HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-6-1, Page 5b There is no more cherished mem- ento of kW, wedding than the pl,uGr- graph of the bride and her bridal party. Plans for the newt exclusive wefdinge always include tlw photo- graphs h ,to.. graphs taken by tat. - Tin SIGNAL _ QODUIO8, ober, ,4 Mee" , , , .1 It la Now "Bays• Hoye" this week were the steamer Itflytun with 195,000 bushel/ of wheat and 84,000 bushels of oats for the Itlg Mill elevator; the Steamer (lledlvet with 130,000 bushels of wheat, and the ateamrr 1'ateenier with 210.000 hush• els of wheat and oats, tenth for tlw Galerlch elevator. • este it fh ' hrC'tTlir' The %Fal rigid on n Goderich for ao many yearn b, Mr. H. C. Hays will helmet° n be cote ducted by Hays & Hays. This change in name is made ut+ceelrry as the moult of the recent decision of Mr. It. C. Hays, jr., to aaouciate himself with his father. Gud- erich'm moat recent addition to the legal fraternity is one of her native eons and The signal is glut to welcome haw to the Guianese community. ylr. Hays, jr., graduated from liud- erich Culk iate Inetitute in June, 1914, and in the following September he enter- ed upon his Arte course at Trinity Col - Ie e, Toronto. 11'hen the tjtteem',t Dan Rifles (later known as the 3•5th Battalion) commented the call in December for re- cruits for service 4n the Herat %Van, Mr. Hays was among the number who answer- ed tlw call. lir went overseas in the Spring of 1I10, and transferring to the 2.111 Battahun went to France the follow- ing winter. He was on the firing lipeun-' til September, 1010, when tar a hen he NOP wou del at Courtelette during the big drive at the Somme. After remaining in hospital for over a year lie returned to Canada, and eventually rt•sunnd'his studio* at Trinityy College. tiratuating in 1920 he " eliatt•ly couamencet his course it (lego de Hall which work he completed suet:irefully about a month ago. Luring him studies in law Mr. Hays secured rac- Head ex) erientv in the"dice 01 Mr. J. 'SI.- 1)uff, Toronto. e Bea/oat-Lynn A veru quiet wedding was "solemn. Med In M. Peer's church on Saturday Morale/ when Mina Iletia Lyun, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Lynn, of (loderleh. was tinned In matri- mony to Mr. Wlu. !Maisie', of (•alerich. arm of Mr. and Mrs. e. Yr. Alan Moore, of Albert College, elk'' "n. of Clinton. Tlw ceremony Belleville. la in. town fur the pumater. was performed by Hew Father Guam. The bride wore a *Furan! travelling suit of nary blue trlcotlne with hat to nultlh. lehe was attendwl ty Mise Mary Hussey, wh,, wore a fawn Binet and white uilIuh hat. .Mr. Win. Farr acted es groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. iG•acom then left on the 6 o'clock train for a ehurt honeymoon. after which they will reside In Goderlch for the BUS SERVICE RATE : THREE CENTS PER MILE TIME TABLE : Kitchener, Stratford and Goderlch Lwpr ♦.m p -m NO/ aro N.1:4 e. I' 5.•', 1-A 9.1.113 401 9.20 4,11 9.00 4.0 10.4161 .5 0. 10.16 • .• Leave •.m. 10.10 wtti 11 114 11.7 Stratford-God•ricl Stratton! P.". asbrla Ill. )I Iielrl l I ibtlu tleatnrth -. Clinton Holm..ollle South Pt.. Ualerleh Ste•atgerd-Kitchener Stratford 1'. 4,. Shakespeare New II•,,,hurg Sad., Prterstssira Kit. teener. welt- r 11,,u - Ra'. a.40 (.as x prevent. Anile I Presentation On Eve Of Marriage .m I •.m, am. On Friday night Mr. Walter Buchanan, i) in honor of his approaching marriage 1 1.ym was the guest of honor ata supper given i'I Al. JR number._of friends Ptttdwasprossnted-+ old Law of Supply and Demand a:ar .111rtit a tea wagon. Those assrtet4•d with 7a) the presentation were Messrs. J. A. Law- . In Regard Te Tea rence, E. G. Colborne, 11'. 1'ra ig I ,.K. The supply- of t, a in the work) tn- Platt and [)Fahey Hobites. Mr. Buchanan day is very Mudie less than the •cuu- A ri left on Satunlay for Chicago, where- , nstaidly tni•rete ing demand. The recent Wednesday of tide week Ge was to be! reduction of tour 1? !' t per pound of married to Miss. Cora Washington, 14 thea u[y ua tea euterlug England, former Goderich girl. Mr. Harry Buch- wlikh 1s by Gtr the largest tea con- anan accompanied his brother to Chicago. -uming country- in the world, has bud practuior which, Inas been car- I..0 J. M LILLOW Stratford, Phone 799-j E A. LILLOW Godench Phone 347 Miss Florence Mituhey 104 frl.•u.l.ii in Toronto. DEACON MOWJJ Mt'sgs • • • ChIIdred are taught that if they tell Iles no our will believe them even when they tell the truth, but the real guilt of lying Iles la the fact that we helieve nine tenths of what we hear no matter Who tells it. Insurance Ion Plait Glottal* The focal cantle of the Prudential Life Insurance Company wait Railton*( last Saturday by a vildf frog the I)1s. triet Superintendent, Mr. Roland N. Barker, of Stratford. Mt. parker saw accompanied here. by Mr. Chas. E. Smith and Mr. John M. Stevan, of the Classic City. Mr. Arthur H. Gibbs. of Mitchell, and Mr. Ray R.- Cools. :Cools. of Clinton. After disposing of their huslneaa with the memt.ere of the local staff -Mr. Norman K. 31o. Leod. assistant Superintendent. Mr. Harry 0. Sturdy, and Mr. Grenville It. ('lark -and following luncheon' the+ party engaged a motor Ispat and welt fishing, a pleasant afternoon tieing spent on beautiful Lake Hutton. Thy visitors returned home the game even- ing after having enjoyed every minute _of the time spent in Golerich.. Tbnr day, June 1, 1972.-5 THE FIRST DRAFT PERSONAL MENTION Statlexdng Committee of Landon Meth- odist Conference Makes Report Following Is Ow Its[ of changes made in the G4slerlch and ol'higIiim districts - In the Aret Brett of *tattling at the London Methodist Conference : Goderleh Markt Golerlth, Victoria street -John W. Haney, M. .A., R. D. Se'afurth-R. Fulton Irwin. I[olme,t•ille-Hector N. McTavish. Nile -_lames 3 I'earwtn, It. A. Iteumlller-Wallaace H. Moi'. Auburn -Percy S. Raines, H. Walton -George ]I. Clayton. • Varna -Arthur .1. 1.4114'. Winslow Maria Kincardine -Arthur W. Barker, 11.I), Lucknuw•-J. H. Osterboui, i1.A.,ILI11, Ethel-Sulumnu 11'. Hann." M..t.,11.1). Forlwlch-Archibald 5f'Klbteu. GurrI,' -Frei) E. ('lysitale. Wroxeter -Albert .1. Holmen, itluevnl.•-Jahn W. Dutton. Ripley -Harold Willkns. Arnww-Tu lie supplied. Going out from r (:olerich dlstri., are Rey. J. F. lteye•raft. to First church. London; Rev. E. W. Edwards, to Listowel: Rev. H. Hoyle. to Munk- teu r Rev. H. Kennedy, to Muriwth : Rev. A. E. Manson, to 011 City; lief. .1. Button. to Bluevale, and Itev. J. L. Faster, to Fingal. Bogie-Farrlsh,-On W Y d n 0 s +1 a y evening. May 17. elle marriage wara_w.1 e'mnlzed at I.et•luu•n and Inion manse, Fait ,greet, G,Klerlch. Ly Her. James Hamilton: of Leslle Ethelbert, .son of Miss Recta Worell and Mims Jean ' McLeod, of Southampton. Spent the week -rad In town, the guests of Mrs. J. H. Worsen. id IMO Nellie Colborne went to Lon- don last Thurwlay to attend the gradu- ation of her brother 1)r. Harry t`ol• borne on Friday. She went on to Toronto where she is visiting friends. Summer Tour Fares 'The ('a11ndaan Pacl&• are offering' rs)eed Sumw..r Tone Fare. this year Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bogle, arra( Eliza- einem •uciug .lune 1st, to practically beth Margaret, daughter of Mr. and • all psdut:. Golerlth to Banff. 'Cab Sirs._ John Farriah. ..ill of Colborne Bary or Edmontoh._Elf1.311:and to 1' township. The Vile was'th'ra' !Wenn'. i ""miter, 1'h•turia, Seattle, or Tacoma, Canadian Patine Timetable Leave Goderlch 0.00 0.111 and 1.25 p.m.; Guelph M.40 a.w. mud 4.14 p.m.; I arrive at Toronto 10.25 a.m. and 6.20; p.m.; Hamilton 11.1() a.m. and 5.15' p.m. Direct connections at Guelph Jue•tlon with through train*. for Galt, 11'oodstock, Chatham, Landon, Detroit. ('hl. -ago and New York. Hot Weather Goods Who makes a Picture fair to view, And photos bright and clear can de, And make the smile upon the face To sit thereon with courtly grace ? SALLOWS _ ii 1litii► 1 mT !f e2.. Train Service To Toronto ' DAILY EXCEPT SIINDAY Ingly gowned In cnek satin end royal (bash.. *111.115. Thesie tickets are good.. blue georgette and wire LI la/11'k Tns- for [nivel on Canada's famous train. a deldelly stimulating'effect on cum• 1.311 hat. The young ...mph. are held the '•Trans4'311114111 1.11114(4 ' and are visiting' stimlrtinn. It is extwete+i that thio 111 high esteem by the Whsle eelnllw- good for stopover at any point en 1 fn,1lwr dem:ui41 w force the price_ of l ley whose lest wishes go with them to rout.: going or r,talrrolng.. Fur any tea still higher. - - tlwir new hum. s,II Kenya suede, , length of -tine within the final return and • ' How about that idle Cafnera of yours ? Bring it;itl- o tllr we will inspect it free of•charge._ Then yon-tap-ba'va--# loaded with .4n EASTMAN FILM is we cafry sii (lies, fibmsor packs, and our stock is always fresh. After .yon have shot aft- the pictnres-tmng the exposed films to iuw4or developing ant printing._ Our work is prompt, results good, attd prices right "Try Our Drug Store First- ` CAMP LL'S DRUG STORE P,tone Qo'_ :_ - The Square RE: INVESTMENT OF FUNDS SEIM We ()•t n 10.1 Offer : $25.000 Cy of Wi'dsor 5 1-2 per tot loads Mithl ilg Stri,Vi{- Fro' 1928 to 1946 e • F1nr the investor wh•i wants security cnml,ined with ' :•trket- nhility and- an attract ire interest return, we t wftesitntinp;'y sug- gest these bowls. - ILo:.ler: of short term -L';lids Will }'e well lv:-e:1 to v::clnnge',ttch la ildings-for this issue. Hoh'.ers of Ions, - r:n \'ict,,r• or Provincial B•mds eau make eeclt'tngcs that i!1 ,,,atiy lent'then the terns of their investinent while nu.tkin.; an actual prciiiit (;l the trade. _ - Yoe. 4urtluer information see. (i,xlrllrh, liwlt, 1htuls•r alsr. , For tickets. reservaatinns and full in - Our Successful lea, fnrnaatiuil a. to Fixate.. ete.. aptly to The animal meeting of the Ladies' '•('a11adinu l'aralfc Ticket 4)410'.', vurner Our Club Membership Is Aid of Alexandra Marine awl General The and 1i'4Nr start. Golrrlch. Rapidly increasing Hospital was held in the (01110il' , . clamber on Friday, May 26th. The Miss (twee. Colborne Is home from treasurer rcis,rted that the total r.•- Tirunto for a few days. 11, +r'A drtraotr w.• Clews. 1'n ss eelp t for the year waa. 519.4.12, while and Repair(tloti4r-at very re,,- the 1.it.,l expenditure amounted to 11 eiir-ttlili• },iitx+. lN•ca,aar wr d„ *1.1740),, leaving a balance un haus( of SUFFERED SO tlr-t•4 11.* work. f +IN.7,2. of which 112:x) was ince:te,i in I,J Find •.141 about it Victory Donde. As the tioetety has been In existence only a year. ite AUCH HER RAIR the wise to make no change In the - officers. A motion to that effect mess therefore. passed. As reassistant SrEtta TURNED GRAY eretarw w•hehed h, retire., • ilss Ettn'I SaultS was appointed to the position.! The next meeting le to be -held on Monday. June 5, and the annual meet.' ng of else e)olpdete executives "n I iurswlay. June 6th. Winnipeg Woman Became As Weak London ('anlp Juror 1': to Jute 20 word ha- en from lliliti. he., .l•lan.rtir-. Lival.n,. Th„( 1IIl I:alt:1Uou is aro to camp from .1' 1'214. to ,411, Sat London. All men wit- :- 1s1E.444-u4,11o4. adi,.:ak1 couun,uuliate '4 i::a Main: 1''lulup or Captain $turd'- ranee*, Qui ity Cleaners and Prefers '4\', `s'a:h:+iil,...1'lu,re, (; •Ierich Fascinating Miilinery Mats that\'will delight you with their- sheer beauty and clear individuality, all the unusual style touches LEBURN As a Child From Stomach Trouble. 1s Now Picture of Health and Has Gained 15 Pounds Wryer w'.uid T,are-F. vw •any :n dt fa.• o•i'd - brlmf ub,.:u sn,•h n ,e ns Trau;ae has done In to,. LF:1:11 RN. Maw 3L -The 11 rAng,• "1?.•." =Std harry (tray. of 120 ftryce men's far Leehittu pit. iL..W'innipeg, alanitoc,.. - ttn• uu nith of .inur arc as fol "For many yca•rs sty- w'Ire suffered 1,11r.: JunJune4. :.t 11 a.m., li"v. Mr, from stomach troulde' artist bilious At- I'uot.•, ei t:v• Ter •fou.• 1). at 11 A.m.. tneks, which. of late, wet-, wr rtnte'nt \i r. '•.. .li!:er. ..1 lily -(h: 11111''an rp 1g, at that -le' had to, tubel cur two or in or and 1 m g..4, \(r. T-'IIran(. u: InytL:.tl ee,lla,s rat -a time. Jibe could hor,I i2. ', atraty, fes and n:, \b 1.4,4,., s mohair.• Joioa_•a. at it o: Eat --Ty twit omitting and sur to he vert a I a. •ud4JRe, thin and .1- , n- •, chill She had ige•h tenni( elle- and-ufreted. They are the season,'3 184- , . s•. dreadfully .411 .4( 1'.ough sell(11 yoiug est fag ►f bi ns in the fiove!iest llyt rhe w /e 'I'nm}x, has lieliovl iter 111 t0r.t'ut(`tt colorings, sime with flower i -Thy TIWSrt1' Is"11 "'rrlstb- 'W4' "0.b1-ltdkeit-nw PrrarnsemeMs far of, W4313111. (h. a.,s a *. •niyytle trimmings, others with '}," r',d. • ' hnreh 4)4:4 .1) for the month fuel itas nn treilhb n 1th ' of .T'tc.' nr• se fellows Juno. 4. Mr. hlito,rs-IIttit.k-er'lii , tielu•s-- She has ornaments and ribbons. Exeter: jolt,- 11. Mr. •g,tined fifteen po,it..I lu weight and -r Rlvth: Jane 1a, Rrr. J..l tit,. plcttiri of health. We Melt t' i4. -, of fhwlcri,•h: -Innis 25. Mr. -4111.1e '11I4Jae l5 the tlnewt mefllcinr Im t.'., ef ''cmonrlvill.•. Each service the v rld." •villi • ', 1 nt 3 p.m. '1.ullc_tr sold' I,y all-good744'4;gti+ts, (,(►11EftfCH HIRBOR You are cordially invited to inspect our stock. O. F.--CA-REY ----SON--- I3ank ei Conttnerce Rldg. Phan l IVIIS$ MacVIC 4I1'1ed fr.•et L 12 ,.i f ' grunt Smelt [(mora In on- - lu epnline° 1)4,. rnvenen,,,t tungsten at. Goderlell t4ae , _ .h*tAnlial exps'mt;,4ttr shuinlrl ---- he • ,4 I. there.",A - . , -'three. whn a flt(1.• ...tiler hod -- _ - i :he (•i'mmittce in moving. ing. un - se nll7. for reduction 1.r half•of a s.. Item fat u)gtlti ',e_let± Ja 31114_ ' inn-wk'k hartw,r rip.; Hi ere vice ••;tnllengi'd by 11"illi.uu Don - 'mac) - On (dip srr,rk-_of hemp THE COLaoFlt N= 1 A lovely range of Voile Ureses in VOiie Dresses -Tight and dark colors in floral design and in all sizes. ranging in price from 55.00 to S 12.00 each. These are House Dresses made from the Children's Dresses, in all sizes Ginghams in blue and pink checks choose from, at S1.49 up. wonderful values. finest Ginghams in pinks and blues, $2.7"t ca. from three to fourteen years, made from and plain colors. Many different styles to A very Targe range of Middy Blouses in plain Middy Blouses- hite or white with either blue or red trimming in either straight or regulation style at $1.49 and $1.69 each. Middies made from unbleached middy cloth, in all sizes, trimmed with blue on collar and cuffs and emblem on sleeve at 51.69 each. HOSE Lada ,' Lisle Hose, in white only, in sizes s n 9 to 11 , reduced to 39e a pair. they are real values. Ladies' Silk Hose, in all sizes, in black, at 98c a pair. Ladies'Rbbed Top Hose, in all sizes, in black, navy, brown, white, loud and sand, at $1.85 and $1.95 a pair. not object to nay 'expenditure •'1's and harbor.. i i nny part of it. 1 'vhern tha-.o.s jaelitura dna war - Ito replied. "1 hare. however. ..1,ierte41 to money h.•ing vota1 wlthotlt I' rli:1ment know•lhg-ho4', it Is to be ex -1 ',her . '.rnum Sinleoltii (Libera1. North( -e) agreed that (totlerich harbor alrl be Improved.' 1t was nue of the i:reat- dietrihntiog i°'iuts en i.ake 1luran. 114:114a11ot rat present eultalde ns a harbor of refuge. red the (tovern- , mint wnul.l he wile In e•tnbTPUi such n harhni' al Lake Ilona Mr. ftinck closed, the dismission by 1 rs•iauirking: "1 ",la not alwnys agree wltlu mp honorable friend from North Wellington. hut 1 insist that n larger ane,• should be pla'.41 In the estimates Ln• (hslerich l,,rinrr Fenn Is provided." PEOPLE'S CO'twill 'FRE REST.11 RANT 1111,.% To The Editor -.et Tf„' slyest. heir Sir.-- At n dieting of the ere: '•nt1ie of the ('itl.on•' Roelof Merviee 1..^rgn,• nn \[otr.lty'j: 013.1111112• the s eerm- r . WAuskel t+ weep 1!. the bald -t'; ''wf- fr- wT•Ff(mrrit-iltairlt* nt the Net :ne'1OIC of the trwn cumuli '' 4.a riiiog nu/ nftie•r of the• lora *no -Wee-reported-try a lei .,..4 Clef 1Iw Tights in a reetnnrant ane Sunday even- ing and to have sent 041) n party of tenet+tit who were bring served. The fw1-3,0 otThp (mite Ara The,*-: Tlm.nfll- er, oh rpmpinint of pmrnnts Whose boys tool 'been iwlnlgiwg in late hours And late Itlleht'. at the rest:lwrafnt. notified the prnprletee thiot he was sli,ln1lir the ibylaw, white.. fixed 4)i,' hors tar restanranta trim! 9 *4.111 t.. 0 p.m. un Sunday. Afrar this h.• futotxt -w.,...rt,, .if--vm1Tttt tstrz-In the restaurant after hours and omit n, i and w•arnel rte' preiprleler iTInf he 1 would lay a Charge ag:iln.: him if h„' rnntlnnod to dlarrg„rel iho Ishii. No tourists were there and the .,f4'rr r1l,1 , not tarn nR the lights. Ile sura",(," ,1'.1 hie duty rand should he enmme',I..I ' Ms .fnithfelnee.. trusteed of hcis_ chamdi na Ryrged nhs(•rivatiodin'.itiirtr1* foynd that reel tourists seldom, if ever. frcqnemt tit» restenr:rats after r) n'elnek nn Sitnelr rrening. not yo„rig hogs and r''' 4an tx' 10,11,1 there and their p.'nrs enmpta in to the nMN'rt n ,, H ) bylaw n•ns p•,heel only fen n -r ynlira nfn. . !'manly ;I:isitIni°;:nevflIonil In- it ens r•nno)4prar`'.1'' Al legttln,'4.' !rarrye p"aTpwal t henrdofasprealtor• venten,-M by the tle-T of the rr'atanr. 1 anis at w p.m. ns',tnrlAy, i We wnnhl e.,<r sr that the Riven tnnn, ll In mn•''-Frac any nmtndmcnt to the hyla^ 'nld that the• 000r set to [tat f,, nn. that any extension 4S tl ya,r M• llmitrd to the tnnr- ;,.r) that Thit(lirn alntl41 is• a'rnlr when neenm;MlMed lly n 'oramrpiarllan. tl'', attk p. Mr. Editor, for ,4u4r (• ,,r•r in publishing this. A. M ROI1F;RTSGX. c. r 4111ftlnlis' fine("( Merrier League. lerteh, Nifty a1st, 1922 Lvw (ebde•rich .. 0-(10 a.m. _ :n p• Sin. Clinton -.. .. 44.25 '• _.1! Sisaforth . ... 0.41 1.12 " • " Mitchell .......... 7.(4 " . 3.42 •• ArrStratfonl.. 7,311 •' ' "4,10 " hitalwe'r. 2222. M,244 " 5.:0 •• "' Guelph M.45 , j' N.501 Toronto ... 10111 •' 7.41) RETURNING - Leave Turodtt, 0.;:i0 a.m., 1_!51f p.m. and' 0,111 Parlor Cafe [jar G,ilrrith to Toronto on morning train and Toronto 4o t.,slericl, .lh p.m. train. Parlor Buffet tear pint; font to 1'un.nto "n afternoon train: For 11111 particulars as to tickets, etc., apply 6. F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS - own Agents Phone a" Everybody's doing it by getting their Household Furniture at Harold Blackstone's Furniture Exchange West Street IOn The lir-a.! .it f 0. eerie( Bargains in everything for the home. Why pay more This, is your store. Drop hi any time. "msom.nniw Invisible Real Hair" - CAP SHAPE Warranted to .be abso= listerri sanitary, hand made, of finest real human hair. Single Mesh -2for ,a Double Mesh - 2kit ...... 15c 25c 20c 35c SUITS Every Suit in the store.reduced mu below cost to clear quickly. They range from $15 to $30 each. They are made from tricotine, serge end gabar- dine. If you need a suit this is a real opportunity to buy at a low price. Cause For Comment Bol) -••i aryl afrai.l, dear. we shall not be able to afford a eervxnt 11(1s.-- "Mit. 140h. whit( will the neightmrs say when they se4• tug htv own wnrk 7 Roe-'•11'hv. darlh"l: ' TC hop, ,v„rk IMB Silleiti. No Spraying •o Small Jost Swallow a Capsule -M RAZAI-[ Is Guaranteed b reatave normal breathing, stop mora • pallet -pallet -Inv in the bronchial tulles, give long nights of quiet sleep; cartaim an bahit-foe ,'AR drug 1111 .05 at Tout ci gist's 1 rel free at our egewcies or Taarpl.reos, 14) kin, W., T 1' '41 h1 H. C. W1 USE RAZ -MAH 1 Picnic Plates, Wax Paper, Picnic Sets, Paha Leaf Fat. Leave a place for a leek is your Picnic Basket We have a large number of real Good Books in the Popular Eakin at :,5c Also the new Copyright Books Freshen up the inside of the house so you will enjoy comr inp; into it after being outdoors by Buying Pertrr's Wall Paper sold of Most Reasonable Prices PORTER'S The Best of Anything g is always ,the most economical and we carry the best materials. F.H. MARTIN Tailor C- SAVINGS 'ROBINS ON Men's ork Trous- ers, Wor Shirts, Underwear, veralls 75 Pairs Men's Nark Trousers Made from tv.rr'te,1 ,;aisit'cot ton tweed in dark gr.•y an.1 '(nowt' tweed, Sizes :i.4 to 44, t„ ,;;car at $1.75 • 10 Dozen Men's Work Shirts Black and white, all si 'ear at 95c Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers .911 • t, dear 11 69c 10 Dozen Men's Overalls Regulation I:11) style, made :rpm relidble blue denim, all sizes, to clear at $1.45 The Rexall Store If. C. DunlopM. ROBINS Phone 1 Bedford Block II (I BOY SCOUTS and OWL (iUIBES Also Your Mothers and Fathers The hot tutaaaaa dgswitl roto t tie n ith us. .BE PREPARED • G4. to beam efs,l and enh,fortnhle 3s1,.' --i 114, sports and recreations t.. ,brat y njoy y., s the Mil extent. see that yon Ret a pair of light. easy camas -h••e tliesortment of these hot l..'- ;.•, .. Nplel 4, l wonkf like to show Weather 'rat,s•itie'-. and pm... ::1r dos n. \\ yon the celel,rnhd , - i(FLEEtr FOOT" BRAND of conning and eport she any apart, And ter vie 'q'' a slew lilt (eery. , r ! the 1aMilr, every oecaaiun. SEE OUR WINDOWS ' ' Rr✓J SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE