ll.-al trd�Aonrkrlr 'nted to the port IM turn he was 4 Ina t Staff r Of C. And has Wince Wingholin IAII) Win" 'ft the At the of been engaged with them both at Quebec and St. John. ll,,A,Atlll Training hire -teen 4...Iwral -­h-i-A for Xur%r%­1Ii­ liell"I -M Winuipog. - Staring f,cn Be- gina. the latter part of 111441111 7 May. JEW RPR 95 -r I the Canadian Pacific' Railway for groo-ral lor-AA-114'JuOr- T,,., co-operatidin of the I 1A.. liriv­ werp abiro i'voron to Nil any, with the ill run Xilm)u. out. 4 which Alit. wfllvlt�l In Kaskitchewan Government, w Bull Special train through a better• D Till- NEW ROUTE Ille h central and northern parts! of the A PURE A listings, the This train will correspond WINNIPEG SASKATOON PRINCE RUPERT nth of Arpoomon Illt province, lit 1 in any, respects to the Livestock MARD An_11 11111M.Ace. 11 f,iruwls #w clal which the - r at special BRANDON CALGARY VANCOUVER improvement .,f Winglimul, ,A%itx I, of WAlk- Manitoba.Government. ranadian Pa - EDMONTON VICTORIA I It+. cjfic p.Al1way and ('att!e Breeders' hrou REGINA --kri W:k Association operate I of Ali ail Mani ANI) ALL WISTERN POINTS i. -ii. for a imintoo-ir of . The A vir. by is an elab- k I, CHOICE u,. ilali.-,litur SaV"at"Olill'o7an eluding visits to at 4 A awl! tobe during the month OV ?ZZ Afz;�I.X, OF ROUTES or I in, zndard SM Toronto to W"IdIft At %ViUbRm least tilt; -four tovonti. and covering AdW LA&vw Toronto 6 45 p.m daily. 5t I hundred miles of Ra;l- Cochrane Thr nMi, Side nearly seven Via innopirg an Tuesdaysk. Thu=ys. Saturday Till. uuirrhig­ v%P- included Bay and OWN W, North Weiu"Iny if In_, w..e% .1,v I,, Way. MaTU points will be in "to to W of All r .t.tnu ftualki--r which have rot heretofore had the 10.35 p.m. ­JU National" b4omkdsy9- V/6"in"md"Y's 4',000k. n10 Wit- beine it of v..-;,* by a demonstration p R is assuming all ying, equii)gM Afi LAave Toronto t, koln. Th: C. P. R. 9 via Sudbury And Part Arthur. Schd through tram Olt I.' 3V 4 "010 - and Friday likepong cars. cmkclWI6 colonist car end .r a short expenses in suppi ,.ilk Standard and Tourist Sh uot-re. all lit Wiligbillu I and open the train. Ats of Dmir4 Car bar will . rt.. of the Company's Agricultural t conraction At WinniP@g for all Ps -se Want 1will-ytil..'ll rhe y4oung oul'it de- ,I'll- in r,�rrkenl will the train RIM -0, ays Good 0-1 kW,:kENCE SOINS, Towa Agent$ during he r. Or"Its Leg Getting O'd Of %td* lit F. F. L Ontario till smldll� -f WiVAliPtt. - The first passenger Tele?`,:fne Nz). 8 Gjderich, tit Wiu;.'IIaUk u�l t t e Ifoun-lion or Canada 9 break her It -9 ,lip slot,tIlls; I rain ir with radio apparatus left equipped With a Ill Uy 00 .T lilt nut -1. innipeg Monday morning, May 1, SUire RPRI E I IMI who from the local yards lit the Can- Every time you b Ditalb of W. Tornpklelol- III I Idiark Pacific Railway. company offi- J William T -mil -kill- lml� -11 t4) Ill- I*— ials ant.ounced rt,,ntiv. The radio - I,. 1.%I�.%:.M. it, lit" Itp.. C - .0 you get a big, bright,. solid bar of trard -it Stillit., - - - h lkam been in.Atall;d in the live • _r to ,�f Velirilt.rXiour.- ff��-Vclr" lanti.ill F�UK­, lillpilliVe—metTtrain wtich eon- y V. " It 11A.10, ftr -IT I ; :1111, Vankie It. I isto, of seventeen cars scheduled to household soapo J',,r the lon,t the province %Ianitoba pric 6- t� the -highest grade h "trill! ­11 tour li,.4 ill Willa, I th of MAY. suras las �al,l't be ]Still 191111 % " 1.11.1 tiL-ijily the whole nl,.' 111�, N.%v INt-reft litirtner li-A ,The radio machine has bein in Y. stalled by a local commercial con- irey Tovillothillo cern at toe request of the Canadian ,�Sured t1_m-,s Wkiodkiling Rree"lion In If �i. Railway; two Marconi rep- t.mvk p1w In Pac" accoln- to, 11 '31 'ant 4-11114: still resentatives and a mechanic ,I±� hour. two W I; - %% 11.1111) at tilt, blM," the train. Dern,ionstrations are res UjJ[j-"-- who on the train each day and it - ------ ho:m ovel when a large numlier lit arty indxxud that this feature 1111111111IMMIIIIIIIIIIII Iftate t! Oregon -l rest lorMW I a Ittterest by th-ose ro -sask -tile tholoir, Arrikingil- 7,4nj he lee! tv unit vxpf**�" tures. valll$lol were at 41 j.ljeo. Tit,, Y •mento have been completed to!' the to rvoll'outeol IpIt tw,, em. receiving of corocerts and general world ne)Ws from Winnipeg. ev Iu, it*. and st ttic improvement train WHAT FURTHER PROOF r Lady The liv., ? on is equipp:3", d maintained W"kiim ('lint by the Vera Flizilloo-1111 151 Railway. The Pro mr... Tit.. marriage Canadian Pal -5. ,d jAmdul laughter -he Dominion d S -ject is backed t) " the prov- ,ulture, agriculture, the S "nol Mr-. Ariloir to partment of a VF ­1`11, incial department DO YOU yVAN'T I... to, Eduard t;,•or1;e Ill he livestock ex - s• solemiliz000l lit Ural collez It - meanies, the till agricultural 77 .1111119". the pac1int mW "is ImIrloo, :f -C., 9 street ia ns of Mani- ecl ro show that p,' es V I'll May I-$. NI'v. cattle breeders s§5 4 It lecture. are being Fumiture Prices have tumbl to W W1 I to .1. A. Arne%v­,,lli--iIltlIIX- toba. While the I 'Mat :values, we are an - carried on for-xneri -in one c r, classes - -OT- q "Mon boys 4 girl Death of John T. Crich, are held for women. hoy are as low, if not lower than pre -w rl Mr. John 1tt�'. Crich jwoi�wml A%'Ay lit In other sections of the \ train. 111.4 home in IT-AIII-40 Special ad are given firls. attending. The nouncing as our s V addresses on birds special for this vrg. foorn lit to the boy; and I, evening of ljj�t week. a best equipped Jaulting Of one ,0-, Soak the Dift out. IIAIII) djul there, train is one of tS large Chea Turkeroomith :-v n lip its kind which has been assembled Chesterfield Set,. upholstered in imported Until about 11%p reur, lox" wll"vr One three-piece Cheste nickrning give thern A thft- wife, in Canada. Wumft � - )Its rn,,red to (71futon. MERE is 311CII a S-mk_ Miss F terfield and two large Afrin064, Spring Back and Spring of wash- ough rinsing and the dirt Is kour- pl� c3sy way -ay. No need litill. he - IIIA four A.- - As An example of the way in T just runs a rived for fl)ur I,roth :'11 which railway cr ftwC, French Tapestry, Marshall Q on both sides with the same scilool JU ossing accidents fre- n!vrs, b on the wash board P&A, ter-. LtIwlsk man] I. boil, of Tue.10. I event which took Pillow Arms—C"hiong ce0d play. clothes, r to rU ;1 1 loi,16. .r I nuion Amatly occur, as this clan Of ow I goods could not be holes come or-tallb: and FI plane, at Sa Ontario town last week 'llat It mind so that was an spatasunding example. A lady The factory 'is- tiring this as a Vie., k - if Seaf,w1i; Mrs. J goods. During the war M r MA, kersuilti, 'Ind MISS bow 122"" tl,,Cre are - colour goes 1:. Ball, of T, driving a boroke and "wq alo sold for less than $01kated. Wil to 'ZinSo. Ringo is a wonderful tiara, o. Clinton. country read approves" a ------- 11 for special. $ - It can't 1), 24000 Pi <,,;, the wonder- 'Product. Death of Josura Foolle, Of SIA11110Y fin tin. it is apparent that ordinary half trl trade to wash .1ohn Foote. a natire Of Stanley a as are altogether _Zti0n so if You, are thinking scientifically seeing •at the same time as did a liqjid. Take clothes ' othes by end .1ahty-fifth precautions such ------------- L,; jk�%. soaking - different fr0fin tolin,thip. lot It in Ills 4 railway of bu�ing a Ch r*00. thor- yfoor. He Is, PufTired I - if wore not in this instance observed. this is your I, two son" Slid necessary when crossing T • ef"vw it 1-1 cool 60"Ps, chips and washing two, daughters JAN. The first part of the train got by This is an extra special opportunity- o*A �: C diffelf- N tvij quarts powders, and used and jIldro.w, on the hense- t the vW, - -4 Exeter: nt-Queell. 0 the road without incident, bu So Linoleum, Curt&*. lay eptly. mtend; Mrs. W. 1) a III Van. was driving A in House Furnishings, such a; Rug Curtain Materials, etc. 0,, Then I home. opted at which the lady ;� C, 0 In the not put Rinso in- courer; and MIsA Aul mvented her pulling up in time to Special prices still 16"t, to soak 1. Do rt IL I. Bull that I f '4_' I ", c,cl or lukewarm to the tub from aha Nay W Cburrh Union Al EXIII114141t the train by. with the re t..") -f two or package , but make the if criven Prewhy- she drove into the rear car. The After onto, The ermirr overturned, and the lady A figai- t�xt buffiry was __ I S,:=:p "I Ill"Um - I IN. 11111-T. t�1IIe4r.11Xh`unlT- IRTIr Committees have son other more or less serious I11A K E - .-Ir YOU U\E A WASKINQ MACK'NZ Ing of tbrtr anti dloornots the Jurlsol as a result at hot rarelefunniosm Ive After sionitil tsuggepted that Fortunately the train crew remorse the betion formed ill J1114 It Ila. 1114.1 ,Follow directions as &be China, a matter. accident. and stopping the train. "Often the CheaPest, Always thin Elleatill the clothes hem into me tit(. Main Ptrwt (-iiurell rid rponAge e nod rinse, 0", N4 able to gave her further in- "Itt It Y�mtc"X wwo It On liquid. Overall 4% ..nough fresh h St. clod cloth" lip used. both COOOrread Thus fact remains that the A gents for the following nationally alvertisLxl goo(l. 113111 You will have t weeie I. A large num To' =Iin this ease was fortunate IN or -2 .4 : 1100vet Electrtc Vit you *war saw. the ex W as the n phonograph, Singer Sewing 'a r::,. churelles as W Wo losing bet lila. M&C"Int', Sher Ck Manning Piano,' Oat 44IMA1Mdtej.g. Foot- end W. •Simmons IWds, Marshall Ventilated Xattress and Leggett & platt Coi fa pentors, ROT, onpreened low bar# ,,xp""od am, Joint fielleurs Mi e. by il as npi,rovinx of it* Idea ituri and House Ftmishings Relfbion_.-Solop out, has am "Migaltz 1#111 1 God N ;.4_1 Wit- No Dlurdm the to is his world a Man massa as ow A k Of LVX 'jg� "� I �.0 Fflith-Ur. Grant went to U "firiv, r a froer., a. IL to Atli it twat. MR m1l"okilup drep ag. riocriguise him ? are aiiftor; UW Jack ---Did anyone st wife 7• h Ad W, mqv,�,`O pn­ 2 Alf Nil" afl­ 4�141 A t, e. pill 0. 1 40wa*­06 iv'"o-N7_ I 7 r4 w y 4 &M, Pgp. I; 5. FYI». Pal. t' h rise P, k, e. pill 0. 1 40wa*­06 iv'"o-N7_ I