HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-6-1, Page 4I1
ill•-'Aaranay, June 1,
ST. AI•GUSTINE. Ma7 /3. -Mr. J.
W. Boyle was la Goderk h on Friday.
Godertch on Friday.
Messrs William Cameron and Tom.
Blair, of Pine River. visited at Willtam
McAlllster's on Saturday.
church on Sunday at the usual hour
of 2.1O p. . r r
The •,Ashseld Ladles' AW will bold
their annual garden party on Wtdnee-
day evening. June 7th, at the home of
Samuel Cooke, (travel road. Don't
mhos 1t. It Is going to tw one of the
season's best : hasetall game, Rt.
Helens vs. Belfast : a first-class pro-
gram will be given. The "Prtnee'ss
Mr. Victor Johnston. ix home from I Pats" orvheetre will Iw to attendants..
Toronto. I Talent from Westfield. Lucknow. Clin-
Mtaa Betsy McAllister visited Lon- ton and other places. You can't af-
ea excellent nipper wlM ars served.
irl np. en Monday.
r. and Ura. Thomas Robinson. of
Marnoch, visited at J. Thompewn's re-
Ur. and Mut. John Shanahan and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shanahan. of
Clinton. visited at J. W. Boyle's one
day Let week.
Mr. Johnston of Blyth was pressing',
hay In thla vicinity this week.
Mrs. John Thompson visited Auburn
Menne Let week.
ford to miss it„ for hest. but not least,
BELFAST. May -Ba .ehall- Cue-
low at' Belfa* ane 15.
Quite a nn h from here attended
the nitrate In ,nhn Andrew's grore on
Msy 24th in ald of Ow "Toils Hoye."
All report a good time
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Coaens and Kath-
leen are attending Conference Hsi.' MAITLAND CON.
week in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Sherwood see!
visiting friends to Durham this week. MAITLAND Njt (CONCESSION. May
Mr. and Nva. Rey Atura and It✓seronto. is
roily and Mins Rae Alton spell thee I .,
2-Mlas Verna Oiler. of To
' -'
24th flatting friends in Galerkh. '!ending a few weeks Under the par -
Don't 'forget the garde party lin entel nett
Wednesday evening. Jar 7th. The Mr. F. Durst ..is visiting with hie
"Pr1av sg Pal''." ur-h.-,1 r* w Ill lw .brother. J. "l`. Dur't, near Lyle. Ont.
there. ('one and hem( them. l Miss Mid* Hardy- spent the week-
Mlss Mary Phillipe is flatting- h„v euxl with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Stevens.
a later, Mra. Tom. Fergne son. at pees- air. A. Gtxxl is up this way with the
ent. , grader this week making some mush
This community was .t.ph• sadden- needed huprovemeuts.
el when It was learned last Saturday The baseball team Is holding regular
morning that Mrs. Raymund Fiunigrpn prnetiees tem- in preparation for the
eformerly MIs. Rehr Twamley..ha.l s''asro's fun.
passed to the Great iteyond. We extent
our deepest ernipatlly t.. Raymond.'al 1
to the bereaved parents and broth.'
Friday night saw the ensuing time ecrLRerltNC.. May 22- Mr. James
of the Maitland l.et ne 11.-r.• wa•.•a . }aliott. of Nile. has a carload of cem-
the Dungannon team put up n $MITC en, at M.'(iaw. . •
game in order to• try to defeat the lo- The new' Central office at Carlow
cals. While the aeon. *as I1-10 in fa- was raised last week and a cotter !r
vor of the home team, the game was ex- being put miller the house. The work
ceptieually 0040 nod feu inning, were is being dune by the subscribers of tlw
net'es.ary to break the tie. being mnnlctiwal telephone. -
out when the winning run was srorel. • Mrs. (:en. ('wrry. sr.. is visiting her
A gaol cr,nvd was present and 1'm -daughter; Mrs. Jno. Vgan.
piree W. Stewart and H. Robertson ,Veltman.Veltman. Mr. and Mrs. Will reason anti sou
int^e good satisfe-iron to Isoth Ovum; Jack. of G/xl.•rtch.-`ispent Sunday with
Ie home1.•am !,1:1,* of ('•ei•1.ev AVM-; Mrs. ('hns..11lin. -
legates. Mai 31st. ;rine batteries were , Mr. and Mrs. Gen. A. /lean and
I as follows : Home team -Roy Irwin ,children. of Auburn. spent Sn11day
1 lolly Cooke: visitors --J. Auder- with Mr. and Mrs. (;e•o. ltean. sr.
on and C. Trelenren, ' i Our pastor. Rev. H. F. Kenntrly.
' in the ah.cnee of our motor. Ref. sports a new Sedan ear.
Mr. Cos•us. who is att•juting t'onfer- !k•ath of John Sthvler. Another
*nee. the League and . h0ir will take pinnce• , his gope,lo the p•rs..44 of John
charge of the -.1.. i, • in Ha.•kett's' Snv,h-r, who died at Ins rtsldeute In
PARAMOI'NT, May 24.-M.lrs Olive
Terrlff, of Whitechurch, Is the guest
of her aunt. Mrs. Jack Henderson.
MIAs Victor Thorburn Is in Tiverton
the week on account of the illness of
her graudfatber. Mr. Jas, Wilkie.
Miss Mary Struthers Inas returned
to Lucknow after vlsitiug Paramount
The Miners Pearl and Hasel Hay-
ti.•ard are Intending a few days with
friends at Ethel.
MiGs Catherine MacLennan. of Lie k-
now. Palled 00 Mende during the
Mrs, W. Henderson. of lateknow
..peed--ILnndaf the guest of Mr. uud
Mrs. Jar. Stanley.
Clinton on May 19th. In his eighty -
Serval' year. Mr. Snyder was horn b •
Waterloo county and in his young
manhood dupe followed his trade as a
carpenter. In DOW he married Ice- I,
Iweca Baer and In 1M64 they moved'
to Colborne township and engaged In
farming on the farm now o eunlet by
ills gr nelson. Wm. Snyder. In lSMB l
be motel to the farm now owned by 1
his only sun. Levi. In POO he retired
from farming and moved to Clinton
In loos Mrs. .{nyder diel anal two 1
years Inter he married Miss May Agr
new who still surviving him. For over
thirty-five years he had been a mem-1
her of the Methellst church and held
some prumiut•nt offices In that body.l
He was a life-long Liberal In politlew.
Bum's of a retiring disposition he (wore
hig sufferings with a great degree of
fortitude and patience until like a
Sherif of ripened grain he eons garnered
in. ',1r. Snyder Is survived by his
i widow and two sisters. Mrs. Joseph
Hogey and Mrs. Samuel Itaer, of
Waterloo county: and 0110 son. Levi,
who Iiters on the lleitivwl road. Col-
borne tuwn.hip. The ftmeral was
held from his late r.s4dence in Clin-
ton to Colborne ectmetery on Sunday..
May 21st. Rev. Seforue Anderson. of
Ontario 'street church. conducted the
.o-rrtcr whish wee,. attended by a large
• number of friend.: null aelu:aiutanees.
Tlw pallbearers ceueststtd of his grand-
' WM*. Willie. Harvey and Stanley Sny-
to securing a good Aoki to play
lu. It was a pity. our consolidated 1
school was not in operation: as they
could then have a public place to use.
We understand our lays would appre-
elate some finauclal help, and anyone
wanting to beeouse a member may do
so AR a walnut! fee. Everybody join
and encourage this movement. ICtw•our-
age the young people to provide whole -
moue sport at home, .444(4 we will not ,
have trouble to keep thew on the
farms. It will also help to make the
cowmuulty wore attractive. Be a
Ixroster l •
, der and Fletcher Fisher. Friends
frim a distance attending the funeral
were : Mrs. Jessie Snyder. and Mr.
. Tweedie. of G.slerlch: Mr. and Mrs.
Finnigan, of Nile; Mr. and 'Mrs. Jos.
Agnew. of Lucknow: Mr. Malcolm
petttun, of Seaforth: Mr. and Mrs.
Abraaam Souder, Iawrenx•e Snyder,
Aaron Baer, and two sons. all of Pres-
ton. Ont.
-This township lost one of its native
sons and a highly respected resident
when Alex. Cox answered the final
summons on Thursday. May 11. as the
result.ot d paralytic stroke sustained Wwutodltp Ur. and
vls,nt two years ago. Mr. Cox was
born In_ Goderich township seventy-
eight years ago. H. was son of the THiN BLOOD
late John Cox. one of the pioneer res- ,
idents Of this township. He is 'survived
by his widow who was Miss Eleanor
McKee. and a family of four sons: Al-
bert: John, Herbert and Wilfred: all Need a Took to Enrich
of this township. He' also Is survived i
by three ,sisters: Mrs. William Walt- and Restore the 1'
ers, -of Colborne: Mrs. F.I. .tenkink.
Harrison, of Hayfield; Mr. and Mrs.
Scotchmer of Stanley: Mr. and Mrs.
Fred lturgewl, of ltrucefield; Mr. and
Mrs. James H. Harrison and Cecil, of
Kirkton, and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Tay-
lor, of Blyth.
ST. HELENS ' Lydia F.. Piltkkham's Vega-
ST. HELENS. May 23.-Iu the
death of Mre. Jaunt's Taylor of j
West %Vawanoah, who passed away
on Sunday morning, May 14th. at
the residence of her ern. Thomas 1t.I
Taylor, Huron comity ' lux lost one
of its oldest and highly respected rest.:
Idents of the vicinity In whkll she 1
lived. Born In Galerkh as May 31.
1`36. she heti almost reached her
eighty-sixth year. her whole life hay-
ing been spent within the county. She
leaves to mourn her loss uue sou.
Thos:as. and one daughter. Mrs. Gil-
bert \'put. of .tshtield, also wavy
other relatives. SO.- survived her late
husband over forte years. Mrs. Tay-
lor before her marriage WAS Ha1111t111
II:Irrisotl. ottly daughter of J:un• •
and Sarah Harrison, of t;odrrich
tow11slilp• lob -fluent took place
on Tuesday. May 161It, to Dun-
gannon cemetery, the' services being
evnadut•tel by her Dilator, lief. C. t'un1•
ming. of SL He ' u ulcer of
friends and rela Ivt.'uttendel the fun-
eral: The pall rs were six twphew-s
ofsthe deceased : ,Hue. H. Thomas and
Richard Harris. , Fred Burgess and
Ernie Townsend Among the ti Intl
tributes was a 1 nti(ul wreath from
the neighbors, a lulu of carnations
and fermi from thteacher stet pupils
of the .school al. , other bouquets.
Among relatives fug a distance were
Mr. and Mrs. Jam. Harrison: .tllerJ.
Richard. and (*Igen arrison, Mr. and
Mrs. Ugorge 1'roeto Mr and not
Ernie Towuseud. all
table Compound Helped
Where Other Medi-
cines Failed
Vancouver B. C. -"I took Lydia It
Vlnkham'a Vancouver,
Compound be-
eause 1 wu tired and run down. I
Iliad headaches and DO appetite and
Was troub;ed for two years with
sleeplessness. I tried many medl-
eines but nothing did me any real
good. While 1 was living in Waab-
Ingtoa I was recommended by a
friend to take the Vegetable Com-
pound. I am stronger and feel fine
since then and am able to do my
housework. 1 am willing for you to
use these facts as a testimonial."-
Maa. J. C. Gac..vca, 771 Hornby 8t.,
Vancouver, British Columbia
Many women keep about their work
when It is a great effort becauae the
work must be ddne. Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound has
brought relict to thousands of Ured
housewives by removing the troubles
which cause annoying symptoms.
If you are suffering from nervous-
nese headache and backache. pains
in right or left side, tired and run-
down feelings, take Lydia E. Pink-
ham'a Vegetable Compound.
Just bear In mind this medicine has
been used by women for nearly fifty
years. That is a long record of sen -
Ice. and stands upon the foundation
of merit
This Great Opportunity
All Old Stock of the Select Ladies
Ready -to -Wear Co. at less than the
cost of matenals
x Tricotine, Serge and Tweed Suits
All this season's goods
$16.50 $20.50 $25.50
Beautiful Black Serge, Oabardlne and Velour
Coat f - . $1.7.50, $21.50, $25.50
resses Dresses Dresses
This is where you get your best assortment of Silks. Canton
Crept'. Crepe de Chine, Satins. 1.3 usual price
\Z e
alsoa grand assortment of Ginghams and Organdies,
and Voiles, ..Il at the low prices of
$4.50 to $9.25
Skirts, fine selection-___-- $4.00 to $7.25
New Blouses, Hosiery and Millinery Cot this week's ilhowiug
Come in and see onr display
The Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
xXcxxx=css c e
T ` "'
of Galerkh and Mrs. Bradley. of
near Kincardine: and two brothers :
.lames and Robert. bolt of Goolertrh
tuwnalilµ. These share In the syspwathy
ellre eircle of Cox for hisqulef samiablen
position. The funeral took place on
::ahnrvla} afteriaam to Maitland tem.•-
tery. The Kerri.',, were cundurtel by
1t,'r. Samuel (prion. 0( Hxylield. while
the four ..ug of the deceased art,d as
'., XXX
X i,leased to see Rn srTt Gilt around -
* 3 SP ECIAIE -- aiu nft0r n1i0r+ t Inn.
the Bind
Sortie people li,:e n t••ndet •v •
(•nine thla-b4on.l 1. lust as .4il•n
aryl inherited temp "r•y to Oren
ur.tu nervous_cll' , d e.. The-
in thiels the I. .1 l e•• .Ione e
that\the what'. 4• -lifters. eon
gsix ,clolly-t1,:''-.one Id11h
tura tapositi.,
should -etch
medical to Is.
.'nsily In tl ea.
It Iegito' wit a
i•4 11(111. dire,
•'l1I-ttttlis ease!
: mt(matn. n •
'len rorre•ted mei
st S.•- than 1,•
: r.•41.feeling tilt
11111•+ not orenu, . I b.• cnmple't
enoes pale. sap.I ItrettWes se- • n'
sylight.. ecerti.•r. 011(11 as )toi.n, up
Cl:Xl11Ll.ER,'- . se 23.. -We are shl!r-. Is n.,th•. 1
We can fit you out for every occasion. Clothes that
will make you feel comfotable in hot weather, , and
clothes for _sorts of outing occasions, and our
values can't be beat. Come and see our -goods
and values
Mr. aux) Mrs. W. (` Oke ..pent San -
X J♦ ,Ly a It. 111II'. _ .. -
$ Mr. Henry. oke. Vrha. been In
* \•anelaaver for the past.eleven yemn•,
;old a flying vldt to his Ohl fie•nmlller
*Irtenel.r Of. week. Mr. (Dee b. a brother-
r in -few to. Mrs. 1Vilttnnr oke of the ril-
1 Lege. Mrs. l Ike rune with -Iliim. We un.
11der.tnnil it is 111- tntenti ,n toremain in
unfurl-- awl wlu passu 1.K•ate near
G.,.1.•rich. e'
1farmers are busy sowing corn just
If 11i.w.
The yosug men of ltenmlllek have
II 1orptnuitsel n ba..•ball team 81111 bar/.
arranged to oday a series of game." in
11a I11 1'• comp stop of ulue rural team-
* We wish t idem succtms. We ;
■ • sorry t'hev are having some diener.
• - $27.50 $28.50
sitNewest Cloths, Latest Styles and Good Tailoring in
grey, 1(le•ea a•Id brown shades. 'Very -pretty tweed;. We
01 want you to see them. They will please4'ou.
ill As there is a limited nutnl.er to se -1r at the above
prices would •adY+'r ancarirseleetion,---- -' -
_ _ ■ 1 Do not ('fid
Itc h,n Ir -d-\
ins, or i'rotrud-
Walter C. Pridham x I another day tug Pilau. no
surgical npxt-
atfon re ulred.
Phone 57 Sole Agent f. r BoTsaltnoo i t is s Ointment wnl relieve you at once
Pe ■ Dr' aIs•Ung benefit etre- • box; na
r dador gdman•On• Bate, t Co., limited.
!l aa * $ \'°
r, 1 R.= tree tt you merman this
Ilia ■ ■ ■ ■ 111 ■,IL
fret. -WIIII ens -p Pills are ail -
remely that has moot tan •• aflIl
tart the trentme*rr tr.,ub' •- out to
titin blow!. t1-lt'( yM
fir i1 sat
food these br..d-e‘ttet>ing a ill* nrl•
n t ," .7111p -
tont. descrlhei ,.ho}}-•,• fire The
valor• ••r .tar Wiljlans' Ptak I'111s ill
c•a.o•.,of this k,t..l is shna't ' - ;It
*tat.ntnt'nt of ]it M. Chase. Treu-
Tvu. -tent.. who pen -a: -"i ,-:, itetly
recommend Or. W !Hams• PinP111s
to all who/ anter'Tfom illinen Pills
nerfou' eihaustbt• For the..
1 was il.•arly al.',y* troub:• ft(h
headaches. an.l "''i1 - 1 began Ing
three pills no tre:ttinhnt .eeni.-,1, ,' •
more than give me temporary • of
i had reid of w•lin• 1tr. Williams'
Pills were doing t"r others and 1:y
elecldtrl 10 try them myself. I 1 •r
decided to e. 1 n
e on a v-
end months n,,1 t am glad ' • 'r
have flertt•el p•rn. merit relief. I
\flat 1 ansa safely :Ind honestly
1►nend this, wnniler`ol medicine
\\ Snit eau stet 'Dr. w'1111anee Pink 1•
Vali any denier in mwfl, us•, or I,
n2.:.n from The Ira. Wlllinms' \I- ;1.
t.tn•atment w
Gingham Dresses
A Jaew shipment of lathe,' Gingham
4•rt-ars for street ifear. Come and ate onr
Ladies' Summer Hats
A new shipment,of ladies' summer Coat+,
white. inilan straw, patent and fine Italian
atity. at prices that are sure Itt please you.
silk a
new assortment of 4%assts, in crepe,
Piro ewel.o,e le. stamp to payh fafie• (tile Co., Itrw' 1tvin1: ; Ont.
Ladies' Coats
A limited number of these ladies' all -wool
\-el.,nr Coats.'-. Balance of the lot to be clear -
e.1 at Ri;i.:1O. '
and Hosiery
Don't fotget that we have everything- in
ladles' Ind children's Underwear and Hosiery
for summer.
In the Men's Department
We have a nice range of men's and young
men's Stilts, in navy. blue, brown, grey and
all the popul :r shatter; at prices that Will in-
terest you, - y,'• ..
I.verhthing in men's and boys' Furnish-
ings. Straw and Fe1t Hain, Caps, Top Shirts.
Pies t`ouatr,-Reits,-etc.
Goods By the Yard
Silks, Satin.. (:Ingliain., Voiles, Pi in
etc., etc.
E West Side of Square -The New Store" Goderich, T ntarao
I MMnIlnunini.1lnu111III IIIMMMMMMMIIIIununenunnmm11nnmMImnnMml IIMMIMMIMMIiuIIMIM Inial
, • •
The '\sensing of the
reason we *west these
useful linea Comfort -
ere. Spreads
lows OT •tts, PIl-
"ul Irish
Linens 1Tt TahitCloths,
Napkins, Cove, and
many other tine, mod-
erately priced.
WHETHER you are the bride to be or a guest at this most happy event we invite you to view
the display of interestin items of wearing apparel assembled for this occasion and then for the
home that must be provided for we suggest a thorough inspection of our yard goods and House
Furnishing Departments .
Silks and Satins of Unusual Qualities Silk Jap Crepe Camas Silk Bloomers in Colors
Silk Underwear in two-
pia'oe a n d combination
styles, also camisoles, naiti-
sook and cotton gowns.
Probably the most
im (taut iter: of the
many ars youlove .
Our clock tho-.vs some
very flue i-aoric13 in
tin..-1 ma or 'ong 3tile
made from real ':Cays'- -rl1e
:7 ; priced $1.53,
$7.25 and $2.95.
w _ . -v ` -*.* •'} •$••nr+►
- avers
Stalin, Ti►e cn nn' cbwvaitag ---Six u ' Iterate Silk- - atural
, a►lette and Undress in navy, electric, castor, rose pink. trimmed with shade lingerie, satin and
.and, ivory, nip;l;. r, taupe and all popular shades silk ribbon and embroidery
• crepe. Knit in all shades
at $3.75
slowing .,::lart o
brown, gres• navy, wh;tt•,
black, in plain or clocked,
at $1.25 op
• . •
Corsets - -
'•Nemo" Corsets will im-
prove the fit of your gowns.
We show them in all styles.
Priced at $3 •',e) up.
• . .
Two Tone Ribbons
Shown in black and- me -
Tse, black and grey.
and electric, also in picot
Table Lieu, Napkins. Sets, Small Linens
DM showing inelnder• Fine Linea Table+ Centres,
Ltiel,AndTr,,Clotho, Runners, Doylies, Madeira pietas -
. - .
Linen Towels
Pure Linen Towels In
plain and embroidered ends
•_•v" ,o t
at and priced at 11.50 and np
• . -
Pillow Cases
Showing fine qualities in
plain, hemstitched and em-
brcidered, Miceli at $2,00
pair np.