HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-5-25, Page 5.44 Second Section THE atom. PIRDITING CO.. LIMITED, Publishers. ••••••••••••••••• 01,111011111101110 011111111111 Farm Loans If you require additional funds for legitimate farming extensions this year you will find a talk with our local Man- ager a profitable one. You will find, too, that each loan carries with it a full meas- ure of Sterling Bank Service. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ***sell THE STERLING BANK ••••• OF CANADA 8AVE 'a+ Because 1 •"0."......,%^..,„,,,,,o,„www.,%,‘„,„4„, TALE YOUR CAR HOUSES -HOUSES - able priers Houses to rent. ALONG TO All kinds for sale at very reason - P. J. RYAN R.1.1 Fast, and ItaglArAtioe 11104*Pre 0•••••••••••• A Marvel Surely Seventeen years ago the larg- st and one of the most perfect monds in the world was 3025 4. carats.: You will find many marvels in our selection of diamonds at prices that will delightfully sur - prase you. 11 micri 1.1 • f.; _J GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 25,i AN APPRECIATION Mr. S. E. Caswell Herres To Town's I 1.01414 in Death of Mr. S. E. Hick Mr. 8. E. ( 'tioiweh. bax•retftry troa.- , urer of the Fiddle library Board of Toronto has written The Signal the following letter hi which he peps a tribute to the late S. E. Hiek. whose death took plaee 101 W4411114144141Y thr last Week : 1"1 sviim ishoeked to reeelre word to. L7 of the Minh ..f. ohs. sof yohr highly esteemed olid respeeted townistuen, Mr. . E. Inek, though iiiewhat prepared i for it by the receipt of a recent letter t telling me of the rather preeartouis eimilitIon of his health. Ile iths1 1 were horn toil the .isal s t ist the •011 town. Our paeans ere intimate friends. Mal We had w *me bap. Omni names 114.40‘) 1.41 011 11.. He W415 a wartu love of Goderieli and very proud of hi imme town. 1 hail the plea.iire 0 sioehtlIng a et T. of days with hl In the smuttier of 19n Jitid have t e plensantest of dons of ..v visit to beautiful God, - deli a of the generous InststilteiltY of Mr Hick and him exeeellent wife. sly esir.• to pity 0 trilmtr• to thg, char- m. r DISTRICT BIESTINfo May Meeting of Goderleh District lield In /Victoria street Chord, The annual illstrlet meeting of the .11eiditalist eliur dies of Goilerlell ills - vier was held III Vietttria street 04 1 14 church ou Thursday mud Friday •,f hist week. itev. Ander...n. elialr- man of the 'harslet. presided over the meeting. At the mialsterill se.idons on Thurs. day rilore wait as to whr there FREIGHTERS COLLIDE Vessels %Veil 717n-Gollt•-irli Moot Mith .1crideM In Dense Fog ( 1 losi roothoy Intorithig ia.f it 14.1i • freighter.. Midland Ring, nd tael.:. ,tt:Ifinei::l..71.111:11117,1e1 h'sig:.lortfitTf:tuniljettiv%ta fi:1s11; The If laiat 'lair of rho '..41l11.1 11. ,ol . . ,;.v.ti 111.441 •4 /014 •••••iiitur thth het,,tighor rt, ra. wh e tho Oleolltinati. . mtage or inn- 1 14014 r1,01 I ',001 :t.larlra.ler• for the ministry. This reft•-nitnitig, f.t.ir. Aes. Men entering 011 probation each ! 1/114.441. .11414 1. H101 1/111•• :11.4).4 1 ctrilyertr as there seems to tbs.' Ilitth `freIchtf.r, wt. iIIMIIII the hrethrfll X. * Matter Or i 1•9111.41 %oh ,ron. Ilev. John W. Button. of tt'altou • t: re /AC.. Tr iii.- Port ty.mettNiiistuiligli.:•,.iirly,1 f sett!. a - rt. suffer. I •-• probationer. wns him: united at I.'ort WHIM ..thorivise voa7,1 heett the ett.e. Thothrh tit Sliel11 h Whf preaehina on the Walton eir- her ono stenni. she "Ult. he hod heel] .11(1(1 ring ,mulev• into tiry dock for roik.Ifirable ri lIr tion with Vietorin College and hail These two vessels hale fron .oinpleted his course with great credit ennead at thla port, as wen r aim kindly l'onferenee. Into full i-onnection as a minister Or tsi„ J. I) 0. _.)_.iIJ, the Methodist church at thenext ;;""or ',hie upf_a, was recumglended 'that Pia lin:".11 • Xing / Zt,1 to ,-4,1n motion /of Rev• W. Edwards end .Rev. Mecann..,,,m,,,44,,,n3. wen kikm:. ; a Ilithiwrof"at iiiSt's7m331a. P."Y-exca..-evrifthor. tit!' the late Mr. Font. ttereral of the plirlb with ida tellowsiitisens iti regret tr.., „( sly old ertemt turitfoier cr:717-Ttenwlammtilined.adilznxialv:1,;:evir tixa,s. and_ (119p0111- The obituary of the lat"--it'1% 1131 It wits 4114aUfrfiti_Ullinfir4lo- m' *1,1m:ea. ojarn. moat rnonrro-Tiv, DETROIT trading, with pair pertni.sloti. upon nuitiist••r. I • yo.tir valtuthl M. E. CANWELL. sonat experienee had given wan. - • Provision Made For Varning Automo- ' biles On Exeurnion Steamer Greyhound Passenger. on is. sten nut( to on June 12 'will ha* available h motor bus serviet to t this ..ffeet ham hist been :v- ine and Internwillat.• point.. eelved by "tie Signal from Mr V MeLean. ts Iger of the White star Line. Ih•trolt. • Mr ltr-IPrilce will be• In operation be '4)•11 Goderkil and 0Arlfa"rrli'," nrrisal of the tire It line I 1.11 it a.m.. 3"1"1"; ty. esswerIrrivtiarf sr 9 n ni. Mr. Mt•Lecis tunces oroovis. 110. 'been made for tht• 411 oor atitonnooloiles ion the steamer Soto - 11.: to tor vottoltig from Detroit. Tlw h.. rice 1%111 1re VOW each way, re- • 039141.. • npoke kindly way of hint. eaeh per - wItH Elora. 311ss M. K t'ampron *pen' the th-is' At 'Is' "" J"'"I " • Toronto. may ;Nis • I itt.illue pirteltift,t; .11 Cotiferetwe. Itev. Air. 11.•Catutts be that presented 1 PEILSONAL MENTON M r John Jone.-Bateman. of mil - ton, was In Nitro overalle_mseh-.**, al'. in "P1"inw(4-• ,,t th,• moved that -the obituary tut read by Assembly Visit*, wir stay. !a lame part of Ihe flow aa.4 11.44401. Preatilf Mrs. Alex ( 1lfr M. There . • A L11011,y . siting her rim a. rho., or the rarhoN •44)(Tei.' rP21 (rm. „ "PWily of Orrr (laughter Mrs. A. Cralgte. of Cleveland.' r"ri" V.'"7 -a turnout of 4 Iva* Ivy EDI at ..4.0._rtyranat-siffi-serlptious to airs- Pre*entatt„or nit extemled vt.lt it* New torg and r :1-f• ,f tern! Siotoolly and Zr... reek, for the. year were •10,:t11.i. hi. No/oho ersi rip I Ir. ( luodiati "tu 101,4-.11i 1.•r - for all t durie4 the yeti. watt days al the parental home. ditirch Loroperty valmsl !PP 1.5111) all credits TIC•r• 11 i• grlr'et;"'"'"' 's -11 few ir norrity of note limit of emboli .Ir. Hector AleKny is visiting at his tip.. ..:tt..ht. The meru.,,,,,,or home here, having elotalgetest year's7hpppitir.."' 44140. 41 it ut.: 41.41. at -T0roototoo rubt•rsov.. erease of thirw-foor from last year. litt:t Mr.. George Jenner with her two „„ ier tremod.lerable itkilission the is andren. has returned from an extend- : illatrit•t reeolutu..tnioil that Hooltuesr11 le an isit at her sister's home in Torun- anir_npcuimpi. drpniap tiviiip le inaniser to v:111, -It 1110 Wed the, •14. 1"4.4. .4111 r pins Mi• t• t.rosii/enr of Pa t • •• iery piens Mut m.o.. r , , was niantrIf•thint. tt Ne:a. I 1. rnn if .1‘ • r tr. uh chyme wan (ware rt &f1-,.0- - Mar Ir. -41.qt 14 exvellent butelt was served. • enjoyable t•I401111X all.. Mary Tont has arrived home '1"711,14' eir‘1111 1" bo I. all the . ha t• ,0.1441114.,1 witthte: anti TGLIS ON ALL VEHT irse`i redid.... at Toronto Unfree- Thasre is rratiuiea.r t osoolieol 10 tiro - -14142,21- In ImPr41.1-•110-•11/ uu th for Did Vhampiain Plant Thls One f , A landmark in thsicrieli for almost *41 'toe ilkatmearo41 last woovk %%hoots Mrs. Sinclair hail • lit down the mane GI, trintlr-proptar that hart towerert :ler reosioleowe -Ty iturn." Itrita111113 s,. last v:eak. tteudiug Cao tieuerstl until of the % iman's s Mis' Ina ry 11" "" lety. " tee Of th,• Conferenoe, Iter. A. E. • .1 . A 1. ar111-(h..f..A..1/;1111.:,sil...,_111,Igwrn14 t lie 711 ret' 111714' children. 1-4{ .111tur...w1111-•-• it,u.,1:1 r I v 111141WP4.011. 1141) •on 1:1n1.1 rfererirr. : W. 17;. 1-! s.• 1) 11101 Mrs. Mo. •odins a w....1) 111 Xingsvil •'. •, Moyer does not expeet tit rettir C. ROBERTSON mid. Atte.. the 111/11.4. wa'4 trunk of the large tree had 191/4111 Watchmaker and Jeweller split R1141 11 was (114'1110d exissikiit ' C4e. East St. and *mare tiodrrieh with safety to fell the giant in it* 4.11- 4r ,e livery, in which proe.. 4 large atimant '.• W41041 WU.. 4.111.I 111.41. • 4,11 r are trultr-tli t rat-ekt-N ITT Clinton: r Tralien111.;* 113.119111:111‘11C: J. A. z,, 1*. it'y step r,,rivant. .ot runt and rear. This Is eozweded Tarawa- 15, 4/4111asews. .itts Pages 5 to 12 SE1 ENT% FIFTH 'h EAR NO. NO. 20. • I! e**111111011U11 1.1141.41L. Travel 4 04 your patiti*Ascross the nunion or in other lands, . you can obtain from us safe and convenient travel funds in the form of Letters of Credit or universally accepted Travel- lers' Cheques. . Partic-ulars rriay be obtained from any branch of the Bank. 44 .4 .4 •. diermal BANK OF ESTABLISHED M. Could Vou Qualify .tfs .4 Judge 1' vrom )1•1?,,0 1710 Ifit- •••ttehi (hit the Nelson and Portinirron .'..-rieUltural society has offer,*I c.o.! :ILES 1 rrote. for the -twat itaisletinn wine at 1'4 comitis exhibition. tlsolte, Takes Action Whi:in ill-_zus_AND__ eh might 'IT-rop-ting state or ----irti..arnt. to. Any the 0444 re When Loral 2„.1TREAL bast r ...towels* on 100 YEARS Would t he jififv.,.. he balerieb Nude of, tads thstrire ? . flylaw In Revised. • .. .11.1 prriiii.* t'ity trit.rit 1I.'":111 lc notice has 1144'11 r fed to- rntro VI a 1111 ‘...1)1,•1*.s. .Ittro• ist. lutist carry shh• lights visible from • . ' Goderieh until lifter l'onferenee. ietieiCY500CMCIJCIC2CDCMC3C=C XX ,• Mr. G. M. Elliott. (sanity superin- I. ' 1-te41dent, anil-lic-Jao-III4elieil, ~tuts . president. attended the Provincial "I,. Convent ion for I itildren's Ala 14.,- ni., . raffle regulation.. ' The Legi.itture. , o . Id Dunillt- however, took no action Ini t is. ni.i t t vr . iv .1., H. Brill. tienfortli: A )Mi",aul,t1.1..ni.:,.11-1i,..T1.11,r11,..tt:rtIvt.• jvtITI:hon11;r6.4. !III.. the Holt*. some tittle ago. when the MIlideUlt was Illtriblir•ell in thorn: John 31111". 'Ile: .1. A. Ell- - _. -- - h. Itunginnon: oh.. Item Item - - - : J. A. !tar til. Varna: I.e.! 1• (levies III roorootitoo last week. ., aytitdd: nu as alternates. It. 'Walkerville having -tiettpleil tlielr eot- lams. OE II. ten( 'Hilton. and H. It. summer visitors have alread be- F. M'Ill,,•111g.. '1' 1The _ en tn arrive. Dr. 1.ittle and family of -Isi Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 53 per single cord,' delivered, THEGODERICH MANUFACTURING • CO., LIMITED. IFoot_oi Anglesey St.) Phone el. 1 Saturday, May 27th DANCE - AT -- THE PAVILION \...ir s'unnet Hotel) Goderich -- -Ontario FREE TAXI SERVICE !tom West street -corner -to the Pavilion -front "S 30 r You are invited to use it • Meet Me At The Pn int Li? Willoughby Farm Agency taxi. on Essex Street for nearly a week. NO CADE AII(PS :I4 latrinwt Fane ten,' in ('alloild) - Mrs. .1. I), Stewart hits returned 8111131:1111ofi, li)r sa'e a nninht-r of rli.ot e from Thamesville. where she was at- tendins st the bedside of her nephew, 6"erith Is The Asinual farms, from 1_2 to 200 acre, good I A,ta.tt.r Eutl' Thompson. who had been I ! e. loo.1:, tit• •- Mr. .1 0994.* Miten-ll.. -4.- a 04 --Wawa S - meat at work in thi. archlYes in •eonne,•tlan With his 'historical research. He will The ni;:nt,ftato at Lout _ r o' Gosh -rich A he itway till the latter pert •-if 'tds .447,7ir 1 month: yeIl a• -i: yoar Is•fore. will e - I 4 : Ifr. pwite A. F...4,7. „mow, , to re .at• nnitontioement made on. r.,•,-..ge P. Graham in the Mtn, r-011111144144-40.1-114.444-• OW 4-104re wan twrriftlet 'Meng* this year. Mr. 1:r.i.losilis instal -weft,. the rosin,- , Onus itt all lorahrlies of the Nonni . and 11.•nee the similar olt•erease fn JI ' • P., . ler. ; roprlatIon for 4.141k rl•TVIVIr to A37.to %t 110i same time. in fa"' ,-' ot r ("' ' marls, the Milne:ton of die gram tht, NI b4ring... too"- nf :,Mir,litin gooier words of hi.. prang. ot tit.' ..ailet., munlwring 1(4:: Rh 7:,,..,r 900 fot the I wominiou: 1.1stelree in 1:. .4(1 1;.01:.111...12,41.111. Tall r4f I 111.• Prollehlr.i.. 0'14 11 420.4 4,.. f.,r. 1 10. t:'.. lowe.1 i.v 1)111.4o with 211.-6'3 0, T-ir nee 1:lwa ril 141 11,1 li 1.1 ine . ' • Godprta, 1 or 'smuttiest •nomber with VII. -_- _ NYTtkittl•iit71:111.,.....we .- -**4141111-. :It 4arnia davarhree. star.' The fo'silirml•N Item takeot fr..soo ;1.. (.4ri sli,',o4111(pore•mtr14. 1 tallifiriki Sarnia Canadian Observer refer. lo a well-known . :oder! Os girl: rii,'!,apii- -mow- at- Tikirnitim. •--”f- -Miss- Nora-14:-Hiteloy-,-4-.: i.. t'. Si age to take iilaye ear- ''XITI hr Mr. 4,':1134Iltirr'rt*F-1;""- . '0 111110. /11111 Noonhokti to:iriallsoi .o,o,' 1 A rtlitsr 1.. Parsivint; leaTtoti.... etve . . , lillhly pleasing and esitera,1011: 04-.. - , eal reeltal hi the city. hall Tlinr..,I .... !EL.° 1714.'LA'zi4L'Int,iinn ',',,T;','" ' 40471,7 before qll 011111•11'.1. .1 f alma! t0,1 :h*".111.11 011t) 8"1:171.7.--":.:tnir.'y--Vio'YPI.il":1,11.1. :Ili 'rnirrli• '1111""f1). "'WI(' 11"ri.'''' 911'1 y li teri.o.o. dining th • s......m. All , . II . ti . Tit MI i t' itierg nrcr min,,urm in_ nnenft. , , 1:It:laded platul_snlits.._il 11.•*.s._ /..1LILL....1' !Salto. numbers and all 1144' rvieliti .i. Tly. 9,14141,1 Iman:72,1tAkeig oitn;rv:...\..14,‘-tittrox ii.,liented pal......king. tntoring rind ..• enen's Institute will be 11-1.1 itt the 4"11TrostsiPeittial-11".11141:;11..ss'-7rAild"rMt:r'Illi:::"': otiorini Hall, Myth, on Fridav Jui . 1, at 2 j•au. . I... ..1Ava'rbi-L[441"4.91w-aL.111,14......1.1-...,e.::;.2.7..,..1.1.--i.'1.i.„.,:,.4".... Atereal %feeling • I will I..• held Itr the Contr•ellinit ya Will GODERICH AMU.".EMENT CO., Limited 0 X XXXX XX XXX XXX XXX ?1;XXX XXX X XXX Orr 1. goo( --- mar Sri trnrnr. Any person want - yo who int; to buy or sell, get in touch with last ret their representative, C. C. MC NE. I L. --OPPORTUNITY, Wr!kerton Telescope, with Mr* Et -dr 111 -three c JUL ETTratbeth A! ee, were in Gad. *eh on Fiddly !awl, thl guests of Mrs. Eftly's sister, 31... J. F. Reyeraft. • Ifr. Percy Tripp of Boaton. M vidting Ill'. aunt, W. IAijl Mrs. Lander Intends takluirla trip with her !widow for two throughout We.otern enhalla. tithe 171 June. 31r. and Mrs, .1, %Val. , two daughters. of tiogain. spt•mling the Somme: ice 41 :14, taken -Seagull t'otta Mr. Wad!. 1'1 an o itl will known 7.) and lir.. J. e engagement of He Aileen, R 1", 11.V. yosito it.TWunlitt• ln June.; th Nit Mrs f1i , The (41 ed the se and wl They offered him a partnership in the newbusinessit he could invest thousand dollars. But he had never saved money and he lost his chance. There are always opportunities for the 11", man or woman who has &little money Mt pack .np abtItry. Be many. Buil'* saviogeschpay'day. nn May 24111. rem n I our ?reale, -r>,• Defier Werkly” senton noquesL 921 UNION BANK OF CANADA • nn Friday, •211th Inst.. at 4 Wen i,' uCeStLf•Lo.ois....toiri SPECIAL Flooring or Siding Pine or Spruce $50.00 per M GOderich Planing Mills Co., Ltd. 1'. 1). tiftz 1'1..01.• 17 i•11111311../IIN. put 4r1 *As ,te akt41 Ate town. 1.rostpt Telephoto 51 N. T Residence, eitint,rh, Rood. Onnso-Psesorr jILE INSURANCE sad REAL ESTATE BARGAIN Two story frame, seveu• roomed hobs.: with Electric Light 8 -piece Bath' tood-Ftlrnace Tull 1 or Tide J.r.Ar_ty fotir.t-l'IMAC0114- dition stotaft,i three Minutes walk of ibe S.piari; and earns.' be do pl os II Soi. price for quick tunsovor. $2,000 Bonds rought and sold J. W. Craigie 5 Ths animal meeting of the •• ate.l.de• I The Staler).- h., tioina 4.. rr 4)1.4 '41-4l . ,471.,.ollt,1 of tit- ittonsirai 1.,,....' .1114 stork 1441 It I.. 711141.1111.1., '17g1".111V • . 41111 110 'IOW hi II Ile 1.4)111. il Ot.1:,ii,,,I. ,q, pa.,,ap,1 that 1114 pull,. of Gm I , • . Tilar.day. •I 4111' Nth, at i ....•i....k. 0 'whether tindtils.r. tnnut. shalt ...,,t• . '1 Interest by being present at the ittel- IT you *ant to hare good .;ilrit* 1 oia• ats•ays, get r1 Mill. and kr,•:. still 1 ---- - --- • - . Goderich Branch, F. Wcollcomht Manager arpion it. anti imy one of Printout, I 241,1. Mit.r anrs. d Mfield. boll* of 1.911rlr's gait.... To yonr mmtattre only. ' are the gn4-i1$ of Mr. 8)41slaismaz *70111141- the etirilyr, North eireet. Mrs. Frank Snowier.. ' • .4 • eries THE GOOD WELL -Ask For a Demonstration W. A. CRAIG Garage, Victoria Street Distributor for Goderic • • 41