The Signal, 1922-5-25, Page 8•
ti -,Thursday, May 25th. 1922.
Pieties aad Decoratifig
Beautiful Wallpaper Books
to select from. Corner Elgin j
and Victoria Sts. 1'booe 818. I
Buy you Paper frond t
T: H. Carrick
•`S AVE"
Everybody's doing it by getting
their Household Furniture at
Harold Blackstone's
Furniture Exchange
West Street
(Uu The Br..adwi .d t;:::Irrichl
Bargains' ineverything for the
home. Why pay more ?
This i. )our store. Drop in any time.
111 la/(10
Jersey Brand
Maize Gluten Feed
and Barnard
Grow -or -Bust Calf Meal
Royal I'ttrple Calf \Ica! IIs
Another Le uler
We H lee Them ,
When iV;tuting Jlan4. 1 Seed
See 7's.
Wesley McLean
Opera Douse Block l.oelerich
Town_ of Glde-
rich,. yie:d 5.8o p.c.
$'o00 R. M. East Kit-
donan, yield 6 Io p.c.
$6000 City of Windsor,,
yield 5.6o p.c.
.\11 Victory !tutu!, at 1hr tt rkrt
0. F. Carey S& Sot!
fkiuk o1(' r,uruerrh It g..l'h,.ue�'ai
Long Live
The King
(Continued from page 6)
br•Rast pocket, there was no longer
room for doubt. nor. for that matter.
time for thinking. As a matter of
tact, never afterward could Nlkky re-
call thinking at all. He moved awt>1
quietly. hidden by the shadows of the
colonnade. Behind him, nn the steps,
the two men were talking. Absorbed
In themselves and their business. they
neither heard nor saw the figufe that
.lipped through the colonnade, and
dropped. a blood curdling drop. from
the high. end of it to the street be-
Nitky's first impulse. beside the ear,
was to cut a tire. By getting his op-
ponent into. a stooping position. over
the damaged wheel, It would be easier
to overcome him. But a hasty search
revealed that he had loot his knife to
the melee. And second thought gave
him 'a better plan. After all, to get
the letter was not everything. To
know Its destination would be Impor-
mpartant. He had no time to .think fur-
ther. The messenger was coming
.1nwn the steps. not stealthily. hat clat-
tering. with the ring of nano in the
heels of heavy hoots.
NIkky sung his long length Into' the
tonneau, and there crunched. It was
dark enough to conceal him. but Nit-
kys was a large body In a small place.
However, the chauffettr only glanced
at the car, kicked n%tire with -a prac-
tical fnot. and got dn.
• He headed for. the open country
Very soon his passenger knew that he
inns In for a lour rule pesslbly, a cold
ride certainly.
the ear ��-'ttso driver
sr1s je,. powef. 17e drove rar.-
Mty. fro. n� n•
,4 110 must u,.:%e 114141e
but et nrfot afford accident.
Nilk' grew very nooneif04ble.
His 1 iK legs ached. The gel n v be-
`twe.• the shoulders where the eon-
adN• .- find landed kis powerful blows
11 •::.',;•d and bent. Assn he was
azzi••d, nerd he hated being puzzled.
ile \,:.s unarmed. too. Ile disliked
that most of all.
After a time he raised his head. He
made out -that they were going east,
toward the mountains. and. he cursed
;tick That had left his revolver tit
tag Kelton or Uneven roan.
?filthy, he waited tads moment. and
then, with one singularly emd.ot rte
tare. he flung his trate ever the
chauffeur's head. He drove a ear
himself, did Nlkky- oot W owe. of
room; he was far toe poor -4541 he
counted on ons thing—an autnmobUs
driver acts from the spinal cord. sad
sot from the brain. Therefore his
brain may be seetbing with a th"nand
frenzies. but he will shove out cluteb
and brake feet is an emergeoc7, nal
hold them out.
So It happened. The man's brads
lett the wheel. hut he stopped his ear.
Not too Boon. Not before It had struck
the cliff and then takes a siekening
Retired Frail Farmer Gives An Ito -
portant `suggestion For Treating
Run -Down Farm
rebuilds,. method of putting the
rundown farm on its fret is suggest -
el by Donald .1. McKinnon, of Tor-
onto. who previous to his retirement
from active agriculture operated a
Targe fruit farm unbar (irlutsl.y. Brief.
1)•. Mr. Mckinnon would set a portion
of the farm aside and sow clod.
allowing the crop to stay there atni Two 11111$11.11111SBalt In roe, neert AA 4.
Dominion Stores,ltd.
and after a few years repeat t;e: peer- tion. Atter a whtte the first musician
"The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada"
forwauer It necessary. "la this way.'
he says, "not only would the fertility
of the soil Ire marvellously increased
but. hi the case of clay and sand. the'
same world he mechattieslly Improved
by the Introlu.•tiou of large -amounts
of !atmos and nitroglyceelue."
If, you are troubled with Lumbago,'
Rheumatism. Neuritis, etc., T. It. ('.s
will iio-iticrly relieve you.• likewise
ICA% MMAII for Asthma and lireuebltts.
Ask 11. 1'. Dunlop
hiweert tleret•ly Into his friend's ear :
"Thr fowls are playing this movement
too slowly, 'much too slowly."
The other wpakian biased back.
"Yrs, 1 expect their union only allows
them to play Oro many notes an hour."
Its Only Use
Teacher : "!to you remember what
I told you about the north pole ? "
Tommy : "Er-er�-I-I—"
Teacher : "You never remember
anything ? What 1s the use of your
head ? "
l�Tommy : "To keep my collar froth
stpr1ing off."
curve out toward the edge of the
precipice. But stop It d1d. ea the very
edge of eternity, and the chauffeur.
held tt there.
get the hand broker Nicky said.
The lamps were near epough the edge
to make him dizzy.
The chauffeur ceased struggling. and
set the band brake. His head was stiff
revered. But haying done that, he
commenced a struggle more furious
than forceful, for both of them were
handicapped. .
And now Nikky was forced to as
unsoldlerblke thing that he afterward
tried to target. For the driver de-
veloped dnerpeeted strength. refused
to submit, pot the tunic off its head.
and, seeing hlms.•lt attacked by one
man Only, took courage and tell to.
He Picked up a wrench from the seat
hetrfde him. and made • furious pass
at Nlkky's head. NIkky ducked and.
After a struggle secured the weapon.
All this in the car. over the meat haek.
It was then that ?Bitty raised the
wrench and stunned his man with it.
It was hateful. The very dull thud
of it e1 a. sickening. And there was a
bad minute or two when he thought
he had killed his opponent. The man
had sunk down in his seat, a sodden
lump of laanimate human fiesta. And
Ntkky. whose business, in a why. was
killing, was horrified.
The chauffeur wakened. ten minute@
' later, to find himself securely tied with
tats 41%111 towing rope, and lying ex-
tremely close to the edge of death.
Beside 1 'n on the grogn'l sat • steady -
eyed yodng man with a'ent ?fp. The
young MAD had llghied a elMaw",
n ns you are up to It,"
said Nikky. "we shall have a little i
The chauffeur mats •red something 1a
the peasant patois of Karma.
come!" Nikky observed.
"Speak up. No hiding behind strange'
tongues. lint first, I have the letter.
That saves your wnrrytug about It.
You can clear your mind for action."
Suddenly Ntk{ry dropped bis mocking
tone. Hr -was -fir -.- nest; --grim and
. deadly earneet.
"i hare a tones, ray friend." he said.
"to take that letter of yours on to its
dcstinnrlit. But bah ,t that destination -
Is. you are to tell toe."
bottle. Still he h:1.1 no plan but to` The train ou the ground grinned
notch. Two hours ride, at ttyIr pros- mnrdunh•ally. "You know better thee
ent rate, world take there over the to ask that,". be mold. "I will sever
bor.l••r Into tell you "
With a squealing of brakes the ma.
chine drew up at the frontier. Here
was a ehaln across the highway, with
-7lawt a« eson
1i116'i Ili
Hydro Electric
A miter ofede•ctric stoveeir-
coits. re now being r,.ne.fnubsl
cot .ra a . * that 1' •],.
ioyyftsi .r eieetrre• ranite service
i.upi lie.!.
New Is The Time
1.: .•ran• :a iron eF se•r%ice. w eu
1l,,.r: lits-. am erected. .11
nec lot• disats.inttd later.
Cook By Electricity
i+r"Tile al,'r area ••Tis" l.-
1'larc" electric ranges non on. di-.
Islay at
•r -
The Hy fro Store '
We rare eO .ht.ic. rarer:•-entnticf-
in Go lerie'i Ger The 31ct7ktra Elect.
Water and ligptioalmission
Goderich ' — Ontario
Nlkky had thought things out fairly
well, for him, yn that ten minutes. Ta
n businesslike fashion he turned the
prostrate prisoher on him aide, so that
he faced toward the cbasm. A late
moon «bowed Its depth. and the valley
In which the air flowed swiftly. And
having thus faced him toward the next
world, Nikky, throwing away his
cigarette because It hurt his lip, pot a
stone or two from the roadway beblad
him prisoner, and anchoreri him there.
There he sat down and waited.
"Any news?" he asked, it the end
of ten mtnutes•-tnhroken sliest*.
III« prisoner said nn:hfrrs. lde aa*
thinking, doubtless. Weighing things.
too—perhaps 111.. against Betrayal, a
famihr against separation.
Nlkky examined the tetter again. it
was addressed to a border town in
Livonia. But the town lay far behind
them. The address, then, was a false
one, He whistled softly.
I. Half an hour.
Invisible Real Hair
7 lbs l
lutely sanitary, hand made,
of finest real human hair.
Single Mesh ' 15c
2 for 25c
Double Mesh 20c
2 for...... 35c
The Rexall Store
N. C. Dunlop
rime 1 Bedford Block
A Sentry Stepped Into the Road.
two mete of guards. Long before they
reached it, a sentry stepped tato the
road and waved his lantern.
Nikky .berrowert' tower into the car,
and attempted to look like a rag. In
the silence, while the sentry evidently
examined a passport and finished a
iinters over the chauffeur, Nutty
cursed the ticking of his watch, the
beating of his own heart.
Then came a clanking as the (tato
dropped in the road. The air humped
over it. and halted aga18. The game
formalities, this time by Karntas
sentries. Then the Jett following a
haafy letting/ -In of the date and" tiey
were off again.
War tomb Um* thaw dlabed staadl114
But Nlkky, who knew the mad, bidM
tin time. Then at Inst, at two o'clock,
came the steep aeeent to the very
crest of the mountain, and a felling
hack, gear by gear until they cllmbed
slowly In the"itrr'est.
NIkky unfolded his length, quietly,
The gears were grinding, the driver
bent law over kis wheel. Very dm
Itberately, now thnt he knew what he
was going to do, Nlkky unhdttnned tab
tunle and topped It off. 11 was a-tngh
Dying, this plan he hod in mind. malt
ander any clreumstnoees, In a caving
ear --particularly rush here, where he►
tween the cliff and a precipice that
fell flit a?tray.below. was milt a winds
"Come, come," meld Nlkky fiem'ety.
' 'We 'are losing time." He looked
fierce, too. Iiia swollen lip did that.
And he was nervous. It occsrred to
him that his prisoner. In desperado&
might roll over the edge himself, wbeb
would be most uncomfortable.
lout the pre.fplce. and NIkkyrie Seree
BA and other things. had got fa their
work. The man on the ground stopped
muttering In his patois, sad tuned en
j Nlkky eyes full of hate. '
f "1 will tall yeti" Ito mitt 'dad you
win freer me. And after Batt—ter
"Certalaly," ?Pithy replied suitably.
'Ten will follow me to the rads et
1 the earth --although diet will not be
aeeen•ry. became 1 don't iateid los go
there -and Nish me off." Thew, storm
ly : "Now, when deet the letter pf
I have•* fury tor denvertsg it fay -
"If 1 ten you, what astir
"This: If you tell me property, and
all goes well, I w111 return •ad release
Toa If I do not return, tt earafl yea
•will not be released. And, for fete
you meditate a treachery, 1 sham
llaa and genii flee. Ont 1ai+� bat
• short dietaries, la the wood we jast
passed. And, became you ars • brave '
mem and this thing may Ise leas ;
ems than I think It ts, give rou 1117
word of honor that If you advise see
correctly, I shall return and liberals
'11 trove forty your 'nod.'
The chauffeur tool' • Anal Panes
aroond, es tar as be could see, and a
final shuddering look at the valley of ,
said sullenly.
(To Be Vontinued)
"I don't kIl4ell 1144'10 go home after
this polter WIMP."
"Pot 1 promised my *Ife half my
■ GettingReady For ;
: the Arrival of More :
West Street 111 -:- Goderich 1
Dominion Stor - s, Ltd.,. Greatest Asset to
163 STORES. All Built on a Rep- =
utation of Square Dealing
_ ,
• r E. ▪ Bulk�� 2 lbs ZC H AT Z M"bS Z5c
■NI Summer Goods 1 ; _ COCOA
/ New Goods are arriving at our store every week, and mima
• a
/ depend upon it, that as the season advances, you 11 "-
a will find our store always is headquarters for the M =
best values in Summer Wearables. ' a
a ▪ Meanwhile our store is filled with a host of rock- a IS
• bottom values in N
/ Ladies' CORP, a special .affering iu fawn, all -wool velour., tht• $ '
II latest styles, at each ... ;.. $18.95' 111
■ Ladies' Presses. in stilt s.tih end taffetas, from... -$12 so op 1 _
aA new-':•;.tuent of Ladies" Ready -to - ll 'ear Bats, latest styes. ix s
including tuany Sport Hats, at numerate prices. Come and ■ = SPECIAL
see for Uouttelf.
4-1b tin Shiriff •s
Marmalade �'�~ 63c
Soap 15 bars $1.00
I -Ib box
No. 3 tin
7 lbs l
Tail Tin
Men's Department
Home-l•uti'Iatcrial. for Suit,
li t foe_7 - aZ@ pr;iw
ceptor^alpaca- arc e -cry
ts wwq ySPg5t tiQ ,4Yl. 1Utlt
Ir ,ts getting around the time when you et-i:I Er! shei:.pit ; emits _
1111 Heavy- i -twit See ottr Steele .rf I3.ilhriggsensant flu\ .Ii'. 1
/ for Spring and Summer wear. in :tau -pito and combination / = Special Blend
st v les
We Sell Tons
Every Week
40c lb
▪ Infant's Delight Soap, 3bars 23c
= Ammonia Powder 2 for 1Sc
a s Feb Naptba Sosp. IQ for _ _ 75c
Castile Soap. 3 for 10e
• \ S, oap Flakes, per Ib - 1 Sc
'Now. 6 rolls [Sc
Corn Starch, pkg
Sag ., 3 lbs
Tapioca, 3 lb*
5 string Broome, each
Finest Cheese. %
Shiriffs Jelly Powder, 3 pkg•
■ Coffee
r /
Everything in Men's and Boys' Furnishings q•
St:a.% 11 tts Ca rs, 'Flys Top shirts, r' / a 39c lb
t ± rum Iba..b'ry a :1
Goods By the Yard = ra%,I, r Jam mom
yt 75c Marmalade, I
• New Ciuj hait>Ls llYy;,urrl _, :•
3 boxes Doth,
Mach. Sliced
33c ib
Good Red
30c Tall
vAgc, AT to—
Walker's Furniture and House Furnishings Store
From May 12 to May 27 there will be Reductions in the fol-
lowing lines : Rugs, Oilcloths, LinoleTins, Congoleums, Curtains
by the yard and alse Piece Goods, Furniture, Coverings, Draperies,
Chintz, Cretonnes, Marquisettes, M,a/dras, Casement Cloth.
An invitation is extended to the people of Goderich and sur-
rounding country to give us call and compare our prices. No
trouble to show goods. — _
if goods are not satisfactory the money will be refunded as
cheerfully as it is taken from you. All we ask is a visit to our
store. Special prices will prevail until May 27th in all lines of
House Furnishings.
Exclusive Agents for the following nationaily advertised goods : Hoover Electric Vacuum Cleaner, McLagan I
Phonograph, Singer Sewing Machine, Sherlock Manning Piano, Ostermoor Mattress, Simmons Beds, Marshall
Ventilated Mattrest and Legett & Platt Coil Springs
Furniture and House Furnishings t.a.00,,Limgcoz,itursile Goderich, Ontario '