HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-2-23, Page 2I,•l. ,LS 1111, Itr1 C. P. R. APPOINTS A NEW DISTRICT Ikeath of Taw. Meer' yry In A laminar figure for ma's' "/ t•,•;t i;,nl. rh•Il Wit. %ted 10 1,t � w hen on Friday. Febe ary }•,,,nal In Thoma: Newest dl•sl 4,�tto. .1r. SUPERINTENDENT til.' l'1 lint*'► ,,;; trade :enol New"%: was a 1 r71 of ).rear, he haA .::"..."%:.' ver a Iuug pants ..f ,Itch y.aT lu 'pl.nl a f'"), aal printing 'Mims. He tn' ,.r'l(jiti i;.d.rlch slant sit•veaty ens 1;:te year .. Hf• .arty L..yh,aal' da>t rt,lelli • aala%.1 14441`10 of atIu.)ut110 ah. •t .str h. Itad 1.ru .wpinyel in of la ) Star which the. ,.ltl)' ••1 The Star he I'.'tilapu•hel :flkout Christmas time. }'or .nor a yen'. he had been atlil(tel Mr. Fred M. Rutter Succeeds Mr R McKillop Who Has Been Transferred To Toronto The 1 :u111dia1t 1'at'iti.• ILtilwu) (•!; pan) antionnees 1hw apl•dntm. rur-1 Al r. Fresi AI. Rutter to 110.;th: tendetwy of its London I) i� t:n• headquarters st 1,.0111,411, lath linstant. Mr. 'Outer t .fervid l: MrKllloe, who Ilan has,• jural („ Toronto when. 1✓ i.01' • Brum dh tion OV t hl •- • it/lobo/1. 1 haw• a tndnria boy 11 r. I<utt.•r lsod ealaceted in To- ing hewn pr•1� graduate of tIW 1'ut- ru/t1e and T,rno: 'lass 1102. Ile v.hewll2 0l ,,,rite.• of the. (':uuedian enter•,/ IM' wiles)' shortly. after gratin. 1'r. r Rile' u.r&: eros s•,,s engaged In the Com- potes engineering and mnalrue'tion departments in carious part: of Nest- e:1i ('an*tta fmtn 1902 until 1915. :lbw.) the latter year he ba•t had charge et the operation of line+ which radiate leen Toronto to owe' S nlnd. '1'eww*tel'. Elora. the Muskoka Dict- tries anal • other points. Tie• expe'rt- i•nce thus gelled makes him well tined totake over the 41)1ti(a of operation of the f,oml.ln Riverton which is conceded to he one. of the beeriest railway .rnAk /sections in Canada. Mr. But• new territory- -include.; CaoadLhu aniallare. P:o•ide Itaitway lints. operating Uuough ;alt. Woodstock, Landon. Chntbitnl; tt'iuds)r, 4 Iltdph, (ioderleh and other important industrial eentros 111 Western (utero. Try this Friday and Saturday special. High grade chucolau•1 at forty cents a prrntld at Blackstone's, West street. DEATH OF WILLIAM EVANS with a .micas 'cart ailweut tthk•h eventually resulted in his death. 'elle remains were brought to Goderich anal tal,spllmt Was glade on Wedn.•sdny of h(•t w.rk in Maitland cemetey. Von. ir.th.1 neon Jol1Cs-I4atemau 011.1 Iter, J. 4;. }'oat (•ofducted the service• and the pallbearers were Messrs. t'. A, Nairn, J. W. Vanatter. William Keifer end. A. Mcguarrie. Need 1. I'artkularty Urgent At TWa Tinge .f the %"ear HAYFIELD. Febnurryy 1::, -At this le-4mm el eve b year llaytield people sigh for a,'.•rtitiell precUsing rosid t doctor. Il tunny 110111's there an• CAM* of tart Rug ..•nousn.,w and doctors trout li,al,('rich. Zurich, Seafurtl and (9l01pn are called fur. N.. doubt there dentals would 1e• satiated ala0 to have B.y1 d (thers, iM• euppli.vl. Died In The West A gloom was cast over tt'inghaw when the news was received last week that Gordon Jefferson had dind suddenly at his home at (sura, Sask. Ile had been liv- ing in Wingham with his uncle Samuel Bennett, and lutd gun. home iter a visit. Soon after his arrival he was ebbed with paralysis of'yi the heart, d almost im- mediately. l Iie willhs dying mussed in W inghaw, m the Methodist lurch of %Melt c add' he pia _ � t utl ]� menthes. �i Former Ke..ident of Bayfield Padget Awa) Last Week At Toronto HAYFIELD Feb. 13.-T1te funeral of William) Evans who died at the age of seventy-six yeare in Tomtit.), was held in St.Andrews' church, Bayfield, and thnnee to the cemetery on 1•atunday, Feb. 11th. Deceased was for manor years a resident here. One of Ina sons, ‘'ictra, was killed in an &emplane accident near Toronto during the war. He and his tber were burled in Bayticld within a short time of each other In 14117. Surviving are: Mra. Jaa. t'aneerOhl, Toronto, and another son. 1 Died In Termite ti 1 or. Iluwer W 'aeon, of Toronto. dim: on '*tuntay after an illness" nt several weeks. Ile was born in 1.0ckuow tiffyy-seven years ago. Ile graduate) in n1l1Iciue in 1849 and after two years of post -graduate work in England began practising in At. Thom- as. Ile *nut to Toronto IN 1900. A. BOWLZE 31f HOSPITAL. Retoteriig Nicely From Operation Performed At Landon KINt;SBR'''���I111D��•GE, Feb. 1=),--I1r. Andrew Bowler is int. Jta.'plea Lon - then, L�- tlun, where underwent an operation. His many friends are pleased that he is n•a.vering nxeewtl ft Il)•. Boil --O llr.a ti Mn... John C. Ihaltol, a daughter. Congratplationi ! Mr. John Garvey is visiting in Toronto. Ram pleased 1. report that Mrs. T.J. Mass's', who is 111 in Detroit, is recover - rigidly as can be expected. (bowe :set Friday aught was well As the Ilene was m good con- n and the music excellent, every- body enjoyed the night. ST. HICLRNS ST. HELENS, -Mrs. W. i�ie�s 3ti nut keeping very well at preset.. Hae daughter, hir*. Richard Martin. has been with her for a few days. A friendly game of hockey was played on Thuralai night on Ile IAtcknow Rink between W hltechurtlb and 9t. Hearths boa, score 9-2 in favor of 8t. Helens. We are sorry to report Utat Min' Gladys Webb is laid up, with an attack of la N' a wish s aro her ve grippe. 1. r7• St. Helena Biblep��'ted .law- tilt w•titt Whitechurch Yount Peotele'e class on Friday eveniag and pve the program. A very en)oyable evening was spent- Mrs. pentMrs. George Mo11aul is at present in Goderich hospital whys she underwent an opctation for appendicitis. Reports. are that site i.intprevbeg very nicely. Mies W. D. Rutherford of !Mitchell was home for the week -end. Tle monthly meeting of the SC- Helene Woman's Iurtitutf will be held on Thursday, Feb. 24, at 2.30 o'clock, at the lotne of Mrs. H. K Miller. Subject: Pre- paration for early flower culture and caring for home plants. Roll call. nnsic, etc. Member. 001110 prepared with 801110 thing for mil call A general invitation is extended Wail tho ladies. Tun SIGNAL R - OODXRIOH, ONT. DUNGANNON MAN IS ' NORTH ST. LEAGUE 'ELECTED OFFICER OF E, GOES ON A TRIP CAN. PRODUCE ASSN.I AROUND THE WORLD -- JIBE AT LEEBURN Blaze in Chimney Al Home et Hue Chilton Is Quickly Extinguished LEF.BURN, Feb. 11.-A fire awned in the chimney of 'fume Cluttenl'* house on Saturday morning, bat owing to the quick rer{onow of Use neighbors around the fire wart extinguished before touch damage w•as done. Mr. James Chisholm spent a few day. at Sarnia on a business trip. Mr. Edward Slaw fell down the stairs in the barn on Saturday night fracturing, ....me ribs. We hope to sea him around shortly. We are glad to report that Mrs. Richard Glkldon is feeling much better. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Young of Smith'* 11111 were visitors nt Percy Stewart's on Stinday. The W. M.8- will bold their monthly Imeting this week nt the home of Mrs. A. H. Clutton. We extend our sympathy W Mrs. E. V. I,ws(m on the death of her slitter, Mfa1 Ruth Young. Mrs. Hunte Clutton is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Admits of Colborne. Naming the Montclare L At the Naming Ceremony of - • the New Canadian Pacific Ste...ner "Montttare" by Lady McLaren grown JFrnn, left to right• Sir Thomas Fisher, Sir Charles Ellis. Lady McLaren Brown, Lady • Gracies, Sir Ceori+e McT,aren Brown, Mr. Kenneth Mac- .' as.t kenzle, Sir Thomas Bell and • Captain Morris. . ' WHY SHIPS tom _9AE"T Inspecting the "model" room before the luncheon, La fly Brown remarked how strenPP lit wee that since first they sail - ,d the main shins lv"l stases been spoken of at "she." "1 Inlnnoie," she added, "they made her a woman because they found out that. loved and ,humnrtreri. she Is an nn•ret. hot 'driven -well, she isn't." She 'thought It was Fin44no who • said that ships worn like wrt. men in that they had msnv secret hones and ar^.)ms. How_ �.. e+ver t..... &tip fnlgtrd that thn "nnr) •htn "M(mtelnre." the n•••r ('. P i?. T.ln1Y, vroeI(i pant' •n to what all vert:•'' honest . ' b flrnneet of--th(' b.a'ltiful •"�e strum, J u1d thf tree. One s! the raysnnenrt•es was that ht' I.a ' 't ahemer 4.,BMwn. f0,14Wince ' It •^ova of Moere. Prawn'- "aro, f) tCPmber Il; While t?' -ow (;".• *'diet P;icific brier not 9' `tiny tt..water. h i.a4veh: rChri,ttened the vee ind as ,thea valdr «Se rec.,' . .1 'lea u t flu: bran/l~ *•t•'eh t eneinier (d ehtred *ooh! +' a (rtes Paw of Iib to be* resag an $her,b1 grata; joy bus".)arc n. 111- 'rhe new Canadian Pacific Steamer "Montelare," ir, 210 ,t�•tens• as she appeared before launching at the Yards of Messrs. p Jo-bn Brown & Co.. Clydebank, Scotland. a The speaker was the wife of Sir lady Brown, it Canadian, was I-IC.eoiyre McLaren Brown, the both eloquent and witty and she t European Manager of the C. P. was warmly eonitratuiated nn h R., who, frith a distinguished her contribution to the post. d i party, !gavelled from London prandial oratory. 1.j to Liverpool for the launch. Kr. J. R. McNabb Is Named As Second Vice President At Con- vention In Winnipeg 1.1 \(I-tNNI►N, Feb. 1.1. .%t 1111 truth .1110141 e)nvelation of the Can. ti. Itait 1'rutl(Nw Assue'ntiuu wldch NM, held at Winnipeg recently Mr. J. It. M. Nate. was 444s -tell as *solid vice- president. Thi, onto ulaallons Is one of the last[*'.( ..f its khat iu l:xnada. 01114% (.,.• s ) 1 u lig st 41 doses line h t t1 coast. Waimea's Institute The regular meeting of lhulgauam Woun•ti s iuetitdte will be held at the how. of Mrs. B. J. ('raw'ford on Thursday. Feb. guest. al 14 o'clock. There will le• s gn.•Ilun •drawer anti the topic to be taken Icy Mrs. Elliott will IN. ':40%1111 1Tthe Ilu1m'." Air. Ilerh. Pentland hes leen on the sick list but is able to be out again we are glad l.. state. Mr. (;e). Heine. had • vey 414*- CMtMI tel. hist Saturday. Clinton News Ibeord: Mr. It•l..s 1)irdl• er, who has 1114'11 011 the staff of the I..cal branch of the Royal itank for Man* 1111*, hail been transferred to the Ihuham brooch. He spent the we*k' nd at his home at Dungannon before going to This 'new Inst. Mr. Disler won many frie els during his stay in Clutton and Ins depot ole is n•gn•tted. The League of Wesley church, of which be tots tnasurer, pres- ented Binh with 'a fountain pen prior to Ins going. JOHN RAITHBY SELLS OUT Sells His Farnn to Jos. A1iller, of To- ronto o- r oto andBu! O. E. FrtoIt's Farm t4114'i S. F14). 15. Air .loin Raitll- by has rind his farm of fifty acres to Mr. Jos. alilter.' a former re*Ident here.. Mr. Miller has spent a number of yen n( 111. T,urouto. He gees posweito sion next spring. Air. Raithhy has bought the farm of Jnr. 4). E. Errott and will get po.eessbn in the spring. Alr. and Mrs. William YoungIRel.. of Arcola. Sask...spent Wednesday In lid* villsg.• visiting relatives and renewing a.npiaintances of their school (lays. -i14.th are looking hale and hearty. Mn,. :Samford Lawlor presented her Inishand with a young daughter on Saturday. First West Indian Tourist. Readers of "Kfnilworth" will re- member with what splendor the Earl of Leicester entertained Queen Elisa- beth. His son, Robert Dudley, in- herited not only his father's love of fine clothe*' and pomp but also a love of adventure that sent him in his youth faring to the West Indies. In the "Cradle of the Deep" Sir Fred- erick Treves calls hint the first West Indian tourist. Like other tourists he went primarily to enjoy himself. and to see new lands. Incidentally he did a little pirating, but. though It was for sport, he got little fun from it. The only Spanish vessel he fell in with hoisted English rotors, and, escaping Into shallow water. Jeered at the tourist ship. and taunt- ed the crew with mockery and de . prayed language, "the which," re- cords his captain, "our general) toke mlghtelie otenaive." The pirate It nobleman had every reason to be an- noyed with those coarse men, for he was proud and dignified and cere- monious. For example. when hts shtp approached a strange vessel to give battle. the colon of England and of the general were always advanced to the tops, In the poops, and to the shrouds of the ship. Then the "trum- pets" took their places on top of the general's cahin. Any one looking down from the poop would have seen "every gunner standing by Ms Peace." On the poop would be the noble lord himself In his best armor. No wonder,' says Sir Frederick, that he considered It as "mightelle offen- sive" for the Spaniard to sheer off out of harm's way. and• then grin OVA his bulwarks at lila. R. L. 8. as Amateur Tramp. In his recently -published "Memo- ries and Not..," Slr Sidney Colvin devotes a chapter to Robert Louis Stevenson, whom he knew. and whose works and letters he has edit- ed. We get an Interesting early morning glimpse of R. L. 9. when he arrived from London at Sir Sidney's Norwood cottage: "Ile presented himself to my astonished servant. on her opening the shutters, wearing a wornout sleeved waistcoat over a flannel shirt, weary and dirty from a night's walking, followed by a cou- ple of hours' slumber In a garden outhouse he had found open. He had spent the night on the pad through the southern alums and suburbs, tri - Ing to arouse the suspicions of one policeman after another till he should succeed in getting taken up as a rogue and vagabond." Cantle of Oakharn. Before embarking for India the Prince of Wales vi*ited the c:.etle of Oakhara In 'Rutland And following an old tradition he had to pay the tithe. This tradition. over three hun- dred years old, is one of the most, curious. It Impose* upon the visitor () no... for__whom atone AlLe, are opened -the obligation to offer a horseeho Thr Trince of Wales did not ignn-c this r .tom. His herre- •hoe was placed ',ow) the flrnt that figured la 1 •,• P..Ilrctl')n, and which was ere -iv --I from the hands of Queen Ells. .eth. Unique Entertainment Provided On Monday Evening of This Week "A Trip .trouu.l The World" was a most unique and Mon-re11ng .utertaln• !Digit that was, in V011 by North street Epworth 1..•egue on 'Tuesday evening of tlh40 week. Tit. (v tries of Japan, 1lldie, China and [;teat Britain were representel lu the homes of four mem- bent of t 1 N• 1 segue end in taelt •a(. .t• ou(• *444111411 Nunn devoted to curbs from that particular emery and au - other w•(tkm to a tableau represent- ing in w)me measure the customs of the people. North street Alethudist ehwr'.) re- presented ('amtda and had several at- tractive displays of made -Int -Canada products, stufel ('.auadla0 bunt. 4nd animals and a Ruthenian immigrant's home. . Miss oral Finnigan repres(ytt- el agile,. ('auada, Miss Leo1* Hern the Itutheuinn iwuligrant's wife. and Miss oral Cooper was it Canadian girl in sweater and .noeshoee. 00 Laving the church the audience ells taken, a slelghload at a time, to Japan. otherwise the home of Mr. oral Mrs. J. iluward Robertson. Mrs. Rob- ertson. In Jape4Newe costume. explain- ed the'piees of Japanese work whk'h wen' 4L.plgyed. Tbese included some remarkable earrings and hand work ales Hazel Bel- chi•r. accdmptultd Icy Miss Mt(linton. entertainer the e•Ompany with a.harm- Ing solo. lu another room, furnished with Japanese ."mens and sprays of cherry bl sons, four ladh-w in dainty kinmmas were drinking tow from tiny owe. They were Misses Beacom, Rob- inson. Hilliard 0114 (:Quid. Th• next "pert of rail' was Mrs. Mooneey''s, F;net street. representing "India" for the night. The door at. te,daut wie.. M.rs. .tm401r0l who Rook- ed exactly like. a harem beauty. She lei the visitors to mu Indian school when. Mr. Wm. Ward was cord)eting a class .unsistltig of Douglas John- ston..Mildred Barlow and Olive 11'test- bree)k. The "school", sat on the floor and studiel aloud incenaautly. tither Indies on exhibit were Miwt•s Margart't 1'11 It ridge. Dorutlty [Vert brook and Marion Ryan. all. In native costumes. In another room Miss Mooney and Mrs. Humber, both dressed as very high -caste 111ndii ladled. were showing interesting curios, such as a devils' horn. a prayer rtig and some "beauti- fully woven sh:n% Is and lac' work. Miss Itailie's home represented t'hina. ' Amine the obJP('ts shown then' were a chine*. idol. some ten- `Gis.idery and the .110e•s worn by coolies dna women with hound) and natural feet. Mire Bailie introduced the vis- itor.[ to various Chinese characters : Mr. 1A• Low Tee, s mandarin, Mr. I'en:y Proctor, with his fourteenth wife, Mt*, !Helen Moyer and little boy, Alis. (Helen Cooper, the latter attired to a gevrgeonaly embmidered eostime. Others were YIndee, Miss Amelia Hetherington, Mr. Lo. Robert Heth- erington, and his son*, Leh Lung and lath Yin. Billy Andrews and Jack Purvis, the latter an opium smoker. The last etatiou was "Great Brit- ain." the home of Mr. and Mn. hf. W. Howell. Ilere were scenes '•present- ing the home life In England, with Mia* Reta Graham and Edgar Shep- pard, as the (•.rotral figures, and Mies Meta Hamilton with a spinning wheel, representing Wale.. At Scotland some beautiful Scotch shawls were on ex- hibition with Miss Margaret Jefferson and three children in Highland cos- tume doing the honors. Mists Alma IWSIDENT M.tV4UBR Wend by Prorewv. Acc..1m. Company o1• f .....s I.b..I sols wr for .11 f o, pm of oroid.nisorl .wkn-a. our.nc. low ..,,.• ..no.c..my bur ur Mbr hard wnd ..eb...ow. G.n.ro.. ta..re.wkwn.. Leads fur'.shod. Th. imaerial Guarantee ..4 Aceetl..t ireraaMe C.rp.ar .f C...... T.r..t. Howell, Master Keith Colborne and Master Ambrose ('oII.orne. adding a pkturesIue touch to the scenery. Mies Mittel Iluwell 1111/1 Misr* 1)orothy Hen- derson were Irish ladles beside a blazing peat 11ro with a 1kd of eta)' al 118111. Thr compel') was then taken 1rn to the church 011)1 provided with a de11c10(1. lunch. This entertainment, si les 111 a being eIl btf l and interest- ing l r ull• ing had another purp(as in that it made the 'Altmns better a(quaintel with the various lands to withal are [sent msisionari es. The instillation for this work was represented in '(:halt Britain' by the °twit Bible and stories of (le lives of heroic missionaries were exhibited ou the w811v, Worth taking your girl to, Feb. 27. Former Brussels Lady Dies The death rs•eurrod on Tuesday of last week of Mrs. Meaney, of Bram- ford, formerly Miss .tuuic Grieve of 14ruasl9 s. BORN LAN I.OR-At Auburn. on Saturday. February 11, to Mr. •wl Mn., Sanford Lawlor. • daughter. It y LYNN-Ayar February ll, by Rev. NIsa, Ague* Lynn. of Toronto, M Oar. in - ems. of t:(kl.rleh. ALLEY-$NAZYL-At the bogie , IWys parent.. on Wednesday. Pel*rtar lief Rev. 11. D. Moyer. Janet Marion. datagof Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Passel. of Goths , to se cord it. Allen. eon of Mr. ant Mrs. Joshua Allen. of Colborne low mann. DIED til Detroit. -In •tna1. nn Wednesday. Pe 1.'y- Ylurrrar. daughter of Mn. ('a (.ribain. of (:odrrl,•h tics HIL -At Holland. Manitoba. .on Wed Pebn,ary +. Christina Isabella Rutrna.a, loved enfold Donald McNeil. agent :d years. vyl'IRFb--In (:,.tench. on Prides. rpbnNry 10. Mary Math. Inlet daughter u( Mr. and Hrs. Tho, 8qulrrs. JOH4ST 44 -In *'...tench, on Friday. February lo. N"tthuu Johnston. aged 70 years. Automobile Owners own Get Your 1922 Permits and Markers Now FROM J. W. MacVICAR at .it'll NIA( Mese',, SI,oe Store, Vail, side ul tiltlan•, I;,.L•rleI(. 1' d. I1,'. 111 CARS- or TRAMS V 'ti 11 H \, T It A.1 .lit. R. JO eta 1 th nI wlr (rlen,1, and mel hbun 1`i 1 t" . Y s for the .ymDahY and kuelut+• .lova theta during their r..ent t.•0110•114e10,. WANTED. S11: t.•t1,.tl►Y WANTED -APPLY T1) W . ACIilt$ON S SON. WANTED-I,Bt; RARIAN lit ol)E- tv RICH Publh' Library. also raret•ker for lll.rary building Applications. dating .,alta - rations fur either or both of slice*' p.Mltluos t., be In baud. of Library a.Mnl by :+starchy. M. t.ru- •ry W. A. (.Dl!LTHI'RMT. CWinneu 1 WANTED --A GOOD FARM. NEAR (rose and lake. If possible. sleet 111111 necesi- • serf. mod buildings. Zwick hoose preferred. Windmill, :din. soma•111.1* Inas and running water-yt6rk and lo.pl«mruta (.ought if de.tre. ►1e. Idly owwefs of i°"l farms ser.I apply. In °Ire at Tllk' Mussel orrice itederk•h YolN1; l.� }'Ol: SALES GI WDp''.l. 1 *11*il'1.1-. 1 r.n.t. they are• th.e lawtntch ss$ Durk kind. trRTv a grandson to ,.slydord mar. nut. Imported. 7 awl . moats .44 1'rter.1 to ell. M. ONI.ER. It R. NO. 2, CLINTON. Tele. phone 117. Seam alter. 31 UEEI) OATS FOR I8AI.E.-About 25110 I.J MMhes 0. A. ('. Nu. 72. geed oats at el[htr. IOvereats per bushel JAN. VHISIIOLM. R a. NU. .3. (ODERteICIi. T.plsowe Duesase oa 20 r g.' 701 SALE OR RENT LENT. -PART OF MY DOUBLE rt [t House' corner MouthMouthad Elgl • sen.4., wear the quare IMve rooms. rurware. hot eater heating Modern conveniences. electric arm. et•. ..psnd.d garden included. Good bow for a .vwtple eltlaout small children. For further ('rrticulars apply to MRS -1A8. STEWART. ROntis 1(N'N0-In I-onr.rm. tow nobly. on Sunday.' February 12. Ruth Evelyn. daughter of Mr. .-S1tLE•-MODKI -,ERR%'E.Y- and Mr. I:. ?1. Youngs l{(yo-..rem-d brick Mer for maks 4T*A (vl(IPse-h. Turonb.. on y*bnlary to. 17.22. thin V.. wt )oat Mead,' . toe ocrupled. Two Sarah A,e..Law. widow of the late I'. R. oduutr. weir leen hnuare- Apply G, R G3 1'1.D, cooper arid ...ter ,.t Albert Enseshaw. and -a-- stl.et. 4 t( Mrs. (t ilrn••r ',MIM,. ,.1 Lown. In het ash )carr • RU1LDiN1; IOMon WI' FOR with.SALE. .tux -ON Or'eck dd r*R few weeks. suer Io EMRS. IfHOMAS Mc- KNZIa. Valeta Gotland'. ne le W. A. W HITELEY. Ale Street. New Orleans. La. *a -t I WANTED AUCTION RING. tjM. TALKER. A .fur howrholdI.aeas AUCTION SALE A UCTIuN SALE OF .0011 (AMOS OF �t 12 and 11: inch wood The /:udera1i Manly miming Co., Llmttt4, .111 sell by rgislir An. nom at 1.H 2. L. It. w , Stanley. lone mile South of Hayfield) on ',sturdily, February Voir. earth. anemias at 1:)p o rt,.'k, sharp. 1011 coeds of hard wood, rut 12 and IS inches This wood Is all piled close to the road .consenient for hauling out. and wall Ise sold in lou to Mdt 'sunbeam*. TERMS -All sums 111 410 and under cash: .qt that amount • month* rre.Jlt w111 he tiv.w 0. furnishing approveel punt notes. A discount of 6 pe per annum a11',wed for rash on reedit amount. { Gnocchi' MTG. (v o , T. OUMDRY, ='( Prnmr, Abrtlunter. R I'rices agents for the only original Lehigh Valley Coal wish to announce that owing to the drop in ex- talange we have decided to make a reduction of Fifty Cents Per Ton In The Following Sizes : NEW PRICES Chestnut $16.00 Stove 16.00 Egg 16.00 Pea 14.00 We also have F.bony Cube Cannel. Black Joe Block a popular soft coal for domestic use --and Georges Creek Smithing Coal. We have Hard Wood, Mixed 1 •� --Wood, Mixed Slabs and Ced- The Halnttng Breese*. "Papa." said little Ethel, at din- ner, "what makes your 11108e .o ref!'" "The east wind." replied her fath- er, seriously Pushing the decanter along the table. the precocious girl said to her brother, "Please paw along to papa the east wtad." 410, I do tee ve-inti TengtFis. The Saults Coal Company "The Yard of Service" R.elw(ve Age01s hoe Lehigh Valley Coat/isles Co. Telephone 76 (loderich 1MUMC D1Al'; bk ;tt £D. -APPLY TO HENRY, Mn.tc Studio, North of Square. tt PUBLIC mono. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. L EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. . Lata Howe Surgeon New York Ophthalmic gad Antal Ho.pitaI, Mutant at Moor,Aeld'a Ly. Hospital and C,ddtn Square Throat Hoo- tdtaLoodon, Ent. AI,aterloo St. .. Bustard. Telspl.oe. 2g:. 1 At Hotel Bedloed• Got/crick from Wednesday, February 15th at 730 p.m.. to Thursday, Y.bri- ary 111141st 1 p.m. COLORS GATE R.R.P., No. 1034. Meets flet Thursday of eack month. In Foresters' 11.11. Visiting Sir Knights welcome. J. McNEVIN, R. H. NEW, Reglat re r. W.Y. LINAL G. CAMERON, IL O.. BARRI$- Ns TER, Solkitor, notary public. Office Hamilton street, Goderich, third door from Square. Trust funds to loan at lowest rates. DROUDFOOT, KiLLORAN & HOLME8, BARRISTERS, AOLiCiTORS. NO- TARiES PT'BLiC, ETO. Ocoee on tko Square, second door from Hamilton Street, Oederlch. Private funds to Man at lemma rates. W. I'rondfoot, K. C. J. I. Kit Dudley no CHARLES °ARROW, LL. B., BAR- idf8'rPR, attorney, soikltor, etc.. Godericb. Money loaned •t lowest re tea C /EAGER, BARRISTER, SOL- ICITOR, OLICiTOR, notary online and eon- veynncer, mace-4'nnrt Homo!, Gods- ; rich. 09-12m INSURANCE. LOAN$, RTC. McKTLLOP MUTUAL FiRE iNAUR- OOII ANCR CO. -Farm and boasted town property Insured. Ot71('ero-Jas. Connolly, Pres., Gode- rlch P. O.; Jan Evans. Vice -Pres., Beechwood P. 0. ; Thomas M. Hays, Ileaforria P dib Directors --D. r.. steamer, R. R. No. a, Seafortb; John 0. Orieve, Ka 4, Welton; William Itlnn, R. R. No. 2, $*'* forth : John Bennewlea, Rrod- hagen; Geo McCartney, R. R. No. S. Rea forth ; Reber. Ferri*, Harlock; Me 1MIm McEwen, (Tinton; James Even.. Resehwood: Jame. Connolly. Goderlch. Agent. : 1 W. Yen, (l(Nlerleh ; Alex. Leitch, R R. No 1. Clinton; William Chesney, ;natnrtb; ■. Moab - ley, Peeforth. Polley -holder. was pay all p.ymente end gra their cereus re- 1Mpt d at R. J Morrt•h'. Clothing Ater., Clinton ; R 11 (entre Gre earn. minimum of rept. (:.0 0rleh ne J. )g, Reld's' general BMre, Rayfield,