HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-6-1, Page 3.7 q5 �1 d W• ,L Y -16 Help The Signal To Boost This '4 Community 4 ► ..•,••...,,Iea.- \AI iona1 _. tart*• ' -...w, t" Y• • q: • Give Us Your Sup- port By Becoming A`;+ Regular Subscriber THE SIGNAL PRINTING . 00. LIMITED. PWWn, GODERIgH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1922 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••t ••••••••••••••••. •••••••••• •41••0 Farmers' Wives A Savings Account in the Sterling Bank presents many advantages to the farmer's wife who shares in the finances of the farm. Her surplus money will be safe - and earning her a profit -and her transactions are kept strictly confid- ential. Our local Manager will gladly open an account for you. THE STERLIN6BANK OF CANADA 8AVE Beca Se 1••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n••••••••••S• MODEL THEAT WEEK OF JUNE S TO s p Monday and Tu The picture you will .ver forget HOUSE in 'THE MAN FROM LOST RIVEV Christie Comely `PURE AND SIMPLE" Wednesday and Thursday DOl'GLABS MeLEAN The live wire azar In the Paramount Speedster "PAS8L''G THRI:" Johnny Hines in "DOGGONE TORf11 _,1iday-�aLurda, . MARIE PREVOST in "DON'T GET PERSONAL" Century 1'ow.iiv "STEALLV HOME" -o-- Matinee Saturday at 3.00 pan. Special next week -William Des. mond In "FIghtin' Mad." iu•••••••eele.•,• • W. C. T. U. Meeting W. C. T. I'. will bold its anneal eefing for election of omcera at the Children's Shelter on Tuesday. June eth, at 2.15 before the Aid meeting which Is at '4.15. Try to come. Note the change In hour. -Mrs. A. David- son. 3'rews Supt. The Public Is Invited As the number of formal invitatipna to the nurses' graduation exercieea on at Jane 2 is somewhat limited they are rel being sent only to the persona! friends f,, of the graduates, the local doctors and members of the clergy. The pub- lic. however. ■re (•ordhuy invited to be present at the exercises and the re. ceptlon following. FORE ACCOMMODATION IS URGENTLY NEEDED AT GODERICH HOSPITAL Provincial Inspector of Hospitals and Jails Reports On Condition of Local Building ANNUAL PARADE Hely Name Societies of Goderieh, Ask. /MM. SR Augustine and %ingham Te Parade tin Zlrrnday. June 11th, wwfeties re• prt�aenting Ooderl(h. A«hti,•hl St. Augustine and Wingham will ass•Mrhle nt 4 p.m. on the green plain of St. -Thirtieth Annual Convention Peter's chun•h. Each parish will hear • its banner. and the entourage• will he, Held At Westfield On j W. M. S. CONVENTION OF THE GODERICH METHODIST DLrT?,'cT nnder the direction of Thief Marshal May 17th Michael Farr. Headed by the 33rd Regiment Rand A recent ina_nctlnn of Alexandra the parade will proceed down North The thirtieth annual convention of Marine and General Hospital was street around the Square, and return (ioderk•h District Woman's. Visions made by Dr. MacKay, Provincial In- rep North street to the church • where apeetor of Hospitals and Jails, and the the Litany of the Holy Name of Jo..um following paragraphs are taken from will ire publicly recited and a fitting his report : sermon delivered. "More , hospital aeeommodatlon is The men will solemnly renew their needed for Goderch and vicinity. A pledge. Then the "Benediction of the new building has been under consider- Blessed Sacrament" will close with atlon for some time, but nothing de- the singing in grand chorus by the finite has yet been accomplished. The members, of the hymn of the Society: present building in badly In need of Holy God. We Praise Thy Name." repairs. It a new building is not Am is generally known this Society forthcoming nI the present b building const; la nota aacret Sa•lety to_xtly-,4.1,s, he repaired, but I think it is upof the wont, but a lend of men who the town of Goderfch and the countyhave pledged themselr•a. nod by ex - of Huron to asmist materially in ample hope to Influence others, to re•. financing a new building. The H train from perjury, blasphemy, ob- pital Board who are doing so much serenity and profanity, who constantly help to financially maintain this boa., renew their pledges publicly, to keep pital ahold receive *tome flnan•lal am- before themselves the object of their {• It s, that in SEt'LrNTY•IPINTH YEAR N^ O- _- PERSONAL MENTION ' Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE l' Mrs. Jo*. Elliott went to Ottawa on ' 81 03 Per single card, delivered; Satnrdey. i THE GODERICH MANUS Mrs. M. C. Hopkins *pent a few days I CO.. LIMITED. Inst week In Hamilton. (Foot of Angkor: st.) Pitons SI. 1 Misr .ilia Reuniters. of Chleago, was' tonne for 'a few days last weekend. Miss Olive Robertson. of Toronto. 111 jr, As Ai sending a week at her home In town. 'mew. Miss Josie Saunders returned on an Uhl from her trip to Winnipeg Marvel Surely and / hlc++Rer. ial Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wurtele left on Monday for New' York and New (irleana. ' ••f0•••••.1 Society seas held in Weattleldl Mello- dist church, ht Wednesday. May 17th. MI"" Laura Price tm visiting In Lon. Seventeen years ago the large est and one of the most perfect , diamonds in the world was found, weighing 3025U carats. You will find many marvels in ,our selection of diarrcnds a fprice. that will delightfully sur owing to the Illness of her husband. 'Inn, the ta. of Mn. Firth, of Ardan the i)Istri,t Superintendent. Mrs. Hick, nlrartmentm. was curable to be pn•,teut and Mira M. Mrs. J. elve and Mea Hopkins Itola•rtami. asristum s'I1s•rinteud,•i,t, will not twelve again iwtore leaving took charge of the meeting. Tht akar- Goderkh at the end of June. 110011 ,arn/l011 opened by pinging the' Iter. J. F. Ite,cratt and Rev. J. E. IMZuk,gy tpllowet by' Ford are attending Conference at Con - Prayer in unison, the l mud's" t•ndal (hunch, London. this Ark. Mrs. Case. of Dungannon. counhs4ed. Mr. W. C. Pridham and Mr. -G. M. Mrs. ase. t enm' n Elliott. lay mealier* for Goderien read and sp. General Se dons which open toda 1 eta from th tl ties. The minutes. have alar left to t«• of Inst co nvention were prevent at the prove[. The r. o a snail- (Thutwlyytr furies weer then given, sixteen out of 4 the si•venteen auxiliaries having .Isle. �y gates !.rew'nt. The circle's 111111 blinds! a, CHURCH NOTES rep«rebel :c splendid year's wort.. Miss.' chive T u musical relectlon. to ladies of North start Methodist y prise you. GIFTS THAT LAST datance from the town and county to Society, and whore hope f aMr of (.rslrrlrh. rendered a time all men will become memtwra of very beautiful 1 T1 .•cure larger and better accommala- I flan. this Society. inspirit, It not in [acct Mrs. Meramus, -ot (*Hilton branch-conRrvRatton wilt take (barge of the tprtly mnrnlnn and the I E, C. ROBERTSON Club will cottdttet the Watchmaker and Jeweller "The hospital 1s below the average sup•r(ut4'udcut of t•hrlattal steward- time «'•seises n••xt SI the small hnsnlNla throughout the BEDFORD SIHGiNG ship. Karr a «irl•'++dld talk on the Mi�fs `t,ndiv rovfrne and i« �^ l work of her . rc*•ning +ervbe. --- of -` I' not In keeping with a i department ret and advised' eat 1 Accords,irie•et church Col.. Last Se. t and Square Goderlca town the alae of nItaIa tee f r •:a that each stew•ardshl_r superintendent _ ORCHESTRA HAS yl nrra•hrc the text lasrk: $t.•wxrdshi , next simony, morning will be taken Ay 1d1�1I�/� f]� ! •Nhtdlew-" for use in the meetings. 1 ..1,..11,',...",;,r„:::::", 111 t .Aggr nr, Rnrlety. in IS•••i••S••••• Central Sebes! and Home Club Meets I udi lad for' use i pith of etin , Mrs, th eveuiny the Aggreeslve Bible class A meeting of the School and Home I BEENORGANIZED will here eharee. Sunday school will 1 flub, was held on Thursday llH1T((aGJJ tittle. Miss Ililllsrrne, MN. !•'las 1 in Inv afternoon iv, ',Mill st 10 a.m. Of 1 p am Mleftroy . with Mi"r 1: 14147• Thr ..rush birthday of the Baptist q pleasant and rlrflt- accompanist. favored the (maven- Howell will he 1 'vent S the tto(r+Uy 1 a s. wet on n oat week and ea de hour was l 1m/ter who attendwl. The chief Aisne attire of the program wins a most JOhn\, e nte•rtaining talk by Mies R.,I'erteon of Seas the te•acbing staff cif Windenr, Ont. Her st1Aject. "The Hoye and Girls of Todnv" dealt with many protdems In The mash the training of our children. Their Belford i)Inrle nodes, their demands, their work. their was per-r•c••••Ilen play were all discussed and the part .extraordinarily go of each• In the child's life even care- rent hag eng [zed Gott with mei...lion. (e Phrmted next Sunday. aounon, Allen P. Stead, The r n r h • o rrrca /ono t., have tlre'1'Iearnre of ' Miss 4'. 11'ellwa,d, missionary on m visit fn•n, 1(ev. "1. Schutt, !►1.A., R.' Abe Trailer soaared Por furlough from China. gave a. very in- O. of Toronto. superintendent of the' of 6 Dinner-Dan��{"`�� .1 teremting wddr,.. 41n 1110' Waft „f 1tmp,i•t 1141014' Mu•eion Rnard, who wii' 1 (Largest Farre Agency in Canada) - Willoughby Farm Agency tralninR n wr,•ew In the M nvpte s }Isere . s1ay.It ret ts.th morning and evening ac•rff - pltal at e( hent t. Told vim. 41t' her Bible rel he shill be meetape iaMl mimic. R he I (hie" for Sale a number Of choice rI)an(,e Imo •m. Ir r I the hospital) Redthediflhelinz mid lt 1ppinR metn'. :mil prayer service will be held on Ifnrdn, 1 p•' farms, from 10 to 200 acres, good location, both to schools and good o setist:i.-r'.ra• ,Aid with In d getting • mon to o t11P work.. ttwlet•••day nittht at a °.le eek. t that tl amnia,Miss Wellwasl spoke of the objection Th'' annual eongr.gatfnnal meeting' market towns. Any person want - he mots' inns for of (.111 1)."*. gdr!s to training for ^f Vittoria street cAarrh was held on 1 tPd .!1. itelfnr,l nurse« and of h,nv these obJectl,,,ls '4111111:17 ermine of Imo week The tug to buy or sell, gel in Witch with e w •r -their representative, C. C. McNEIL HOUSES -HOUSES fol condderatlon by the speekef who the season, and nrgn also dwelt on how twat to guide the Sf'leing ((reh..-tr:1. All kinds for sale at very reason- hay ..r girl In the Jnlielons handling The orrh.stnr •o able prices Houses to rent. 1 of money, the. careful choosing of "upf•)r the rnmb••tl eat P. J. RYAN " Wow Robertson's charming manner silt ret Cene C. ('nnnon. amuerments, of reading and of friends, a very 1r1e•a.(ntl manne- Real Estate an,l Insursnr•e ehon. 10 2 aided nue h In making an Intrn•mtlnR Ntr••l, violin retie a'veera- BUS AND BAGGAGE SERVICE Has meets all trains. Calls made for passengers and baggage to any part of .be town. Prompt service guaranteed. Telephone 51 Day or Night -o- N. R. STOWE Residence, Cambria Road, opposite the Organ Factory Office t�q,Hsryt��tfytyye�J�o�LJn� �r���q1e�/�t[tr����r tflaflrtf'L lloAaflt �a )oa�clrinrl•f1r iflr/1of'tl flc�lctfl�l trlorlttftif7ofloCrfStrflttr7rtfltttlt DANCE AT is THE PAVILION Meer Sunset Hotel) \ Friday, June 2nd Friday, June 9th Saturday, June 3rd Saturday, June 10th Wednesday, June 7th , FREE TAXI SERVICE from West Street corner to the Pavilion from 8.30 p.tn Von ate invited to use it ocoorselnalelli Meet Me At The Pav! GOD CH AMUSEMENT CO., LimitedminThe ps i r Irv. tin. hundred sours vivngntt[ul At this 1 Trailer tram tel e overcome. Thp dltfk nity of get- r''1"'eta from the va;Ionr church nr- s)ihi�eteh will ting text books. many of which had I:ionizations showed them to be In a . tuet•et in to la• �rau, .tel..- she ab.„ tohl of "nh•ndtd condition. A new organize - H.: 1 wilt tern. how during the •(haled epid.mie, the tL'n termed during the year Is the A. F, h''id'ill. which hail been (dossed dor- d Aug. Junior la•ague whl(A Asa aln.ady est. was olr•n.rl to udtnitt the cholera r e an mI Rrraam of .•vans In the • • c6urv•h. .1 'rn al and fn- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr 1t.i ntor ipatients ,[7111 haw eerre one of the girls 'errlmental musk•, a feature ret which •' training [www a solo by Mr. Wm. Sw:+meld, was fakers wr --- •. capacity. Twvl cissas have been to follow ing were elected as society re- • trnlntlg. ii•ren baring romplctwp the pe''•si'ntatiV.re 41n the official hoard : course and four of these have Tetrh-' Mrr. 11. Ihrwn. and Msssra. Hawkins, cerci in the National Training R.'hool. Sandy, Deer. Tahh, i'urrell and Itark- w,cs novel by lira. Parr. of Blyth, er. laum•h was eeryed by the members , I meeting also it was de.l hells. nn•1 71 'Mould be ded_tlut ml}k Allan $u. -i.. rinttfl t:-Y.Ttlth sdpplied all the children In cell's en•h,•„tra. Detroit. :I041 the Ant two gradeiCand to those lit Gorden. London. snug the popularthe mo�hird room who ars five pound.' or '•Mteke.Mc Want To isle /owed fly T ander npr!yal weight. -To ra(we on latnnley, and tt fir gfift.• Pnsv1lu nlone7 for th4-in11k fund It wan de- t tion rend that ha i- making a resist. tided to give aala.l tea. in the Central for himself am r .school or on•the w-bool lawn. when It is not as yet n n it tins wntc, stores, on able at music Bruce Street :: Gorden(), Ont. •• ,tea mg in 'ono. day the hospital was tilled to I set with the reports.Th Robertson .lohoston .ra er oro Anniversary r ser church will la• held In .hiller nn the pinna is ple' sat her "Stu [thy be scent to icor 1)i"tr(ct Rt. GerrRp's church next Snmlar. I m f«• ftcffy �'ognfz'sl 'Hol"' trmdenf. Mrs. flicks nom. Mr.; There ivlll be a (wl•Arstlnn of Hol note 'than exiraordlna Mlll.yru°'tuok ( 41.11.11 h, .Mrs. llc('11talis aihl .tor of the .1.atlire' Aid. The home nL Jfr and Mrs. Robert Johnston. iaf-ld road. was the mesas of a pretty w'etldlnu nn tt'wlneslny merit especially ry (n barge or the election of rommnnloa at R a.m.: Choral 7 morning at s a.m.. when their dnngh• life. 4r oto It+ fpr unlc.rn, )� aoYnlon at 11 cons..,..: sally-e,p,} Mop.. rsro-was e„'Febi a.m. and even -scrag at T ter. Lily May. became the told.. of A s su{s•rtnte•r eat. firs. ('ars. a'r*Ltent,pm Thr pedal dun f being 1,1111 , he Rev. (• t n, son or Mr. 'j' r' Ia, night t.'urn rine P rm..Tohn Rnls•rt urge v.rchtsty ; Geste C. Connor, el. of course. well I•i'' unanimously that n resolution f 1n 1 known (n e• I Ir•h "' a s ng staged for Airs. calces. wr'n•tar preacher. Wr tote. day *111 Mr. >1 . rlsrence holes con i- •' accommodate1.111t thel A n canon Andrew ny't f T nrl M son. Fast street. num her of mot.'r,str a Inn hent was Nerved .. Icy church. Rt. Tlmrrnas. olrtal ! The crremon, was e•r'tfonl' bile • t expected on the by the N'est8'e111 Lulls' duFfn• hlwh conal( *Ili 711 r.ndernl by the (holt. irerformwl by Rer Saturrla • ('• MeT)• � 7 and , au address of 1. ► welrr'me was given by rmtA In the Presence of • nn•Iay the medlar week -end the Imm•dlate relatives. tie young will be provided. program Airs. A[. MclMue'!1 and replied to by couple %tending before a iswnt1ft11 Airs. 1►ustow of 'Nile. An irlvlt)Non brink of bridal wreath and .!monism. ta+ i Thto Death of Pl+eder-ek Bishop 1 g cep by the Constance ladles e. roll the next convention at'th,tt place. grid P P brlrle, who was given away by 1 her father. looked charming in to envy Afar tool entitt t took plare,on snnday, The ewening mission o n cry here ather. o kelt with hat to match !iy 21 tidal t Heeatp of Mr. Frei. !ter, opened at T _pettier 'tetinit and profitable 1�,1•;. . 111srru pre•. Il gant.nRt�r jmp .holes -stn the "mxlltnc•' ants begin - with -1I ert~MR• of lily of the" val1t�---Td-fnr aonl time which a week earn The i•ult s' imxrt •fti. of Ilyti, ag in nine. mil d historyg from the pink romelrndm and maidenhair .tern. .uredo 1 ! 1 y woe. ninl d).. prhe horse serves. Rhe wore the grrsrm's Rift. a platinum ':Ikea � into pneumonia. He ens s•cn; n Is•;nrtlful w•hr•tlotl. \1'hr «n see -,mission bnrgpin. net a gr diamonds. The man to Ale; mist Hns!,!': { work oned the r.. *prevent ryy reserves. F .''e died fee- ng ,Mr. lntcnl.nt's re' oft avis r uju.t ahaw-inR,,Mrs. tett gave a very int to ('ln. ireanttfnl Rifts, inchlding mtrAatanifel !tlsli(r [May evening. ,• M�, 4 memts•rship of 777 for the .l►Istrkt, l DI(hlrp -of the "Nee Comers to ('xn- cherinea. te•sttfet to the high esteem flftythr.••... ,r ,....I In SinOng t smut, a dlrrrytw• of two from; Inst year. T{p.i ads" and the oMew+its for work amine In which both are held. After a short Mr r=(ss•J«4nic the mon of total amour t The enncluding meeting on Wednes- day night of the misstonary eeriest lately undertaken In Knox chun•h WA order the dtrection of the W. M. 8., which organizeti,n provided v evening Mra honeymoon,it/ ' '+',o;r. Tttentyflre ' e went to • the Brunch spent In Windsor and De- ago 1. • .. 1E0 to Godprk•h yetir's amounted to (COMM; a dw•rentse of trolt, Mr. and Mn. Robertann will and had #I •.1._1. To offset this *.. their bane nn East street. Gulp.' Jived b -,• r•c�,r since. He aaa near• rn•e•virw! this brnnch has make 'rho RiRnel rled eighteen . P911i alto to 'Rosa 'Minaret( dollars from a ni mI„•ronf rietilarge circle of friends In wi hli them Knight. of Goderk•h, who 1urrivee North street church. C41derlelt, 'who many yens of happiness and Prom' him with 'AN (4llldren:-li'llfrel, p'swrl aw-n, some flute «Inc•. perity. hrlmtnbel. Emerson, Russell. Luln. Brotherhood elmlr sang. -Where He 11011 M11(101 1111. 11.. leaves also his Lends." Miss N'ellwo,il by request parents and nee misters, Mrs. C. Ale- s:1 [g in Chinese, Fiat of July Celebration • Donald. Airs. J. Shtmk. Mrs. T. Ryer. come %'oleo." Iierl teddre.., heti r f Wel- ' A meeting was held in "the ennrlell- arm. A, Long, and Mrs 1'. Jilt. ir, All evening was on "The 1',Ili from the ehemm•r Inst Friday cream( t., lir- "t Sault all,•. Marie. • miehlgnl. and Women of (' rang[' for :t First of July tPk4rrntlott one heather,-_Frarik, of Gererieh. The Caned bins to tote "W„mpn of wh finernl was geld on Tuesday to Malt- nnu n. Shp «Imike of the man, , nook delight in the naw alsrr nr pre the following officers were .Incl- Land cemetery; Rev, J. Fl. Ford alt- calls that end c - • from China: the in rel, white and Mae Willett -mads• Mt President. E. R. cera: erP elet, Gamine call, the pelitic1' call, the edeas. si W. F. (:nllett : s,r -PI"' elates) :Ind the pallbearers were eommerolai call. Amt Holm butes 1 T. )r. 'treasurer.'F;1: . Tails; Messrs. Thos. Pennington. J. W. Can. MI 111SIsterrt its the c; im•pn J. T. fro rnmC. H. Humber; atter, Alf. Tehbettt and Jus. Hollatel. tel ret the womuu- J. W. Framer. f.. L. Knox. G.^ ,Stew- Nonni. She told of the hI,, , lrrl !nasi• art. J. J. Moser. Thos. It(rthdaje" Celebration tion of the women of china. 111111 how Gundry, �, the mI'i lonn.l)• is trying h. bel R•. E. ('kirk, C. .1. held •1. A(. jerk 1 ver, Pferoae`eugatheringtook 1„ n higher place. Ir them enema, Wm. Bailie and Rn, Stone pin, on Tacsdu g, A[I+r ' t, at Rmnsle, air the ihlldriir's c:t mem (*mil' her. home or Mr. and Mrs. 4'. 11 llnm• brought veer ea eio.. fie Wr Ion wan Minose._ e t coital., cern'' ter le Gert, ...fifteen when the of Die 14nOtist Mrs. l+ too nlrbll epresbbm of the Stewart: .Tnlm Rtrhv :n��l Jns. R 3,4111 �� • Dart,► for meg. A�'' thews people. Mrs. .1. Tnylnt wpnke very convincingly ion the tnhject •4s aur Home Mlrelnn work worth while?" The devotional exercises were taken by Mrs. M. M.Kny. )(rm. M. Mae- ' 1)eteild and Mrs. Mel')ermid. Mims H Itel.•hpr and Mrs. a. J. McKay sal ten very pleniing duets; I TIP• McGillivray Mi.,lnn Alttft11 Kno': church held. a very Starchy f h••••"•ar and wilful tee last Aum 44 nhernonn realizing thereby ten dod •1ift The in rite number 'yeaarnth, tfltfluftr r R1tlEllsf1rt01srisftrr c -L. r 1 r;• lAtR7alofy, I Thomann: v-rint'nR and sdyertfslMr- .eve t h,`Ib,l on the 'xrriefon of her 1 , r•Neld 1 I H.•T undue, W. H.lit 1❑ Im S g'e"e rr`R1 te're.I Sods of Success. Habib formed la childhood days guide our development in later years. A thrifty boy u•uall 'oterest In. your ewe 1 rt slimes wh la - oa opea • . ' . i s.: :iCto17.` JI' Mt.: "4.:" bah. :,•:1.614'. t RS • �R. a.0400;,„,sis. (• y' •'a Z `.N ate, 1;4 • ' a. , i i'i r a 'y �Fa,a1.1C.f� • W. H. Rnhertson ( ) ' S -n pt blrtlnsist and eight rhe!' 1178 and J. F.. Match. 'ham Black Iw !rrnml,in ern rum consisting 41f rw•Itn- - -- In 'And J. r of the prnrrssinn c.>m- tions by Miss 7'. Mans ;v and lir. C. Death of Nes. ,1 - Iit ere I'n«the cos ,tH.l a11Y eMl"a ,tit+tie n t . and R. C. re-tletliwnite is to a •nln 7.' tills Ilollnu., The death o•r•r•••'•t Ito 6•:rle,; e t . arraarrange for Hlghf.uul 11(10,1 114. The to dery n'n,•h sabred. During the t' Ir. M•y of 11r.. ,r"ec,' - nth•p is to al'It'int a 10,111lttPe to 11emi1R 11r... ('hidden w•as Itok,'nted' '• ' ..semi,,n1n•h :71,1r.71-! •'rrnnge for m eirnirnl in the evening Welch [ lovely LIb11x•l..t,. as a token of '' 11 •i, and to iMrrrfe* the Aasr tag ch*b • 11"•esteem In with+ she 1. hehl ►;r the yr -s fOj rt'prts A+Iir. with tefpren.e to a mernament. IMM., Mrs. Mooney Hulking the pre. ., 1 ..>,.1 i •�r'' In it,: Vv., - with I ..•pint! run Conk Ry Electricity The **tee and light commisaf,n is now at work in preparation for the Installation of electric-erriee to vel- mena wbo hare purchased •hr•trlc rat.ere. rt very heavy expenditure, amonntiag prietleally to $30110, Item been 1 b the commission in lam ng the ladies for their .1Aiello-ions hash brought the et'.nii,R Led 1.111 in a (loss 1 • 1..1 N.1 tri' The t•entr.,l 241•11...,1 and nolo.. ('11111 711- )!h 11 so r44 - in) Ate yon to a 8„lad Ten Mallrtbey Frailly mom. .,fternanl, Juno :tad. In (antral .eh'NIl She leaves 4 to e. her Mod, ., its policy of m phl,ing the appllrat.loa lies. --- - - ter : '4! teeeelved for ranks.. Any citV,'na who f stirs ' Kenyon leaves ties ,wtiP. ronteaplate t1* instaiatlon ef elee.I .'w'k on nn '•xlertrlel vinic M her 'Hefty for cooking purposes should Iareg, in e 74111oro. make-applkatlon to the commission at Mr. Tleft Millar and for pol� Millar left on MawMay for A•eit one. where they intend M mate Airs. aneird hen return( •Bring your friends to Central *hoot of tavern! Smooths wit Saturday, Jsae ltd, for afternoon tsa. Mis, Jet, Heals. 4 's • a sial, 7 i IM alio tr-. • iF .r.• rr} ito (au7i 1ttd...i•..,.t, 1 - e -I./,•, nd 41e 1.,111- r, of t dJohn, In 1tor dr; Sbcfr ry, ItLbtr Mr.:. iiia. it..., of Niteroi took Mace nn •rws,ll tS Colborne ppm- . R. R. Hardy coriliretel and the iwcllta'arers'were: 4'r Philter; Robert 11.1: e. and Welder Fisher. genal use of the bootlid hn �•"r"-e fail(,-w.e° Sir 5*1,.. dP bing nd .sale bnr''h flexr Sap,. a In teed by the rntn(stpr. lubehh will ice '� t i1 ascus. F'frst of„� r,,p, Characters rs 1n :111:),Imelblij•epltrervItt.111.11,;:a. n horAh, D ha The I'eth- '•'• Ken, of AtMth R the titi4er . sE 3 o'r•In.kt Tiny Buy Your EXCURSION TICKETS to DETROIT ri on •.:-- Str. Greyhound from J. W. Craigie SPECIAL Fl• 0oring or ,Siding Pine or Spruce - AT $50.00 per Goderich Pianinfi Mills • Co., Ltd. - 1•h.mi. 47 P.O. lir, `x 1R Motorists than ever.roads this season will � Le- mer = r'owded s - Accidents are bound to occur. Yoti can ne ll when it will be your turn. roar Ir Protect your invea filly now before it_ � i tment in - -- - mer b{r insuring \ too later: ---�---- ! -:. E. H. HILL & CO. .rens .r -40 .4• r