The Signal, 1922-2-23, Page 3Every Advertisement in The Signal Has a Special Mes- ages of Benefit To You. Read Them Make a Practice of I? eutling The Adcertisements in TAe Si pnal sctiornmitut IRAS NO. & GODERRAI, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, A RN' 23. 1922 THE SIGNAL PRINTING 00.. umumb, p„biwiers. Destructive Sleet Storm Paralyzes. Goderich Astro oger s re ictions FulfilIed ES The Signal goes to press Western Ontario is emerging from the grip of one of the worst sleet storms in the history. of tb.e,country._ Industry_has been_p4ralyzed by the, failure of bydro power, many of the important transmission lines in Western Ontario being out of commission, while enormous damage has beer done to the telegraph and telephone systems by the heavy ice coating -which formed- on the wires as the rain fell. ' The storm commenced On Tuesday night and continued almost incessantly for twenty-four hours. On Wednesday morning Goderich citizens learned of the serious nature of the storm by the failure of hydro power and by the severance of both telephone and telegraphic means of communication. Like all other industries which are* users of hydro the Goderich newspapers suffer -v. -o_ small in convenience, for depending as they are on electricity to operate their typesetting machines they had to face the awkward situation :�-f setting a large portion of the type for this week's issue by the old-fashioned method of hand corripsition: The Signal was particularly unfortunate in that its type -setting machine required the services of a "doctor" from Toronto on Monday and thus the machine was available for less than twelve hours' work this week. Both newspapers are jointly indebted to Mr. Robert Wilson, the local Massey -Harris agent, for the loan of a _g_gsoline engine tc supply power for the newspaper press while The Signal heartily appreciates the co-operation of its contemperary, The Star, in giving the use of the press_to_which this engine had been attached. While no definite information is available as to when relief may be expected there are reasons for hoping that the hydro servict will be-resumeti-eitAy-next week. The Signalasksfor the kind indulgence of its readers and patrons while the management is doing it utmost to cope with such unfavorable and unprecedented conditions. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN .6.1...4.11 them snd Lott car that the unh"111"41 "I' MILLAR'S SCOTCH oasinee• Hi salable tor the p yers at each STORE CHANGES genie were donated by theI. It. Steel BEAUTIFY EAST STREET FIRST 1.."1114,11Y. HANDS THIS WEEK In jnotieer to nil parties 1 e ish te take To the Editor of The Signal thie opportunity of denying the teeth of 1 . the joint meeting of the Ifertieultural netted fact. The L. R. Steel tasmpany Well rillOwn Dry Goods Establish- i A copy of the following letti•r has Society and parks committee of the bran donated two water pails and tan drink* council. of further beautifying our town. cups, a gift which wee much 'Appreciated.. Eliot is Sold to Messrs. Cray been received by Mesars. A. Porter, raoderich is unusually fortunate in plan hot the ten dozen oranges which were aid Cartwright, Meaford Jae. Mitchell rind (•. A. Nairn, who and situation and tlw citizen. ehould eer- sait-ii at each game, eery available aa the were the cffioers of the Patriotic vainly use every oppertimity to further result .1 the generosity of Mr. Roy Lloyd. Fund, and in conference with the improie its appearance. ef Janie,' Lloyd te. son, wholesale fruit • Ministerial Association, they have ar- The suggestipn to change a '41(41 block merchants. A, proof of OM, I quote a A change in business affecting 4.114, 4,f ranged that envelopes will be dietri- by block so as not to incur ,tui. much ex- the best known dry roods firms in Gods,- buted next Sunday in the'churches of pense ift greet. but why should that street -ba Elgin avenue" Tuarotairiail there are 1 atruatriiii-tosta. an:- mere auit- 7 able in every wee for t1 s enterprise. Per. haps one of the most • nportant of them is East Street. Tlwre ere several redeem* for this ergo - Ment. Tia trawlier, coming (nen the ee.- grand Tnink oration. netarairily pow" Pearsir,_- I mad with keen intense this "statement which may have reached j anti effhe Into 1. sligieQuelin-threeirrreofothenearal-to -grvetherahliethr COLLECTION IN CHURCHES FOR FAMINE STRICKEN RUSSIA Enieiopes Will Be homed Nta,t Sun- da) and Offerings Received Next and Following Sunday )own laud Ansa first. .It is there t iat Is - - receives hie first entire:elitism' sof Oalericli. • • and no matter how long be remains or how beautiful the rest of the toe n may he that fine impression will linger in his mind. If there is one street to be improv- ed srnn!51. ' mild he the one that in seen rag J....et has 'sidewalks Agein, Iw along its entire lotion.- .^Iald much cagier es make ruch a street • twat and pretty than one that has rade- walk on one side and cinder path on the elier with ve well -kept croaelte. Wishing t1 1fliikliItu.i1 . euccein in their work, tiemain. .\ (X)N. ANT READER, paragraph freinT it -Signal of June 2, 11421, which states: " Meson'. JaM1911 lelpid St!, 011. contrilesting fruit at_eac genie fur the pfaacre, IttthJitome tsm ana via - item. a e.,wirtesy that la great y appreciat- ed." rich ttesk place on innelay of this Week the town, and offerings far the Rua when the firm of D. Millar .4.- Son sold Hie titan Famine Fund reeelved *mei, store to Alar, m. S. A. Gray and eithef The same day orthe ft:Mewl-tor Chia'.TIV.e llIenIl-rt rnattlifook Pennownon on Illtint- ytith Mr. A..1. alacKay, at the Bank of tboth of Menfonl. •ssindsie, or emitrils,..,ationis" liniy Ter J. .• day ius if thweek. Manager rity IFlour Itaserntil laallT. k 'the Signal has arned froin HTh ie new Ilainilton. e-Ggvernment of PuCanada has , preprietore that the sten, will le closed been impressed with the severity of , for stock -taking and general rearrange- the famine conditions obtaining in Russia, and after making thorough enquiry into existing measures of re- lief, has agreed to co-operate as fully as possible with the newly -formed Canadian Committee of the Save the Children Fund, of which I have been ment until I nday morning, March 3rd, & AUGUSTINE and as the stock Ilse been purchased at i4T. AU 1:18TINE, iiik...o._41,,,.. alis rate on the dollar it is the intention Father Man il of the new firm to give. the public tie'e owon n istulfIrlasa week. Mrs. .1. Chaniney of West tiekl, is v:eiting benefit of thin purchase. Further eit- her dat titer, elm. J. untie, at present. nouneement concerning this opportunity will be madean nes* week's" isene of Tia Signal. nominated president. Mr. o *and Miro Margaret Jefferson f the . C.1., spent the week-entl at their - L- Already, and folk some time, in MhhLar's Scotch Store was establishal in - sose. iit iabrertreixteen Great Britain and the United States, re rare am, ha the m Kinney returned to her linine in relief associations have been active - ski last week after spending sevend late 1)3viti Millar' father of Mr. V. ' , • ly engaged in collecting funds and Miller, the present owner, I ithis r nit thsatith her conein, Nita M. A. Me- ywriod the high quality of iii)st,lrerdnutE0ndiati supplies and distributing the same be . among the famine sufferere. The Mr..1. Resimontt lettedTteitithr -friends , carried aud the closet attention to busnieria v - have been the outstanding teatime' of the recently. mated SUCCC.4•414111iCh liars been achieved by the Moore. (1. and S. aleClitichey founders of the "Scotch Store." on friends here hint week. 1 notlerich will be "sorry indeed to lose .___-.....-__. the fainter family bet it im hoped they will ,.....___ - A DENIAL .............._. I nut be lore permanently to the towii. 1.tttetal the High a at Knox Church The Signal welcomes•Measr,i. Gray and To the Edits sl .•1,The Signal: Te coon. ,..it Fehruery 2sth-Prineeris Mary's Carta right to Gixlerich and bespieiks for -,------ Dear Sir.- I -undantatal 1,14,.. 1them a rhare of the public patrenage. • likw iiiiints•r beWA le 1114i1 . 17..--IInv 1 M editing Day. , • •ftr.,4 COPELAND FLOUR MI lie above is, a trot eduction from a photograph of the Coffees ot the twenty "Mimi of the Great Lakes Trawiportation Company, 1, in the ablve picture are eloeely related and represent nee of the etr Atoetlean Cootincnt LIMITED nr Mine, the Midland Elevatore, and one fleet. The three companies represented combinations pf kind on the North British Association, known ns the Save the Children Fund, has a moat effective organization in Russia, and it is proposed to arrange for the dis- tribution of relief from Canada through this body. The Citizen's of Canada are to be asked immediately to contribute to this work either in money or kind and for thio purpose it is necessary to secure the co-operation of the more prominent citizens in the var- ious -cities and towns. I have learn- ed of the various services that ygo perfortiecT in Cnderich on behalf ol the Canadian Patriotic Fund and we should consider ourselves very for- tunate if you would co-operate in the formation of a committee that could appeal to the citizens of your town for sullacriptions. Our immediate need is money with which to pig - chase food stuffs in Canada. Pro- . be Fraughtbut certain arrangetnents for its reception Vlust first he made. A circular, descriptive of the need and methods whereby it ie pro 'led to meet it, is being prepared ansi will be scut to you in due course. In the meantime we should be very glad to learn that you are willing to co -op - prate with UR and to endeavor to se- cure also the sympathy and active support of other prominent eitizene. I am addressing a similar letter to this to Mr. James Mitchell and Mr. C. A. Nairn, of your town, and would suggest that you communicate with them. Yenta truly. H. J. MACKIF.. Pres. DUNGANNON i fiir 1..il. the .\10iraet st.oeniesst shew• ' big a balani on Italia at Illit Nei et the year of *747.:,4sTh.• sport watt. eilopt411 011 motion 01 te i urn . . Cooa lies na Gillespie. A. Pi BITERFIELO, tlete.. on intake') Of 10 .004 Hien Peon and ......-----..„ Stalker the P•IIIII 44 X7.10 wax onlered to_ Ise paid the rillage of Blyth, twine • II ' sill e *Qtn . barout rm. _ 1,1, loon i ..., 1 purposes, instiff Of 00 14201.;IA 410090414$y that corpora. Itt*NGANNt)N, Feb.22-A j l'hib was organized hem on February 10th ' e ins the edloning /Ion. perm-. dent, aVilliarn Carr; taxwident, Thos. 1Viggins; iiecretary-treasurer,' Roma; 001111tigef,AF. J4,1114,1; Cliptianr-4.---Auder son; business committee -T. G. Allen, Thor,. Wiggins and F. Roes. The mem. berehip fee Wail fixeil at Altai. tet every. imily get j/k14 tile sport anti make this the liveliest club in the csanity. alr. A Colbert is having tarps deli% ries thillatr at Isis mill, which he in- tends cutting iiito'heatling. Mat Roach is off work tide week eat' m blood poiesing in hilt refit. Mrs. 1.kvid (larval was.taken. suddenly.. ili last FAL' with heniniali We ape she will noon improve. blimp Verna Hamilton is home froi Toronto for a few months' holiday: • ' Thom. G. Allen and datighter, ISorot y are visiting in Stratfonl and Toronto this week. Mr. Allen is attending the convention of Fire !moire lm 'opanies. Mr. and Mns. Cobh and son who tIRVI• been visiting Sire. Col,b'e parcels, Mi and &Ire. John itarkis•v, returned ta t I wir iso)) ie in the \1•erit. last Satiminy. th rs. ibt. Treleaven has returned home after spending ie., 11 d.• visit- ing Tier pone in Tomtits,. _ A numbw er of heel clsilartes . Sark with cokle and jaundice tine wt. A delegation of managers and ratters of Port Albert Presbyterian Chin. h !add a joint ineedinig with ft representation of Ininganirissi eongregation in Eriskiite church sm fuesday afternoon. itev. Mr. McCam lluan4 Mr. Ithicfasnald. of Lucknow, who reprersenteti Maitland Prombyti•ry, met the delegation churl ntissinula- Mr. W. .1. Rnw, of Stonewall, Men - iodic and his sister, Mrs. McRae. Luck now, were the gueren ssf Mr Mrs. F. -Rom at the week end. We are sorry to report Mr!. J. - land is confined to bed again. Mr. Josephs afrillough is viaitine iel in 1.nektiow in -agent • $1.50; 11. :44.utt, halanc.o. 01 $11111rY as colleciiir, $3.1.451 Next nwet lug if ',salmi'v. 111 lie held 011 alontley Mardi 13th tion. Ity Ise N. ern, ratifyinw g Oap- Paollittriejtj of 40/0401t WWI; MO read and passisl. 7114. estetwine accounts wen' ' J. W. Meltitsbon, fumigators. 0.3.341; Wc . II. .unithell and .1. Elliott,n lliott, a- toria,rassIi $T:00 ; F Aiiderna-a. re-lUt as teen surer. $ 1 00, peetiete.. etc.. . tion of B t ia Rif flitvlslon Court purposes. $7o: I 'sn. sslatince Oil enriey Soinly ASSESSOR APPOINTRD East Wawanosh Council Named Wil- liam Robinson As Assessor. I:, 'A‘‘.1r,•411, 1.1.. 6. 01 count' nu.otliig 1141 sutnefl bit'? it held ell February oft 'steadiers itt tett lintstio, lit pre- cious meet ing were read and approved on motion of Councillors Scott and It thiestt(u' t ppiketIone fur the offlee of assessor weft...received from Wm. P. iliillahati, Jae. A. Young a til 11 rbinerottt ti forni4`r official Wm. WIghtman, owing to 111 health. asking to have his application wIthilras 11 Moved by Mg, Stalkerseeonsled by Mr. Scott, that Wm. Itolsineon be appointed reweerior at a tottery of $100. Carried. Monism (ample -el and F.Illott. the former taking the place of J. S. Scott. who was unable to net, prosiented their reps.rt as auditor of township 1 AO. PU.SOKILT, M ne. iii%t• Tabli retitrtAimnie last tza-- t noisy !laving enjoyed a newt pleasant 'et - it if ,41,1 Weeks with let ale Albert Vanstone, in Chicago. fier stay in Chi- cago wee during the Grand Opera seation and she very much enjoyed several PV4.141110 1111. Grand Opera and am particidarly overjoyed at having the ik•ivitire iwassf iwie.xriwn,otiwoitllwureir or gtnhe ioklai most :MS. Irene Se tilts. teller TO the loca1 broger-of the Fnkin �w lig 0 131.44$1 Ts Im- proving we are glad to report. I See By The Signal That '41 l'ilff0 4 li..hert Wilson air-fetlits ii can't afford to taks a chance el' cheap incubators when the ilturkey. se for so little more. • ' . Tied Wiltratebby'UTeiTivAgent ) mold a farm in Aeldialt1 to is Utah lir 1.:14si.x count They can slo the ,L.,'Iti,f V..11. PRO. '. That al.•14,iin Roux ere's/Wing sale of isien•s end bore seine ar :area rest •Ieed 1,rieemSe page 7: .. That J. A. cautipbell slap. .01 ide 1 111iit the wonderful toes of II,. spruce in its tisaillifacture. - 1 That Smith's .X rt Store hate dr i'stgl 2. That this will be the hire chow! t° meure bargain.' at Cornfield's netiviitet ' as it has only four day,, „doe ran. l'age 2. That Millar's Scotch frit.ore haat hiti line (.1 lanolettms and c„flosenins for your home. Their adto on That the teeming of Spring on* that you oltunhl pee F. H. Navajo Oiler, for wraj-pmd-ts. trim yonr eprieg y Our new outfit. Page 2. That w. winter nn map A 11114etti'l' in special velum in an,7,-T otennfei for floe week. a -ea paw*, 14,44•.laitdep 1.01 dealt, up, DMUS:Mon: !..uirts ri reties.. Ho oft Oft kat fial i ssy their ad. on mit Porter'e 44 sarigenc, That the Company leo u• 11111101.1011,41 .1-11,1! "'. 1 "-:-.•1‘111,111,1•443.°1 C •• t, further annomicenies3 11%1,4101 nIl P elfin tit e le eu•gtnr r tialmeitIe sung t, have flour. •• Ste' pag,• ,11111That the results islet Is .1 1 t ilIl got by copying an Ida WM' fill - type an. mitrisneisoyelear. hoo• 4. That practically all the realls-h)-weat .1114;cl617 in J. H. C.IbUrne A eo's stOre have lwern exhired lirillpriee. s4a, That W. 4% PridiWn1 Ittemekinti.diek unite that make t for mom 1'g., 4. , That the Model Theiare for net week (peer 0 includes Anna Q. Nilsson, Wm. S. ROI Old Man(' Trevose. -r