The Signal, 1922-2-23, Page 7STARR PHONOGRAPHS
'Silver Spruce 'The Difference
Singing Throat' is in Tone'
The use of silver grained spruce, "the music wood of centuries," for the tone
chambers of the Starr Phonograph. coupled with long years of musical experience
the Starr Company las had .n the manufactuis of over 150 000 of the finest msteu
monis the world has ever known makes possible the wonderful tone of this instrument.
And the Starr tone developed in the 'singing throat" of spruce will pow mellower
and sweeter with the age of the wood.
Starr Gennett Records at 65 cents
Campbell sDrug 'Store
Phone qo The Square Goderich
Death of Infant Sea
Much sympathy is felt for Mr. arx!'Mrs.
Wui. ' c' t1 IrhWri I n theo u u
► death r one f
their I{ule twin sones, Gregory, aged one
laerrand ,n month., on Thursday of
st Beek. The funeral, which was in
charge of Rev. Father Gnain took place
on Saturday es the Catholic cemetery,
in Colborne township.
Oats of Mias Florence Graham
A very sudden and unexpected death
occurred in Detroit on Tutwlay of last
week when Florence J., daughter ul Mrs.
C. Graham,, Gloucester terrace, (kxleric•h,
paled away at the home of her sister it ith
W11011i site had been jiriting for about a
week. Mies Graham had been out for
walk in the morning and on her return
htµi eaten a hearty lunch, later going to
her room to he down. Here she was
found about 3.50 in the afternoon by her
.cheer, Mr.. Warring, and without regain-
ing concionenesrshhe pawed away an hour
and a half later. lierklca her aged mo-
ther, who will sadly mite the kindly
rniniettrations of a loving and devour],
daughter. the deceased ie survived by
fol err and four Meters: Kenneth,
of IhKToit; i)onaki of I'ort Stanley;
Maladnl and John, bath of (lolericli;
Mn..J.S. 1VarriR.
n of
Llstmit • Mea. F.J.
Paley, n ,
Hastings',f chic
ilio. J.C. of
Omaha. Neb., and bus. Jas. Smithid
Port A rtJur. The body was bnrught to
Goderich front I)etmit for interment
and the funeral took place from her lade
home on• Friday afternoon to Maitlag,
.eeniet.ry. The pallbearers were four cous•
its of
the 1 demised; • Juh
n W. Murray
and David Kay, of town, and John and
Munloek Murray, of t•tprnia. All of the
fancily wen. here for the funeral with
the exception of one brother, Kenneth of
Detroit. Ile was detained by the serious
illness of his. daughter, Isobel, which
ended in her death at the early age of four-
teen years, on Friday of last week.
Masonic At H.
The annual at home of the Masonic
fraternity of Goderich was hekl in the
Masonic Temple on Thursday evening of
Last week, and provbd to be one of the
most enjoyable social events in (cod ,'rich
this season. An exceptionally large num-
ber of tnembery and their friends, includ-
ing puny from neighboring lodges, were
in attonianoe. The first part of the
evening's entertainment consisted of a
musical program of the following num-
bers: piano duets by Mrs. C. W. 1)oty
and Mr. fiefs. Kenyon, eeluctionr Ly the
Black.••,ne- Buckleyy Grrhetltra, and solos
by Me A. J. MacKay. Mrn. W. F.
Sound• re, Misr hazel Belcher, Mr. G. L.
Parse • and a skit and solo by Mr. H, ll,
Sturf' Mtwrs. Buckley and Kenyon
acted accompanists' c u ni'sa
Use evenw
Pa during R
whi • ')r. A.
C. Hunter
occupied the
chair t •ry acceptably. After the pro -
grain I incta•on wail served following
which the remainder of the evening was
spent at card. and dancing.
-Real Opportunity in Floor
Coverings at Walker's x
This week we are /footing Special Prices in Linoleums.
Oilcloths, and, Cungoleum jugs, in all the, standard sizes
and patterns.
Linoleum's, per square yard ....... 11.15
Oilcloths, per square yard .6S
Congoleum Ruga Fr.oe.., ....... •.• .. 15.751. 118.00
A special job lot of .Rums. suitab:e for bedrooms or
diningrooins, sizes 3x3j and 3x4 yard.. worth regularly 118.00,
' our choice of any Rug in the lot, regardless of site,• III the
very special pt ice of ..... 1.75
Don't forget, too, that our line of Rugs in Brbaaels, Tapestry, Velvet.,
Aximester and Wilton, in all standard sines, is well worth /trim
Three EXTRA Specials Next Week Watch This Space
"Often'iia Cbaapest. Always The Bast"
Ex, Iwo\ Agent. for the following nationally advertised guoslt : Haver
Elect lac Vacuum ('leaner, Mclagan Phonograph, Singer Sewing Machine,
t-h,rl.eck Manning Penes, Ostermaor Maumee, Simmons Bed's, Marshall
Ventilated Manner end l.egr'tt A i'Intt ('oil Springs
Furniture and House Furnishings, Ontario
The New University
Entrance Requirements
A Summary of the Circumstances Which Led To
The Recent ,Increase In Entrance
(ay W. J. Dunlop, II,.t„ 1linvtor, UM- unsure : fourth, with it Sw„ud ('latex
ver<Ity Extension, University of ecrti0cete in addition' to
Toronto) Pass; Mntrh'ulantll: fifth. AA a student
The publle may foe hderoded in of 'ultimo years Stith Pass Jfatricuia-
knowing the 11r•u,Itstaut,•. a itch Iwl i (bull
to the n„•ul ha•rwl.e ill .'u. .iia.. c n, A en roful .1 tilt itt tide sheep retitle.
.u)reiu.'ntr In the Faculties: sit, .Leos is1l,iis will show• (list `2 1b) was quite
lit turlo 1'niverrbticsi It often leap. nbtinnslV ndunfwl' sn Ih+t 1St,• small
peen% that the pnryome nr•tipitinor ('omt1n*tstinn Schools of the L;r•rn•lde
ehauges of this kuld Is uds.ou'trto«1' st'biif-tetra
!e lose NA a••11 mise to pretetri
1»•rause it 14 1lsisuwlersNa)ii. It win � •huleuts for the 1 tl1"ersltk". us will
Ie' found that the tbnuge. wade -e• 1 the'oreer Huth Sehnol. and 1'ollezlu1.
eoutly ate really lar the guest •uh•,su. tnslilntleol This Is the Nnswer to any
tone of the e%erage boy •.r girt i,rw- •••Caealou th+t the cictuaes olein In
Inst from the country It, a I eut•••r.ity 1 valve Inere..wd eo,.t
Oneof the dittk•ulti... with wi,ieo I Nur du einem• reenrintion. lurolre sI
any tnths •eralty Inato woe, 0.1 i. Ile. , t•risgillture of am additional time
a t time
there - are it Kal WWII' t,t_ Tile
Ionics• already referred In does
l4.ple who are
wore hider..., t ,.. 1,,, . cealilre flint the student work hard
social thou In the u.•udt'uii.• 111•. ,•t .1 !enough to sr" re a felly good stand-
uultrr.1ly. Such student.. is -' t ,mer lug oar bit. ,v.4ir's work. Liebe Ihl'
from a try or t•illage,, 1 o, Onus,. le really '1it..! »t '•lu•liue...
:'unary to)• and the eottutry girl ,'unto •t nutIN•r.rdr'ntnge• sir ,hi. i.»nue:luso
to university to study Hill tlt.•y t•, Is that: s1101)1d a nhldeut.-fah to se•ure
study. the accessary standing et --Itis first.
At the,ltaptlrt church text Sunday
Rev. C. N. Ik vey will eortlu.t the ser-
vices. At 11 a.m. his sub.'s,' will ice :
'"three Warfare's," nal at 7 p.m. the
theme will be ''Three -fold Salvation."
The Mille school will meet at 5 p.m.
tin Monday evening at 5 o'clock the
It. Y. 1'. 1'. topic, "blow To Avoid
Failure," will 1. taken by Mr. Wil-
fred Ihnialdene. l'ruyer service will
Ise held ou Wednesday evening at 5
The services in Victoria mtnet 'Metho-
dist church next Sunday will be conduct-
ed by the )mor, Itrv. J. 1'. 14eyeraft.
hubjecte of remotes : 11 a.nt., •'The
ihdicrtien of the 11'iIl '' 7 p.m., in the
series of sermons on th' ten command-
ments, "Thou Shalt D, No Murder "
in North 'street 1 ethodist church next
Sunday the pastor, Res'.; I1. D. Moyer,
will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 w. The
„ pastor's al-
. towel be morning
ttNaune;'e even ig, !Icy
'Walks." 1011.un.,1'lat.ew, 51 Midi Band
and Men's Sunday Club. The ('lub topic
i "lie's the week -night prayer meeting
• jtitttify its continuance?' will be iutro-
• at
' Fa�ed web the dilemtua whl^h 11' teurpt. he can e011 10114' for another
loss earnest type of student pi., .o., s ear in the home .il.M.1.
faced also width the fact thnt•111, 1 ,it 1'I••nae 2. fel exemplifies the purpose
seven's. of such ttudeuta (411 cnr•h ••f the whole eli,nze. viz.: that Ile
ht their examinatiotls, the i'nlrers)tew nature student M wnttht. A teaeler.
of Ontario are driven to the ncc:.:,iy or one who has .,.w,.tl•,..I the wl.a'k
_at minim( their eeM -w i(eev,tdi I lmstr7 mesa
'tut this has been (lone nokeij• for-tIbe ,,lm•.t certitkMto, needs not king in alk
who is etre immaturn or w•h.rsr. prey,
t lou'. ducitlou is tar llteapti�u ifs.
able him to take advantage at his pree-
elit stage of eke work' which- tlw.1_Ai, I'lamw 3 is sti,atkihfoaal lu.II.•wt(ent of
verslty has * offer him. 2,x ,sous deside•r,1nn,. 11Nloutrtwllyl
At a conference of,tbe four Pulver-• the chance,' is In the inrelr.t. qt .1.•-�
aitiea- he Cnbversily ,of Ter.tnie. Inner•trv. it is lett-whet to pmteet I
Queen',' t'nlverrlty, McMasret leniver- the Interets of the youtltof the 1'O'ov
tiny, awl Western I:ntrerady-_obit ince by m"kin" 11 worth their' while
nysresentatit•1•ts of the Ontario L)epari- to stiffly herd while they hive- she or.
:!!tout of Education the folHtw'irta ata• ,.teto11 v. If invnlvs to nelHltorn,
deism?' of entran•e 10 the First Year amt to the average nratent. no inere•tse
were s ,
t re unaulm.ntrsly agreed a .eau to Ira,' n he length of the remorse, in brief.
effect in 10'23 : this Inert...
iian:lu s
dIaIYI 1 a smelt
I h
1. ('andldates for admi shni to the `a re,.nitutit.n es nue sensible parent
Paas (burst• of the Yuan -rear win 1, %-omit In-rke *ha ssw..thatids chute.
required 'Ill only• to''1tlis ">r.aOph ret were Int iirnals-1,,r st wvll.a. the
Puss M itrk•ulallbm. but ul•o te per -.ern •Iodt14. Any t'niverttty, wa' matter
additional' evidence of nine., ,o pt..rie into, 1'ree it .M, weli,.lnes stet-
1C. M.. n.
d b • Mr. lt• t5ertau
(hl Tuewlay evening the E rworth
Leiapue of North street church will he in
charge of the citizenship committee. Mr.
Wm. fellow will speak on "Tine O. T. A.
and its Enforcement." Let everybody
be out to hear this its ortaut itddnaw.
On Thursday evening, March 2nd,. the
Mission Baud with assistance from the
Sunday ecti of will repeat their fine pro-
gram given some weeks ago.
Eighth Provincial Annual
The eighth Provincial nuton.4 „t the
Presbyterian Woman's Missionary 5 s •
Pty will he held in Chalmer'e Church,
Ms Otta, April 18, 19. ani l 2(1. 7'he
waniiennting will be held nn T2(111.„,412'1;:,
April IS, at 9 a.m. and the general ses-
sion cauunenees at t p.m.
Thom entitkd to attend are the i'n•s-
byterial President or the elected substi-
tute., the me•cretary anti treasurer and
presideut, or elected substitute, and one
delegate from each auxiliary, president
or elected substitute, from each mission
hand, all delegates to remain until the
the obese of the convention.
Delegate's are asked to take single tim-
elnm.ttW teepee ic k e her with standard cer-
tificates. Sp eeial cars for de'egetes will
leave l'nion Station Toronto (C. N. R. )
on 1lnndlay, April l7, at 1:1 noon
{urpowe of barring nut th. 'student" �Iiriou to foie Matriculation .•xteia his
rpm•her's .v.•rtltlette. Heller it is
elan+ thin. tint• mature student is the
sttsdetit that the 1'nh•ertite w.uts
by attendance on.leetun•s iia tit t ill- de•rds of //to -Iudustrhura Dew-
, versity. t Nor will -theme climates Involve; iia
2.while h 1'nlrersity rnn.t ,I - tlrw of The. recent rt'orennlratboit nI
te•rmine for itself what additional .vl•,'llie hfeh seleol.cnrrienlum. env herd-
-dente It it•lll nl hid lcldunl e.1..1..4 deem; .h it. -o far ••a stnilefits nnx,,ding to
matlafavtury. all the Universities, ao-i P•tss M-'trlt•uttiion are .eunr,•rnwi.
rept the following itunlineatltiils as, Pc.•viouav «Itch etaileut, steeled for
-.ufikle•nt evidence to justify apiper'smis• , and wrote twelve piper's
on whsle -they
slon __---+geye rentilrell tn.ure..a-*nt>tl mark
lab Credit (50 per cent.) at the ; of 720. Ender the neem rn?Irlesbnn. of
Honour. Matriculation F.xambnntk.n In the-Ont'rlo itp,enrtment of Eau... flow
two of English, Isatin, French, Atte-; flee tr'lo•r,t ttibl be the marimnm nnnt-
bra and Geometry, Greek or Berriman 1!•'r tint tipsy be taken hl the y.•,r.
or Spanish. Physis•, 11111 ('heml,tr)•, or; The intTRtrionn mulles will very
Biology. nnd'ni,W he able to abt•tin without
flit At least 75 per cent. of tTtetVueli dlflrinity the .tome total 111/Irk
fuss Matriculation Examination In on his year'. work ns miler former
.11 of any four of the twelve piper. ••onslitkmt. which would 11104 11 ,Iia aver-
rep1ln,l: or at ,twist 0(1 per e•ni. in 'at,• of so per rant. al nine lnnxers-
cilch of any six of the twelve.pviper*.- "unbound a .'codg Maher -
'with unfelt gher-
j'wItb ud)u.unpnt from thuie to bine as 1 'les n that mgnlred for entrance to the
1'tiire•nity. J('lanme : (hl stove.}
The burden on the student, if it can
Ti t'oupi,k•rerl a burden. I., herefore.
fnr the sttldiogs boy or girl. eery little.
It -tiny. headier Wan it Avast before.
ifr:n„ter. She changes mndt' by the
f'niversities cisme es rI nntnral eoLtt•-
'meuee of the (-bailees made Inst sum-
mer in the work laid at IW II by the Ihe-
p:u•tutent of l:Meatlon for the seeotdl-
uti' shads; TIIeNt•.'h:: i. '. were wiles
ly approved Irtr•uu.c rimy provide op-
p-p ortu nity for more intensive wisely nidi
better teaching: oon'equently, they
provide also it mean+ of reaI'll hh the,
new university standard, without
nitwit greater effort than metes requlnvl
under the former conditions to rennet
the former standards.
it Is: perhaps. only• naturnl that new
entranee requirement' should, at first.
be subject to a certain 11mnunt of
trttleiene but 11 Is felt that, when the
new Reheme Is thoroughly understood.
lr wilt rimer with the unaiiintoie ap-
proval of all who are Interested In the
/results of the new oreauiratinn of
the Secondary Schools become snore
vilely kubwn.
(,'i t'crtllbe.Ie of havlflg-IttmplMd
the eonrse at -ntt Untarlo Normal
School tin addition, of ewirse, tl, Pass
:1. No l'uivcr,ity will announce any
i.rwer qualifwations as acceptable while
there may be a general Intimation that
her eriden a may be subedited for
conslderatlon and also that candidates
of -annum, years may Ice admitted with-
out other than Paas Matriculation
sl a idling.
4. Attention !m drawn to the fact
that candidate, may he admitted to
tldt Pair... ('ours,' of the Second Year
l;v pre•w•nting certlflcatre of credit ob-
tained tet the Honour Matrienlation or
:py.'r School Exnn melon.
In brief, then, there are Ilse differ-
--avenues, for entering -11te 4Yrst
yirer ht an Ontario University : first,
with at least two llonnnr MatrIeula•
Hon subjects In addition to Pass Ma-
unrrritufrtsflo/do/ticlf7tttfl XI1of'fXuf1b11t: Cttluflrstteflafttoftt,fl Xiflbtflrtfli
The unfavorable weather
with Use attendance at the meet
binderidI lieratetwu which was ea
11'ahttwdiy evening of this week.
latsiucu, was traurocetd and it was
tided toostpo ne the uoetiug until Toes -
(• evw�W of next e.ek at '4 o' k ill
1nntt it hall.
Thursday. February ::t, shere�
41 RIO fl
The billeting secretary it Mrs.I
Chas. H. Thu. burn, lila Daly street, Otta-
wa, to shorn the nau•.wofall delegates
adtnttId be rent by April fig.
Local auxiliaries are asked to take note
of this tis Owing to strike c mditi.ras the
Missionary Mew.euger containing this
notice may be late, -Mrs. W. 1). Me-
Intosli, Presbyterial Frees Secretary,
B rucetieId.
trieuiathin : second, with Pa's Mi1rl• welfare of eau...ttfnn in this i'rovince.
iodation Including 73 p. -r cent. In tasty loaders of this 'taillight are invited to
four Imperil; thin,. with Nee Matrleu- stmeiy:" fl .'tnitcnts carefully and.
lotion int -hiding 01; per Vent. iia tiny six should any point Ile 1101 clearly umlel,
_ rtntml• to write Itr 15,. Department of
4:41. Colborne & Co.
Sale of Ready -to -Wear
livery Drew itt the store ita4..b*Iq_1t1-
duced. Silk Dresses in navy and light .blue,
black and brown, reduced to $9.96, 112.60
and 119.95, -
Serge Dresses in easy blue, black and
brown, at 19.95, $14,94 and $1.6.96 each.
An opportunity' to tett' a real dress at
little money,
Navy blue Flannel Middies in all sizes for
ladies, misses and children, reduced to $3.50
Georgette Blouses in all sizes and in col-
ors flesh, white, black, navy and the fancy
colors at 04.95.
. Crepe de Chine Blouses in all colors and
the best styles it 04.S5.
These are all reduced in price from very
expensive blouses to 19.95,
Every Cat in the store at Ilalf Price.
The end of theseasoht means a clean-up and
to accomplish it quickly we Pave marked all
oto coats at half price. Fur -trimmed Coats
nt plain Cloth Coats, also Plush Coats, all at
II halt, price. Do not miss this opportunity '
An Opportunity To Buy Ready -to "V car At Real Bargains •
r --
J. H. COLDOR a & CO.
1l,icersdty • Exteeu'km. 1'nive.+lty Of
Toronto, for any further information
that inns Ise desired.
University of Toronto.
February 15th, 1922.
Be sure you Frear Josephine ltfirtino in
the last l.yeettm concert of the Reason in
Oddfellow.' Hall, fioclerich, on Monde,
evening, Feb. 27th. Mies Martino Rant
before Ceram, Gatti-Ca.uiz,.a and Alex.
Lambert, then three of New York's moat
prominent musical figures. All predicted
a wonderful career for this young Ringer,
and the: ghat tenor ilia inure than praise
her work. Lie rnachel her on several of
the operatic numbers she Minting ou her
present tour.
- -1%. Late Robert Stnugkan
Robert 8trulgllan, well known iia ('ol-
botlMt'tnwn'hip, Intuited away on Fehnl-
ary 2nd, at the home of lin danehter,
Mrs. Jailing Tewaley, in Long Bench,
California, where he ham nwithd since
111A. having removed to that city to en-
joy the tnikler climate during his declin-
ing ye • rs. Mr. Strnughan was in 1.i* Sind
Cerr and up to the time of removing to
alifornia heti been a resident of, the 0111
concession of Colhorno mince early boy-
hood. Mr. Stranghan inarrie-1 Mins
Janet Watt; of ('nlrorne, who mowed
away abont.twenty years ago. The de-
cease d survived by four daughter.: Mrs.
F,l�ye�tcher Gilder*, of (Colborne, Mrs. Joe -
'err of iha,garrmnt, Mea
teen. Sanderson, of M.sstejaw, Ilank-
atebewan, Mrs. Jane* Tewrley, of Long
Reach, ('alifornie. Two brothers and
two misters also mirvive him: Thomas, of
Auburn; William of ilenmiller; Mrs.
Mary l.swaon, of Althorn, and Mrs. Mar -
gent Malloy, of Saakatclewan. The
ft mend was hdekl at the Irolton Chapel,
Inng Ileach, California, nn Febrnnry .l,
1971, aol the romaine* were interred in
flunn7•ide cemetery at that place. Dur-
ing has sojourn in Colborne Mr. Strauigh-
an wan mimed in farming and at differ-
ent times .erteel in capacity of school
trnnter, end township councillor. He
was is man loved anti respected by all
who L new him and news of bin panning
will 1., received with general regret.
Advertising in The Signal pays.
It i, a p:ea•:tre to view the beauti- tic THE LAST CALL
ful stow we have had but if you wish xxj, , •
to see something that will please the to
eye at any s:• of the year drop X On Saturday, February 25th. (fife jatlies of Go.lerich and X
into nohow: Studio and get your x surrounding country will he treated to tile- most am:t/- 'x
Xing sale ever witnessed here.
IS Soaking 5. Serapes -Ss $ I
Jost Swallow a Capsule
RAZ -MAH i. Gaarant.wd
to restore normal breathing, stop mucus
gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give
fes`` sights of quiet sleep; contains as
lance -forming drug. 21.00 at your drug-
gist's. Trial free at our agencies or writ
Taspletoas, 142 King W., Toronto.
Kehl by iL C. Dunlop.
as we spa it will add an air of hsxury
well as cawfort and attractiveness to ch.
pieces you entrust to uv.
Our workmanship is so excellent' in
every respect that often our patrons tell
us pieces are more handsome after we
have re -finished them than when new.
••••••••••••t• Give us a trial.
WEEK OF FMB. 27th to MARCH 4th watt Street, Opposite Brophey Bras
Monday and Tuesday. February 27-28
Hobart Bosworth and Anna Q Nilsson I -
in a special Hodkinson Release
and a Special Christie Comedy
Wednesday and Thursday, March 1-2
Hall Room Boys Comedy
Friday and Saturday, March 3-4
in .
Century omo
Matinees Monday and Wednesday a1
4.15 p.m. Saturday at 3 p.m.
Two full shown every night start:nt
at 7.30 p.m
Laying Mash
Has Certainly Been Making GaI-
askabPleas Lay. Bay.y.a &Will
If you are feeding four quarts of
grain and workings your horses
haul, add
and at the end „4 thin v days cut
grain u ration in half. f.
If this
does not put tbtrol w Irrttrr cob.
ditiun and keep thrum letter brie,/
back the empty pail and your money will will be refunded.
Wesley McLean
Opera IToiu block Caleric
photo taken.
Painting and Decorating
Beautiful Wallpaper Books
to select' from. C tuner tlgin_
and Victoria Stfi. Phobe 313,
' T. H. Carrick "
Distractingly Pretty
-tlrc-way- to -describe -
hats of grace and beauty for
mid-season wear.
-The lines are -• unusually
graceful, the materials rich in
colcri and texture, and have a
dash "of distinction in every
It is a pleasure to tis to have
you try on these shapes and
look over our -
Mise, M. R. MacVicar
Kingston- street, Goderich
Warning to Water -takers
An unusually large ,4: amity
of water is now being ptnnped
and with the present low lake
level, the -limited su}5p_1Y--o�ff
water for FiRE PROTECf10N
is causing your Commission-
ers considerable anxiety.
- I:. ,itscootsar y Iw I lea '1'aavt-
By-lews to waste the water or
in any way interfere with the
water pressure by allowing
taps to run unnecessarily.
For onr mutual protection
it is absolutely essential that
the rules anti regulations be
carried out.
Vier titrierratiss a t'e0ite*Ird.
Watts and Light Comings
Tows of Wed&
We are cutting pi keg almost in half for your benefit.
If you do not take advantage of this sale you wi'I lie X
loving money. Every garment in the' store is on sale.
Here are just a few items from the many we have x
iiWatch F Our Big Spring Display Announce-
ment Next Week Opening Day,
Saturday, March q
on display. .
Bolivia Cloth Costs, French Beaverine Collars, Silk lined
throughout. Regular $52.00 for $35.00
Dresses, regular $ 14.50 to $39.00, for .. $6.50 to $ 19.50
-SSkirts, regular $7.95 to $ 12.50, on slate -at $4.50 to $6.75
Waists, regular $2.95 to $6.50, for.... $1.75 to $3.
Two pairs for 35c, 2 pairs for 75c, 2 pairs for SI.39, ;k
and 2 pairs for $1.49
The Square - - Goderich
M• S. R. A H. S. N. A.
These eight letters, a, t1{ey appear, tti;I probably Inc
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which mc:ul.jhe very Lest a 51301 store can offer in up to the
minute g txxls, lowest prices, eonrteouq and efiieicnt •ervi,•,
in all it; liranclrc-. undertaken by a capable and dricient
The leading Shoe Stere I' inn,' 164