HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-6-1, Page 22-Tbureday, lone 1, 1122, s SIGxaL QODUICEr ONT. 12;h4ailliAtonat • ESTABLISHED 1848 SODLI1$ICH CANADA Member of Uaaadisa Weekly Newspaper Aasseiadea Published every Thursday morutug. Subscription price *2.00 per year. It paid In advance *1.50 per year. '1'o United States and Foreign Cvuntrlor,, 12.00 per year, strictly in advance. Leal Advertising Rates Toady contract for display advertising, 20 cents per Inch each insertion. Poo of paper : six months contract, 23 touts ; three months, 25 cents ; oats month, 30 cents per inch : casual rate, for lees than one mouth, 40 cents. Guaranteed positions, 25 to 50 per cent. extra. Advertising on page three, or on front page et second section. 25 per mot higher than run of paper rates; on back page, 75 per cent. higher than rsa of paper rates. Legal and other similar advertlsements. 10 cents per line for first inser- tion and 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Business cards, $10 per year. Advertisements of Situations Vacant. Situations Wanted. Articles Lost. Houses for Sale or to Rent, Farms for Sale or to Rent, Articles for Sale. not exceeding 35 words. 35 conte each insertion ; three insertions for $1.00. Larger advertisements in proportion. BuaWeed Not.kew. in reading matter type. each Insertion, 10 cents per counted line. To merchants having contracts for display ether -tieing, 5 cents per couuted line. THE SIGNAL PRINTLNG COMPANY. LIMITED Athol ellcQuarrle, Managing Editor M 1 Telephone 35 Godsrle4 O. TEVRSDAT. JUNE 3. 1122. ♦ VOICE FROM THE PAST fresh buttet,''Ja. ; eggs.. per doseu, IMI. to Th4d.; My. 7(l.. 1tr�gh4be,ivutt,eay of II[r. James. The polttkaai sc,•011omist "'wildsmite Mitchell, of the Provladrl Arebires,*oyer a reference ye an article In the current Ilieekweed's- Magazine, which "shows up In the most vivid light the fallacies of Frew Trade" (in Great Britain) : and the smile might be re- newed over another editorial reuurk. with reference to a dropsical of reci- procity with the l'ulted Staten, "an arrangement which, ,with the pruipect of obtaiding 1 -prference in the Brit- ish markets. we shalt consIder 1t our duty to oppose." Canada did hive en experience .of reciprocity with the Stales i fiew years afterwards. but the preference in the British markets has remained ceinslstently Illusive. tine Is astonhdtel to ,we that a Cau- adleu paper of so curly a date was giving serial publit'stiott to Charles 1)icicenr "!ilea► House." Literary re - vont,' inform us that it was only in Match. ltii:, that the first chapters of "Bleak House" were published in the Old l'ountr)•, and here is Thr Hamil- ton Spectator of May d, in the same Pity, publlshlug the fifth chapter of the story. Tbet was surely a stroke of enterprise. Typographically this early -copy of Tlw ectator Is admirable. Ut course.' the bigSphe tliuKs of the- present der are noticeably lacking. bur.the- type_b;- i quite as handsome. if not nsore so. as that of the machine -set uewspit;iera of today. N1ay. This Issue of The Weekly Spectator 4,102404s an animnement that the first manlier of The Daily Spsseetor was to lin' published on the following we have had the opportunity ot per- using an old copy of The Weekly Spet'tator, of Hamilton. of date May lsa2. The spe•tal interest la thIa papal for a Huron resident lies in a ituntfier ofIsles referring to a bye - election abot*o take plate in this c'onpty, In whkh the Hon. Malcolm Cameron was to be the Reform candi- date and Mr.. George Brown. jr., the Conservative candidate. The Hon. alalolm Cameron was the father ot the lute Hon. M. C. Cameron, later member fur Won Huron. and the gratulfnther of Mr. M. ti. l'ameron. now of Gesilericb, who has maintained the tradltbna of his family and was for`two terms the represent- ative of R'est', Huron in the Legis- lature. The Cousers+ative candidate must not he confu,.ed with the Hon. George 'Brown. the famous editor of The Globe, who was a 'prominent lead- er of the.Retorm party. Judging from the articles in this issue of The Spec- tator, Including several reprinted from THE FIELDING BUDGET other journals. the eleetiou was -one which engaged widespread attention. The great test 'which confronted -Nie 1Lta►"ter or-Finauiv in treatise Tha'e is -towel►-ot-t..r,.n.sa eepeyally his first budget under the new regime was to bridge the great gulf between for •a journalist. In flee manner and revenue and expenditure. Year atter year under the late Government vast style of the various articles, not only sums had been &AA to the public debt. the smallest addition *ince the first these dealing with the bye -election. of the war years being rade last year. when the debt was increased by over put also those dealing with other mat. 06,000,000. Under the circumstances little could be done for the relief of tors. Those tt•ere.the days when every the taxpayers, but Mr. Fielding has met a difficult situation by presenting a town of any hum:w mu'e had ite_tival budget which promises to produce an increased revenue with a minimum of editors. who were eternally harping disturbance to trade and a very slight pinch on the pocket of the average uu each utker's foibles, and „Cumin. Even Mr. Fielding, skillet financier tis be is. cannot draw money ton a Journalistic feud raged between from the clouds, and the man who pays a bit more for his luxurious auto- mobile, or the man who has 10 put ei.4 in stamps 00 a $10.000 cheque,'wllt have the satisfaction of knowing that he is helping Mr., Fielding to keep Canada out of a financial morass. and woollens, The reductions in the tariff on hoots : *hoes. eotteast agricultural Implements and some other art ill he a retnIn.ler -to the farmers :end u' the dwellers in town ra Liberal Government intends' to give relief from tariff exa(TtOTta as t'dtrnmstances permit. The Increase In the preference to Great Brits serve a twofold purpose : it will demonstrate W the Mother Country r -free traeie policy 5. an 1\1 Rude `Rural `1 hymen Dy 'S -k .Ad.,aa l� ' Monday. The Daily Spectator Is still .the respectiveeditors of The Spectabundantly being Pula -hell and is our of the best - evident The Caned a. --This is abundantly know•u journals of the Province. evident from the amount of space avid *bee+ -iileaw amt iOIttim'-Tia so tar Britain will that he instrument of goodwill. and it '}'11L.gtte oar neighbor* to the South. who are raising their tariff wall. to rstand that Canada's trade favors are for Canada's business friends. 1 When the public retell meets the pulite. expenditure. the country.wtU look to the Government to more subetanthtl reductions In taxation. and in the meantime Canadians i1l .-hare in the hops` expressed by Mr. Fielding that times are oft the me d : "already the sun of letter times is beginning • • giveu in this single issue of The $pet'- deur to references of .a like nature lu tlu' rival sheet. The Canadian had accused The Spectator. of "mincing, shuttling. and sbatu-work.' iu Waco of '•commOu some sad eomason honesty,- and onesty "and The Spectator comes back with an accusation .d ".sneering. and qulb- Ming and twisting. and el.sdgitig.' at various other phrases which were not mended' to convey compliments. to shine. • EDITORIAL NOTES Let everybody re a pleasant smile for toe L" The holes nu .the Siq»a'T!@ • rondw•n}` the gratification of motnriata:' Thank*: Mr. Minister .of 1'ubUc Works 1 Lion. }inward Ferguson promises to •prodn+•t' a tempx'ratts•e policy that will be .atlsfactory all around. nut did not -the 1%u. Howard promise t0 t.,eomel"sly s hide i tater. sting -So-flute (lint -ariui•J-Y per • e.'ut. of the de astated ,faro landa...of_France have Igen' rechutmett t.. cultivation.' The sea remain longer in the hearts o1 the people than upon their au s. Shifting The ittaMe "Your adcertioeine(tt describes this as all wool. It it nearly all totton." "•Yen, yyat'a the w..rs of the news- yapera. You can h:anttv believe a word they ssy." Nor Is tlw rival ,Altar me sole tar- get 'for The ispeitator's shafts. Ise.. ferric to the city council. the editor remarks "There are' some people in incapable i,f giving an Canada still buys much more front the United States than she sells to that country. hut the ('anadian dollar i• practi.'ally at par in the 'Stated. Arguments founded upon the "halanc•e .d trade" theory are ftp in the air. that iaely opinion l.n any subject -there -an. others so controlled by bigotry suet prehtdiees-Yhat their advice would Is; wort►dew- 'w.hUe the -very few whom we e,tteem ltnow ae well enough to re- tain their opinion of oar labors until Iris r..n 6.6-x041-- it+ a du r-isstww-;-T1-11:4 be pmareutiy. us to which was giving ih.• fair, �rreports of the ,.ouncf pw.wee.l- 1 Ings. ;We are reminded,'- Weidaa- tar0y. of wine incidents sonde t•rI 'w'ith oar reporting of the proceerhtgs of the town council of G der145. o flowerer, there is much of a more genera eref nes ...piper Ibis n••.piper -ot seventy years ago. There is a column or so of telegraphic news; but the news from Europe. which occupies nearly two columns. was brought ai•rose by steamer. and Is Introlud by the, rather discouraging statement that "thea intelligent•* be ;hie steamer tot ttrtat_ lmrarr1Lxeir t summary is unusually btliet _.--- _----: The 'gold -mining excitement of the members of.the Legt•latur.. it is reported. are again to treat them- selves a iwasu.- u&jti00. Tho session lea- [teen. a long nue, but we do not know t1� anytasiy owlarwsll•Ie for that _.eieNpt � ttttl i- ._ stators themseives. N No great amount ora eful hn'Mti'-s has t.en -done, and the proposed bonus looks a good owl like a premium •c+ hot air. tr-tg n'tt-titr •n .Il-sptitwo lowers,. alk- Canada p A drive In the country at chi- time of the year is the best tonic for the winter -wearied emit N:I1ure is at tiertorelleet ami best, and the soft, fresh green.' of the trees. the tly;orous y"unit growths in the fields. the lambs and duckling. and other so.i„g errinnrat-of the farmsteads --all the spri sights and 'it .nulls and =awls ..nubiu.• to revive the jaded spirit. Take a drive in the country, dear rMll••r. We are pleased to see theft` was propowed I.1 • Tbs.-signal so :sogact system for the carrying . "the contract system is stiita Waders are made by men of expx'rien carrier in the country any more Chau to nd adhered to." Under the sthe .xpenee Involved In the untie UNt s "steady job" to tender for a mall ro vette to the service required. ,% better plan Brophey Bros. THE LE.ADING FUNERAI. IIIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS • Orden carefully attended to at all -hour., night or day. I GetTt1-RICH Beads in Great Variety Keep The Have flowers Ifloaming The rose has rets the violet blues and other flowers have other hues. When all a11lt tut la storm and gloom. I love the brightness ot a roam ilt by a recd geranium bloom. Sweet smuttier seines and brings some phlox some Bouncing itetts and twllyha'ka. The rose bi rel and on Its heed fall gently rain and dew, no home, though neat. 1s quite complete without s bush or two. The rose is red the violet blue whenever snrlug t'ome.s lack : he starves his soul who does not have geese flowers 'round Ids attack. The farmer tills on vales and hills tool crops his fathers knew. but let him raise by walks and ways his mother's posies too. We give Dime prelate who spends his 'days with reties not with Mammon. and with her grain from (till affil !lain pans fat the porker's ham on: but let him steal an lour to feel the hove of gentle Fi.ra- ulion wttehis knees to [dant Sweet pea or Sister Lora. i Beautiful indestructilile Fends, !ivory, Jet. Amber. Ruby, Jade. !Blur, Amethyst, Piak• Silver, Gold Just the touch you need with 'Vous summer gown H. 410.e is advocating a change which ,v, namely, the abolition of the rural mails. .1s The (iloDa mit r large poldie works. for which It is ndl applicable to a mall - postman. A fair rate should t system,'men who do not are tempted by the profi- t a price entirely blade - he to fix the rate of tfterseration and insist upon g,N,d vers -kit by the rs. Tx Municipal Act ham been amended to provide t a municipality °1st Ad its annual elections on the first Monday of Deeesab"rine election ,,f 11'' t'"' Monday of January. Any council desirous of changing t dates r., do eO by passing a bylaw to that effect not later than the lat of N'"""'.This; nmerel men t in the result of an agitation due to the tact th.: tteOyristmas holiday time was not considered a good time for election camQuetp�'Holding olding 11.e elections at the first of December will have the si:ntal• , reducing the pr• +sure of the bonds! week, awash it our opinion • '',I better time for the polling would b•' at the end of January, Riving fit' �-i for Ili«• preseutatton to the electors of s d°anci�� s�tr a� Re sh�Ilser 31st. However. almost any ch D the town council ,rt G oke to set• no, m'.•essary bylaw pt ssed Got No Sleep But now the neuritis has gone. tile pains have ceased. the nervous system is restored and the waster of this letter pays a grateful tribute to the medicine which made him well. Mr. John Woodward, P.T.O., Lucan, Ont.. write.: -It gives me much pieawret to recon• mead Dr. Chase's medicines. especially the Nerve Food. I was a sulerer from neuritis for several years. and utrd all ktsds of remedies, yr never seemed is .Ott any better. At last my carves read. \whole system see -ed to give way through not hesng able to get ashy ret or sleep at msg#et for pate. which mostly yyd to take mem all parts of the limbs sad feet. My nerves would twitch till my whole ho.,y would seem o jerk right up as 1 lav in bed. Almost at the point of despair. 1 decided 1 would get Dr. Chase's Nerve Fool. which I did. and after taking twenty bons I belseve myself almost normal again. I also keep a boa of Dr. Chow's Kidney -Liver Pills oa hand. and for the past year I seem to enjoy my usual health.- Dr. ealth"Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 50e a box. all dealers. or Edmanson. Bates & Co.. Limited. Toronto. So Shy 1 Up popped one baud -stud only one. They were having a botany lesson, "Well, Johnny ?" asked the teacher. and the children were asked by their "!'lase, alga," replied Tommy, teacher if they knew what made the "they blush to think how greeu they le•at'ea turn red it the autumn. have leen all the summer." IDs DONT MISS THIS GLORIOUS ONCE -a -YEAR Round -Trip Excursion Goderich to Detroit ON THS PALATIAL STEAMER GREYHOUND Tuesday, June 13, at 9.30'a.m. $3.00 Round Trip Leaving Goderich at 9.30 a.m., June 13, the Steamer Greyhound reaches Port Huron at L30 p.m. and Detroit at 5.30 p.m. To enjoy the sights of Detroit you will have until Thursday, June 15th, at 1.00 p.m., when the Steamer leaves the Griswold St. wharf for the return trip to Goidelic!). $2.00 One Way The Last Trip to Detroit Leaves Goderich on Friday, June 16th, at 9.30 a.m. Motor Ras Service -To Kincardine and intermediate points. Mac- Ewan's Motor Bus Service will be in operation between Goderich and Kincardine. leaving Godetich on the arrival of the Greyhound and arriving in Kincardine two hours later: Returning will leave Kincardine Tuesday, Juni 13 and Friday, June 16 at 7.00 a.m., reaching Goderich wharf 9.00 a m. - Fare =1.50 each way. Space may be reserved at \!'lute Star Line Ticket Office. Detroit. Automobiles -Take squirmy along -any tnakt'- 4 .tttl tach way, released Moonlight, Monday Night, .Tune -1 2th Don't fail to enjoy the three-hour Moonlight Trip out of Goderich on Monday Evening. June 12th, under the aus- pices of the 33rd Regiment Band. MUSIC AND DANCING ABOARD Adults 50c Children't:�-:4 25c Lady Dainty Cap Shape :■■ ■*$$$a RM$ ■/■%�i�>••!!a//>r1 ti>••/////■$$ Hair Nets/ 144 Best Net on the market. Large , Prices on Rug sNet, sinle mesh, 10c or 3 forRemarkable • Double mesh, 15c or 2 for 25c. ■ ■ Von can't beat these nets. Try ■ ■ bent an4 be convinced. . One Is rt•fle•ted In long news articles Smith' Art Store ti J aa77■ Phone 198 ■ season. l About -20 Wilton Rugs and Brussels f u!Il Mtgs. S e are new ■ -odd samples and very handsome - and a few from last ■ !wl learing at 1) ess 1an manufacturer on' California and Australia. An extract front The *dew. York East street Herald is as follows : ,•-=