HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-3-2, Page 1i•'
Every Advertisement
in The Signal Has a Special Mes-
agea of Benefit To You. Read
Make a Practice
•nrrm YEAR NO. 8.
1U mama ra IN`ING wM
The Editor of The Signal :
heir Illr,—It to rather drum., I sup -
fur a mere "Rurality" not to ap-
1late the different suggeatlona pro -
as to what oil.- our esteemed
. Therefore. 1 am not going to
las a booster. a town planner, an
tiser of towu sites, or anything
t, because 1t is out In my line.
would like to till! atteuttou to
luta that perhaps we are too
'oderk•h Is only our of many
ltariu that have not grown
her citizen's would wish,
census shuwa that nearly
•pt Ooderk•h's class, has
• last ten years.
Gould tioderleh grow—
acibeneat would it be K
is very few ? Goele-
.1 but or bigger than
s and not nearly iv
sur western utem
great itttlm advrr
Tthey came over
a and every tittle
was going to be a
•rhapa a Chicago,
t "Thr hest laid
►u gang aft aglal•"
came, as It In:
?loom, Mr. Town-
Ite, and left the
BUS AND BA•ro>' wag
tar In resultsunt,
Bus meets all titA seriTr, hard,
passengers and bsgnt or the re -
the town. Prompt No amount
aia}isae • debt :,f our
Sl ,a it haw tut
—oink, In view
H . R , g ttw• citizens
lerics *asitesldroce, Cambria lir would
Organ Factovl bet trust
F. (1.
1 rr-
Al1 kinds fir?sale at very •su't
able prices. Howes toreueon-
P. J. RAN `ne
a«at F.ste sad losossee. Pt
Unlimited Quanti
at $3 per angle cord. de
(Foot of Anglesea St.) P
Now Is The Tif °ies
Secure a Ho
Don't wait for the Spring
Call and see our listings
Town Council Appoints H. T.
Edwards As. Assistant Assessor
Decision Is Reached At Last Meeting After Committee of
the Whole Council Considers The Applications
In Camera
R esolution Called For Appointment r_ _ted Asst. Collector
But Only Assistant Assessor Is Advertised For And Councillor Humber Refuses To Make Public The Reason
For The C.—Mr. Watson Is Exonerated From Any Innuendoes That Had
leen Cast On Him And Committee Is -Well, Read end See.
Coderich has a new assistant
assessor. Since the first meeting
of the 1922 council evidence has
been accumulating which has led
the public to believe that a
change would be made, and while
there is a general feeling pre-
vailing that the council got a
good man in Mr. II. T. Edwards,
the steps leading to his appoint-
ment are worthy of more than
passing notice.
At the inaugural meeting of
the council early in January,
Councillor Humber was the first
one to advocate that.the duties of
assistant collector be -added to
those of assistant assessor, which
work had been performed so
satisfactorily by Mr. H. L. Wat-
son in the last two years. The
question was thoroughly dis-
cussed by a committee of the
whole council, Assessor Camp-
bell being present at the confer-
enss. ldliertely the decision was
reach at $500 was too much
to pay for the job of assistant
assessor, the Mayor discovering
suddenly- "that thepublic,would
not )stand for it," although the
public apparently had "stood"
for it during two years of his
regime as Mayor. However, the
committee recommended to the
council that Mr. Watson be asked
to accept the position of assistant
assessor and assistant collector,
Councillor Humber being dele-
gated to interview Mr. Watson
in order to ascertain if the
position under the new arrange-
ment would be satisfactory.
But does ('odncillor Humber
see Mr. Watson personally 1 Not
t all. He sends the Town Clerk
', ask for the information which
I council instructed him to get
Bondi Bought and Sold if and when taken to task se
'ouncillor Bailie at the meet -
the eouneil on Feb. 2, for
sruee_Jti& duties he et
J. W. Craigia
being d
acol ed but
111111116adequate reason
of obey its
e ueet-
ESTABiLISHED 1e72 to ad -
INSTEAD of carrying he pro -
seeds from Grain Tickets,
les of Cattle. Produce, etc., in
yo .. ket. deposit them in the
Bank o Hamilton, vvite>te—Fey
will be safe.
You can then issue cheques
to pay accounts, and your pass
book will afford you a complete ,
record of all your transactions.
MacKay. manager
Goderich Branch—
the assessor was asked to submit
a report to the committee as it
was thought that $500 was too
much salary for an assistant as-
sesaor. When Mr. Campbell
brought in his report it was
claimed that the assistant saved
thousands rather than hundreds.
The committee brought in a re-
commendation that as $500 seem-
ed too large for an assistant as-
sessor that he be also appointed
collector; that Mr. Watson be
asked to accept this, and Coun-
cillor Humber was appointed to
interview Mr. Watson. Now,
whether Mr. Humber interviewed
Mr. Watson or not I do not know,
but I heard he asked some one
else, and later a delegation was
appointed to interview him but
the whole council and at that time I thought him a very competent u► in a full committee ofthe w-bo1
and I am only going by the re-
marks he made then in what I
have said itl •rem to Mr.
aon'a post ion in the -town. 1- do
not think 1 am wrong, and it is
not that i intend to insinuate
that he is the only man but one of
the best men. i think as I said
before that s e explanation is
Councillor Bail' • As far as I
am concerned in the matter I did
oppose a salary of $500 at first,
but as far as Mr. Watson is con-
cerned as a elan and officer i
never used it disparaging word.
man. If there is any such feeling
I think we should make it clear
that it certainly was not our in
tention. As to the advertisement
it would seen( strange to Mr.
Watson that after he had refused
the position because it had the
assistant collectorship tacked on
to it, that there is no intimation
from the advertisement that there
is any difference from last year.
Mayor — Has the Chairman
anything to submit 1
Councillor Humber — Nothing,
sir. .
Couneiller. l il>G—I would like I saw his roll and I say he made.)(_ Davidson, $22.50 per year_
have thus mown the raap.r r and con -
to ask the chairman of the special good roll, but 1 think the mistake The The report -was adopted and fi lion• harr11wrnigM "1' hard dnr)ng
committee why the advertiaementl was made when he was paid $500' thus some of the town councillors ryw fast twrutp-ave y. -Nr. riot lir crn-
was inserted for an assistant as -
was our present assessor only will have an interesting story to tura to Suggest you tali.. it n little
sensor and not according to the $800, but if Mr. Watson won't 1 tell the electors ten months hence rtnsk•r in the flume, arab alas ash you
o a ., w 1
and while no one objected to
leaving the council chamber none
of the press representatives or
any of the apectators were at all
convinced that the coAneil had
the right to exclude the public
for any such purpose.
Within a few minutes of mid-
night the committee reported to
the council that it had consider-
ed applications for the position
of assistant assessor from Messrs.
J.. G. Cameron, W. B. Burkhold-
4r, • Hugh Davidson, B. Jones -
tenni', Dr. W. F. Clark, II. T.
w'ar'ds and J. 11. McClinton,
std it recommended that Mr. H.
T. Edwards be appointed to the Mr. u. E. I rratt nabs
► oats alai a car of ?tour a
position at a salary of $=50.00 per Mr. A. Arqutth a car of oa
year. of last week.
Mr. Edwards' successful lett'F 11 r. John Ii>mingtun I. aD
of application read as follow'.:
around rain after his sal
Mrs. (liver ('lark, of town,
Mr. -C. H. Humber, the week•eml visiting her mother
Chairman of Special Committee relatives.
Dear �Sir,�-1 beg to apply for Mr. Rttwaru King Daa ranted Yr.
tion of Assistant Assessor (91as. Nrv1014 house to occupy thla
spring. 1!e intrrda to tettaro to rile
town of (}oderich. 1 shim ,vertu sa (ratio.
a good knowledge of the' town �ddKsa ..r 11'veaewaattw
and of the property 1 would
*Ake a tender for the, position for A yweasatrr sur{oriw• party vatted the
At'III'RN, March 1.—Mr. Jae. O.
Mowatt has bought a farm near Sea.
forth on the Huron road. He was dies
appointed in the farm at Brueeillelde
the owner paying the forfeit and re.
tabling his farm.
Mr. Ms -lards. of Maps emit. eaak.
called on some of his friends. and
friends of his neighbors wive were
"former residents herr, last week.
Mrs. It. J Ross and Mrs. W. T. ale -
return from their visit la 1b•
At'!tt'ItN. F ,,. 21. Mr. John Medd.
Mrs. Thos Meta • and Mr. E. Watson
each shipped a ca f cattle to Toronto
uu Satunlay.
Mr. O. E:. 1 rratt pped a car of
iogs ou Monday.
led a car of
feed and
, the end
to be
e period of two months which home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mowatt on
PeT \leslut•xlay evening, February mud
i am ven to tinderstattd is'the g' '
gt clot s. Mr. them with two valuable
time thin position is open for, at chairs. Mr. hoot. nicker read the fol -
$100 per month. �� lowing addn•s,
Yours' truly, Tu Mr laed Jlrs. James Howatt.
• Your fell ow-mewbers of Knux
Harry Edwar.ls, church.' .\uburn. and your neighbors
fir. B. •Jones-Batemat, asked lire gntlw•rwI together in your hong-
for a salary of $300: Mr. lturk- this evening to exprrw our regret be-
holder, $RO a month fur two .e111�. you are acwnl to 155vp us. It beim
a«..v Just twenft,-Noe yeesn xlaw you
months: Dr. \V. F. Clark. .-:100, r:ulle amongst us, anwl during that time
but suggested preference be S•'i' have eistear.rl cuurs•Iv.•s 10 one
given to a returned man • .I. II. 'nd all ht, Tour liudnrss std reads -
n. rs to lw$p. %V. lyse fwd po Is4ter
McClinton. $500;' J. C. t'amernn n.•ighhor+• 1'un have lawn upright and
left the salary question open . !tire bots,rahle in all Four dealings ant
he refused to accept it at $.x100 as Councillor Bailie -1 think that
assistant assessor and collector. is a fair question. I think we
I think the notion was that Wat- have a right to an answer.
son should be interviewed and if , Councillor Humber — Those
he refused applications should be reasons were stated by me last
advertised for. Unfortunately, I nirht and are not going to be re-
take the office for lees than $500
then I think he is out of it.
Councillor Hill — i think we
are getting away from the point.
The point is that if there is any
reason for it we would like to be
shown why the advertisement
I was not at the last meeting, peated by. nae to -night. came out as assistant aswssor, as
being out of town, and -T -dc not Mayor= -What will we do about lir Watson would wonder --why
know Wlfat- wig done, but I was this t . - t. -DO explanation tolthb�t advertised for an atisistent
surprised to gee an advertise -1, offer:
ment for an assistant assessor over ; Councillor Bailie—There is only on th
r bqt had asked him to take
llectorship as well. The
Councillor Humber's name. Now,' one way open to us. second point is that this was not
gentlemen, it strikes me as pecu- I Councillor Hill—.I am not ask- in accordance with the resolution..
liar that this matter has gone to ing for this to embarrass the eon- Still Councillor , Humber re -
such an extent that the reflection ►nittee. fused to explt fin, his answer to
has been cast that when certain j Councillor Holme* --I have made Councillor Hill being in the form
work was required it was not; it quite clear that the advertise- of a motion, to adopt the conten-
done properly. Whether this was, ment has caused a certain amount tious clause,' which was seconded
an error is a matter for explana- j of wonderment. We know that by Councillor Story.
Councillor Bailie moved an am-
endment. seeonded by Deputy
Reeve Moser, that the clause be
referred back to the special com-
mittee. The amendment carried,
only Councillors Humber and
Story voting nay.
At this juncture an adjourn-
ment of the council was made for
a few minutes to allow the special
committee to prepare another re-
port covering the subject in hand.
When business was resumed a-
gain practically the same report
was presented but immediately
the council became involved in
the discussion of the problem as
to how to give effect to it. in view
of the resolution in the minutes
of the previous meeting of the
council which stipulated that the
council should ask for applica-
tions for the dual position of as-
sistant- assessor and assistant ool-
lector, and these minutes were
adopted. immediately after the
council commenced business that
evening. Upwards of an boor
elapsed before the question was
finally settled, three different
motions being required to
straighten out the tango.
When all the furrows of care
were removed .from the brows of
the aldermen and after Councillor
Humber had suggested that the
council go into committee of the
whole to consider the applications
for assistant ssses/nr CotmrllloT''-
Bailie rose to a point of privilege.
He did not propose, he said, to
stay there all night. it was then
nearly 11 o'clock and he moved
adjournment to some night the
followin week.
ing �d nunetiior 1Btmber urged that
the question of appointing an as-
sistant assessor should be dealt
with at once and when the motion
for adjournment was put to a vote
the majority wag against it, only
Councillors Bailie, McEwen and
Holmes voting yea. - --
When the council went into
committee of the whole with the
•Reeve in the chair, Councillor
Humber moved that the audience
be exeluded. "1 believe that is
customary," Reeve °allow said,
tion, but there is no question that i Mr. Watson is able to do the job,
there has been an error. You and I do not want to embarrass
anybody, but I want it made clear
to the public and to the gentle-
man in question. I might state
that one of my reasons, as prob.,
ably you will think that I am
championing Mr. Watson, is that
I went overseas with him and I
know him , to be a good soldier
and a gentleman. That is as
as you can say about any.
one, quite aside from any other
reason I might have and that is
why the question bas been asked.
I agree with Councillor Hill that
this is not to embarrass anyone or
to bait anyone.
Mayor—la it not accorded by
the council that Watson is a very
good rani T
Councillor llolmea--I pointed
out from the very beginning that
even farm Mr. Campbell's figure&
Mr. Watson had saved the town
a more than was ever paid him.
earn council refused to con- However, 1 allowed the motion to
°" from anyone
go through with the rider of an
Ever aition of assistant as assistant collector. As the orig-
inal mover 1 have been interested
cutter ' in this matter and they thorough-
lywe understand how I stood in the
matter all along. You have to
c(insider this which I do not think
1 made quite clear before that
even if Mr. Campbell's figures
were seventy or eighty per cent.
correct it was certainly well
worth eonsidering and yet it wits
not taken seriously. What would
know my position here is that
I have been guided by Mr.
Campbell's statements, and he
says that the .appointments
has brought in more thou-
sands than they have paid
Mr. )' atson in hundreds. Now,
then, gentlemen, it strikes i.
that some explanation is due the
eoun- Thn�atson himeelt
as, to why. this was dealt with in
this manner. I leave it to you
whether you can find a man who
is better suited to the job. Mr.
Watson's name has been bandied
'n the council from time to time
to his not doing enough work
1 a number of other innuen-
-► and I think Mr. Watson is
lied to be exonerated from
nuendoes that have been
him regarding his salary
At the beginning of this
cent application}
at the beck and call
21 p,1:3r here. Mr. Watson
.ed a good man and
that he should be
ept the job. Now,
o Sum Too Small
We cordially ince lased l ePosits and will
Badly extend eruct 1ervice in crediting such
sums to your account. We welcome de-
posits of even $1.00 *week, which, with
interest at 3 % compoulied semi-annually,
totals $280.26 n five yes.
CopyW� Dermiu," inns repast
will of R
mile east o
(Bones Ir`t►me explanation is
rlslns 7 ane
old: 1 aped `
years ole have heard the
(slue. -t
I row, 7 y ouncillor Holmes
years ole n for the adoption
Tolle 4t Before that mo-
happen with a green man in the
position 1 Suppose we accept Mr.
Campbell's figures that Mr. Wat-
son saved for the town $5000, and
pew? Mem„ hell - ,o the ,ttltcatisJn- i whether there
he advertisement appeared would have been any sac
the town with a hew man except
the lightening of the work.
t'ount'illor Humber—If it comes
to one man in this town as being
the only man we are in a bad ffx,
There are just as good men as
Watson in the town, but Council-
lor Noumea has evidently been
talking it over with Mr. Camp-
Councillor Holmes—The only
time Mr. Campbell has ever con-
ferred with me was when he did
as to how they saved the town omit. l•a.- C 1ntrs % e de-
sirn hvon will illi• them eorwtantly
$250.00 by 'delaying the appoint- for your own comfort and often think
ment of an ahiiistant assess.r fog. of the many friends you made at An-
ro months and holding up th
Irk of the asseraagtent roll f
nearly three weeks t
The .services In Knox church
Sabbath will be conducted by the
Ister. At II_a.m. communion lir
dispensed. At 7 p.m. the snot
series on Things Surely Bel
"Why do we believe in God ? " Sab-
bath erhool and 14,11.• classes wit at
3 o'clock.
At the Baptist church next 1ondny
services will be eorwlucted by �Mr pas-
tor, Rev. 4'. N. Dewey. At 1 m. the
subject : "The I.nnl's Pas -
p.m.. "First Things First
Mihir se•hriol. Monday ea
o'clock R. Y. P. C. Social.
at 8 p.m.. prayer service.
1 We wish you and your daspghters
erery yu.rr•s.. and happiness in your
new Mom.- at Rrnepi.•Id. We. alien as -
sun• you Olaf ,I hearty welcome awaits
you nb,uld you ever deckle to return
to us. Our steadfast tope is that we
oil all nicht where partings are Do
Signed on behalf of owr ehur, h and
k lelgiihors..
n 11..1. !toss, Minister
At North street Methodic
H. t). Moyer, the pastor w
Sunday, March .ah, at 11 a
The pastor's m7.rning then
Kingdom Coyne" the fou
"The L,ord's Prayer."
begin a series of Sunday
sermons tinder the ggeeneral
(lin rrl nd ri�,' Iiigion
light." This 8111 be
term two nnd•tUlree.
elation. The `est o
1 left my first' love
Clauses. Mission itat
will meet. Th. (9n
the Church do for
trapped by Mr. E
3 p.m.. Sunday w
('1:. sw•s. 'rhe ,s
miss a session.
R. J. M44;s'
,(n•hie Itobins.ot
W. J. 15,hie
Auburn. Feh. 22nd, 1922.
Mr. Howatt replied with difficulty.
Re stated that he and Mrs. Mowatt
r : " 7/were very grateful to their friends. but
t pia., that they did not dewerve such kind
a1 8 treatment. He was not sur.' yet where
n. -day their future home would be as they
were not likely to pi to Itrm.etIeId, but
Invited all to ec,mr and share tie hos-
pitality of that home whenever they
found it mttvenient.
A varied program of vocal and in-
strumental music and spnrhes and re-
citatiohs was then given.
Atter refreshments had Is'i's serves)
by the ladies, all jolted hands and
sang . -litho-tad Auto Aegnaintnw•e Ile
tcb. Rev.
preach on
and 7 p. n..
trill I.• "Thy
in a.erieson
ditht he will
r Lenten
e of --My
$le Srearch-
r of -,hap.
k of Rev -
1 Is. "'lave
t 10 a. m. Try this Friday and Saturday special.
1 .N.•n s e'l,l. High Rrtade ehnrntatr•a at forty rents a
what . 1111 p,nnd media
Blackstone's, \Pest urw
will b.. in- _
Pritchard. At
and . Ir:rntr••'1 Orbs lour, next ie,' cream at Mart-
a growing. don't stone's. -yon will appreciate the quality
and pRPisa.
1 e By The Signal
e papers the way it diel.
(',ouncillor Hill=I can't help
agree with Councillor
lima in what he Raid. i world
.alike to think that there have
teen any remarks passed at any
•ommittee here that would lead
gate public or. Mr. Watson to infer
hat he was not capable. I have
BANK O,CAN�Ate, on toy feet . before nn thin
subject and each time 1 have
F. V1%ooLkibe, Managers I tried to make it quite clear that
Goderich Branch,
That the Select lndie. Retard rar!That Itinniuion store- -:seal the people
Co. have announcer! Friday, wit .t M of Octan" 12u,000 in uneerie•s hast year.
!4h• patio ,i.
That the )I..b•I Theatre program. for
nest week hs'Indt•s Doris May ,
ill., Calisrt and Eugene t' l encs. Page 4.
their Spring Opening 1).y 266f' in-
viting all the ladies of (iuderide their
display of Novelty 8aita, Ue/.Sisiets
and Waists whkh are to be osl0ibitien
for one week. see page 7.
That Wesley hal
special prime on • loves, a baby Jiwll soli to lank. toe work ,even tetter
carriage and iron bels to ekva his w than Is•i,oe. e page I.
on page 2. That ('anipls•IPs Drug State it ata -
That on page Porter.aeatn"nncirg i maturing a drop in Ike pram
that the prior at will paper. taken a .4 toilet F,ap. Pain. t.
big drop. Hee page S.
That Smith's Art Stone Ile n''w dA -
mem for all sorts of I{ w.,r: for
your hosts or hope chain, lee 1
watch for a trig sale ttt>de1 k' • .. That accrnmis owing)fillar's Scotch
_ pyo the steno before
to ad ettlrM • Wm' '"'n h Son atom mum N. tM*�,,:. ry t , piss r
jn ilk �1 tn•h I 1 •,r tt will h►
That the S,tmlesC.a,l(bsepanyelm b
til' 141•4 areal in all sisew Hyte 5.
That she 1R•.. ('alliin are submitting
,�-lin-r---tote sy Yaech Isle
tlictr-the Ara
Thetis peke b 11. Min+ +sas to s,x.11geN
a sal
Y na It'e1 s „d, F,r
That McLean $esemitting uttintt on a' thein in •idler 1,a
'pail hat gab log awe ik, Per a1" - Is1ge I.