HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-6-1, Page 6at --Thursday, June 1. 1922
nd it's
Esse ibis s
FRANK OF aa► Ami rcuR GiANPIa1
in writing of the faults of golf one
has a sort of negative check on the
Owing . By emphaxlatng the "don't.,"
the eseentlals of the swing stand out
In sharp relief. The writer hopes that
if any esseutiale have Macro mlxxeed In
the positive articles they may be cov-
ered in this one.
Of all the faults which beet the
golfer. the grentest is s faulty o-nper-
•tIon between the hands and the body.
When every miteele works Marmon-
iaoneely from the hand). to the fent, there
results what le called timing, without
which lair golf le impossible.
The hands «Mould dominate the
awing from its Inception until its com-
pletion They should hare such cnn-
tlol of the club that if neenceary they
could make the club head describe an
are In any pinn... They should he
masterful, aswertive com_lelling. and
dictatorial. for %loiterer power goes
tato the shot must of neCeeeity go by
wsy of them.
A distinction We' been drawn be-
tween what are called initiatory move-
ments and responsive ones. The hand*
ti initiate the swing and the knees.
shoulders, etc.. respond to the urge
Martel by the hnnls. This Is a *.tool
dostrin• with twrhapa certain quail -
*cations'. We know too well that the
moment we'lnee control of the club.
the halide erase to fun•tlon. The pre-
caution le this. that it Is just possible
•nd is often the case. to delay the
movement of the body tot long. The
pictures allow that the left knees of
the stars bend exceedingly early In
the swing, and any eon..cious attempt
to .Islay this' movement until the club
rcichoe the horizontal. will destroy
tinning. This Is not an uncommon
sight. but is, however, not an common
as the reverse. which 1s getting the
date a large rise oil tiller, and the
raving in trouble would be keenly
appreciated by the ear owner.
And while we are on the rutJw•t,
It ought not to le. necessary to crawl
endeF a ear to drain the crwnkcare
of,its oil. A drain control could
eaily be Installed which would
enable the ear owner to drain the oil
by simple lifting the hood rod turn -
Ing a nub. If this operation were
wade less dirty the car owner would
be tewptel.to change Ilia oil oftener,
.which 1e a eousummatiou greatly to
be desired.
Why k It that clotted cars have a
monopoly on cttie sent a iwl shteltl*.
The onlin•n•y a iu.1 .shield. as used on
the touring car. quickly Westlake;
clouded in rainy or snowy weather.
The shield with a visor, as used on
sedan and other (laeed models. ataya
Hear at any rate much longer' than
the flat glass. There Ix no earthly
rearm why the wlod shield of the
touring oar should not have a visor
to insure clear virion.
On the winter top fitted to the
touring car, with curtains which roll
up. there Is never any provision made
for signalling. • Every top which
tepees the evr In should have a flap
or other provision made for the driv-
er's hand, so that he can thrust it
out Instantly to sigual change of di-
These are just a few hints from
many that might he offered along the
line of Ilttlething* titer make motor-
ing even more enjoyable than it is.
By the ecen•be of a little ingenuity
the average ear owner can add many
little touches himself, and he ran. by
e.uggest100 to his manufacturer.
hasten the day when the motor car
af•hieves complete convenience as it
comes from it- maker's factory.
Careful Mk*
Drive -lowly and cantloy over a
tong!' road. e,pw•iall7 w • large
rocks stiek 11 out of the roadbed.
The blow, from the rock* not only
a rine is not wo dlsostrate In Iron' wilt ruin the tires, but also may he
play, I1 fact cultivated Ny many. the .-u'..• of a broken spring or broken
At the ri..k of reps tion i again steering mechanism.
warn the reader again the tempta-
tion of *InvisIde fullest ng other play-IKeen Spare 'oho* Covered
body into the *wing too quickly. or era imitation may be tate sinenset Two goat rules to follow with re -
see that the hands are under control,
and if they are thew* minutiae will in
all probability he present.
As body movement has been touch-
ed on before. I shall hove it here with
title reminder. that In order to send
the hall a great' 1islanee tlwre must
he a free. full twist t0 the tsxly. Cer-
tainly with a restrietel Moly move-
ment sllclug t.* apt to Is. prerelent In
the drive., in iron work there is not
the same neessity for free lady
movenwnt, se It Is se•uraey *ms net
dist*ne• flint ie aimed at. And then
trying to do the work with the body.
Thi* is ewrt+tetly the comwoueet of all
faults. In the up -swing the body
rt -
kind of flattery. but One should re- gird to spare tires are to keep them
member' that an Imitation rarely. 1f covered w. that they nil not be sues
ch htd teat
ever, equals the original. So long an Jw Yw I to *unit R , ano u/ee
tempts 10 start the swing. and in the the meehanienl principles underlying spare for a day or two every month.
down swing it gets ■heed of the club the awing are correct the player, Sunlight has a must harmful effect on
and exerts it, effort far too soon. should not worry about ;weenie! char-, rubber. whether 111e weather be hot
How often we bear "[ksly in too to terlstfes or idlesyn•ncsle•*. Theile or (.0111. 1'sing the spare occasionally
soon." The player slould plae•e the laud color 10 the .,wing making it lengthens its life for eeome reason that
emphasis ou the hands. which should (net and ep ntaneouth
*, rather an the scientists have ennatderahle (Blit-
hethe musters of the swing, Hall the saddled and xteretypowl. eulty In explaining.
knees, shoulder.. etc.. *11011141 i*' will- One should play golf to the easiest
lag • Ielpera, which euter into the way partible. and a player must In alae CONCERNING TIRES
swing williugly and promptly. end and this out for hlmeelt. e'er -
it should be remembered that the Cer-
tainly trying to play a shot exactly Rellabk information .about The In-
o-owing of the star blend+ so barmen. n* another player as r rule will not be nation During the Warm Weather
1o11*ly that It is Imp...knee t0 tell satlsfnctury. The xuhstanw of the The heat that i- noteea1.1.• In a tire
when one movement start. and : 1,,o tier
flni.hex. This Is attained larco•ly. I
thhok, -try plating emphasis on the
hands. which should always be *.'rive.
Another prevalent fault. one which
also militate, against proper timing.
Is teu*ing of the muscles. Every play-
er. and especially every beginner. meat
continually Ire on his guard for this.
$ne•exs at golf comes through else
rather than effort. But there are very
few who ever learn this thoroughly.
Whenever we attempt to get ft little
distance or play into a wind. we In-
variably tighten our musette', with the
result that we do not get as far as
it.•1ic.4tion Is the key to aneeeN at
golf: and Mr' earlier a beginner learns
this. the quicker will his progress 1*.
swing of moot of the leading players after It has been run fora few furor,
M Identical, but the form W vastly dIG Is generated by the tire itself. due to
ferent. flexing MOla••1.Iitlg 41f fabric and nlb-
There are numerous faults. such as rub-
ber. The amount ..f he -1t depend* nit-
slicing. pulling. sot•keting. topping, nn the rapidity and extent of this
etc., but I hope the above has been nctlnn. -an 'overloaded or ander•lu-
genersl and wide enough In its trot fleet tires heats more rapidly than n
meat to include all three. pn.perly inflated and properly tondo!
'Copyrighted, itritish and Colonial _lri— _1im11ary au _au_ firs" _due to
Press, Limited) trteattiewa. is more susceptible to this
Next Article Tuurunment Goat.' tient-producing action than a new tire.
i The strength Meek built Into the
standard pneumatic tires of to.11ay 1+
far alweve• what the the is ever called
upon 1.1 deliver. except under most
extraordinary (er mned:1 ... FxperI.
mental test+ have shown 11411 In orditF
IN AUTOMOBILES blow ant a new tinct -class' tire by,
ftddltbnal air pre*snre. It is rae•Paxary
to exert a torte of over thirty times
Tension 1x usually petitioned in, the. the regular reommendwl preeeure.
grip. the forearm muscle* and in the Little Conveniences Which Would Tire expert. Claim. therefore. that
there is xh*.dil
ley e . Mort, alouera stand �.ith_thslr_ Make the Ownershipof a no reel. for • re-
. ,0 tar
feet too far apart. ['mistily when' we n* 11 blow oat is
e0norrnwl. m
try to put one great effort into any Car More Pleasantduction of air pressure !weir.. going
thing. we brace ourselves by seperat- not on long run* during hot days.
LIR our feet, but golf is 11 scientific The maximum bierease In air pres-
gam*, ami sweetie docs not came by Unman nature is so -mist n••te.l that sure that could t* expected. tinder
t effort. I �stron14ly n•oommrnd• It nseally raw. mto meet the big things any condition. would not exceed fifteen
great beginner)tff and nt)trOlers to stand •• with of life. whether of a•Irereity or h ppb- pol--the average *oil.* not 1*
else feet claw together, as 11 bemuse's ne* It a the little things that br;•nk greater than sic pounds. This small
more tilfilcilt 10 *wipe• tin* rea*lcor to a rests Wart. Tice steady falling of increase In pressure will not plow out
the drop of water wears away the the Casing.
The motorist 'should not concern
The Gad Fly Annoys Cattle and
Injures tildes.
How the Pest Operate.—RQects and
Losses Described—Prevention and
Treatment of Warbles — Weeds
Versus Wheat.
(Contributed by Ontario Department of
Agriculture. Toronto.)
The name "wafbles" 1s applied to
a rather common condition affecting
cattle which 1s characterized by the
appearance of small lumps along the
back and loins. The lumps gradually
develop during the late winter
months, and as spring approaches the
akin along the back and loins is
noticed to be covered with small
rounded swellings about the .tae of
a small walnut. The lumps are quite
tender at first, and when they be -
'tome fully developed a round hole,
surrounded by a little frothy matter,
becomes noticeable in the centre of
each little swelling. Through eacb of
these little openings in the skin a
grub or warble finally emerges. The
explanation of the occurrence and
development of warbles In cattle is
rather interesting.
The Gad Fly Is Responsible For the
The primary cause is the "Gad
my," of which there are two varie-
ties technically termed the Hyderma
bovls and the Hyderma Itneata•
These Inas attack cattle while at pas-
ture during the warm summer stuaon,
and are seldom troublesome during
cold damp weather. They make a
bussing sound when in flight. and
Battle when attacked by them become
terrified to such an extent as to cause
them to stampede, which 1■ common-
ly known as "gadding.'• The flies
attack the lower parts of the body
and the legs. They deposit their oasts
in the hale dloee to the skin. and
s a
the tea
In such
a manner at
firmly attached to the hairs. Atter
a time the eggs are hatched, and the
larva or young insect passes down
the hair telltale. through the skin.
Into the tissues. Further develop-
ment of the larva takes place in the
tisanes, and finally they succeed in
making their way to the region of the
back. which they appear to select for
the last stage of their development.
and form little lumps to the skin, In
each of which a grub or "warble"
la present, which is the mature lana.
Finally the grub bores Its way out
through the skin and falls to the
ground, where it passes through the
ebrysalis or caterpillar stage encased
In a cordon or shell-like coveting,
and is transformed into a pupa which
In about a month becomes rally de-
•elopei and emerges as the mature
adult gad fiy.
1* there a baby or young children in
your home ? 11 there 1r you should
out be without a box of Itatly'r Own
Tablets. childhood ailments come
quickly and means should always be
at hand to promptly fight them.
Baby's Own Tablets •re the ideal
home remedy. They regulate the bow-
sls; sweeten the atuut•ch; banish eon-
stlpatluu and iudigewtlou; break up
Ever Hear
about the auto owner who 'Tent the drat
year under his car teeing why it didn't
run instead ..f running it
It cal, hr never heard about our expert
werk in
Automobile Repairing
when we tiesour ear you kno w that
expert stork has been done and ynl won't
have to bring it back to have the same job
done over in • day or two.
I Reg. Williams
East Street Garage Phone 243
Effeeta and Ln•• Stastalned.____
The effects produced at gad *les
and warbles are chiefly economic
losses. which the Iles cause by
worrying cattle while at pasture dur-
ing the .•:miner time and lessening
milk production, and the aamage
which the warbles lafllet to the skin,
thus lessening the rains of hides for
tanning purposes. The extent of the
Injury done to hides through warble.
1. considerable. sad 1t is conserve- '
tively estimated that twenty -flue per
cent. of cattle hides are thus damag-
ed each year. Tac-sers and hide
dealers do not wan, varbled hides.
es the uvea • grut'•y hide can be
put to are limited, a: d as a result
they are graded low ar.d reduced In
Prevention and Treatment.
Various preparations have been
recommended and used as repellents
to ward off the attacks of gad files
and prevent them layir...ggs on eat-
the Leet are .wit...alert. Don't 'strain. •Now the mo ern motor Car la 1n, ale during the summer season. Local
himself over making inflation allow- treatment of the backs of cattle with
teat etas and !Le-i,�a .wee rtak• bar 14► ffii[ti "1'F,tfA7fM it m•artr pt•rfe. t tttPrr aaet!s foe cheeses In temperature.) • tem erat is t mixture of hesubacks
oil of the and
me, tittle wheneveer trusion lo ptexent of. me•Itnuism. in its major fute•nons The Important pn
the swing I, wrong the'.ar given its on ller little trouble at all times to have enough pressure
• Another eomnloa fault to falling ,for extended Deco.;. islgnitLm. start- and that it is very rare that one has
back and in extreme cases rusntng ing, ilthting. uree mechanical units, too much. Proper air pressure le
- away from the ball. TIII* often all of thrTe hate Ip•en,brought to a re- necessary that full service nifty 1* re-
motes the loll t0 be topped, and al- markable •eb•grew of perfection. ' (wIved.
together rut'n-the awing. as a great There an.. however, many email
dent of eito•r,t;' G' never 01).h•tftil1 of 'construction and design, Two .good reliable remwlfos which
the 1,111. This is often tensed the where much 'remains to be dont. gusranl'" re•aults are RAZ -MAH for
desire to keep iIP bead +till. 11', Moreover, In ♦arloux minor details ,asthma and Bronchitis, and T. It. Cat i Dur -
by the fl'es as far a pnvsihl9.
Ong :tetra_ fp keen the heed -dill fnslygag whk•h sults one man is am for Bheumatlsm, Lumbago. Neuritis,
ins the winter months the cattle
variably make+ file body ril;irt.\,1'o)mhu144 �yneromhis ntigln0r* Ptc.. •rP sold IIF '. C. f�nkrp. -- should 1..xamined a Pry week, and
the pL7er's wed attempt to kr•p in flu• present article we if any of them are nott.d to be
beisd_s(111 he.oftn'crowd* extra weigto xnggest ei few place* where affected with warbles the grubs
onto f�ha.ilit t`cwd .amt Williexemente mly tot• mad. in many 1 should be squeezed out of their b•cka
on the left toot It become+s by the e;::• Owner himself. every fPv weks or at least seta a
, lump may he enlarged a little 'nth
ew-ter M tall hak. The curef the prhnilel calker' aterm1 inonth. To facilitate the removal
to allow the lolly to move naturathe motr car 1* on the lu- ' and destruction of the gruhe the
nal let it filar fr''ly and fu1 pt its .uljnxtmwntx. ThisI little openings fn the skin ov•r eaeb
Forget about the he.nh for every ga ha, sot always toeen
prayer moves' his head aliNtin.' which met by t tiuT i.•turer. On many I the point of • sharp knife and •
of necessity be roust, unl,e. las twee cars it Is tit to be a candor -
train cit 1s popular. but it would
appear to be of little real service.
It 1s now generally considered that
to dl.trlets where warbles are
troublesome that the best coarse to
be adopted is to keep the cattle un-
der shelter or the shale of trees
during the heat of the day in .um -
mer to prevent them being attacked
At McEwen's
ix made an mien's. It tre'14 s•, *..Ratty tbmlet to mel
but dose not 1110re up pr duw'u. n.r meats that mast.y carr...ot out ps
preen *isle to side. rindically. After '*e here tweet lie.
_.,_.:Xnattier -.p,mt.tgttrm tR-*nrFn; one -++;c•, a Hour Ia.ard. eye find a
fault by snhiti'ntlug en,eihe•r: or mix- plate held down by knit a don•n
f31tIn2-w,vmp terms for .•thee- 5? -'l$4414-_ s.'Fe'w•* to n I*'ll-hon 1If . \lane en -
tog . swing up by a rt 111.1.11 mean.. gine netJuxt meats must M• mail, .Lown
sono, , •.e5x one ,•an le. cured of slicing it the engine compartment,
nn, react,e it
by t ing rlo• Duo 0f the club in. Is prnetieally Impolite F.ttthe
Tllis kill � -' ,;fautt by part to be moved wit howl
awbs1; 1',sg another. aid dew not covered with grecs,•.
'chatter, the $stmt' act 1111. The titre One of the *Rt'.•s,it for comfort-
4.*•a ta,t go to the—Fite of the -matter able 111111ng Is 1'e hint the pedalo
*let eMtlnbl only Iee retortP,l to In ex- propwriy naljustoo to the• tengfh of the
trAtgtia ''x'•• awl then muall7 .t+ a driver** leg. .'::uiy ,t titan has driven
amides d toetorh$R Confuted e• which for yen rs wit 1i el; I, flowing what mitt
•ft so`onetline.,tees. pedal comfnr' i It ;alt x rv•.nit that
Tin tt,it 111' sigh: elbow ix he emerge. • i1? Anil sere from the
r10arhe Io a•tha •,lv Int tit• drlver's went after every trip. it' In
+I 1'.l t Intt 1 I. nae-* ) a o - t_..seat-
cnn-e ,.f n gr. - tweeter
so. dirt. hat the 'symps make' any 1, 1nl Jn+t the t p'
tun, tot• va.ply .lit'. rod. .an 1)111411, for the parson who Is 1n drive
ells 4,„ ighi i,.. made
hat with Rossi play the car And this clmagr eau
ars lr. • rtghl en "r„ slit.. around the by the ear levees. or en, garagenet n
around. 1,1.• left 111n1t-r noes well ill a very fees mt11111e+
I _ad lit, 14e heft e,e• Ie•nds well In. here 1x another newt in air- mod.
awl the lett arm a. :nun* xtritghtnews, ern )tsar- a ..•1r ,c;c atoms' .17 In -
end the pus..., s. �elon kly trite to stollen by anemia* at wilteh t • gaao-
duplirete all..., Ih1w,+ HP may nue- lige teak eau b• detainee tl„'ll rime
' little iodoform-vaseline ointment
er.me of the /1 11/1114t• applied. This `ointment le composed
of one Part of lodoform and doe parts
of vs' I1 d fig
Med sold jet llle t`�Ilt M anything to hese to deet r1/t of water a'nF 4111
MIt * R cal vwdR•a Il these polo(* that, itta•ettaldy e011tata.
are 44.41 um. a.o rwhlg. end Anoti1, r. t's*•l1 Io. for I.':, sirs l 011
ndt nl•aesa•irl� w• nt I. ily Oiler*, tato wh4n 11es 1nhri••int '**
4,11111•xtstp stnitsh” " the Mat atm 1*• pn.tel 14)11, s tunnel `lu.•1, ipecac
the wuule awing on', •n1 read- tions an .he +tcerintt tears• ('rink-
*rl.d lifeless. The tbtng is to ease, traaamf*stun, would aee„look.
2 Cans Tomatoes, 2's 3,for 25c
2 Cans Cocoa for ...25c
Good Canned Corn for.....IOc
Good Canned Peas for I5c
Package Dates .. 10c
A Nice Assnrtnte,llt of Cakes
at pe�ib
A Nice ice of Plain Cakes,
••• • 15c
Special in l'uotard Powder,
3 tins for • 2:i(.
Saidesa_.-Ctt`tuf;a 35c bottle
for •a.
10c Amtnoaia, Ap, for laic•
21 Bars g.xld v1Mhi „ml)
J. 3• McEwen
Phone 1e; and a ' '' ct•ei then,
to astir
.• ne, an Is very ectfve In
; kiiling the grubs. The grys an be
readily nqueesed out of the lamps at
the proper time and should be de-
stroyed to prevent their flirt/kir
development and thus leesea the
Bamber of flies for the cnnling'siuta-
mer. It these precautions and elm -
pie measures were carried out'by
cattle owners each winter the occur-
rence of warbles would be largely
overcome, and a needless lose avoid-
ed which In the aggregate Is very con-
' sid^fable as It involves Toss of con-
dition, lessened milk production and
damage tb the hides.-- c. D. Mc-
faivray, Principal Ontario Vetorlo
...., (.,drys usueiaa_ .
Durant Car
Just a real good Car
at Leaside. Ont.
Agent for Goderich and
J. G. Cameron
colds and simple. fevers—In fact they
relieve all the minor Ills of Ilttle ones.
Concerning them Mrs. Noise Cadotte,
Makamik, Que., writes "Baby's Own
Tablets are the best remedy in the
world for little ones. My baby suffer-
ed terribly from indtgesttbou and vWm-
lting, but the Tablets soon set her
right and now the is in perfect
health." The Tablets are sold by
box from The Dr. Willlatu. Medicine.
medicine dealers or by mall at 25c a
l'o., Brockville, Ont.
Metrical Cootraetor
Agent for Blue Bird Washing
Maclaine. Choice line of Electric-
al Fixtures carried in stock.
Old Colborne Hetes Corner
Pbone 251
Auto Electric and
Battery Service Station
1 am opening up a shop un-
der the above name in the old
Star Theatre Stand, corner of
Colborne street and Square,
specializing along the follow-
ing lines
Battery Repairs on all 'sakes
Battery Charging
Overhauling of Igsitioe, Start-
ing aad Lighting Systems
New Batteries Asti Electrical
Accessories in dock
Car owners are invite' to call and
so.. my Battery charging Plant and
if y�•.tr battery fade to keep up, get
&duce and .atuuatee.
IL JANE, Manager
Choose your Tires and Tubes
from our selected stock of
Goodrich and
The best is the cheapest in the
long run.
Hamilton St. Goderich
the Beat Car
Could Become.
"Universal Car."
Second Car
is a
We Sell and Serve Fords
Ford G.erage
Hamilton 4t. Godericll Oat
Phone 253 - for priors and
IN _
Used Cars
West Street
Easy Payment Pia:;
Call and See Theft
Four ReaEons kyr You
Should Buy "a Prest-O-Lite
Standard equipment on the majority of
Canadian-Luilt Motor Cars.
100 per -'cent. Canadian -made frorn raw
material to -finished battery.
More than 800 Service Stations in Can-
The oldest service to motorists in
North America.
East Street t:;tratre
Goderich Phone 243
Weed. Versos R'heat.
ftarweed r movtrona the 11
1.6 pounds .f nitrogesen and thres0e
;rounds of pt, ,vplorlo acid fur easy �;..
ton of weed ., wl,:Ic the sante wei;kt
of wheat i• grab a d straw rewires
•►y 12.2 pounds or nftrogea and 2.A
.ode of phoepe *lc arid. one ton
such wheat is Pquivai ma to a
1., bushel crop.
Warn) water, green feed and bit
+ones boost the egg g+todactIon.
Tire Quality
— Never Better
-- Lowest of the Low
unlop Tir
Dunlop 1922Ili* cal,