HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-2-23, Page 4t, art > ila �gr+dal' Tenteday f' ry %"3, EDITORIAL NOT The rise i t the price of wixat a,.ukl be geed news for the farmers - if they had any wheat left. The OM Ceuu a tee-eketinns have been going against Lloyd tioorge. Ilam the wizard at Lot lost his power to charm 'I Then.. cannot be muchdemand for the lurid dime novel these day& There are surely enough murder stories in the daily newspapers' to satisfy any appetite. [Lunen county should be u stolid nit in 1ppxsition to any farther 1lydro schemes until the present system of rates is changed to one keg unfavorable to till- part of the Proviuee. 1'- The Dee of Ontario Towns truest Fre Presse The deplorable Girt *hat a majority of tee ,.well teen in OutartO ar but re not making the progress they' aro lu the doeu•grade to cxttuctiou. 1- ar .u -lug the attention of the eid- er" of many of these town. and esteem are .Ing looked into. lu most In- state lie citizens of theme slowly dy- ing towns"- juice only themeellvet blame for their gradually growing. worse conditions. letour situated!good iu he tun of Phorate,favorably lest agrleultural and frult sections In ('aIm la should not make *e pro- Kress,is our own fault. Too -much trade that could las done at home with benefit to the town is sent away to build up other places at our expense. The business men themselves are not blantel.rw in this respect, which makes It all the more lawcntable. Every reshknt of Forme. whether In busi- ness or not itt vitally Interested in the progress" of the town. No matter how untch the population may decline the e,st of waiutaluing all our public in- stitutions and our public works will n•nutiu as high as ever, or, If any- thing, will increase. Therefore des cline in population means increr per capita taxation and other pen-ta+. ( 1tizeum who are Interested in Main- taining the various town churches and Sunday 1,eboola ; citizens who are in- terested In the welfare and efficiency of our high and public ,shoots , dile in argrwentutice llecelopment• since urns who are tntereetei" 1n the upkeep the Interest In debating is retntorsytl of our public literary, Our bands rebut by personal Interest In the subject. our e.[netw end our pldewalks: site Should the members of any a 'bating ho Hexed fire )tor i_eli{ou and ver•{ �{ttt �f Dominion officials a1 Winds"+ are try- ing to collect income tax on the incomes of leaders in the rum -nu -ming business. It's a rune situation ahen the authorities give sheet recognition to an illegal busi- ness. 'IRE SIGNAL e -- GODERIOE, 0111. Over a Quarter of a Century, of Public Service Olt the highest order, stands every pec et sold. PP LAD behind AIL d l[•Mixed-Green-Sealed Packet Only. Tuesday was St. Valentine's Day. Somehow or other Valentine Day doesn't seem to amount to as much ne it used to. .. (•.Ilnt N3 News -Record. Guess tap ell get ti feel that way monde time or odes. ' TING u). RTIFIOATE PRESENTED Sounded (lad. The late George Loans Tucker. the Mrs. Jaa. llluteh Made life Member movie pioneer, was noted for his fas- et W. M.8. At Auburn tidious tastes. Mr. Tucker was lunching one day iva Los Angeles restaurant, seal Ating of Flip. .11. H. regular at a nearby table sat a movie kin whoa) cherub, o' the W. M. N. theh Knox abk manners left much to be desired. ofM A am. D. was att at hose The !,tail ate his soup in a 'positing noisy of Mrs. Jas. 1l. Howatt ou Thurexlre tnanuer. luting away; he leaned tow'anis of lost week. A large wtwber were Mr. Tucker and said: " This is darn present and a very profitable after- noon pprod wap, (image." "It socials good," was Resent. After the regular Dlr• Tucker mage.l. business was completed Mrs. Jae. Mettle oke preeideat, pr seated a Order your nest lee cream at hilae k- certificate of Life Mesuberlhlp to Mrs. stone's. Voll will appreciate oris the quality lowed whsle the renewing addntta stoned 'xviee. was read by Mrs. W. T. Riddell, were - tory of the Sockety. To Mlre. J. 1). Howatt : The members of Knox church W. 11. it. regret that you are loon to leave our oommuutty. Your readiness to artist at any and every tuucrlon iu touneection with our church will cause us to feel your hiss all the more keen- ly atter you have left us. You have never mhlrked any duty or respon- sibility and have always beeu ready to bear even wore than your .hare of the burden. We welsh you to know that you have evade for yourself a sure place la our ewes ter heart, affeetloua and ask you 10 ate lions. popular vete' .rpt this certificate of Life Mewls•r- 1Ve. 11 fo Let of Proptlosi ship iu the Wowcu's Missionary So - The following list of presttouiona 13. The 11jb!� aaRrage should Is' elety in the Presbyterian l'httr•h In hag been wade out from questions of limited to those irY� can read and more or item Interest to rite public at write. e'anada. Our prayer is that God may mo loag span• you and yours to enjoy the the present time. The debating of 10. Price fighting ehotlld be pro towfurts of your new home and the smelt questions' affords (wetter results billeted by law. res stustbllitl/s of your new sphere of 17. The tariff should Ir revises at influent* and 1n*y you one slay hear the next sesstou of parliament. -Well (lone, good and faithful servant." Ili High license 1* preferable to On lichen' of KIhn Church W. M. S., prohibition as a method of dealing Mrs. Edgar Lawson, president. with Intemperatae. Mrs. Jas lluteh, oke president. 10. Partisan polities should be rib- Mea A7. Room, treasurer. Ininat d from muuklital elettitsl(s• Mrs. W. T. Riddell. secretttl. .ldvertising In The Signal pays.. acus w stub final few question In this loos other public servki's are a111i atS- Interest to their patrticuhar grou -It hound to support the town business' turn who have to bear the larger stare of the leaden of taxation. AUY increase in the business dour in town helps to deeerease the rate of taxation pr ertly edndagroa,Ih of theaiding towil lero+- The;' reeldenta of the surrounding (enmity are likewise affected and ite aWrested tamest as much as are the citizen,' of the tuwd /rte, I t:.l to tbe best internee of the .nem- 4. 'File province Qr munkipelity ehuuld provide work for all wilt) lean not secure work Leer themselves. 5. Prohibition is cumlucive to tem -I ts-ranee. 6. Religion should be taught iu the public sellouts. 7. Commercial m•lprx'Ity between ('ands and the United States would isenefit Canada. s. Farmers are justified In organis- ing themselves Into a new political party. 0. The government should inaugur- ate n system of mensual inspection for the public w•hools. M. The government . should enact legislation for the erwpuleory arbitra- tion of all labor disputes. 11. ltnnlclpal ownership of publk utilities 1t desirable. Margot represents Mr. Asquith's sus - and matrimonial venture. Somehow orj other we are-reininded of the remark of a man of experience when he was told that his neighbor, a widower, was abort to take another partner : "Marrying again! Why, that man doesn't dttwerve to have last his lest wife." r will not be dilli alt for them to kect pruporitioua w'uh such qualifies,- '20. Football is a hltulratae to DIM thin ,_ f best iutereets of the high school 1. I'Marydrill Intionld-6e compel- conre•. coq is the public sehoola. ' '1. Convict labor should be0tti- 2. Tariff should be falpoted for re -piked in improving public highways. venue only. 22.The province of (Ontario) 3. The tendency of the people to shouldestablish a Nystem of tonsolt- oeil (entratc in the titles 1s dctrlmen• dated ,+ehsools for rural communities). 23. The Government of the Domin- ion of Varied* should not continue 'to operate the \raerilroads. JL ('ipltal punishment-boul.l be alollshel. _e. Metallized labor Is u greater menace to the coUltti••uwealth tlmu or- gautud capital. 26. A system of c mbonld be adopted lu 27. There it need iii Camila for the Zrogreeelve Pattie l The boycott ig a prhx'r policy for organised labor. 20. Labor saving machinteer has been injurious to the laboring (lessee. 30. Intlians should no longer, be treated as wards of the governs et. 31. The province of (OMarloy Nhuuld provide for permanent compul- sory segrcgatlon of the fe' bile-mintlel. 32. The elimination of profits of- fers tee. beet solution of the liquor If the business wen and other reel - dent. of the toe and trading vkdnity will give these important [natters their e•arn-t consideration we venture to say that business of the town and the pgaulntlof n- well will slow au metes-•. instead e.f the' gradual de- cline which we are n.,w• unfortunately facing. Exeter has adopted the giant zinnia as ire emblematic Clower. (ioderich trade, in our opinien, a much better choice a few yesrs age, in the pansy; but we do not notice any n,• -re extensive cultivation of the pansy its (,e"lerich since the choice was made. The Horticultural Society might include in its plots for the coming mea -en an - etf'rt to bang this lovely fioa.•r into greater pruminerlee. • +Fes Provincial convention of Leserals at. Toronto Next week premises to tie a - large and rep ee entatiee gatTieilij 'fife conventiuu has leen called for the pur- pose chiefly of .ele•tiug a leader to suc- ceed Mr. Hartley Dlewart, but advantage will probably h.• taken .•1 the +tsseulbling Of e0 large n Lely t., lay 41o0%11 1010' lilies of policy her the Provincial tk•kl. Mvinyl Liberals.hate felt titin the right men for the ktul• reitii' ire not ye/ !' sight, awl Meat ohne ►r' -t t•oursee would be to persuade 111+ . Welfineton 1fay, the member for 11 Try this Friday and Saturday special. igh trade Chocolates lanes at forty mut* a pound at Blacks!•cur' West Street. The Home Town Paper W11..ii the events' shade is fallen' -at Ito endin' o' the day, Ate a feller ruts from labor smoktn' at his pipe u' slay, There's' nothln' dues him so renal toed. be fortune up or dow:a. As ilk little weekly paper from his of home {Ott 11. - Forth Perth.th. r- alio has Coven the House ; x" leader since dr. I)ewart'a resignation, to continue in that pglmition. y as declines to act in any but a temporary capacity ; but his abk speech in the Leg- islature lest week has called renewed at- tention to ids capabilities, and it is not unlikely that the c+tlt 11ti'bn will ask him to remain held,' present iseition. If, it ain't a tb1ii of b eanry i. 11. print ain't always clean, let it straightens out his tcmeer. •b.en a feeller's feelhi mean : 11 to.. the wrinkles off his rase nal Irir.•t away 1h.• frown, Tear Inlle weekly pater front its of ^'u,• town. tl ,wr 1 l.W to revel the dailies ilie Ste- ispeerm, too. Au' at ,,y the yeller novels an' some stile • rash -don't you ? tint were- p wanesome readlii that Will -we •111117 a- frown, - t want ter, good si' ,paper from my el' it t. town. )Ir. Welliilgtenl play last week 1n the me his first addres. its the Leg'tet opacity of acting Liberal kinder and made a notable contribution to the de- bate on the Address. While he had Mae criticism for the manner se which the Government had handled itydro alairs. he made it plain that he had a red deal of sympathy with sir. Drury's - _lgggnttshwa on Hydro radial. and he MAUI tapas the Government n, alert its poser laws the Hydro -electric Commis- sion, Mr whose course the Government waw an the last retort respxmdblc to the Province. He was dleestietled with the huge expenditure upon the ('hippawa power canal, and hinted that it might be well to have tin inroallntosttl'e to axcrtain where all the mossy vow ?Ir. Bay trade soiree snggesti/M IDR the betictit eat, agriculture. 11e tborghs the Goes rnent might provide pat& grain It+ta -- - latilities, gibing tartuggs the weans "f bolding over their gra for a fai'orable market. Ile advocate) also the ectal,-, 14hing of a system of farmers' banks' - not large orltanisatlons, brit with a fairly Snell capital, and locally managed, tgl.I, and having as their object the granting of kcal eyedits and the !oeter'lag of local in- dustry, so that the money of the oonntry people should not be Bent off to the cities So be need in financing the big contents. Mr. Hag 'a address has advattepd ilia yea. apect of hie being asked to retain the Liberal leadership in the Legislatore mpulory voting w nada. LL'. chine*. Immigrants mlumhl he prblem. admitted ou the same cuudltlons as :;rd. social fnnetionw which Involve those from Central Europe. lavish exptenditure• are unjustitUtblc. 13. Women skittle receivethe saux • tn.. Ends remuneration tis corn in t he teaching. M 1ta 11 :use t'nloui:al profeegten. ---- - - 14. .fudges should be ele•tel by . Press limited 1 WINTER HARD ON BABY 1f you want your ship to come 1a steer a straight courier, get your bear - lugs on Prldhain the Tailor and yea will be sure of a safe landing, up-te date good, and a gummier° of perfect .atisfa^tion. Nave $10.00 to $15.00 by walking around tbe corner, North street. The winter season Is a hard one ou the baby. Ile is more or lees confine) to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It is 50 often stormy that the mother does not get halm out In the fresh air as often as elle should. Ile caU•hee metals which rack hes little system; his stomach and bowels get out of order and he Istowes pcetlmli and crow. To guard against this t1ae mother should keep n Ian of Baby's (hon Tablets In the lsuusc. They regulate the stom- ach and bowels, and break up colds. They are sold by welk•lne dealers or by mail at 23 lent+ a box from The 1)r. \VllLtws' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Buy Dominion Seeds and Save Big Money Dumlolun is rum., up Wu bas.' tedr.l them all a 1 know linen) to hay., blah aeradoaUUS ower We all nothlaa wlp,rut+ne.da guar anteed to produce hty plant We.!trusts jug. u mut* labor. one au.1 moans to plant interior needs. 11 you want a 100 per tout.. rep. now DOMINION SEEDS "T.d./ sad Trsest.d" Frau memo Garden Almost. send ua your DRUM and a.ldrr.a and se will own Il to you at OIlCe. PER CENT. ,I•E('IAL Dle• count on flower .11.1 yearn able ,.-e.1eturina February ►red March Address Dept E naris hist. UIN,te E.uhibhod Itis Ili Dundas strait 9 Mark. -t -bun• MIN nitre Rude Rural Rhymes Name Vour Farm full of crops Hod cows am! charm. you ought to give name to R. like And yet, I pray you, do not ehooste the common names that other* use, the "Hilltop Frame" and -Valley Views." led, when you ...tamp the same mome day. on cheese or prunes or hops or hay. the Patent Office man appears In l'odunk, Maine. John Henry Squeerg has treed it nmpty-seven yearg." So work your brains and let them wander in search of new. names here and yonder, through taks and myths and old traditions that fit your /arm a pd its conditions'. From. Pal- egtine arid Greece and Rope, bring Poetry and romance home. It you have oakg try "Druid t;rove" or some nest reference to Jove. If you ratite mules, like my friend 91117 you might do worae then "Balsam 11111." Teas if the job Were wished on me to say what each farm's name should be. my choice would fit at any rate, but might be too appropriate. For you arid I and all men know some farms that should be "Housewife's WOO". and proud pogeemorm would not awallow my "Hopeless 11111" or "Silpelimi Hollow." i how Gets It. Clerk- • Lint in to oak you, air, it you could Milt ay,lltt " Employer -e- It isn'tpaydar" "I know it, sir; but I thoafht -11Mtepsak to you to -day." Ren, -go isk t ooto desk , and don't we 7- ,lee raised it every week you'vtb Sinttitt, as-wytar, la This A Lessen For &Africk ? ()mita Packet Midland ratepayers voted down a by• law to mend 140,000, on improved fire fightang equipment. Then lart week Midland had a$200.000 fire, in which the heston Company's riplasdid depart - /20r More mu oompleagy demmyed. Midland will probably be called Will to _ pay for thaf lose In inannums mass, Of courses if Midland ratepayer. the W,000 it wouldn't have tlar week's fire. But the ex- _ nee maermsorTrvincia Midkind people ulat,ot la to 1=1 messy on than es ranee, And ram. -74..o rosy bs same to heart by *14 r!Mdlaneabons also. Can- "' ie entratimly high. It's time to set the tailor. That nieans us. Wel; fit you per- fectly and make clothes that will shOW at a glance they were made for yntt. F. -H. Tailor Goderich STOMACH ULCER AND GALL STONES Aft.. Sallieriag 2S Years, Completely GOWNielli MaPLEHCRST '0' "4 am in mee'llith year. About 25 years ago, I began's hare trouble ,,ith A Better Bid my Stomach. One oetor said I hal "Yee." .4 -air -the smsdall-t. he Cancer; another sai Ulcer of the eba-ing ARV. "I ean cure you." Vleell 9f the Liver an Inflanima- Ma 8, faintly. Three years ago, I consuned one . I of the best specialists in Iltintreal. "Fite huniinel dollars." stood at the taislaide of the sick Nit,. ”Wilitt will It met ?" 114'4 the .1.1, tion of the Gall Bladder. 111111.11111111111.11 Ve-Lve aff the latest in Beads and Bead ecklaces in and Sm East St.' and lengths. Every- ugle and Seed Beads for embroidering your ring Gown little, replied the purchaeing agent. "I hail a better bid from the under-, tal, have an Ulcer cut 6ut of my taker." I stomach and gall stones removed:I was then 74 years old. I said "NO." Then, I began to take "Fruit-a-titcs". still take them occasionally, and I am so much better that "my old fritads often ask me what I have done to myself to look so well. I am gaining In weightand enjoying life very much" At dealers or sent postpaid by F rait- a-tivos Limited, Ottawa. Cassis Peel& "Vancouver Exprcia" Panseatera for Wegtern Canada will find the "Vancouver Expresg," leaving Toronto 10 p.m. daily, ow most conven- ient train, stopping at and connecting for all principal points. Emnipment centrists of fleet -class coachen, up-to-date Standard and Tour- ist Sleepers, C,ompartment Obaerva- Oen. dining and colonist care. d* along the line of the Canadian PacifieTer't (Acts. reservations and full in- filieteglIen aPPIY any Canadian Pacific agent. or Canadian Pacific town offiee, corner Weet street and Square. Gode- Art Store Phone 198 Your Dollars Have More Cents if you get yonr house- hold effects at Iiiitotri West street, (on the Broadway of Goderich) Special Hockey Skates and Boots at 112.50 to 113.50 Wanted Chairs of all kinds, also a couple of Hall Racks and a piano case organ, 6 octaves Drop In; tMs Is your store. For the Price of One Hundred Pounds of Sugar Two Years Ago -Ion Can Buy To -day 300 lbs Of Sugar Corntneal bus of Potatoes lor. cam. 4 Ointment ony rows Ton at ow* ...liforrt lasting bow*. SW a Wit or /41martion, Rahn la On , UMW. Or1707ta Banniple Rai free If yes weans tbla PoPer aaa Whew* SUM te pay pomp. A. J. LAITHWAITE Eletrieal Contractor Arid fie Illne Bird Wobble Machinee Choke line of Electric- al Fixtiires enrrierl in Mock. 014 Colborne Rotel Corner Phone 251 10 loaves of Bread 2 lbs of Butter '" Black Tea AT McEwen's Grocery Store Phone 46 and we'll send them About twenty pieces of 38 to 42. inches Wide. Wooltex Suitings in checks, plaids and snipes, good weight and excellent quality will wash and wear to no end. Suitable for Dresves, Skirts, Kimonos, Waists, Children's Wear, or Comforters, etc. Price has been H ,,... $, .25 and $1.35. On sale for Februaryln ii JUC special, one table full choice, at per yard DRAPERY CHINTZ HThirty-six inches wide turkey Chintz in Paisley patterns, also bird patterns and plain turkey red, 29c iat per yard New Ginghams in very fine quality, plain. checks ii and plaids. A very large choice and excellent 9A JVC iiMEN'S FUR COATS Alaska Beaver, very heavily furred soft select skins, , x ing at one-third under present value, each 0 farmers' satin, quilted linedau. GsSizes 38 to 44, clear- $35 British Tapestry and -Brussels Rugs, select -pit - x terns and heavy pile, some searnless and some one seam. 17.00 HOSIERY Women's all -pure -wool fine rib Cashmere 75c Hose, special 81,; to 10, per pair GOSSARD CORSETS New spring styles are now in. Values than ever. The Corset that never loses $5 arendbetter a up W. ACHESON & SON ackwaraareactingsmsarmaciaa 1 CORNFIELD'S BIG MID -WINTER SA LE DRAWS TO A CLOSE Just Four Days More To Clear the Balance of Our Stook of Winter Goods Exceptional Bargains In All Departments Ladies' Skirts For Men and Young Men N'ily-b-lne suits, made of guaran.-----L Ladies' Skirts, in all -wool serge, teed indigo all -wool English Serge, in black and navy, oa tailored in the latest styles, priced to priced to clear from tO $4.39 clear the balance of our stock at .. . Lames' Wool Wraps aula I "Ladies' wool Wraps, in all shades, regular S5.75 to $7.5o. Clearing at Men's all -wool Cotnbinations in all sizes, the balance of them eq An Penman's '95' Underwear Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, to clear d„a at per garment A. THE NEW STORE Remember, we must clear all our winter lines to make room for spring goods RNFIELD WEST SIDE OF SQUARE