HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-2-23, Page 5Who Pays or Advertising?
Why nob pays for it. 11 pays for it-
self. .ilavertising cuts down selling costs,
breaks down sales resistance. It pays for
Buy' ce In The Signal
It is the *Got ecomlcal selling appropria-
tion you stn make. 1",ar message will
be read by oven. .500 people.
SEVENTY -Fl t ,p
Hydro Installation Costs Discussed --General Brough Chapter Elects Officers for 1822
The judicious use of credit in farming opera-
tions is a valuable aid to progress. The Sterling
Bank is always prepared to discuss applications
for credit batseti on a sound proposition to in-
crease production.
See our Manager. Discuss you)- sus for next season with
hint. (;ct his advice on any financial or investment mat-
ters you are considering. Let him show you how the
Sterling Bank has Incorporated personal Service Into
flanking transactions -with better results to all.
Bus meets all trains Calls made for,
pelrseugers and baggage to any part of
the town. Prompt service guaranteed.
Tsltjs.e 51 Day sr Night
It. 5 T OlArEn
IteisidereetkCgtenbria Road. opposite the
n Factory Office
All kinds for sale at eery reason-
able prices Houses to rent. GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE
at $3 per single cord, delivered.
Real Roan esti 1lasarsaoe Phone
Why This Boy Was Lary
The parents of a small boy were gr at-
ly disturbed by a teacher's repnrt t., the
effect that tlwtr sun was the !orient boy in
*loot. ''He is so lazy," the teacher
declared, 'Ilia' whenever 1 ask him to
read 1w becomes sleepy in n few min-
utee." Ecokling and whipping.. proving
of no Milli, the boy was taken to the
family physician. The later, to the par-
ent's surprise passed him on to a special-
ist. who found him mach in need vf'glme-
nt. As soon as hebegan to wear these
he kept up with his clash and no more
complaints were beard of his lazinef!s.
Unlimited Quantity of
TOWNSHIP COUNCIL yards gravel rs 13e. $1C.73: W. Miller.
anditor. 'ant; Jas. Uurnin, auditor,
alto 25; It McAllister salary. plla-e'e
n11111041 Statement Shows .A Tidy
Halsor" to l'onuttrtwr Nets ]'ear
(Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61.
%V..W.tS $tl, Feb. _' --
Muulelial eralle•il of %Vest Wan anuill
met ou above date us peer adjourn-
ment of January 9, 1922. Members all
torment. !tepee 11. S. Naylor presiding.
'Minutes of last meeting read and
approved. en moth)). by Taylor and
Forster. Financial statement read by
treasurer which .shows a Iwlatae un
hand front all sources of A.s5111.7i.
This report was like) on motion by
Medd and Taylor. Auditors' report
read by Anditor Jas. Dur in from
which printer's copy aces clerked veer
and tbinlly accepted, on caution by
Tnrler and ',fetid.
Tenders for township printing from
Star and Signal oflkws, Goderk•h, were
eousklered and clerk InstrUeIed to get
figures from Luckuuw Sentinel and to
*crept best tender.
/'u katiou received from Clerk
of l'olhortre township re boundary blue
are:rent. amounting to $95).44I fur
work for material used. This includes
an item of $126.25 for replacing tops
uu Mc1'hee's bridge, this neronnt laid
over for next meeting. the ck•rk to
prepare awl sent) .contra account to
/'ulburue township.
Vr J J Washington wrote, declin-
ing to .art u5 School Attendatke Officer
for ler _•. Motion by Medd and Parr
that A. 1t. Peptland, Dungannon P.O.,
be appointed.
R. McAllister report 'taws all col-
lected except one item. Roll to re-
main in his hands until ■ Instil settle-
ment is ecur(I.
By-law No. :. 1922, was read three
times and passed on motion by Forster
and Medd, providing for the appolat-
went of pathiaaster., poundkeeppero.
and tenet -viewers as follows : -
Pathmavters : L. Taylor, J. Cartw-
heel. W. tVatwn, R. Bruce, J. Huston.
W. Good. J. Taylor. J. McIntyre, J,
Elliott, W. Dolle, .1. Finnigan. S. John-
ston, J. Washington. W. McMillan, W.
.1. Andrews. 1.. Iver'. B. Smyth, J.
Boyle. P. Carney, V. Errington, G. E.
Smyth. J: Cameron, U. Thompson, G.
Graves. 4;. Brophey. J. Craig, E.
Nixon. S. Cook. 1t. Harper. J. berth,
J. C. Pnrdon. 6. Phillips. N. Campbell.
W. E. Mei'heroon, D. Tali. A. Alteh-
eeon. W. Taylor. E. Taylor. J. Turner.
You Were Sold !
Now ?
Every salesman who secured your name
on the dotted :ire left you with a job ou
your hands.
The goods he put upon your shelves mast
move_ofsggl1W-ore your profit is reaped.
Quick i-urno the lrey to quick profits.
NOW ! How soon will you
resell /one titoell4-
An intelligent use of ADVERTISING
will prove to be the best possible means of
keeping these goods moving. ADVERTIS-
ING is a printed salesman of proven ability.
hien up your store windows, show your
gds eitliirgly. and ADVIr,RTISE in
"The Signal." Von -rill find the buying
public of this community appreciate the
"'shopping news" in your advertisements,
each week.
Shop Where You Are Invited To Shop
•t(•.. $i44.7..
Council adjourned to meet M:trch
_Stat .t a p.m.
W. A. WII.al IN,
1'. Watson. K. Cameron, A. Anderson.
W. Campbell. F. Webb. It. ale -Gee, Jas. Wednesday, March lI, 1922
Lakits%. .1. Sherniff. T. Inglis• Dun-
gannon. W. Ityan. J. t+arage. at 8 o'clock in the interest of
Poutwlkeepers : R. Tayk•r, 1E. Reid.
J. Nichol -el, C. C. Brown. J. Walsh. Re -forestation and Rural
:_Kinahau. M. Humphrey. W. Miller. credits
I Alton.
rs,wicwt." : J. Elllutt, S. John- Atthur Herbert Richardson, Pro -
.4011. 11. King. J. I)umin, con. o, .'4' . vincial Forester, W.1 give au illus-
Armet 'ole W. E. McPherran. G. A crated address on e -forestation.
The fo owing grants and accounts S. 13. Stothers, 1). R., nd others,
were oche 1 paid : St. tideu's public )rill address the mein em Rural
lihrury, $1 Dungannon public I1•$5 ; 4 'hikiretii4 *heifer. Goderich, $13: -
Credits, All welCowe.---
brary. f•;: M , •hester public
N. Whys rd. coo room aesr.mutr da- I. Hetheringtotf, C. A. Robe
tion, $20: Luekno •• - Agricultural So -
Clerk Reeve
ciety, $10; Dungnnl�on Seeder. *10:
S. B. Mothers, Agricultural 511ort
000rae, Wlugham. $10: It. Wool.. 5..
Annual Statement Showed A Sub•
statdial bank Balance I o. l'ont-
menre Nen %ear
The annual meeting ..f
[trough Chapter. I. O. 1r. E;.,
on Monday afternoon when
lowluJt officers were cletiot.:-Motion
cry regent, Mrs...MacDonald; regent.
Mrs. McLaughlin; first- vice regent,
Mbar Welton; second eke regent, MF.'
I.eTouzel: secretary, Mrs. E•rana Sauu-
der"; assistant secretary. Miss Ade-
laide Nairn: tra4uret;"31x5. McKay;
standard bearer. Mei. Walter Nutlet:
councillors -Mrs. William., Mrs. Mur-
ney, Mr. Dunlop, Mrs. ('oulthurt,
Mrs. Griffin. Miss tawr-sxr'
('lark. -
The annual statement which was
presented showed that the total re-
ceipts for the year amounted to
$209.90. The expenses were $91.73,
leering a hank bltlane on itaud of
The Cost of Hydro Electric •••••••••••"
Power For The F armer They Are Still Here For
You ---Bargains In
Mr. Geo. Laithwaite Supplies The Signal With Some
Interesting Data Relative To The Cost of In-
Xalling Hydro Service On The Farm
Gellertl visit to 'I'urouto be twee advantage of
the o arUmlt • atrurtier III o gather
g Mr. Gere. lalklhaaitc?w rett•uttduet 10 per (cent. from 11(15 nmolult
and'there la left the net (set of $si0.S2.
These charges. Mr. Lalthwaite.wus in-
formed. are the same alt user Ontario.
we,,hell IN ) m t gat
the fol. inforluatien "as -To Thie )'l of Instal-
Farm Sold
The farm of ler. George ityun on
the Colborne botalda'ty has been sold
to Mr. Charles Jowls, of South Rood -
site. The purchaser gets poasesision
next March. The sale WAN arranged
by Mr. C. C. McNeil, of Goderich, local
representative of Willoughby's Farm
Ate- _..
-ling hydro power In rtrr rounelpel-
.11.1ev anti in tld: conticetl a 118 has
given The sigmel some In onnntion
which is of oou-iulerable lute wt.
The arrangements for fivalwi such
dw•elopmeut provide flat thirty year
netamntr,-. stu1I1 1,0 le5m'li to COTe the
cost<of building the primary Bates e -
(mired. Fur sinking fund. intorcs�
mui�,Uruuae and all other chargee, It
__hat �rml flat__ au lutoreat
coria teal
rate co( 1.1.s per cent. 4s sufficient.
7'hrst to erect a three phone
priluary\pewee line is estimated at
air. Ja ire -elle showed The Signsil
figures which Indicated that up to t
end of 1921 rural contracts to The
number of 118 had been slgutd in the
Guelph tu'Galerleh ulnae. 191 int the
Toronto zone, 467 In the Sarnia and
Chatham bone, rims to Niagara and
llrautfurd zone and 1011 in BL Thomas
and London sone.
Referring to the present cost of
-or at Gr •rich Mr. LaltJ1walt «k urwId
C Wal seaweed that it the atnarat of
wer now lased here were bonnie/1
the prk'e per horsep,werwould be
R1.aK) per tulle. It a farmer lives t abottt $23.00 or similar 10 the present
fifty rods from the primary line for cost \tet Stratford.
his connecting link he can. ate No. 9 Sp k4ng of the opinion which pros
steel wire which will cost him $:,.25 railed a 10111" quarters to the effect
t r a two -w Ire lin4$:2'00.
.. '.00 for crews- that a -long haul"cos Niagara
o s1, ha I �tlw 1 t
, t It c t • >� W for ercrtlon much pot r wily loaf lir. Iitthwtfte
arm» W a, (.,. . u
purpotc and if he supplies his own said that re engineers lead a•••nreil
poles th)' total eo..t to link up with him that the. lows In this manner no.
hydro will be approximately R13.22. 1 "not north n1entioning."
A • recent ehapge in the maned er
lnatallatlop, hs piecing transformers
its close to residences us pos.lhte
meant a considerable saving In copper
Thla hydro etlulpnienr� - oenti
heretofore. when Inst led will give
n e.er,lt•e for cooking age, or ear
work Extraoc t would be shn a three horse ut l by tree
consumer 1f it were nee..vs v no In-
stall a five horsepower trams*.
Tia' consumer is afforded the
tunny to save un construction
supplying the poles Rini digging
pules. An ullowau(•e of vista Ment
As for the transformer and meter the
l'omhtlsslon supply them and install
them without extra charge.
The cast of a three. kilowatt trans-
former 14 $ilU.IMI: 11 meter, $24.00; and
.._..Lerection._eharget. $33 00
$140.00. all of which 1. borate 1,,F the
Township of Colborne
A Pubiie Meeting will be held in the
Township Hall, Carlow
on the evening of
Of the $1,500 cost per mile the pros'.
ImolaiGovernment pays $740.00, while
the halauee IN met by the nue charge.
Figuring the lunnual charge at 11.k per
cent. on $740 to be $SS.:M), and a
charge of 5 per cent. on the $7:10.00
which is paid by the Government the
total cost per mile fs $120.00 per year.
Dividing this among three farmers per
mile the charge for each is placed at
$12 per year. Adding to this the in-
terest -of $16.:0 which is arrived at by
figuring the Installation coot of $140
at 11.8 per cent., plus $0.00 for opera-
tion, ureter reading and collecting. the
total cost of $01.:1() 1s obtained. Dc -
■ ■■Xlfc■ ■■■■■■ ■*>tfllolll[■■■ ■■■ ■■■
Take The\
✓ ■
Issued by Cannibal Wedel} NeaspepSTsAssis•iation
tae,. Toronto. Canada.
Saving $1,000
per bole is nlnde and it toles eta he
secured at a cheaper peke it , Wand
mean a lessening of the eselairted
eonstruellon charge of 51.500 per',
Mr. Leithwaite pointed out, to
elusion, that all such ismer II
eonstrueled belonged 1.. the
of power and nen. c:tltialait.. .t:>l_ heaving t
were seri-
r ---
Watches, Clocks, Rings.
Jewelry, Umbrellas,
Silverware and
Rich Cut Glass
We are offering these good; n ell be-
low the future: prices for hits )eear.
tie tetuna ker and Jeweller
1'or. East St. and Square Godrrieh
Now Is The Time To
ecure a Home -
Don't w :I l t for the Spring crab
C• ,11 511,1 see our listings
Bonds Bought and Sold
W. Craigie
vaat& of the last: tslti,-h
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ilen111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
The World Must Have Flour
- There are three main points to which the careful investor directs his attention and in-
vestigates carefully in purchasing shares in any industrial issue
IManagement ---Supply of Raw Material ---Market For
the__Finithed Prbdu+ct
■ Z
Aggressive Course , ::I
There were hard times in_ •. a but a man • a `
named Moses struck otiL
■ Be a Business
• Moses in Goderich
And That Man's
Business Will Grow
■ Telephone :i3 and The Signal Man will call on son.
11 ▪ The Signal Printing Company, Limited
■ Goderich, Ontario
Through tr eoonontws, you can wctfrttl ate
one thousand dollar in a few years. '
By persistently and regularly depositing
week with us -with
interest will have t:1 ., con to
credit in ten years.
Cape 1111 tar ►toohate "r1►a Result of Mak-
hat Weakly Deposits,- free os request
Garish Beach, F. Woolloohnbe, Man
"Leave Well Enough Alone," is a good motto,
for snails and Eskimos, and the fellow who is
. stuck in a rut up to the heels.
But the man who wants to do business will
take the Aggressive Course.
He will set aside a definite appropriation to
advertise in The Signal, persistently. steadily,
all the year round.
Examine these essentials in relation to the COPELAND FLOUR MILLS, Limited
in the hands of Mr. Copeland with years of experience in successful milling, assisted
in an advisory capacity by R. J. Megaw, late of the Western Canada Flour Mills and
backed by a Board of Directors composed of such men as Jas. Playfair, D. S Pratt,
and D. L. White, all successful men with enviable reputations.
assured through close co-operation with the Great Lakes Transportation Company
and The Midland Elevator with 3,000,000 bushels �ecaa�pec�kt,yy The heads of these
Companies are also directors of the COPELAND COMPANY.
brought by'A. E. Copeland through three generations of milling operat2ons in Ontatic•
with also an Extensive Exhort Connection.
and in addition
The newest and most modern Mill
in Canada. Electrically driven. Erected
at pre-war cost.
+Cheap Power.
Ideal transportation facilities by both
rail and water.
A Sales Ofienization second to none.
Now n operation and gefin(; Haut
for March delivery.
Low overhead costs.
• -Theatre advantages which cannot
be ignored and give every reason for
successfuloperation of this Company
We Lave no hesitation in recommending the purchase of the 8 per cent.
Cumulative Preferred Shares of COPELAND FLOUR MiLLS. LTD., with a
BONUS of 30 per cent. Common Stock.
Aso• us for a Prosl,ectu
E. H. HILL & CO.
Masonic Building :- GOdllrkb. Walk).