HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-6-1, Page 7Thursday. June 1, 1922.—II TEE SIGNAL - CODE/ICH, ONT. COULD HARDLY MOYE IN HER BED E20t Besse d "FRUIT.A-TIVES. Completely Rsll..j Hoe. Lon Thursday, June 1, 1922.-1 htiMPY ROTS Ti. nlvrisrs wa t7't: a commies Merz f 'Mf>r_Ww'ee Jmag►V.elAw NASA* ar0Nta Labelle, P.Q., April lath, 11111 "It lemyduty to tell you and publish So all what your remedy "Fruit-a- tives" has done for me. I ssffasd wish Rheumatism for tea *sociis; eould hardly move in bed; and was miserable all the time. I tried Movers! physicians anti took many remedies, but they left me at the same place, In bed and suffering, the Rheumatism was so bad. Jfoa.11y started in takias •'Frviae. ime and continued the treatment regu- larly as I found myself getting better. After using eight bones of "Pruit-s- tires" (which eo.t only $4.) I am completely well without a trace of Rheumatism." d" bfadam 1. RICHER. fee a box, a for I12.e0, tail Nae 25a. At all dealers or sent postpaid ma receipt of pries 1f F uitadteeg Limited. Ottawa. Osie .1! jirar, Esti! taw, Yong. and chane. Street.. Toronto. The HW Glide a..l..s. Sabal of 0..arie. Our era'lu•tes ere In .anus .lemons. Pr betre mow and tie realty to a'e"et a gond position le the Matt t atalogr free. W. .1. Elliott. Principal. Vie Winter Teruo Fru'* January Seta', CENTRAL SYNOPSIS. CRApTZR I—The crown prince of 11.4 - Tonle. Ferdinand William Otto, tan year' old, taken by his aunt to the opera, tires of the singing and slips away to the park and there mak.. lM acquaintance of Bobby Thorpe, a little American boy. CH at g �hcrownpcrown prince finds ever—Returning to the ything In an u roar as a result of the search for him. Th. chancellor Impresser on the old king. m. boy's grandfather, who la vary 111. the need for better protection of the crown prince and suggest, that the Mend - ship of the a•Ighborfng king et Karnla be cemented by giving the Princess Hed- fi try mag • to 61m. The old duos Ct3APTIR Ill-Hedwlg hereon. who loves Nlkk1 Larl,rh. (Attie aid de Camp, and Larl.cb are upset by the king'. de- cision. CHAPTIR IV—Coanteas Iooch.k lad In welting` to Annunciate, In love with Karl of Kumla.. le Malone et H•dwtg. She plots to start • revolt In I.4vorla by send - ng • code letter to Kari telUng him of conditions 1. the country. Peter Nlburg, who was to deliver the message, r be- trayed by • fellow clerk. Herman Spier - CHAPTER V—Nlbnrg Is robbed of to miertve• and • dummy letter substituted; Captain Lanark. unaware of the suotl- tuti:,n, holds up Karl's chauffeur and se- curer th• snv.lepe. CHAPT[it V1. Two Prisoners rlerman Spier had made kis escape with the letter. He ran through tor- tuous ontuous byways of the old city, under arches into court yards, out again by doorways vet 1n Jte walls, twisted, doubled like a rabbit. And all this with no pursuit, save the pricking ono of terror. Rut at tart he halted, looked about, perceived that only his own guilty conaeleaes accused him, and took trench. He made his way to the house Is the shadow of the park until, •n letter nuw buttoned inside his coat, and finding the down closed, lurked In the ahalow of the park until as lour later, Mack Humbert himself ap- pe. re. He roe ht. creature with cold ea- ger. "11 is £ marvel," he sneered. "that such- Hatt u Mire has art brought the psis.* la a peels at pailif heels" "I had the letter." Heroism MOW ' sillily. "It was aece.sary to save it." "Toe were to gee where Nlburg took the substitute." But here Hernia& was the ono to 'neer. "others!" be said. "You know well enough that he will take so sub- atitute tonight, or say nlgbt ?w strike hard. my Mead." The concierge growled, and together they entered the beam across the street 1■ the shame* of Humbert, his nlec., daughter et a milk .eller near, kept the bureau, answered the bell. and atter alae o'clock, when the doors were bolted. admitted the various occupants of the house mad gave them the tiny tapers with which to light themselves uputaire. Stn was mewing and singing softly When they entered. "All right, girt. To may ge," said Humbert. "Ooed night to you both," the girl said, and gave Herman Spier a Dol. When she was gnus, the concierge locked the door behind her. "And now," he said, "for a look at the treaaor.." H. rubbed him hand. together r Herman produced the letter. Heads Moa, they examined it ander the lamp. Theo they glanced at each other. "A cipher." said the concierge shortly. "It tells nothing. 'Coda!" And struck the paper with a hairy fist. "Nyerythlog Knee wrong. STRATFORD. ONT.". Western Ontario's beat commercial School with Oomtnercirl, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments. We give individual instruction, hence "Entrance" standing is not neceserv. Graduates assisted to pwitiota. Oct our free catalogue for rates and other particulars. D;A. McLACHI,AV, l'rincipal n''Athlete's -Remedy. - irAitai irdnM ,rod Tbrm.ssssemntnttred \liken YouThink of link of Us r And When Your Bin is Empty Call The Saults Coal Company "The Yard of Service" Exclnitive Amos in Goderich for The Lehigh Volley ()nal Salem Go. °A Clfittor," Said the Conotters Shut ly. "le Tolle Sothis*" That bleed devil Interferes. and au this tether speaks bert et blaaketa sae The bell rang, and, taking care tc doormat the latter out of sight, the eoD- derrp r••gpeared. Then ensued, it the halt, • Meet colloquy, follew.d by a plumping en the staircase. The eeaeleirg. returned. "01d Adelbsr't, from the open," he salt 'Me has lost his position, and would have spent the night airing his grtevae.. Bot I seat Alm of 1" Now, as between the two, Black Humbert tarnished evil and strength but It was the pallid clerk who fir aLd►ed the caWag. Aad sow N made a sVggestios "I1 is possible," be said. "that he—. apatalrs—could help." "Adetbertt Are you mad? "The ether. He knows codes. It was by mesas of one we caught him. I h..e heard that all these things have one basis, and a simple one." The concierge considered. Then he rose. "It Is worth trying," he ob. served. Hethreat Om letter into his pocket and tbe two conspirators wait out trate the gloomy hall. There, on a ledge lay white tapers. and one he lighted Wedding it from the draft In the hnl low of his great hand. Then he led Lha way to the top of the house. Hers were three rooms. One. tM kat was Herman Spier's, • poor thing at that. Itezt to 1t was old Adel - hart's. At the extreme end of the nar- row corridor, la a passage almost blocked by old furniture. was soother room, a sort et •tae, with a slanting root. Making sure that old Adelbert did not hear this, they went back to this door, which the concierge unlocked. Inside the room was dark. The taper showed little. As their eyes became accustomed to the darknesa, the out - lines of the attic stood revealed, a junk room, plied high with old trunks, and in oat, corner • bed. Black Humbert, taper In hand, •- preached the bed. Herman rematned near tb. door. Now, with the cardl• wear, the bed revealed • man lying on it, and tied with knotted ropes; . young man, with sunken cheeks sod weary, desperate eyes Beside him, on • chair, were the fragments of • meal, a bit of broken bread, some cold soup, on which grease had formed a firm coating. Lying there, sleeping and waking and sleeping again, young Haeckel, one time of his majesty's secret rem- ove and student lo the •nlvereity, had lost track of the dap'. He knew not how long he bad been • prisoner, ex- cept that It had been eternities. Twice • day, morning and evening, came hie jailer and loosened his bonds, brought food, of • sort, and allowed him, not out of mercy, but because It was the cornmittee'm pleasure that for • time he should Ilse, to move about the room and bring blood again to hla numbed limbs The concierge untied him. and stood back. "Now," he said. But the boy—he was no more—Lay still. He made one effort to rice, sod fell back. "Up with your* said the concierge, and jerked him to his feet He night the all of the bed, or he would have fallen. "Now --stand Ilk* a men." He stood then, facing his captors without deaance. He had worn all that out in the lest days of bis 1 . prisooment .. r "We11r he Maki at hoot '1 thatpt —you've been here once tonlrbts-- "Rlght my cuckoo. nut tonight I d• yup double henor." But seeing that Haeckel was 111w57. 1•g, he turned to Herman Spier. "Go down," he said, "sod bring up some brandy. 11. tan de nothing for as In this state.^ He drink tbe brandy engerly When It came, and the senders. ponrt,d lite a s.eaod ea,sdty. Whit with weak. ons and Mow starrntleq It did what os tarn of perueoal d•ns.r would have don.. ft broke dews his reshot, epee. Not Immediately. He foudt bard, when the atter was Ant bromeliad to his. Bat IN tbe sad be took the letter and, solar/ It close to tbe candle, be mmia.d it closely. Him Undo shook. his eyes burned, The two terrorists watched him. itrnmdy or no brandy. however, he had not boat Ills wits. He gluced up suddenly. 'TNI me .ometaing about this," he said. "And what ♦'11 you d• for N if l Need, ler '!'RF- - trnyr- thing. and did. Rucked Hatened. sad knew the tier of liberty was a lea. Rot there was semethlag about the story at th. letter Itself that bore the hall marks et true. "Ton ewe," finished Back Humbert ranaingly, "she—this lady of tbo event —le pleall wltk 'eine ere. or eco mai suspect If It Is only a Helena— t• He 'proud his hands "1f, as ie pos- sible, she betrays na to Karelia, that we should end eat. It Is net," b. added. "among our plata that Kornis should know toe leech of es" Tha broody was still werking, bat due nay'. mind was .Mar. Re asked for a untit aid eat W wort. jtor (Continued os pate S) - (hanged His Ludt Some poultrymen go about grouch - Ing about the hard luck Ow), hine had in their hatching efforts others swallow their dlxapiolutwent and make the Twat of a lord jot.. cont, revu,unrful euthuslrst turned alwu,t e,wplete failure Into what ha, all the 'Twit ranee of unusual stove„ and did It very neatly. Hr had sol n couple ,f hens and had counted the days un- til the little balls/ of down would to •hlrpltlg at his hock door 'step. He had talked enthusiastically t„ friends of the cowing event and load e.en iurhwl moue of then, to b,' present rax eon after the birth us it sug :voted making the display Hut end rinek the twenty-.•aw•ot,1 day ar- rived and then the twenty-third with but tone 'solitary chirlo•r AN the p•aplt. Why acknowledge Gillum. he ark. ed himself. why Net talo,& himself ! the burden of explaining the inex- plicable. why ? !G, he seized a copy4 of floe SIgnu1, jotted down the whir/sea of au bull% 'dual who advertiousr baby chocks of the breed hr t:: nl,vl. pen on his hat and In leers than an hour's thus had supplied ''ncb hen with a capacity brood. Ile is lid saying much- he doesn't hate to -Just stands back and smiles when lilts tr'letals Rather around and. congratulate lilw on his good fortune. Press-te. f'hange•ob The German press Just pours out aulrka And then they say, t'Tbat's funny. SV,. never .real to get quite rich, Organdy Collar and Cuff Sets— Add a touch of style to the simp'est ,frocc I n Bramley or Pete Pan. Painting and Decorating Beautiful Wallpaper Books. to select from. Corner Elgin: and Victoria Sta. Phone 313, Buy your Paper from -T. H. -{writ k MISS S. NOBLE Jersey Brand Maize Gluten Feed and Barnard Grow -or -Bust Calf Meal Royal Purple Calf Meal Is Another Leader / We Hive Them When Wanting Mange! Seed See Us, Wesley McLean Opera mettle Bleck Goderieh Yet we're making lots of money ! ' Hydro Electric A nu,,ber of electric stoat' cir- cuits are now being onutruet,.l at considerable coot, mo that the de- mand for electric range service miry be ,.applied. Now Is The rt.e to tarns- a !range§ service, when these lines aro being erected. You may be diaapointed later. Cook BEJJectrtaty Me'e "The \lotfat" and " rhe Mc Clary„ ekrtric ranges now on dis- play at The Hydra Stere 11'e are exclusive repnva'ntatives n litderieh fur Vie Alct;lars Elect- ric Range mbar all Light Commission Ilii d Othrio • HOLMES & Edwards Silverware is a gift which combines rare, enduring beauty with years o, faithful service; it is a superb compliment to any bride. ---'he-veritable glitter of precious gems—radiance of —unusual beauty --that is the -charm the exclusive Holmes & Edwards hand -burnished lustre will bring to her table. And Holmes & Edwards yields the lasting satisfaction which comes only from the generous use of sterling silver. It is sterling silver's only competitor for wear. In SILVER -INLAID, telid blocks of pure silver are set in on 'the back of the bowl .and handle before Writing, and in SUPER - PLATE, a heavy extra plating of silvcri, given to protect these points against wear. High-classjewellcrswill show you thc heautiful Jamestown Pattern, strikingly simple and artistic—as well as table appointments such as flower baskets, casseroles, pie plates, cake and bread trays— of the same higl,quality. \tinkfacn+r%vxclruftely Csitaitsig jy THE STANDARt ,S✓LVER CO. OFTORONTO, LIMIT: s ,, Sold In Goderich By E, 0. ROBERTSON, Jeweller