HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-5-25, Page 12TRE SIGNAL G OODIRICR. ONT. COURT OF 51.ZV$S1ON 12- Ttuu•.,Inc. \f.ty 23th. 14)22. The Name "SALAD 9V STRENGTH,ITS AND NCE ARE UNEQUALED FRAGRANCE 11 rte$ t The Sealed Packet is your safeguard Harbor Notes 1, .ltaottivr lw.> 3,33„.. .1, has plteaxi at the liiI11. : and the total number of bushels of grain transhipped has tuotuttivl rmobil>. Aryl -611S at tie. 1.;nlertell elevator lu• , rlt(de.1 rite 4 )inlitwt vu We1nt•sttily. u"1111 15),Isto 101.11111. of wheat sial oat.: the ttah•ttril,r o1 Friday. with "'411411M1 Im.hois of wheat 8181 mats; the martian on \londaywI?It22natiMt bush ,•1s wheat and oat: and the Olrlliv,•t oil Wednesday with her *wand cargo hl. week with 120,0M1 btiAtel. of (.\wilt. out. .41«1 Has. le Vah artier 1. i.spe'tel on Fri• day • Saturday. TJ1e H.tLay. dare „been kept bmf li ocidh care -tor the• week's shipment of 710jhN bn+facia. le pru¢re.4 hes been made ctlou of the net/ Grand % gong of sixteen 1111- v Considers on the e)ust ``•l rank siding Tile has al :deer lti svcowtu ala h teams and uleu. work acro.. the ddit1u11a1 biding ears. 1'. lt., ltt n iwun roriding .on for 11M Nomad. inetltU(e A very plea -atilt time was nt tie five hundred and (late Oddfc11,1w'. }fall by tit.. \\-oma Garbage -Collection The eo)1$'etion of garbage under the directilln and mee.rvision ut.the Local tte•ant of Neslth, will cont. stens on Jen» 1st, and thereafter the 0"11ections will Lir wade every Setunlay and Weti l314y tlln.tyth- , int the 'orogen. The fee i4 $1. ll to the end of each month and payable in advance to iia' Too it Treasan•r._ No name will ba handed to the Garbage Collector unless Fee has been paid in advance. few approves! pproved herbage Cane for sale at cost. For sayfurther particulars apply to L. L. KNOX Town Clerk �OT10E Of COURT OF REVISION TOWN OF i101)ERI('H Take notice that -the Court 'of Re rlsiuu of the Town of Ooderk'h will hold its first sitting to the Council I Chamt.er, Teen Mill, Cctderlcb, for 4 the euresose of hearing appeals against the arsessweut roll fur the Towu fur ` the year lir__', on TI'ESI►.l.1'. MAY 30TH. 1922, at 14 O'clock 1n the eveutl1 . All Smarties lutt't'e*two a,e requested to attend. I.. I.. KNOX, Town Clerk. Gotlerlcb. May 17111, `l9' 24 ti FOR BALE WANTED COR SALIN-NO. 1 XXXX.X B. C. pjANTRD.-A RELIABLE GICNTLII' a Shingles at ).(.: tw station at A li)Wtwt prices. ROBERTSON AND • TREBLE. R. R. No. 5, (ioderlch. if TOR SALE OR RENT LIZD1NG LO1 FOR SALE. -ON Nock street. Mu,t be sold within the neat eft reeks. rukeoarr to MKS. ISOMAS Mc- itf.,. IE. VictoriaSteee.. Co'ter.eh. or to W. A { W HIIIIiLrtY. 8,1114 Oar Street. New o,Ihemp.*. NOTICES OF MEETINGS )It SALE. -VICTOR XI. VI{'• trola, mahogany cabinet, nearly new, with sixty tweet«. boor particu- lars apply to MR. WM. )111.L1AN, Cambia" road, F011 SALE. - A FRAME 1TII1IY and a•half house. Situated on Anglestttt street. The house collies 411 right rooms and has all 1 nalcrn ov,nvenl('ncem. Apply at TiIE $1UN.\1. OFFICE. 4-t .ARTICLES WANTED SEt'ON b•IiAND COOK Store _-ti. feat fur the mummer. Akal. But Itfi Miguel timet•. LOST OR FOUNT) wan or lady dealer to handle Watkins' products In (kslerk•h, all or spare time. Wonderful opportunity. lliete for full particulars. THE J. R. \1' Al I N $ . COMPANY, Dept. H. S,. 418 wen', Ontario. Tft WANTED. - KEEPER AND MAT - it' IN. Man and wife to have . harpy of the Huron County Hume near Clinton. and the farm la swn ie. thin tbereWith, App'llentltorla. personal preferred. to ie wade to the under - Aped, the appointment to be muade at the nest meeting of the County 1:otttieit. which mt•et4 u1 Juue lith. JOHN )RRANI'E, InaplrcTltlr, ('llutun, Ont. t'liutlul, May 2nd, 1442.'. 17.44 -$MALL CAREFUL WANTED, fatuity th•sfre good acecommodas Oen. preferably overlooking. lake, der - 1 leg July or August; or would rent fully furnished hyltse or cottage. Ex- (ellettt references furnished. Apply, '- siring defluite details, to J. Mae - HARDY, 202 Fern Avenue, Toronto. 2-t SN LOST. - I, I:OI)EltiCIL OS OR l " HUSAIN LILO:ItAL AS ( Rlll about )pay lush a silver bar pin. 1' 1,\'1 ION. The annual .meeting of the Huron Liberal .lsso, idtluu will 1 in the Town Hall. Winghanu. on (lay. )lay :kl, a r o'clock pun. All Liberals invited 10 attend Jas. M.-Murchte. W. H. Robertson. Secretary. President. North s• held Tues. MEI:'CIX(: OF Hl'RON f'/)''NTT rt►CN("1L. • Finder please leave al THE S1CN %I OFF1t'1 r. 14 • Tlw Couut•il of the Corpr)ratbo) of the county of Ilurun will meet to the (' )tl.11i it l'hafds•r.. 1:.I4.lt•rI.tt. at 3 p. to etitute. last .'1'lier:48y evenIfg. ' In «;dor 14 the _rr\t'r`L(i.weut_. vLt'tttlr r A. fair crowd tun• prese•41t. The ►a(ly I.rise for coals wa. wanl►�Mrs. W. F. Sailtelers ant :;1' 1h`ntlefnaf'• Ly kir. Fred Sturdy. Tie music for tat• rhtl''• 111 was fttrulshed lir tate Itho'k-t• m,= Buckley orchestra. -P.AST1'RES TO LET AUCTION SALE UITUItE 'Fit RENT FOR EIGHT or ten head of cattle. Apply to TOISIAS }'1811}:IL Maitland ('uuees- L1XE('L'TORS' SALF. OF . RESI. cion. Colborne. Telephone 1113 olid- ran iiss borne System. 1st 'loner. Property, Household Fiume turf. and Chattels HOUSES TO RENT r The Executers of the Estate of i F.11ZAIIETH NWHOLSON•'IKrPas8L Hl i4E TO It1XT ON LICK will sell bion•y publk• auctat the preen- house 'street. Apply at the BED. leen. Toronto tttreet, I Huion road), }'Olin T}a.. ralerMh, ou MATT-RiMY: M 1T 2T. 114 2' All devoutly. should be in the hand' of the Clerk ou or Iwfure diet Moil. day preceding 1110uiw•fina of 4.'onnee. ('I,. l'Ierk. ' 4..drrb•h ?lay 114t14. 11r22. . 24 1 ••MAt(hw W.." 11r, .1. It. Whitely . _,iri.ts'. «4.01 third money at the Mitchell rairtirLoti May 'l4. The Grave of a Canadian Poete ric n5 iravein tits �ohu ohne. 3 1 tend 'feather bear the ball marks of my Mohawk blood." On the east jibe of the fountain will be earre•1 • )d canoe and paddle. This will be significant a4 a terror s sentatioa of the spirit of the "song my paddle,singa." one of the sweetest songs. penned by the princess. It Bazaar and Salad Tea uncle- the auspices of the MacGillivray Mission Band on Saturday May 27 in the lecture -room of Rn, '. Church Candi. Hone -made Baking, Useful :aiul4/4suey-Articles for sale • Tea Served from 4 to 7 sammniersallel t 4.. Train Service To._TAJronto DAILY ExcEin'surday. 4,o,.mit ri,h 1,11flit.111. 2' ,r ti 41 " 12 „. o 7 ,t; '• t•' '' Arrbitratts.ci --lKt:. •' 1 ire "Kai 'a:. 2'. .. i, -.1.' , ,., .. r .r - 1f) 11, itETLift 4INC- ,' •;:A) 0.111.. . ' 'and I'.tr,,\r4. ;tl• .scar riodi ri •L t, l.o;t nine tro.iu 441,,1 '{',.ri,u•„ 0.tt'l.n train. furl. t Enols' :u' `tnc1f• 1' . t I eftcnl„ n tempt:. For fol' porn, l:;.0 1 Apply'to F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Tows Afenta _. __.._......_- } OZEMA. 01 Wit inneweremst I:ISHIu'.--in• (;(slericfi •, nn, May; 21. Frodrrick .1. IIb 't .:.. aged I 1 53 years. 1t'IIITE. -In - (arslerich. on )1nniM f May 22. ' Mary Slattery. beloved; self*. of Jatn(w White. In her 79th year. 114)X. -/Lt the ("lit Line. (;,.peri.•!, towtylti(►. --au _Thursday Stay 11. 1 Pref. 1 -1A1.1) --ilk- 9'nrrnttm air Thu -rider. April 20. 1922. Lixxlc .t., wife of . the late (;errge H. Hall. and third dIInchter of 'the late John 1Vniker. 3!ITNNIN4i.4.-.tt Alexandra Hospital. , (lolby1ch. Un }'Ndny. May 19. to Mr. and Mr*. A. it. 3Mmiinih1s, rich tewtiship a son (1'14414.: Frederick .I'.ltlll. TAXI AN --- In (;txterlcll on j L $aturdn ', let 'M), by Rev. K, 4f. I 11444' 47, (;Ince•'1(mthle'n 1It41vn. of (kslcriele tee ,Icahn H. Tmm/1at of forth. • Pt --at for te7.'tna tit •1 r r1 - 11 uA 441 t•1..,(,. nt,1, `..•.''.- ally Real, the (41r.. - . 1m I•.. ('p, .,Y .,h,o:,cn, fro. 1, )' , 1 r'... ip 4110 acted le. shill(. f,.r 1,,... , r. (L, . a x i attl(c,,,,..liZel se Jdnitee.,n, Ilan.* e l , .. s. tali#t it-" M.1 t aril 1'nlu1 manse. t;odcrich. on Wednesday, )lay 17. 1.y Her. Jao. ILewilton, }:117:,beth' Margaret, daughter of 31I n,l k1tw. .Mien Ferri. -h, of 1 to Lesile Ethells'rt. gn, „ 1I r. s)«1 )ars. Robert Bogle. „f , ,orae. BRINGING UP FATHER T0UMIRTH from all over the weed- rt•rinre the' beauty of that corner of Stanley arTt 1M1T h Ooiamhia, where are )tnried the ashes of Ganadalt In dian poetess, Pauline Johnson In the shade of the gee*t trees, within sight of the Siwa.h.Rork, `t is one of the ideal spots of that parries... natural woodland. and hair been marked by a nimp'e temporary stone roi(•d in place. To catch the spirit other songs that Canada's love for her Indian pewees' mite have ea during expre"4ion a permanent metnorial wi11 shortly fie erretlwl. Tho memorial will take the forst of a turtle, en t'quc fountain, to be erected from moss revere) stones, gathered from the park.,.. The w*0 4' swill flow through this granite from, as n natural .pr -ng. and fell into a.pool at the side with the lidded charm Of -water Mlles in thew1. The heed atone will has. a lif line reproduction :o1 tb'i-firad of the 1:16etes4, soh le nn " the west Wde will be emblems of her legend'', showintt the flint aryl feether. The "flint and ten'.h.r Is an smbkui, rich in Indian associations. "Flint" •utc gents the Red man's weapons 01 war; it u 044' arrow tip, the heart quality of the people. Tho "feather- s the Poole phone that ereries the head of the warrior ehaef.r In the words of the late poetess, "The flint Nee 11p irk, the lo;1L -- A fir tree tracking its lullaby, Birinyi, swings, s -Its emerald wing, Swelling the song my paddle sings." The eyes -of tbe figure will be foenased on the stream of water, and beneath the carving wilt be the name "E. Pauline Johnson," with the date of hirth and death. . The plan promoted by tbe Art, Historical and Scieetfic Society ofVancouver, of establishing an I.•,14.,Mis Bt ulcy. Park, will prove unique is Csna(L. It will breathe an,±n.fiyidualietn redolent with ,t,woclatioms of the "evergreen coast," and of the early history and legends of our country. TRte idea of the society is to bring an entire old-time Indian vil- lage, with its marry Loran; jrnitw, lodges, council cham- ber' anal customary features, and place it in Stanley ''ark. It will perpetuate all tone the 'splendid and en - tient history of some of the curly native coast In- dians, eonet'tut ing the original' pre -historic iahabitaats of British Columbia. now only the remnant of a dying roc& There are • few remaining villages, now in dan- ger of decay from long demise. silently nestling at N eluded northern coves along_ the Pasifis cease There - is evidence of stately pomp and gtandanr shout the r . pat •' c. and_os '•tura councilchambers- sat/. thee., •namerons heraldic totem pole«. The society hopes to obtain an ample number of totem polo", chiet'e re- galia, "coppers," a metal}ic,.insignia of hereditary of- f;ce and other panoply, dancing. masks, ro )tw, talking sticks, h musk-a-mlrk fansol'war canoes, carved door jambs, and lintel& roof trees, medicine men'. costly fur rotate of sea otter, or other "kine with full accessories. for iigLLO J14fee•00 YOU CX))? WHY ONLY RPJEM M3ER THE,LAgT YE5VERIOKI • TIME 1 PLAYED INS' THE OFCHIEF F . THI2 N TOWN '3 _ POLICE vIUZ ASKIN ' A000T YOU4 I'VE MEN PLAYI1,44 11,4 ..ti11'MLET- ALL SEAy0N: emementllI at 1111 o'elnt'k p.m.. sharp _ IA ►TK 1:, ANI)Int HI'1q►N ROM7M- 1TALKE1f, A4.'CT1l►NFFR . on which there 1s a rrrmfortabll• franc! eJ tor l.tww)u,ltteeeets. taus art.e•u•.,.M ' 11i story house. on 'stow. TOUI)dal1i• q the view, of Huron. 21)x:42. with kttehen i3x2L also a t 'A4de-u011.,-.1- t' vv.t.•aticr•tol.Y.STALZER frame barn 12sl11. The laud !s ¢n"1, Auburn- - sad there are a number of fait frt..... Tl -RMS. Ton per vent. of minima.; )IVSIC prh•*. to he paid at time of .ale. 11,11.1 £uCTIOxrtRINO 'PIANOS TCNRD.-APPLY TO C. V. I Alter ifIt11111 :10 dart's. a I At the sante tithe en -tow ...outmost HENRY, Mu_* Studio, north amp (tut the I 'a'. enlisting .if parlor..1144- of Square. 41 tngn«.nt. Isslr,sau and kitehrn furni- . -_..- ere lnrlgdlilg kitchen store. erall 'slater, limits.. get sawn re. pictures. _ ,nriwt4, ••ml•win+. gtnlpn caul. sue orlil•r chattel., w10 11e sold without T. (l1-NT)I1T. .tne•t lnneer. 1 r,,-,8 ('4'. TERMS. lraj.h. T TIcIfttellINE A. Ttl'tt �✓i �R. F. 1. R. FORSTER. EVE, EAR; NOSE. THROAT. Late Hare %urceoa Nee Yoh Ophthalmic and Aural Hapa.l .tsaestar.t al ntooreaiWe�.. eye Hospital mid L(d oeySt,uare Throat H oili .telo eo St. 5.. Stratford. Tel.p•0we ' At Hefei Bedford. (;'dn.eh. Iron W.dm toy. Jul.. :1.1 at : -.n p a,.. 1.. •iMo-3ar. hon. t 41 a Ipu, , tax_ INSURANCE. 'ETC. . _. ILLo! setTIYAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE 1'11. -Farm and isolated town property Insured. Oftwer44•--J:.. l'onoolly, Prem., (kelp- rich redo-rich I'. O.: Jas. Evans. Vk'..l'rea.o, Bee•hwo.sl P. u.: Thomas Ec Hays. Hee -Treas. Seafnr•b P. O. r)Ii•w'tor.--r). F. Mc(;regor. R. R. Na 3, Heaforth; John O. Ordava, No. 4, V nit).i,; \V1111a u Rion. R R. No. 2, Seaford.: John itenpewiea, Brod- hAgen; (leo McCartney, IL R. (o. Sr Salforth: Rotwrt Ferris. Harloet Jlalroln MrF.wen, Clinton; JAMBI. Evans, Bee"Awood: James Comiollye - Goderieh. Ageata : J W. Teo, (;oderich ; Alex. l.eltrb, R. R. No. 1. Clinton; John \11tt•r:y, W•.aforth : E. Hlnch- ley. Seeforth. Polley -holders con pay }jr;EK.VE41 AI'('TI$1N )}til OP; 1.Isot'eAwa- new spine;• (;(tilt}. a11s1 (-hnttels 311t. 11.7N lIRRES' t wilt .ell '•r (.411.1ic :merlon at his h•.m- rtnren !toad. (e,wb•ri••Il. rest of (;.T.it. cr,t ming. on }'RII).\Y. MAY 26T11, 1tre2 teenuoen.•ftrx at 1.39 o'clock p.tu.. •harp _. �1 single wagon and gntvel Noe. 1 s4vere.l Mtrette:.1 .lifer. S wtrl•te. ,•f hell.. 1 •Inxle sleigh.' -1 .\+trachan reds.. 1 toad bore. blanket, 1 Angle flow. 1 .tattle set ItarrlJw.. 1 net single work leirne.w. 1 we Arising h/1nw.•, 1 wher•Iharrow, 13 Moon" hens 'Iasi ,von r'. Mel.). 1 Corona ran:.•. nenrtr nPw: 1 r21G"•ts hinter. tielrly now : 1 w,ssl- It -enter. 1ettnpbRr suite, 2 M.Istrads. 1 sideboard. 1 gl,1s. kit•hen -cupdo ard. 1 New Wit:Isms *wring machine. 2 tolllr.. 1 mirror. 2 Kende T clothes horw. 2' nritking ■11 payments and get thelr Garde re.) rhitr.. 2 armchair.. 1. jtarior nig. celpted at R. J. Morrish's Clothing gond a• new : 1 parlor: lamp. 1 toilet Store, Clinton: R. H. Cutlet Grocery, *et. 1 lantern. 14 and 4 gallon ,r..:ke. Kingetnn street, floderieh. or J. Q di lee rat14? R••id's (loners? Store. -11.4504.1. 1r m1.1.l4.UtZetl•aualt" title. --11.117041 a+lt Mrard. 3 iron Isd., :1 wst•r I' Ilty1 LEGAL tax of carpenter. toils, a number of gar.b•n tools anal uumer01l. utter M G. CAMERON, le. C.. -BARRIS" artfrlea.. - TER. Solicitor, notary publle. Er*.rytittng ninst Ile disposed of a?f ()Glee Hemliton street. roderlcb. third' prn;wrty i4 wild. i t10or from Square. Trust funds to TERMS. -Ali sums of SNI and un- loan at lowest rates. der, cash: over that ' amoent. sly ( nF'OO?, r RiLLOHA�i • month..' credit will he given on fine DROPI' iii.hit)y„apyr(84 --Letes. J`- sol» nuttt_ui-tt;wr- ctetrl �RRIgTFRy. atrLiCiTORS, on '•.O'llit..utmuutts PCRLIO:--ie'itE'.:- JI►I(N Itlt}:EN, .T. Gr'N111IT, I OfM'e on the Square) ".Pond door Proprliter. Auctiou.•er: fmm Hamlltnn Street, oderlch. Prorate fund. to loanCrat lowest - j rstPa W. Prondfnot. K. C.e: r. L. K111oraq U'1'LI('.►TION FOR 1)14 OR('E ' Dudley E. 'Mmes. NO - A1.P1,11'.4114 *: F, )It 111V1il1t4','r Notice is herehy giy.•n that Er- 1ee.t 'Warren furter. of the Town of t;rsiertelt. to the (1nlnty of 'Huron. In the Provimv of Ontario, returned sol- er. _wilt -apply 4o the Parfnment of Canada at the nest swetion thereof, Inti-nf-Dtttlree fNrnl fits *Ile. Betty Violet Porter. of the City o1 lamximn. Eitel/intl. Un the ground of fdnitery reel desertion. Dates! at Onderich. this 13(11 dor of May, 1922. ERNEST W.IiRREN 1't 'RTEIL by ill. g)li.•I1..1 It. C. HAYS. t:o.lerk•h. HARLEDS GARROW.lsL. B, DAR. C RISTF.R, attoctwy. solicitor, Goderich. Money loaned at lowest retell C SEALER. BARR1$TlsRr-Se . 11* - IrITOlt. notary public Ind_ Coo- re7anePy nenee--(lite'f Nona. Owls. II,,aatsttM F13. • Ii ir•:iiAT. It.0 .•1Ya. in.. B.A. . ('. n e,dtrl 1 - il n .t. cI H am t • "Yot-1'vE PLAYED IN ALL MY co -e 1 Ah1 Tl1E IDOL OF- THE HOUR IN MY PROF-ESIOre '1BY GEORGE McMAXQg_ `(OU mt.PYr e,E I OLE ALL THE n1922 av I«r.•4, f,Atunt $:a+•r te, 1.4 • i