HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-2-23, Page 8to Ttsur,.In!'. iehrltl
`Tl,rwlrr February 2:1. 1922.
Back To Old -Time Prices
E,.avone can have a first-class
LIBRARY. Justlance over thoe
titles, see the DISPLAY our
Zane Grey's 7"'114 Nt.it of the
Forest, of Wheat, pes
old, etc.
Jaaeiver CtlrnO0 t S- -The
Snare, River s End.
Karan, etc.
Frank Packard's—Miraclt
11.41). Jimmy Date, fire Dev-
ils, etc.
. t l I these books sold at R l b0,
1 .7:. and $2 00, now to he
85c 85c 85c
Ily Eleanor H. Porter
teopyrighttd sod issued by arrange -
men with Thomas Alleu.)
114. errh'etl at live o'clock, and at
eight o'clock be walked down the lout[,
4 *141 .hadetl suet lading b0 the big,
white ttdonlal house known as the old
Glluioro homestead. Sister Sue War
first to ser hhu emulate. She was sit -
Him on the veranda with May and her
father. She, gave one comprehensive
look at the tall figure exhibiting so un-
mistakably thy haludiwork of a city
tailor. even at that distance, then else
hurriedly rose to her feet.
-Come, Father. It's title we were
goiter In, I think.' And she took Arm
hold of I11s area.
-oh. no. 1 don't wale to go In," he
said gently. but decidedly.
-BM we'll have to. ',Clouse. Father,
come ' " she cried. ' "Please come.
quick ' " And so urgent was her voice
this time that it penetrated even the
Iuetoggetd brain of the mumbling old
11111 u. sod he rose as It laspelhtl by
some bidden toren. They were well
out of sight, indoors, by the time the
lull. well-groomed figure of the man
came up the walk.
, tie afterward*.
seemed to .teles
that this little incident was portentous
of all the exprerlenee that fotiow(d
during the next few weeks. As the
days poised, alwar.' she was luring
Instant Relic: with a small
trial bottle of old
"St. Jacobs Oil."
Kiane,. cause Backache? No!
They hate co nines, the e:tore can
not cause pain. Listen! Your back -1
ache is caused by lumbago, sciatica
or a strain, and the quickest relief is
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil."
Rub it right on your painful back,
and instantly the soreness, stiffness
and lameness disappears. Don't stay
crippled! Get a small trial bottle of
"St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggist
and limber up. A moment after it is
applied you'll wonder what became of
the backache or lumbago pain.
Rub old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil"
wnenever you have sciatica, neuralgia,
rheumatism or sprains, as it is abso-
lutely harmless and doesn't burn the
A Lesson
�ia►t Ro
Too e.ousand ,ears ago the athletes
fighting gtadcaa,rs of the Roman
,tiny e, to ens, • • speedy healthy healing
101 f=ounds. ,es and tniutces used
rnar,[cal berbi. 0,1s and balms
Taking a Lesson from the A:: rnts, as
. iw nt fir= of manufacturing ( hemtsts
Ilidertouk a search to recover these lost
secret Certain . h herbal ods and
eeeeatrs ware et 1,4.1 urd and a ',Oen
tide means of bla..'. g and refining_
them ,as dersed
After ninth/ and costly experiment a
super 'Jahn was .'.• t ed wl.n.l. Cob:ol.-
thane palest berfnt - hat•, i,. rbc nn. -r
perfect fer0. In this 6'e(c liseyyeery wa.
riven the Mme zam-buk, to Ito ate tl.e
6igheu sehievemeat yet atta:rr.: in the'
healing art.
Tlea4Mat of don disease: and iajutie%
has beaa,evolut onized bs ran buk. Its
b • g rad antisertrr power is enhanced
b lbessaplete absence of rlancid anima!
fatted distinguish ord.nary salves.
Ecz ringworm, ulcers. pdes.
poisoned wounds. rashes, cold-soree:'
claps. -" blains.- children's scalp
troubles, ate. yield rapidly to zam-but.
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Thickens, Beautifiks
her father into the house. or upstairs,
or out .f .14.04-, somewhere. any-'
where.•., that he uiigltl not offend the
Site of Mottle Krug eith his 11 Ude-
Ansi pr'.cu(v'. 1-AII day Miser flue
might hum those meuuhigh..s little
lutes AO that x110 [tight not think —
tldnk"-think : yet she always was
retuemle.riug what y1urthi Kent had
Kahl about seeing her father. She did
not have to think to remember that ! 1
Sometimes it esea:el to her a+ if
the task of keeping her fat'.!er and
Mari hi Kent nt'art was an inipoe+lble
one. For a ta.uslderabe time uow
John: Gils.ore had been showing him-
self more lull more averse to lacing
le 1 111011e. 114. 'vauttsl always 111 be
with somebody. if left alone i' his
own round. It tvot:lIII t be long before
he would be seeking Sister tele \or
Ma31 or` Gordon, or even Delia in titre
kilt lieu. (►sly in his flower garden.
was he Content to be by 'dimwit. Anti
it was there, whenever passible. tot
his daughter would lead hint al Sight
of .1artin taming down the street or
up the walk. Fortunately. however.
night fount the old man very tired
and he was always ready to go to heti
early .• Fur knitter Sue It lett the even-
ing* free from lwr (ver-pn'stelt fear
that her father would walk Into the
room to show his box of roper pictures
or to ask if she wouldn't phase hake
him home, saying that he wanted to
go home soul. The hitter meant al-
ways that. if ho• was to he made
happy. the two of them must put on
their hats land resits if m.o.-eey 1
and walk up or down the street and
nerOss to the other site, coming back
again to their own doorway, whit -h
'lever failed then to elicit a-runtenttrt
Ult.. I'm so glad to get Ilene." from
the weary maul at Sister Sae' stile.
But 1t was this. alp this. that Sister
itur did not want- t.+ -happen iu Martin
Kent's pre once Hence her ceaseless
et eleavors to -have her father well out
of the earl and happily occupied when
leer torerl wee In the house.
Not that tlartiu Kent himself Bald
unrthiug to make this IONesslu'y. On
tie. cc,utrary. he was always very
pleasant. even gently cordial when, In
spite of Sister Sue's vigilu.ee, he and
John Gilmore sometimes met. He
often Inquired. too. very solicitously,
for hi -t health. Itut Uurtiu Kent was
rery affable. very grackets. iu all iris
ways these days. Ile wits all teudcr-
ries+ end sympathy, for Sister Nue
when he found her so tired In the
evenings. and he was tireless in his
efforts to help May to her short -story
seeking: Max told dieter Sue he war
laerfectlr lonely. and not ...polled a bit
by all hi+ Wonderful su•eers. 11;1 *
111411 it help to her ! Aml $lstet•
Sue amlletl ata' saki she wan glad,
very glad.
And Slider Sue really Was glad.
she war glad not only to have May
Au olden 1 1 her work, bat ahe was
glad that there was 104110 one In the
house who mould help eutertahl Mar-
tin Kent and make up for her ow -u
delholueuch's as a hostess. For with
her father and ber pupils Sister Sue
was ninth g very little time to give to
Martin Kent exet.'pt the evenings. And
Martin Kent war often there through
the day. 1144 liked the may. vluc-
shadod veranda. and he likitl to help
ally all he coukt, he said. Resides.
there was a chance, OUee lu u while,
that he might oceasionitlly catch n
peep at Sister Sue ! he declared. Su
almost every day he came to sit on
*'1114'-slra(ktl veranda With May.
NIlt that he always sat there. Quite
frelmeutly he suggested u walk. ile
said •,it was cooler up on the hill In
the pule grove tack of the house, and
they could work up there better. That
there was not the rouse clauot' up
there of `•watching a peep" ut Sister
Sue evidently dkl not oeour to him.
But it did .oc'rur to. Sister Sue. She
Was ashamed to admit It. even to her-
self. But a great many things were
occurring to tthler Sue these days,
h,stl ted she well knew, by the
ga y ver
cltaln•e seutenes !hat had eonr to her
ears one recent Sulu ►y when she was
011 the Way out o Sunday -School
where else lad leen hag the plauo
for the singing. In fro* of her were
two Clow -moving teat- - awl .he
Was obliged to slacken her own eager
steps for a ntouiIIt. And was at
that moment that the seute floated
tack to her.
"1t was Sister Sue--yes—that\play-
id-- And he"s engaged to her but
t•1 • Rre.,d and Better Bread-
The Most Perfect
Product of the
World's Best Wheat
everybody say, they should tliln
was the other one—tile way they've
gallivanting off together all the time." ,
I'us,ru, Sister Sue slipped to one
sidle through the crowd oat waitod.
until the two worsen were quite out
of sight. Then she came down the
steps and caulked home—a little hur-
riedly and her cheeks Onkel' than
Silly gossip, of ('nurse. But what a
pity ! Must she forbll their going out
at all together without a chaperon ?
She had never thought It u.eseesary be-
fore to have a chaperon In this little
county town, their ower tome town
as well. And Martin Keut. the t'hlld'a•
future brother -In-law, too ! What a
shame that -idle tongues should try to
make capital out of n simple daylight
walk to the little pine grove on the
hill hack- of their own home! And,
too. when they obviously went with
looks in their hands to study (here
and very plaluly in an effort to get
away from the tiresome thumping of
her pupils at those eternal scales and
live-thiger exercises! How absurd!
11440 wicked, too! Gossip like that
always hurt a girl! It was a slime!
Mit to stop 11; that s'.at the probe
lent. To sty in ao 111,1 113- weeds, you
must not talk nor walk together any
more. 41h. ahe could not do that-! She
never timid! Why. 11 would look as
If she dl(trn.ted them and was cheap-
ly jealous of her own -sister! And if
rise explained. told them about the
gossip. that would he worse.. it
would make them *elf-vouscions and
—and Impossible to be together. it
would entirely spoil their frank crone
rndeship, and of course put a stop to
the "letworm" with alt their wonderful
aid and cneouragement to May. And
wlult a pity- to du all that just because
of a Andy bit of gossip!
tf there wr t+ any troth
And just here it came to her with
almost blinding force --What If it were
true? What If they hail begun to care
for each other? What If— But that
W4144 [honed, of (rousse.. She,would not
to misjudge them. Certainly she could
drive such unworthy thoughts from
her Sits'.
Hite -tide eras ins[ whet she found
she 44.111.1 net do. In spite of her deter-
min,t' -nest--iter--stornfnl denials
herself, she found lieraelf watehing.
aIscaywatching. whenever she saw
them together. Site found herself in-
venting excuses to go Otit on the
rer;uuhth when her eieter and Martin
Kent were there, and she fount herself
',noosing the minute they left the house I
,for a wnlk to the pine grove on the
hill. and watching the clock till they
And she *ow:
That Martin Kent's eye+ lighted up
when May came Into the room, anti
that they followed her us she moved
nbeint7- tttat -- h+! deferred lo- more
wishes and whims and opinions on all
04.4'44.1411144: flat he worried ns to
whether May was too warm or too
cold. wheustt n•rer seetued to occur to
him that his fiancee might need a feu
or an extra wrap: and that he and
May had many little jokes and Iang:ts
together in which site herself had no
Not that any of these things of
themselves were e4' very great. ahe
10141 herself. but they were significant,
and she admitted ttlat. She began to
rolmit something else. too. .Would It.
after all, he so very strange If Martin
Kent dip turn to her sister May? May
was young. pretty, and very attractive.
May had no cures. She was free to be
wit I. him whenever he wanted her.
Moreover, there was the great bond of
their common literary interests. They
could spend hours talking plots, local
color, and ntlnosphsre. While an for
Sister line dulled herself in the
mirror one day. She flung the shade
tar up and IM the sunlight In, and she
looking old alld Careworn. She had
grown thinner since coming to Gil -
morel -111e, and the little hollows in her
cheeks and the dant circles tinder her
eyes were not becoming. Her hair
showed Lack of care, ani not the eine
pitchy of taste in arrangement, but the
simplicity of haste --which Is .quite dif-
ferent in effect. Her dress, too, was
plainly selx•ted for it., durability and
not for Its tAtraetiveness. She re-
membered that she dkln't hare Isfanre
to glee Martin Kent whenever he saun-
tered over In search of eompnnionshlp
and amusement.. The home— her
father -a pupil. always there was
sonsething to detain bor. And when
(Oontinnld on page 7 1
and all
her 54,(44
• ,u,l r
1 .r throe
Itqu.kly «lines sun
.16..., .r alga ssl any
1,...d as Min.
An Old Reliable Remedy
IIrs. S. Fawcett. Hamilton M., (, 4h•�,.,^rf•
Ont . welters—ali.urd's Liniment ani, is .n
old .,.Halo remedy. 1 alar• 1."41 a 1,•l er
in the hon and fh,r room',
quite a Cumber d mrIrl. e,d-. 1., • 4 •.n o ,
treat 1.6.4. In meet t..) .. ,, .I 1.
e.re frh1'•.unat..m.
Yarmouth Nova Scotia.
Mesas Liquid Antisepticfor co
germs, ; a valuable aid i1
the treatment of Pyorrhea, and au excellent mouth wash and
throat gargle.
_ H. C. DUNLOP. Pow a
ri0e No. 1 Bedford Block The S4lu.erc
Broken Out Skin an
Ecrerna Helped Over
For t ;ightly skin eruption+,
or ble /i,es on face. neck, a
body,,r1 do not hast to wait for
lief fro:. torture or embarrassm
__.rtOdares a ns,ted skin speciali.t App
a little \lentlso-4ulphur and improve-
ment shoal ted
Pecanse of itxts germay. destr••ting Pt- 1
ertles, nothing has ever been found
to take the place of this sulphur preps- i
ration. The moment you apply it heal- -
ing begins. Only those who has c ha l
unsightly skin troubles can know the
delight this Manlius -Sulphur I rings
Even fiery, tchiag ecxcnia 1- !nrl '
right -.up.
Get a small, jar fc nt any good
dniggist and u e k like deed cream,
A few cents buys "Danderine."
a few applications yntl cannot
fallen hair or any 'dandruff,
every hair shoves new life, vigor,
ane, more color and abundance.
of thin, run-
down peo-
ple have
re-found the
by taking
And •
t -
and helps you regain
yowl normal weight
Sold by all good druggists
gale's Hintze
paper sod send
11111 an etesurs
Limited. Toronto
You are nos
e 1 Pe rlmeut-
Ing whoa
))nu ase Lr.
draw's Olnt-
16.•z,•me, sal Skin Irrlts-
rellevee at once and grade-
s the akin. Kemple Mea tis.
t tree 11 yen mention this
stamp for postage. Can. a
!Wmanam, Bates & Co.,
Chute; for the children
Chums for the girls
Chums for the boys
C anis for the women
Ch ms are the most comfort-
able, durable and econom-
ical shoe you can huy.
We have them in Oxfords
Two Strap and High
Shoes. Get them at
Mr. Motorist. When You Lay Up Your Car
For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headach
Sour -Stomach, Bilious Liver
Nle Kidneys
re mea *alts the outdoor
menet ,r alike frram derange
afelefig the .,1 headache " art
cases Rl'igl,t: 4'. in some
velop5, others :,,e soon de
Wood pressure unt,teem high
the arteries sets in aening of
fl Pa:nth an
fatal (lilt -awl prompt acti
In order to felegang oho id
be taken at the first sign of troubl
The nicest uale-laxative to
box. Chndren 1 "o'Caacareta toe.
'Aisle your bot'•'• ,\ hen you have
What Are You Going To
Do With Your Battery ?
F.ase your tight, aching elicit. Stop
the pain. break up the cringe .tie•[. Peel
a bad cold loosen up in just a short
'Red Pepper Rub" it the coil rem-
edy that briny eutcke:t relief. It can-
not hurt you and it certainly seems to
end the tightnes and thrive t1a conges-
tion and sorci ehh right otlt.
Nothing las such concentrated. yen.
etrating heat as red peppers, and when
beat penetrates right down into colds,
congestion, aching muscles and sore,
stiff joints relief caulks at once.
The moment you apply R4.•d Pepper
Rub you feel th= tingling beat. in three
minutes the congested spot is warmed
through and through. 'Fhra you are
suffering from a cold, rheumatism,
backache, still neck or -sore muscles,
lust get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper
Rub, made from red peppers, at any
drug store. You will have the quickest
...U.( t•....* always say "Rawles".
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross"
are Aspirin—No others 1
Experience has shown us that a battery that stands all
winter in a rundown condition depreciates more than in the
eight or nine months of summer use, and you know what
a season means to you.
_Whynot have it taken_ (ire- of in a garage p operly
heated for the purpose, and where
EYperieace Has Taught Us Haw To Take Care of Batteries
Conte around and see our winter storage quarters or
just give us a call and we will do the rest. All kinds of
batteries taken care of or repaired.
4 -
There 14 onty one Aspirked
with the "Bayer ('roan"—all otbet tab-
lets are only acid imitations.
t.enuvle -Bayer Tablet. Of
have been prescribed by physicians, for
nineteen year, and proved seta by mM-
liona for fain, Headache, 7•;.'u -algia,
Co114, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis.
Handy tin boars of 12 tablet+ -{in
'larger Bayer" packafiea, sen be had
at any drug store. Alade in ('anada.-.--
Aspirin Is the trade matt (reds
in Caudal. of Bayo f
alonoareticaeldester of Salicylicacid.
1Vhile it is well known that Aeplrla
meant Bayer manufacture, to assist the
public against imitations, the Tablets of
Bayer Company. Ltd., will be .tamped
with facets general tfade stark. the
'Myer t•rosa"
Goderich Esit Sired Gage
Phone 243
is enndr•like Cnsearets. Use or two
tonight n ill empty rola' bow•ely Com-
pletely by morning end yon will fed
+pleodid. "They work while you
Cep" Casnarete never stir you up
oat gripe like Salts, Tellies Oalomel, or
pit and they cost only 'ten cents a
Mr. A. D. MacKinnon.. e.
stood. Inverness county, N•5
I can highly ,Ked
Kidney -Liver Pills w all wE no h , ,
weak kidneys, 1 t f •e y
A. -aye fee • leeg Hese. 1 aur sloe my
i*oat for three years 1 way Need aay
troabkd with headaches. 7
(nen? tweed to do red n aalre4' urea?.
temporary relief. eD�fi than told
D. Chase's Kidney -Liver wu finally told of
afar aline a f_... bores
pills. and
Old Company's Lehigh
The Genuine alh&fhraeite Coal
Burns longer and holds tile fire bettel than
the so-called free burning or semi -anthracite
it is
satisfactory. Ask your neighl)or who buys it
Send Us Your Next Order
A. Big Bar
A full-size, full -weight, solid bar -
of good soap is "SURPRISE." ."
Best for any arid all household use.
For use in iv
a portion of
to the ma
g machines shave or slice
"SURPRISE" bar direct
t do fine work.