HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-5-25, Page 10AS If You Are Interested In Motor Cars This Page Will Appeal To You Keep Steering System Operating Properly P Good Steering Is The First Essential of Safety First In A Motorcar—Too Much Loose Play In Many Car's Steering Systems Bl' ALEXANDER JOULNSTON le checked up at least twice a year. Biter et Salter Fi ally the car owner should re- (uu,J steering is the first essential ttewlwr the hulking that curries the of safety first in tow motor car. and steering post. It there it excessive yet. strange as 11 may seem. the aver- -wear in this part. the w•Iteel will rat• ate car does not have tins vital fea- ture. lu Most ears there is more or less lljay iu some puri o1 Ow ate.•rlu,i system awl this inevitably nukes atewt•itlg uncertain. Theatts•riug system cowdsta of the fulluwiltg biers: the wheel which the driver uses in guiding the car. The ile and the only remedy Is s new bushing. This bushing lies Ietween the outer shell and the post. This has been proposed to minimize the danger of mntori4t4 confusing tl lights platealong highways to In- dicate dangerous road conditions with thoset,se on automobiles. The use of red lights lyrlautotuatic or manually oper- ated stop sigials for the rear of auto- woldltrt is. therefore, lotttcal. DON'T BREAK TRAFFIC LAWS •- post to which:this wheel is attach.d Consideration For the Convenience ✓ est at the bottom of Which.lis a re- And met) of Others Is err) duction gearing. This gearing make.: Important It easy to ehauge the dlreeltou Of the Don't drive faster than the following car, 117 mens of what is known as a ',peens: Within a lily, town nr vll- steering arm. This in turn is et uult't- erl with a drag link, which extends forward to west Ile lett steering knuckle arm. Tire left steerlug knuckle .arty it tnutlected with the similar part on the right by weans of a tie 14)11. The first operation In keeping the steering system operating correctly is to keep the joints well packed with grease, or graphite and grease f ulled half and half. The housing wht.'It holds the reduction gears at the bottom of rite columu or post should he p/e•ket1 with grease at least three times a year. The hall. Joints. 441 one tonal of the drag link frust be kept lubricated and thew require frequent attention. tws•nit-c the grease leaks away trout theta rapidly, to cover leing provided. The ends of the tie x441 are usually titled with [altsand these also must Ie Iubricatttl. The steering kuue-kle pins must have regular sI teution. 1t must be remembered that there is couttalit m..tiou in n11 the various units of the aterrinK ever the car is Moving. Every Ibrs- tiou produces'rR� its ."11... a1ent fw steering knuekle pins. or king pias, as they are often called. Ire allowed to become dry. there jj'eI1 a er•rt,11u .summit of bluffing ant/ r41 alerting . results. The k 'kle puns shufM( he olo&_Rtry 4ly. or every two sleeks if gralt'1 e-0-"1"/ 'alien play in the steering system tits oiler deve1up$s1. 1t multiplies vera qulekly. Play gives a (.11.1 lice for friction and excessive wear, whi It is fatal to iwturate aueasy 'steering. Ry keeping -all the a nw''1lous in the roe .wing system ti caul. this (tomtit fare It get* a c; Lout In adjnttfn compensate or wear the ear owner laze. 20 mors per hour: it the opeu cotuftrj, 211 miles: at street iuterwr- tiuns in cities, rte.. 10 tulles: at eruss- roads in team cuuutry. L" J w1Yza ' lichen you have not ■ clear view '8f appr,.H.'iiIng traffic. Head lamps must be eMIulpprl w•1th an approved type of nonglare leas 11111 proper 1'./ tulle power buffo!, correctly adjusted to eliminate glare. Bright headlights are unueveesaary nn pavcs1 street.. Dimmer and tall lights must 1) lightest on automobiles left standing on all streets after dusk. 1h il't etit In In front of another car. 1hit slow down suddenly. or turn earners without giving audible warn- ing or„holding out, your Ih:uwl.' Don't turn. a corner to the right without keeping close to the curb. Dunt turn to the left without pass- ing the eent re 1 street iiterwr•tinn. lhon't pats standing street cars or pass theta oil the 1411 side at any time. Right of wiry at any street or in- t,•rseellII IelouKs to any vatrlots as- prslching fry r61 no soon on ana wtaeo you overtake • oa the left. f11,.w Moving ve11L 14s shu11 keepYas near the curl. as 4ireuwttllts•Ps w111 permit. It,. kless driving is always Illegal. regardless of the speed or technical right • 4'(• wit e•. At regular eros Walks on any strw•1 the Flgtit-of-tarry e.f prtiestrhws should fie ri eugnIsed. - 1'nuetersary noise or the use of muf- fler cut outs is illegal. lu 4:1ar of serhlent or 4.41111,4011 of :1117 k11141 always stop aid give ymlr Hanle 41141 .*1.1 re- to the person. con- t and well luhri- certlerl. +n Is prevented he - ,we to lx4•01111• ser- Automobile 'engineers arc .sou;idrr- J 1 ing the advisability of using yellow in ttw staering system to place of red taillights oil motor ears PALE, WEAK GIRLS •1 AND DELICATE WOMEN Caa find New Health By Earichiag Their Blood Supply \attar inJt udtrl every girl and every wuwalt to he happy. active and 1.',.lthy.• t too many of them find their 11!45 saddened lay suffertng— HearlY taways Is -cause their blood is t,. blame. A11 those unhappy girls nod wuwr11 w•1111 colorless cheeks, .11111 dk'ins, atilt sunken. lusterless eyes,; are 1 1 11 is condition because they have! not enough resp bdaxl In their rellw to 1 in the charm of about. The leirt exertion wade my heart palpitate so violently that I actually was afraid one ,ot there spells Wight tarry we off. Often wy. nights were sleepless. anal as the treatment 1 was taking did not hell/ we 1 was almost to despair. Finally a friend advised the use' of 1►r. Wil - llama' link Pills. and In the tours• of a dew weeks atter beginning this trsatmeut there was a decided, iw- pruvrweut 111 wy toudition. 1 continu- ed using the pills, and aw now enj11y• lug good health. I am glad to give you lily experlelMe In the hope that some other sufferer may that the way to better health. - These pills are sold by all medicine idealers or may 1e had by tuall at :at cents a box or six boxes fur $..:,ll from Ueep them well 1 health. Theo offer from depressing weat tines. nal periodical. headaches. !Park form Iutdrr their eyes. their h art palpitate() violently after litest exertion. and they are the *I (often attacked with fainting spell.. --Thies+ are only a few of the miseries If t1.sn11essit s.t. 1\'hen the 14104441 tN•- cono•. thhl and watery it can be en- ri,-hed thrglgb the use of 1►r. '.Vil- 1i+111u. /'ink )'ills and the troubles that come from .poor blood disappear. iu almost every neighborhood you w111 tied some formerly ailing woman, or tr,le breathless girl who' has a good ..or1 to say for this medicine. Among sl►ould he quire of the 'oration u -.tiuubie•... For Instance if wear 104+ 1x•- urretl in the steering knnekle pin'. , 11 is p. •b•ss to try and c,+mexju+.lTe - for the by adjusting the steering gears. If the drag link is 1,4111. which t •au4ees stiff Steeering. there is n.. point in do- v f tie Alkilia. Ing anything rx4r{N ?straighten the lit- n • ' I � I �- 1 lug thin1NP J11 waking adjust- ,/ lit- 411/ 1 NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiMMIiIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiMMU(IIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIII went. it is good pra,iice to jtak l.0► i C the two front wheels. make the dirt - c:1,1: -2 io �J , _ / erect adjustments de. i +ld try; each, one ♦ ( I t%TE\1 _ ,'_ `aa It M made. With the wheel raised �IS.� � ` + � --- --- �- .__ _ Ow drsi IInk or tS�nX1 .W y be alis M nuitPetrtt to locate the rxn:•t port t� Deeding udjustuu'Ot' t \ CLatighlill M er who spent the first = There I. always an adjusting non � for takdng up"weeny lu the re,tt4•tlon above and this is right aive fie gear housi lig hr the lottnm of the steering ler things spay akar to throw at..-- the _uto own —mat at proper yrsrtinderllitcar-seeing why it iIbin•t tug condition.. For 1;14.14111,.,, 111111tlttead-ofmimingit-7 = • out of alignment -Villi..., luu.1 Well, he never beard about our expert its 41111e lime 11411 11 is work i11 sailer tare •w,gu•. The Automobile Repairing' gAilt +nil he kept fully ids- ' When we rix your car you know that .... of many drivers of hard with thy fr,,ii: cxIt rt work has horn done and you won't C have to bring it hack niftier,t11essthe job M Dealer For Goderich and Adjoining Territory Ammmall TIRE SERVICE Choose your Tires and Tubes from our selected stock of Dominion Firestone Dunlop. . Goodrich and Goodyear The best is the cheapest in the long run. The 1►r. Williams' *letlicuN• Co., 1 Brockville, Ont. H. J. FI'. H. J. FISHER thrid there is Miss lantra Monaghan. l THE ♦ uLCA.yIzE 4'Iuwptellton. P.F:.1.. who says:—" i11•• Hamilton St. Goderich torr using 1►r. Williams' fink Pill- 1 , was in a lwdfy run down condition. 1 I s111 piste, thin and scarcely ail. 10 go i The Durant Car ust a real good Car made at Leaside, Ont. .4 number of notable features are container) 1n the June number of 1t041I anal (lin In Canada. George 1.. ('at - ton. a Canadian short story writer 01 pruwha•lKw. contributes' "Flapjacks.- I a short .story masterpiece. There is an article entitled "shore -bind Migra- tion Along N. tet.." by that famous naturalist, Ito aye astle 1►ale, while Robert Page Lincoln tontributtes "Ran- dom Casts,” In addition to his usual Fishing Notes department. The Guns red Awwunitlot department in this Ufa Electric and Battery Service Station —o— I am opening up a shop un- der the above name in the old Star Theatre Stand, corner of Coiborue street and Square, specializing along the follow- ing lines : Agent for Goderich and vicinity J. G. Cameron Phone 253 - for prices and demonstration Battery. 1tE�tnr edrall�kes Battery Charging Overhauling of Ignition, Start- ing and Lighting Systems New Batteries and Electrical Accessories in stock Car owners are invited to call and see my flattery Claming Plant and if v ur battery fails to keep 11 , grt advice and estimates. — *ager Issue Is perhaps the big feature. It la au tIlIOMtta11y liberal one. contain- ing n wealth of material which will he relished by all who read it. The Kennel 1Nepwrtwent resumes with this Issue. under the eslltorahlp of Frank II. Walker, of Windsor, an au- thority o11 dopa, and one of 1'anada's !Wolters In kenuel circles. A. Bryan 11'ilU,ltus eontrlbutos his usual hunt- , lug notes in R. ('., and there are other features which go to make up a well - 1 balanced. attractive magazine. which will tw found particularly hltl•rrst(ni 1 to all. Rod and Gun in Canada Is published monthly at Woodstock, ()n - I tarto, Ily W. J. Taylor, 1•Iwlted. Auto Taxi Service Ready at Any Time For Any Distance Telcp1o44' .t 1 F. BARLOW 3 Park htreet Goderich It is the PREST-O-PLATES in PRESTOEUTL Batteries that Give LonjerLife and More Pep THE life of a battery depends upon the plates. That is why Prest-O-Lite, when it set out to make the Automobile Battery better, began with the plates. Always a maker of a better plate, it turned its scientific skill and re- search to improving it and produced Prest-O-Lite Plates—the long-lasting Plate. Here is a battery plate as different from ordinary plates as gold is from gilt. Unusual hardness combined with a peculiar porosity gives it unrivaled durability. This ezptains its ready reserve power in biting zero .v,etpttw.e and its great non -buckling strength that re- sists overheating in summer. That is why the Prest-O-Lite Bat- tery outlives an ordinary battery and 1 why it is the best all-weather battery. Drive around to the local Prest-O- Lite Service Station and ask about $ Prem -a -Lite for your car. Prost -O -Lite Batteries are Canadian thru and thra. T. F. HOLLAND East Street Garage Goderich Phone 243 THE OLDEST SERV10E TO MOTORISTS I Rtp+'rttlr-•�+Itt•,� wart. - w1w4 steeerin , at t 10111'1111 rtt4', front tare she gate!. 'rhe 11111 _ - striking, the_4 tli w•II'•els is n It bump - is like!! out ,If alignmennt nliguweut• if the It mistake. Snell :1 done over 111 14 day or two. r throw the wheels This m7tt:'r of t .ltl-4 1 nt wheel. •holll l ' Reg. Williams--{ Earl Street Garage Picea; 24f 1rgains IN - sed Cars !en's garage Wherever You Go---- i Fori:l: Are Giving Satisfaction West . tree Easy Payment • lan We Sell and Serve Fords Call and See Them P. J. MacEWAN Forel G..ra_. L'f►r.ilton St. Code tic It Ont S. ALLEN _.arrear IMMO The undersigned wishes to announce that he has become a resident of Goderich and will act as the McLaughlin -Buick Dealer for this locality. Show Rooms will be on Nelson street and Service Will Be Given at W. A. Craig's Garage on Victoria St. See the new McLaughlin Master Four and the Master Six finished in three different colors : Royal Blue. Maroon anti Battleship Gray. Your choice of English Burbank or Black Tops. PETER GRAF -= - i riephone 38-1 Nelson .St. Goderich. Ont. • Five Doors East of Victoria Street II 111111111IUIIIIAIIIIIIIII11Ii1111111111111T11111I1111111rii1llfl1111111111111111118NI111111 n1111uu MINIM OMMOI • • 101 DUNLO CORD T 1 Fe E 5 FABRIC Dunlop -Mileage «l�l 1 /4 ILEAGE " is the magic word in Tiredoln these days, and Dunlop Tires right across the continent are rolling up record after record. To think about a 5,000 -mile Tire is to live lin the past; to talk about a 10,000 -mile Tire is to be " just ordinary; " to dwell on a 15,000, 20,000, 25,000 mile Tire is to get into that rubber sphere where Dunlop is pre-eminently the leader. Ask for Dunlop Cord and specify " Traction." Then you are on your way to a new experience. Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited Head Office and Factories: TORONTO. Braaehe. In the Leading atlas. 0 1 /1 -1 f4-4111 Dunlop Tires Mean More Milea • e